int main(int argc, char **argv) { SF_INFO sfi; SNDFILE *sf; sf_count_t nread; const size_t nframes = 512; float *buf; PaStream *stream; int err; /* Open the input file */ if (argc < 2) DIE("Syntax: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]); memset(&sfi, 0, sizeof(sfi)); if ((sf = sf_open(argv[1], SFM_READ, &sfi)) == NULL) DIE("Could not open \"%s\".\n", argv[1]); /* Allocate buffer */ if ((buf = malloc(nframes * sfi.channels * sizeof(float))) == NULL) DIE("Could not malloc."); /* Initialise PortAudio and open stream for default output device */ PA_ENSURE( Pa_Initialize() ); /* Assume that the audio device can handle the input file's sample rate and number of channels */ PA_ENSURE( Pa_OpenDefaultStream(&stream, 0, sfi.channels, paFloat32, sfi.samplerate, paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, NULL, NULL) ); PA_ENSURE( Pa_StartStream(stream) ); /* Write file data to stream */ while ((nread = sf_readf_float(sf, buf, nframes)) > 0) PA_ENSURE( Pa_WriteStream(stream, buf, nread) ); /* Clean up */ PA_ENSURE( Pa_StopStream(stream) ); PA_ENSURE( Pa_CloseStream(stream) ); error: Pa_Terminate(); sf_close(sf); free(buf); return err != paNoError; }
PaError PaUnixThread_NotifyParent( PaUnixThread* self ) { PaError result = paNoError; PA_UNLESS( self->parentWaiting, paInternalError ); if( !self->locked ) { PA_ENSURE( PaUnixMutex_Lock( &self->mtx ) ); self->locked = 1; } self->parentWaiting = 0; pthread_cond_signal( &self->cond ); PA_ENSURE( PaUnixMutex_Unlock( &self->mtx ) ); self->locked = 0; error: return result; }
PaError PaUnixThread_PrepareNotify( PaUnixThread* self ) { PaError result = paNoError; PA_UNLESS( self->parentWaiting, paInternalError ); PA_ENSURE( PaUnixMutex_Lock( &self->mtx ) ); self->locked = 1; error: return result; }
static void *WatchdogFunc( void *userData ) { PaError result = paNoError, *pres = NULL; int err; PaAlsaThreading *th = (PaAlsaThreading *) userData; unsigned intervalMsec = 500; const PaTime maxSeconds = 3.; /* Max seconds between callbacks */ PaTime timeThen = PaUtil_GetTime(), timeNow, timeElapsed, cpuTimeThen, cpuTimeNow, cpuTimeElapsed; double cpuLoad, avgCpuLoad = 0.; int throttled = 0; assert( th ); /* Execute OnWatchdogExit when exiting */ pthread_cleanup_push( &OnWatchdogExit, th ); /* Boost priority of callback thread */ PA_ENSURE( result = BoostPriority( th ) ); if( !result ) { /* Boost failed, might as well exit */ pthread_exit( NULL ); } cpuTimeThen = th->callbackCpuTime; { int policy; struct sched_param spm = { 0 }; pthread_getschedparam( pthread_self(), &policy, &spm ); PA_DEBUG(( "%s: Watchdog priority is %d\n", __FUNCTION__, spm.sched_priority )); } while( 1 ) { double lowpassCoeff = 0.9, lowpassCoeff1 = 0.99999 - lowpassCoeff; /* Test before and after in case whatever underlying sleep call isn't interrupted by pthread_cancel */ pthread_testcancel(); Pa_Sleep( intervalMsec ); pthread_testcancel(); if( PaUtil_GetTime() - th->callbackTime > maxSeconds ) { PA_DEBUG(( "Watchdog: Terminating callback thread\n" )); /* Tell thread to terminate */ err = pthread_kill( th->callbackThread, SIGKILL ); pthread_exit( NULL ); } PA_DEBUG(( "%s: PortAudio reports CPU load: %g\n", __FUNCTION__, PaUtil_GetCpuLoad( th->cpuLoadMeasurer ) )); /* Check if we should throttle, or unthrottle :P */ cpuTimeNow = th->callbackCpuTime; cpuTimeElapsed = cpuTimeNow - cpuTimeThen; cpuTimeThen = cpuTimeNow; timeNow = PaUtil_GetTime(); timeElapsed = timeNow - timeThen; timeThen = timeNow; cpuLoad = cpuTimeElapsed / timeElapsed; avgCpuLoad = avgCpuLoad * lowpassCoeff + cpuLoad * lowpassCoeff1; /* if( throttled ) PA_DEBUG(( "Watchdog: CPU load: %g, %g\n", avgCpuLoad, cpuTimeElapsed )); */ if( PaUtil_GetCpuLoad( th->cpuLoadMeasurer ) > .925 ) { static int policy; static struct sched_param spm = { 0 }; static const struct sched_param defaultSpm = { 0 }; PA_DEBUG(( "%s: Throttling audio thread, priority %d\n", __FUNCTION__, spm.sched_priority )); pthread_getschedparam( th->callbackThread, &policy, &spm ); if( !pthread_setschedparam( th->callbackThread, SCHED_OTHER, &defaultSpm ) ) { throttled = 1; } else PA_DEBUG(( "Watchdog: Couldn't lower priority of audio thread: %s\n", strerror( errno ) )); /* Give other processes a go, before raising priority again */ PA_DEBUG(( "%s: Watchdog sleeping for %lu msecs before unthrottling\n", __FUNCTION__, th->throttledSleepTime )); Pa_Sleep( th->throttledSleepTime ); /* Reset callback priority */ if( pthread_setschedparam( th->callbackThread, SCHED_FIFO, &spm ) != 0 ) { PA_DEBUG(( "%s: Couldn't raise priority of audio thread: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strerror( errno ) )); } if( PaUtil_GetCpuLoad( th->cpuLoadMeasurer ) >= .99 ) intervalMsec = 50; else intervalMsec = 100; /* lowpassCoeff = .97; lowpassCoeff1 = .99999 - lowpassCoeff; */ } else if( throttled && avgCpuLoad < .8 ) { intervalMsec = 500; throttled = 0; /* lowpassCoeff = .9; lowpassCoeff1 = .99999 - lowpassCoeff; */ } } pthread_cleanup_pop( 1 ); /* Execute cleanup on exit */ error: /* Shouldn't get here in the normal case */ /* Pass on error code */ pres = malloc( sizeof (PaError) ); *pres = result; pthread_exit( pres ); }
PaError PaUnixThread_New( PaUnixThread* self, void* (*threadFunc)( void* ), void* threadArg, PaTime waitForChild, int rtSched ) { PaError result = paNoError; pthread_attr_t attr; int started = 0; memset( self, 0, sizeof (PaUnixThread) ); PaUnixMutex_Initialize( &self->mtx ); PA_ASSERT_CALL( pthread_cond_init( &self->cond, NULL ), 0 ); self->parentWaiting = 0 != waitForChild; /* Spawn thread */ /* Temporarily disabled since we should test during configuration for presence of required mman.h header */ #if 0 #if defined _POSIX_MEMLOCK && (_POSIX_MEMLOCK != -1) if( rtSched ) { if( mlockall( MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE ) < 0 ) { int savedErrno = errno; /* In case errno gets overwritten */ assert( savedErrno != EINVAL ); /* Most likely a programmer error */ PA_UNLESS( (savedErrno == EPERM), paInternalError ); PA_DEBUG(( "%s: Failed locking memory\n", __FUNCTION__ )); } else PA_DEBUG(( "%s: Successfully locked memory\n", __FUNCTION__ )); } #endif #endif PA_UNLESS( !pthread_attr_init( &attr ), paInternalError ); /* Priority relative to other processes */ PA_UNLESS( !pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM ), paInternalError ); PA_UNLESS( !pthread_create( &self->thread, &attr, threadFunc, threadArg ), paInternalError ); started = 1; if( rtSched ) { #if 0 if( self->useWatchdog ) { int err; struct sched_param wdSpm = { 0 }; /* Launch watchdog, watchdog sets callback thread priority */ int prio = PA_MIN( self->rtPrio + 4, sched_get_priority_max( SCHED_FIFO ) ); wdSpm.sched_priority = prio; PA_UNLESS( !pthread_attr_init( &attr ), paInternalError ); PA_UNLESS( !pthread_attr_setinheritsched( &attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED ), paInternalError ); PA_UNLESS( !pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM ), paInternalError ); PA_UNLESS( !pthread_attr_setschedpolicy( &attr, SCHED_FIFO ), paInternalError ); PA_UNLESS( !pthread_attr_setschedparam( &attr, &wdSpm ), paInternalError ); if( (err = pthread_create( &self->watchdogThread, &attr, &WatchdogFunc, self )) ) { PA_UNLESS( err == EPERM, paInternalError ); /* Permission error, go on without realtime privileges */ PA_DEBUG(( "Failed bumping priority\n" )); } else { int policy; self->watchdogRunning = 1; PA_ENSURE_SYSTEM( pthread_getschedparam( self->watchdogThread, &policy, &wdSpm ), 0 ); /* Check if priority is right, policy could potentially differ from SCHED_FIFO (but that's alright) */ if( wdSpm.sched_priority != prio ) { PA_DEBUG(( "Watchdog priority not set correctly (%d)\n", wdSpm.sched_priority )); PA_ENSURE( paInternalError ); } } } else #endif PA_ENSURE( BoostPriority( self ) ); { int policy; struct sched_param spm; pthread_getschedparam(self->thread, &policy, &spm); } } if( self->parentWaiting ) { PaTime till; struct timespec ts; int res = 0; PaTime now; PA_ENSURE( PaUnixMutex_Lock( &self->mtx ) ); /* Wait for stream to be started */ now = PaUtil_GetTime(); till = now + waitForChild; while( self->parentWaiting && !res ) { if( waitForChild > 0 ) { ts.tv_sec = (time_t) floor( till ); ts.tv_nsec = (long) ((till - floor( till )) * 1e9); res = pthread_cond_timedwait( &self->cond, &self->mtx.mtx, &ts ); } else { res = pthread_cond_wait( &self->cond, &self->mtx.mtx ); } } PA_ENSURE( PaUnixMutex_Unlock( &self->mtx ) ); PA_UNLESS( !res || ETIMEDOUT == res, paInternalError ); PA_DEBUG(( "%s: Waited for %g seconds for stream to start\n", __FUNCTION__, PaUtil_GetTime() - now )); if( ETIMEDOUT == res ) { PA_ENSURE( paTimedOut ); } } end: return result; error: if( started ) { PaUnixThread_Terminate( self, 0, NULL ); } goto end; }