コード例 #1
ファイル: ComputeImpropers.C プロジェクト: luyukunphy/namd
void ImproperElem::computeForce(BigReal *reduction,
                                BigReal *pressureProfileData)
    DebugM(3, "::computeForce() localIndex = " << localIndex[0] << " "
           << localIndex[1] << " " << localIndex[2] << " " <<
           localIndex[3] << std::endl);

    // Vector r12, r23, r34;	// vector between atoms
    Vector A,B,C;		// cross products
    BigReal rA, rB, rC;	// length of vectors A, B, and C
    BigReal energy=0;	// energy from the angle
    BigReal phi;		// angle between the plans
    double cos_phi;	// cos(phi)
    double sin_phi;	// sin(phi)
    Vector dcosdA;	// Derivative d(cos(phi))/dA
    Vector dcosdB;	// Derivative d(cos(phi))/dB
    Vector dsindC;	// Derivative d(sin(phi))/dC
    Vector dsindB;	// Derivative d(sin(phi))/dB
    BigReal K,K1;		// energy constants
    BigReal diff;		// for periodicity
    Force f1(0,0,0),f2(0,0,0),f3(0,0,0);	// force components

    //DebugM(3, "::computeForce() -- starting with improper type " << improperType << std::endl);

    // get the improper information
    int multiplicity = value->multiplicity;

    //  Calculate the vectors between atoms
    const Position & pos0 = p[0]->x[localIndex[0]].position;
    const Position & pos1 = p[1]->x[localIndex[1]].position;
    const Position & pos2 = p[2]->x[localIndex[2]].position;
    const Position & pos3 = p[3]->x[localIndex[3]].position;
    const Lattice & lattice = p[0]->p->lattice;
    const Vector r12 = lattice.delta(pos0,pos1);
    const Vector r23 = lattice.delta(pos1,pos2);
    const Vector r34 = lattice.delta(pos2,pos3);

    //  Calculate the cross products
    A = cross(r12,r23);
    B = cross(r23,r34);
    C = cross(r23,A);

    //  Calculate the distances
    rA = A.length();
    rB = B.length();
    rC = C.length();

    //  Calculate the sin and cos
    cos_phi = A*B/(rA*rB);
    sin_phi = C*B/(rC*rB);

    //  Normalize B
    rB = 1.0/rB;
    B *= rB;

    phi= -atan2(sin_phi,cos_phi);

    if (fabs(sin_phi) > 0.1)
        //  Normalize A
        rA = 1.0/rA;
        A *= rA;
        dcosdA = rA*(cos_phi*A-B);
        dcosdB = rB*(cos_phi*B-A);
        //  Normalize C
        rC = 1.0/rC;
        C *= rC;
        dsindC = rC*(sin_phi*C-B);
        dsindB = rB*(sin_phi*B-C);

    //  Loop through the multiple parameter sets for this
    //  bond.  We will only loop more than once if this
    //  has multiple parameter sets from Charmm22
    for (int mult_num=0; mult_num<multiplicity; mult_num++)
        /* get angle information */
        Real k = value->values[mult_num].k * scale;
        Real delta = value->values[mult_num].delta;
        int n = value->values[mult_num].n;

        //  Calculate the energy
        if (n)
            //  Periodicity is greater than 0, so use cos form
            K = k*(1+cos(n*phi - delta));
            K1 = -n*k*sin(n*phi - delta);
            //  Periodicity is 0, so just use the harmonic form
            diff = phi-delta;
            if (diff < -PI)           diff += TWOPI;
            else if (diff > PI)       diff -= TWOPI;

            K = k*diff*diff;
            K1 = 2.0*k*diff;

        //  Add the energy from this improper to the total energy
        energy += K;

        //  Next, we want to calculate the forces.  In order
        //  to do that, we first need to figure out whether the
        //  sin or cos form will be more stable.  For this,
        //  just look at the value of phi
        if (fabs(sin_phi) > 0.1)
            //  use the sin version to avoid 1/cos terms
            K1 = K1/sin_phi;

            f1.x += K1*(r23.y*dcosdA.z - r23.z*dcosdA.y);
            f1.y += K1*(r23.z*dcosdA.x - r23.x*dcosdA.z);
            f1.z += K1*(r23.x*dcosdA.y - r23.y*dcosdA.x);

            f3.x += K1*(r23.z*dcosdB.y - r23.y*dcosdB.z);
            f3.y += K1*(r23.x*dcosdB.z - r23.z*dcosdB.x);
            f3.z += K1*(r23.y*dcosdB.x - r23.x*dcosdB.y);

            f2.x += K1*(r12.z*dcosdA.y - r12.y*dcosdA.z
                        + r34.y*dcosdB.z - r34.z*dcosdB.y);
            f2.y += K1*(r12.x*dcosdA.z - r12.z*dcosdA.x
                        + r34.z*dcosdB.x - r34.x*dcosdB.z);
            f2.z += K1*(r12.y*dcosdA.x - r12.x*dcosdA.y
                        + r34.x*dcosdB.y - r34.y*dcosdB.x);
            //  This angle is closer to 0 or 180 than it is to
            //  90, so use the cos version to avoid 1/sin terms
            K1 = -K1/cos_phi;

            f1.x += K1*((r23.y*r23.y + r23.z*r23.z)*dsindC.x
                        - r23.x*r23.y*dsindC.y
                        - r23.x*r23.z*dsindC.z);
            f1.y += K1*((r23.z*r23.z + r23.x*r23.x)*dsindC.y
                        - r23.y*r23.z*dsindC.z
                        - r23.y*r23.x*dsindC.x);
            f1.z += K1*((r23.x*r23.x + r23.y*r23.y)*dsindC.z
                        - r23.z*r23.x*dsindC.x
                        - r23.z*r23.y*dsindC.y);

            f3 += cross(K1,dsindB,r23);

            f2.x += K1*(-(r23.y*r12.y + r23.z*r12.z)*dsindC.x
                        +(2.0*r23.x*r12.y - r12.x*r23.y)*dsindC.y
                        +(2.0*r23.x*r12.z - r12.x*r23.z)*dsindC.z
                        +dsindB.z*r34.y - dsindB.y*r34.z);
            f2.y += K1*(-(r23.z*r12.z + r23.x*r12.x)*dsindC.y
                        +(2.0*r23.y*r12.z - r12.y*r23.z)*dsindC.z
                        +(2.0*r23.y*r12.x - r12.y*r23.x)*dsindC.x
                        +dsindB.x*r34.z - dsindB.z*r34.x);
            f2.z += K1*(-(r23.x*r12.x + r23.y*r12.y)*dsindC.z
                        +(2.0*r23.z*r12.x - r12.z*r23.x)*dsindC.x
                        +(2.0*r23.z*r12.y - r12.z*r23.y)*dsindC.y
                        +dsindB.y*r34.x - dsindB.x*r34.y);
    } /* for multiplicity */

    /* store the forces */
    p[0]->f[localIndex[0]] += f1;
    p[1]->f[localIndex[1]] += f2 - f1;
    p[2]->f[localIndex[2]] += f3 - f2;
    p[3]->f[localIndex[3]] += -f3;

    DebugM(3, "::computeForce() -- ending with delta energy " << energy << std::endl);
    reduction[improperEnergyIndex] += energy;
    reduction[virialIndex_XX] += ( f1.x * r12.x + f2.x * r23.x + f3.x * r34.x );
    reduction[virialIndex_XY] += ( f1.x * r12.y + f2.x * r23.y + f3.x * r34.y );
    reduction[virialIndex_XZ] += ( f1.x * r12.z + f2.x * r23.z + f3.x * r34.z );
    reduction[virialIndex_YX] += ( f1.y * r12.x + f2.y * r23.x + f3.y * r34.x );
    reduction[virialIndex_YY] += ( f1.y * r12.y + f2.y * r23.y + f3.y * r34.y );
    reduction[virialIndex_YZ] += ( f1.y * r12.z + f2.y * r23.z + f3.y * r34.z );
    reduction[virialIndex_ZX] += ( f1.z * r12.x + f2.z * r23.x + f3.z * r34.x );
    reduction[virialIndex_ZY] += ( f1.z * r12.y + f2.z * r23.y + f3.z * r34.y );
    reduction[virialIndex_ZZ] += ( f1.z * r12.z + f2.z * r23.z + f3.z * r34.z );

    if (pressureProfileData) {
        BigReal z1 = p[0]->x[localIndex[0]].position.z;
        BigReal z2 = p[1]->x[localIndex[1]].position.z;
        BigReal z3 = p[2]->x[localIndex[2]].position.z;
        BigReal z4 = p[3]->x[localIndex[3]].position.z;
        int n1 = (int)floor((z1-pressureProfileMin)/pressureProfileThickness);
        int n2 = (int)floor((z2-pressureProfileMin)/pressureProfileThickness);
        int n3 = (int)floor((z3-pressureProfileMin)/pressureProfileThickness);
        int n4 = (int)floor((z4-pressureProfileMin)/pressureProfileThickness);
        pp_clamp(n1, pressureProfileSlabs);
        pp_clamp(n2, pressureProfileSlabs);
        pp_clamp(n3, pressureProfileSlabs);
        pp_clamp(n4, pressureProfileSlabs);
        int p1 = p[0]->x[localIndex[0]].partition;
        int p2 = p[1]->x[localIndex[1]].partition;
        int p3 = p[2]->x[localIndex[2]].partition;
        int p4 = p[3]->x[localIndex[3]].partition;
        int pn = pressureProfileAtomTypes;
        pp_reduction(pressureProfileSlabs, n1, n2,
                     p1, p2, pn,
                     f1.x * r12.x, f1.y * r12.y, f1.z * r12.z,
        pp_reduction(pressureProfileSlabs, n2, n3,
                     p2, p3, pn,
                     f2.x * r23.x, f2.y * r23.y, f2.z * r23.z,
        pp_reduction(pressureProfileSlabs, n3, n4,
                     p3, p4, pn,
                     f3.x * r34.x, f3.y * r34.y, f3.z * r34.z,
コード例 #2
ファイル: ComputeBonds.C プロジェクト: davidheryanto/sc14
void BondElem::computeForce(BigReal *reduction, 
                            BigReal *pressureProfileData)
  DebugM(1, "::computeForce() localIndex = " << localIndex[0] << " "
               << localIndex[1] << std::endl);

  // skip Lonepair bonds (other k=0. bonds have been filtered out)
  if (0. == value->k) return;

  BigReal scal;         // force scaling
  BigReal energy;	// energy from the bond

  //DebugM(3, "::computeForce() -- starting with bond type " << bondType << std::endl);

  // get the bond information
  Real k = value->k * scale;
  Real x0 = value->x0;

  // compute vectors between atoms and their distances
  const Lattice & lattice = p[0]->p->lattice;
  const Vector r12 = lattice.delta(p[0]->x[localIndex[0]].position,

  if (0. == x0) {  // for Drude bonds
    SimParameters *simParams = Node::Object()->simParameters;
    BigReal drudeBondLen = simParams->drudeBondLen;
    BigReal drudeBondConst = simParams->drudeBondConst;

    BigReal r2 = r12.length2();

    scal = -2.0*k;    // bond interaction for equilibrium length 0
    energy = k * r2;

    if (drudeBondConst > 0 && r2 > drudeBondLen*drudeBondLen) {
      // add a quartic restraining potential to keep Drude bond short
      BigReal r = sqrt(r2);
      BigReal diff = r - drudeBondLen;
      BigReal diff2 = diff*diff;

      scal += -4*drudeBondConst * diff2 * diff / r;
      energy += drudeBondConst * diff2 * diff2;
  else {
    BigReal r = r12.length();  // Distance between atoms
    BigReal diff = r - x0;     // Compare it to the rest bond

    //  Add the energy from this bond to the total energy
    energy = k*diff*diff;

    //  Determine the magnitude of the force
    diff *= -2.0*k;

    //  Scale the force vector accordingly
    scal = (diff/r);
  const Force f12 = scal * r12;

  //  Now add the forces to each force vector
  p[0]->f[localIndex[0]] += f12;
  p[1]->f[localIndex[1]] -= f12;

  DebugM(3, "::computeForce() -- ending with delta energy " << energy << std::endl);
  reduction[bondEnergyIndex] += energy;
  reduction[virialIndex_XX] += f12.x * r12.x;
  reduction[virialIndex_XY] += f12.x * r12.y;
  reduction[virialIndex_XZ] += f12.x * r12.z;
  reduction[virialIndex_YX] += f12.y * r12.x;
  reduction[virialIndex_YY] += f12.y * r12.y;
  reduction[virialIndex_YZ] += f12.y * r12.z;
  reduction[virialIndex_ZX] += f12.z * r12.x;
  reduction[virialIndex_ZY] += f12.z * r12.y;
  reduction[virialIndex_ZZ] += f12.z * r12.z;

  if (pressureProfileData) {
    BigReal z1 = p[0]->x[localIndex[0]].position.z;
    BigReal z2 = p[1]->x[localIndex[1]].position.z;
    int n1 = (int)floor((z1-pressureProfileMin)/pressureProfileThickness);
    int n2 = (int)floor((z2-pressureProfileMin)/pressureProfileThickness);
    pp_clamp(n1, pressureProfileSlabs);
    pp_clamp(n2, pressureProfileSlabs);
    int p1 = p[0]->x[localIndex[0]].partition;
    int p2 = p[1]->x[localIndex[1]].partition;
    int pn = pressureProfileAtomTypes;
                n1, n2, 
                p1, p2, pn, 
                f12.x * r12.x, f12.y * r12.y, f12.z * r12.z,