BasicArrayFS<T, ARRAY_TYPE>::BasicArrayFS(lowlevel::TyFS anFS, uima::CAS & rFSSystem, bool bDoChecks) : FeatureStructure(anFS, rFSSystem) { if (bDoChecks) { checkValidity(UIMA_MSG_ID_EXCON_CREATING_ARRAYFS); checkArray(ARRAY_TYPE, iv_tyFS, iv_cas->getHeap(), UIMA_MSG_ID_EXCON_CREATING_ARRAYFS); } }
static void checkAndAddBinding(sst::TypecheckState* fs, DecompMapping* bind, fir::Type* rhs, bool immut, bool allowref) { if(!bind->name.empty()) { if(bind->name != "_") { auto fake = util::pool<sst::VarDefn>(bind->loc); fake->id = Identifier(bind->name, IdKind::Name); fake->immutable = immut; if(bind->ref && !allowref) error(bind->loc, "cannot bind to value of type '%s' by reference", rhs); else if(bind->ref) fake->type = rhs->getPointerTo(); else fake->type = rhs; fs->stree->addDefinition(bind->name, fake); bind->createdDefn = fake; } } else if(bind->array) { checkArray(fs, bind, rhs, immut); } else { checkTuple(fs, bind, rhs, immut); } }
void cgn::CodegenState::generateDecompositionBindings(const DecompMapping& bind, CGResult rhs, bool allowref) { auto rt = rhs.value->getType(); if(! { if(bind.ref && !allowref) error(bind.loc, "Cannot bind to value of type '%s' by reference", rt); if(bind.ref) { rhs.value = this->irb.AddressOf(rhs.value, false); } else { // rhs.value = this->irb.Dereference(rhs.value); } handleDefn(this, bind.createdDefn, rhs); } else if(bind.array) { checkArray(this, bind, rhs); } else { checkTuple(this, bind, rhs); } }
static IM * init3( const np::ndarray & d ) { checkArray( d, value_type, 2, 3, true ); IM* r = new IM(d.shape(1),d.shape(0),d.get_nd()>2?d.shape(2):1); memcpy( r->data(), d.get_data(), r->W()*r->H()*r->C()*sizeof(value_type) ); return r; }
int main(){ int n = 0, //size of arrays i = 0, dif = INT_MAX; //for searching smalles difference printf("Size of array(number between %d-%d):",MIN,MAX); n=checkInput(MIN,MAX); int *data = calloc(n,sizeof(int)), //array for input data *oneZero = calloc(n,sizeof(int)), //holds binary numbers for comparing arrays *resultArray1 = calloc(n,sizeof(int)), //holds first result array *resultArray2 = calloc(n,sizeof(int)); //holds first result array printf("Input numbers\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++){ //input for data array data[i] = checkInput(INT_MIN,INT_MAX); }; while (oneZero[n-1]==0){ //creates binary number represented as array i = 0; while(1){ if (oneZero[i] == 0){ oneZero[i] = 1; break; } else if (oneZero[i] == 1){ oneZero[i] = 0; i += 1; } }; checkArray(n,oneZero,data,&dif,resultArray1,resultArray2); }; printf("The smallest difference was %d and arrays are\n",dif); printArray(n,resultArray1); printArray(n,resultArray2); free(data); free(oneZero); return 0; }
int main () { int array [50]; int num = 0; int result1 = 0; int result2 = 0; bool isInRange = false; printf ("Enter a number for last array location\n"); scanf ("%i", &num); initializeArray (array, num); shuffleArray (array); checkArray (array, num, &result1, &result2, &isInRange); if (isInRange) { printf ("data[%i] = %i\ndata[%i] = %i\n", result1, num, result2, num); } else { printf ("There are no duplicates\n"); } return 0; }
void RecentFilesManager::addRecentFile(const MyGUI::UString& _fileName) { mRecentFiles.insert(mRecentFiles.begin(), _fileName); checkArray(mRecentFiles, mMaxRecentFiles); SettingsManager::getInstance().setValueList<MyGUI::UString>("Files/RecentFile.List", mRecentFiles); }
void RecentFilesManager::initialise() { if (!SettingsManager::getInstance().tryGetValue<size_t>("Files/MaxRecentFolders", mMaxRecentFolders)) mMaxRecentFolders = 8; if (!SettingsManager::getInstance().tryGetValue<size_t>("Files/MaxRecentFiles", mMaxRecentFiles)) mMaxRecentFiles = 8; mRecentFolder = SettingsManager::getInstance().getValue("Files/RecentFolder"); mRecentFolders = SettingsManager::getInstance().getValueList<MyGUI::UString>("Files/RecentFolder.List"); mRecentFiles = SettingsManager::getInstance().getValueList<MyGUI::UString>("Files/RecentFile.List"); checkArray(mRecentFolders, mMaxRecentFolders); checkArray(mRecentFiles, mMaxRecentFiles); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Testing memcpy/memmove with function pointers for array size "); printf("%d", ARRAY_SIZE); #ifdef NO_TAGS printf(" (no tags)"); #endif #ifdef FAKE_TAGS printf(" (fake tags)"); #endif printf("...\n"); Object *p = createEvilObject(); fillArray(p); printf("Calling function on original object...\n"); #ifndef NO_TAGS printf("Tag on p function pointer is %d\n", (int)load_tag(&(p->fn))); assert(load_tag(&(p->fn)) == __RISCV_TAG_CLEAN_FPTR); #endif p->fn(); Object *q = copyObject(p); checkArray(q); printf("Calling function on memcpy'ed copy of object...\n"); #ifndef NO_TAGS printf("Tag on p function pointer is %d\n", (int)load_tag(&(p->fn))); assert(load_tag(&(p->fn)) == __RISCV_TAG_CLEAN_FPTR); printf("Tag on q function pointer is %d\n", (int)load_tag(&(q->fn))); assert(load_tag(&(q->fn)) == __RISCV_TAG_CLEAN_FPTR); #endif q->fn(); Object *r = moveObject(p); checkArray(r); printf("Calling function on memmove'ed copy of object...\n"); #ifndef NO_TAGS printf("Tag on p function pointer is %d\n", (int)load_tag(&(p->fn))); assert(load_tag(&(p->fn)) == __RISCV_TAG_CLEAN_FPTR); printf("Tag on q function pointer is %d\n", (int)load_tag(&(q->fn))); assert(load_tag(&(q->fn)) == __RISCV_TAG_CLEAN_FPTR); printf("Tag on r function pointer is %d\n", (int)load_tag(&(r->fn))); assert(load_tag(&(r->fn)) == __RISCV_TAG_CLEAN_FPTR); #endif r->fn(); printf("Success!\n"); deleteObject(p); deleteObject(q); deleteObject(r); return 0; }
void RecentFilesManager::addRecentFolder(const MyGUI::UString& _folder) { MyGUI::UString folder(_folder); if (_folder.empty()) folder = MyGUI::UString(common::getSystemCurrentFolder()); mRecentFolders.insert(mRecentFolders.begin(), folder); checkArray(mRecentFolders, mMaxRecentFolders); }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int a[20]; initArray(a, 20); printArray(a, 20); checkArray(a, 20); printArray(a, 20); return 0; }
BasicArrayFS<T, ARRAY_TYPE>::BasicArrayFS( FeatureStructure const & fs) : FeatureStructure(fs) { // don't do checks here, exceptions should only be thrown // when accessing an invalid object if (isValid()) { checkArray(ARRAY_TYPE, iv_tyFS, iv_cas->getHeap(), UIMA_MSG_ID_EXCON_CREATING_ARRAYFS); } // we should not have any additional members assert(sizeof(BasicArrayFS) == sizeof(FeatureStructure)); }
int main(int argc, char** args) { printArray(array, length); heapSort(array, length); printArray(array, length); if (!checkArray(array, length)) { printf("Error occured!\n"); } return 0; }
void VarParser::searchVars() { QString allData; foreach (QString str, dataBlock) { allData+=str; } // удаление переходов между строками allData.remove(QRegExp("[\\r\\n]+")); // замена промежутков пробелом allData.replace(QRegExp("[\\s\\t]+")," "); // удаление инициализации переменных allData.remove(QRegExp("=[\\s\\t]*-*[\\d\\.]+")); // удаление фигурных скобок и их содержимого allData.remove(QRegExp("\\{[^\\}]*\\}")); // удаление фигурных скобок (для влож. массивов) и символа равно allData.remove(QRegExp("[\\{\\}=]")); // удаление двойных кавычек и их содержимого allData.remove(QRegExp("\"[^\"]*\"")); // сканирование всех фундаментальных типов for(int i=0;i<fundTypes.count();i++) { QRegExp varsExp(>getName()+"[\\s\\t]+([^;]+);"); int pos = 0; while(pos>=0) { pos = varsExp.indexIn(allData,pos); if(pos!=-1) { QString body = varsExp.cap(1); body.remove(QRegExp("[\\s\\t]+")); if(!body.isEmpty()) { QStringList varNames = body.split(','); for(int j=0;j<varNames.count();j++) { // ******************************************* QString curVarName =; if(curVarName.isEmpty()) continue; Variable* var = new Variable(); // проверка на массив Array* ptr = checkArray(curVarName,>getId()); if(ptr!=nullptr) {var->setType(ptr->getId());} else{var->setType(>getId());} var->setName(curVarName); var->setId(idNum++); variables += var; // ******************************************* } } allData.remove(pos,varsExp.matchedLength()); } } } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int HHMakeHandle(void *pData) { int i; checkArray(); /* find first free slot in the pointerArray, store the pointer and return the index. */ for(i = 0; i < MAXHANDLE; i++) { if(pointerArray[i] == NULL) { pointerArray[i] = pData; return i; } } return -1; }
bool Patch::readColumns(json_t *jContainer) { json_t *jColumns = json_object_get(jContainer, PATCH_KEY_COLUMNS); if (!checkArray(jColumns, PATCH_KEY_COLUMNS)) return 0; size_t columnIndex; json_t *jColumn; json_array_foreach(jColumns, columnIndex, jColumn) { string columnIndexStr = "column " + gu_itoa(columnIndex); if (!checkObject(jColumn, columnIndexStr.c_str())) return 0; column_t column; if (!setInt(jColumn, PATCH_KEY_COLUMN_INDEX, column.index)) return 0; if (!setInt(jColumn, PATCH_KEY_COLUMN_WIDTH, column.width)) return 0; columns.push_back(column); }
bool Ball::CollideWithPlayer(glm::vec2 startPos, glm::vec2 endPos) { endPos.x += TILE_WIDTH; glm::vec2 centerBallPos = glm::vec2(m_position + BALL_RADIUS); float length = endPos.x - startPos.x; //length of platform (in px) float partOfPlatform; // <0; 1> //<0; 0.5) - colision left x-- //<0.5> - colision center //(0.5; 1> - colision right x++ if (centerBallPos.y + BALL_RADIUS >= startPos.y) { if (centerBallPos.x >= startPos.x && centerBallPos.x <= endPos.x) { partOfPlatform = (centerBallPos.x - startPos.x) / (length - startPos.x); m_direction.x += ((partOfPlatform - 0.5) * 0.4); //check array //x <-0.9 ; -(pow(0.19, 1/2))> & <(pow(0.19, 1/2)); 0.9> std::cout << m_direction.x << "\t"; checkArray(); std::cout << m_direction.x << "\t"; normalize(); std::cout << m_direction.y << std::endl; return true; } else if (Distance(startPos, centerBallPos) <= BALL_RADIUS*BALL_RADIUS || Distance(endPos, centerBallPos) <= BALL_RADIUS*BALL_RADIUS)//colision with corners { m_direction.y = -m_direction.y; m_direction.x = -m_direction.x; return true; } } return false; }
result_t HeapSnapshot::load(const char* fname) { Isolate* isolate = holder(); result_t hr; v8::Local<v8::Value> v; v8::Local<v8::Object> o; QuickArray<int32_t> nodes; QuickArray<int32_t> edges; QuickArray<qstring> names; QuickArray<qstring> node_fields; QuickArray<qstring> node_types; QuickArray<qstring> edge_fields; QuickArray<qstring> edge_types; int32_t node_count, edge_count; static const char* node_fields_chk[] = {"type", "name", "id", "self_size", "edge_count"}; static const char* node_types_chk[] = {"hidden", "array", "string", "object", "code", "closure", "regexp", "number", "native", "synthetic", "concatenated string", "sliced string" }; static const char* edge_fields_chk[] = {"type", "name_or_index", "to_node"}; static const char* edge_types_chk[] = {"context", "element", "property", "internal", "hidden", "shortcut", "weak" }; qstring data; hr = fs_base::ac_readFile(fname, data); if (hr < 0) return hr; hr = json_base::decode(data.c_str(), v); if (hr < 0) return hr; data.resize(0); if (!v->IsObject()) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); o = v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(v); hr = GetArray(o->Get(isolate->NewFromUtf8("nodes")), nodes); if (hr < 0) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); hr = GetArray(o->Get(isolate->NewFromUtf8("edges")), edges); if (hr < 0) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); hr = GetArray(o->Get(isolate->NewFromUtf8("strings")), names); if (hr < 0) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); v = o->Get(isolate->NewFromUtf8("snapshot")); if (v.IsEmpty() || !v->IsObject()) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); o = v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(v); hr = GetConfigValue(isolate->m_isolate, o, "node_count", node_count); if (hr < 0) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); hr = GetConfigValue(isolate->m_isolate, o, "edge_count", edge_count); if (hr < 0) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); v = o->Get(isolate->NewFromUtf8("meta")); if (v.IsEmpty() || !v->IsObject()) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); o = v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(v); hr = GetArray(o->Get(isolate->NewFromUtf8("node_fields")), node_fields); if (hr < 0 || checkArray(node_fields, node_fields_chk, ARRAYSIZE(node_fields_chk))) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); hr = GetArray(o->Get(isolate->NewFromUtf8("edge_fields")), edge_fields); if (hr < 0 || checkArray(edge_fields, edge_fields_chk, ARRAYSIZE(edge_fields_chk))) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); if (node_fields.size() * node_count != nodes.size()) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); if (edge_fields.size() * edge_count != edges.size()) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); v = o->Get(isolate->NewFromUtf8("node_types")); if (v.IsEmpty() || !v->IsArray()) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); hr = GetArray(v8::Local<v8::Array>::Cast(v)->Get(0), node_types); if (hr < 0 || checkArray(node_types, node_types_chk, ARRAYSIZE(node_types_chk))) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); v = o->Get(isolate->NewFromUtf8("edge_types")); if (v.IsEmpty() || !v->IsArray()) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); hr = GetArray(v8::Local<v8::Array>::Cast(v)->Get(0), edge_types); if (hr < 0 || checkArray(edge_types, edge_types_chk, ARRAYSIZE(edge_types_chk))) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); int32_t node_pos = 0, edge_pos = 0; m_nodes = new List(); while (node_pos < node_count) { int32_t _base = node_pos * (int32_t)node_fields.size(); int32_t _node_type = nodes[_base]; int32_t _node_name_id = nodes[_base + 1]; if (_node_name_id < 0 || _node_name_id >= (int32_t)names.size()) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); qstring _node_name = names[_node_name_id]; int32_t _node_id = nodes[_base + 2]; int32_t _node_size = nodes[_base + 3]; int32_t _node_edge = nodes[_base + 4]; obj_ptr<List> _edges = new List(); if (edge_pos + _node_edge > edge_count) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); while (_node_edge --) { int32_t _base = edge_pos * (int32_t)edge_fields.size(); int32_t _edge_type = edges[_base]; int32_t _edge_name_id = edges[_base + 1]; int32_t _edge_toid = edges[_base + 2]; qstring _edge_name; if (is_num_type(_edge_type)) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%d", _edge_name_id); _edge_name = buf; } else _edge_name = names[_edge_name_id]; if (_edge_toid % node_fields.size() != 0 || _edge_toid >= (int32_t)edges.size()) return CHECK_ERROR(CALL_E_INVALID_DATA); _edge_toid = nodes[_edge_toid + 2]; obj_ptr<HeapGraphEdge> _edge = new HeapGraphEdge(this, _edge_type, _edge_name, _node_id, _edge_toid); _edges->append(_edge); edge_pos ++; } _edges->freeze(); obj_ptr<HeapGraphNode> _node = new HeapGraphNode(_node_type, _node_name, _node_id, _node_size, _edges); _nodes.insert(std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>(_node_id, node_pos)); m_nodes->append(_node); node_pos ++; } m_nodes->freeze(); return 0; }
int FileListModel::importFromCsv(QWidget *parent, const QString &inFile) { QFile file(inFile); if(! { return CsvError_FileOpen; } QTextCodec *codec = NULL; QByteArray bomCheck = file.peek(16); if((!bomCheck.isEmpty()) && bomCheck.startsWith("\xef\xbb\xbf")) { codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"); } else if((!bomCheck.isEmpty()) && bomCheck.startsWith("\xff\xfe")) { codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16LE"); } else if((!bomCheck.isEmpty()) && bomCheck.startsWith("\xfe\xff")) { codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16BE"); } else { const QString systemDefault = tr("(System Default)"); QStringList codecList; codecList.append(systemDefault); codecList.append(lamexp_available_codepages()); QInputDialog *input = new QInputDialog(parent); input->setLabelText(EXPAND(tr("Select ANSI Codepage for CSV file:"))); input->setOkButtonText(tr("OK")); input->setCancelButtonText(tr("Cancel")); input->setTextEchoMode(QLineEdit::Normal); input->setComboBoxItems(codecList); if(input->exec() < 1) { LAMEXP_DELETE(input); return CsvError_Aborted; } if(input->textValue().compare(systemDefault, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { qDebug("User-selected codec is: %s", input->textValue().toLatin1().constData()); codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(input->textValue().toLatin1().constData()); } else { qDebug("Going to use the system's default codec!"); codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("System"); } LAMEXP_DELETE(input); } bomCheck.clear(); //----------------------// QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setAutoDetectUnicode(false); stream.setCodec(codec); QString headerLine = stream.readLine().simplified(); while(headerLine.isEmpty()) { if(stream.atEnd()) { qWarning("The file appears to be empty!"); return CsvError_FileRead; } qWarning("Skipping a blank line at beginning of CSV file!"); headerLine = stream.readLine().simplified(); } QStringList header = headerLine.split(";", QString::KeepEmptyParts); const int nCols = header.count(); const int nFiles = m_fileList.count(); if(nCols < 1) { qWarning("Header appears to be empty!"); return CsvError_FileRead; } bool *ignore = new bool[nCols]; memset(ignore, 0, sizeof(bool) * nCols); for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) { if((header[i] = header[i].trimmed()).isEmpty()) { ignore[i] = true; } } //----------------------// for(int i = 0; i < nFiles; i++) { if(stream.atEnd()) { LAMEXP_DELETE_ARRAY(ignore); return CsvError_Incomplete; } QString line = stream.readLine().simplified(); if(line.isEmpty()) { qWarning("Skipping a blank line in CSV file!"); continue; } QStringList data = line.split(";", QString::KeepEmptyParts); if(data.count() < header.count()) { qWarning("Skipping an incomplete line in CSV file!"); continue; } const QString key = m_fileList[i]; for(int j = 0; j < nCols; j++) { if(ignore[j]) { continue; } else if(CHECK_HDR(, "POSITION")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int temp =; if(ok) m_fileStore[key].metaInfo().setPosition(temp); } else if(CHECK_HDR(, "TITLE")) { QString temp =; if(!temp.isEmpty()) m_fileStore[key].metaInfo().setTitle(temp); } else if(CHECK_HDR(, "ARTIST")) { QString temp =; if(!temp.isEmpty()) m_fileStore[key].metaInfo().setArtist(temp); } else if(CHECK_HDR(, "ALBUM")) { QString temp =; if(!temp.isEmpty()) m_fileStore[key].metaInfo().setAlbum(temp); } else if(CHECK_HDR(, "GENRE")) { QString temp =; if(!temp.isEmpty()) m_fileStore[key].metaInfo().setGenre(temp); } else if(CHECK_HDR(, "YEAR")) { bool ok = false; unsigned int temp =; if(ok) m_fileStore[key].metaInfo().setYear(temp); } else if(CHECK_HDR(, "COMMENT")) { QString temp =; if(!temp.isEmpty()) m_fileStore[key].metaInfo().setComment(temp); } else { qWarning("Unkonw field '%s' will be ignored!", QUTF8(; ignore[j] = true; if(!checkArray(ignore, false, nCols)) { qWarning("No known fields left, aborting!"); return CsvError_NoTags; } } } } //----------------------// LAMEXP_DELETE_ARRAY(ignore); return CsvError_OK; }
void RecentFilesManager::addRecentFile(const MyGUI::UString& _fileName) { mRecentFiles.insert(mRecentFiles.begin(), _fileName); checkArray(mRecentFiles, mMaxRecentFiles); }
static void abv_getdata(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { int result; /* return values for called function */ mxArray *pArray; /* generic pointer to a matlab array */ int lastBlock; /* the last block which we have seen */ int nChannels; /* number of channels */ int blocksize; /* the size of blocks */ int ElementSize; /* size of one data point. 2 if int16, 4 if int32, etc */ int reconnect; /* if we reconnect on connection loss */ char *bv_hostname = 0; /* if we reconnect wi need the hostname */ struct RDA_MessageData *pMsgData; struct RDA_MessageStart *pMsgStart; /* init the input and output values */ const mxArray* IN_STATE = prhs[0]; mxArray* OUT_DATA = NULL; mxArray* OUT_MRK_TIME = NULL; mxArray* OUT_MRK_DESCR = NULL; mxArray* OUT_STATE = NULL; /* get the information from the state and obtain the data */ lastBlock = (int)getScalar(IN_STATE, FIELD_BLOCK_NO); nChannels = getArrayN(IN_STATE, FIELD_CLAB); result = getData(&pMsgData, &blocksize, lastBlock, nChannels, &ElementSize); /* If everything is okay, construct the appropriate output. Else * return empty arrays. */ if (result != -1) { int n; int nChans_orig, lag, nPoints, nChans_sel, nMarkers, pDstPosition; double *chan_sel, *scale, *pDst0, *pMrkPos, *pSrcDouble; struct RDA_Marker *pMarker; char *pszType, *pszDesc; char* outputTypeDef; int outputType; double *pMrkToe; /* get necessary information from the current state */ nChans_orig = getArrayN(IN_STATE, FIELD_CLAB); lag = (int) getScalar(IN_STATE,FIELD_LAG); nPoints = (getFIRPos() + pMsgData->nPoints)/lag; chan_sel = getArray(IN_STATE, FIELD_CHAN_SEL); nChans_sel = getArrayN(IN_STATE, FIELD_CHAN_SEL); /* check for the new resample filter */ abv_assert(checkArray(IN_STATE, FIELD_FILT_SUBSAMPLE, 1, lag), "bbci_acquire_bv: Resample filter has to be a vector. Resample filter has to correspondent with the sampling rate."); filterFIRSet(getArray(IN_STATE, FIELD_FILT_SUBSAMPLE)); /* construct the data output matrix. */ OUT_DATA = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nPoints, nChans_sel, mxREAL); pArray = mxGetField(IN_STATE, 0, "scale"); scale = mxGetPr(pArray); pDst0= mxGetPr(OUT_DATA); pDstPosition = 0; /* convert the source data to double format */ pSrcDouble = (double*)malloc(pMsgData->nPoints * nChans_orig * sizeof(double)); if (ElementSize==2) { int16_t *pSrc = pMsgData->nData; for(n = 0; n != pMsgData->nPoints * nChans_orig; ++n) { pSrcDouble[n] = (double)pSrc[n]; } } else if (ElementSize==4) { int32_t *pSrc = (int32_t*) pMsgData->nData; for(n = 0; n != pMsgData->nPoints * nChans_orig; ++n) { pSrcDouble[n] = (double)pSrc[n]; } } else { mexErrMsgTxt("bbci_acquire_bv: Unknown element size"); } /* filter the data with the filters */ filterData(pSrcDouble,pMsgData->nPoints ,pDst0,nPoints, chan_sel, nChans_sel, scale); free(pSrcDouble); /* if markers are also requested, construct the appropriate output matrices */ if (nlhs >= 2) { nMarkers = pMsgData->nMarkers; if (nMarkers > 0) { /* if markers existed, collect them */ OUT_MRK_TIME = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, nMarkers, mxREAL); pMrkPos = mxGetPr(OUT_MRK_TIME); outputTypeDef = getString(IN_STATE, FIELD_MARKER_FORMAT); if(0 == strcmp ("numeric", outputTypeDef)) { outputType = 1; } else if(0 == strcmp ("string", outputTypeDef)) { outputType = 2; } else { mexErrMsgTxt("bbci_acquire_bv: Unknown ouput type."); } free(outputTypeDef); if (nlhs >= 3) { if(1 == outputType) { /* numeric */ OUT_MRK_DESCR = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, nMarkers, mxREAL); pMrkToe = mxGetPr(OUT_MRK_DESCR); } else if(2 == outputType) {/* string */ OUT_MRK_DESCR = mxCreateCellMatrix(1,nMarkers); } else { mexErrMsgTxt("bbci_acquire_bv: Unknown ouput type for output."); } } pMarker = (struct RDA_Marker*)((char*)pMsgData->nData + pMsgData->nPoints * nChans_orig * ElementSize); double origFs = getScalar(IN_STATE, FIELD_ORIG_FS); for (n = 0; n < nMarkers; n++) { pMrkPos[n]= ((double)pMarker->nPosition+1.0) * 1000.0 /origFs; pszType = pMarker->sTypeDesc; pszDesc = pszType + strlen(pszType) + 1; if (nlhs >= 3) { if(1 == outputType) { /* numeric */ pMrkToe[n]= ((*pszDesc =='R') ? -1 : 1) * atoi(pszDesc+1); } else if(2 == outputType) {/* string */ mxSetCell(OUT_MRK_DESCR, n, mxCreateString(pszDesc)); } else { mexErrMsgTxt("bbci_acquire_bv: Unknown ouput type for output."); } } pMarker = (struct RDA_Marker*)((char*)pMarker + pMarker->nSize); } } else { /* no markers -> return empty matrix */ OUT_MRK_TIME = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0, 0, mxREAL); if (nlhs >= 3) { OUT_MRK_DESCR = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0, 0, mxREAL); } } } /* end constructing marker outputs */ } else { int nChans_sel; reconnect = (int) getScalar(IN_STATE, FIELD_RECONNECT); if(1 == reconnect) { printf("bbci_acquire_bv: getData didn't work, reconnecting "); /* only close the connection */ closeConnection(); connected = 0; bv_hostname = (char *) malloc(MAX_CHARS); /* getting the hostname for the new connection */ pArray = mxGetField(IN_STATE, 0, "hostname"); mxGetString(pArray, bv_hostname, MAX_CHARS); free(pMsgData); /* try reconnecting till we get a new connection */ while(IC_OKAY != (result = initConnection(bv_hostname, &pMsgStart))){ printf("bbci_acquire_bv: connecting failed, trying again\n"); free(pMsgData); } /* cleaning things up */ free(bv_hostname); free(pMsgStart); connected = 1; } else { printf("bbci_acquire_bv: getData didn't work, closing connection, returning -2\n "); /* close the connection and clean everything up */ abv_close(); } /* We have an error in the data transmition return an empty datablock. */ pArray = mxGetField(IN_STATE, 0, "chan_sel"); nChans_sel = mxGetN(pArray); OUT_DATA = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0, nChans_sel, mxREAL); if (nlhs >= 2){OUT_MRK_TIME = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0, mxREAL);}; if (nlhs >= 3){OUT_MRK_DESCR = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0, mxREAL);}; } /* clone the state */ if(nlhs >= 4) {OUT_STATE = mxDuplicateArray(IN_STATE);}; plhs[0] = OUT_DATA; if(nlhs >=2) { plhs[1] = OUT_MRK_TIME; } if(nlhs >=3) { plhs[2] = OUT_MRK_DESCR; } if(nlhs >=4) { plhs[3] = OUT_STATE; } free(pMsgData); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void *HHGetPointer(int handle) { assert(handle < MAXHANDLE && handle >= 0); checkArray(); return pointerArray[handle]; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void HHRemoveHandle(int handle) { assert(handle < MAXHANDLE && handle >= 0); checkArray(); pointerArray[handle] = NULL; }
bool checkArrays(af_backend activeBackend, T a, Args... arg) { return checkArray(activeBackend, a) && checkArrays(activeBackend, arg...); }
animation filler::fill( PNG & img, int x, int y, colorPicker & fillColor, int tolerance, int frameFreq ) { /** * @todo You need to implement this function! * * This is the basic description of a flood-fill algorithm: Every fill * algorithm requires an ordering structure, which is passed to this * function via its template parameter. For a breadth-first-search * fill, that structure is a Queue, for a depth-first-search, that * structure is a Stack. To begin the algorithm, you simply place the * given point in the ordering structure. Then, until the structure is * empty, you do the following: * * 1. Remove a point from the ordering structure. * * If it has not been processed before and if its color is * within the tolerance distance (up to and **including** * tolerance away in square-RGB-space-distance) to the original * point's pixel color [that is, \f$(currentRed - OriginalRed)^2 + (currentGreen - OriginalGreen)^2 + (currentBlue - OriginalBlue)^2 \leq tolerance\f$], then: * 1. indicate somehow that it has been processed (do not mark it * "processed" anywhere else in your code) * 2. change its color in the image using the appropriate * colorPicker * 3. add all of its neighbors to the ordering structure, and * 4. if it is the appropriate frame, send the current PNG to the * animation (as described below). * 2. When implementing your breadth-first-search and * depth-first-search fills, you will need to explore neighboring * pixels in some order. * * While the order in which you examine neighbors does not matter * for a proper fill, you must use the same order as we do for * your animations to come out like ours! The order you should put * neighboring pixels **ONTO** the queue or stack is as follows: * **RIGHT(+x), DOWN(+y), LEFT(-x), UP(-y). IMPORTANT NOTE: *UP* * here means towards the top of the image, so since an image has * smaller y coordinates at the top, this is in the *negative y* * direction. Similarly, *DOWN* means in the *positive y* * direction.** To reiterate, when you are exploring (filling out) * from a given pixel, you must first try to fill the pixel to * it's RIGHT, then the one DOWN from it, then to the LEFT and * finally UP. If you do them in a different order, your fill may * still work correctly, but your animations will be different * from the grading scripts! * 3. For every k pixels filled, **starting at the kth pixel**, you * must add a frame to the animation, where k = frameFreq. * * For example, if frameFreq is 4, then after the 4th pixel has * been filled you should add a frame to the animation, then again * after the 8th pixel, etc. You must only add frames for the * number of pixels that have been filled, not the number that * have been checked. So if frameFreq is set to 1, a pixel should * be filled every frame. */ OrderingStructure <int> xCoordinates; OrderingStructure <int> yCoordinates; animation myAnimation; int frameCount = 0; std::vector <bool> checkArray(img.height()*img.width()); for (size_t i = 0; i < img.height(); i++) { for(size_t j = 0; j < img.width(); j++) { checkArray[i*img.width()+j] = false; } } xCoordinates.add(x); yCoordinates.add(y); int origin_r = img(x,y)->red; int origin_g = img(x,y)->green; int origin_b = img(x,y)->blue; while(!xCoordinates.isEmpty()) { int currX = xCoordinates.remove(); int currY = yCoordinates.remove(); RGBAPixel currPixel = *img(currX,currY); int colorDistance = pow(,2) + pow(,2) + pow( -origin_b,2); if((!checkArray[currY*img.width()+currX])&& colorDistance <= tolerance) { checkArray[currY*img.width()+currX] = true; RGBAPixel tempPixel = fillColor(currX,currY); img(currX,currY)->red =; img(currX,currY)->green =; img(currX,currY)->blue =; //right if(currX + 1 < int(img.height())) { xCoordinates.add(currX+1); yCoordinates.add(currY); } //down if(currY + 1 < int(img.height())) { xCoordinates.add(currX); yCoordinates.add(currY+1); } //left if(currX - 1 >= 0) { xCoordinates.add(currX-1); yCoordinates.add(currY); } //up if(currY - 1 >= 0) { xCoordinates.add(currX); yCoordinates.add(currY-1); } if((++frameCount) % frameFreq == 0) myAnimation.addFrame(img); } } return myAnimation; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[] ){ int n = 0, //size of arrays i = 0, maxArraySize = checkMainArg(argc, argv[2]), //changes array size depending on arguments given to program dif = INT_MAX, //for searching smalles difference step = 0, exit = 1, navigMenu = 0, *data = malloc(1 * sizeof (*data)), //array for input data *oneZero = malloc(1 * sizeof (*oneZero)), //holds binary numbers for comparing arrays *resultArray1 = malloc(1 * sizeof (*resultArray1)), //holds first result array *resultArray2 = malloc(1 * sizeof (*resultArray2)); while (exit){ drawMenu(); switch (navigMenu = checkInput(1, 5)){ case 1://Enter size of array printf("Size of array(number between %d-%d):", MIN, maxArraySize); n=checkInput(MIN, maxArraySize); data = realloc(data, n*sizeof(int)), //array for input data oneZero = realloc(oneZero, n*sizeof(int)), //holds binary numbers for comparing arrays resultArray1 = realloc(resultArray1, n * sizeof(int)), //holds first result array resultArray2 = realloc(resultArray2, n * sizeof(int)); //holds second result array step = 1; break; case 2://Enter integers fot array if ((nextStep(navigMenu,step)) == 0){break;}; printf("Input %d numbers\n",n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++){ //input for data array data[i] = checkInput(INT_MIN, INT_MAX); }; step = 2; break; case 3://Split array if ((nextStep(navigMenu,step)) == 0){break;}; while (oneZero[n-1] == 0){ //creates binary number represented as array iterateBinArr(oneZero); checkArray(n, oneZero, data, &dif, resultArray1, resultArray2); printf("Sucsses! array was split\n"); }; step = 3; break; case 4://Print results if ((nextStep(navigMenu,step)) == 0){break;}; printResults(n, dif, resultArray1, resultArray2); break; case 5://Exit program printf("Good Bye\n"); exit = 0; break; default: printf("error %d %d", navigMenu, exit); break; } } free(data); free(oneZero); free(resultArray1); free(resultArray2); return 0; }
int MarketDefaultTest::Tester::verifyValues(MarketDefaults* dflts, const KeyDesc* key) { bool exists = dflts->KeyExists(key->mpName); if (exists == key->mMissing) { mStatus.message(kErrorMessage, exists ? _T("Key [%s]%s exists but should be missing\r\n") : _T("Key [%s]%s is missing but should exist\r\n"), dflts->GetSectionName(), key->mpName); return 1; } if (key->mMissing) return 0; int errors = 0; switch (key->mType) { case kInt: { int val; if (!dflts->GetInt(key->mpName, val)) { mStatus.message(kErrorMessage, _T("Key [%s]%s didn't return an integer value\r\n"), dflts->GetSectionName(), key->mpName); ++errors; } else if (val != static_cast<int*>(key->mpValue)[0]) { mStatus.message(kErrorMessage, _T("Key [%s]%s didn't compare\r\n") _T(" \"%d\" was expected\r\n") _T(" \"%d\" was found\r\n"), dflts->GetSectionName(), key->mpName, key->mpValue, val); ++errors; } } break; case kIntArray: { int* val = new int[key->mValueCount + 10]; errors += checkArray(dflts, key, val, 0, &MarketDefaults::GetIntArray, _T("an integer"), _T("%d")); errors += checkArray(dflts, key, val, -5, &MarketDefaults::GetIntArray, _T("an integer"), _T("%d")); errors += checkArray(dflts, key, val, +3, &MarketDefaults::GetIntArray, _T("an integer"), _T("%d")); delete[] val; } break; case kFloat: { float val; if (!dflts->GetFloat(key->mpName, val)) { mStatus.message(kErrorMessage, _T("Key [%s]%s didn't return a float value\r\n"), dflts->GetSectionName(), key->mpName); ++errors; } else if (val != static_cast<float*>(key->mpValue)[0]) { mStatus.message(kErrorMessage, _T("Key [%s]%s didn't compare\r\n") _T(" \"%.10g\" was expected\r\n") _T(" \"%.10g\" was found\r\n"), dflts->GetSectionName(), key->mpName, key->mpValue, val); ++errors; } } break; case kFloatArray: { float* val = new float[key->mValueCount + 10]; errors += checkArray(dflts, key, val, 0, &MarketDefaults::GetFloatArray, _T("a float"), _T("%.10g")); errors += checkArray(dflts, key, val, -5, &MarketDefaults::GetFloatArray, _T("a float"), _T("%.10g")); errors += checkArray(dflts, key, val, +3, &MarketDefaults::GetFloatArray, _T("a float"), _T("%.10g")); delete[] val; } break; case kString: { TCHAR val[1024]; if (!dflts->GetString(key->mpName, val, _countof(val))) { mStatus.message(kErrorMessage, _T("Key [%s]%s didn't return a string value\r\n"), key->mpName); ++errors; } else if (_tcscmp(val, static_cast<TCHAR*>(key->mpValue)) != 0) { mStatus.message(kErrorMessage, _T("Key [%s]%s didn't compare\r\n") _T(" \"%s\" was expected\r\n") _T(" \"%s\" was found\r\n"), dflts->GetSectionName(), key->mpName, key->mpValue, val); ++errors; } } break; } return errors; }
int main() { int loop = 0, loopMax = 5; double values[5][loopMax], increment[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}, averages[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}, spreads[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; do{ long startTime, endTime; unsigned int x = arrayLength; int arrayA[x], arrayB[x], arrayC[x], arrayD[x], arrayE[x]; fillArray(arrayA, x, 1); fillArray(arrayB, x, 2); fillArray(arrayC, x, 3); fillArray(arrayD, x, 4); fillArray(arrayE, x, 5); /* printArray(arrayA, x); printf("\n\n"); printArray(arrayB, x); printf("\n\n"); printArray(arrayC, x); printf("\n\n"); printArray(arrayD, x); printf("\n\n"); printArray(arrayE, x); printf("\n\n"); system("pause"); */ printf("Starting QuickSort: Random\n"); startTime = GetTickCount(); quickSort(arrayA, 0, x); endTime = GetTickCount(); increment[0] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; values[0][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000); printf("Starting QuickSort: In order\n"); startTime = GetTickCount(); quickSort(arrayB, 0, x); endTime = GetTickCount(); increment[1] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; values[1][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000); printf("Starting QuickSort: Reversed\n"); startTime = GetTickCount(); quickSort(arrayC, 0, x); endTime = GetTickCount(); increment[2] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; values[2][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000); printf("Starting QuickSort: 1,100,2,99...\n"); startTime = GetTickCount(); quickSort(arrayD, 0, x); endTime = GetTickCount(); increment[3] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; values[3][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000); printf("Starting QuickSort: 100,1,99,2\n"); startTime = GetTickCount(); quickSort(arrayE, 0, x); endTime = GetTickCount(); increment[4] += (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; values[4][loop] = (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000; printf("Done! Took %.2f s\n\n", (double)(endTime-startTime)/1000); printf("Checking arrays...\n\n"); //prints printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: Random\n"); checkArray(arrayA, x); printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: Sorted\n"); checkArray(arrayB, x); printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: Reversed\n\n"); checkArray(arrayC, x); printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: 1,100,2,99...\n"); checkArray(arrayD, x); printf("\n\nChecking QuickSort: 100,1,99,2\n"); checkArray(arrayE, x); printf("\n\n"); loop++; }while(loop < loopMax); int i; for(i = 0; i < 5;i++){ averages[i] = increment[i]/loopMax; } for(i = 0; i < 5;i++){ spreads[i] = calculateSpread(values[i], loopMax, i, averages); } printf("Random \n"); printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[0]); printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[0]); printf("Sorted \n"); printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[1]); printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[1]); printf("Reversed \n"); printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[2]); printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[2]); printf("1,100,2,99... \n"); printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[3]); printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[3]); printf("100,1,99,2... \n"); printf("Average: %.2f \n", averages[4]); printf("Spread: %.2lf \n\n", spreads[4]); system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
static void abv_init(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[], bool isStructInit) { int result; char *bv_hostname = 0; struct RDA_MessageStart *pMsgStart; mxArray* OUT_STATE; /* copy the params to the out state */ if(isStructInit) { // init with struct OUT_STATE = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[1]); } else { // init with property list int dims[2] = {1,1}; OUT_STATE = mxCreateStructArray(2, dims, 0, NULL); // arguments have beed checked in mexFunction for(int i = 1; i < nrhs; i = i + 2) { addField(OUT_STATE, prhs[i], prhs[i + 1]); } } /* check for the needed fields values * if they don't exist we will set the default values */ checkString(OUT_STATE,FIELD_HOST, ""); /* Get server name (or use default "brainamp") */ bv_hostname = getString(OUT_STATE, FIELD_HOST); /* open connection */ result = initConnection(bv_hostname,&pMsgStart); free(bv_hostname); if (result == IC_OKAY) { /* construct connection state structure */ int nChans, lag, n; double orig_fs; mxArray *pArray; char *pChannelName; double *chan_sel; double *filter_buffer_sub; double *filter_buffer_a; double *filter_buffer_b; int iirFilterSize; nChans = pMsgStart->nChannels; orig_fs = 1000000.0 / ((double) pMsgStart->dSamplingInterval); /* Check fs */ checkScalar(OUT_STATE,FIELD_FS,orig_fs); lag = (int) (orig_fs / getScalar(OUT_STATE, FIELD_FS)); abv_assert(lag * (int)getScalar(OUT_STATE,FIELD_FS) == (int)orig_fs,"bbci_acquire_bv: The base frequency has to be a multiple of the requested frequency."); /* Overwrite the following fields */ setScalar(OUT_STATE,FIELD_ORIG_FS, orig_fs); setScalar(OUT_STATE,FIELD_LAG, lag); setScalar(OUT_STATE,FIELD_BLOCK_NO, -1.0); /* this odd hack is because pMsgStart contains several variably sized arrays, and this is the way to get the channel names */ setStringCell(OUT_STATE, FIELD_CLAB,(char *) ((double*) pMsgStart->dResolutions + nChans), 1, nChans); /* Check the following fields */ checkString(OUT_STATE,FIELD_MARKER_FORMAT, "numeric"); abv_assert(1 == checkScalar(OUT_STATE, FIELD_RECONNECT, 1), "bbci_acquire_bv: Reconnect is no scalar."); abv_assert(1 == checkArray(OUT_STATE, FIELD_SCALE, 1, nChans, pMsgStart->dResolutions), "bbci_acquire_bv: Scale is no array or has wrong size."); chan_sel = (double *) malloc(nChans*sizeof(double)); for (n = 0;n<nChans;n++) { chan_sel[n] = n+1; } abv_assert(1 == checkArray(OUT_STATE, FIELD_CHAN_SEL, 1, -nChans, chan_sel), "bbci_acquire_bv: chan_sel is no array."); free(chan_sel); /* Create the default filters */ filter_buffer_sub = (double *) malloc(lag*sizeof(double)); for(n = 0; n < lag; ++n) { filter_buffer_sub[n] = 1.0 / (double)lag; } filter_buffer_a = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)); filter_buffer_a[0] = 1.0; filter_buffer_b = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)); filter_buffer_b[0] = 1.0; /* check the filters */ abv_assert(1 == checkArray(OUT_STATE, FIELD_FILT_SUBSAMPLE, 1, lag, filter_buffer_sub), "bbci_acquire_bv: Subsample filter is no array or has the wrong size."); abv_assert(1 == checkArray(OUT_STATE, FIELD_FILT_A, 1, -1, filter_buffer_a), "bbci_acquire_bv: IIR filter aSubsample filter has the wrong size."); abv_assert(1 == checkArray(OUT_STATE, FIELD_FILT_B, 1, -1, filter_buffer_b), "bbci_acquire_bv: Subsample filter has the wrong size."); /* free the default filters */ free(filter_buffer_sub); free(filter_buffer_a); free(filter_buffer_b); /* check if the iir filters have the same size */ iirFilterSize = getArrayN(OUT_STATE, FIELD_FILT_A); abv_assert(getArrayN(OUT_STATE, FIELD_FILT_B) == iirFilterSize, "bbci_acquire_bv: bFilter and aFilter must have the same size."); /* get the arrays for the filters and create the filters */ filter_buffer_sub = getArray(OUT_STATE, FIELD_FILT_SUBSAMPLE); filter_buffer_a = getArray(OUT_STATE, FIELD_FILT_A); filter_buffer_b = getArray(OUT_STATE, FIELD_FILT_B); filterFIRCreate(filter_buffer_sub, lag,nChans); filterIIRCreate(filter_buffer_a, filter_buffer_b, iirFilterSize, nChans); connected = 1; } plhs[0] = OUT_STATE; free(pMsgStart); }