コード例 #1
* Function Name  : SCU_GetRCLKFreqValue
* Description    : Gets the current RCLK frequency
* Input          : None
* Output         : None
* Return         : RCLK frequency (KHz)
u32 SCU_GetRCLKFreqValue(void)
  u8 RCLK_Div;
  RCLK_Div = (SCU->CLKCNTR&0x1C)>>2;
  if (RCLK_Div==0x5) RCLK_Div=10;
  return (u32)(SCU_GetMCLKFreqValue() >>RCLK_Div);
コード例 #2
ファイル: 91x_uart.c プロジェクト: Dzenik/FreeRTOS_TEST
* Function Name  : UART_Init
* Description    : Initializes the UARTx peripheral according to the specified
*                  parameters in the UART_InitStruct .
* Input          : - UARTx: where x can be 0,1or 2 to select the UART peripheral.
*                  - UART_InitStruct: pointer to a UART_InitTypeDef structure
*                    that contains the configuration information for the
*                    specified UART peripheral.
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void UART_Init(UART_TypeDef* UARTx, UART_InitTypeDef* UART_InitStruct)

  u64 UART_MainClock = 0;
  u32 IntegerDivider = 0;
  u32 FractionalDivider = 0;

  /* Clear the LCR[6:5] bits */
  UARTx->LCR &= UART_WordLength_Mask;
  /* Set the LCR[6:5] bits according to UART_WordLength value */
  UARTx->LCR |= UART_InitStruct->UART_WordLength;

  /* Choose Stop Bits */
  if(UART_InitStruct->UART_StopBits == UART_StopBits_2)
    /* 2 Stop Bit */
    UARTx->LCR |= UART_StopBits_2;
    /* One Stop Bits */
    UARTx->LCR &= UART_StopBits_1;

  /* Configure the Parity */
  /* Clear the LCR[7]and LCR[2:1] bits */
  UARTx->LCR &= UART_Parity_Mask;
  /* Set the LCR[7]and LCR[2:1] bits according to UART_Parity value */
  UARTx->LCR |= UART_InitStruct->UART_Parity;

  /* Configure the BaudRate */
  UART_MainClock = (SCU_GetMCLKFreqValue())*1000;
  if((SCU->CLKCNTR & 0x200) != 0x200)
    UART_MainClock = UART_MainClock/2;
  /* Determine the integer part */
  IntegerDivider = ((100) * (UART_MainClock) / (16 * (UART_InitStruct->UART_BaudRate)));
  UARTx->IBRD = IntegerDivider / 100;

  /* Determine the fractional part */
  FractionalDivider = IntegerDivider - (100 * (UARTx->IBRD));
  UARTx->FBRD = ((((FractionalDivider * 64) + 50) / 100));

  /* Choose the Hardware Flow Control */
  /* Clear the CR[15:14] bits */
  UARTx->CR &=  UART_HardwareFlowControl_Mask;
  /* Set the CR[15:14] bits according to UART_HardwareFlowControl value */
  UARTx->CR |= UART_InitStruct->UART_HardwareFlowControl;

  /* Configure the UART mode */
  /* Clear the CR[9:8] bits */
  UARTx->CR &= UART_Mode_Mask;
  /* Set the CR[9:8] bits according to UART_Mode value */
  UARTx->CR |= UART_InitStruct->UART_Mode;

  /* Enable or disable the FIFOs */
  /* Set the FIFOs Levels */
  if(UART_InitStruct->UART_FIFO == UART_FIFO_Enable)
    /* Enable the FIFOs */
    UARTx->LCR |= UART_FIFO_Enable;

    /* Clear TXIFLSEL and RXIFLSEL bits */
    UARTx->IFLS &=  UART_TxRxFIFOLevel_Mask;

    /* Set RXIFLSEL bits according to UART_RxFIFOLevel value */
    UARTx->IFLS |= (UART_InitStruct->UART_RxFIFOLevel << 3);

    /* Set TXIFLSEL bits according to UART_TxFIFOLevel value */
    UARTx->IFLS |= UART_InitStruct->UART_TxFIFOLevel;
    /* Disable the FIFOs */
    UARTx->LCR &= UART_FIFO_Disable;