コード例 #1
ファイル: chdynamic.c プロジェクト: hsteinhaus/ChibiOS
 * @brief   Creates a new thread allocating the memory from the specified
 *          memory pool.
 * @pre     The configuration options @p CH_CFG_USE_DYNAMIC and
 *          @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS must be enabled in order to use this
 *          function.
 * @pre     The pool must be initialized to contain only objects with
 *          alignment @p PORT_WORKING_AREA_ALIGN.
 * @note    A thread can terminate by calling @p chThdExit() or by simply
 *          returning from its main function.
 * @note    The memory allocated for the thread is not released automatically,
 *          it is responsibility of the creator thread to call @p chThdWait()
 *          and then release the allocated memory.
 * @param[in] mp        pointer to the memory pool object
 * @param[in] prio      the priority level for the new thread
 * @param[in] pf        the thread function
 * @param[in] arg       an argument passed to the thread function. It can be
 *                      @p NULL.
 * @return              The pointer to the @p thread_t structure allocated for
 *                      the thread into the working space area.
 * @retval  NULL        if the memory pool is empty.
 * @api
thread_t *chThdCreateFromMemoryPool(memory_pool_t *mp, tprio_t prio,
                                    tfunc_t pf, void *arg) {
  void *wsp;

  chDbgCheck(mp != NULL);

  wsp = chPoolAlloc(mp);
  if (wsp == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  _thread_memfill((uint8_t *)wsp,
                  (uint8_t *)wsp + mp->object_size,

  return chThdCreateStatic(wsp, mp->object_size, prio, pf, arg);
コード例 #2
ファイル: syscalls.c プロジェクト: Koensw/Robot-PWS
caddr_t _sbrk_r(struct _reent *r, int incr)
  void *p;

  chDbgCheck(incr > 0, "_sbrk_r");

  p = chCoreAlloc((size_t)incr);
  if (p == NULL) {
    __errno_r(r) = ENOMEM;
    return (caddr_t)-1;
  return (caddr_t)p;
  __errno_r(r) = ENOMEM;
  return (caddr_t)-1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ch.c プロジェクト: hsteinhaus/ChibiOS
 * @brief   Performs a wait operation on a semaphore with timeout specification.
 * @param[in] sp        pointer to a @p semaphore_t structure
 * @param[in] timeout   the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              A message specifying how the invoking thread has been
 *                      released from the semaphore.
 * @retval NIL_MSG_OK   if the thread has not stopped on the semaphore or the
 *                      semaphore has been signaled.
 * @retval NIL_MSG_RST  if the semaphore has been reset using @p chSemReset().
 * @retval NIL_MSG_TMO  if the semaphore has not been signaled or reset within
 *                      the specified timeout.
 * @sclass
msg_t chSemWaitTimeoutS(semaphore_t *sp, systime_t timeout) {

  chDbgCheck(sp != NULL);

  /* Note, the semaphore counter is a volatile variable so accesses are
     manually optimized.*/
  cnt_t cnt = sp->cnt;
  if (cnt <= (cnt_t)0) {
    if (TIME_IMMEDIATE == timeout) {
      return MSG_TIMEOUT;
    sp->cnt = cnt - (cnt_t)1;
    nil.current->u1.semp = sp;
    return chSchGoSleepTimeoutS(NIL_STATE_WTSEM, timeout);
  sp->cnt = cnt - (cnt_t)1;
  return MSG_OK;
コード例 #4
ファイル: chthreads.c プロジェクト: DroneBuster/lpc_gsm
 * @brief   Changes the running thread priority level then reschedules if
 *          necessary.
 * @note    The function returns the real thread priority regardless of the
 *          current priority that could be higher than the real priority
 *          because the priority inheritance mechanism.
 * @param[in] newprio   the new priority level of the running thread
 * @return              The old priority level.
 * @api
tprio_t chThdSetPriority(tprio_t newprio) {
  tprio_t oldprio;

  chDbgCheck(newprio <= HIGHPRIO, "chThdSetPriority");

  oldprio = currp->p_realprio;
  if ((currp->p_prio == currp->p_realprio) || (newprio > currp->p_prio))
    currp->p_prio = newprio;
  currp->p_realprio = newprio;
  oldprio = currp->p_prio;
  currp->p_prio = newprio;
  return oldprio;
コード例 #5
ファイル: chsem.c プロジェクト: MichDC/ChibiOS-RT
 * @brief   Performs a wait operation on a semaphore with timeout specification.
 * @param[in] sp        pointer to a @p semaphore_t structure
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              A message specifying how the invoking thread has been
 *                      released from the semaphore.
 * @retval MSG_OK       if the thread has not stopped on the semaphore or the
 *                      semaphore has been signaled.
 * @retval MSG_RESET    if the semaphore has been reset using @p chSemReset().
 * @retval MSG_TIMEOUT  if the semaphore has not been signaled or reset within
 *                      the specified timeout.
 * @sclass
msg_t chSemWaitTimeoutS(semaphore_t *sp, systime_t time) {

  chDbgCheck(sp != NULL);
  chDbgAssert(((sp->s_cnt >= 0) && queue_isempty(&sp->s_queue)) ||
              ((sp->s_cnt < 0) && queue_notempty(&sp->s_queue)),
              "inconsistent semaphore");

  if (--sp->s_cnt < 0) {
    if (TIME_IMMEDIATE == time) {
      return MSG_TIMEOUT;
    currp->p_u.wtobjp = sp;
    sem_insert(currp, &sp->s_queue);
    return chSchGoSleepTimeoutS(CH_STATE_WTSEM, time);
  return MSG_OK;
コード例 #6
 * @brief   Configures and activates the CAN peripheral.
 * @param[in] canp      pointer to the @p CANDriver object
 * @param[in] config    pointer to the @p CANConfig object
void canStart(CANDriver *canp, const CANConfig *config) {

  chDbgCheck((canp != NULL) && (config != NULL), "canStart");

  chDbgAssert((canp->cd_state == CAN_STOP) ||
              (canp->cd_state == CAN_STARTING) ||
              (canp->cd_state == CAN_READY),
              "canStart(), #1",
              "invalid state");
  while (canp->cd_state == CAN_STARTING)
  if (canp->cd_state == CAN_STOP) {
    canp->cd_config = config;
    canp->cd_state = CAN_READY;
コード例 #7
 * @brief   Can frame receive.
 * @details The function waits until a frame is received.
 * @note    Trying to receive while in sleep mode simply enqueues the thread.
 * @param[in] canp      pointer to the @p CANDriver object
 * @param[out] crfp     pointer to the buffer where the CAN frame is copied
 * @param[in] timeout   the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout (useful in an
 *                        event driven scenario where a thread never blocks
 *                        for I/O).
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation result.
 * @retval RDY_OK       a frame has been received and placed in the buffer.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  operation not finished within the specified time or
 *                      frame not immediately available if invoked using
 *                      @p TIME_IMMEDIATE.
 * @retval RDY_RESET    driver stopped while waiting.
msg_t canReceive(CANDriver *canp, CANRxFrame *crfp, systime_t timeout) {

  chDbgCheck((canp != NULL) && (crfp != NULL), "canReceive");

  chDbgAssert((canp->cd_state == CAN_READY) || (canp->cd_state == CAN_SLEEP),
              "canReceive(), #1",
              "invalid state");
  while ((canp->cd_state == CAN_SLEEP) || !can_lld_can_receive(canp)) {
    msg_t msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&canp->cd_rxsem, timeout);
    if (msg != RDY_OK) {
      return msg;
  can_lld_receive(canp, crfp);
  return RDY_OK;
コード例 #8
 * @brief   Can frame transmission.
 * @details The specified frame is queued for transmission, if the hardware
 *          queue is full then the invoking thread is queued.
 * @note    Trying to transmit while in sleep mode simply enqueues the thread.
 * @param[in] canp      pointer to the @p CANDriver object
 * @param[in] ctfp       pointer to the CAN frame to be transmitted
 * @param[in] timeout   the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation result.
 * @retval RDY_OK       the frame has been queued for transmission.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  operation not finished within the specified time.
 * @retval RDY_RESET    driver stopped while waiting.
msg_t canTransmit(CANDriver *canp, const CANTxFrame *ctfp, systime_t timeout) {

  chDbgCheck((canp != NULL) && (ctfp != NULL), "canTransmit");

  chDbgAssert((canp->cd_state == CAN_READY) || (canp->cd_state == CAN_SLEEP),
              "canTransmit(), #1",
              "invalid state");
  while ((canp->cd_state == CAN_SLEEP) || !can_lld_can_transmit(canp)) {
    msg_t msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&canp->cd_txsem, timeout);
    if (msg != RDY_OK) {
      return msg;
  can_lld_transmit(canp, ctfp);
  return RDY_OK;
コード例 #9
 * @brief   EDMA channel allocation.
 * @param[in] channel   the channel number
 * @special
void edmaChannelRelease(edma_channel_t channel) {

  chDbgCheck((channel < 0) && (channel >= SPC5_EDMA_NCHANNELS),
  chDbgAssert(channels[channel] != NULL,
              "edmaChannelRelease(), #1",
              "not allocated");

  /* Enforcing a stop.*/

  /* Clearing ISR sources for the channel.*/
  SPC5_EDMA.CIRQR.R = channel;
  SPC5_EDMA.CEEIR.R = channel;
  SPC5_EDMA.CER.R   = channel;

  /* The channels is flagged as available.*/
  channels[channel] = NULL;
コード例 #10
ファイル: mmc_spi.c プロジェクト: Dionysios/STM_Library_2
 * @brief   Stops a sequential read gracefully.
 * @param[in] mmcp      pointer to the @p MMCDriver object
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval CH_SUCCESS   the operation succeeded.
 * @retval CH_FAILED    the operation failed.
 * @api
bool_t mmcStopSequentialRead(MMCDriver *mmcp) {
  static const uint8_t stopcmd[] = {0x40 | MMCSD_CMD_STOP_TRANSMISSION,
                                    0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0xFF};

  chDbgCheck(mmcp != NULL, "mmcStopSequentialRead");

  if (mmcp->state != BLK_READING)
    return CH_FAILED;

  spiSend(mmcp->config->spip, sizeof(stopcmd), stopcmd);
/*  result = recvr1(mmcp) != 0x00;*/
  /* Note, ignored r1 response, it can be not zero, unknown issue.*/
  (void) recvr1(mmcp);

  /* Read operation finished.*/
  mmcp->state = BLK_READY;
  return CH_SUCCESS;
コード例 #11
ファイル: dac.c プロジェクト: Rossano/ez430_ChibiOS
 * @brief   Starts a DAC conversion.
 * @details Starts an asynchronous conversion operation.
 * @post    The callbacks associated to the conversion group will be invoked
 *          on buffer fill and error events.
 * @note    The buffer is organized as a matrix of M*N elements where M is the
 *          channels number configured into the conversion group and N is the
 *          buffer depth. The samples are sequentially written into the buffer
 *          with no gaps.
 * @param[in] dacp      pointer to the @p DACDriver object
 * @param[in] grpp      pointer to a @p DACConversionGroup object
 * @param[in] samples   pointer to the samples buffer
 * @param[in] depth     buffer depth (matrix rows number). The buffer depth
 *                      must be one or an even number.
 * @iclass
void dacStartConversionI(DACDriver *dacp,
                         const DACConversionGroup *grpp,
                         const dacsample_t *samples,
                         size_t depth) {

  chDbgCheck((dacp != NULL) && (grpp != NULL) && (samples != NULL) &&
             ((depth == 1) || ((depth & 1) == 0)),
  chDbgAssert((dacp->state == DAC_READY) ||
              (dacp->state == DAC_COMPLETE) ||
              (dacp->state == DAC_ERROR),
              "dacStartConversionI(), #1", "not ready");

  dacp->samples  = samples;
  dacp->depth    = depth;
  dacp->grpp     = grpp;
  dacp->state    = DAC_ACTIVE;
コード例 #12
 * @brief   Releases a DMA stream.
 * @details The stream is freed and, if required, the DMA clock disabled.
 *          Trying to release a unallocated stream is an illegal operation
 *          and is trapped if assertions are enabled.
 * @pre     The stream must have been allocated using @p dmaStreamAllocate().
 * @post    The stream is again available.
 * @note    This function can be invoked in both ISR or thread context.
 * @param[in] dmastp    pointer to a stm32_dma_stream_t structure
 * @special
void dmaStreamRelease(const stm32_dma_stream_t *dmastp) {

  chDbgCheck(dmastp != NULL, "dmaRelease");

  /* Check if the streams is not taken.*/
  chDbgAssert((dma_streams_mask & (1 << dmastp->selfindex)) != 0,
              "dmaRelease(), #1", "not allocated");

  /* Disables the associated IRQ vector.*/

  /* Marks the stream as not allocated.*/
  dma_streams_mask &= ~(1 << dmastp->selfindex);

  /* Shutting down clocks that are no more required, if any.*/
  if ((dma_streams_mask & STM32_DMA1_STREAMS_MASK) == 0)
  if ((dma_streams_mask & STM32_DMA2_STREAMS_MASK) == 0)
コード例 #13
ファイル: ext.c プロジェクト: Paluche/Hubert
 * @brief   Changes the operation mode of a channel.
 * @note    This function attempts to write over the current configuration
 *          structure that must have been not declared constant. This
 *          violates the @p const qualifier in @p extStart() but it is
 *          intentional.
 * @note    This function cannot be used if the configuration structure is
 *          declared @p const.
 * @note    The effect of this function on constant configuration structures
 *          is not defined.
 * @param[in] extp      pointer to the @p EXTDriver object
 * @param[in] channel   channel to be changed
 * @param[in] extcp     new configuration for the channel
 * @iclass
void extSetChannelModeI(EXTDriver *extp,
                        expchannel_t channel,
                        const EXTChannelConfig *extcp) {
  EXTChannelConfig *oldcp;

  chDbgCheck((extp != NULL) && (channel < EXT_MAX_CHANNELS) &&
             (extcp != NULL), "extSetChannelModeI");

  chDbgAssert(extp->state == EXT_ACTIVE,
              "extSetChannelModeI(), #1", "invalid state");

  /* Note that here the access is enforced as non-const, known access
  oldcp = (EXTChannelConfig *)&extp->config->channels[channel];

  /* Overwiting the old channels configuration then the channel is reconfigured
     by the low level driver.*/
  *oldcp = *extcp;
  ext_lld_channel_enable(extp, channel);
コード例 #14
ファイル: chevents.c プロジェクト: oh3eqn/ChibiOS
 * @brief   Signals all the Event Listeners registered on the specified Event
 *          Source.
 * @details This function variants ORs the specified event flags to all the
 *          threads registered on the @p event_source_t in addition to the
 *          event flags specified by the threads themselves in the
 *          @p event_listener_t objects.
 * @post    This function does not reschedule so a call to a rescheduling
 *          function must be performed before unlocking the kernel. Note that
 *          interrupt handlers always reschedule on exit so an explicit
 *          reschedule must not be performed in ISRs.
 * @param[in] esp       pointer to the @p event_source_t structure
 * @param[in] flags     the flags set to be added to the listener flags mask
 * @iclass
void chEvtBroadcastFlagsI(event_source_t *esp, eventflags_t flags) {
  event_listener_t *elp;

  chDbgCheck(esp != NULL);

  elp = esp->next;
  /*lint -save -e9087 -e740 [11.3, 1.3] Cast required by list handling.*/
  while (elp != (event_listener_t *)esp) {
  /*lint -restore*/
    elp->flags |= flags;
    /* When flags == 0 the thread will always be signaled because the
       source does not emit any flag.*/
    if ((flags == (eventflags_t)0) ||
        ((elp->flags & elp->wflags) != (eventflags_t)0)) {
      chEvtSignalI(elp->listener, elp->events);
    elp = elp->next;
コード例 #15
ファイル: chevents.c プロジェクト: oh3eqn/ChibiOS
 * @brief   Unregisters an Event Listener from its Event Source.
 * @note    If the event listener is not registered on the specified event
 *          source then the function does nothing.
 * @note    For optimal performance it is better to perform the unregister
 *          operations in inverse order of the register operations (elements
 *          are found on top of the list).
 * @param[in] esp       pointer to the  @p event_source_t structure
 * @param[in] elp       pointer to the @p event_listener_t structure
 * @api
void chEvtUnregister(event_source_t *esp, event_listener_t *elp) {
  event_listener_t *p;

  chDbgCheck((esp != NULL) && (elp != NULL));

  /*lint -save -e9087 -e740 [11.3, 1.3] Cast required by list handling.*/
  p = (event_listener_t *)esp;
  /*lint -restore*/
  /*lint -save -e9087 -e740 [11.3, 1.3] Cast required by list handling.*/
  while (p->next != (event_listener_t *)esp) {
  /*lint -restore*/
    if (p->next == elp) {
      p->next = elp->next;
    p = p->next;
コード例 #16
ファイル: chsem.c プロジェクト: Amirelecom/brush-v1
 * @brief   Performs a wait operation on a semaphore with timeout specification.
 * @param[in] sp        pointer to a @p Semaphore structure
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              A message specifying how the invoking thread has been
 *                      released from the semaphore.
 * @retval RDY_OK       if the thread has not stopped on the semaphore or the
 *                      semaphore has been signaled.
 * @retval RDY_RESET    if the semaphore has been reset using @p chSemReset().
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  if the semaphore has not been signaled or reset within
 *                      the specified timeout.
 * @sclass
msg_t chSemWaitTimeoutS(Semaphore *sp, systime_t time) {

  chDbgCheck(sp != NULL, "chSemWaitTimeoutS");

  chDbgAssert(((sp->s_cnt >= 0) && isempty(&sp->s_queue)) ||
              ((sp->s_cnt < 0) && notempty(&sp->s_queue)),
              "chSemWaitTimeoutS(), #1",
              "inconsistent semaphore");

  if (--sp->s_cnt < 0) {
    if (TIME_IMMEDIATE == time) {
      return RDY_TIMEOUT;
    currp->p_u.wtobjp = sp;
    sem_insert(currp, &sp->s_queue);
    return chSchGoSleepTimeoutS(THD_STATE_WTSEM, time);
  return RDY_OK;
コード例 #17
ファイル: adc.c プロジェクト: Ankhbayar/mlab-chibios
 * @brief   Starts an ADC conversion.
 * @details Starts an asynchronous conversion operation.
 * @post    The callbacks associated to the conversion group will be invoked
 *          on buffer fill and error events.
 * @note    The buffer is organized as a matrix of M*N elements where M is the
 *          channels number configured into the conversion group and N is the
 *          buffer depth. The samples are sequentially written into the buffer
 *          with no gaps.
 * @param[in] adcp      pointer to the @p ADCDriver object
 * @param[in] grpp      pointer to a @p ADCConversionGroup object
 * @param[out] samples  pointer to the samples buffer
 * @param[in] depth     buffer depth (matrix rows number). The buffer depth
 *                      must be one or an even number.
 * @iclass
void adcStartConversionI(ADCDriver *adcp,
                         const ADCConversionGroup *grpp,
                         adcsample_t *samples,
                         size_t depth) {

  chDbgCheck((adcp != NULL) && (grpp != NULL) && (samples != NULL) &&
             ((depth == 1) || ((depth & 1) == 0)),
  chDbgAssert((adcp->state == ADC_READY) ||
              (adcp->state == ADC_COMPLETE) ||
              (adcp->state == ADC_ERROR),
              "adcStartConversionI(), #1", "not ready");

  adcp->samples  = samples;
  adcp->depth    = depth;
  adcp->grpp     = grpp;
  adcp->state    = ADC_ACTIVE;
コード例 #18
ファイル: chschd.c プロジェクト: MultiCalorNV/ChibiOS
 * @brief   Inserts a thread in the Ready List.
 * @details The thread is positioned behind all threads with higher or equal
 *          priority.
 * @pre     The thread must not be already inserted in any list through its
 *          @p p_next and @p p_prev or list corruption would occur.
 * @post    This function does not reschedule so a call to a rescheduling
 *          function must be performed before unlocking the kernel. Note that
 *          interrupt handlers always reschedule on exit so an explicit
 *          reschedule must not be performed in ISRs.
 * @param[in] tp        the thread to be made ready
 * @return              The thread pointer.
 * @iclass
thread_t *chSchReadyI(thread_t *tp) {
  thread_t *cp;

  chDbgCheck(tp != NULL);
  chDbgAssert((tp->p_state != CH_STATE_READY) &&
              (tp->p_state != CH_STATE_FINAL),
              "invalid state");

  tp->p_state = CH_STATE_READY;
  cp = (thread_t *)&ch.rlist.r_queue;
  do {
    cp = cp->p_next;
  } while (cp->p_prio >= tp->p_prio);
  /* Insertion on p_prev.*/
  tp->p_next = cp;
  tp->p_prev = cp->p_prev;
  tp->p_prev->p_next = cp->p_prev = tp;

  return tp;
コード例 #19
ファイル: mmc_spi.c プロジェクト: Dionysios/STM_Library_2
 * @brief   Brings the driver in a state safe for card removal.
 * @param[in] mmcp      pointer to the @p MMCDriver object
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval CH_SUCCESS   the operation succeeded and the driver is now
 *                      in the @p MMC_INSERTED state.
 * @retval CH_FAILED    the operation failed.
 * @api
bool_t mmcDisconnect(MMCDriver *mmcp) {

  chDbgCheck(mmcp != NULL, "mmcDisconnect");

  chDbgAssert((mmcp->state == BLK_ACTIVE) || (mmcp->state == BLK_READY),
              "mmcDisconnect(), #1", "invalid state");
  if (mmcp->state == BLK_ACTIVE) {
    return CH_SUCCESS;
  mmcp->state = BLK_DISCONNECTING;

  /* Wait for the pending write operations to complete.*/

  mmcp->state = BLK_ACTIVE;
  return CH_SUCCESS;
コード例 #20
ファイル: chmempools.c プロジェクト: rusefi/ChibiOS
 * @brief   Allocates an object from a memory pool.
 * @pre     The memory pool must already be initialized.
 * @param[in] mp        pointer to a @p memory_pool_t structure
 * @return              The pointer to the allocated object.
 * @retval NULL         if pool is empty.
 * @iclass
void *chPoolAllocI(memory_pool_t *mp) {
  void *objp;

  chDbgCheck(mp != NULL);

  objp = mp->next;
  /*lint -save -e9013 [15.7] There is no else because it is not needed.*/
  if (objp != NULL) {
    mp->next = mp->next->next;
  else if (mp->provider != NULL) {
    objp = mp->provider(mp->object_size, mp->align);

    chDbgAssert(MEM_IS_ALIGNED(objp, mp->align),
                "returned object not aligned");
  /*lint -restore*/

  return objp;
コード例 #21
 * @brief   Enables a virtual timer.
 * @note    The associated function is invoked from interrupt context.
 * @param[out] vtp      the @p VirtualTimer structure pointer
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts, the
 *                      special values are handled as follow:
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE is allowed but interpreted as a
 *                        normal time specification.
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE this value is not allowed.
 *                      .
 * @param[in] vtfunc    the timer callback function. After invoking the
 *                      callback the timer is disabled and the structure can
 *                      be disposed or reused.
 * @param[in] par       a parameter that will be passed to the callback
 *                      function
 * @iclass
void chVTSetI(VirtualTimer *vtp, systime_t time, vtfunc_t vtfunc, void *par) {
  VirtualTimer *p;

  chDbgCheck((vtp != NULL) && (vtfunc != NULL) && (time != TIME_IMMEDIATE),

  vtp->vt_par = par;
  vtp->vt_func = vtfunc;
  p = vtlist.vt_next;
  while (p->vt_time < time) {
    time -= p->vt_time;
    p = p->vt_next;

  vtp->vt_prev = (vtp->vt_next = p)->vt_prev;
  vtp->vt_prev->vt_next = p->vt_prev = vtp;
  vtp->vt_time = time;
  if (p != (void *)&vtlist)
    p->vt_time -= time;
コード例 #22
ファイル: adc.c プロジェクト: plumbum/vt100like
 * @brief   Stops an ongoing conversion.
 * @param[in] adcp      pointer to the @p ADCDriver object
void adcStopConversion(ADCDriver *adcp) {

    chDbgCheck(adcp != NULL, "adcStopConversion");

    chDbgAssert((adcp->ad_state == ADC_READY) ||
                (adcp->ad_state == ADC_RUNNING) ||
                (adcp->ad_state == ADC_COMPLETE),
                "adcStopConversion(), #1",
                "invalid state");
    if (adcp->ad_state == ADC_RUNNING) {
        adcp->ad_grpp  = NULL;
        adcp->ad_state = ADC_READY;
        chSemResetI(&adcp->ad_sem, 0);
        adcp->ad_state = ADC_READY;
コード例 #23
ファイル: chthreads.c プロジェクト: LaZyFiZz/HermesProject
 * @brief   Blocks the execution of the invoking thread until the specified
 *          thread terminates then the exit code is returned.
 * @details This function waits for the specified thread to terminate then
 *          decrements its reference counter, if the counter reaches zero then
 *          the thread working area is returned to the proper allocator.<br>
 *          The memory used by the exited thread is handled in different ways
 *          depending on the API that spawned the thread:
 *          - If the thread was spawned by @p chThdCreateStatic() or by
 *            @p chThdInit() then nothing happens and the thread working area
 *            is not released or modified in any way. This is the default,
 *            totally static, behavior.
 *          - If the thread was spawned by @p chThdCreateFromHeap() then
 *            the working area is returned to the system heap.
 *          - If the thread was spawned by @p chThdCreateFromMemoryPool()
 *            then the working area is returned to the owning memory pool.
 *          .
 * @pre     The configuration option @p CH_USE_WAITEXIT must be enabled in
 *          order to use this function.
 * @post    Enabling @p chThdWait() requires 2-4 (depending on the
 *          architecture) extra bytes in the @p Thread structure.
 * @post    After invoking @p chThdWait() the thread pointer becomes invalid
 *          and must not be used as parameter for further system calls.
 * @note    If @p CH_USE_DYNAMIC is not specified this function just waits for
 *          the thread termination, no memory allocators are involved.
 * @param[in] tp        pointer to the thread
 * @return              The exit code from the terminated thread.
 * @api
msg_t chThdWait(Thread *tp) {
  msg_t msg;

  chDbgCheck(tp != NULL, "chThdWait");

  chDbgAssert(tp != currp, "chThdWait(), #1", "waiting self");
  chDbgAssert(tp->p_refs > 0, "chThdWait(), #2", "not referenced");
  if (tp->p_state != THD_STATE_FINAL) {
    list_insert(currp, &tp->p_waiting);
  msg = tp->p_u.exitcode;
  return msg;
コード例 #24
ファイル: usb.c プロジェクト: Ankhbayar/mlab-chibios
 * @brief   Enables an endpoint.
 * @details This function enables an endpoint, both IN and/or OUT directions
 *          depending on the configuration structure.
 * @note    This function must be invoked in response of a SET_CONFIGURATION
 *          or SET_INTERFACE message.
 * @param[in] usbp      pointer to the @p USBDriver object
 * @param[in] ep        endpoint number
 * @param[in] epcp      the endpoint configuration
 * @iclass
void usbInitEndpointI(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep,
                      const USBEndpointConfig *epcp) {

  chDbgCheck((usbp != NULL) && (epcp != NULL), "usbInitEndpointI");
  chDbgAssert(usbp->state == USB_ACTIVE,
              "usbEnableEndpointI(), #1", "invalid state");
  chDbgAssert(usbp->epc[ep] == NULL,
              "usbEnableEndpointI(), #2", "already initialized");

  /* Logically enabling the endpoint in the USBDriver structure.*/
  if (epcp->in_state != NULL)
    memset(epcp->in_state, 0, sizeof(USBInEndpointState));
  if (epcp->out_state != NULL)
    memset(epcp->out_state, 0, sizeof(USBOutEndpointState));

  usbp->epc[ep] = epcp;

  /* Low level endpoint activation.*/
  usb_lld_init_endpoint(usbp, ep);
コード例 #25
ファイル: chheap.c プロジェクト: 0110/stm32f103playground
 * @brief   Frees a previously allocated memory block.
 * @param[in] p         pointer to the memory block to be freed
 * @api
void chHeapFree(void *p) {
  union heap_header *qp, *hp;
  memory_heap_t *heapp;

  chDbgCheck(p != NULL);

  /*lint -save -e9087 [11.3] Safe cast.*/
  hp = (union heap_header *)p - 1;
  /*lint -restore*/
  heapp = hp->h.u.heap;
  qp = &heapp->h_free;

  while (true) {
    chDbgAssert((hp < qp) || (hp >= LIMIT(qp)), "within free block");

    if (((qp == &heapp->h_free) || (hp > qp)) &&
        ((qp->h.u.next == NULL) || (hp < qp->h.u.next))) {
      /* Insertion after qp.*/
      hp->h.u.next = qp->h.u.next;
      qp->h.u.next = hp;
      /* Verifies if the newly inserted block should be merged.*/
      if (LIMIT(hp) == hp->h.u.next) {
        /* Merge with the next block.*/
        hp->h.size += hp->h.u.next->h.size + sizeof(union heap_header);
        hp->h.u.next = hp->h.u.next->h.u.next;
      if ((LIMIT(qp) == hp)) {
        /* Merge with the previous block.*/
        qp->h.size += hp->h.size + sizeof(union heap_header);
        qp->h.u.next = hp->h.u.next;
    qp = qp->h.u.next;

コード例 #26
ファイル: chheap.c プロジェクト: Aljabri722/legoino
 * @brief   Frees a previously allocated memory block.
 * @param[in] p         pointer to the memory block to be freed
 * @api
void chHeapFree(void *p) {
  union heap_header *qp, *hp;
  MemoryHeap *heapp;

  chDbgCheck(p != NULL, "chHeapFree");

  hp = (union heap_header *)p - 1;
  heapp = hp->h.u.heap;
  qp = &heapp->h_free;

  while (TRUE) {
    chDbgAssert((hp < qp) || (hp >= LIMIT(qp)),
                "chHeapFree(), #1",
                "within free block");

    if (((qp == &heapp->h_free) || (hp > qp)) &&
        ((qp->h.u.next == NULL) || (hp < qp->h.u.next))) {
      /* Insertion after qp.*/
      hp->h.u.next = qp->h.u.next;
      qp->h.u.next = hp;
      /* Verifies if the newly inserted block should be merged.*/
      if (LIMIT(hp) == hp->h.u.next) {
        /* Merge with the next block.*/
        hp->h.size += hp->h.u.next->h.size + sizeof(union heap_header);
        hp->h.u.next = hp->h.u.next->h.u.next;
      if ((LIMIT(qp) == hp)) {
        /* Merge with the previous block.*/
        qp->h.size += hp->h.size + sizeof(union heap_header);
        qp->h.u.next = hp->h.u.next;
    qp = qp->h.u.next;

コード例 #27
ファイル: mmc_spi.c プロジェクト: Dionysios/STM_Library_2
 * @brief   Reads a block within a sequential read operation.
 * @param[in] mmcp      pointer to the @p MMCDriver object
 * @param[out] buffer   pointer to the read buffer
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval CH_SUCCESS   the operation succeeded.
 * @retval CH_FAILED    the operation failed.
 * @api
bool_t mmcSequentialRead(MMCDriver *mmcp, uint8_t *buffer) {
  int i;

  chDbgCheck((mmcp != NULL) && (buffer != NULL), "mmcSequentialRead");

  if (mmcp->state != BLK_READING)
    return CH_FAILED;

  for (i = 0; i < MMC_WAIT_DATA; i++) {
    spiReceive(mmcp->config->spip, 1, buffer);
    if (buffer[0] == 0xFE) {
      spiReceive(mmcp->config->spip, MMCSD_BLOCK_SIZE, buffer);
      /* CRC ignored. */
      spiIgnore(mmcp->config->spip, 2);
      return CH_SUCCESS;
  /* Timeout.*/
  return CH_FAILED;
コード例 #28
ファイル: chthreads.c プロジェクト: sdalu/ChibiOS
 * @brief   Creates a new thread into a static memory area.
 * @note    A thread can terminate by calling @p chThdExit() or by simply
 *          returning from its main function.
 * @param[out] wsp      pointer to a working area dedicated to the thread stack
 * @param[in] size      size of the working area
 * @param[in] prio      the priority level for the new thread
 * @param[in] pf        the thread function
 * @param[in] arg       an argument passed to the thread function. It can be
 *                      @p NULL.
 * @return              The pointer to the @p thread_t structure allocated for
 *                      the thread into the working space area.
 * @api
thread_t *chThdCreateStatic(void *wsp, size_t size,
                            tprio_t prio, tfunc_t pf, void *arg) {
  thread_t *tp;

  chDbgCheck((wsp != NULL) &&
             (size >= THD_WORKING_AREA_SIZE(0)) &&
             MEM_IS_ALIGNED(size, PORT_STACK_ALIGN) &&
             (prio <= HIGHPRIO) && (pf != NULL));

  _thread_memfill((uint8_t *)wsp,
                  (uint8_t *)wsp + size,


  /* The thread structure is laid out in the upper part of the thread
     workspace. The thread position structure is aligned to the required
     stack alignment because it represents the stack top.*/
  tp = (thread_t *)((uint8_t *)wsp + size -
                    MEM_ALIGN_NEXT(sizeof (thread_t), PORT_STACK_ALIGN));

  /* Stack boundary.*/
  tp->stklimit = (stkalign_t *)wsp;

  /* Setting up the port-dependent part of the working area.*/
  PORT_SETUP_CONTEXT(tp, wsp, tp, pf, arg);

  tp = _thread_init(tp, "noname", prio);

  /* Starting the thread immediately.*/
  chSchWakeupS(tp, MSG_OK);

  return tp;
コード例 #29
ファイル: mmc_spi.c プロジェクト: Dionysios/STM_Library_2
 * @brief   Starts a sequential write.
 * @param[in] mmcp      pointer to the @p MMCDriver object
 * @param[in] startblk  first block to write
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval CH_SUCCESS   the operation succeeded.
 * @retval CH_FAILED    the operation failed.
 * @api
bool_t mmcStartSequentialWrite(MMCDriver *mmcp, uint32_t startblk) {

  chDbgCheck(mmcp != NULL, "mmcStartSequentialWrite");
  chDbgAssert(mmcp->state == BLK_READY,
              "mmcStartSequentialWrite(), #1", "invalid state");

  /* Write operation in progress.*/
  mmcp->state = BLK_WRITING;

  spiStart(mmcp->config->spip, mmcp->config->hscfg);
  if (mmcp->block_addresses)
    send_hdr(mmcp, MMCSD_CMD_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK, startblk);
             startblk * MMCSD_BLOCK_SIZE);

  if (recvr1(mmcp) != 0x00) {
    return CH_FAILED;
  return CH_SUCCESS;
コード例 #30
ファイル: mmc_spi.c プロジェクト: Dionysios/STM_Library_2
 * @brief   Writes a block within a sequential write operation.
 * @param[in] mmcp      pointer to the @p MMCDriver object
 * @param[out] buffer   pointer to the write buffer
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval CH_SUCCESS   the operation succeeded.
 * @retval CH_FAILED    the operation failed.
 * @api
bool_t mmcSequentialWrite(MMCDriver *mmcp, const uint8_t *buffer) {
  static const uint8_t start[] = {0xFF, 0xFC};
  uint8_t b[1];

  chDbgCheck((mmcp != NULL) && (buffer != NULL), "mmcSequentialWrite");

  if (mmcp->state != BLK_WRITING)
    return CH_FAILED;

  spiSend(mmcp->config->spip, sizeof(start), start);    /* Data prologue.   */
  spiSend(mmcp->config->spip, MMCSD_BLOCK_SIZE, buffer);/* Data.            */
  spiIgnore(mmcp->config->spip, 2);                     /* CRC ignored.     */
  spiReceive(mmcp->config->spip, 1, b);
  if ((b[0] & 0x1F) == 0x05) {
    return CH_SUCCESS;

  /* Error.*/
  return CH_FAILED;