コード例 #1
HYPRE_StructVectorSetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
                                int                *ilower,
                                int                *iupper,
                                double             *values )
   hypre_Index   new_ilower;
   hypre_Index   new_iupper;
   hypre_Box    *new_value_box;
   int           d;
   int           ierr = 0;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
      hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
   new_value_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
   hypre_BoxSetExtents(new_value_box, new_ilower, new_iupper);

   ierr = hypre_StructVectorSetBoxValues(vector, new_value_box, values, 0 );


   return ierr;
コード例 #2
ファイル: HYPRE_struct_matrix.c プロジェクト: 8l/insieme
HYPRE_StructMatrixSetBoxValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
                                int                *ilower,
                                int                *iupper,
                                int                 num_stencil_indices,
                                int                *stencil_indices,
                                double             *values )
   hypre_Index         new_ilower;
   hypre_Index         new_iupper;
   hypre_Box          *new_value_box;
   int                 d;
   int                 ierr = 0;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
      hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];
   new_value_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
   hypre_BoxSetExtents(new_value_box, new_ilower, new_iupper);

   ierr = hypre_StructMatrixSetBoxValues(matrix, new_value_box,
                                         num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices,
                                         values, 0);


   return (ierr);
コード例 #3
HYPRE_StructGridSetPeriodic( HYPRE_StructGrid  grid,
                             int              *periodic )
   hypre_Index  new_periodic;

   int          d;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(grid); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_periodic, d) = periodic[d];

   return ( hypre_StructGridSetPeriodic(grid, new_periodic) );
コード例 #4
ファイル: HYPRE_struct_vector.c プロジェクト: LLNL/COGENT
HYPRE_StructVectorSetValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
                             HYPRE_Int          *grid_index,
                             double              values )
   hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
   HYPRE_Int    d;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];

   hypre_StructVectorSetValues(vector, new_grid_index, &values, 0, -1, 0);

   return hypre_error_flag;
コード例 #5
HYPRE_StructGridSetExtents( HYPRE_StructGrid  grid,
                            int              *ilower,
                            int              *iupper )
   hypre_Index  new_ilower;
   hypre_Index  new_iupper;

   int          d;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim((hypre_StructGrid *) grid); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_ilower, d) = ilower[d];
      hypre_IndexD(new_iupper, d) = iupper[d];

   return ( hypre_StructGridSetExtents(grid, new_ilower, new_iupper) );
コード例 #6
HYPRE_StructVectorSetValues( HYPRE_StructVector  vector,
                             int                *grid_index,
                             double              values )
   hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
   int          d;
   int          ierr = 0;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructVectorGrid(vector)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];

   ierr = hypre_StructVectorSetValues(vector, new_grid_index, values, 0);

   return ierr;
コード例 #7
ファイル: HYPRE_struct_matrix.c プロジェクト: 8l/insieme
HYPRE_StructMatrixSetValues( HYPRE_StructMatrix  matrix,
                             int                *grid_index,
                             int                 num_stencil_indices,
                             int                *stencil_indices,
                             double             *values )
   hypre_Index  new_grid_index;
   int          d;
   int          ierr = 0;

   for (d = 0; d < hypre_StructGridDim(hypre_StructMatrixGrid(matrix)); d++)
      hypre_IndexD(new_grid_index, d) = grid_index[d];

   ierr = hypre_StructMatrixSetValues(matrix, new_grid_index,
                                      num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices,
                                      values, 0);

   return (ierr);
コード例 #8
ファイル: pfmg_setup.c プロジェクト: tpatki/rapl-old-data
hypre_PFMGSetup( void               *pfmg_vdata,
                 hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                 hypre_StructVector *b,
                 hypre_StructVector *x        )
   hypre_PFMGData       *pfmg_data = pfmg_vdata;

   MPI_Comm              comm = (pfmg_data -> comm);
   HYPRE_Int             relax_type =       (pfmg_data -> relax_type);
   HYPRE_Int             usr_jacobi_weight= (pfmg_data -> usr_jacobi_weight);
   double                jacobi_weight    = (pfmg_data -> jacobi_weight);
   HYPRE_Int             skip_relax =       (pfmg_data -> skip_relax);
   double               *dxyz       =       (pfmg_data -> dxyz);
   HYPRE_Int             rap_type;
   HYPRE_Int             max_iter;
   HYPRE_Int             max_levels;
   HYPRE_Int             num_levels;
   hypre_Index           cindex;
   hypre_Index           findex;
   hypre_Index           stride;

   hypre_Index           coarsen;

   HYPRE_Int            *cdir_l;
   HYPRE_Int            *active_l;
   hypre_StructGrid    **grid_l;
   hypre_StructGrid    **P_grid_l;
   double               *data;
   HYPRE_Int             data_size = 0;
   double               *relax_weights;
   double               *mean, *deviation;
   double                alpha, beta;

   hypre_StructMatrix  **A_l;
   hypre_StructMatrix  **P_l;
   hypre_StructMatrix  **RT_l;
   hypre_StructVector  **b_l;
   hypre_StructVector  **x_l;

   /* temp vectors */
   hypre_StructVector  **tx_l;
   hypre_StructVector  **r_l;
   hypre_StructVector  **e_l;

   void                **relax_data_l;
   void                **matvec_data_l;
   void                **restrict_data_l;
   void                **interp_data_l;

   hypre_StructGrid     *grid;
   HYPRE_Int             dim;

   hypre_Box            *cbox;

   double                min_dxyz;
   HYPRE_Int             cdir, periodic, cmaxsize;
   HYPRE_Int             d, l;
   HYPRE_Int             dxyz_flag;
   HYPRE_Int             b_num_ghost[]  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
   HYPRE_Int             x_num_ghost[]  = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};

   HYPRE_Int             ierr = 0;
   char                  filename[255];

    * Set up coarse grids

   grid  = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
   dim   = hypre_StructGridDim(grid);

   /* Compute a new max_levels value based on the grid */
   cbox = hypre_BoxDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid));
   max_levels =
      hypre_Log2(hypre_BoxSizeD(cbox, 0)) + 2 +
      hypre_Log2(hypre_BoxSizeD(cbox, 1)) + 2 +
      hypre_Log2(hypre_BoxSizeD(cbox, 2)) + 2;
   if ((pfmg_data -> max_levels) > 0)
      max_levels = hypre_min(max_levels, (pfmg_data -> max_levels));
   (pfmg_data -> max_levels) = max_levels;

   /* compute dxyz */
   if ((dxyz[0] == 0) || (dxyz[1] == 0) || (dxyz[2] == 0))
      mean = hypre_CTAlloc(double, 3);
      deviation = hypre_CTAlloc(double, 3);
      hypre_PFMGComputeDxyz(A, dxyz, mean, deviation);
      dxyz_flag= 0;
      for (d = 0; d < dim; d++)
         deviation[d] -= mean[d]*mean[d];
         /* square of coeff. of variation */
         if (deviation[d]/(mean[d]*mean[d]) > .1)
            dxyz_flag= 1;
コード例 #9
ファイル: new_assemble.c プロジェクト: 8l/insieme
int hypre_StructGridAssembleWithAP( hypre_StructGrid *grid )

   int                  ierr = 0;
   int                  tmp_i;
   int                  size, global_num_boxes, num_local_boxes;
   int                  i, j, d, k, index;
   int                  num_procs, myid;
   int                  *sendbuf8, *recvbuf8, *sendbuf2, *recvbuf2;
   int                  min_box_size, max_box_size;
   int                  global_min_box_size, global_max_box_size;
   int                 *ids;
   int                  max_regions, max_refinements, ologp;
   double               gamma;
   hypre_Index          min_index, max_index;
   int                  prune;
   hypre_Box           *box;

   MPI_Comm             comm         = hypre_StructGridComm(grid);
   hypre_Box           *bounding_box = hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(grid);
   hypre_BoxArray      *local_boxes  = hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid);
   int                  dim          = hypre_StructGridDim(grid);
   hypre_BoxNeighbors  *neighbors    = hypre_StructGridNeighbors(grid);
   int                  max_distance = hypre_StructGridMaxDistance(grid);
   hypre_IndexRef       periodic     = hypre_StructGridPeriodic(grid);

   int                 *local_boxnums;

   double               dbl_global_size, tmp_dbl;
   hypre_BoxArray       *my_partition;
   int                  *part_ids, *part_boxnums;
   int                  *proc_array, proc_count, proc_alloc, count;
   int                  *tmp_proc_ids = NULL;
   int                  max_response_size;
   int                  *ap_proc_ids, *send_buf, *send_buf_starts;
   int                  *response_buf, *response_buf_starts;

   hypre_BoxArray      *neighbor_boxes, *n_boxes_copy;
   int                 *neighbor_proc_ids, *neighbor_boxnums;

   int                 *order_index, *delete_array;
   int                 tmp_id, start, first_local;
   int                 grow, grow_array[6];
   hypre_Box           *grow_box;
   int                  *numghost;
   int                   ghostsize;
   hypre_Box            *ghostbox;

   hypre_StructAssumedPart     *assumed_part;
   hypre_DataExchangeResponse  response_obj;
   int                  px = hypre_IndexX(periodic);
   int                  py = hypre_IndexY(periodic);
   int                  pz = hypre_IndexZ(periodic);

   int                  i_periodic = px ? 1 : 0;
   int                  j_periodic = py ? 1 : 0;
   int                  k_periodic = pz ? 1 : 0;

   int                  num_periods, multiple_ap, p;
   hypre_Box           *result_box, *period_box;
   hypre_Index         *pshifts;

   hypre_IndexRef       pshift;

   double               start_time, end_time;

  Step 1:  Initializations

   prune = 1; /* default is to prune */ 
   num_local_boxes = hypre_BoxArraySize(local_boxes);
   num_periods = (1+2*i_periodic) * (1+2*j_periodic) * (1+2*k_periodic);

   MPI_Comm_size(comm, &num_procs);
   MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myid);

  Step 2:  Determine the global size, total number of boxes,
           and global bounding box.
           Also get the min and max box sizes
           since it is convenient to do so.

   if (neighbors == NULL) 
      /*these may not be needed - check later */
      ids =   hypre_TAlloc(int, num_local_boxes);
      /* for the vol and number of boxes */
      sendbuf2 = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 2);
      recvbuf2 = hypre_CTAlloc(int, 2);
      size = 0;
      bounding_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
      grow_box = hypre_BoxCreate();

      if (num_local_boxes) 
         min_box_size = hypre_BoxVolume( hypre_BoxArrayBox(local_boxes, 0));
         max_box_size = hypre_BoxVolume( hypre_BoxArrayBox(local_boxes, 0));

         /* initialize min and max */
         for (d=0; d<3; d++)
            hypre_IndexD(min_index, d) = pow(2,30); 
            hypre_IndexD(max_index, d) = -pow(2,30);

         hypre_ForBoxI(i, local_boxes)
            box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(local_boxes, i);
            /* get global size and number of boxes */ 
            tmp_i = hypre_BoxVolume(box);
            size += tmp_i;
            min_box_size = hypre_min(min_box_size, tmp_i);
            max_box_size = hypre_max(max_box_size, tmp_i);

            /* set id */  
            ids[i] = i;

            /* 1/3/05 we need this for the case of holes in the domain. (I had
               it out on 12/04 - as I thought this was not necessary. */
            /* zero volume boxes - still look at for getting the bounding box */
            if (hypre_BoxVolume(box) == 0) /* zero volume boxes - still count */
               hypre_CopyBox(box, grow_box);
               for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
                  if(!hypre_BoxSizeD(box, d))
                     grow = (hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d) - hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d) + 1)/2;
                     grow_array[2*d] = grow;
                     grow_array[2*d+1] = grow;
                     grow_array[2*d] = 0;
                     grow_array[2*d+1] = 0;
               /* expand the box */
               hypre_BoxExpand(grow_box, grow_array);
               box = grow_box; /*pointer copy*/
            /*now we have a vol > 0 box */
            for (d = 0; d < dim; d++) /* for each dimension */
               hypre_IndexD(min_index, d) = hypre_min( hypre_IndexD(min_index, d), 
                                                       hypre_BoxIMinD(box, d));
               hypre_IndexD(max_index, d) = hypre_max( hypre_IndexD(max_index, d), 
                                                       hypre_BoxIMaxD(box, d));
         }/*end for each box loop */

         /* bounding box extents */ 
         hypre_BoxSetExtents(bounding_box, min_index, max_index);
コード例 #10
ファイル: semi.c プロジェクト: LLNL/COGENT
hypre_StructInterpAssemble( hypre_StructMatrix  *A,
                            hypre_StructMatrix  *P,
                            HYPRE_Int            P_stored_as_transpose,
                            HYPRE_Int            cdir,
                            hypre_Index          index,
                            hypre_Index          stride )
   hypre_StructGrid     *grid = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);

   hypre_BoxArrayArray  *box_aa;
   hypre_BoxArray       *box_a;
   hypre_Box            *box;

   hypre_CommInfo       *comm_info;
   hypre_CommPkg        *comm_pkg;
   hypre_CommHandle     *comm_handle;

   HYPRE_Int             num_ghost[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
   HYPRE_Int             i, j, s, dim;

   if (hypre_StructMatrixConstantCoefficient(P) != 0)
      return hypre_error_flag;

   /* set num_ghost */
   dim = hypre_StructGridDim(grid);
   for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
      num_ghost[2*j]   = 1;
      num_ghost[2*j+1] = 1;
   if (P_stored_as_transpose)
      num_ghost[2*cdir]   = 2;
      num_ghost[2*cdir+1] = 2;

   /* comm_info <-- From fine grid grown by num_ghost */

   hypre_CreateCommInfoFromNumGhost(grid, num_ghost, &comm_info);

   /* Project and map comm_info onto coarsened index space */

   hypre_CommInfoProjectSend(comm_info, index, stride);
   hypre_CommInfoProjectRecv(comm_info, index, stride);

   for (s = 0; s < 3; s++)
         case 0:
            box_aa = hypre_CommInfoSendBoxes(comm_info);
            hypre_SetIndex(hypre_CommInfoSendStride(comm_info), 1, 1, 1);
         case 1:
            box_aa = hypre_CommInfoRecvBoxes(comm_info);
            hypre_SetIndex(hypre_CommInfoRecvStride(comm_info), 1, 1, 1);
         case 2:
            box_aa = hypre_CommInfoSendRBoxes(comm_info);

      hypre_ForBoxArrayI(j, box_aa)
            box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(box_aa, j);
            hypre_ForBoxI(i, box_a)
                  box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_a, i);
                  hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(box), index, stride,
                  hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(box), index, stride,
コード例 #11
ファイル: coarsen.c プロジェクト: 5432935/crossbridge
hypre_StructCoarsen( hypre_StructGrid  *fgrid,
                     hypre_Index        index,
                     hypre_Index        stride,
                     int                prune,
                     hypre_StructGrid **cgrid_ptr )
   int ierr = 0;

   hypre_StructGrid   *cgrid;
   MPI_Comm            comm;
   int                 dim;
   hypre_BoxNeighbors *neighbors;
   hypre_BoxArray     *hood_boxes;
   int                 num_hood;
   int                *hood_procs;
   int                *hood_ids;
   int                 first_local;
   int                 num_local;
   int                 num_periodic;
   int                 max_distance;
   hypre_Box          *bounding_box;
   hypre_Index         periodic;

   MPI_Request        *send_requests;
   MPI_Status         *send_status;
   int                *send_buffer;
   int                 send_size;
   MPI_Request        *recv_requests;
   MPI_Status         *recv_status;
   int               **recv_buffers;
   int                *recv_sizes;
   int                 my_rank;

   int                *send_procs;
   int                *recv_procs;
   int                 num_sends;
   int                 num_recvs;
   hypre_BoxArray     *new_hood_boxes;
   int                 new_num_hood;
   int                *new_hood_procs;
   int                *new_hood_ids;
   int                 new_first_local;
   int                 new_num_local;
   int                 new_num_periodic;

   hypre_Box          *box;
   hypre_Box          *local_box;
   hypre_Box          *neighbor_box;
   hypre_Box          *local_cbox;
   hypre_Box          *neighbor_cbox;
   hypre_Index         imin;
   hypre_Index         imax;
   int                 alloc_size;

   double              perimeter_count, cperimeter_count;
   /*double              diff, distance, perimeter_count, cperimeter_count;*/
   int                *iarray;
   int                *jrecv;
   int                 i, j, d, ilocal;
   int                 data_id, min_id, jj;

    * Copy needed info from fgrid

   comm         = hypre_StructGridComm(fgrid);
   dim          = hypre_StructGridDim(fgrid);
   neighbors    = hypre_StructGridNeighbors(fgrid);
   hood_boxes   = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors));
   num_hood     = hypre_BoxArraySize(hood_boxes);

   iarray  = hypre_BoxNeighborsProcs(neighbors);
   hood_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
   for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
      hood_procs[i] = iarray[i];

   iarray = hypre_BoxNeighborsIDs(neighbors);
   hood_ids  = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
   for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
      hood_ids[i] = iarray[i];

   first_local  = hypre_BoxNeighborsFirstLocal(neighbors);
   num_local    = hypre_BoxNeighborsNumLocal(neighbors);
   num_periodic = hypre_BoxNeighborsNumPeriodic(neighbors);

   max_distance = hypre_StructGridMaxDistance(fgrid);
   bounding_box = hypre_BoxDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(fgrid));
   hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(fgrid), periodic);

   MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_rank);

   sprintf(filename, "zcoarsen.%05d", my_rank);

   if ((file = fopen(filename, "a")) == NULL)
      printf("Error: can't open output file %s\n", filename);

   fprintf(file, "\n\n============================\n\n");
   fprintf(file, "\n\n%d\n\n", debug_count++);
   fprintf(file, "num_hood = %d\n", num_hood);
   for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
      box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, i);
      fprintf(file, "(%d,%d,%d) X (%d,%d,%d) ; (%d,%d); %d\n",
              hood_procs[i], hood_ids[i], hypre_BoxVolume(box));
   fprintf(file, "first_local  = %d\n", first_local);
   fprintf(file, "num_local    = %d\n", num_local);
   fprintf(file, "num_periodic = %d\n", num_periodic);

    * Coarsen bounding box

   hypre_StructCoarsenBox(bounding_box, index, stride);

    * Coarsen neighborhood boxes & determine
    * send / recv procs
    * NOTE: Currently, this always communicates
    * with all neighboring processes.

   local_cbox = hypre_BoxCreate();
   neighbor_cbox = hypre_BoxCreate();

   num_recvs = 0;
   num_sends = 0;
   recv_procs = NULL;
   send_procs = NULL;
   for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
      if (hood_procs[i] != my_rank)
         for (j = 0; j < num_local; j++)
            ilocal = first_local + j;

            local_box    = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, ilocal);
            neighbor_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, i);

            /* coarsen boxes being considered */
            hypre_CopyBox(local_box, local_cbox);
            hypre_StructCoarsenBox(local_cbox, index, stride);
            hypre_CopyBox(neighbor_box, neighbor_cbox);
            hypre_StructCoarsenBox(neighbor_cbox, index, stride);

             * Receive info?

/* always communicate */
#if 0
            perimeter_count = 0;
            cperimeter_count = 0;
            for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
               distance = max_distance;
               diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_box, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_box, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(local_box, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_box, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               if (distance < max_distance)

               distance = max_distance;
               diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_cbox, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_cbox, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(local_cbox, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_cbox, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               if (distance < max_distance)
            perimeter_count = 0;
            cperimeter_count = 1;
            if (cperimeter_count > perimeter_count)
               if (num_recvs == 0)
                  recv_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
                  recv_procs[num_recvs] = hood_procs[i];
               else if (hood_procs[i] != recv_procs[num_recvs-1])
                  recv_procs[num_recvs] = hood_procs[i];

             * Send info?

/* always communicate */
#if 0
            perimeter_count = 0;
            cperimeter_count = 0;
            for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
               distance = max_distance;
               diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_box, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_box, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_box, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMinD(local_box, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               if (distance < max_distance)

               distance = max_distance;
               diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_cbox, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_cbox, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_cbox, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMinD(local_cbox, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               if (distance < max_distance)
            perimeter_count = 0;
            cperimeter_count = 1;
            if (cperimeter_count > perimeter_count)
               if (num_sends == 0)
                  send_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
                  send_procs[num_sends] = hood_procs[i];
               else if (hood_procs[i] != send_procs[num_sends-1])
                  send_procs[num_sends] = hood_procs[i];