コード例 #1
// Traverse from node0 -> node1
static void traverse_5pflank(BreakpointCaller *caller, GraphCrawler *crawler,
                             dBNode node0, dBNode node1)
  const dBGraph *db_graph = crawler->cache.db_graph;
  dBNode next_nodes[4];
  Nucleotide next_nucs[4];
  size_t i, num_next;
  BinaryKmer bkmer0 = db_node_get_bkmer(db_graph, node0.key);

  num_next = db_graph_next_nodes(db_graph, bkmer0, node0.orient,
                                 db_node_edges(db_graph, node0.key, 0),
                                 next_nodes, next_nucs);

  // Find index of previous node
  for(i = 0; i < num_next && !db_nodes_are_equal(next_nodes[i],node1); i++) {}

  ctx_assert(i < num_next && db_nodes_are_equal(next_nodes[i],node1));


  // Go backwards to get 5p flank
  // NULL means loop from 0..(ncols-1)
  graph_crawler_fetch(crawler, node0,
                      next_nodes, next_nucs, i, num_next,
                      NULL, db_graph->num_of_cols,
コード例 #2
ファイル: ctx_unitigs.c プロジェクト: ambarrio/mccortex
 * @param right_edge is true iff we this kmer is the last in a unitig
static inline void _print_edge(hkey_t node, bool right_edge,
                               BinaryKmer bkey, Edges edges,
                               UnitigEnd uend0,
                               UnitigPrinter *p)
  // DOT: leave from east end if +, west end if -
  //      connect to west end if +, east end if -
  const char dot_exit[2] = "ew", dot_join[2] = "we", gfa_orient[2] = "+-";
  size_t i, n;
  dBNode next_nodes[4];
  Nucleotide next_nucs[4];
  Orientation orient = right_edge ? uend0.rorient : !uend0.lorient;
  // Unitig orientations
  Orientation ut_or0 = right_edge ? FORWARD : REVERSE, ut_or1;

  n = db_graph_next_nodes(p->db_graph, bkey, orient, edges,
                          next_nodes, next_nucs);

  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
    UnitigEnd uend1 = p->ugraph.unitig_ends[next_nodes[i].key];

    char tmpstr[100];
    db_node_to_str(p->db_graph, next_nodes[i], tmpstr);
      status(" -> node %zu [%s]", uend1.unitigid, tmpstr);

    ctx_assert(next_nodes[i].key != HASH_NOT_FOUND);

    ut_or1 = next_nodes[i].orient == uend1.lorient ? FORWARD : REVERSE;

    // Don't do reverse-to-reverse links when node links to itself,
    // these are duplicates of forward-to-forward
    if(node < next_nodes[i].key ||
       (node == next_nodes[i].key && ut_or0 + ut_or1 < 2))

      switch(p->syntax) {
        case PRINT_DOT:
          fprintf(p->fout, "  node%zu:%c -> node%zu:%c\n",
                  (size_t)uend0.unitigid, dot_exit[ut_or0],
                  (size_t)uend1.unitigid, dot_join[ut_or1]);
        case PRINT_GFA:
          fprintf(p->fout, "L\tnode%zu\t%c\tnode%zu\t%c\t%zuM\n",
                  (size_t)uend0.unitigid, gfa_orient[ut_or0],
                  (size_t)uend1.unitigid, gfa_orient[ut_or1],
                  p->db_graph->kmer_size - 1);
        default: die("Bad syntax: %i", p->syntax);

コード例 #3
ファイル: db_node.c プロジェクト: jeromekelleher/mccortex
// Edges restricted to this colour, only in one direction (node.orient)
Edges db_node_edges_in_col(dBNode node, size_t col, const dBGraph *db_graph)
  if(db_graph->node_in_cols == NULL && db_graph->col_covgs == NULL) {
    Edges edges = db_node_get_edges(db_graph, node.key, col);
    return edges_mask_orientation(edges, node.orient);

  // Edges are merged into one colour
  ctx_assert(db_graph->num_edge_cols == 1);
  ctx_assert(db_graph->node_in_cols != NULL || db_graph->col_covgs != NULL);

  Edges edges = db_node_get_edges(db_graph, node.key, 0);

  // Check which next nodes are in the given colour
  BinaryKmer bkmer = db_node_get_bkmer(db_graph, node.key);
  dBNode nodes[4];
  Nucleotide nucs[4];
  size_t i, n;

  n = db_graph_next_nodes(db_graph, bkmer, node.orient,
                          edges, nodes, nucs);

  edges = 0;
  if(db_graph->node_in_cols != NULL) {
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
      if(db_node_has_col(db_graph, nodes[i].key, col))
        edges = edges_set_edge(edges, nucs[i], node.orient);
  else if(db_graph->col_covgs != NULL) {
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
      if(db_node_col_covg(db_graph, nodes[i].key, col) > 0)
        edges = edges_set_edge(edges, nucs[i], node.orient);
  else ctx_assert(0);

  return edges;
コード例 #4
void test_graph_crawler()
  test_status("Testing graph crawler...");

  // Construct 1 colour graph with kmer-size=11
  dBGraph graph;
  const size_t kmer_size = 11, ncols = 3;

  db_graph_alloc(&graph, kmer_size, ncols, 1, 2048,

  char graphseq[3][77] =
//           <               X                 X              X...............

  build_graph_from_str_mt(&graph, 0, graphseq[0], strlen(graphseq[0]));
  build_graph_from_str_mt(&graph, 1, graphseq[1], strlen(graphseq[1]));
  build_graph_from_str_mt(&graph, 2, graphseq[2], strlen(graphseq[2]));

  // Crawl graph
  GraphCrawler crawler;
  graph_crawler_alloc(&crawler, &graph);

  dBNode node = db_graph_find_str(&graph, graphseq[0]);
  dBNode next_node = db_graph_find_str(&graph, graphseq[0]+1);
  TASSERT(node.key != HASH_NOT_FOUND);
  TASSERT(next_node.key != HASH_NOT_FOUND);

  BinaryKmer bkey = db_node_get_bkmer(&graph, node.key);
  Edges edges = db_node_get_edges(&graph, node.key, 0);

  dBNode next_nodes[4];
  Nucleotide next_nucs[4];
  size_t i, p, num_next, next_idx;

  num_next = db_graph_next_nodes(&graph, bkey, node.orient, edges,
                                 next_nodes, next_nucs);

  next_idx = 0;
  while(next_idx < num_next && !db_nodes_are_equal(next_nodes[next_idx],next_node))

  TASSERT(next_idx < num_next && db_nodes_are_equal(next_nodes[next_idx],next_node));

  // Crawl in all colours
  graph_crawler_fetch(&crawler, node, next_nodes, next_idx, num_next,
                      NULL, graph.num_of_cols, NULL, NULL, NULL);

  TASSERT2(crawler.num_paths == 2, "crawler.num_paths: %u", crawler.num_paths);

  // Fetch paths
  dBNodeBuffer nbuf;
  db_node_buf_alloc(&nbuf, 16);
  StrBuf sbuf;
  strbuf_alloc(&sbuf, 128);

  for(p = 0; p < crawler.num_paths; p++) {
    graph_crawler_get_path_nodes(&crawler, p, &nbuf);
    strbuf_ensure_capacity(&sbuf, nbuf.len+graph.kmer_size);
    sbuf.end = db_nodes_to_str(nbuf.b, nbuf.len, &graph, sbuf.b);
    for(i = 0; i < 3 && strcmp(graphseq[i]+1,sbuf.b) != 0; i++) {}
    TASSERT2(i < 3, "seq: %s", sbuf.b);
    TASSERT2(sbuf.end == 75, "sbuf.end: %zu", sbuf.end);
    TASSERT2(nbuf.len == 65, "nbuf.len: %zu", nbuf.len);



コード例 #5
// Walk the graph remembering the last time we met the ref
// When traversal fails, dump sequence up to last meeting with the ref
static void follow_break(BreakpointCaller *caller, dBNode node)
  size_t i, j, k, num_next;
  dBNode next_nodes[4];
  Nucleotide next_nucs[4];
  size_t nonref_idx[4], num_nonref_next = 0;
  const dBGraph *db_graph = caller->db_graph;

  BinaryKmer bkey = db_node_get_bkmer(db_graph, node.key);
  Edges edges = db_node_get_edges(db_graph, node.key, 0);

  num_next = db_graph_next_nodes(db_graph, bkey, node.orient, edges,
                                 next_nodes, next_nucs);

  // Filter out next nodes in the reference
  for(i = 0; i < num_next; i++) {
    if(kograph_num(caller->kograph, next_nodes[i].key) == 0) {
      nonref_idx[num_nonref_next] = i;

  // Abandon if all options are in ref or none are
  if(num_nonref_next == num_next || num_nonref_next == 0) return;

  // Follow all paths not in ref, in all colours
  GraphCrawler *fw_crawler = &caller->crawlers[node.orient];
  GraphCrawler *rv_crawler = &caller->crawlers[!node.orient];
  dBNodeBuffer *allelebuf = &caller->allelebuf, *flank5pbuf = &caller->flank5pbuf;
  GCMultiColPath *flank5p_multicolpath, *allele_multicolpath;
  KOccurRun *flank5p_runs, *flank3p_runs;
  size_t flank5p_pathid, allele_pathid;
  size_t num_flank5p_runs, num_flank3p_runs;

  // We fetch 5' flanks in all colours then merge matching paths
  // we stop fetching a single path if it stops tracking the reference
  // Alternatively, we could fetch the 5' flank in everyone and stop after a
  // given distance, then check for that set of paths how much it tracks the
  // reference. This has the advantage of scaling much better with number of
  // samples, but not so well as min_ref_nkmers increases (since we fetch
  // many flanks that can't be used) - I think this is less of a worry.

  // Loop over possible next nodes at this junction
  for(i = 0; i < num_nonref_next; i++)
    size_t next_idx = nonref_idx[i];

    // Go backwards to get 5p flank
    traverse_5pflank(caller, rv_crawler, db_node_reverse(next_nodes[next_idx]),

    // Loop over the flanks we got
    for(j = 0; j < rv_crawler->num_paths; j++)
      // Get 5p flank
      graph_crawler_get_path_nodes(rv_crawler, j, flank5pbuf);
      flank5p_multicolpath = &rv_crawler->multicol_paths[j];
      flank5p_pathid = flank5p_multicolpath->pathid;

      // Fetch 3pflank ref position
      num_flank5p_runs = caller->flank5p_refs[flank5p_pathid].num_runs;
      flank5p_runs = fetch_ref_contact(&rv_crawler->cache, flank5p_pathid,

      koruns_reverse(flank5p_runs, num_flank5p_runs, flank5pbuf->len);
      koruns_sort_by_qoffset(flank5p_runs, num_flank5p_runs);
      db_nodes_reverse_complement(flank5pbuf->data, flank5pbuf->len);

      if(num_flank5p_runs > 0)
        // Reset caller

        // functions gcrawler_path_stop_at_ref_covg(),
        //           gcrawler_path_finish_ref_covg()
        // both fill koruns_3p, koruns_3p_ended and allele_run_buf

        // Only traverse in the colours we have a flank for
        graph_crawler_fetch(fw_crawler, node,
                            next_nodes, next_nucs, next_idx, num_next,

        // Assemble contigs - fetch forwards for each path for given 5p flank
        for(k = 0; k < fw_crawler->num_paths; k++)
          // Fetch nodes
          graph_crawler_get_path_nodes(fw_crawler, k, allelebuf);
          ctx_assert(allelebuf->len > 0);

          allele_multicolpath = &fw_crawler->multicol_paths[k];
          allele_pathid = allele_multicolpath->pathid;

          // Fetch 3pflank ref position
          num_flank3p_runs = caller->allele_refs[allele_pathid].num_runs;
          flank3p_runs = fetch_ref_contact(&fw_crawler->cache, allele_pathid,

                         flank5pbuf, allelebuf,
                         flank5p_runs, num_flank5p_runs,
                         flank3p_runs, num_flank3p_runs);
コード例 #6
ファイル: bubble_caller.c プロジェクト: ambarrio/mccortex
// `fork_node` is a node with outdegree > 1
void find_bubbles(BubbleCaller *caller, dBNode fork_node)

  const dBGraph *db_graph = caller->db_graph;
  GraphCache *cache = &caller->cache;
  GraphWalker *wlk = &caller->wlk;
  RepeatWalker *rptwlk = &caller->rptwlk;

  // char tmpstr[MAX_KMER_SIZE+3];
  // db_node_to_str(db_graph, fork_node, tmpstr);
  // status("Calling from %s", tmpstr);

  dBNode nodes[4];
  Nucleotide bases[4];
  size_t i, num_next, num_edges_in_col;
  BinaryKmer fork_bkmer = db_node_get_bkmer(db_graph, fork_node.key);

  num_next = db_graph_next_nodes(db_graph, fork_bkmer, fork_node.orient,
                                 db_node_edges(db_graph, fork_node.key, 0),
                                 nodes, bases);

  // loop over alleles, then colours
  Colour colour, colours_loaded = db_graph->num_of_cols;
  bool node_has_col[4];

  uint32_t pathid;

  for(colour = 0; colour < colours_loaded; colour++)
    if(!db_node_has_col(db_graph, fork_node.key, colour)) continue;

    // Determine if this fork is a fork in the current colour
    num_edges_in_col = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < num_next; i++) {
      node_has_col[i] = (db_node_has_col(db_graph, nodes[i].key, colour) > 0);
      num_edges_in_col += node_has_col[i];

    graph_walker_setup(wlk, true, colour, colour, db_graph);

    for(i = 0; i < num_next; i++)
        graph_walker_start(wlk, fork_node);
        graph_walker_force(wlk, nodes[i], num_edges_in_col > 1);

        pathid = graph_crawler_load_path_limit(cache, nodes[i], wlk, rptwlk,

        graph_crawler_reset_rpt_walker(rptwlk, cache, pathid);

  // Set up 5p flank
  caller->flank5p.b[0] = db_node_reverse(fork_node);
  caller->flank5p.len = 0; // set to one to signify we haven't fetched flank yet