コード例 #1
void UGTCaptureComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)
// void UGTCaptureComponent::Tick(float DeltaTime) // This tick function should be called by the scene instead of been
	// Render pixels out in the next tick. To allow time to render images out.

	// Update rotation of each frame
	// from ab237f46dc0eee40263acbacbe938312eb0dffbb:CameraComponent.cpp:232
	check(this->Pawn); // this GTCapturer should be released, if the Pawn is deleted.
	const APawn* OwningPawn = this->Pawn;
	const AController* OwningController = OwningPawn ? OwningPawn->GetController() : nullptr;
	if (OwningController && OwningController->IsLocalPlayerController())
		const FRotator PawnViewRotation = OwningPawn->GetViewRotation();
		for (auto Elem : CaptureComponents)
			USceneCaptureComponent2D* CaptureComponent = Elem.Value;
			if (!PawnViewRotation.Equals(CaptureComponent->GetComponentRotation()))

	while (!PendingTasks.IsEmpty())
		FGTCaptureTask Task;
		uint64 CurrentFrame = GFrameCounter;

		int32 SkipFrame = 1;
		if (!(CurrentFrame > Task.CurrentFrame + SkipFrame)) // TODO: This is not an elegant solution, fix it later.
		{ // Wait for the rendering thread to catch up game thread.

		USceneCaptureComponent2D* CaptureComponent = this->CaptureComponents.FindRef(Task.Mode);
		if (CaptureComponent == nullptr)
			UE_LOG(LogUnrealCV, Warning, TEXT("Unrecognized capture mode %s"), *Task.Mode);
			FString LowerCaseFilename = Task.Filename.ToLower();
			if (LowerCaseFilename.EndsWith("png"))
				SavePng(CaptureComponent->TextureTarget, Task.Filename);
			else if (LowerCaseFilename.EndsWith("exr"))
				SaveExr(CaptureComponent->TextureTarget, Task.Filename);
				UE_LOG(LogUnrealCV, Warning, TEXT("Unrecognized image file extension %s"), *LowerCaseFilename);
		Task.AsyncRecord->bIsCompleted = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: image_io.cpp プロジェクト: Anantak/Pangolin
void SaveImage(const Image<unsigned char>& image, const pangolin::VideoPixelFormat& fmt, const std::string& filename, ImageFileType file_type, bool top_line_first)
    switch (file_type) {
    case ImageFileTypePng:
        return SavePng(image, fmt, filename, top_line_first);
    case ImageFileTypeExr:
        return SaveExr(image, fmt, filename, top_line_first);
        throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported image file type, '" + filename + "'");