コード例 #1
void NpSpatialIndex::overlap(const PxBounds3& aabb, 
							 PxSpatialOverlapCallback& callback) const
	PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(aabb.isValid(),			"PxSpatialIndex::overlap: aabb is not valid.");

	OverlapCallback cb(callback);
	PxBoxGeometry boxGeom(aabb.getExtents());
	PxTransform xf(aabb.getCenter());
	Sq::ShapeData shapeData(boxGeom, xf, 0.0f); // temporary rvalue not compatible with PX_NOCOPY 
	mPruner->overlap(shapeData, cb);
コード例 #2
void NpSpatialIndex::sweep(const PxBounds3& aabb, 
						   const PxVec3& unitDir, 
						   PxReal maxDist, 
						   PxSpatialLocationCallback& callback) const

	PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(aabb.isValid(),									"PxSpatialIndex::sweep: aabb is not valid.");
	PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(unitDir.isFinite() && unitDir.isNormalized(),	"PxSpatialIndex::sweep: unitDir is not valid.");
	PX_CHECK_AND_RETURN(maxDist > 0.0f,									"PxSpatialIndex::sweep: distance must be positive");

	LocationCallback cb(callback);
	PxBoxGeometry boxGeom(aabb.getExtents());
	PxTransform xf(aabb.getCenter());
	Sq::ShapeData shapeData(boxGeom, xf, 0.0f); // temporary rvalue not compatible with PX_NOCOPY 
	mPruner->sweep(shapeData, unitDir, maxDist, cb);
コード例 #3
 * Update the pointer shape or visibility.
 * This is called when the mouse pointer shape changes or pointer is hidden/displaying.
 * The new shape is passed as a caller allocated buffer that will be freed after returning.
 * @param   pInterface          Pointer to this interface.
 * @param   fVisible            Whether the pointer is visible or not.
 * @param   fAlpha              Alpha channel information is present.
 * @param   xHot                Horizontal coordinate of the pointer hot spot.
 * @param   yHot                Vertical coordinate of the pointer hot spot.
 * @param   width               Pointer width in pixels.
 * @param   height              Pointer height in pixels.
 * @param   pShape              The shape buffer. If NULL, then only pointer visibility is being changed.
 * @thread  The emulation thread.
DECLCALLBACK(void) vmmdevUpdatePointerShape(PPDMIVMMDEVCONNECTOR pInterface, bool fVisible, bool fAlpha,
                                            uint32_t xHot, uint32_t yHot,
                                            uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
                                            void *pShape)
    Console *pConsole = pDrv->pVMMDev->getParent();

    /* tell the console about it */
    size_t cbShapeSize = 0;

    if (pShape)
        cbShapeSize = (width + 7) / 8 * height; /* size of the AND mask */
        cbShapeSize = ((cbShapeSize + 3) & ~3) + width * 4 * height; /* + gap + size of the XOR mask */
    com::SafeArray<BYTE> shapeData(cbShapeSize);
    if (pShape)
        ::memcpy(shapeData.raw(), pShape, cbShapeSize);
    pConsole->onMousePointerShapeChange(fVisible, fAlpha, xHot, yHot, width, height, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(shapeData));