コード例 #1
ファイル: Faces.cpp プロジェクト: morfant/cvBodyNew
    if (isThereMbodybool) delMbody();

    float movX = (mBody->GetWorldCenter().x * BOX2D_SCALE);
    float movY = (mBody->GetWorldCenter().y * BOX2D_SCALE * (-1.f));

    float cx = posX + movX;
    float cy = posY + movY;
//    float movX = _toPixelX(mBody->GetWorldCenter().x) + posX;
//    float movY = _toPixelY(mBody->GetWorldCenter().y) + posY;
//    float movX = posX;
//    float movY = posY;
    // get intervald virtices
    // Add first point of blob polygon shape.
    b2Vec2 first = b2Vec2(0, 0);
    first.x = mVertice[0].x + movX;
    first.y = mVertice[0].y + movY;
    mVerticeDiv[0] = first;
    // Add middle points of blob polygon shape.
    for (int i = 1; i < (fragNum - 1); i++) {
        b2Vec2 temp = b2Vec2(0, 0);
        temp.x = mVertice[kSAMPLING_INTV * i].x + movX;
        temp.y = mVertice[kSAMPLING_INTV * i].y + movY;
        mVerticeDiv[i] = temp;
    // Add end point of blob polygon shape
    b2Vec2 last = b2Vec2(0, 0);
    last.x = mVertice[kMAX_VERTICES - 1].x + movX;
    last.y = mVertice[kMAX_VERTICES - 1].y + movY;
    mVerticeDiv[fragNum - 1] = last;
    for (int i = 0; i < fragNum; i++){
//        cout << i << ": " <<  mVerticeDiv[i].x << " / " << mVerticeDiv[i].y << endl;

    int fragIdx = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < fragNum - 1; i++){
        b2Vec2 vertices[3];
//        b2Vec2 a = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(movX), _toWorldY(movY));
        b2Vec2 a = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(cx), _toWorldY(cy));
        b2Vec2 b = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(mVerticeDiv[i].x), _toWorldY(mVerticeDiv[i].y));
        b2Vec2 c = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(mVerticeDiv[i+1].x), _toWorldY(mVerticeDiv[i+1].y));

//        b2Vec2 a = b2Vec2(1, 1);
//        b2Vec2 b = b2Vec2(2, 3);
//        b2Vec2 c = b2Vec2(0, 0);

//        ofVec2f vh(-1, 0);
//        ofVec2f vv(0, -1);
        ofVec2f vAB(b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y);
        ofVec2f vBC(c.x - b.x, c.y - b.y);
//        ofVec2f vAC(c.x - a.x, c.y - a.y);
//        vh.normalize();
//        vv.normalize();
//        vAC.normalize();

//        float d = perp_dot(b - a, c - b);
        float d = perp_dot(vAB, vBC);
        if(d < 0){
//            cout << "RIGHT\n";
//            cout << "LEFT\n";
//        float angleHAB = acos(vh.dot(vAB));
//        float angleHAC = acos(vh.dot(vAC));
//        float angleVAB = acos(vv.dot(vAB));
//        float angleVAC = acos(vv.dot(vAC));
//        float angleABBC = acos(vAB.dot(vBC));
//        cout << "angleHAB : " << (-1.f) * _toDegree(angleHAB) << endl;
//        cout << "angleHAC : " << (-1.f) * _toDegree(angleHAC) << endl;
//        cout << "angleVAB : " << (-1.f) * _toDegree(angleVAB) << endl;
//        cout << "angleVAC : " << (-1.f) * _toDegree(angleVAC) << endl;
//        cout << "angleAB-BC : " << (-1.f) * _toDegree(angleABBC) << endl;
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
//            vertices[0] = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(movX), _toWorldY(movY));
            vertices[0] = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(cx), _toWorldY(cy));
            vertices[1] = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(mVerticeDiv[i].x), _toWorldY(mVerticeDiv[i].y));
            vertices[2] = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(mVerticeDiv[i+1].x), _toWorldY(mVerticeDiv[i+1].y));

        // To keep CCW direction.
        if (d < 0){
//            cout << "2 and 1 changed\n" << endl;
            vertices[1] = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(mVerticeDiv[i+1].x), _toWorldY(mVerticeDiv[i+1].y));
            vertices[2] = b2Vec2(_toWorldX(mVerticeDiv[i].x), _toWorldY(mVerticeDiv[i].y));
//        cout << "triangle " << i << " : " << "\n" <<
//        vertices[0].x << " / " << vertices[0].y << "\n" <<
//        vertices[1].x << " / " << vertices[1].y << "\n" <<
//        vertices[2].x << " / " << vertices[2].y << "\n" <<
//        endl;

        // If the area did not have minus value.
        if(getArea(&vertices[0], 3) > 0){
            Frag * aFrag = new Frag(mWorld, movX, movY, vertices, index, fragIdx, fragOutlineColor);
            aFrag->setLifeLong(fragLifeTime); // Frag will die after n Frame. 0 means 'immortal'.
//    breakFrags();
    pushForce(cx, cy);
コード例 #2
void SpaceshipGame::update(long elapsedTime)
    // Calculate elapsed time in seconds
    float t = (float)elapsedTime / 1000.0;
    if (!_finished)
        _time += t;

        // Play the background track
        if (_backgroundSound->getState() != AudioSource::PLAYING)
        // Stop the background track
        if (_backgroundSound->getState() != AudioSource::STOPPED)

        _throttle = 0.0f;

    // Set initial force due to gravity
    _force.set(0, -GRAVITATIONAL_FORCE);

    // While we are pushing/touching the screen, apply a push force vector based on the distance from
    // the touch point to the center of the space ship.
    if (_pushing)
        // Get the center point of the space ship in screen coordinates
        Vector3 shipCenterScreen;
        _scene->getActiveCamera()->project(getViewport(), _shipGroupNode->getBoundingSphere().center, &shipCenterScreen.x, &shipCenterScreen.y);

        // Compute a screen-space vector between the center point of the ship and the touch point.
        // We will use this vector to apply a "pushing" force to the space ship, similar to what
        // happens when you hold a magnet close to an object with opposite polarity.
        Vector2 pushForce((shipCenterScreen.x - _pushPoint.x), -(shipCenterScreen.y - _pushPoint.y));
        // Transform the vector so that a smaller magnitude emits a larger force and applying the
        // maximum touch distance.
        float distance = (std::max)(TOUCH_DISTANCE_MAX - pushForce.length(), 0.0f);
        pushForce.scale(distance * FORCE_SCALE);

        // Compute a throttle value based on our force vector, minus gravity
        Vector2 throttleVector(_force.x, _force.y + GRAVITATIONAL_FORCE);
        _throttle += throttleVector.length() / FORCE_MAX * t;
        // Gradually decrease the throttle
        if (_throttle > 0.0f)
            _throttle *= 1.0f - t;

    // Clamp the throttle
    _throttle = CLAMP(_throttle, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    // Update acceleration (a = F/m)
    _acceleration.set(_force.x / MASS, _force.y / MASS);

    // Update velocity (v1 = v0 + at)
    _velocity.x += _acceleration.x * t;
    _velocity.y += _acceleration.y * t;

    // Clamp velocity to its maximum range
    _velocity.x = CLAMP(_velocity.x, -VELOCITY_MAX, VELOCITY_MAX);
    _velocity.y = CLAMP(_velocity.y, -VELOCITY_MAX, VELOCITY_MAX);

    // Move the spaceship based on its current velocity (x1 = x0 + vt)
    _shipGroupNode->translate(_velocity.x * t, _velocity.y * t, 0);

    // Check for collisions

    // Update camera

    // Reset ship rotation

    // Apply ship tilt
    if (_force.x != 0 && abs(_velocity.x) > 0.1f)
        // Compute an angle based on the dot product between the force vector and the Y axis
        Vector2 fn;
        float angle = MATH_RAD_TO_DEG(acos(Vector2::dot(Vector2(0, 1), fn)));
        if (_force.x > 0)
            angle = -angle;
        angle *= _throttle * t;
        _shipTilt += angle;
        _shipTilt = _shipTilt < -SHIP_TILT_MAX ? -SHIP_TILT_MAX : (_shipTilt > SHIP_TILT_MAX ? SHIP_TILT_MAX : _shipTilt);
        // Interpolate tilt back towards zero when no force is applied
        _shipTilt = (_shipTilt + ((0 - _shipTilt) * t * 2.0f));

    if (_throttle > MATH_EPSILON)
        // Apply ship spin
        _shipNode->rotateY(MATH_DEG_TO_RAD(SHIP_ROTATE_SPEED_MAX * t * _throttle));

        // Play sound effect
        if (_spaceshipSound->getState() != AudioSource::PLAYING)
        // Set the pitch based on the throttle
        _spaceshipSound->setPitch(_throttle * SOUND_PITCH_SCALE);
        // Stop sound effect

    // Modify ship glow effect based on the throttle
    _glowDiffuseParameter->setValue(Vector4(1, 1, 1, _throttle * ENGINE_POWER));
    _shipSpecularParameter->setValue(SPECULAR - ((SPECULAR-2.0f) * _throttle));