bool CvVideoWriter_VFW::writeFrame( const IplImage* image ) { bool result = false; CV_FUNCNAME( "CvVideoWriter_VFW::writeFrame" ); __BEGIN__; if( !image ) EXIT; if( !compressed && !createStreams( cvGetSize(image), image->nChannels > 1 )) EXIT; if( image->width != tempFrame->width || image->height != tempFrame->height ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "image size is different from the currently set frame size" ); if( image->nChannels != tempFrame->nChannels || image->depth != tempFrame->depth || image->origin == 0 || image->widthStep != cvAlign(image->width*image->nChannels*((image->depth & 255)/8), 4)) { cvConvertImage( image, tempFrame, image->origin == 0 ? CV_CVTIMG_FLIP : 0 ); image = (const IplImage*)tempFrame; } result = AVIStreamWrite( compressed, pos++, 1, image->imageData, image->imageSize, AVIIF_KEYFRAME, 0, 0 ) == AVIERR_OK; __END__; return result; }
//******************************************************************** // //******************************************************************** //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- bool GraphSourceRandom::init(const InitData& _data) { bool bOK = true; if (!isOk()) { bOK = Inherited::init(); mStreamAudio = 0; mStreamVideo = 0; mTimeAudio = 0; mTimeVideo = 0; mData = _data; mMultiTask = 0; if ( bOK ) bOK = createStreams(); if ( bOK ) { mMultiTask = NEW MultiTask(); bOK = mMultiTask->init(2,this); } } return bOK; }
VBridge::VBridge() : m_nh("") { m_vel_sub = m_nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::JointState>("sot_cmdvel", 1, boost::bind(&VBridge::setpointCB,this, _1) ); loadConfig(); createStreams(); }
bool CvVideoWriter_VFW::open( const char* filename, int _fourcc, double _fps, CvSize frameSize, bool isColor ) { close(); icvInitCapture_VFW(); if( AVIFileOpen( &avifile, filename, OF_CREATE | OF_WRITE, 0 ) == AVIERR_OK ) { fourcc = _fourcc; fps = _fps; if( frameSize.width > 0 && frameSize.height > 0 && !createStreams( frameSize, isColor ) ) { close(); return false; } } return true; }
SocketStreamHandle::SocketStreamHandle(const KURL& url, SocketStreamHandleClient* client) : SocketStreamHandleBase(url, client) , m_connectingSubstate(New) , m_connectionType(Unknown) , m_sentStoredCredentials(false) { LOG(Network, "SocketStreamHandle %p new client %p", this, m_client); ASSERT(url.protocolIs("ws") || url.protocolIs("wss")); KURL httpsURL(KURL(), "https://" +; m_httpsURL.adoptCF(httpsURL.createCFURL()); createStreams(); ASSERT(!m_readStream == !m_writeStream); if (!m_readStream) // Doing asynchronous PAC file processing, streams will be created later. return; scheduleStreams(); }