bool gvVisionTask_black::gvTask_inspect( Hobject image_src, Hobject *outRegion_defects ) { // Local iconic variables Hobject TMP_Region, Region1, RegionErosion1,ImageReduced; Hobject Image_meanSmall, Image_meanLarge, RegionDynThresh; Hobject ConnectedRegions, RegionFillUp, RegionErosion, ConnectedRegions1; Hobject SelectedRegions, RegionDilation1, RegionDilation; Hobject RegionDifference, obj_selected; // Local control variables HTuple Meancenter, Deviation, Meanouter, Deviation1; HTuple Index, Number; // reduce_domain(image_src, gvTask_GetROI()->gvROI_GetROI(), &ImageReduced); reduce_domain(image_src, gvTask_GetROI()->gvROI_GetROI(), &ImageReduced); threshold(ImageReduced, &Region1, 100, 255); fill_up(Region1, &Region1); erosion_circle(Region1, &RegionErosion1, 20); mean_image(ImageReduced, &Image_meanSmall, 2, 2); mean_image(ImageReduced, &Image_meanLarge, 20, 20); dyn_threshold(Image_meanSmall, Image_meanLarge, &RegionDynThresh, 5, "dark"); connection(RegionDynThresh, &ConnectedRegions); fill_up(ConnectedRegions, &RegionFillUp); erosion_circle(RegionFillUp, &RegionErosion, 1.5); connection(RegionErosion, &ConnectedRegions1); select_shape(ConnectedRegions1, &SelectedRegions, "area", "and", m_minBlackSpotArea, 5000); dilation_circle(SelectedRegions, &RegionDilation1, 2.5); intensity(RegionDilation1, Image_meanSmall, &Meancenter, &Deviation); dilation_circle(SelectedRegions, &RegionDilation, 5); difference(RegionDilation, SelectedRegions, &RegionDifference); intensity(RegionDifference, Image_meanSmall, &Meanouter, &Deviation1); gen_empty_obj(&(*outRegion_defects)); for (Index=0; Index<=(Meancenter.Num())-1; Index+=1) { select_obj(SelectedRegions, &obj_selected, Index+1); if (0 != ((HTuple(Meancenter[Index])-HTuple(Meanouter[Index]))<-30)) { concat_obj((*outRegion_defects), obj_selected, &(*outRegion_defects)); } } count_obj((*outRegion_defects), &Number); if(Number>m_maxBlackSpotCnt||Number<m_minBlackSpotCnt ) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
int detectpsf(float *pix, int npx, int npy, float iso, float npix, int rad, int ndiv, float infcri, float supcri, float crit1, float crit2, float pixignr, objrec_t **psfob) { objrec_t *ob, ob0, *ob1, *q; /* object record */ int i, j, nobj, sobj; int yshift; if(*psfob!=NULL) { free_objrec_list(*psfob); *psfob=NULL; } nobj=0; j=1; ob1=&ob0; for(i=0;i<ndiv;i++) { yshift=npy/ndiv*i; nobj+=detect_simple(pix+npx*yshift,npx,npy/ndiv,iso, npix,&ob); if (ob!=NULL) { ob1->next=ob; ob1=ob1->next; while(ob1->next!=NULL) { ob1->entnum=j++; ob1->yc+=(float)yshift; ob1->jpeak+=yshift; ob1->ymin+=yshift; ob1->ymax+=yshift; ob1=ob1->next; } } }; printf("detected objects = %d\n", nobj); if(nobj==0) { free_objrec_list(; return -1; } /* Determination of the Star Image Center and Determination of the Star Peak and Star Selection for PSF Making and pixignr check */ for(q=ob; q != NULL; q=q->next) { /* crit test */ if (q->peak<infcri || q->peak>supcri) continue; if (!pixignr_check(pix, npx, npy, &q, rad, pixignr)) continue; if(det_center(pix, npx, npy, &q)) /* The order of the check should be this order */ { q->img=(float*)malloc((q->xmax-q->xmin+3)*(q->ymax-q->ymin+3)* sizeof(float)); imextra(pix,npx,npy, q->xmin-1,q->ymin-1,q->xmax+1,q->ymax+1, q->img); q->q=ab_r(q->img,(q->xmax-q->xmin+3),(q->ymax-q->ymin+3), iso); mk_psfob(&q, psfob); } } free_objrec_list(; if((*psfob) == NULL) { printf("No star candidates found\n"); return 0; } /* Select object roughly by Ipeak/Npix and axis ratio */ sobj = select_obj( psfob, crit1, crit2, rad); printf("selected stars = %d\n",sobj); if( sobj ==0 || (*psfob) == NULL) { printf("No star candidates found\n"); return 0; } return sobj; }