void ValidateSelectedItem(edict_t *ent){ gclient_t *cl; cl = ent->client; if(cl->pers.inventory[cl->pers.selected_item]) return; // valid SelectNextItem(ent, -1); }
bool PG_ListBox::eventKeyDown(const SDL_KeyboardEvent* key) { switch(key->keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: SelectPrevItem(); return true; case SDLK_DOWN: SelectNextItem(); return true; case SDLK_HOME: SelectFirstItem(); return true; } return false; }
void ValidateSelectedItem(edict_t *ent) { gclient_t *cl; if (!ent) { return; } cl = ent->client; if (cl->pers.inventory[cl->pers.selected_item]) { return; /* valid */ } SelectNextItem(ent, -1); }
/* ================= ClientCommand ================= */ void ClientCommand (edict_t *ent) { char *cmd; if (!ent->client) return; // not fully in game yet cmd = gi.argv(0); // if we're viewing thru the camera, only allow some things to happen if (ent->client->zCameraTrack && !level.intermissiontime) { if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "putaway") == 0) Cmd_PutAway_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "use") == 0) { if (Q_stricmp(gi.args(), "Visor") == 0) Cmd_Use_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invuse") == 0) { // only use the visor if (ent->client->pers.selected_item == ITEM_INDEX(FindItem("Visor"))) Cmd_InvUse_f (ent); } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnext") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, -1); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprev") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, -1); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "players") == 0) { Cmd_Players_f (ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "say") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f (ent, false, false); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "say_team") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f (ent, true, false); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "score") == 0) { Cmd_Score_f (ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "help") == 0) { Cmd_Help_f (ent); return; } if (level.intermissiontime) return; if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "use") == 0) Cmd_Use_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "drop") == 0) Cmd_Drop_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "give") == 0) Cmd_Give_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "god") == 0) Cmd_God_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "notarget") == 0) Cmd_Notarget_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "noclip") == 0) Cmd_Noclip_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "inven") == 0) Cmd_Inven_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnext") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, -1); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprev") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, -1); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnextw") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, IT_WEAPON); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprevw") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, IT_WEAPON); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnextp") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, IT_POWERUP); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprevp") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, IT_POWERUP); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invuse") == 0) Cmd_InvUse_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invdrop") == 0) Cmd_InvDrop_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weapprev") == 0) Cmd_WeapPrev_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weapnext") == 0) Cmd_WeapNext_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weaplast") == 0) Cmd_WeapLast_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "kill") == 0) Cmd_Kill_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "putaway") == 0) Cmd_PutAway_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "wave") == 0) Cmd_Wave_f (ent); #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_Z_TESTMODE) else if(Q_stricmp (cmd, "linesize") == 0) { extern float lineSize; float ls = atof(gi.argv(1)); if(ls <= 0.0) { gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_HIGH, "LineSize must be greater than 0\n"); return; } lineSize = ls; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "testitem") == 0) Cmd_TestItem (ent); #endif else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "showorigin") == 0) { ent->client->showOrigin = !ent->client->showOrigin; if (ent->client->showOrigin) gi.cprintf(ent, PRINT_HIGH, "Show origin ON\n"); else gi.cprintf(ent, PRINT_HIGH, "Show origin OFF\n"); } #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_Z_TESTMODE) else if(Q_stricmp (cmd, "anim") == 0) anim_player_cmd(ent); #endif else // anything that doesn't match a command will be a chat Cmd_Say_f (ent, false, true); }
ALERROR CDockScreenItemList::OnInitList (SInitCtx &Ctx, const SDisplayOptions &Options, CString *retsError) // OnInitList // // Initialize list { DEBUG_TRY // Figure out where to get the data from: either the station // or the player's ship. CSpaceObject *pListSource = EvalListSource(Options.sDataFrom, retsError); if (pListSource == NULL) return ERR_FAIL; // Set the list control m_pItemListControl->SetList(pListSource); // Initialize flags that control what items we will show CString sCriteria; if (!EvalString(Options.sItemCriteria, false, eventNone, &sCriteria)) { *retsError = sCriteria; return ERR_FAIL; } CItem::ParseCriteria(sCriteria, &m_ItemCriteria); m_pItemListControl->SetFilter(m_ItemCriteria); // If we have content, then eval the function (note that this might // re-enter and set the filter) if (!Options.sCode.IsBlank()) { if (!EvalString(Options.sCode, true, eventInitDockScreenList, retsError)) return ERR_FAIL; } // Position the cursor on the next relevant item SelectNextItem(); // Give the screen a chance to start at a different item (other // than the first) if (!Options.sInitialItemCode.IsBlank()) { bool bMore = IsCurrentItemValid(); while (bMore) { bool bResult; if (!EvalBool(Options.sInitialItemCode, &bResult, retsError)) return ERR_FAIL; if (bResult) break; bMore = SelectNextItem(); } } // Done return NOERROR; DEBUG_CATCH }
/* ================= ClientCommand ================= */ void ClientCommand (edict_t *ent) { char *cmd; if (!ent->client) return; // not fully in game yet cmd = gi.argv(0); if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "players") == 0) { Cmd_Players_f (ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "say") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f (ent, false, false); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "say_team") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f (ent, true, false); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "score") == 0) { Cmd_Score_f (ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "help") == 0) { Cmd_Help_f (ent); return; } if (level.intermissiontime) return; if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "use") == 0) Cmd_Use_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "drop") == 0) Cmd_Drop_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "give") == 0) Cmd_Give_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "god") == 0) Cmd_God_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "notarget") == 0) Cmd_Notarget_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "noclip") == 0) Cmd_Noclip_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "inven") == 0) Cmd_Inven_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnext") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, -1); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprev") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, -1); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnextw") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, IT_WEAPON); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprevw") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, IT_WEAPON); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnextp") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, IT_POWERUP); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprevp") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, IT_POWERUP); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invuse") == 0) Cmd_InvUse_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invdrop") == 0) Cmd_InvDrop_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weapprev") == 0) Cmd_WeapPrev_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weapnext") == 0) Cmd_WeapNext_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weaplast") == 0) Cmd_WeapLast_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "kill") == 0) Cmd_Kill_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "putaway") == 0) Cmd_PutAway_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "wave") == 0) Cmd_Wave_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "playerlist") == 0) Cmd_PlayerList_f(ent); else // anything that doesn't match a command will be a chat Cmd_Say_f (ent, false, true); }
void ClientCommand(edict_t *ent) { char *cmd; if (!ent->client) { return; /* not fully in game yet */ } cmd = gi.argv(0); if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "players") == 0) { Cmd_Players_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "say") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f(ent, false, false); return; } if ((Q_stricmp(cmd, "say_team") == 0) || (Q_stricmp(cmd, "steam") == 0)) { CTFSay_Team(ent, gi.args()); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "score") == 0) { Cmd_Score_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "help") == 0) { Cmd_Help_f(ent); return; } if (level.intermissiontime) { return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "use") == 0) { Cmd_Use_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "drop") == 0) { Cmd_Drop_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "give") == 0) { Cmd_Give_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "god") == 0) { Cmd_God_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "notarget") == 0) { Cmd_Notarget_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "noclip") == 0) { Cmd_Noclip_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "inven") == 0) { Cmd_Inven_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invnext") == 0) { SelectNextItem(ent, -1); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invprev") == 0) { SelectPrevItem(ent, -1); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invnextw") == 0) { SelectNextItem(ent, IT_WEAPON); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invprevw") == 0) { SelectPrevItem(ent, IT_WEAPON); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invnextp") == 0) { SelectNextItem(ent, IT_POWERUP); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invprevp") == 0) { SelectPrevItem(ent, IT_POWERUP); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invuse") == 0) { Cmd_InvUse_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invdrop") == 0) { Cmd_InvDrop_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "weapprev") == 0) { Cmd_WeapPrev_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "weapnext") == 0) { Cmd_WeapNext_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "weaplast") == 0) { Cmd_WeapLast_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "kill") == 0) { Cmd_Kill_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "putaway") == 0) { Cmd_PutAway_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "wave") == 0) { Cmd_Wave_f(ent); } /* ZOID */ else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "team") == 0) { CTFTeam_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "id") == 0) { CTFID_f(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "yes") == 0) { CTFVoteYes(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "no") == 0) { CTFVoteNo(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ready") == 0) { CTFReady(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "notready") == 0) { CTFNotReady(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ghost") == 0) { CTFGhost(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "admin") == 0) { CTFAdmin(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "stats") == 0) { CTFStats(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "warp") == 0) { CTFWarp(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "boot") == 0) { CTFBoot(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "playerlist") == 0) { CTFPlayerList(ent); } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "observer") == 0) { CTFObserver(ent); } else /* anything that doesn't match a command will be a chat */ { Cmd_Say_f(ent, false, true); } }
/* ================= ClientCommand ================= */ void ClientCommand (edict_t * ent) { char *cmd; if (!ent->client) return; // not fully in game yet // if (level.intermissiontime) // return; cmd = gi.argv (0); if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "players") == 0) { Cmd_Players_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "say") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f (ent, false, false, false); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "say_team") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f (ent, true, false, false); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "score") == 0) { Cmd_Score_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "help") == 0) { Cmd_Help_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "use") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_Use_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "drop") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_Drop_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "give") == 0) { Cmd_Give_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "god") == 0) { Cmd_God_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "notarget") == 0) { Cmd_Notarget_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "noclip") == 0) { Cmd_Noclip_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "inven") == 0) { Cmd_Inven_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnext") == 0) { SelectNextItem (ent, -1); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprev") == 0) { SelectPrevItem (ent, -1); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnextw") == 0) { SelectNextItem (ent, IT_WEAPON); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprevw") == 0) { SelectPrevItem (ent, IT_WEAPON); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnextp") == 0) { SelectNextItem (ent, IT_POWERUP); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprevp") == 0) { SelectPrevItem (ent, IT_POWERUP); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invuse") == 0) { Cmd_InvUse_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invdrop") == 0) { Cmd_InvDrop_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weapprev") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_WeapPrev_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weapnext") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_WeapNext_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weaplast") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_WeapLast_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "kill") == 0) { Cmd_Kill_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "putaway") == 0) { Cmd_PutAway_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "wave") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_Wave_f (ent); return; } //zucc // else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "laser") == 0) // SP_LaserSight (ent); //SLIC2 else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "streak") == 0) { gi.cprintf(ent,PRINT_HIGH,"Your Killing Streak is: %d\n",ent->client->resp.streak); return; } //SLIC2 else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "reload") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_New_Reload_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weapon") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_New_Weapon_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "opendoor") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_OpenDoor_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "bandage") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_Bandage_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "id") == 0) { Cmd_ID_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "irvision") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_IR_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "playerlist") == 0) { Cmd_PlayerList_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "team") == 0 && teamplay->value) { Team_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "radio") == 0) { Cmd_Radio_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "radiogender") == 0) { Cmd_Radiogender_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "radio_power") == 0) { Cmd_Radio_power_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "radiopartner") == 0) { Cmd_Radiopartner_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "radioteam") == 0) { Cmd_Radioteam_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "channel") == 0) { Cmd_Channel_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "say_partner") == 0) { Cmd_Say_partner_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "partner") == 0) { Cmd_Partner_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "unpartner") == 0) { Cmd_Unpartner_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "motd") == 0) { PrintMOTD (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "deny") == 0) { Cmd_Deny_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "choose") == 0) { Cmd_Choose_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "tkok") == 0) { Cmd_TKOk (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "time") == 0) { Cmd_Time (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "voice") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; if(use_voice->value) Cmd_Voice_f (ent); return; } // else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "addpoint") == 0 && sv_cheats->value) // { // Cmd_Addpoint_f (ent); // See TF's additions below // return; // } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "setflag1") == 0 && sv_cheats->value) { Cmd_SetFlag1_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "setflag2") == 0 && sv_cheats->value) { Cmd_SetFlag2_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "saveflags") == 0 && sv_cheats->value) { Cmd_SaveFlags_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "punch") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_Punch_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "menu") == 0) { Cmd_Menu_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "rules") == 0) { Cmd_Rules_f (ent); return; } else if (vCommand (ent, cmd) == true); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "lens") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; Cmd_Lens_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "%cpsi") == 0) { Cmd_CPSI_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "%!fc") == 0) { Cmd_VidRef_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "sub") == 0) { Cmd_Sub_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "captain") == 0) { Cmd_Captain_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "ready") == 0) { Cmd_Ready_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "teamname") == 0) { Cmd_Teamname_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "teamskin") == 0) { Cmd_Teamskin_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "lock") == 0) { Cmd_TeamLock_f(ent, 1); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "unlock") == 0) { Cmd_TeamLock_f(ent, 0); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "entcount") == 0) { Cmd_Ent_Count_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "stats") == 0) { Cmd_Stats_f (ent, gi.argv (1)); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "flashlight") == 0) { if(pause_time) return; FL_make (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "matchadmin") == 0) { Cmd_SetAdmin_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "roundtimeleft") == 0) { Cmd_Roundtimeleft_f(ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "autorecord") == 0) { Cmd_AutoRecord_f(ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "stat_mode") == 0 || Q_stricmp (cmd, "cmd_stat_mode") == 0) { Cmd_Statmode_f (ent, gi.argv (1)); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "ghost") == 0) { Cmd_Ghost_f (ent); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "pausegame") == 0) { Cmd_TogglePause_f(ent, true); return; } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "unpausegame") == 0) { Cmd_TogglePause_f(ent, false); return; } else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "resetscores") == 0) { Cmd_ResetScores_f(ent); } else // anything that doesn't match a command will be a chat Cmd_Say_f (ent, false, true, false); }
ALERROR CDockScreenCustomList::OnInitList (SInitCtx &Ctx, CString *retsError) // OnInitList // // Initialize list { // Get the list element CXMLElement *pListData = Ctx.pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(LIST_TAG); if (pListData == NULL) return ERR_FAIL; // See if we define a custom row height CString sRowHeight; if (pListData->FindAttribute(ROW_HEIGHT_ATTRIB, &sRowHeight)) { CString sResult; if (!EvalString(sRowHeight, false, eventNone, &sResult)) { *retsError = sResult; return ERR_FAIL; } int cyRow = strToInt(sResult, -1); if (cyRow > 0) m_pItemListControl->SetRowHeight(cyRow); } // Get the list to show CCodeChain &CC = g_pUniverse->GetCC(); ICCItem *pExp = CC.Link(pListData->GetContentText(0), 0, NULL); // Evaluate the function CCodeChainCtx CCCtx; CCCtx.SetScreen(m_pDockScreen); CCCtx.SaveAndDefineSourceVar(m_pLocation); CCCtx.SaveAndDefineDataVar(m_pData); ICCItem *pResult = CCCtx.Run(pExp); // LATER:Event CCCtx.Discard(pExp); if (pResult->IsError()) { *retsError = pResult->GetStringValue(); return ERR_FAIL; } // Set this expression as the list m_pItemListControl->SetList(CC, pResult); CCCtx.Discard(pResult); // Position the cursor on the next relevant item SelectNextItem(); // Give the screen a chance to start at a different item (other // than the first) CString sInitialItemFunc = pListData->GetAttribute(INITIAL_ITEM_ATTRIB); if (!sInitialItemFunc.IsBlank()) { bool bMore = IsCurrentItemValid(); while (bMore) { bool bResult; if (!EvalBool(sInitialItemFunc, &bResult, retsError)) return ERR_FAIL; if (bResult) break; bMore = SelectNextItem(); } } return NOERROR; }
/* ================= ClientCommand ================= */ void ClientCommand(edict_t *ent) { char *cmd; if (!ent->client) return; // not fully in game yet if (ent->client->pers.connected <= CONN_CONNECTED) { return; } //ent->client->resp.activity_framenum = level.framenum; cmd = gi.argv(0); if (ent->client->pers.admin) { if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "mute") == 0) { Cmd_Mute_f(ent, true); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "unmute") == 0) { Cmd_Mute_f(ent, false); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "muteall") == 0) { Cmd_MuteAll_f(ent, true); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "unmuteall") == 0) { Cmd_MuteAll_f(ent, false); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "ban") == 0) { G_AddIP_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "unban") == 0) { G_RemoveIP_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "bans") == 0) { G_ListIP_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "kick") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "boot") == 0) { Cmd_Kick_f(ent, false); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "kickban") == 0) { Cmd_Kick_f(ent, true); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "acommands") == 0) { Cmd_AdminCommands_f(ent); return; } } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "say") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f(ent, CHAT_ALL); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "say_team") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f(ent, CHAT_TEAM); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "players") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "playerlist") == 0) { Cmd_Players_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "highscore") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "highscores") == 0) { Cmd_HighScores_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "stats") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "accuracy") == 0) { Cmd_Stats_f(ent, true); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "settings") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "matchinfo") == 0) { Cmd_Settings_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "admin") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "referee") == 0) { Cmd_Admin_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "commands") == 0) { Cmd_Commands_f(ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "id") == 0) { Cmd_Id_f(ent); return; } if (level.intermission_framenum) return; if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "score") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "help") == 0) Cmd_Score_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "oldscore") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "oldscores") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "lastscore") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "lastscores") == 0) Cmd_OldScore_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "motd") == 0) Cmd_Motd_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "use") == 0) Cmd_Use_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "drop") == 0) Cmd_Drop_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "give") == 0) Cmd_Give_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "god") == 0) Cmd_God_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "notarget") == 0) Cmd_Notarget_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "noclip") == 0) Cmd_Noclip_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "inven") == 0) Cmd_Inven_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invnext") == 0) SelectNextItem(ent, -1); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invprev") == 0) SelectPrevItem(ent, -1); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invnextw") == 0) SelectNextItem(ent, IT_WEAPON); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invprevw") == 0) SelectPrevItem(ent, IT_WEAPON); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invnextp") == 0) SelectNextItem(ent, IT_POWERUP); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invprevp") == 0) SelectPrevItem(ent, IT_POWERUP); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invuse") == 0) Cmd_InvUse_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "invdrop") == 0) Cmd_InvDrop_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "weapprev") == 0) Cmd_WeapPrev_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "weapnext") == 0) Cmd_WeapNext_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "weaplast") == 0) Cmd_WeapLast_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "kill") == 0) Cmd_Kill_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "putaway") == 0) Cmd_PutAway_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "wave") == 0) Cmd_Wave_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "observe") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "spectate") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "spec") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "obs") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "observer") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "spectator") == 0) Cmd_Observe_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "chase") == 0) Cmd_Chase_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "join") == 0) Cmd_Join_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "vote") == 0 || Q_stricmp(cmd, "callvote") == 0) Cmd_Vote_f(ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "yes") == 0 && level.vote.proposal) Cmd_CastVote_f(ent, true); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "no") == 0 && level.vote.proposal) Cmd_CastVote_f(ent, false); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "menu") == 0) Cmd_Menu_f(ent); else // anything that doesn't match a command will be a chat Cmd_Say_f(ent, CHAT_MISC); }
/* ================= ClientCommand ================= */ void ClientCommand (edict_t *ent) { char *cmd; if (!ent->client) return; // not fully in game yet cmd = gi.argv(0); if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "players") == 0) { Cmd_Players_f (ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "say") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f (ent, false, false); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "say_team") == 0) { Cmd_Say_f (ent, true, false); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "score") == 0) { Cmd_Score_f (ent); return; } if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "help") == 0) { Cmd_Help_f (ent); return; } if (level.intermissiontime) return; if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "use") == 0) Cmd_Use_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "drop") == 0) Cmd_Drop_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "give") == 0) Cmd_Give_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "god") == 0) Cmd_God_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "notarget") == 0) Cmd_Notarget_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "noclip") == 0) Cmd_Noclip_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "angles") == 0) { gi.cprintf(ent, PRINT_HIGH, "Angles(YPR): %g %g %g\n", ent->s.angles[YAW], ent->s.angles[PITCH] * -3.0f, ent->s.angles[ROLL]); gi.cprintf(ent, PRINT_HIGH, "_sun_angle: %g %g\n", ent->s.angles[YAW] + 180.0f, ent->s.angles[PITCH] * 3.0f); // 1.831 - handy for mappers. } else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "inven") == 0) Cmd_Inven_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnext") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, -1); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprev") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, -1); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnextw") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, IT_WEAPON); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprevw") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, IT_WEAPON); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invnextp") == 0) SelectNextItem (ent, IT_POWERUP); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invprevp") == 0) SelectPrevItem (ent, IT_POWERUP); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invuse") == 0) Cmd_InvUse_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "invdrop") == 0) Cmd_InvDrop_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weapprev") == 0) Cmd_WeapPrev_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weapnext") == 0) Cmd_WeapNext_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "weaplast") == 0) Cmd_WeapLast_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "kill") == 0) Cmd_Kill_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "putaway") == 0) Cmd_PutAway_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "wave") == 0) Cmd_Wave_f (ent); else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "playerlist") == 0) Cmd_PlayerList_f(ent); else // anything that doesn't match a command will be a chat Cmd_Say_f (ent, false, true); }
ALERROR CDockScreenItemList::OnInitList (SInitCtx &Ctx, CString *retsError) // OnInitList // // Initialize list { CSpaceObject *pListSource; // Get the list options element CXMLElement *pOptions = Ctx.pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(LIST_OPTIONS_TAG); if (pOptions == NULL) { *retsError = CONSTLIT("<ListOptions> expected."); return ERR_FAIL; } // Figure out where to get the data from: either the station // or the player's ship. pListSource = EvalListSource(pOptions->GetAttribute(DATA_FROM_ATTRIB), retsError); if (pListSource == NULL) return ERR_FAIL; // Set the list control m_pItemListControl->SetList(pListSource); // Initialize flags that control what items we will show CString sCriteria; if (!EvalString(pOptions->GetAttribute(LIST_ATTRIB), false, eventNone, &sCriteria)) { *retsError = sCriteria; return ERR_FAIL; } CItem::ParseCriteria(sCriteria, &m_ItemCriteria); m_pItemListControl->SetFilter(m_ItemCriteria); // If we have content, then eval the function (note that this might // re-enter and set the filter) CString sCode = pOptions->GetContentText(0); if (!sCode.IsBlank()) { if (!EvalString(sCode, true, eventInitDockScreenList, retsError)) return ERR_FAIL; } // Position the cursor on the next relevant item SelectNextItem(); // Give the screen a chance to start at a different item (other // than the first) CString sInitialItemFunc = pOptions->GetAttribute(INITIAL_ITEM_ATTRIB); if (!sInitialItemFunc.IsBlank()) { bool bMore = IsCurrentItemValid(); while (bMore) { bool bResult; if (!EvalBool(sInitialItemFunc, &bResult, retsError)) return ERR_FAIL; if (bResult) break; bMore = SelectNextItem(); } } // Done return NOERROR; }