pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE VARIABLES */ char autocal[MAXSTR], /* auto-calibration flag */ fsat[MAXSTR], fscuba[MAXSTR], f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ f3180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t3 @ halfdwell */ fco180[MAXSTR], /* Flag for checking sequence */ fca180[MAXSTR], /* Flag for checking sequence */ spca180[MAXSTR], /* string for the waveform Ca 180 */ spco180[MAXSTR], /* string for the waveform Co 180 */ spchirp[MAXSTR], /* string for the waveform reburp 180 */ ddseq[MAXSTR], /* 2H decoupling seqfile */ shp_sl[MAXSTR], /* string for seduce shape */ sel_flg[MAXSTR]; int phase, phase2, phase3, ni2, ni3, icosel, t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter, /* used for states tppi in t2 */ t3_counter; /* used for states tppi in t3 */ double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ tau3, /* t2 delay */ taua, /* ~ 1/4JNH = 2.25 ms */ taub, /* ~ 1/4JNH = 2.25 ms */ zeta, /* time for C'-N to refocuss set to 0.5*24.0 ms */ bigTN, /* nitrogen T period */ pwc90, /* PW90 for c nucleus @ d_c90 */ pwc180on, /* PW180 at @ d_c180 */ pwchirp, /* PW180 for ca nucleus @ d_creb */ pwc180off, /* PW180 at d_c180 + pad */ tsatpwr, /* low level 1H trans.power for presat */ d_c90, /* power level for 13C pulses(pwc90 = sqrt(15)/4delta) delta is the separation between Ca and Co */ d_c180, /* power level for 180 13C pulses (pwc180on=sqrt(3)/2delta */ d_chirp, sw1, /* sweep width in f1 */ sw2, /* sweep width in f2 */ sw3, /* sweep width in f3 */ pw_sl, /* pw90 for H selective pulse on water ~ 2ms */ phase_sl, /* phase for pw_sl */ tpwrsl, /* power level for square pw_sl */ pwDlvl, /* Power for D decoupling */ pwD, /* pw90 at pwDlvl */ pwC, pwClvl, /* C-13 calibration */ compC, pwN, /* PW90 for 15N pulse */ pwNlvl, /* high dec2 pwr for 15N hard pulses */ gstab, /* delay to compensate for gradient gt5 */ gt1, gt2, gt3, gt4, gt5, gt6, gt7, gt8, gt9, gzlvl1, gzlvl2, gzlvl3, gzlvl4, gzlvl5, gzlvl6, gzlvl7, gzlvl8, gzlvl9; /* LOAD VARIABLES */ getstr("autocal",autocal); getstr("fsat",fsat); getstr("fco180",fco180); getstr("fca180",fca180); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("f3180",f3180); getstr("fscuba",fscuba); getstr("ddseq",ddseq); getstr("shp_sl",shp_sl); getstr("sel_flg",sel_flg); taua = getval("taua"); taub = getval("taub"); zeta = getval("zeta"); bigTN = getval("bigTN"); tpwr = getval("tpwr"); tsatpwr = getval("tsatpwr"); dpwr = getval("dpwr"); pwN = getval("pwN"); pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"); pwD = getval("pwD"); pwDlvl = getval("pwDlvl"); phase = (int) ( getval("phase") + 0.5); phase2 = (int) ( getval("phase2") + 0.5); phase3 = (int) ( getval("phase3") + 0.5); sw1 = getval("sw1"); sw2 = getval("sw2"); sw3 = getval("sw3"); ni2 = getval("ni2"); ni3 = getval("ni3"); pw_sl = getval("pw_sl"); phase_sl = getval("phase_sl"); tpwrsl = getval("tpwrsl"); gstab = getval("gstab"); gt1 = getval("gt1"); if (getval("gt2") > 0) gt2=getval("gt2"); else gt2=gt1*0.1; gt3 = getval("gt3"); gt4 = getval("gt4"); gt5 = getval("gt5"); gt6 = getval("gt6"); gt7 = getval("gt7"); gt8 = getval("gt8"); gt9 = getval("gt9"); gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"); gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"); gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"); gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"); gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"); gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); gzlvl7 = getval("gzlvl7"); gzlvl8 = getval("gzlvl8"); gzlvl9 = getval("gzlvl9"); if(autocal[0]=='n') { getstr("spca180",spca180); getstr("spco180",spco180); getstr("spchirp",spchirp); pwc90 = getval("pwc90"); pwc180on = getval("pwc180on"); pwc180off = getval("pwc180off"); d_c90 = getval("d_c90"); d_c180 = getval("d_c180"); pwchirp = getval("pwchirp"); d_chirp = getval("d_chirp"); } else { strcpy(spca180,"Phard180ca"); strcpy(spco180,"Phard180co"); strcpy(spchirp,"Pchirp180"); if (FIRST_FID) { pwC = getval("pwC"); compC = getval("compC"); pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"); co90 = pbox("cal", CO90, CO180ps, dfrq, pwC*compC, pwClvl); co180 = pbox("cal", CO180, CO180ps, dfrq, pwC*compC, pwClvl); ca180 = pbox(spca180, CA180, CA180ps, dfrq, pwC*compC, pwClvl); co180a = pbox(spco180, CO180a, CA180ps, dfrq, pwC*compC, pwClvl); chirp = pbox(spchirp, CHIRP, CHIRPps, dfrq, pwC*compC, pwClvl); } pwc90 = co90.pw; d_c90 = co90.pwr; pwc180on = co180.pw; d_c180 = co180.pwr; pwc180off = ca180.pw; pwchirp = chirp.pw; d_chirp = chirp.pwr; } /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t1,2,phi1); settable(t2,2,phi2); settable(t3,4,phi3); settable(t4,1,phi4); settable(t5,4,phi5); settable(t6,4,rec); /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if( bigTN - (ni3-1)*0.5/sw3 - WFG3_START_DELAY < 0.2e-6 ) { text_error(" ni3 is too big\n"); text_error(" please set ni3 smaller or equal to %d\n", (int) ((bigTN -WFG3_START_DELAY)*sw3*2.0) +1 ); psg_abort(1); } if((dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' || dm[D] == 'y' )) { text_error("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! "); psg_abort(1); } if((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' || dm2[C] == 'y' || dm2[D] == 'y')) { text_error("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnnn' "); psg_abort(1); } if( tsatpwr > 6 ) { text_error("TSATPWR too large !!! "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr > 46 ) { text_error("don't fry the probe, DPWR too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr2 > 46 ) { text_error("don't fry the probe, DPWR2 too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr3 > 50 ) { text_error("don't fry the probe, dpwr3 too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( d_c90 > 62 ) { text_error("don't fry the probe, DHPWR too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pw > 200.0e-6 ) { text_error("dont fry the probe, pw too high ! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pwN > 200.0e-6 ) { text_error("dont fry the probe, pwN too high ! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pwc90 > 200.0e-6 ) { text_error("dont fry the probe, pwc90 too high ! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pwc180off > 200.0e-6 ) { text_error("dont fry the probe, pwc180 too high ! "); psg_abort(1); } if( gt3 > 2.5e-3 ) { text_error("gt3 is too long\n"); psg_abort(1); } if( gt1 > 10.0e-3 || gt2 > 10.0e-3 || gt4 > 10.0e-3 || gt5 > 10.0e-3 || gt6 > 10.0e-3 || gt7 > 10.0e-3 || gt8 > 10.0e-3 || gt9 > 10.0e-3) { text_error("gt values are too long. Must be < 10.0e-3 or gt11=50us\n"); psg_abort(1); } if((fca180[A] == 'y') && (ni2 > 1)) { text_error("must set fca180='n' to allow Calfa evolution (ni2>1)\n"); psg_abort(1); } if((fco180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1)) { text_error("must set fco180='n' to allow CO evolution (ni>1)\n"); psg_abort(1); } /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data */ if (phase == 2) tsadd(t1,1,4); if (phase2 == 2) tsadd(t5,1,4); if (phase3 == 2) { tsadd(t4, 2, 4); icosel = 1; } else icosel = -1; /* Set up f1180 tau1 = t1 */ tau1 = d2; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1)) { if (pwc180off > 2.0*pwN) tau1 += (1.0/(2.0*sw1) - 4.0*pwc90/PI - pwc180off - WFG3_START_DELAY - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6); else tau1 += (1.0/(2.0*sw1) - 4.0*pwc90/PI - 2.0*pwN - WFG3_START_DELAY - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) { tau1 = 0.4e-6; text_error("tau1 could be negative"); } } else { if (pwc180off > 2.0*pwN) tau1 = tau1 - 4.0*pwc90/PI - pwc180off - WFG3_START_DELAY - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6; else tau1 = tau1 - 4.0*pwc90/PI - 2.0*pwN - WFG3_START_DELAY - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6; if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.4e-6; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Set up f2180 tau2 = t2 */ tau2 = d3; if((f2180[A] == 'y') && (ni2 > 1)) { if (pwc180off > 2.0*pwN) tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) - 4.0*pwc90/PI - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - WFG3_START_DELAY - pwc180off - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 4.0e-6); else tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) - 4.0*pwc90/PI - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - WFG3_START_DELAY - 2.0*pwN - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 4.0e-6); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) { tau2 = 0.4e-6; text_error("tau2 could be negative"); } } else { if (pwc180off > 2.0*pwN) tau2 = tau2 - 4.0*pwc90/PI - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - WFG3_START_DELAY - pwc180off - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 4.0e-6; else tau2 = tau2 - 4.0*pwc90/PI - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - WFG3_START_DELAY - 2.0*pwN - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 4.0e-6; if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.4e-6; } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Set up f3180 tau3 = t3 */ tau3 = d4; if ((f3180[A] == 'y') && (ni3 > 1)) { tau3 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw3) ); if(tau3 < 0.2e-6) tau3 = 0.4e-6; } tau3 = tau3/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2 ; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t1,2,4); tsadd(t6,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3 ; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t5,2,4); tsadd(t6,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d4_init = d4 ; t3_counter = (int) ( (d4-d4_init)*sw3 + 0.5 ); if(t3_counter % 2) { tsadd(t2,2,4); tsadd(t6,2,4); } /* BEGIN ACTUAL PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); obsoffset(tof); decoffset(dof); /* set Dec1 carrier at Co */ obspower(tsatpwr); /* Set transmitter power for 1H presaturation */ decpower(d_chirp); /* Set Dec1 power for hard 13C pulses */ dec2power(pwNlvl); /* Set Dec2 power for 15N hard pulses */ /* Presaturation Period */ if (fsat[0] == 'y') { delay(2.0e-5); rgpulse(d1,zero,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); /* presaturation */ obspower(tpwr); /* Set transmitter power for hard 1H pulses */ delay(2.0e-5); if (fscuba[0] == 'y') { delay(2.2e-2); rgpulse(pw,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); rgpulse(2*pw,one,2.0e-6,0.0); rgpulse(pw,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); delay(2.2e-2); } } else { delay(d1); } obspower(tpwr); /* Set transmitter power for hard 1H pulses */ txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); delay(1.0e-5); /* Begin Pulses */ status(B); rcvroff(); lk_hold(); delay(20.0e-6); initval(1.0,v2); obsstepsize(phase_sl); xmtrphase(v2); /* shaped pulse */ obspower(tpwrsl); shaped_pulse(shp_sl,pw_sl,one,4.0e-6,0.0); xmtrphase(zero); obspower(tpwr); txphase(zero); delay(4.0e-6); /* shaped pulse */ rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 90 deg 1H pulse */ delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay(2.0e-6); delay(taua - gt5 - 2.2e-6); /* taua <= 1/4JNH */ sim3pulse(2*pw,0.0e-6,2*pwN,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); txphase(three); dec2phase(zero); decphase(zero); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay(200.0e-6); delay(taua - gt5 - 200.2e-6 - 2.0e-6); if (sel_flg[A] == 'n') { rgpulse(pw,three,2.0e-6,0.0); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl3,gt3); delay(200.0e-6); dec2rgpulse(pwN,zero,0.0,0.0); delay( zeta ); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN,zero,0.0,0.0); decshaped_pulse(spchirp,pwchirp,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(zeta -WFG_START_DELAY -pwchirp -WFG_STOP_DELAY -2.0e-6); dec2rgpulse(pwN,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); } else { rgpulse(pw,one,2.0e-6,0.0); initval(1.0,v3); dec2stepsize(45.0); dcplr2phase(v3); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl3,gt3); delay(200.0e-6); dec2rgpulse(pwN,zero,0.0,0.0); dcplr2phase(zero); delay(1.34e-3 - SAPS_DELAY - 2.0*pw); rgpulse(pw,one,0.0,0.0); rgpulse(2.0*pw,zero,0.0,0.0); rgpulse(pw,one,0.0,0.0); delay( zeta - 1.34e-3 - 2.0*pw); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN,zero,0.0,0.0); decshaped_pulse(spchirp,pwchirp,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(zeta -WFG_START_DELAY -pwchirp -WFG_STOP_DELAY -2.0e-6); dec2rgpulse(pwN,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); } dec2phase(zero); decphase(t1); decpower(d_c90); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl8,gt8); delay(200.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwc90,t1,2.0e-6,0.0); /* t1 period for Co evolution begins */ if (fco180[A]=='n') { decpower(d_c180); delay(tau1); sim3shaped_pulse("",spca180,"",0.0,pwc180off,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); decpower(d_c90); delay(tau1); } else /* for checking sequence */ { decpower(d_c180); decrgpulse(pwc180on,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); decpower(d_c90); } /* t1 period for Co evolution ends */ decrgpulse(pwc90,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); decoffset(dof-(174-56)*dfrq); /* change Dec1 carrier to Ca (55 ppm) */ delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl4,gt4); delay(150.0e-6); /* Turn on D decoupling using the third decoupler */ dec3phase(one); dec3power(pwDlvl); dec3rgpulse(pwD,one,4.0e-6,0.0); dec3phase(zero); dec3power(dpwr3); dec3unblank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); /* Turn on D decoupling */ decrgpulse(pwc90,t5,2.0e-6,0.0); /* t2 period for Ca evolution begins */ if (fca180[A]=='n') { decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpower(d_c180); delay(tau2); sim3shaped_pulse("",spco180,"",0.0,pwc180off,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); decpower(d_c90); delay(tau2); } else /* for checking sequence */ { decpower(d_c180); decrgpulse(pwc180on,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); decpower(d_c90); } /* t2 period for Ca evolution ends */ decrgpulse(pwc90,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); /* Turn off D decoupling */ setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'c', FALSE, dmf3); dec3blank(); dec3phase(three); dec3power(pwDlvl); dec3rgpulse(pwD,three,4.0e-6,0.0); /* Turn off D decoupling */ decoffset(dof); /* set carrier back to Co */ decpower(d_chirp); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl9,gt9); delay(150.0e-6); /* t3 period begins */ dec2rgpulse(pwN,t2,2.0e-6,0.0); dec2phase(t3); delay(bigTN - tau3); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN,t3,0.0,0.0); decshaped_pulse(spchirp,pwchirp,zero,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(t4); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl1,gt1); delay(500.0e-6); delay(bigTN - WFG_START_DELAY - pwchirp - WFG_STOP_DELAY -gt1 -500.2e-6 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); delay(tau3); sim3pulse(pw,0.0e-6,pwN,zero,zero,t4,0.0,0.0); /* t3 period ends */ decpower(d_c90); decrgpulse(pwc90,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); decoffset(dof-(174-56)*dfrq); decrgpulse(pwc90,zero,20.0e-6,0.0); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl6,gt6); delay(2.0e-6); dec2phase(zero); delay(taub - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - pwc90 - 20.0e-6 - pwc90 - gt6 - 2.2e-6); sim3pulse(2*pw,0.0e-6,2*pwN,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); decoffset(dof); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl6,gt6); delay(200.0e-6); txphase(one); dec2phase(one); delay(taub - gt6 - 200.2e-6); sim3pulse(pw,0.0e-6,pwN,one,zero,one,0.0,0.0); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl7,gt7); delay(2.0e-6); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); delay(taub - gt7 - 2.2e-6); sim3pulse(2*pw,0.0e-6,2*pwN,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl7,gt7); delay(200.0e-6); delay(taub - gt7 - 200.2e-6); sim3pulse(pw,0.0e-6,pwN,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(gt2 +gstab -0.5*(pwN -pw) -2.0*pw/PI); rgpulse(2*pw,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2,gt2); decpower(dpwr); dec2power(dpwr2); delay(gstab -2.0e-6 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -2.0*POWER_DELAY); lk_sample(); /* BEGIN ACQUISITION */ status(C); setreceiver(t6); }
void pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /* magic-angle coherence transfer gradients */ TROSY[MAXSTR]; /* To check for TROSY flag */ int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter, /* used for states tppi in t2 */ ni2 = getval("ni2"); double p_d, rfd, ncyc, COmix = getval("COmix"), p_trim, rftrim, tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ timeTN = getval("timeTN"), /* constant time for 15N evolution */ kappa = 5.4e-3, lambda = 2.4e-3, pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "proteincal". SLP pulse shapes, "offC3" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC3 = getval("pwC3"), /*180 degree pulse at Ca(56ppm) null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC3a = getval("pwC3a"), /* pwC3a=pwC3, but not set to zero when pwC3=0 */ phshift3, /* phase shift induced on CO by pwC3 ("offC3") pulse */ pwZ, /* the largest of pwC3 and 2.0*pwN */ pwZ1, /* the largest of pwC3a and 2.0*pwN for 1D experiments */ pwC6 = getval("pwC6"), /* 90 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ pwC8 = getval("pwC8"), /* 180 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ rf3, /* fine power for the pwC3 ("offC3") pulse */ rf6, /* fine power for the pwC6 ("offC6") pulse */ rf8, /* fine power for the pwC8 ("offC8") pulse */ compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ pwHs = getval("pwHs"), /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrs */ tpwrsf = getval("tpwrsf"), /* fine power adjustment for flipback */ tpwrs, /* power for the pwHs ("H2Osinc") pulse */ pwHd, /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrd */ tpwrd, /* rf for WALTZ decoupling */ waltzB1 = getval("waltzB1"), /* waltz16 field strength (in Hz) */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* g/cm to DAC conversion factor */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); getstr("TROSY",TROSY); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t3,2,phi3); settable(t4,1,phx); settable(t5,4,phi5); settable(t8,1,phx); settable(t9,8,phi9); settable(t10,1,phx); settable(t11,1,phy); settable(t12,4,rec); /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if( dpwrf < 4095 ) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; /* 180 degree pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ rf3 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0)/pwC3a; rf3 = (int) (rf3 + 0.5); /* the pwC3 pulse at the middle of t1 */ if ((ni2 > 0.0) && (ni == 1.0)) ni = 0.0; if (pwC3a > 2.0*pwN) pwZ = pwC3a; else pwZ = 2.0*pwN; if ((pwC3==0.0) && (pwC3a>2.0*pwN)) pwZ1=pwC3a-2.0*pwN; else pwZ1=0.0; if ( ni > 1 ) pwC3 = pwC3a; if ( pwC3 > 0 ) phshift3 = 48.0; else phshift3 = 0.0; /* 90 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf6 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*1.69)/pwC6; /* needs 1.69 times more */ rf6 = (int) (rf6 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf8 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC8; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf8 = (int) (rf8 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* selective H20 one-lobe sinc pulse */ tpwrs = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHs/(compH*pw*1.69)); /* needs 1.69 times more */ tpwrs = (int) (tpwrs); /* power than a square pulse */ /* power level and pulse time for WALTZ 1H decoupling */ pwHd = 1/(4.0 * waltzB1) ; tpwrd = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHd/(compH*pw)); tpwrd = (int) (tpwrd + 0.5); /* dipsi-3 decoupling on COCO */ p_trim = 1/(4*5000*(sfrq/600.0)); /* 5 kHz trim pulse at 600MHz as per Bax */ p_d = (5.0)/(9.0*4.0*2800.0*(sfrq/600.0)); /* 2.8 kHz DIPSI-3 at 600MHz as per Bax*/ rftrim = (compC*4095.0*pwC)/p_trim; rftrim = (int)(rftrim+0.5); rfd = (compC*4095.0*pwC*5.0)/(p_d*9.0); rfd = (int) (rfd + 0.5); ncyc = ((COmix - 0.002)/51.8/4/p_d); ncyc = (int) (ncyc + 0.5); initval(ncyc,v9); /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if ( 0.5*ni2*1/(sw2) > timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" ni2 is too big. Make ni2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dpwr2 > 50 ) { printf("dpwr2 too large! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pw > 50.0e-6 ) { printf(" pw too long ! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( (pwN > 100.0e-6) && (ni>1 || ni2>1)) { printf(" pwN too long! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( TROSY[A] == 'y') { printf(" TROSY option is not implemented"); psg_abort(1);} /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 2) tsadd(t3,1,4); if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = +1;} else icosel = -1; /* Set up f1180 */ tau1 = d2; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1.0)) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } /* Set up f2180 */ tau2 = d3; if((f2180[A] == 'y') && (ni2 > 1.0)) { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t8,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(d1); rcvroff(); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpwrf(rf0); obsoffset(tof); txphase(zero); delay(1.0e-5); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy N15 and C13 magnetization*/ decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(5.0e-4); rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); if (tpwrsf<4095.0) {obspower(tpwrs+6.0); obspwrf(tpwrsf);} else obspower(tpwrs); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, zero, 5.0e-4, 0.0); obspower(tpwrd); obspwrf(4095.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); delay(kappa - pwHd - 2.0e-6 - PRG_START_DELAY); rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf8); delay(timeTN - kappa - WFG3_START_DELAY); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "", 0.0, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(t3); decpwrf(rf6); delay(timeTN); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); /***************************************************************/ /* The sequence is different from here with respect to ghn_co **/ /***************************************************************/ rgpulse(pwHd,one,2.0e-6,0.0); /* H1 decoupler is turned on */ txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); xmtron(); decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, t3, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); /* Refocus CO, evolve CO, spinlock CO and defocus CO */ delay(timeTN - tau1/2 - 0.6*pwC6 - WFG3_START_DELAY); decpwrf(rf8); sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8","",0.0,pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); decpwrf(rf3); delay(timeTN - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - WFG_START_DELAY - pwC3a/2); decshaped_pulse("offC3",pwC3a,zero,0.0,0.0); if (tau1 > 0) delay(tau1/2 - WFG_STOP_DELAY - pwC3a/2 - 2.0e-6); else delay(tau1/2); /*******DO SPINLOCK ********/ decpwrf(rftrim); decrgpulse(0.002,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); decpwrf(rfd); starthardloop(v9); decrgpulse(6.4*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(8.2*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.8*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.7*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.5*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.3*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.4*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(6.4*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(8.2*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.8*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.7*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.5*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.3*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.4*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(6.4*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(8.2*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.8*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.7*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.5*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.3*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.4*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(6.4*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(8.2*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.8*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.7*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.5*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.3*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.4*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); endhardloop(); decpwrf(4095.0); /* End of spinlock */ delay(timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY); decpwrf(rf8); sim3shaped_pulse("","offC8","",0.0,pwC8,2*pwN,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); decpwrf(rf6); delay(timeTN - WFG3_STOP_DELAY); /***************************************************************/ /* The sequence is same as ghn_co from this point ********/ /***************************************************************/ decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, t5, 0.0, 0.0); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OPTIONS FOR N15 EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ dec2phase(t8); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); txphase(one); dcplrphase(zero); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, t8, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); dec2phase(t9); decpwrf(rf8); delay(timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY - tau2); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "", 0.0, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, t9, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); decpwrf(rf3); if (tau2 > kappa) { delay(timeTN - pwC3a - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > (kappa - pwC3a - WFG_START_DELAY)) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(kappa -pwC3a -WFG_START_DELAY -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.0e-4) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - tau2 - pwC3a - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa-tau2-pwC3a-WFG_START_DELAY-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, t4, zero, t10, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(t11); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, t11, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 0.65*pwN - gt5); rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + 1.0e-4 +gstab - 0.5*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0,0.0); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ delay(gstab); rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4); setreceiver(t12); }
pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /* magic-angle coherence transfer gradients */ SCT[MAXSTR], /* Semi-constant time flag for N-15 evolution */ CT_c[MAXSTR], /* Constant time flag for C-13 evolution */ TROSY[MAXSTR]; /* do TROSY on N15 and H1 */ int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter, /* used for states tppi in t2 */ PRexp, /* projection-reconstruction flag */ ni2 = getval("ni2"); double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ tauC = getval("tauC"), /* delay for CO to Ca evolution */ timeTN = getval("timeTN"), /* constant time for 15N evolution */ timeTC = getval("timeTC"), /* constant time for 13C evolution */ t2a=0.0, t2b=0.0, halfT2=0.0, CTdelay=0.0, kappa = 5.4e-3, lambda = 2.4e-3, pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ /* 90 degree pulse at Ca (56ppm), first off-resonance null at CO (174ppm) */ pwC1, /* 90 degree pulse length on C13 at rf1 */ rf1, /* fine power for 4.7 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* 180 degree pulse at Ca (56ppm), first off-resonance null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC2, /* 180 degree pulse length at rf2 */ rf2, /* fine power for 10.5 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "proteincal". SLP pulse shapes, "offC6" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC3 = getval("pwC3"), /*180 degree pulse at Ca(56ppm) null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC6 = getval("pwC6"), /* 90 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ pwC8 = getval("pwC8"), /* 180 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ pwC9 = getval("pwC9"), /* 180 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ phshift9, /* phase shift induced on Ca by pwC9 ("offC9") pulse */ pwZ, /* the largest of pwC9 and 2.0*pwN */ pwZ1, /* the larger of pwC8 and 2.0*pwN for 1D experiments */ rf3, /* fine power for the pwC3 ("offC3") pulse */ rf6, /* fine power for the pwC6 ("offC6") pulse */ rf8, /* fine power for the pwC8 ("offC8") pulse */ rf9, /* fine power for the pwC9 ("offC9") pulse */ dofCO, /* channel 2 offset for most CO pulses */ compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ pwHs = getval("pwHs"), /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrs */ tpwrsf = getval("tpwrsf"), /* fine power adjustment for flipback */ tpwrs, /* power for the pwHs ("H2Osinc") pulse */ csa, sna, pra = M_PI*getval("pra")/180.0, pwHd, /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrd */ tpwrd, /* rf for WALTZ decoupling */ waltzB1 = getval("waltzB1"), /* waltz16 field strength (in Hz) */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* g/cm to DAC conversion factor */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gt7 = getval("gt7"), gt9 = getval("gt9"), gt10 = getval("gt10"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"), gzlvl7 = getval("gzlvl7"), gzlvl8 = getval("gzlvl8"), gzlvl9 = getval("gzlvl9"), gzlvl10 = getval("gzlvl10"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); getstr("SCT",SCT); getstr("CT_c",CT_c); getstr("TROSY",TROSY); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t3,2,phi3); settable(t4,1,phx); settable(t5,4,phi5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') {settable(t8,1,phy); settable(t9,1,phx); settable(t10,1,phy); settable(t11,1,phx); settable(t12,4,recT);} else {settable(t8,1,phx); settable(t9,8,phi9); settable(t10,1,phx); settable(t11,1,phy); settable(t12,4,rec);} /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if( dpwrf < 4095 ) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } /* offset during CO pulses, except for t1 evolution period */ dofCO = dof + 118.0*dfrq; /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; /* 90 degree pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ pwC1 = sqrt(15.0)/(4.0*118.0*dfrq); rf1 = 4095.0*(compC*pwC)/pwC1; rf1 = (int) (rf1 + 0.5); /* 180 degree pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ pwC2 = sqrt(3.0)/(2.0*118.0*dfrq); rf2 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0)/pwC2; rf2 = (int) (rf2 + 0.5); if( rf2 > 4095.0 ) { printf("increase pwClvl so that C13 90 < 24us*(600/sfrq)"); psg_abort(1);} /* 180 degree pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ rf3 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0)/pwC3; rf3 = (int) (rf3 + 0.5); /* 90 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf6 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*1.69)/pwC6; /* needs 1.69 times more */ rf6 = (int) (rf6 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf8 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC8; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf8 = (int) (rf8 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf9 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC8; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf9 = (int) (rf9 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* the pwC9 pulse at the middle of t1 */ if ((ni2 > 0.0) && (ni == 1.0)) ni = 0.0; if (pwC8 > 2.0*pwN) pwZ = pwC8; else pwZ = 2.0*pwN; if ((pwC9==0.0) && (pwC8>2.0*pwN)) pwZ1=pwC8-2.0*pwN; else pwZ1=0.0; if ( ni > 1 ) pwC9 = pwC8; if ( pwC9 > 0 ) phshift9 = 140.0; else phshift9 = 0.0; /* selective H20 one-lobe sinc pulse */ tpwrs = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHs/(compH*pw*1.69)); /* needs 1.69 times more */ tpwrs = (int) (tpwrs); /* power than a square pulse */ /* power level and pulse time for WALTZ 1H decoupling */ pwHd = 1/(4.0 * waltzB1) ; /* 7.5 kHz rf */ tpwrd = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHd/(compH*pw)); tpwrd = (int) (tpwrd + 0.5); /* set up Projection-Reconstruction experiment */ tau1 = d2; tau2 = d3; PRexp=0; csa = 1.0; sna = 0.0; if((pra > 0.0) && (pra < 90.0)) /* PR experiments */ { PRexp = 1; csa = cos(pra); sna = sin(pra); tau1 = d2*csa; tau2 = d2*sna; } /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if(SCT[A] == 'n') { if (PRexp) { if( 0.5*ni*sna/sw1 > timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" ni is too big. Make ni equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw1/sna))); psg_abort(1);} } else { if ( 0.5*ni2*1/(sw2) > timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" ni2 is too big. Make ni2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} } } if(CT_c[A] == 'y') { if ( 0.5*ni*csa/sw1 > timeTC) { printf(" ni is too big. Make ni less than %d or less.\n", ((int)(timeTC*2.0*sw1/csa - 4e-6 - SAPS_DELAY))); psg_abort(1);} } if ( tauC < (gt7+1.0e-4+0.5*10.933*pwC)) gt7=(tauC-1.0e-4-0.5*10.933*pwC); if ( dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm3[A] == 'y' || dm3[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec3 decoupler flags! Should be 'nyn' or 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dpwr2 > 50 ) { printf("dpwr2 too large! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pw > 20.0e-6 ) { printf(" pw too long ! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pwN > 100.0e-6 ) { printf(" pwN too long! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( TROSY[A]=='y' && dm2[C] == 'y') { text_error("Choose either TROSY='n' or dm2='n' ! "); psg_abort(1);} /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 2) tsadd(t3,1,4); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (phase2 == 2) icosel = +1; else {tsadd(t4,2,4); tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = -1;} } else { if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = +1;} else icosel = -1; } /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t8,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } /* Set up CONSTANT/SEMI-CONSTANT time evolution in N15 */ halfT2 = 0.0; CTdelay = timeTN + pwC8 + WFG_START_DELAY - SAPS_DELAY; if(ni>1) { if(f1180[A] == 'y') /* Set up f1180 */ tau1 += 0.5*csa/sw1; /* if not PRexp then csa = 1.0 */ if(PRexp) { halfT2 = 0.5*(ni-1)/sw1; /* ni2 is not defined */ if(f1180[A] == 'y') { tau2 += 0.5*sna/sw1; halfT2 += 0.25*sna/sw1; } t2b = (double) t1_counter*((halfT2 - CTdelay)/((double)(ni-1))); } } if (ni2>1) { halfT2 = 0.5*(ni2-1)/sw2; if(f2180[A] == 'y') /* Set up f2180 */ { tau2 += 0.5/sw2; halfT2 += 0.25/sw2; } t2b = (double) t2_counter*((halfT2 - CTdelay)/((double)(ni2-1))); } tau1 = tau1/2.0; tau2 = tau2/2.0; if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; if(t2b < 0.0) t2b = 0.0; t2a = CTdelay - tau2 + t2b; if(t2a < 0.2e-6) t2a = 0.0; /* uncomment these lines to check t2a and t2b printf("%d: t2a = %.12f", t2_counter,t2a); printf(" ; t2b = %.12f\n", t2b); */ /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(d1); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) { lk_hold(); lk_sampling_off();} /*freezes z0 correction, stops lock pulsing*/ rcvroff(); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpwrf(rf0); obsoffset(tof); decoffset(dofCO); txphase(zero); delay(1.0e-5); if (TROSY[A] == 'n') dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy N15 and C13 magnetization*/ decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(-gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); if (TROSY[A] == 'n') dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(-0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(5.0e-4); rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 0.0); if (tpwrsf < 4095.0) {obspwrf(tpwrsf); obspower(tpwrs+6.0);} /* increases tpwrs by 6dB, now need */ else obspower(tpwrs); /* tpwrsf to be ~ 2048 for equivalence */ if (TROSY[A]=='y') {txphase(two); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, two, 5.0e-4, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(0.5*kappa - 2.0*pw); rgpulse(2.0*pw, two, 0.0, 0.0); obspower(tpwrd); /* POWER_DELAY */ decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf8); delay(timeTN -0.5*kappa - POWER_DELAY - WFG3_START_DELAY); } else {txphase(zero); if (tpwrsf < 4095.0) {obspwrf(tpwrsf); obspower(tpwrs+6.0);} /* increases tpwrs by 6dB, now need */ else obspower(tpwrs); /* tpwrsf to be ~ 2048 for equivalence */ shaped_pulse("H2Osinc",pwHs,zero,5.0e-4,0.0); obspower(tpwrd); obspwrf(4095.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); delay(kappa - pwHd - 2.0e-6 - PRG_START_DELAY); rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf8); delay(timeTN - kappa - WFG3_START_DELAY); } /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "", 0.0, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); decpwrf(rf6); delay(timeTN); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (TROSY[A]=='n') {xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0);} zgradpulse(-gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(-gzlvl7, gt7); decpwrf(rf0); decphase(zero); delay(tauC - gt7 - 0.5*10.933*pwC); decrgpulse(pwC*158.0/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*171.2/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*342.8/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* Shaka 6 composite */ decrgpulse(pwC*145.5/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*81.2/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*85.3/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(-gzlvl7, gt7); decpwrf(rf6); decphase(one); txphase(one); delay(tauC - gt7 - 0.5*10.933*pwC - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, one, 0.0, 0.0); decoffset(dof); zgradpulse(-gzlvl9, gt9); decpwrf(rf1); decphase(t3); delay(2.0e-4); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* begins optional 2H decoupling */ { dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,one,10.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3unblank(); dec3phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); xmtron(); decrgpulse(pwC1, t3, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13Ca EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if (ni==1.0) /* special 1D check of pwC9 phase enabled when ni=1 */ { decpwrf(rf9); delay(10.0e-6 + SAPS_DELAY + 0.5*pwZ1); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC9", "", 0.0, pwC9, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); initval(phshift9, v9); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v9); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(10.0e-6 + WFG3_START_DELAY + 0.5*pwZ1); } else if(CT_c[A] == 'y') /* xxxxxxx 13Ca Constant Time EVOLUTION xxxxxxxx */ { decpwrf(rf9); if(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG_START_DELAY -POWER_DELAY > 0.0) { delay(tau1 -2.0*pwC1/PI -POWER_DELAY -WFG_START_DELAY); sim3shaped_pulse("","offC9","",0.0,pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); } else sim3shaped_pulse("","offC9","",0.0,pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(timeTC- 2.0e-6 -WFG_STOP_DELAY-POWER_DELAY); decpwrf(rf2); decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 2.0e-6, 2.0e-6); /* 13Ca 180 degree pulse */ delay(timeTC-tau1- 4.0e-6 -SAPS_DELAY); phshift9 = 230.0; /* = 320-90 - correction for -90 degree phase shift in F1 */ initval(phshift9, v9); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v9); /* SAPS_DELAY */ } else /* xxxxxxx 13Ca Conventional EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxx */ { if ((ni>1.0) && (tau1>0.0)) /* total 13C evolution equals d2 exactly */ { /* 2.0*pwC1/PI compensates for evolution at 64% rate during pwC1 */ decpwrf(rf9); if(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ > 0.0) { delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ); sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC9", "", 0.0, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); initval(phshift9, v9); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v9); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - SAPS_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ - 2.0e-6); } else { initval(180.0, v9); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v9); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(2.0*tau1 - 4.0*pwC1/PI - SAPS_DELAY - 2.0e-6); } } else /* 13Ca evolution refocused for 1st increment */ { decpwrf(rf2); delay(10.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); delay(10.0e-6); } } decphase(t5); decpwrf(rf1); decrgpulse(pwC1, t5, 2.0e-6, 0.0); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); decoffset(dofCO); decpwrf(rf6); decphase(one); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* turns off 2H decoupling */ { setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'c', FALSE, dmf3); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,three,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3blank(); lk_autotrig(); /* resumes lock pulsing */ } zgradpulse(gzlvl10, gt10); delay(2.0e-4); decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, one, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl8, gt7); decpwrf(rf0); decphase(zero); delay(tauC - gt7 - 0.5*10.933*pwC); decrgpulse(pwC*158.0/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*171.2/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*342.8/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* Shaka 6 composite */ decrgpulse(pwC*145.5/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*81.2/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*85.3/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl8, gt7); decpwrf(rf6); decphase(zero); delay(tauC - gt7 - 0.5*10.933*pwC - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OPTIONS FOR N15 EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); txphase(one); decphase(zero); decpwrf(rf8); dcplrphase(zero); dec2phase(t8); delay(2.0e-4); if (TROSY[A]=='n') {rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); xmtron();} dec2rgpulse(pwN, t8, 0.0, 0.0); /* N15 EVOLUTION BEGINS HERE */ dec2phase(t9); if(SCT[A] == 'y') { delay(t2a); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN, t9, 0.0, 0.0); delay(t2b); decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwC8, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ } else { delay(timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY - tau2); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "", 0.0, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, t9, 0.0, 0.0); } dec2phase(t10); decpwrf(rf3); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.5e-4 + pwHs) { txphase(three); delay(timeTN - pwC3 - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.5e-4 - pwHs); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); if (tpwrsf < 4095.0) {obspwrf(tpwrsf); obspower(tpwrs+6.0);} /* increases tpwrs by 6dB, now need */ else obspower(tpwrs); /* tpwrsf to be ~ 2048 for equivalence */ shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); txphase(t4); delay(0.5e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > pwHs + 0.5e-4) { txphase(three); delay(timeTN-pwC3-WFG_START_DELAY-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - pwHs - 0.5e-4); if (tpwrsf < 4095.0) {obspwrf(tpwrsf); obspower(tpwrs+6.0);} /* increases tpwrs by 6dB, now need */ else obspower(tpwrs); /* tpwrsf to be ~ 2048 for equivalence */ shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); txphase(t4); delay(0.5e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else { txphase(three); delay(timeTN - pwC3 - WFG_START_DELAY - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.5e-4 - pwHs); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ if (tpwrsf < 4095.0) {obspwrf(tpwrsf); obspower(tpwrs+6.0);} /* increases tpwrs by 6dB, now need */ else obspower(tpwrs); /* tpwrsf to be ~ 2048 for equivalence */ shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); txphase(t4); delay(0.5e-4 - POWER_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } else { if (tau2 > kappa) { delay(timeTN - pwC3 - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > (kappa - pwC3 - WFG_START_DELAY)) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(kappa -pwC3 -WFG_START_DELAY -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.0e-4) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - tau2 - pwC3 - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa-tau2-pwC3-WFG_START_DELAY-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if (TROSY[A]=='y') rgpulse(pw, t4, 0.0, 0.0); else sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, t4, zero, t10, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 0.65*(pw + pwN) - gt5); else delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(t11); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, t11, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 1.6*pwN - gt5); else delay(lambda - 0.65*pwN - gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') dec2rgpulse(pwN, t10, 0.0, 0.0); else rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + 1.0e-4 +gstab - 0.5*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0,rof1); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ delay(gstab); rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4 - rof1); if (dm3[B]=='y') lk_sample(); setreceiver(t12); }
pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /* magic-angle coherence transfer gradients */ TROSY[MAXSTR], /* do TROSY on N15 and H1 */ h1dec[MAXSTR], /* Flag to waltz-decouple of H1 for t1*/ CT_c[MAXSTR]; /* Flag to constant time evolution for C13*/ int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter, /* used for states tppi in t2 */ ni2 = getval("ni2"); double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ timeTC = getval("timeTC"), /* constant time for 13C evolution */ timeTN = getval("timeTN"), /* constant time for 15N evolution */ kappa = 5.4e-3, lambda = 2.4e-3, taud = 1.7e-3, pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ /* 90 degree pulse at Ca (56ppm), first off-resonance null at CO (174ppm) */ pwC1, /* 90 degree pulse length on C13 at rf1 */ rf1, /* fine power for 4.7 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* 180 degree pulse at Ca (56ppm), first off-resonance null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC2, /* 180 degree pulse length at rf2 */ rf2, /* fine power for 10.5 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "BPcal". SLP pulse shapes, "offC9" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC9 = getval("pwC9"), /*180 degree pulse at CO(174ppm) null at Ca(56ppm) */ pwC9a = getval("pwC9a"), /* pwC9a=pwC9, but not set to zero when pwC9=0 */ phshift9, /* phase shift induced on Ca by pwC9 ("offC9") pulse */ pwZ, /* the largest of pwC9 and 2.0*pwN */ pwZ1, /* the larger of pwC9a and 2.0*pwN for 1D experiments */ rf9, /* fine power for the pwC9 ("offC9") pulse */ compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ pwHs = getval("pwHs"), /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrs */ tpwrs, /* power for the pwHs ("H2Osinc") pulse */ pwHd, /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrd */ tpwrd, /* rf for WALTZ decoupling */ waltzB1 = getval("waltzB1"), /* waltz16 field strength (in Hz) */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* g/cm to DAC conversion factor */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gt7 = getval("gt7"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"), gzlvl7 = getval("gzlvl7"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); getstr("TROSY",TROSY); getstr("h1dec",h1dec); getstr("CT_c",CT_c); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t3,2,phi3); settable(t4,1,phx); settable(t5,4,phi5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') {settable(t8,1,phy); settable(t9,1,phx); settable(t10,1,phy); settable(t11,1,phx); settable(t12,4,recT);} else {settable(t8,1,phx); settable(t9,8,phi9); settable(t10,1,phx); settable(t11,1,phy); settable(t12,4,rec);} /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if( dpwrf < 4095 ) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; /* 90 degree pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ pwC1 = sqrt(15.0)/(4.0*118.0*dfrq); rf1 = (compC*4095.0*pwC)/pwC1; rf1 = (int) (rf1 + 0.5); /* 180 degree pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ pwC2 = sqrt(3.0)/(2.0*118.0*dfrq); rf2 = (4095.0*compC*pwC*2.0)/pwC2; rf2 = (int) (rf2 + 0.5); if( rf2 > 4095.0 ) {printf("increase pwClvl so that C13 90 < 24us*(600/sfrq)"); psg_abort(1);} /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf9 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC9a; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf9 = (int) (rf9 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* the pwC9 pulse at the middle of t1 */ if ((ni2 > 0.0) && (ni == 1.0)) ni = 0.0; if (pwC9a > 2.0*pwN) pwZ = pwC9a; else pwZ = 2.0*pwN; if ((pwC9==0.0) && (pwC9a>2.0*pwN)) pwZ1=pwC9a-2.0*pwN; else pwZ1=0.0; if (ni > 1) pwC9 = pwC9a; if ( pwC9 > 0 ) phshift9 = 320.0; else phshift9 = 0.0; /* selective H20 one-lobe sinc pulse */ tpwrs = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHs/(compH*pw*1.69)); /* needs 1.69 times more */ tpwrs = (int) (tpwrs); /* power than a square pulse */ /* power level and pulse time for WALTZ 1H decoupling */ pwHd = 1/(4.0 * waltzB1) ; tpwrd = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHd/(compH*pw)); tpwrd = (int) (tpwrd + 0.5); /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if ( 0.5*ni*1/(sw1) > timeTC) { printf(" ni is too big. Make ni less than %d . Check by using dps and make sure no ? appears for d2=t1max (ni/sw1).\n", ((int)((timeTC)*2.0*sw1-7))); psg_abort(1); } if ( 0.5*ni2*1/(sw2) > timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" ni2 is too big. Make ni2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm3[A] == 'y' || dm3[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec3 decoupler flags! Should be 'nyn' or 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dpwr2 > 46 ) { printf("dpwr2 too large! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pw > 20.0e-6 ) { printf(" pw too long ! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pwN > 100.0e-6 ) { printf(" pwN too long! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( TROSY[A]=='y' && dm2[C] == 'y') { text_error("Choose either TROSY='n' or dm2='n' ! "); psg_abort(1);} /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 2) tsadd(t3,1,4); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (phase2 == 2) icosel = +1; else {tsadd(t4,2,4); tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = -1;} } else { if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = +1;} else icosel = -1; } /* Set up f1180 */ tau1 = d2; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1.0)) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Set up f2180 */ tau2 = d3; if((f2180[A] == 'y') && (ni2 > 1.0)) { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t8,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(d1); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) { lk_hold(); lk_sampling_off();} /*freezes z0 correction, stops lock pulsing*/ rcvroff(); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpwrf(rf0); obsoffset(tof); txphase(zero); delay(1.0e-5); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy N15 and C13 magnetization*/ decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(5.0e-4); rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 0.0); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { txphase(two); obspower(tpwrs); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc",pwHs,two,5.0e-4,0.0); obspower(tpwr); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(0.5*kappa - 2.0*pw); rgpulse(2.0*pw, two, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf2); delay(timeTN - 0.5*kappa); } else { txphase(zero); obspower(tpwrs); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc",pwHs,zero,5.0e-4,0.0); obspower(tpwrd); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); delay(kappa - pwHd - 2.0e-6 - PRG_START_DELAY); rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf2); delay(timeTN - kappa); } sim3pulse(0.0, pwC2, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(t3); decpwrf(rf1); delay(timeTN); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (TROSY[A]=='n') { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); if (h1dec[0]=='y') rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); else rgpulse(pwHd,one,2.0e-6,0.0); } zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); txphase(one); delay(2.0e-4); if(h1dec[0]=='y') { obspower(tpwrd); rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); xmtron(); } if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* begins optional 2H decoupling */ { dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,one,10.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3unblank(); dec3phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } decrgpulse(pwC1,t3,0.0,0.0); decphase(zero); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13Ca EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if (CT_c[0]=='n') { if ((ni>1.0) && (tau1>0.0)) /* total 13C evolution equals d2 exactly */ { /* 2.0*pwC1/PI compensates for evolution at 64% rate duting pwC1 */ decpwrf(rf9); if(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ > 0.0) { delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC9", "", 0.0, pwC9a, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); initval(phshift9, v9); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v9); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - SAPS_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ - 2.0e-6); } else { initval(180.0, v9); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v9); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(2.0*tau1 - 4.0*pwC1/PI - SAPS_DELAY - 2.0e-6); } } else if (ni==1.0) /* special 1D check of pwC9 phase enabled when ni=1 */ { decpwrf(rf9); delay(10.0e-6 + SAPS_DELAY + 0.5*pwZ1); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC9", "", 0.0, pwC9, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); initval(phshift9, v9); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v9); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(10.0e-6 + WFG3_START_DELAY + 0.5*pwZ1); } else /* 13Ca evolution refocused for 1st increment */ { decpwrf(rf2); decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); } } else { /* %%%%%%%%%%STARTING 13Ca Constant Time EVOLUTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ decpwrf(rf9); if(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG_START_DELAY -POWER_DELAY> 0.0) { delay(tau1 -2.0*pwC1/PI -POWER_DELAY -WFG_START_DELAY); sim3shaped_pulse("","offC9","",0.0,pwC9a, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); } else { sim3shaped_pulse("","offC9","",0.0,pwC9a, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); } if (h1dec[0]=='n'){ delay(taud-POWER_DELAY); obspower(tpwr); rgpulse(2.0*pw,zero,0.0,0.0); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* turns off 2H decoupling */ { delay(timeTC -pwZ -2.0*WFG_STOP_DELAY -taud -2.0*pw -1/dmf3 -2.0e-6 -202.0e-6 -gt7); setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'c', FALSE, dmf3); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,three,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3blank(); } else{ /* Should be forbidden?? */ delay(timeTC -pwZ -WFG_STOP_DELAY -taud -2.0*pw -202.0e-6 -gt7); } } else { /* hdec=y */ if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* turns off 2H decoupling */ { delay(timeTC -pwZ -2.0*WFG_STOP_DELAY -PRG_STOP_DELAY -pwHd -1/dmf3 -4.0e-6-202.0e-6-gt7); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'c', FALSE, dmf3); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,three,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3blank(); } else{ delay(timeTC -pwZ -WFG_STOP_DELAY -PRG_STOP_DELAY -4.0e-6 -202.0e-6 -gt7); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); } } delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl7,gt7); delay(200.0e-6-POWER_DELAY); decpwrf(rf2); decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* 13Ca 180 degree pulse */ delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl7,gt7); delay(200.0e-6); if (h1dec[0]=='n') { if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* begins optional 2H decoupling */ { dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,one,10.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3unblank(); dec3phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); delay(timeTC-tau1-202.0e-6-gt7-2.0*WFG_START_DELAY-1/dmf3- 2.0*POWER_DELAY-pwC9a-2.0e-6-WFG_STOP_DELAY-SAPS_DELAY); } else{ /* Should be forbidden??? */ delay(timeTC -tau1 - 202.0e-6 - gt7-2.0*POWER_DELAY-pwC9a- WFG_START_DELAY-WFG_STOP_DELAY-2.0e-6-SAPS_DELAY); } } else { if (dm3[B]=='y') { rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); xmtron(); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,one,10.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3unblank(); dec3phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); delay(timeTC-tau1-202.0e-6-gt7-2.0*WFG_START_DELAY-4.0e-6-1/dmf3-pwHd- PRG_START_DELAY-2.0*POWER_DELAY-pwC9a-2.0e-6-SAPS_DELAY); } else { delay(2.0e-6); rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); xmtron(); delay(timeTC-tau1-202.0e-6-gt7-4.0e-6-pwHd-PRG_START_DELAY- 2.0*POWER_DELAY-pwC9a-WFG_START_DELAY-WFG_STOP_DELAY-SAPS_DELAY); } } decpwrf(rf9); decshaped_pulse("offC9",pwC9a,zero,0.0,0.0); initval(phshift9, v9); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v9); /* SAPS_DELAY */ } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ENDING 13Ca Constant Time EVOLUTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ decphase(t5); decpwrf(rf1); decrgpulse(pwC1, t5, 2.0e-6, 0.0); dec2phase(t8); dcplrphase(zero); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* turns off 2H decoupling */ { setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'c', FALSE, dmf3); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,three,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3blank(); lk_autotrig(); /* resumes lock pulsing */ } if (h1dec[0]=='y') { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(one); } delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); delay(2.0e-4); if (TROSY[A]=='n') { rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); xmtron(); } /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%STARTING N15 Constant Time Evolution %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ dec2rgpulse(pwN, t8, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); dec2phase(t9); decpwrf(rf2); delay(timeTN - tau2); sim3pulse(0.0, pwC2, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, t9, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); decpwrf(rf9); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.5e-4 + pwHs) { txphase(three); delay(timeTN - pwC9a - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC9", pwC9a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.5e-4 - pwHs); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(0.5e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > pwHs + 0.5e-4) { txphase(three); delay(timeTN-pwC9a-WFG_START_DELAY-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC9", pwC9a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - pwHs - 0.5e-4); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(0.5e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else { txphase(three); delay(timeTN - pwC9a - WFG_START_DELAY - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.5e-4 - pwHs); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(0.5e-4 - POWER_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("offC9", pwC9a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } else { if (tau2 > kappa) { delay(timeTN - pwC9a - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC9", pwC9a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > (kappa - pwC9a - WFG_START_DELAY)) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC9", pwC9a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(kappa -pwC9a -WFG_START_DELAY -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.0e-4) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - tau2 - pwC9a - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC9", pwC9a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa-tau2-pwC9a-WFG_START_DELAY-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC9", pwC9a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if (TROSY[A]=='y') rgpulse(pw, t4, 0.0, 0.0); else sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, t4, zero, t10, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 0.65*(pw + pwN) - gt5); else delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(t11); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, t11, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 1.6*pwN - gt5); else delay(lambda - 0.65*pwN - gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') dec2rgpulse(pwN, t10, 0.0, 0.0); else rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + 1.0e-4 +gstab - 0.5*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, rof1); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ delay(gstab); rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4 - rof1); if (dm3[B]=='y') lk_sample(); setreceiver(t12); }
pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ Cfilter[MAXSTR]; /*do C' Cfilter */ int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter; /* used for states tppi in t1 */ double tCN = getval("tCN"), kappa, /*semi-constant time scale factor*/ tau1, /* t1 delay */ lambda = 0.91/(4.0*getval("JNH")), /* 1/4J H1 evolution delay */ pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ pwC3 = getval("pwC3"), /* 180 selective Ca null on C' */ pwC8 = getval("pwC8"), /* 180 selective C' null on Ca */ pwC6 = getval("pwC6"), /* 90 selective C' null on Ca */ rf3, rf8, rf6, compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for H1 amplifier compression */ compN = getval("compN"), /* adjustment for N15 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ tpwrsf_n = getval("tpwrsf_n"), /* fine power adustment for first soft pulse(TROSY=y)*/ tpwrsf_d = getval("tpwrsf_d"), /* fine power adustment for second soft pulse(TROSY=y)*/ pwHs = getval("pwHs"), /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrs */ tpwrs, /* power for the pwHs ("H2Osinc") pulse */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* dac to G/cm conversion */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("Cfilter",Cfilter); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t1,2,phi1); settable(t2,4,phi2); settable(t3,1,phi3); settable(t4,2,rec); /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; /* 180 degree square pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ rf3 = (1/compC*compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0)/pwC3; /* no need for compC at high power level*/ rf3 = (int) (rf3 + 0.5); /* 90 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf6 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*1.69)/pwC6; /* needs 1.69 times more */ rf6 = (int) (rf6 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf8 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC8; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf8 = (int) (rf8 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* selective H20 one-lobe sinc pulse */ tpwrs = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHs/(compH*pw*1.69)); /*needs 1.69 times more*/ tpwrs = (int) (tpwrs); /*power than a square pulse */ /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if((dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' )) { text_error("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1); } if((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y')) { text_error("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr2 > 50 ) { text_error("don't fry the probe, DPWR2 too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pw > 50.0e-6 ) { text_error("dont fry the probe, pw too high ! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pwN > 100.0e-6 ) { text_error("dont fry the probe, pwN too high ! "); psg_abort(1); } /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 1) icosel = -1; else { tsadd(t3,2,4); icosel = +1; } /* Set up f1180 */ tau1 = d2; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1.0)) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t1,2,4); tsadd(t4,2,4); } kappa = tCN>ni/sw1? 1:tCN/(ni/sw1); kappa = ((double)((int)(kappa*1000)))/1000; /* 3 digits after the point, may cause a small decrease in value for safe boundary */ printf("kappa = %f\n", kappa); /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); decpwrf(rf0); dec2power(pwNlvl); txphase(zero); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); delay(d1); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CONSTANT SAMPLE HEATING FROM N15 RF xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ rcvroff(); /*dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); */ /*destroy N15 magnetization*/ zgradpulse(gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); /*dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); */ zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); txphase(t1); delay(5.0e-4); rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero,zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); rgpulse(pw, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(two); obspower(tpwrs+6.0); obspwrf(tpwrsf_n); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc_n", pwHs, zero, 5.0e-5, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); dec2phase(t1); delay(gstab); decpwrf(rf8); dec2rgpulse(pwN, t1, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); decphase(zero); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OPTIONS FOR N15 EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); /* shared CT for C' Cfilter and N15 chem shift evolution */ delay(tCN/2.0 - kappa*tau1 - gt5 -gstab); zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay(gstab); if(Cfilter[A] == 'y' && (1-kappa)*tau1 < pwC8/2) { sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "", 0.0, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay(tCN/2.0 + (1-kappa)*tau1 -gt5 - pwC3 - pwC8); } else if (Cfilter[A] == 'y' && (1-kappa)*tau1 >= pwC8/2){ dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN,zero,(pwC8-2.0*pwN)/2.0,(pwC8-2.0*pwN)/2.0); if( (1-kappa)*tau1 >= gt5 +gstab + pwC8/2){ zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay((1-kappa)*tau1 -pwC8/2.0 - gt5); decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwC8,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(tCN/2.0 - pwC3 - 1.5*pwC8); } else{ delay((1-kappa)*tau1 -pwC8/2.0); decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwC8,zero,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay(tCN/2.0 -gt5 - pwC3 - 1.5*pwC8); } } else{ dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN,zero,(pwC8-2.0*pwN)/2.0,(pwC8-2.0*pwN)/2.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay(tCN/2.0 + (1-kappa)*tau1 -gt5 - pwC3 - pwC8); } decpwrf(rf3); decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3, zero,0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf8); if(Cfilter[A] == 'y'){ delay(pwC8); } else { decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwC8,zero,0.0,0.0); } delay(tau1); /* gradient for coherence selection and H(z)N(x/y)C(x/y) destruction */ decpwrf(rf6); if(Cfilter[A] == 'y' ){ decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, zero, 0.0, 0.0); } else{ decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*delay(pwC6);*/ } zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); dec2phase(t2); delay(gstab - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN, t2, 0.0, 0.0); delay(gt1+gstab + pwC6); txphase(three); txphase(t4); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ sim3pulse(pw,0.0,pwN, zero,zero, t3, 0.0, 0.0); if (tpwrsf_d<4095.0) { obspwrf(tpwrsf_d); obspower(tpwrs+6.0); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc_d", pwHs, zero, 5.0e-5, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); } else { obspower(tpwrs); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc_d", pwHs, zero, 5.0e-5, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); } txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda - 0.65*(pw + pwN) - gt5 - pwHs - 2.0*POWER_DELAY -2.0*PWRF_DELAY -50.0e-6); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(zero); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(1.5*gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5 ); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(one); zgradpulse(1.5*gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.6*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, one, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + 1.0e-4 +gstab - 0.65*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, 0.1*gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ delay(gstab); rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4); setreceiver(t4); }
pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /* Flag to use magic-angle gradients */ H2O_flg[MAXSTR], stCdec[MAXSTR], /* calls STUD+ waveforms from shapelib */ STUD[MAXSTR]; /* apply automatically calculated STUD decoupling */ int t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter; /* used for states tppi in t2 */ double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ delta1, delta2, TC = getval("TC"), /* 3.5 ms */ ni = getval("ni"), ni2 = getval("ni2"), stdmf = getval("dmf80"), /* dmf for 80 ppm of STUD decoupling */ rf80 = getval("rf80"), /* rf in Hz for 80ppm STUD+ */ taua = getval("taua"), /* time delays for CH coupling evolution */ taub = getval("taub"), tauc = getval("tauc"), /* string parameter stCdec calls stud decoupling waveform from your shapelib. */ studlvl, /* coarse power for STUD+ decoupling */ bw, ofs, ppm, /* temporary Pbox parameters */ pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ /* the following pulse length for the SLP pulse is automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "hcch_cosy". The SLP pulse shape,"offC10" is called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC10, /* 180 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ rf7, /* fine power for the pwC10 ("offC10") pulse */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ pwmax, pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), gt2 = getval("gt2"), gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gt7 = getval("gt7"), gt8 = getval("gt8"), gt9 = getval("gt9"), gzcal = getval("gzcal"), gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl7 = getval("gzlvl7"), gzlvl8 = getval("gzlvl8"), gzlvl9 = getval("gzlvl9"); getstr("f1180", f1180); getstr("f2180", f2180); getstr("H2O_flg", H2O_flg); getstr("STUD", STUD); /* 80 ppm STUD+ decoupling */ strcpy(stCdec, "stCdec80"); studlvl = pwClvl + 20.0 * log10(compC * pwC * 4.0 * rf80); studlvl = (int) (studlvl + 0.5); /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if (dpwrf < 4095) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } setautocal(); /* activate auto-calibration flags */ if (autocal[0] == 'n') { /* "offC10": 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 139ppm away */ pwC10 = getval("pwC10"); rf7 = (compC * 4095.0 * pwC * 2.0 * 1.65) / pwC10; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf7 = (int) (rf7 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ if (pwC > (24.0e-6 * 600.0 / sfrq)) { printf("Increase pwClvl so that pwC < 24*600/sfrq"); psg_abort(1); } } else /* if autocal = 'y'(yes), 'q'(quiet), r(read), or 's'(semi) */ { if (FIRST_FID) /* call Pbox */ { ppm = getval("dfrq"); bw = 118.0 * ppm; ofs = 139.0 * ppm; offC10 = pbox_make("offC10", "sinc180n", bw, ofs, compC * pwC, pwClvl); if (dm3[B] == 'y') H2ofs = 3.2; ofs_check(H1ofs, C13ofs, N15ofs, H2ofs); } rf7 = offC10.pwrf; pwC10 = offC10.pw; } if ((dm3[A] == 'y' || dm3[C] == 'y')) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nyn' or 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1); } getstr("f1180", f1180); getstr("f2180", f2180); getstr("mag_flg", mag_flg); getstr("H2O_flg", H2O_flg); pwmax = 2.0 * pwN; if (pwC10 > pwmax) pwmax = pwC10; /* check validity of parameter range */ if ((dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y')) { printf("incorrect Dec1 decoupler flags! "); psg_abort(1); } if ((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' || dm2[C] == 'y')) { printf("incorrect Dec2 decoupler flags! Should be nnn "); psg_abort(1); } if (dpwr > 50) { printf("don't fry the probe, dpwr too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if (dpwr2 > 50) { printf("don't fry the probe, dpwr2 too large! "); psg_abort(1); } /* LOAD VARIABLES */ settable(t1, 2, phi1); settable(t2, 4, phi2); settable(t3, 16, phi3); settable(t4, 2, phi4); settable(t11, 8, rec); /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex data */ if (phase1 == 2) /* Hypercomplex in t1 */ { tsadd(t1, 1, 4); } if (phase2 == 2) { tsadd(t2, 1, 4); } /* calculate modification to phases based on current t1 values to achieve States-TPPI acquisition */ if (ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ((d2 - d2_init) * sw1 + 0.5); if (t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t1, 2, 4); tsadd(t11, 2, 4); } /* calculate modification to phases based on current t2 values to achieve States-TPPI acquisition */ if (ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ((d3 - d3_init) * sw2 + 0.5); if (t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t2, 2, 4); tsadd(t11, 2, 4); } /* set up so that get (90, -180) phase corrects in F1 if f1180 flag is y */ tau1 = d2; if (f1180[A] == 'y') { tau1 += (1.0 / (2.0 * sw1)); } if (tau1 < 1.0e-6) tau1 = 0.0; tau1 = tau1 / 2.0; /* set up so that get (90, -180) phase corrects in F2 if f2180 flag is y */ tau2 = d3; if (f2180[A] == 'y') { tau2 += (1.0 / (2.0 * sw2)); } if (tau2 < 1.0e-6) tau2 = 0.0; tau2 = tau2 / 2.0; if (ni > 1) delta1 = (double) (t1_counter * (taua - gt2 - 0.2e-3)) / ((double) (ni - 1)); else delta1 = 0.0; if (ni2 > 1) delta2 = (double) (t2_counter * (TC - 0.6e-3)) / ((double) (ni2 - 1)); else delta2 = 0.0; initval(7.0, v1); obsstepsize(45.0); /* BEGIN ACTUAL PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(10.0e-6); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); decpwrf(4095.0); dec2power(pwNlvl); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); xmtrphase(v1); txphase(t1); if (dm3[B] == 'y') lk_sample(); delay(d1); if (dm3[B] == 'y') { lk_hold(); lk_sampling_off(); } /*freezes z0 correction, stops lock pulsing */ rcvroff(); if (gt1 > 0.2e-6) { decrgpulse(pwC, zero, rof1, rof1); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); delay(1.0e-3); } if (dm3[B] == 'y') /* begins optional 2H decoupling */ { dec3rgpulse(1 / dmf3, one, 10.0e-6, 2.0e-6); dec3unblank(); dec3phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } status(B); rgpulse(pw, t1, 1.0e-4, 2.0e-6); xmtrphase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl2, gt2); delay(taua - gt2 - 2.0 * pwC - 2.0e-6 - SAPS_DELAY); txphase(zero); delay(tau1); decrgpulse(2.0 * pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau1 - delta1); rgpulse(2.0 * pw, zero, 0.0, 2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl2, gt2); txphase(one); delay(taua - delta1 - gt2 - 2.0e-6); rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 2.0e-6); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(gzcal * gzlvl3, gt3); } else { zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); } decphase(t2); txphase(zero); delay(200.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwC, t2, 2.0e-6, 0.0); decphase(zero); decpwrf(rf7); delay(tau2); sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC10", "", 0.0, pwC10, 2.0 * pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(taub - pwmax - WFG_START_DELAY - WFG_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0 * pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(t3); decpwrf(4095.0); delay(TC - taub + tau2 - delta2 - 2.0 * pw - POWER_DELAY); decrgpulse(2.0 * pwC, t3, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(t4); delay(TC - delta2 - POWER_DELAY); decrgpulse(pwC, t4, 0.0, 2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); txphase(zero); decphase(zero); delay(tauc - gt4); decrgpulse(2.0 * pwC, zero, 0.0, 2.0e-6); if (H2O_flg[A] == 'y') { delay(tauc - gt4 - 500.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); decphase(one); obspwrf(1000.0); delay(500.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwC, one, 0.0, 1.0e-6); rgpulse(900 * pw, one, rof1, 0.0); txphase(zero); rgpulse(500 * pw, zero, 2.0e-6, 2.0e-6); obspwrf(4095.0); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(gzcal * gzlvl5, gt5); } else { zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); } decphase(one); delay(200.0e-6); simpulse(pw, pwC, zero, one, 0.0, 2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl7, gt7); decphase(zero); delay(taub - gt7); simpulse(2.0 * pw, 2.0 * pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl7, gt7); delay(taub - gt7); } else { delay(tauc - taub - 2.0 * pw - POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0 * pw, zero, 0.0, 2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); delay(taub - gt4 - 2.0e-6); } decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 2.0e-6); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(gzcal * gzlvl8, gt8); } else { zgradpulse(gzlvl8, gt8); } txphase(zero); delay(200.0e-6); if (dm3[B] == 'y') /* turns off 2H decoupling */ { setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'c', FALSE, dmf3); dec3rgpulse(1 / dmf3, three, 2.0e-6, 2.0e-6); dec3blank(); lk_autotrig(); /* resumes lock pulsing */ } rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 2.0e-6); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(gzcal * gzlvl9, gt9); } else { zgradpulse(gzlvl9, gt9); } delay(taua - gt9); simpulse(2.0 * pw, 2.0 * pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 2.0e-6); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(gzcal * gzlvl9, gt9); } else { zgradpulse(gzlvl9, gt9); } if (STUD[A] == 'y') decpower(studlvl); else decpower(dpwr); dec2power(dpwr2); delay(taua - gt9 - rof1 - 0.5 * pw - 2.0 * POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(pw, zero, rof1, rof2); rcvron(); if (dm3[B] == 'y') lk_sample(); setreceiver(t11); if ((STUD[A] == 'y') && (dm[C] == 'y')) { decunblank(); decon(); decprgon(stCdec,1/stdmf, 1.0); startacq(alfa); acquire(np, 1.0/sw); decprgoff(); decoff(); decblank(); if (dm2[C] == 'y') { setstatus(DEC2ch, TRUE, dmm2[C], FALSE, dmf2); } } else status(C); setreceiver(t11); }
pulsesequence() { int t1_counter; char N15refoc[MAXSTR], /* N15 pulse in middle of t1*/ TROSY[MAXSTR]; double tau1, tauxh, gzlvl3=getval("gzlvl3"), gt3=getval("gt3"), cor=getval("cor")*1.0e-6, JCH = getval("JCH"), pwN = getval("pwN"), pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), sw1 = getval("sw1"), pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ rfst, /* fine power for the stCall pulse */ compC = getval("compC"); /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ getstr("N15refoc",N15refoc); getstr("TROSY",TROSY); /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses (and initialize rfst) */ rf0 = 4095.0; rfst=0.0; /* 180 degree adiabatic C13 pulse from 0 to 200 ppm */ {rfst = (compC*4095.0*pwC*4000.0*sqrt((30.0*sfrq/600.0+7.0)/0.35)); rfst = (int) (rfst + 0.5); if (( 1.0/(4000.0*sqrt((30.0*sfrq/600.0+7.0)/0.35)) < pwC ) && (ni > 1)) { text_error( " Not enough C13 RF. pwC must be %f usec or less.\n", (1.0e6/(4000.0*sqrt((30.0*sfrq/600.0+7.0)/0.35))) ); psg_abort(1); }} initval(0.0,v1); initval(3.0,v2); initval(1.0,v3); initval(2.0,v4); /* check validity of parameter range */ if((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' || dm2[C] == 'y') ) { printf("incorrect Dec2 decoupler flags! "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr2 > 50) { printf("don't fry the probe, dpwr too large! "); psg_abort(1); } /* LOAD VARIABLES */ if (TROSY[A] == 'y') {settable(t1, 8, phT1); settable(t2, 8, phT2); settable(t3, 8, phT3); settable(t4,16, phi4); settable(t5, 8, recT);} else {settable(t1, 4, phi1); settable(t2, 2, phi2); settable(t3, 8, phi3); settable(t4, 16, phi4); settable(t5, 8, rec);} /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ tauxh = ((JCH != 0.0) ? 1/(4*(JCH)) : 2.25e-3); /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex data */ if ( phase1 == 2 ) /* Hypercomplex in t1 */ { tsadd(t2, 1, 4); } /* calculate modification to phases based on current t1 values to achieve States-TPPI acquisition */ if(ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5); if(t1_counter %2) { tsadd(t2,2,4); tsadd(t5,2,4); } tau1 = d2; tau1 = tau1/2.0; /*sequence starts!!*/ status(A); obspower(tpwr); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpower(pwClvl); decpwrf(rfst); delay(d1); rcvroff(); status(B); rgpulse(pw, v1, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.3*gzlvl3,gt3); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); delay(tauxh-gt3- WFG2_START_DELAY - 0.5e-3 + 70.0e-6); /* delay=1/4J(XH) */ sim3shaped_pulse("","stC200","",2*pw,1.0e-3,0.0,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(0.3*gzlvl3,gt3); decphase(t2); delay(tauxh-gt3- WFG2_START_DELAY - 0.5e-3 + 70.0e-6 ); /* delay=1/4J(XH) */ if (TROSY[A] == 'y') { rgpulse(pw, v3, 0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(-0.5*gzlvl3,gt3); decpwrf(rf0); delay(200.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwC, t2, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t1); decphase(zero); if (tau1>0.0) { if ( (N15refoc[A]=='y') && (tau1 > (pwN/2.0 +2.0*pwC/PI) ) ) {delay(tau1 - pwN -2.0*pwC/PI); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau1 - pwN -2.0*pwC/PI);} else { if (tau1>2.0*pwC/PI) delay(2.0*tau1-4.0*pwC/PI); else delay(2.0*tau1); } } rgpulse(pw, t1, 0.0,0.0); decpwrf(rfst); zgradpulse(0.3*gzlvl3,gt3); delay(tauxh-gt3-WFG2_START_DELAY - 0.5e-3 + 70.0e-6); sim3shaped_pulse("","stC200","",2*pw,1.0e-3,0.0,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(0.3*gzlvl3,gt3); delay(tauxh-gt3-WFG2_START_DELAY - 0.5e-3 + 70.0e-6); sim3pulse(pw,pwC,0.0,two,zero,one,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3,gt3); txphase(v4); delay(tauxh-gt3-WFG2_START_DELAY - 0.5e-3 + 70.0e-6); rgpulse(pw*0.231,v4,0.0,0.0); delay(d3); rgpulse(pw*0.692,v4,0.0,0.0); delay(d3); rgpulse(pw*1.462,v4,0.0,0.0); delay(d3/2); sim3shaped_pulse("","stC200","",0.0,1.0e-3,0.0,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); txphase(v1); delay(d3/2); rgpulse(pw*1.462,v1,0.0,0.0); delay(d3); rgpulse(pw*0.692,v1,0.0,0.0); delay(d3); rgpulse(pw*0.231,v1,0.0,0.0); dec2phase(t3); zgradpulse(gzlvl3,gt3); decpwrf(rf0); delay(tauxh-gt3-WFG2_START_DELAY - 0.5e-3 + 70.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwC, t3, 0.0,0.0);} else { rgpulse(pw, t1, 0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(0.5*gzlvl3,gt3); decpwrf(rf0); delay(200.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwC, t2, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); decphase(zero); if (tau1>0.0) { if ( (N15refoc[A]=='y') && (tau1 > (pwN+2.0*pwC/PI)) ) {delay(tau1 - pwN -2.0*pwC/PI); sim3pulse(2*pw,0.0,2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero,0.0, 0.0); delay(tau1 - pwN -2.0*pwC/PI);} else { if (tau1 > (pw +2.0*pwC/PI)) {delay(tau1-pw -2.0*pwC/PI); rgpulse(2.0*pw, t4, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(t3); delay(tau1-pw -2.0*pwC/PI);} else {delay(tau1); decphase(t3); delay(tau1);} } } decrgpulse(pwC, t3, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.5*gzlvl3,gt3); delay(200.0e-6); rgpulse(pw, v4, 0.0,0.0); decphase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl3,gt3); decpwrf(rfst); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); delay(tauxh-gt3- WFG2_START_DELAY - 0.5e-3 + 70.0e-6); /* delay=1/4J(XH) */ rgpulse(pw*0.231,v2,0.0,0.0); delay(d3); rgpulse(pw*0.692,v2,0.0,0.0); delay(d3); rgpulse(pw*1.462,v2,0.0,0.0); delay(d3/2.0); sim3shaped_pulse("","stC200","",0.0,1.0e-3,0.0,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(d3/2.0); rgpulse(pw*1.462,v3,0.0,0.0); delay(d3); rgpulse(pw*0.692,v3,0.0,0.0); delay(d3); rgpulse(pw*0.231,v3,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3,gt3); decpwrf(rf0); delay(tauxh-gt3- WFG2_START_DELAY - 0.5e-3 + 70.0e-6 +cor );} /* delay=1/4J(XH) */ decpower(dpwr); setreceiver(t5); status(C); rcvron(); }
pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /* magic-angle coherence transfer gradients */ TROSY[MAXSTR]; /* do TROSY on N15 and H1 */ int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter, /* used for states tppi in t2 */ ni = getval("ni"), ni2 = getval("ni2"); double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ t1a, /* time increments for first dimension */ t1b, t1c, tauCH = getval("tauCH"), /* 1/4J delay for CH */ timeTN = getval("timeTN"), /* constant time for 15N evolution */ timeAB = getval("timeAB"), /* set timeAB=1.9e-3 to get only Ha */ /* set timeAB=3.3e-3 to maximize Hb */ /* set timeAB=2.8e-3 for both Ha/Hb */ zeta = 3.0e-3, eta = 4.6e-3, theta = 14.0e-3, kappa = 5.4e-3, lambda = 2.4e-3, sheila, /* to transfer J evolution time hyperbolically into tau1 */ pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ /* 90 degree pulse at Cab(46ppm), first off-resonance null at CO (174ppm) */ pwC1, /* 90 degree pulse length on C13 at rf1 */ rf1, /* fine power for 5.1 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* 180 degree pulse at Cab(46ppm), first off-resonance null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC2, /* 180 degree pulse length at rf2 */ rf2, /* fine power for 11.4 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "proteincal". SLP pulse shapes, "offC4" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC4 = getval("pwC4"), /*180 degree pulse at Ca(56ppm) null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC5 = getval("pwC5"), /* 90 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ pwC7 = getval("pwC7"), /* 180 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ rf4, /* fine power for the pwC4 ("offC4") pulse */ rf5, /* fine power for the pwC5 ("offC5") pulse */ rf7, /* fine power for the pwC7 ("offC7") pulse */ compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ phi7cal = getval("phi7cal"), /* phase in degrees of the last C13 90 pulse */ pwH, /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwr1 */ tpwr1, /* 7.3 kHz rf for DIPSI-2 */ DIPSI2time, /* total length of DIPSI-2 decoupling */ ncyc_dec, waltzB1=getval("waltzB1"), /* RF strength for 1H decoupling */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* g/cm to DAC conversion factor */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); getstr("TROSY",TROSY); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t3,1,phx); settable(t4,1,phx); settable(t5,2,phi5); settable(t6,2,phi6); if (TROSY[A]=='y') {settable(t8,1,phy); settable(t9,1,phx); settable(t10,1,phy); settable(t11,1,phx); settable(t12,2,recT);} else {settable(t8,1,phx); settable(t9,8,phi9); settable(t10,1,phx); settable(t11,1,phy); settable(t12,4,rec);} /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if( dpwrf < 4095 ) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } if( pwC > 24.0e-6*600.0/sfrq ) { printf("increase pwClvl so that pwC < 24*600/sfrq"); psg_abort(1); } /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; /* 90 degree pulse on Cab, null at CO 128ppm away */ pwC1 = sqrt(15.0)/(4.0*128.0*dfrq); rf1 = (compC*4095.0*pwC)/pwC1; rf1 = (int) (rf1 + 0.5); /* 180 degree pulse on Cab, null at CO 128ppm away */ pwC2 = sqrt(3.0)/(2.0*128.0*dfrq); rf2 = (4095.0*compC*pwC*2.0)/pwC2; rf2 = (int) (rf2 + 0.5); /* 180 degree pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ rf4 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0)/pwC4; rf4 = (int) (rf4 + 0.5); /* 90 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf5 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*1.69)/pwC5; /* needs 1.69 times more */ rf5 = (int) (rf5 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf7 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC7; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf7 = (int) (rf7 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* power level and pulse times for DIPSI 1H decoupling */ DIPSI2time = 2.0*3.0e-3 + 2.0*14.0e-3 + 2.0*timeTN - 5.4e-3 + 0.5*pwC1 + 2.0*pwC5 + 5.0*pwN + 2.0*gt3 + 1.0e-4 + 4.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 2.0*POWER_DELAY + 8.0*PRG_START_DELAY; pwH = 1.0/(4.0*waltzB1); ncyc_dec = (DIPSI2time*90.0)/(pwH*2590.0*4.0); ncyc_dec = (int) (ncyc_dec+0.5); pwH = (DIPSI2time*90.0)/(ncyc_dec*2590.0*4.0); /*fine correction of pwH */ tpwr1 = 4095.0*(compH*pw/pwH); tpwr1 = (int) (2.0*tpwr1 + 0.5); /* x2 because obs atten will be reduced by 6dB */ if (ix == 1) { fprintf(stdout, "\nNo of DIPSI-2 cycles = %4.1f\n",ncyc_dec); fprintf(stdout, "\nfine power for DIPSI-2 pulse =%6.1f\n",tpwr1); } /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if ( 0.5*ni2*1/(sw2) > timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" ni2 is too big. Make ni2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm3[A] == 'y' || dm3[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec3 decoupler flags! Should be 'nyn' or 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dpwr2 > 50 ) { printf("dpwr2 too large! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pw > 20.0e-6 ) { printf(" pw too long ! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pwN > 100.0e-6 ) { printf(" pwN too long! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( TROSY[A]=='y' && dm2[C] == 'y' ) { text_error("Choose either TROSY='n' or dm2='n' ! "); psg_abort(1);} /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 2) tsadd(t3,1,4); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (phase2 == 2) icosel = +1; else {tsadd(t4,2,4); tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = -1;} } else { if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = +1;} else icosel = -1; } /* Set up f1180 */ tau1 = d2; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1.0)) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Hyperbolic sheila seems superior to original zeta approach */ /* subtract unavoidable delays from tauCH */ tauCH = tauCH - gt0 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 5.0e-5; if ((ni-1)/(2.0*sw1) > 2.0*tauCH) { if (tau1 > 2.0*tauCH) sheila = tauCH; else if (tau1 > 0) sheila = 1.0/(1.0/tau1+1.0/tauCH-1.0/(2.0*tauCH)); else sheila = 0.0; } else { if (tau1 > 0) sheila = 1.0/(1.0/tau1 + 1.0/tauCH - 2.0*sw1/((double)(ni-1))); else sheila = 0.0; } t1a = tau1 + tauCH; t1b = tau1 - sheila; t1c = tauCH - sheila; /* Set up f2180 */ tau2 = d3; if((f2180[A] == 'y') && (ni2 > 1.0)) { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t8,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } /* For ni<2 (calibration) set timeAB=1.5ms to get avoid signal cancellation between Ha and Hb */ if (ni < 2.0) timeAB=1.5e-3; /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(d1); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) lk_sample(); /*freezes z0 correction, stops lock pulsing*/ if ((ni/sw1-d2)>0) delay(ni/sw1-d2); /*decreases as t1 increases for const.heating*/ if ((ni2/sw2-d3)>0) delay(ni2/sw2-d3); /*decreases as t2 increases for const.heating*/ if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) { lk_hold(); lk_sampling_off();} /*freezes z0 correction, stops lock pulsing*/ rcvroff(); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpwrf(rf0); obsoffset(tof); txphase(one); delay(1.0e-5); if (TROSY[A] == 'n') dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy N15 and C13 magnetization*/ decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); if (TROSY[A] == 'n') dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(5.0e-4); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* begins optional 2H decoupling */ { gzlvl0=0.0; gzlvl3=0.0; gzlvl4=0.0; /* no gradients during 2H decoupling */ dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,one,10.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3unblank(); dec3phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ /* point a */ txphase(zero); decphase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ delay(5.0e-5); if((t1a -2.0*pwC) > 0.0) delay(t1a - 2.0*pwC); decrgpulse(2.0*pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(t1b); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ txphase(t3); delay(5.0e-5); delay(t1c); /* point b */ rgpulse(pw, t3, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* point c */ zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); decpwrf(rf2); delay(timeAB - gt4); simpulse(2*pw, pwC2, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); delay(timeAB - gt4); /* point d */ /* ghc_co_nh STOPS HERE */ /* gcbca_co_nh STARTS HERE */ decpwrf(rf1); /* point b */ decrgpulse(pwC1, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); obspwrf(tpwr1); obspower(tpwr-6); /* POWER_DELAY */ obsprgon("dipsi2", pwH, 5.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); /* point c */ decpwrf(rf0); decphase(t5); delay(zeta - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - PRG_START_DELAY - 0.5*10.933*pwC); decrgpulse(pwC*158.0/90.0, t5, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*171.2/90.0, t6, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*342.8/90.0, t5, 0.0, 0.0); /* Shaka composite */ decrgpulse(pwC*145.5/90.0, t6, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*81.2/90.0, t5, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*85.3/90.0, t6, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf1); decphase(zero); delay(zeta - 0.5*10.933*pwC - 0.5*pwC1); /* point d */ decrgpulse(pwC1, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(t5); decpwrf(rf5); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* turns off 2H decoupling */ { setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'c', FALSE, dmf3); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,three,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3blank(); lk_autotrig(); /* resumes lock pulsing */ } zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); decshaped_pulse("offC5", pwC5, t5, 0.0, 0.0); /* point e */ decpwrf(rf4); decphase(zero); delay(eta); decshaped_pulse("offC4", pwC4, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf7); dec2phase(zero); delay(theta - eta - pwC4 - WFG3_START_DELAY); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC7", "", 0.0, pwC7, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf5); decpwrf(rf5); initval(phi7cal, v7); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v7); /* SAPS_DELAY */ dec2phase(t8); delay(theta - SAPS_DELAY); /* point f */ decshaped_pulse("offC5", pwC5, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OPTIONS FOR N15 EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); } delay(2.0e-4); dcplrphase(zero); dec2rgpulse(pwN, t8, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf7); decphase(zero); dec2phase(t9); delay(timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY - tau2); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC7", "", 0.0, pwC7, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, t9, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); decpwrf(rf4); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.0e-4) { txphase(t4); delay(timeTN - pwC4 - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC4", pwC4, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); } else { txphase(t4); delay(timeTN -pwC4 -WFG_START_DELAY -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC4", pwC4, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } else { if (tau2 > kappa) { delay(timeTN - pwC4 - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC4", pwC4, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ txphase(t4); delay(kappa - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > (kappa - pwC4 - WFG_START_DELAY)) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ txphase(t4); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC4", pwC4, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(kappa -pwC4 -WFG_START_DELAY -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.0e-4) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ txphase(t4); delay(kappa - tau2 - pwC4 - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC4", pwC4, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); } else { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ txphase(t4); delay(kappa-tau2-pwC4-WFG_START_DELAY-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC4", pwC4, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } /* point g */ /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if (TROSY[A]=='y') rgpulse(pw, t4, 0.0, 0.0); else sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, t4, zero, t10, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 0.65*(pw + pwN) - gt5); else delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(t11); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, t11, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 1.6*pwN - gt5); else delay(lambda - 0.65*pwN - gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') dec2rgpulse(pwN, t10, 0.0, 0.0); else rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + 1.0e-4 +gstab - 0.5*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, rof1); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ delay(gstab); rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4 - rof1); if (dm3[B]=='y') lk_sample(); setreceiver(t12); }
pulsesequence() { char f1180[MAXSTR], f2180[MAXSTR], mag_flg[MAXSTR], /* y for magic angle, n for z-gradient only */ ref_flg[MAXSTR]; /* yes for recording reference spectrum */ int icosel, phase, ni2, t1_counter, t2_counter; double gzcal = getval("gzcal"), tau1, tau2, taua, /* ~ 1/4JNH = 2.3-2.7 ms] */ taub, /* ~ 2.75 ms */ bigT, /* ~ 12 ms */ bigTCO, /* ~ 25 ms */ bigTN, /* ~ 12 ms */ pwClvl, /* High power level for carbon on channel 2 */ pwC, /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ compC, /* Compression factor for C13 on channel 2 */ pwCa180, /* 180 degree pulse length for Ca */ pwCab180, pwCO180, pwNlvl, /* Power level for Nitrogen on channel 3 */ pwN, /* N15 90 degree pulse lenght at pwNlvl */ maxcan, /* The larger of 2.0*pwN and pwCa180 */ dpwrfC = 4095.0, dfCa180, dfCab180, dfCO180, fac180 = 1.69, gt1, gt3, gt2, gt0, gt5, gt6, gt7, gt8, gt9, gt10, gstab, gzlvl1, gzlvl2, gzlvl3, gzlvl0, gzlvl5, gzlvl6, gzlvl7, gzlvl8, gzlvl9, gzlvl10; /* LOAD VARIABLES */ getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg", mag_flg); getstr("ref_flg", ref_flg); taua = getval("taua"); taub = getval("taub"); bigT = getval("bigT"); bigTCO = getval("bigTCO"); bigTN = getval("bigTN"); pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"); pwC = getval("pwC"); compC = getval("compC"); pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"); pwN = getval("pwN"); pwCa180 = getval("pwCa180"); pwCab180 = getval("pwCab180"); pwCO180 = getval("pwCO180"); maxcan = 2.0*pwN; if (pwCa180 > maxcan) maxcan = pwCa180; dpwr = getval("dpwr"); phase = (int) ( getval("phase") + 0.5); phase2 = (int) ( getval("phase2") + 0.5); sw1 = getval("sw1"); sw2 = getval("sw2"); ni = getval("ni"); ni2 = getval("ni2"); gt1 = getval("gt1"); gt2 = getval("gt2"); gt3 = getval("gt3"); gt0 = getval("gt0"); gt5 = getval("gt5"); gt6 = getval("gt6"); gt7 = getval("gt7"); gt8 = getval("gt8"); gt9 = getval("gt9"); gstab = getval("gstab"); gt10 = getval("gt10"); gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"); gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"); gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"); gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"); gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"); gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); gzlvl7 = getval("gzlvl7"); gzlvl8 = getval("gzlvl8"); gzlvl9 = getval("gzlvl9"); gzlvl10 = getval("gzlvl10"); dfCa180 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*fac180)/pwCa180; dfCab180 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*fac180)/pwCab180; dfCO180 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*fac180)/pwCO180; /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t1,4,phi1); settable(t2,2,phi2); settable(t3,16,phi3); settable(t4,16,phi4); settable(t5, 1, phi5); settable(t10,16,rec); /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if((ref_flg[A] == 'y') && (dps_flag)) { printf("ref_flg=y: for 2D HN-CO or 3D HNCO reference spectrum without CO-HB coupling.\n"); } if(ni2/sw2 > 2.0*(bigTN)) { printf(" ni2 is too big, should < %f\n", 2.0*sw2*(bigTN)); } if((ni/sw1 > 2.0*(bigTCO - gt6 - maxcan))&&(ref_flg[A] == 'y')) { printf("ni is too big, should < %f\n", 2.0*sw1*(bigTCO-gt6-maxcan)); } if(( dpwr > 50 ) || (dpwr2 > 50)) { printf("don't fry the probe, either dpwr or dpwr2 is too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if((gt1 > 5.0e-3) ||(gt2>5e-3)||(gt3>5e-3)|| (gt0 > 5.0e-3)) { printf("The length of gradients are too long\n"); psg_abort(1); } if((taub - 2.0*pw - gt8 - 1.0e-3 - 6.0*GRADIENT_DELAY)<0.0) { printf("Shorten gt8 so that preceding delay is not negative\n"); psg_abort(1); } if((dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y')) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1); } if((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' )) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1); } /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data */ if (phase == 2) { if(ref_flg[A] == 'y') tsadd(t1,3,4); else tsadd(t1, 1, 4); } if (phase2 == 2) { tsadd(t5,2,4); icosel = 1; } else icosel = -1; /* Set up f1180 half_dwell time (1/sw1)/2.0 */ if (ref_flg[A] == 'y') tau1 = d2; else tau1 = d2 - (4.0*pw/PI); if(f1180[A] == 'y') { tau1 += (1.0/(2.0*sw1)); } if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; tau1 = tau1/4.0; /* Set up f2180 half dwell time (1/sw2)/2.0 */ tau2 = d3; if(f2180[A] == 'y') { tau2 += (1.0/(2.0*sw2)); } if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2 ; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t1,2,4); tsadd(t10,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3 ; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t2,2,4); tsadd(t10,2,4); } /* BEGIN ACTUAL PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); decoffset(dof); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); decpwrf(dpwrfC); dec2power(pwNlvl); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); delay(d1); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.2e-6, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(0.001); rcvroff(); status(B); rgpulse(pw, zero, 1.0e-5, 1.0e-6); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(0.8*gzlvl0,gt0); delay(taua - gt0 - 2.0e-6); sim3pulse(2.0*pw,(double)0.0,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,zero, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6); delay(taua - gt0 - 500.0e-6); zgradpulse(0.8*gzlvl0,gt0); txphase(one); delay(500.0e-6); rgpulse(pw, one, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(1.3*gzlvl3, gt3); decpwrf(dfCO180); txphase(zero); delay(200.0e-6); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(taub - gt0 - 2.0*pw - 2.0e-6); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(bigT - taub - WFG3_START_DELAY); sim3shaped_pulse("","offC8","",(double)0.0,pwCO180,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(bigT - gt0 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 1.0e-3); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(1.0e-3); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl9, gt9); decpwrf(dpwrfC); decphase(t3); delay(200.0e-6); if(ref_flg[A] != 'y') { decrgpulse(pwC, t3, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); if(gt6 > 0.2e-6) zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt6); decpwrf(dfCO180); txphase(t1); delay(bigTCO - gt6 - 2.0e-6); rgpulse(pw, t1, 0.0, 0.0); if(tau1 >(pwCab180/2.0 + WFG_START_DELAY +WFG_STOP_DELAY+ POWER_DELAY + pwCO180/2.0)) { decpwrf(dfCab180); delay(tau1 - pwCab180/2.0 - WFG_START_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("offC27", pwCab180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(dfCO180); delay(tau1-pwCO180/2.0-pwCab180/2.0-WFG_STOP_DELAY-WFG_START_DELAY-POWER_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwCO180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(dfCab180); delay(tau1-pwCO180/2.0-pwCab180/2.0-WFG_STOP_DELAY-WFG_START_DELAY-POWER_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("offC27", pwCab180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); delay(tau1 - pwCab180/2.0 - WFG_STOP_DELAY); } else { delay(2.0*tau1); decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwCO180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0*tau1); } rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(bigTCO - gt6 - POWER_DELAY - 1.0e-3); if (gt6 > 0.2e-6) zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt6); decpwrf(dpwrfC); delay(1.0e-3); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); } else { decrgpulse(pwC, t3, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(dfCa180); sim3shaped_pulse("","offC17","",0.0e-6,pwCa180,0.0e-6,zero,zero,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); delay(2.0e-6); if(gt6 > 0.2e-6) zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt6); decpwrf(dfCO180); delay(bigTCO - 2.0*tau1 - maxcan - gt6 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6); decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwCO180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(bigTCO - gt6 - maxcan - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - 1.0e-3); if (gt6 > 0.2e-6) zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt6); decpwrf(dfCa180); delay(1.0e-3); sim3shaped_pulse("","offC17","",2.0*pw,pwCa180,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); decpwrf(dpwrfC); delay(2.0*tau1); decrgpulse(pwC, t1, 2.0e-6, 0.0); } delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl7, gt7); decpwrf(dfCO180); dec2phase(t2); delay(200.0e-6); dec2rgpulse(pwN, t2, 0.0, 0.0); delay(bigTN - tau2); dec2phase(t4); sim3shaped_pulse("","offC8","",(double)0.0,pwCO180,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,t4,0.0,0.0); decpwrf(dfCa180); delay(bigTN - taub - WFG_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(taub - 2.0*pw - gt1 - 1.0e-3 - 6.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); } else { zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); delay(4.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); } dec2phase(t5); delay(1.0e-3); decshaped_pulse("offC17", pwCa180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); sim3pulse(pw,(double)0.0, pwN, zero,zero, t5, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(0.8*gzlvl5, gt5); delay(taua - gt5 - 2.0e-6); sim3pulse(2.0*pw,(double)0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero,zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(taua - gt5 - 500.0e-6); zgradpulse(0.8*gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); decphase(one); delay(500.0e-6); sim3pulse(pw,(double)0.0, pwN, one,zero, one, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(taua - gt5 - 2.0e-6); sim3pulse(2.0*pw,(double)0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero,zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(taua - gt5 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - 500.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); decpower(dpwr); dec2power(dpwr2); delay(500.0e-6); rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(1.0e-4 +gstab + gt1/10.0 - 0.5*pw + 6.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); if(mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); } else { zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); delay(4.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); } delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0e-6); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4); setreceiver(t10); }
void pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE VARIABLES */ char autocal[MAXSTR], /* auto-calibration flag */ fsat[MAXSTR], fscuba[MAXSTR], f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ shib[MAXSTR], /* iburp for inversion during first inept */ Hshp[MAXSTR], /* proton inversion during chirp */ ddseq[MAXSTR], shreb[MAXSTR], /* reburb hard during t2 */ co_shp[MAXSTR], /* shape of co 180 at 176 ppm */ CT_flg[MAXSTR], codecseq[MAXSTR], c180_flg[MAXSTR], n_shift[MAXSTR], shibca[MAXSTR], shibcai[MAXSTR]; int phase, phase2, t2_counter, ni2, ni, t1_counter; /* used for states tppi in t2,t1 */ double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ taua, /* ~ 1/4JCH = 1.7 ms; first inept */ mix, /* noesy mixing time */ TC, /* Variable CT period during t1 1/2JCC */ TC2, /* Variable CT period during t3 1/2JCC */ pwc, /* 90 c pulse at dhpwr */ tsatpwr, /* low level 1H trans.power for presat */ dhpwr, /* power level for high power 13C pulses on dec1 */ sw1, /* sweep width in f1 */ sw2, /* sweep width in f2 */ pwC,pwClvl,compC,pwN,pwNlvl,ppm,ofs,bw, /*used by Pbox */ d_ib, pwib, pwhshp, pwd1, /* 2H flip back pulses */ d_reb, pwreb, ph_reb, ph_reb1, /* only used if CT_flg=='y' and n_shift=='y' */ pwco180, dhpwr2, pwn, d_co180, pwcodec, /* carbon pw90 for seduce decoupling */ dpwrsed, dressed, d_ibca, /* power level for selective 13Ca pulse during CT-t2 */ pwibca, /* selective 13Ca pulse width */ gt1, gt2, gt3, gt4, gt5, gt6, gt7, gt8, gt9, gt10, gt11, gt12, gstab, gzlvl1, gzlvl2, gzlvl3, gzlvl4, gzlvl5, gzlvl6, gzlvl7, gzlvl8, gzlvl9, gzlvl10, gzlvl11, gzlvl12; /* variables commented out are already defined by the system */ /* LOAD VARIABLES */ getstr("autocal",autocal); getstr("fsat",fsat); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("fscuba",fscuba); getstr("ddseq",ddseq); getstr("n_shift",n_shift); getstr("Hshp",Hshp); getstr("CT_flg",CT_flg); getstr("c180_flg",c180_flg); compC = getval("compC"); pwN=getval("pwN"); pwNlvl=getval("pwNlvl"); pwC = getval("pwC"); pwClvl=getval("pwClvl"); pwhshp = getval("pwhshp"); taua = getval("taua"); mix = getval("mix"); TC = getval("TC"); pwc = getval("pwc"); tpwr = getval("tpwr"); tsatpwr = getval("tsatpwr"); dhpwr = getval("dhpwr"); dpwr = getval("dpwr"); phase = (int) ( getval("phase") + 0.5); phase2 = (int) ( getval("phase2") + 0.5); sw1 = getval("sw1"); sw2 = getval("sw2"); ni2 = getval("ni2"); ni = getval("ni"); pwd1 = getval("pwd1"); ph_reb = getval("ph_reb"); ph_reb1 = getval("ph_reb1"); TC2 = getval("TC2"); dhpwr2 = getval("dhpwr2"); pwn = getval("pwn"); setautocal(); if(autocal[0]=='n') { getstr("shreb",shreb); getstr("shib",shib); getstr("shibca",shibca); getstr("shibcai",shibcai); getstr("co_shp",co_shp); getstr("codecseq",codecseq); d_reb = getval("d_reb"); pwreb = getval("pwreb"); d_ib = getval("d_ib"); pwib = getval("pwib"); d_ibca = getval("d_ibca"); pwibca = getval("pwibca"); d_co180 = getval("d_co180"); pwco180 = getval("pwco180"); pwcodec = getval("pwcodec"); dpwrsed = getval("dpwrsed"); dressed = getval("dressed"); } else { /*strcpy(Hshp,"hard"); former declarations using TNMR.h syntax strcpy(shreb,"Preb_5p"); strcpy(shib,"Pib_1p5"); strcpy(shibca,"Pib_35p"); strcpy(shibcai,"Pib_35pi"); strcpy(co_shp,"Psed_156p"); strcpy(codecseq,"Pdec_156p");*/ strcpy(Hshp,"hard"); strcpy(shreb,"Preb_5p"); strcpy(shib,"Pib_1p5"); strcpy(shibca,"Pib_35p"); strcpy(shibcai,"Pib_35pi"); strcpy(co_shp,"Psed_156p"); strcpy(codecseq,"Pdec_156p"); if (FIRST_FID) { ppm = getval("dfrq"); /* These are former declarations (at top) using TNMR.h syntax */ /*REB180 "reburp 110p 5p"*/ /* RE-BURP 180 on Cab at 24.6 ppm, 5 ppm away */ /*IB180 "iburp2 24.4p 1.5p"*/ /* I-BURP 180 on Me at 21.1 ppm, 1.5 ppm away */ /*IBCA "iburp2 24.4p 35p"*/ /* I-BURP 180 on Cab at 54.6 ppm, 35 ppm away */ /*IBCAI "iburp2 24.4p 35p"*/ /* I-BURP 180 on Cab at 54.6 ppm, 35 ppm away */ /*CO180 "seduce 30p 156p"*/ /* SEDUCE 180 on C' at 175.6 ppm 156 ppm away */ /*CODEC "WURST2 20p/4m 156p"*/ /* WURST2 decoupling on C' at 175.6 ppm 156 ppm away */ /*REB180ps "-stepsize 0.5 -attn i"*/ /* seduce 180 shape parameters */ /*CODECps "-dres 1.0 -maxincr 20.0 -attn i"*/ /*co180 = pbox(co_shp, CO180, REB180ps, dfrq, compC*pwc, dhpwr);*/ /*ibcai = pbox(shibcai, IBCAI, REB180ps, dfrq, compC*pwc, dhpwr);*/ /*ibca = pbox(shibca, IBCA, REB180ps, dfrq, compC*pwc, dhpwr);*/ /*ib180 = pbox(shib, IB180, REB180ps, dfrq, compC*pwc, dhpwr);*/ /*reb = pbox(shreb, REB180, REB180ps, dfrq, compC*pwc, dhpwr);*/ /*COdec = pbox(codecseq, CODEC, CODECps, dfrq, compC*pwc, dhpwr);*/ bw = 110.0*ppm; ofs = 5.0*ppm; Preb_5p = pbox_Rsh("Preb_5p", "reburp", bw , ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); bw = 24.4*ppm; ofs = 1.5*ppm; Pib_1p5 = pbox_Rsh("Pib_1p5", "iburp2", bw , ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); bw = 24.4*ppm; ofs = 35*ppm; Pib_35p = pbox_Rsh("Pib_35p", "iburp2", bw , ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); bw = 24.4*ppm; ofs = 35*ppm; Pib_35pi = pbox_Rsh("Pib_35pi", "iburp2", bw , ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); bw = 30.0*ppm; ofs = 156*ppm; Psed_156p = pbox_Rsh("Psed_156p", "seduce", bw , ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); bw = 20.0*ppm; ofs = 156*ppm; Pdec_156p = pbox_Dsh("Pdec_156p", "WURST2", bw , ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); ofs_check(H1ofs, C13ofs, N15ofs, H2ofs); } d_reb = Preb_5p.pwr; pwreb = Preb_5p.pw; d_ib = Pib_1p5.pwr; pwib = Pib_1p5.pw; d_ibca = Pib_35p.pwr; pwibca = Pib_35p.pw; d_co180 = Psed_156p.pwr; pwco180 = Psed_156p.pw; dpwrsed = Pdec_156p.pwr; pwcodec = 1.0/Pdec_156p.dmf; dressed = Pdec_156p.dres; pwc=pwC; dhpwr=pwClvl; pwn=pwN; dhpwr2=pwNlvl; pwhshp=2.0*pw; pwd1=1/dmf3; pwhshp=2.0*pw; } gt1 = getval("gt1"); gt2 = getval("gt2"); gt3 = getval("gt3"); gt4 = getval("gt4"); gt5 = getval("gt5"); gt6 = getval("gt6"); gt7 = getval("gt7"); gt8 = getval("gt8"); gt9 = getval("gt9"); gt10 = getval("gt10"); gt11 = getval("gt11"); gt12 = getval("gt12"); gstab = getval("gstab"); gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"); gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"); gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"); gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"); gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"); gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); gzlvl7 = getval("gzlvl7"); gzlvl8 = getval("gzlvl8"); gzlvl9 = getval("gzlvl9"); gzlvl10 = getval("gzlvl10"); gzlvl11 = getval("gzlvl11"); gzlvl12 = getval("gzlvl12"); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t1,4,phi1); settable(t2,8,phi2); settable(t7,2,phi7); settable(t8,2,phi8); settable(t9,8,rec); /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if(TC/2.0 - 0.5*(ni-1)*1/(sw1) - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY - pwco180 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - pwd1 - gt4 - gstab -2.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG_START_DELAY < 0.2e-6) { printf(" ni is too big\n"); psg_abort(1); } if(CT_flg[A] == 'y' && n_shift[A] == 'n') { if(TC2/2.0 - 0.5*(ni2-1)*1/(sw2) - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY - pwco180 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - pwd1 - gt10 - gstab -2.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG_START_DELAY < 0.2e-6) { printf(" ni2 is too big\n"); psg_abort(1); } } if(CT_flg[A] == 'y' && n_shift[A] == 'y') { if(TC2/2.0 - 0.5*(ni2-1)/sw2 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY - pwco180 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 2.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY - WFG_START_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - pwibca - WFG_STOP_DELAY - pwd1 - gt10 - gstab -2.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY < 0.2e-6) { printf(" ni2 is too big\n"); psg_abort(1); } } if((dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' )) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! "); psg_abort(1); } if((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y')) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! "); psg_abort(1); } if((dm3[A] == 'y' || dm3[B] == 'y' || dm3[C] == 'y')) { printf("incorrect dec3 decoupler flags! "); psg_abort(1); } if( tsatpwr > 6 ) { printf("TSATPWR too large !!! "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr > 48 ) { printf("don't fry the probe, DPWR too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( d_ib > 54 ) { printf("don't fry the probe, d_ib too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr2 > 49 ) { printf("don't fry the probe, DPWR2 too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr3 > 51 ) { printf("don't fry the probe, DPWR3 too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( dhpwr > 63 ) { printf("don't fry the probe, DHPWR too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pw > 200.0e-6 ) { printf("dont fry the probe, pw too high ! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pwd1 < 100.0e-6 && pwd1 != 0.0) { printf("dont fry the probe, pwd1 too short and dpwr3 too high! "); psg_abort(1); } if(d_co180 > 50) { printf("dont fry the probe, d_co180 is too high\n "); psg_abort(1); } if(((pwco180 > 250e-6) || (pwco180 < 200e-6)) && (autocal[A] == 'n')) { printf("pwco180 is misset < 250 us > 200 us\n"); psg_abort(1); } if(dpwrsed > 45) { printf("dpwrsed is misset < 46\n"); psg_abort(1); } if(gt1 > 15e-3 || gt2 > 15e-3 || gt3 > 15e-3 || gt4 > 15e-3 || gt5 > 15e-3 || gt6 > 15e-3 || gt7 > 15e-3 || gt8 > 15e-3 || gt9 > 15e-3 || gt10 > 15e-3 || gt11 > 15e-3 || gt12 > 15e-3) { printf("gradients on for too long. Must be < 15e-3 \n"); psg_abort(1); } /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data */ if (phase2 == 2) { tsadd(t2,1,4); } if (phase == 2) tsadd(t1,1,4); /* Set up f2180 tau2 = t2 */ tau2 = d3; if(CT_flg[A] == 'y') { if(f2180[A] == 'y') { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); } } if(CT_flg[A] == 'n' && n_shift[A] == 'n') { if(f2180[A] == 'y') { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) - 4.0/PI*pwc - POWER_DELAY - PRG_START_DELAY - 4.0*pw - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*pwn - PRG_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6); if(tau2 < 0.0 && ix == 1) printf("tau2 start2 negative; decrease sw2\n"); } if(f2180[A] == 'n') { tau2 = ( tau2 - 4.0/PI*pwc - POWER_DELAY - PRG_START_DELAY - 4.0*pw - 4.0e-6 - 2.0*pwn - PRG_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6); } } if(CT_flg[A] == 'n' && n_shift[A] == 'y') { if(f2180[A] == 'y') { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) - 4.0/PI*pwn - POWER_DELAY - PRG_START_DELAY - 4.0*pw - 4.0e-6 - PRG_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6); if(tau2 < 0.0 && ix == 1) printf("tau2 start2 negative; decrease sw2\n"); } if(f2180[A] == 'n') { tau2 = ( tau2 - 4.0/PI*pwn - POWER_DELAY - PRG_START_DELAY - 4.0*pw - 4.0e-6 - PRG_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6); } } if(tau2 < 0.4e-6) tau2 = 0.4e-6; tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Set up f1180 tau1 = t1 */ tau1 = d2; if(f1180[A] == 'y') { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); } if(tau1 < 0.4e-6) tau1 = 0.4e-6; tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2 ; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t1,2,4); tsadd(t9,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3 ; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t2,2,4); tsadd(t9,2,4); } /* BEGIN ACTUAL PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); obspower(tsatpwr); /* Set transmitter power for 1H presaturation */ decpower(dhpwr); /* Set Dec1 power for hard 13C pulses */ dec2power(dhpwr2); /* Set Dec2 power for hard 15N pulses */ dec3power(dpwr3); /* Set Dec3 power for 2H pulses */ /* Presaturation Period */ if (fsat[0] == 'y') { delay(2.0e-5); rgpulse(d1,zero,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); /* presat */ obspower(tpwr); /* Set transmitter power for hard 1H pulses */ delay(2.0e-5); if(fscuba[0] == 'y') { delay(2.2e-2); rgpulse(pw,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); rgpulse(2*pw,one,2.0e-6,0.0); rgpulse(pw,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); delay(2.2e-2); } } else { delay(d1); } obspower(tpwr); /* Set transmitter power for hard 1H pulses */ txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decphase(zero); delay(1.0e-5); /* Begin Pulses */ status(B); rcvroff(); lk_hold(); delay(20.0e-6); /* first ensure that magnetization does infact start on H and not C */ decrgpulse(pwc,zero,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl1,gt1); delay(gstab); decpower(d_ib); /* set power for chirp during inept */ delay(4e-6); /* this is the real start */ rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 90 deg 1H pulse */ delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl2,gt2); delay(2.0e-6); delay(taua - gt2 - 4.0e-6 - WFG2_START_DELAY); /* taua <= 1/4JCH */ simshaped_pulse(Hshp,shib,pwhshp,pwib,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); decphase(zero); txphase(one); decphase(t1); decpower(dhpwr); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl2,gt2); delay(2.0e-6); delay(taua - gt2 - 4.0e-6 - WFG2_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(pw,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl3,gt3); delay(gstab); decrgpulse(pwc,t1,0.0,0.0); decphase(zero); delay(tau1); decpower(d_co180); sim3shaped_pulse(Hshp,co_shp,"hard",pwhshp,pwco180,2.0*pwn,zero,zero,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); delay(TC/2.0 - tau1 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY - pwco180 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - pwd1 - gt4 - gstab -2.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG_START_DELAY); dec3rgpulse(pwd1,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(tau1); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl4,gt4); delay(gstab); initval(1.0,v3); decstepsize(ph_reb); dcplrphase(v3); decpower(d_reb); decshaped_pulse(shreb,pwreb,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); dcplrphase(zero); decphase(zero); decpower(dhpwr); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl4,gt4); delay(gstab); delay(TC/2.0 - tau1 - WFG_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY - gt4 - gstab -2.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwc,zero,0.0,0.0); dec3rgpulse(pwd1,two,4.0e-6,0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay(gstab); rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl6,gt6); delay(gstab); decpower(d_ib); delay(taua - gt6 - 4.0e-6 - WFG2_START_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); simshaped_pulse(Hshp,shib,pwhshp,pwib,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); decphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl6,gt6); delay(gstab); decpower(dhpwr); txphase(one); delay(taua - gt6 - gstab -2.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY - WFG2_STOP_DELAY); rgpulse(pw,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(mix - gt7 - 352.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwc,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl7,gt7); delay(gstab); decpower(d_ib); /* set power level for iburp */ rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 90 deg 1H pulse */ delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl8,gt8); delay(2.0e-6); if(n_shift[A] == 'n') { delay(taua - gt8 - 4.0e-6 - WFG2_START_DELAY); /* taua <= 1/4JCH */ simshaped_pulse(Hshp,shib,pwhshp,pwib,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); decphase(zero); } else { delay(taua - gt8 - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY); sim3shaped_pulse(Hshp,shib,"hard",pwhshp,pwib,2.0*pwn,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); } txphase(one); decphase(t2); decpower(dhpwr); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl8,gt8); delay(2.0e-6); if(n_shift[A] == 'n') delay(taua - gt8 - 4.0e-6 - WFG2_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); else delay(taua - gt8 - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(pw,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl9,gt9); delay(gstab); if(CT_flg[A] == 'y' && n_shift[A] == 'n') { decrgpulse(pwc,t2,0.0,0.0); decphase(zero); delay(tau2); decpower(d_co180); sim3shaped_pulse(Hshp,co_shp,"hard",pwhshp,pwco180,2.0*pwn,zero,zero,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); delay(TC2/2.0 - tau2 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY - pwco180 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - pwd1 - gt10 - gstab -2.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG_START_DELAY); dec3rgpulse(pwd1,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(tau2); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl10,gt10); delay(gstab); initval(1.0,v4); decstepsize(ph_reb); dcplrphase(v4); decpower(d_reb); decshaped_pulse(shreb,pwreb,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); dcplrphase(zero); decphase(zero); decpower(dhpwr); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl10,gt10); delay(gstab); delay(TC2/2.0 - tau2 - WFG_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY - gt10 - gstab -2.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwc,zero,0.0,0.0); dec3rgpulse(pwd1,two,4.0e-6,0.0); } if(CT_flg[A] == 'y' && n_shift[A] == 'y') { dec2phase(t2); delay(2.0e-6); dec2rgpulse((pwn-pwc)/2.0,t2,0.0,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0e-6,pwc,pwc,zero,t2,t2,0.0,0.0); dec2rgpulse((pwn-pwc)/2.0,t2,0.0,0.0); decphase(zero); delay(tau2); decphase(zero); decpower(d_co180); sim3shaped_pulse(Hshp,co_shp,"hard",pwhshp,pwco180,0.0e-6,zero,zero,zero,4.0e-6,2.0e-6); decpower(d_ibca); decshaped_pulse(shibca,pwibca,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); decphase(zero); delay(TC2/2.0 - tau2 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY - pwco180 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 2.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY - WFG_START_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - pwibca - WFG_STOP_DELAY - pwd1 - gt10 - gstab -2.0e-6 - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY); dec3rgpulse(pwd1,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(tau2); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl10,gt10); delay(gstab); initval(1.0,v4); decstepsize(ph_reb1); dcplrphase(v4); decpower(d_reb); sim3shaped_pulse("hard",shreb,"hard",0.0e-6,pwreb,2.0*pwn,zero,zero,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); dcplrphase(zero); decphase(t7); decpower(d_ibca); decshaped_pulse(shibcai,pwibca,t7,4.0e-6,0.0); decpower(dhpwr); decphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl10,gt10); delay(gstab); delay(TC2/2.0 - tau2 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY - 4.0e-6 - WFG_START_DELAY - pwibca - WFG_STOP_DELAY - POWER_DELAY - gt10 - gstab -2.0e-6); dec2rgpulse((pwn-pwc)/2.0,zero,0.0,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0e-6,pwc,pwc,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); dec2rgpulse((pwn-pwc)/2.0,zero,0.0,0.0); dec3rgpulse(pwd1,two,4.0e-6,0.0); } if(CT_flg[A] == 'n' && n_shift[A] == 'n') { txphase(one); decrgpulse(pwc,t2,0.0,0.0); if(c180_flg[A] == 'n') { decphase(zero); /* seduce on */ decpower(dpwrsed); decprgon(codecseq,pwcodec,dressed); decon(); /* seduce on */ delay(tau2); rgpulse(pw,one,0.0,0.0); rgpulse(2.0*pw,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); rgpulse(pw,one,2.0e-6,0.0); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwn,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(tau2); /* seduce off */ decoff(); decprgoff(); decpower(dhpwr); /* seduce off */ } else decrgpulse(2.0*pwc,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); decrgpulse(pwc,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); } if(CT_flg[A] == 'n' && n_shift[A] == 'y') { txphase(one); dec2phase(t2); dec2rgpulse((PI-2.0)/PI*(pwn-pwc),t2,2.0e-6,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0e-6,pwc,pwc,zero,t2,t2,0.0,0.0); dec2rgpulse((2.0/PI)*(pwn-pwc),t2,0.0,0.0); if(c180_flg[A] == 'n') { decphase(zero); /* seduce on */ decpower(dpwrsed); decprgon(codecseq,pwcodec,dressed); decon(); /* seduce on */ delay(tau2); rgpulse(pw,one,0.0,0.0); rgpulse(2.0*pw,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); rgpulse(pw,one,2.0e-6,0.0); delay(tau2); /* seduce off */ decoff(); decprgoff(); /* note that ca-n evolves ; keep t2,max <= 9.5ms */ decpower(dhpwr); /* seduce off */ } else sim3pulse(0.0,2.0*pwc,2.0*pwn,zero,zero,zero,4.0e-6,0.0); dec2rgpulse((2.0/PI)*(pwn-pwc),zero,4.0e-6,0.0); sim3pulse(0.0e-6,pwc,pwc,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); dec2rgpulse((PI-2.0)/PI*(pwn-pwc),zero,0.0,0.0); } delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl11,gt11); delay(gstab); lk_sample(); rgpulse(pw,t8,4.0e-6,0.0); /* 90 deg 1H pulse */ delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl12,gt12); delay(2.0e-6); decpower(d_ib); if(n_shift[A] == 'n') { delay(taua - gt12 - 4.0e-6 - WFG2_START_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); simshaped_pulse(Hshp,shib,pwhshp,pwib,t8,zero,0.0,0.0); decphase(zero); } else { delay(taua - gt12 - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_START_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); sim3shaped_pulse(Hshp,shib,"hard",pwhshp,pwib,2.0*pwn,t8,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); } delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl12,gt12); delay(2.0e-6); if(n_shift[A] == 'n') delay(taua - gt12 - 4.0e-6 - WFG2_STOP_DELAY - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); else delay(taua - gt12 - 4.0e-6 - WFG3_STOP_DELAY - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); decpower(dpwr); /* Set power for decoupling */ dec2power(dpwr2); /* Set power for decoupling */ rgpulse(pw,t8,0.0,rof2); /* BEGIN ACQUISITION */ status(C); setreceiver(t9); }
pulsesequence() { char shname1[MAXSTR], f1180[MAXSTR], f2180[MAXSTR], SE_flg[MAXSTR], href_flg[MAXSTR]; /*gradient flag */ int icosel=1, t1_counter, t2_counter, ni2 = getval("ni2"), phase; double d2_init=0.0, d3_init=0.0, pwS1,pwS2,pwS3,pwS4,pwS5,pwS6, lambda = getval("lambda"), gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gt6 = getval("gt6"), gstab = getval("gstab"), tpwrsf = getval("tpwrsf"), shlvl1, shpw1, pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), pwN = getval("pwN"), dpwr2 = getval("dpwr2"), d2 = getval("d2"), shbw = getval("shbw"), shofs = getval("shofs")-4.77, timeTN = getval("timeTN"), tau1 = getval("tau1"), tau2 = getval("tau2"), taunh = getval("taunh"); getstr("shname1", shname1); getstr("SE_flg",SE_flg); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("href_flg",href_flg); phase = (int) (getval("phase") + 0.5); settable(t1,4,phi1); settable(t3,4,phi3); settable(t5,4,phi5); settable(t10,1,phi10); settable(t12,4,phi12); settable(t13,4,phi13); /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ shpw1 = pw*8.0; shlvl1 = tpwr; pwS1 = c13pulsepw("co", "ca", "sinc", 90.0); pwS2 = c13pulsepw("co", "ca", "sinc", 180.0); pwS3 = c13pulsepw("ca", "co", "square", 180.0); pwS4 = h_shapedpw("eburp2",shbw,shofs,zero, 0.0, 0.0); pwS6 = h_shapedpw("reburp",shbw,shofs,zero, 0.0, 0.0); pwS5 = h_shapedpw("pc9f",shbw,shofs,zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); if (SE_flg[0] == 'y') { if ( ni2*1/(sw2)/2.0 > (timeTN-pwS2*0.5-pwS4)) { printf(" ni2 is too big. Make ni2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN-pwS2*0.5-pwS4)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} } else { if ( ni2*1/(sw2)/2.0 > (timeTN-pwS2*0.5)) { printf(" ni2 is too big. Make ni2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN-pwS2*0.5)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} } if (phase == 1) ; if (phase == 2) tsadd(t1,1,4); if (SE_flg[0] =='y') { if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = +1;} else icosel = -1; } else { if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t3,1,4);tsadd(t5,1,4);} } tau1 = d2; if((f1180[A] == 'y') ) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1; tau2 = d3; if((f2180[A] == 'y') ) { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } tau2 = tau2; if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t1,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); tsadd(t13,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t5,2,4);tsadd(t12,2,4); tsadd(t13,2,4); } status(A); rcvroff(); decpower(pwClvl); decoffset(dof); dec2power(pwNlvl); dec2offset(dof2); obspwrf(tpwrsf); decpwrf(4095.0); obsoffset(tof); set_c13offset("co"); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt6); delay(1.0e-4); delay(d1-g6); lk_hold(); h_shapedpulse("pc9f",shbw,shofs,zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); delay(lambda-pwS5*0.5-pwS6*0.4); h_sim3shapedpulse("reburp",shbw,shofs,0.0,2.0*pwN, one, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(lambda-pwS5*0.5-pwS6*0.4); h_shapedpulse("pc9f_",shbw,shofs,one, 0.0, 0.0); obspower(shlvl1); /**************************************************************************/ dec2rgpulse(pwN,zero,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt3); delay(timeTN-pwS2*0.5-gt3); sim3_c13pulse("", "co", "ca", "sinc", "", 0.0, 180.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 2.0e-6, 2.0e-6); if (href_flg[0] == 'y') { delay(timeTN-pwS2*0.5-taunh*0.5-shpw1); shaped_pulse(shname1,shpw1,two,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt3); delay(taunh*0.5-gt3); dec2rgpulse(pwN,zero,0.0,0.0); } else { delay(timeTN-pwS2*0.5-taunh*0.5); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt3); delay(taunh*0.5-gt3); dec2rgpulse(pwN,one,0.0,0.0); } /**************************************************************************/ /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13CO EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ /**************************************************************************/ c13pulse("co", "ca", "sinc", 90.0, t1, 2.0e-6, 0.0); delay(tau1*0.5); sim3shaped_pulse(shname1,"","",shpw1,0.0,pwN*2.0,zero,zero,zero,2.0e-6,0.0); delay(tau1*0.5); c13pulse("co", "ca", "sinc", 180.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2rgpulse(pwN*2.0,zero,0.0,0.0); if (pwN*2.0 <shpw1) delay(shpw1-pwN*2.0); c13pulse("co", "ca", "sinc", 90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /**************************************************************************/ obspower(shlvl1); if (href_flg[0] == 'y') { shaped_pulse(shname1,shpw1,two,0.0,0.0); dec2rgpulse(pwN,t3,0.0,0.0); } else dec2rgpulse(pwN,t5,0.0,0.0); if (SE_flg[0] == 'y') { if (href_flg[0] == 'y') { delay(tau2*0.5); c13pulse("ca", "co", "square", 180.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(taunh*0.5-pwS3); shaped_pulse(shname1,shpw1,two,0.0,0.0); delay(timeTN-pwS2*0.5-shpw1-taunh*0.5-gt1-1.0e-4); } else { delay(tau2*0.5); sim_c13pulse(shname1,"ca", "co", "square",shpw1, 180.0, two,zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (shpw1 >= pwS3) delay(taunh*0.5-shpw1); else delay(taunh*0.5-pwS3); delay(timeTN-pwS2*0.5-taunh*0.5-gt1-1.0e-4); } zgradpulse(-gzlvl1, gt1); delay(1.0e-4); sim3_c13pulse("", "co", "ca", "sinc", "", 0.0, 180.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 2.0e-6, 2.0e-6); delay(timeTN-pwS2*0.5-tau2*0.5-pwS4); h_shapedpulse("eburp2",shbw,shofs,zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); dec2rgpulse(pwN, t10, 0.0, 0.0); } else { if (href_flg[0] == 'y') { delay(tau2*0.5); c13pulse("ca", "co", "square", 180.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(taunh*0.5-pwS3); shaped_pulse(shname1,shpw1,two,0.0,0.0); delay(timeTN-pwS2*0.5-shpw1-taunh*0.5); } else { delay(tau2*0.5); sim_c13pulse(shname1,"ca", "co", "square",shpw1, 180.0, two,zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (shpw1 >= pwS3) delay(taunh*0.5-shpw1); else delay(taunh*0.5-pwS3); delay(timeTN-pwS2*0.5-taunh*0.5); } sim3_c13pulse("", "co", "ca", "sinc", "", 0.0, 180.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 2.0e-6, 2.0e-6); delay(timeTN-pwS2*0.5-tau2*0.5); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); } /**************************************************************************/ if (SE_flg[0] == 'y') { zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda-pwS6*0.4 - gt5); h_sim3shapedpulse("reburp",shbw,shofs,0.0,2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda-pwS6*0.4 - gt5); dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); h_shapedpulse("eburp2_",shbw,shofs,one, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); delay(lambda-pwS4*0.5-pwS6*0.4); h_sim3shapedpulse("reburp",shbw,shofs,0.0,2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); delay(lambda-pwS4*0.5-pwS6*0.4); h_shapedpulse("eburp2",shbw,shofs,zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + 1.0e-4 +gstab + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); h_shapedpulse("reburp",shbw,shofs,zero, 0.0, rof2); zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ delay(gstab); } else { h_shapedpulse("eburp2",shbw,shofs,zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda-pwS6*0.4 - gt5); h_sim3shapedpulse("reburp",shbw,shofs,0.0,2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda-pwS6*0.4 - gt5-POWER_DELAY-1.0e-4); } dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ lk_sample(); if (SE_flg[0] == 'y') setreceiver(t13); else setreceiver(t12); rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4 ); }
pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE VARIABLES */ char satmode[MAXSTR], f1180[MAXSTR], abfilter[MAXSTR]; /* set 'a' for inphase and 'b' for antiphase */ int t1_counter,icosel,first_FID; double /* DELAYS */ tau1, /* t1/2 */ tauhn,taunco,taucoca,taunca,tauhaca,taucaha,taucacb, /* COUPLINGS */ jhn = getval("jhn"), jnco = getval("jnco"), jcoca = getval("jcoca"), jnca = getval("jnca"), jhaca = getval("jhaca"), jcaha = getval("jcaha"), jcacb = getval("jcacb"), /* PULSES */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* PW90 for N-nuc */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* PW90 for C-nuc */ pwHs = getval("pwHs"), /* POWER LEVELS */ satpwr = getval("satpwr"), /* low power level for presat */ tpwrsf_d = getval("tpwrsf_d"), /* fine power level for first pwHs */ tpwrsf_u = getval("tpwrsf_u"), /* fine power level for second pwHs */ tpwrs, pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* power level for C hard pulses */ compC = getval("compC"), /* amplifier compression factor */ compH = getval("compH"), /* amplifier compression factor */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power level for N hard pulses */ rf90onco,pw90onco, /* power level/pw for CO 90 pulses */ rf180onco,pw180onco, /* power level/pw for CO 180 pulses */ rf180offca,pw180offca, /* power level/pw for CA 180 pulses */ /* CONSTANTS */ kappa, lambda = getval("lambda"), /* scaling factor for JNCa */ /* GRADIENT DELAYS AND LEVELS */ gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* gradient time */ gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* gradient time */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), /* gradient time */ gt5 = getval("gt5"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), /* level of gradient */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"); /* LOAD VARIABLES */ getstr("satmode",satmode); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("abfilter",abfilter); /* check validity of parameter range */ if ((dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' )) { printf("incorrect Dec1 decoupler flags! "); psg_abort(1); } if ((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' || dm2[C] == 'y' )) { printf("incorrect Dec2 decoupler flags! "); psg_abort(1); } if ( satpwr > 8 ) { printf("satpwr too large !!! "); psg_abort(1); } if ( dpwr > 50 ) { printf("don't fry the probe, dpwr too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if ( dpwr2 > 50 ) { printf("don't fry the probe, dpwr2 too large! "); psg_abort(1); } /* LOAD VARIABLES */ settable(t1, 1, phi1); settable(t2, 1, phi2); settable(t3, 1, phi3); settable(t4, 2, phi4); settable(t6, 4, phi6); settable(t7, 2, phi7); /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES AND POWER LEVELS FOR PULSES */ tauhn = ((jhn != 0.0) ? 1/(4*(jhn)) : 2.25e-3); taunco = ((jnco !=0.0) ? 1/(4*(jnco)) : 16.6e-3); taucoca = ((jcoca !=0.0) ? 1/(4*(jcoca)) : 4.5e-3); taunca = ((jnca !=0.0) ? 1/(4*(jnca)) : 12e-3); tauhaca = ((jhaca !=0.0) ? 1/(4*(jhaca)) : 12e-3); taucaha = ((jcaha !=0.0) ? 1/(4*(jcaha)) : 12e-3); taucacb = ((jcacb !=0.0) ? 1/(4*(jcacb)) : 12e-3); if((getval("arraydim") < 1.5) || (ix==1)) first_FID = 1; else first_FID = 0; /* 90 degree pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ pw90onco = sqrt(15.0)/(4.0*118.0*dfrq); rf90onco = (4095.0*pwC*compC)/pw90onco; rf90onco = (int) (rf90onco + 0.5); if(rf90onco > 4095.0) { if(first_FID) printf("insufficient power for pw90onco -> rf90onco (%.0f)\n", rf90onco); rf90onco = 4095.0; pw90onco = pwC; } /* 180 degree pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ pw180onco = sqrt(3.0)/(2.0*118.0*dfrq); rf180onco = (4095.0*pwC*compC*2.0)/pw180onco; rf180onco = (int) (rf180onco + 0.5); if(rf180onco > 4095.0) { if(first_FID) printf("insufficient power for pw180onco -> rf180onco (%.0f)\n", rf180onco); rf180onco = 4095.0; pw180onco = pwC*2.0; } pw180offca = pw180onco; rf180offca = rf180onco; /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex data */ kappa=(taunco - tauhn - gt1 - gstab)/(0.5*ni/sw1)-0.001; if (kappa > 1.0) { kappa=1.0-0.01; } if ( phase1 == 1) /* Hypercomplex in t2 */ { icosel = -1; tsadd(t2, 2, 4); tsadd(t3, 2, 4); } else icosel = 1; if (ix == 1) printf("semi constant-time factor %4.6f\n",kappa); /* calculate modification to phases based on current t1 values to achieve States-TPPI acquisition */ if (ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5); if (t1_counter %2) /* STATES-TPPI */ { tsadd(t1,2,4); tsadd(t7,2,4); } /* set up so that get (-90,180) phase corrects in F1 if f1180 flag is y */ tau1 = d2; if (f1180[A] == 'y') tau1 += ( 1.0/(2.0*sw1)); tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* selective H20 one-lobe sinc pulse */ tpwrs = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHs/(compH*pw*1.69)); /*needs 1.69 times more*/ tpwrs = (int) (tpwrs); /*power than a square pulse */ if (tpwrsf_d<4095.0) tpwrs=tpwrs+6.0; /* allow for fine power control via tpwrsf_d */ /* BEGIN ACTUAL PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); obspower(satpwr); /* Set power for presaturation */ decpower(pwClvl); /* Set decoupler1 power to pwClvl */ decpwrf(rf90onco); dec2power(pwNlvl); /* Set decoupler2 power to pwNlvl */ /* Presaturation Period */ if (satmode[0] == 'y') { rgpulse(d1,zero,rof1,rof1); obspower(tpwr); /* Set power for hard pulses */ } else { obspower(tpwr); /* Set power for hard pulses */ delay(d1); } status(B); rcvroff(); /* eliminate all magnetization originating on 13C */ decpwrf(rf90onco); decrgpulse(pw90onco,zero,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0,gt0); delay(gstab); /* shaped pulse for water flip-back */ obspower(tpwrs); obspwrf(tpwrsf_d); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc_d",pwHs,one,rof1,0.0); delay(2.0e-6); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); /* shaped pulse */ /* transfer from HN to N by INEPT */ rgpulse(pw,zero,rof1,0.0); /* 90 for 1H */ zgradpulse(gzlvl0*1.3,gt0); delay(gstab); delay(tauhn - gt0 - gstab); /* 1/4JHN */ sim3pulse(2.0*pw,0.0,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 180 for 1H and 15N */ delay(tauhn - gt0 - gstab); /* 1/4JHN */ zgradpulse(gzlvl0*1.3,gt0); delay(gstab); rgpulse(pw,three,rof1,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3,gt3); delay(gstab); /* start transfer from N to CO */ dec2rgpulse(pwN,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(taunco - gt0 - gstab - POWER_DELAY - 0.5*pw180onco); /* 1/4J(NCO) */ decpwrf(rf180onco); /* Set decoupler1 power to rf180onco */ zgradpulse(gzlvl0,gt0); delay(gstab); sim3pulse(0.0,pw180onco,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,zero,rof1,rof1); /* 180 for 13C' and 15N */ zgradpulse(gzlvl0,gt0); delay(gstab); decpwrf(rf90onco); /* Set decoupler1 power to rf90onco */ delay(taunco - gt0 - gstab - POWER_DELAY - 0.5*pw180onco); /* 1/4J(NCO) */ dec2rgpulse(pwN,one,0.0,0.0); /* 90 for 15N */ zgradpulse(gzlvl3*1.1,gt3); delay(gstab); decphase(t4); decrgpulse(pw90onco,t4,0.0,0.0); /* 90 for 13C' */ if (abfilter[0] == 'b') { decpwrf(rf180offca); /* Set decoupler1 power to rf180offca */ decshaped_pulse("offC3",pw180offca,zero,0.0,0.0); decpwrf(rf180onco); /* Set decoupler1 power to rf180onco */ delay(taucoca - gt0 - gstab - 0.5*pw180onco - pw180offca - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); /* 1/4J(COCA) */ zgradpulse(gzlvl0*0.9,gt0); delay(gstab); decrgpulse(pw180onco,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 180 13C' */ decpwrf(rf180offca); /* Set decoupler1 power to rf180offca */ decshaped_pulse("offC3",pw180offca,zero,0.0,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0*0.9,gt0); delay(gstab); delay(taucoca - gt0 - gstab - 0.5*pw180onco - pw180offca - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); /* 1/4J(NCO) */ decpwrf(rf90onco); /* Set decoupler1 power to rf90onco */ decrgpulse(pw90onco,one,0.0,0.0); /* 90 for 13C' do not touch alpha's */ /* Field crusher gradient */ zgradpulse(gzlvl3*0.9,gt3); delay(gstab); /* Field crusher gradient */ } if (abfilter[0] == 'a') { zgradpulse(gzlvl0*0.9,gt0); delay(gstab); decpwrf(rf180offca); /* Set decoupler1 power to rf180offca */ delay(0.5*taucoca - gt0 - gstab - POWER_DELAY - 0.5*pw180offca); /* 1/8J(COCA) */ decshaped_pulse("offC3",pw180offca,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(0.5*taucoca - gt0 - gstab - POWER_DELAY - 0.5*pw180offca - 0.5*pw180onco); /* 1/8J(COCA) */ decpwrf(rf180onco); /* Set decoupler1 power to rf180onco */ zgradpulse(gzlvl0*0.9,gt0); delay(gstab); decrgpulse(pw180onco,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 180 13C' */ zgradpulse(gzlvl0*0.9,gt0); delay(gstab); decpwrf(rf180offca); delay(0.5*taucoca - gt0 - gstab - POWER_DELAY - 0.5*pw180onco - 0.5*pw180offca); /* 1/8J(COCA) */ decshaped_pulse("offC3",pw180offca,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(0.5*taucoca - gt0 - gstab - POWER_DELAY - 0.5*pw180offca); /* 1/8J(COCA) */ decpwrf(rf90onco); /* Set decoupler1 power to rf90onco */ zgradpulse(gzlvl0*0.9,gt0); delay(gstab); decrgpulse(pw90onco,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 90 for 13C' */ /* Field crusher gradient */ zgradpulse(gzlvl3*0.9,gt3); delay(gstab); /* Field crusher gradient */ } dec2rgpulse(pwN,t1,0.0,0.0); /* 90 15N */ if (lambda>0.0) { delay(lambda*tau1); /* (lambda)t1/2 */ decpwrf(rf180offca); sim3shaped_pulse("","offC3","",0.0,pw180offca,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,zero,rof1,rof1); delay(lambda*tau1); /* (lambda)t1/2 */ } delay(tau1); /* t1/2 */ delay(taunco - tauhn - pw180onco); decpwrf(rf180onco); decrgpulse(pw180onco,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 180 for 13C' */ delay((1-kappa)*tau1); /* (1-k)t1/2 */ dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 180 for 15N */ delay((taunco - tauhn - gt1 - gstab) - kappa*tau1); /* 1/4J(NCO) - 1/4J(NH) - kt1/2 */ zgradpulse(gzlvl1,gt1); delay(gstab); /* start TROSY transfer from N to HN */ sim3pulse(pw,0.0,0.0,t2,zero,zero,rof1,rof1); zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay(gstab); delay(tauhn - gt5 - gstab - POWER_DELAY); decpwrf(rf180onco); sim3pulse(2.0*pw,pw180onco,2*pwN,zero,zero,zero,rof1,rof1); delay(tauhn - gt5 - gstab - POWER_DELAY); zgradpulse(gzlvl5,gt5); delay(gstab); decpwrf(rf90onco); sim3pulse(pw,pw90onco,pwN,one,t6,zero,rof1,rof1); /* shaped pulse WATERGATE */ obspower(tpwrs); obspwrf(tpwrsf_u); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc_u",pwHs,t2,rof1,0.0); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); /* shaped pulse */ zgradpulse(gzlvl5*0.8,gt5); delay(gstab); delay(tauhn - gt5 - gstab - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - pwHs); sim3pulse(2*pw,0.0,2*pwN,zero,zero,zero,rof1,rof1); delay(tauhn - gt5 - gstab - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); decpower(dpwr); zgradpulse(gzlvl5*0.8,gt5); delay(gstab); dec2rgpulse(pwN,t3,0.0,0.0); /* 90 for 15N */ dec2power(dpwr2); delay((gt1/10.0) -pwN + gstab - POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, rof1, rof1); zgradpulse(gzlvl2*icosel,gt1/10.0); delay(gstab); status(C); setreceiver(t7); }
void pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /* magic-angle coherence transfer gradients */ TROSY[MAXSTR]; /* do TROSY on N15 and H1 */ int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter=getval("t1_counter"), /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter=getval("t2_counter"), /* used for states tppi in t2 */ nli = getval("nli"), nli2 = getval("nli2"); double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ timeTN = getval("timeTN"), /* constant time for 15N evolution */ kappa = 5.4e-3, lambda = 2.4e-3, pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "proteincal". SLP pulse shapes, "offC3" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC3 = getval("pwC3"), /*180 degree pulse at Ca(56ppm) null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC3a = getval("pwC3a"), /* pwC3a=pwC3, but not set to zero when pwC3=0 */ phshift3, /* phase shift induced on CO by pwC3 ("offC3") pulse */ pwZ, /* the largest of pwC3 and 2.0*pwN */ pwZ1, /* the largest of pwC3a and 2.0*pwN for 1D experiments */ pwC6 = getval("pwC6"), /* 90 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ pwC8 = getval("pwC8"), /* 180 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ rf3, /* fine power for the pwC3 ("offC3") pulse */ rf6, /* fine power for the pwC6 ("offC6") pulse */ rf8, /* fine power for the pwC8 ("offC8") pulse */ compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ pwHs = getval("pwHs"), /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrs */ tpwrsf = getval("tpwrsf"), /* fine power for pwHs pulse */ tpwrs, /* power for the pwHs ("H2Osinc") pulse */ pwHd, /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrd */ tpwrd, /* rf for WALTZ decoupling */ waltzB1 = getval("waltzB1"), /* waltz16 field strength (in Hz) */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* g/cm to DAC conversion factor */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); getstr("TROSY",TROSY); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t3,2,phi3); settable(t4,1,phx); settable(t5,4,phi5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') {settable(t8,1,phy); settable(t9,1,phx); settable(t10,1,phy); settable(t11,1,phx); settable(t12,4,recT);} else {settable(t8,1,phx); settable(t9,8,phi9); settable(t10,1,phx); settable(t11,1,phy); settable(t12,4,rec);} /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if( dpwrf < 4095 ) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; /* 180 degree pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ rf3 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0)/pwC3a; rf3 = (int) (rf3 + 0.5); /* the pwC3 pulse at the middle of t1 */ if ((nli2 > 0.0) && (nli == 1.0)) nli = 0.0; if (pwC3a > 2.0*pwN) pwZ = pwC3a; else pwZ = 2.0*pwN; if ((pwC3==0.0) && (pwC3a>2.0*pwN)) pwZ1=pwC3a-2.0*pwN; else pwZ1=0.0; if ( nli > 1 ) pwC3 = pwC3a; if ( pwC3 > 0 ) phshift3 = 48.0; else phshift3 = 0.0; /* 90 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf6 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*1.69)/pwC6; /* needs 1.69 times more */ rf6 = (int) (rf6 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf8 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC8; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf8 = (int) (rf8 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* selective H20 one-lobe sinc pulse */ tpwrs = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHs/(compH*pw*1.69)); /* needs 1.69 times more */ tpwrs = (int) (tpwrs); /* power than a square pulse */ /* power level and pulse time for WALTZ 1H decoupling */ pwHd = 1/(4.0 * waltzB1) ; tpwrd = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHd/(compH*pw)); tpwrd = (int) (tpwrd + 0.5); /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if ( 0.5*nli2*1/(sw2) > timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" nli2 is too big. Make nli2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dpwr2 > 46 ) { printf("dpwr2 too large! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pw > 50.0e-6 ) { printf(" pw too long ! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( (pwN > 100.0e-6) && (nli>1 || nli2>1)) { printf(" pwN too long! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( TROSY[A]=='y' && dm2[C] == 'y' ) { text_error("Choose either TROSY='n' or dm2='n' ! "); psg_abort(1);} /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 2) tsadd(t3,1,4); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (phase2 == 2) icosel = +1; else {tsadd(t4,2,4); tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = -1;} } else { if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = +1;} else icosel = -1; } /* Set up f1180 */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; tau1 = d2_init + (t1_counter) / sw1; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (nli > 1.0)) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Set up f2180 */ if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; tau2 = d3_init + (t2_counter) / sw2; if((f2180[A] == 'y') && (nli2 > 1.0)) { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t8,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(d1); rcvroff(); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpwrf(rf0); obsoffset(tof); txphase(zero); delay(1.0e-5); if (TROSY[A] == 'n') dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy N15 and C13 magnetization*/ decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); if (TROSY[A] == 'n') dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(5.0e-4); rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 0.0); if (tpwrsf < 4095.0) {obspwrf(tpwrsf); tpwrs=tpwrs+6.0;} obspower(tpwrs); if (TROSY[A]=='y') {txphase(two); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, two, 5.0e-4, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(4095.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(0.5*kappa - 2.0*pw); rgpulse(2.0*pw, two, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf8); delay(timeTN - 0.5*kappa - WFG3_START_DELAY); } else {txphase(zero); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, zero, 5.0e-4, 0.0); obspower(tpwrd); obspwrf(4095.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); delay(kappa - pwHd - 2.0e-6 - PRG_START_DELAY); rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf8); delay(timeTN - kappa - WFG3_START_DELAY); } /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "", 0.0, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(t3); decpwrf(rf6); delay(timeTN); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (TROSY[A]=='n') {xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0);} zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, t3, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13CO EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if ((nli>1.0) && (tau1>0.0)) /* total 13C evolution equals d2 exactly */ { /* 13C evolution during pwC6 is at 60% rate */ decpwrf(rf3); if(tau1 - 0.6*pwC6 - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ > 0.0) { delay(tau1 - 0.6*pwC6 - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC3", "", 0.0, pwC3a, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); initval(phshift3, v3); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v3); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(tau1 - 0.6*pwC6 - SAPS_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ- WFG_START_DELAY - 2.0e-6); } else { initval(180.0, v3); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v3); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(2.0*tau1 - 2.0*0.6*pwC6 - SAPS_DELAY - WFG_START_DELAY - 2.0e-6); } } else if ((nli==1.0) && (pwC3==1.0e-6)) /* 13CO evolution for dof calib. */ { decpwrf(rf8); delay((1.0/(dfrq*80.0)) + 2.0e-6); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwC8, zero, 0.0, 0.0); } else if (nli==1.0) /* special 1D check of pwC3 phase enabled when nli=1 */ { decpwrf(rf3); delay(10.0e-6 + SAPS_DELAY + 0.5*pwZ1 + WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC3", "", 0.0, pwC3, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 2.0e-6 , 0.0); initval(phshift3, v3); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v3); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(10.0e-6 + WFG3_START_DELAY + 0.5*pwZ1); } else /* 13CO evolution refocused for 1st increment, or when nli=0 */ { decpwrf(rf8); delay(12.0e-6); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwC8, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(10.0e-6); } decphase(t5); decpwrf(rf6); delay(2.0e-6); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, t5, 0.0, 0.0); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OPTIONS FOR N15 EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ dec2phase(t8); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); txphase(one); dcplrphase(zero); delay(2.0e-4); if (TROSY[A]=='n') {rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); xmtron();} dec2rgpulse(pwN, t8, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); dec2phase(t9); decpwrf(rf8); delay(timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY - tau2); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "", 0.0, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, t9, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); decpwrf(rf3); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.5e-4 + pwHs) { txphase(three); delay(timeTN - pwC3a - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.5e-4 - pwHs); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); if (tpwrsf<4095.0) {obspwrf(tpwrsf); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY - PWRF_DELAY);} else delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); obspower(tpwr); if (tpwrsf<4095.0) {obspwrf(4095.0); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(0.50e-4 - POWER_DELAY - PWRF_DELAY);} else delay(0.50e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > pwHs + 0.5e-4) { txphase(three); delay(timeTN-pwC3a-WFG_START_DELAY-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); if (tpwrsf<4095.0) {obspwrf(tpwrsf); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY - PWRF_DELAY);} else delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - pwHs - 0.5e-4); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); obspower(tpwr); if (tpwrsf<4095.0) {obspwrf(4095.0); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(0.50e-4 - POWER_DELAY - PWRF_DELAY);} else delay(0.50e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else { txphase(three); delay(timeTN - pwC3a - WFG_START_DELAY - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.5e-4 - pwHs); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); if (tpwrsf<4095.0) {obspwrf(tpwrsf); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY - PWRF_DELAY);} else delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); obspower(tpwr); if (tpwrsf<4095.0) {obspwrf(4095.0); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(0.50e-4 - POWER_DELAY - PWRF_DELAY);} else delay(0.50e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } } else { if (tau2 > kappa) { delay(timeTN - pwC3a - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > (kappa - pwC3a - WFG_START_DELAY)) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(kappa -pwC3a -WFG_START_DELAY -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.0e-4) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - tau2 - pwC3a - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa-tau2-pwC3a-WFG_START_DELAY-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if (TROSY[A]=='y') rgpulse(pw, t4, 0.0, 0.0); else sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, t4, zero, t10, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 0.65*(pw + pwN) - gt5); else delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(t11); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, t11, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 1.6*pwN - gt5); else delay(lambda - 0.65*pwN - gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') dec2rgpulse(pwN, t10, 0.0, 0.0); else rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + 1.0e-4 +gstab - 0.5*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0,0.0); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); else zgradpulse(gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ delay(gstab); rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4 ); setreceiver(t12); }
pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR]; /* magic-angle coherence transfer gradients */ int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter, /* used for states tppi in t2 */ ni2 = getval("ni2"); double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ timeTN = getval("timeTN"), /* constant time for 15N evolution */ kappa = 5.4e-3, lambda = 2.4e-3, pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "biocal". SLP pulse shapes, "offC3" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC3 = getval("pwC3"), /*180 degree pulse at Ca(56ppm) null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC3a, /* pwC3a=pwC3, but not set to zero when pwC3=0 */ phshift3, /* phase shift induced on CO by pwC3 ("offC3") pulse */ pwZ, /* the largest of pwC3 and 2.0*pwN */ pwC6, /* 90 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ pwC8, /* 180 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ rf3, /* fine power for the pwC3 ("offC3") pulse */ rf6, /* fine power for the pwC6 ("offC6") pulse */ rf8, /* fine power for the pwC8 ("offC8") pulse */ bw, ofs, ppm, /* bandwidth, offset, ppm - temporary Pbox parameters */ compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ pwHs = getval("pwHs"), /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrs */ tpwrsf = getval("tpwrsf"), /* fine power for pwHs pulse */ tpwrs, /* power for the pwHs ("H2Osinc") pulse */ pwHd, /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrd */ tpwrd, /* rf for WALTZ decoupling */ waltzB1 = getval("waltzB1"), /* waltz16 field strength (in Hz) */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* g/cm to DAC conversion factor */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t3,2,phi3); settable(t4,1,phx); settable(t5,4,phi5); {settable(t8,1,phx); settable(t9,8,phi9); settable(t10,1,phx); settable(t11,1,phy); settable(t12,4,rec);} /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if( dpwrf < 4095 ) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; setautocal(); /* activate auto-calibration */ if (autocal[0] == 'n') { /* offC3 - 180 degree pulse on Ca, null at CO 118ppm away */ pwC3a = getval("pwC3a"); rf3 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0)/pwC3a; rf3 = (int) (rf3 + 0.5); /* 90 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ pwC6 = getval("pwC6"); rf6 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*1.69)/pwC6; /* needs 1.69 times more */ rf6 = (int) (rf6 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ pwC8 = getval("pwC8"); rf8 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC8; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf8 = (int) (rf8 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* selective H20 one-lobe sinc pulse */ tpwrs = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHs/(compH*pw*1.69)); /* needs 1.69 times more */ tpwrs = (int) (tpwrs); /* power than a square pulse */ /* power level and pulse time for WALTZ 1H decoupling */ pwHd = 1/(4.0 * waltzB1) ; /* 7.5 kHz rf */ tpwrd = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHd/(compH*pw)); tpwrd = (int) (tpwrd + 0.5); } else /* if autocal = 'y'(yes), 'q'(quiet), 'r'(read) or 's'(semi) */ { if(FIRST_FID) /* make shapes */ { ppm = getval("dfrq"); bw = 118.0*ppm; ofs = -bw; offC3 = pbox_make("offC3", "square180n", bw, ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); offC6 = pbox_make("offC6", "sinc90n", bw, 0.0, compC*pwC, pwClvl); offC8 = pbox_make("offC8", "sinc180n", bw, 0.0, compC*pwC, pwClvl); H2Osinc = pbox_Rsh("H2Osinc", "sinc90", pwHs, 0.0, compH*pw, tpwr); bw = 2.8*7500.0; wz16 = pbox_Dcal("WALTZ16", 2.8*waltzB1, 0.0, compH*pw, tpwr); ofs_check(H1ofs, C13ofs, N15ofs, H2ofs); } pwC3a = offC3.pw; rf3 = offC3.pwrf; /* set up parameters */ pwC6 = offC6.pw; rf6 = offC6.pwrf; pwC8 = offC8.pw; rf8 = offC8.pwrf; pwHs = H2Osinc.pw; tpwrs = H2Osinc.pwr-1.0; /* 1dB correction applied */ tpwrd = wz16.pwr; pwHd = 1.0/wz16.dmf; } if (tpwrsf < 4095.0) tpwrs = tpwrs + 6.0; /* the pwC3 pulse at the middle of t1 */ if (pwC3a > 2.0*pwN) pwZ = pwC3a; else pwZ = 2.0*pwN; phshift3=0.0; if(pwC3 > 0) phshift3 = 48.0; /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if ( 0.5*ni2*1/(sw2) > timeTN - pwC3a - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" ni2 is too big. Make ni2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dpwr2 > 50 ) { printf("dpwr2 too large! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pw > 50.0e-6 ) { printf(" pw too long ! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( (pwN > 100.0e-6) && (ni>1 || ni2>1)) { printf(" pwN too long! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 2) tsadd(t3,1,4); { if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = +1;} else icosel = -1; } /* Set up f1180 */ tau1 = d2; if(f1180[A] == 'y') { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Set up f2180 */ tau2 = d3; if(f2180[A] == 'y') { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t8,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(d1); rcvroff(); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpwrf(rf0); obsoffset(tof); txphase(zero); delay(1.0e-5); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy N15 and C13 magnetization*/ decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(5.0e-4); rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 0.0); if (tpwrsf < 4095.0) obspwrf(tpwrsf); obspower(tpwrs); txphase(two); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, two, 2.0e-6, 0.0); obspower(tpwrd); if (tpwrsf < 4095.0) obspwrf(4095.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); delay(kappa - pwHd - 2.0e-6 - PRG_START_DELAY); rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf8); delay(timeTN - kappa - WFG3_START_DELAY); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "", 0.0, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(t3); decpwrf(rf6); delay(timeTN); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13CO EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, t3, 1.0e-6, 0.0); decphase(zero); if((tau1 - 2.0*pwC6/3.14 - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ - POWER_DELAY) > SAPS_DELAY) { decpwrf(rf3); delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC6/3.14 - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ - POWER_DELAY); sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC3", "", 0.0, pwC3a, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero,0.0,0.0); initval(phshift3, v3); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v3); /* SAPS_DELAY */ decpwrf(rf6); decphase(t5); delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC6/3.14 - SAPS_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ- WFG3_START_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); } else { decpwrf(rf8); decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwC8, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); decpwrf(rf6); decphase(t5); delay(2.0e-6); } decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwC6, t5, 0.5e-6, 1.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx N15 EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ dec2phase(t8); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); dcplrphase(zero); obspower(tpwr); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, t8, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf3); decphase(zero); delay((timeTN - tau2 - pwC3a)/2.0); decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t9); decpwrf(rf8); delay((timeTN - tau2 - pwC3a)/2.0); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ /* sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "", 2.0*pw, pwC8, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, t9, 0.0, 0.0); */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC8", "",0.0,pwC8,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,t9,0.0,0.0); dec2phase(t10); decpwrf(rf3); delay((timeTN + tau2 - pwC3a)/2.0); decshaped_pulse("offC3", pwC3a, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((timeTN + tau2 - pwC3a)/2.0 - 2.75e-3 - 2.0*pw); rgpulse(2.0*pw,zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') { magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); } else { zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); delay(4.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); } txphase(t4); delay(2.75e-3 - gt1 - 6.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, t4, zero, t10, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(t11); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, t11, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 0.65*pwN - gt5); rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + 1.0e-4 - 0.5*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0,0.0); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4); setreceiver(t12); }
void pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /*magic angle gradient*/ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ stCdec[MAXSTR], /* calls STUD+ waveforms from shapelib */ STUD[MAXSTR]; /* apply automatically calculated STUD decoupling */ int icosel1, /* used to get n and p type */ icosel2, t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter, /* used for states tppi in t2 */ ni2 = getval("ni2"); double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ del = getval("del"), /* time delays for CH coupling evolution */ BPdpwrspinlock, /* user-defined upper limit for spinlock(Hz) */ BPpwrlimits, /* =0 for no limit, =1 for limit */ del1 = getval("del1"), del2 = getval("del2"), /* STUD+ waveforms automatically calculated by macro "biocal" */ /* and string parameter stCdec calls them from your shapelib. */ stdmf, /* dmf for STUD decoupling */ studlvl, /* coarse power for STUD+ decoupling */ rf80 = getval("rf80"), /* rf in Hz for 80ppm STUD+ */ bw, ofs, ppm, /* temporary Pbox parameters */ pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ /* p_d is used to calculate the isotropic mixing on the Cab region */ spinlock = getval("spinlock"), /* DIPSI-3 spinlock field strength in Hz */ p_d, /* 50 degree pulse for DIPSI-2 at rfd */ rfd, /* fine power for 7 kHz rf for 500MHz magnet */ ncyc = getval("ncyc"), /* no. of cycles of DIPSI-3 */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "ghcch_tocsy" . SLP pulse shapes, "offC10" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC10, /* 180 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ pwZ, /* the largest of pwC10 and 2.0*pwN */ rf10, /* fine power for the pwC10 ("offC10") pulse */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* G/cm to DAC coversion factor*/ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt3 = getval("gt3"), /* other gradients */ gt5 = getval("gt5"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); getstr("STUD",STUD); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); strcpy(stCdec, "stCdec80"); stdmf = getval("dmf80"); studlvl = pwClvl + 20.0*log10(compC*pwC*4.0*rf80); studlvl = (int) (studlvl + 0.5); P_getreal(GLOBAL,"BPpwrlimits",&BPpwrlimits,1); P_getreal(GLOBAL,"BPdpwrspinlock",&BPdpwrspinlock,1); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t3,2,phi3); settable(t6,1,phi6); settable(t5,4,phi5); settable(t10,1,phi10); settable(t11,4,rec); /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if (BPpwrlimits > 0.5) { if (spinlock > BPdpwrspinlock) { spinlock = BPdpwrspinlock; printf("spinlock too large, reset to user-defined limit (BPdpwrspinlock)"); psg_abort(1); } } if( dpwrf < 4095 ) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; setautocal(); /* activate auto-calibration flags */ if (autocal[0] == 'n') { /* "offC10": 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 139ppm away */ pwC10 = getval("pwC10"); rf10 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC10; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf10 = (int) (rf10 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ if( pwC > (24.0e-6*600.0/sfrq) ) { printf("Increase pwClvl so that pwC < 24*600/sfrq"); psg_abort(1); } } else /* if autocal = 'y'(yes), 'q'(quiet), r(read), or 's'(semi) */ { if(FIRST_FID) /* call Pbox */ { ppm = getval("dfrq"); bw = 118.0*ppm; ofs = 139.0*ppm; offC10 = pbox_make("offC10", "sinc180n", bw, ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); if(dm3[B] == 'y') H2ofs = 3.2; ofs_check(H1ofs, C13ofs, N15ofs, H2ofs); } rf10 = offC10.pwrf; pwC10 = offC10.pw; } /* dipsi-3 decoupling on CbCa */ p_d = (5.0)/(9.0*4.0*spinlock); /* DIPSI-3 Field Strength */ rfd = (compC*4095.0*pwC*5.0)/(p_d*9.0); rfd = (int) (rfd + 0.5); ncyc = (int) (ncyc + 0.5); /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if( gt1 > 0.5*del - 1.0e-4) { printf(" gt1 is too big. Make gt1 less than %f.\n", (0.5*del - 1.0e-4)); psg_abort(1); } if( dm[A] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flag! Should be 'nny' or 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1); } if((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[C] == 'y')) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1); } if((dm3[A] == 'y' || dm3[C] == 'y')) { printf("incorrect dec3 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' or 'nyn' "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr > 52 ) { printf("don't fry the probe, DPWR too large! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pw > 50.0e-6 ) { printf("dont fry the probe, pw too high ! "); psg_abort(1); } if( pwN > 100.0e-6 ) { printf("dont fry the probe, pwN too high ! "); psg_abort(1); } /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ icosel1 = -1; icosel2 = -1; if (phase1 == 2) { tsadd(t6,2,4); icosel1 = -1*icosel1; } if (phase2 == 2) { tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel2 = -1*icosel2; tsadd(t6,2,4); } /* Set up f1180 */ tau1 = d2; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1.0)) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Set up f2180 */ tau2 = d3; if((f2180[A] == 'y') && (ni2 > 1.0)) { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t11,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t5,2,4); tsadd(t11,2,4); } /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) lk_sample(); if ((ni/sw1-d2)>0) delay(ni/sw1-d2); /*decreases as t1 increases for const.heating*/ if ((ni2/sw2-d3)>0) delay(ni2/sw2-d3); /*decreases as t2 increases for const.heating*/ delay(d1); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) { lk_hold(); lk_sampling_off();} /*freezes z0 correction, stops lock pulsing*/ rcvroff(); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpwrf(rf0); obsoffset(tof); txphase(t3); delay(1.0e-5); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy C13 magnetization*/ zgradpulse(gzlvl1, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); decrgpulse(pwC, one, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl1, 0.5e-3); delay(5.0e-4); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* begins optional 2H decoupling */ { dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,one,10.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3unblank(); dec3phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } rgpulse(pw, t3, 0.0, 0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ decphase(zero); delay(0.5*del + tau1 - 2.0*pwC); decrgpulse(2.0*pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); delay(tau1); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(icosel1*gzcal*gzlvl1,0.1*gt1); } else { zgradpulse(icosel1*gzlvl1, 0.1*gt1); } decphase(t5); delay(0.5*del - 0.1*gt1); simpulse(pw, pwC, zero, t5, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); decphase(zero); delay(0.5*del2 - gt3); simpulse(2.0*pw, 2.0*pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); txphase(t6); decphase(one); delay(0.5*del2 - gt3); simpulse(pw, pwC, t6, one, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt3); txphase(zero); decphase(zero); delay(0.5*del1 - gt3); simpulse(2.0*pw, 2.0*pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt3); delay(0.5*del1 - gt3); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rfd); delay(2.0e-6); initval(ncyc, v2); starthardloop(v2); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.0*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.5*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.6*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.2*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.4*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(6.8*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.0*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.2*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.4*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.5*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.3*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.1*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.0*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.5*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.6*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.2*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.4*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(6.8*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.0*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.2*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.4*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.5*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.3*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.1*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.0*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.5*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.6*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.2*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.4*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(6.8*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.0*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.2*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.4*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.5*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.3*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.1*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.0*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.5*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.6*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.2*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.4*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(6.8*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.0*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.2*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.4*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(0.6*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(4.5*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.3*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(5.1*p_d,zero,0.0,0.0); decrgpulse(7.9*p_d,two,0.0,0.0); endhardloop(); dec2phase(zero); decphase(zero); txphase(zero); decpwrf(rf10); delay(tau2); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC10", "", 2.0*pw, pwC10, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if(pwC10>2.0*pwN) pwZ=0.0; else pwZ=2.0*pwN - pwC10; delay(tau2); decpwrf(rf0); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(-icosel2*gzcal*gzlvl2, 1.8*gt1); } else { zgradpulse(-icosel2*gzlvl2, 1.8*gt1); } delay(2.02e-4); decrgpulse(2.0*pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf10); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') { magradpulse(icosel2*gzcal*gzlvl2, 1.8*gt1); } else { zgradpulse(icosel2*gzlvl2, 1.8*gt1); } delay(2.0e-4 + WFG3_START_DELAY + pwZ); decshaped_pulse("offC10", pwC10, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf0); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(0.5*del1 - gt5); simpulse(2.0*pw, 2.0*pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); decphase(t10); delay(0.5*del1 - gt5); simpulse(pw, pwC, one, t10, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); txphase(zero); decphase(zero); delay(0.5*del2 - gt5); simpulse(2.0*pw, 2.0*pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(0.5*del2 - gt5); simpulse(pw, pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(0.5*del - 0.5*pwC); simpulse(2.0*pw,2.0*pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); rcvron(); if ((STUD[A]=='n') && (dm[C] == 'y')) decpower(dpwr); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* turns off 2H decoupling */ { delay(0.5*del-40.0e-6 -gt1 -1/dmf3); setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'c', FALSE, dmf3); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,three,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3blank(); lk_autotrig(); /* resumes lock pulsing */ lk_sample(); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') statusdelay(C,40.0e-6 - 2.0*VAGRADIENT_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); else statusdelay(C,40.0e-6 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); } else { delay(0.5*del-40.0e-6 -gt1); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') statusdelay(C,40.0e-6 - 2.0*VAGRADIENT_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); else statusdelay(C,40.0e-6 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - POWER_DELAY); } if ((STUD[A]=='y') && (dm[C] == 'y')) {decpower(studlvl); decunblank(); decon(); decprgon(stCdec,1/stdmf, 1.0); startacq(alfa); acquire(np, 1.0/sw); decprgoff(); decoff(); decblank(); } setreceiver(t11); }
void pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /* magic-angle coherence transfer gradients */ TROSY[MAXSTR]; /* do TROSY on N15 and H1 */ int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter, /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter, /* used for states tppi in t2 */ PRexp, /* projection-reconstruction flag */ ni = getval("ni"), ni2 = getval("ni2"); double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ tauCH = getval("tauCH"), /* 1/4J delay for CH */ zeta = getval("zeta"), /* zeta delay, 0.006 for 1D, 0.011 for 2D*/ timeTN = getval("timeTN"), /* constant time for 15N evolution */ timeCH = 1.1e-3, /* other delays */ timeAB = 3.3e-3, kappa = 5.4e-3, lambda = 2.4e-3, csa, sna, pra = M_PI*getval("pra")/180.0, bw, ofs, ppm, /* temporary Pbox parameters */ pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ /* 90 degree pulse at Cab(46ppm), first off-resonance null at CO (174ppm) */ pwC1, /* 90 degree pulse length on C13 at rf1 */ rf1, /* fine power for 5.1 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* 180 degree pulse at Cab(46ppm), first off-resonance null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC2, /* 180 degree pulse length at rf2 */ rf2, /* fine power for 11.4 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "biocal". SLP pulse shapes, "offC7" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC7, /* 180 degree selective sinc pulse on CO(174ppm) */ rf7, /* fine power for the pwC7 ("offC7") pulse */ compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ pwH, /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwr1 */ tpwr1, /* 9.2 kHz rf magnet for DIPSI-2 */ DIPSI2time, /* total length of DIPSI-2 decoupling */ ncyc_dec, waltzB1=getval("waltzB1"), pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* g/cm to DAC conversion factor */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); getstr("TROSY",TROSY); csa = cos(pra); sna = sin(pra); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t3,1,phx); settable(t4,1,phx); if (TROSY[A]=='y') {settable(t8,2,phi8T); settable(t9,1,phx); settable(t10,1,phy); settable(t11,1,phx); settable(t12,2,recT);} else {settable(t8,2,phi8); settable(t9,8,phi9); settable(t10,1,phx); settable(t11,1,phy); settable(t12,4,rec);} /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if( dpwrf < 4095 ) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } /* set zeta to 6ms for 1D spectral check, otherwise it will be the */ /* value in the dg2 parameter set (about 11ms) for 2D/13C and 3D work */ if (ni>1) zeta = zeta; else zeta = 0.006; /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; setautocal(); /* activate auto-calibration flags */ if (autocal[0] == 'n') { /* 90 degree pulse on Cab, null at CO 128ppm away */ pwC1 = sqrt(15.0)/(4.0*128.0*dfrq); rf1 = 4095.0*(compC*pwC/pwC1); rf1 = (int) (rf1 + 0.5); /* 180 degree pulse on Cab, null at CO 128ppm away */ pwC2 = sqrt(3.0)/(2.0*128.0*dfrq); rf2 = (4095.0*compC*pwC*2.0)/pwC2; rf2 = (int) (rf2 + 0.5); if( rf2 > 4295 ) { printf("increase pwClvl"); psg_abort(1);} if(( rf2 < 4296 ) && (rf2>4095)) rf2=4095; /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118m away */ pwC7 = getval("pwC7"); rf7 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC7; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf7 = (int) (rf7 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ } else /* if autocal = 'y'(yes), 'q'(quiet), r(read), or 's'(semi) */ { if(FIRST_FID) /* call Pbox */ { ppm = getval("dfrq"); bw = 128.0*ppm; ofs = bw; offC1 = pbox_Rcal("square90n", bw, compC*pwC, pwClvl); offC2 = pbox_Rcal("square180n", bw, compC*pwC, pwClvl); bw = 118.0*ppm; offC7 = pbox_make("offC7", "sinc180n", bw, ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); if (dm3[B] == 'y') H2ofs = 3.2; ofs_check(H1ofs, C13ofs, N15ofs, H2ofs); } pwC1 = offC1.pw; rf1 = offC1.pwrf; pwC2 = offC2.pw; rf2 = offC2.pwrf; pwC7 = offC7.pw; rf7 = offC7.pwrf; /* Example of semi-automatic calibration - use parameters, if they exist : if ((autocal[0] == 's') || (autocal[1] == 's')) { if (find("pwC1") > 0) pwC1 = getval("pwC1"); if (find("rf1") > 0) rf1 = getval("rf1"); } */ } /* power level and pulse times for DIPSI 1H decoupling */ DIPSI2time = 2.0*zeta + 2.0*timeTN - 5.4e-3 + pwC1 + 5.0*pwN + gt3 + 5.0e-5 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 3.0*POWER_DELAY; pwH=1.0/(4.0*waltzB1); ncyc_dec = (DIPSI2time*90.0)/(pwH*2590.0*4.0); ncyc_dec = (int) (ncyc_dec +0.5); pwH = (DIPSI2time*90.0)/(ncyc_dec*2590.0*4.0); /* adjust pwH */ tpwr1 = 4095.0*(compH*pw/pwH); tpwr1 = (int) (2.0*tpwr1 + 0.5); /* x2 because obs atten will be reduced by 6dB */ /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if ( 0.5*ni*1/(sw1) > timeAB - gt4 - WFG_START_DELAY - pwC7 ) { printf(" ni is too big. Make ni equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeAB - gt4 - WFG_START_DELAY - pwC7)*2.0*sw1))); psg_abort(1);} PRexp = 0; if((pra > 0.0) && (pra < 90.0)) PRexp = 1; if (PRexp) { if( 0.5*ni*sna/sw1 > timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" ni is too big. Make ni equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw1/sna))); psg_abort(1);} } else { if ( 0.5*ni2*1/(sw2) > timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" ni2 is too big. Make ni2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} } if ( dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm3[A] == 'y' || dm3[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec3 decoupler flags! Should be 'nyn' or 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dpwr2 > 50 ) { printf("dpwr2 too large! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pw > 20.0e-6 ) { printf(" pw too long ! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pwN > 100.0e-6 ) { printf(" pwN too long! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( TROSY[A]=='y' && dm2[C] == 'y') { text_error("Choose either TROSY='n' or dm2='n' ! "); psg_abort(1);} /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 2) tsadd(t3,1,4); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (phase2 == 2) icosel = +1; else {tsadd(t4,2,4); tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = -1;} } else { if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = +1;} else icosel = -1; } /* Set up f1180 */ if(PRexp) /* set up Projection-Reconstruction experiment */ tau1 = d2*csa; else tau1 = d2; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1.0)) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Set up f2180 */ if(PRexp) tau2 = d2*sna; else { tau2 = d3; if((f2180[A] == 'y') && (ni2 > 1.0)) { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; t1_counter = (int) ( (d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5 ); if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; t2_counter = (int) ( (d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5 ); if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t8,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } /* BEGIN ACTUAL PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(d1); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) { lk_hold(); lk_sampling_off();} /*freezes z0 correction, stops lock pulsing*/ rcvroff(); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpwrf(rf0); obsoffset(tof); txphase(zero); delay(1.0e-5); if (TROSY[A] == 'n') dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy N15 and C13 magnetization*/ decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); if (TROSY[A] == 'n') dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(5.0e-4); rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ decphase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(tauCH - gt0); simpulse(2.0*pw, 2.0*pwC, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); decphase(t3); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(tauCH - gt0); rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* begins optional 2H decoupling */ { gt4=0.0; /* no gradients during 2H decoupling */ dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,one,10.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3unblank(); dec3phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } decrgpulse(pwC, t3, 0.0, 0.0); /* point a */ txphase(zero); decphase(zero); decpwrf(rf7); delay(tau1); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC7", "", 0.0, pwC7, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); decpwrf(rf2); if ( pwC7 > 2.0*pwN) {delay(timeCH - pwC7 - gt4 - WFG3_START_DELAY - 2.0*pw);} else {delay(timeCH - 2.0*pwN - gt4 - WFG3_START_DELAY - 2.0*pw);} rgpulse(2.0*pw,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(timeAB - timeCH); decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); decpwrf(rf7); delay(timeAB - tau1 - gt4 - WFG_START_DELAY - pwC7 - 2.0e-6); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC7", pwC7, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf1); /* point b */ decrgpulse(pwC1, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); obspwrf(tpwr1); obspower(tpwr-6); /* POWER_DELAY */ obsprgon("dipsi2", pwH, 5.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); /* point c */ dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf2); delay(zeta - POWER_DELAY - PRG_START_DELAY); sim3pulse(0.0, pwC2, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf1); dec2phase(t8); delay(zeta); /* point d */ decrgpulse(pwC1, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if ( dm3[B] == 'y' ) /* turns off 2H decoupling */ { setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'c', FALSE, dmf3); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3,three,2.0e-6,2.0e-6); dec3blank(); lk_autotrig(); /* resumes lock pulsing */ } /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OPTIONS FOR N15 EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); } delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, t8, 0.0, 0.0); /* point e */ decpwrf(rf2); decphase(zero); dec2phase(t9); delay(timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY - tau2); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3pulse(0.0, pwC2, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, t9, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); decpwrf(rf7); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.0e-4) { txphase(t4); delay(timeTN - pwC7 - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC7", pwC7, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); } else { txphase(t4); delay(timeTN -pwC7 -WFG_START_DELAY -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC7", pwC7, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } else { if (tau2 > kappa) { delay(timeTN - pwC7 - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC7", pwC7, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ txphase(t4); delay(kappa - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > (kappa - pwC7 - WFG_START_DELAY)) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ txphase(t4); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC7", pwC7, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(kappa -pwC7 -WFG_START_DELAY -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.0e-4) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ txphase(t4); delay(kappa - tau2 - pwC7 - WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC7", pwC7, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); } else { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ txphase(t4); delay(kappa-tau2-pwC7-WFG_START_DELAY-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspwrf(4095.0); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC7", pwC7, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } /* point f */ /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if (TROSY[A]=='y') rgpulse(pw, t4, 0.0, 0.0); else sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, t4, zero, t10, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 0.65*(pw + pwN) - gt5); else delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(t11); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, t11, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 1.6*pwN - gt5); else delay(lambda - 0.65*pwN - gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') dec2rgpulse(pwN, t10, 0.0, 0.0); else rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + 1.0e-4 +gstab - 0.5*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, rof1); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ delay(gstab); rcvron(); statusdelay(C,1.0e-4 - rof1); if (dm3[B]=='y') lk_sample(); setreceiver(t12); }
pulsesequence() { char f1180[MAXSTR], f2180[MAXSTR], mag_flg[MAXSTR]; /* y for magic angle, n for z-gradient only */ int icosel, t1_counter, t2_counter; double ni2, ratio, /* used to adjust t1 semi-constant time increment */ tau1, tau2, taua, /* ~ 1/4JCH = 1.5 ms - 1.7 ms] */ taub, /* ~ 3.3 ms */ bigTC, /* ~ 8 ms */ bigTCO, /* ~ 6 ms */ bigTN, /* ~ 12 ms */ tauc, /* ~ 5.4 ms */ taud, /* ~ 2.3 ms */ gstab, /* ~0.2 ms, gradient recovery time */ pwClvl, /* High power level for carbon on channel 2 */ pwC, /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ compH, /* Compression factor for H1 on channel 1 */ compC, /* Compression factor for C13 on channel 2 */ pwNlvl, /* Power level for Nitrogen on channel 3 */ pwN, /* N15 90 degree pulse lenght at pwNlvl */ maxpwCN, bw, ofs, ppm, /* bandwidth, offset, ppm - temporary Pbox parameters */ pwCa90, /*90 "offC13" pulse at Ca(56ppm) xmtr at CO(174ppm) */ pwCa180, /*180 "offC17" pulse at Ca(56ppm) xmtr at CO(174ppm) */ pwCO90, /* 90 "offC6" pulse at CO(174ppm) xmtr at CO(174ppm)*/ pwCO180, /* 180 "offC8" pulse at CO(174ppm) xmtr at CO(174ppm)*/ pwCab180, /* 180 "offC27" pulse at Cab(46ppm) xmtr at CO(174ppm)*/ tpwrHd, /* Power level for proton decoupling on channel 1 */ pwHd, /* H1 90 degree pulse lenth at tpwrHd. */ waltzB1 = getval("waltzB1"), /* waltz16 field strength (in Hz) */ phi_CO, /* phase correction for Bloch-Siegert effect on CO */ phi_Ca, /* phase correction for Bloch-Siegert effect on Ca */ gt1, gt2, gt3, gt4, gt5, gt6, gt7, gt0, gzlvl1, gzlvl2, gzlvl3, gzlvl4, gzlvl5, gzlvl6, /* N15 selection gradient level in DAC units */ gzlvl7, gzlvl0, /* H1 gradient level in DAC units */ gzcal, /* gradient calibration (gcal) */ dfCa180, dfCab180, dfC90, dfCa90, dfCO180; /* LOAD VARIABLES */ getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg", mag_flg); gzcal = getval("gzcal"); ni2 = getval("ni2"); taua = getval("taua"); taub = getval("taub"); tauc = getval("tauc"); bigTC = getval("bigTC"); bigTCO = getval("bigTCO"); bigTN = getval("bigTN"); taud = getval("taud"); gstab = getval("gstab"); pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"); pwC = getval("pwC"); compH = getval("compH"); compC = getval("compC"); pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"); pwN = getval("pwN"); phi_CO = getval("phi_CO"); phi_Ca = getval("phi_Ca"); gt1 = getval("gt1"); gt2 = getval("gt2"); gt3 = getval("gt3"); gt4 = getval("gt4"); gt5 = getval("gt5"); gt6 = getval("gt6"); gt7 = getval("gt7"); gt0 = getval("gt0"); gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"); gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"); gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"); gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"); gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"); gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"); gzlvl7 = getval("gzlvl7"); gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"); setautocal(); /* activate auto-calibration flags */ if (autocal[0] == 'n') { pwCa90 = getval("pwCa90"); pwCa180 = getval("pwCa180"); pwCab180 = getval("pwCab180"); pwCO90 = getval("pwCO90"); pwCO180 = getval("pwCO180"); dfCa180 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.69)/pwCa180; /*power for "offC17" pulse*/ dfCab180 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.69)/pwCab180; /*power for "offC27" pulse*/ dfC90 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*1.69)/pwCO90; /*power for "offC6" pulse */ dfCa90 = (compC*4095.0*pwC)/pwCa90; /*power for "offC13" pulse*/ dfCO180 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwCO180; /*power for "offC8" pulse */ dfCa90 = (int) (dfCa90 + 0.5); dfCa180 = (int) (dfCa180 + 0.5); dfC90 = (int) (dfC90 + 0.5); dfCO180 = (int) (dfCO180 + 0.5); dfCab180 = (int) (dfCab180 +0.5); /* power level and pulse time for WALTZ 1H decoupling */ pwHd = 1/(4.0 * waltzB1) ; tpwrHd = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHd/(compH*pw)); tpwrHd = (int) (tpwrHd + 0.5); } else { if(FIRST_FID) /* call Pbox */ { ppm = getval("dfrq"); bw = 118.0*ppm; ofs = -118.0*ppm; offC6 = pbox_make("offC6", "sinc90n", bw, 0.0, compC*pwC, pwClvl); offC8 = pbox_make("offC8", "sinc180n", bw, 0.0, compC*pwC, pwClvl); offC17 = pbox_make("offC17", "sinc180n", bw, ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); bw = 128.0*ppm; offC13 = pbox_make("offC13", "square90n", bw, ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); ofs = -128.0*ppm; offC27 = pbox_make("offC27", "sinc180n", bw, ofs, compC*pwC, pwClvl); bw = 2.8*7500.0; wz16 = pbox_Dcal("WALTZ16", 2.8*waltzB1, 0.0, compH*pw, tpwr); ofs_check(H1ofs, C13ofs, N15ofs, H2ofs); } dfC90 = offC6.pwrf; pwCO90 = offC6.pw; dfCO180 = offC8.pwrf; pwCO180 = offC8.pw; dfCa90 = offC13.pwrf; pwCa90 = offC13.pw; dfCa180 = offC17.pwrf; pwCa180 = offC17.pw; dfCab180 = offC27.pwrf; pwCab180 = offC27.pw; tpwrHd = wz16.pwr; pwHd = 1.0/wz16.dmf; } maxpwCN = 2.0*pwN; if (pwCab180 > pwN) maxpwCN = pwCab180; /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t1,4,phi1); settable(t2,2,phi2); settable(t3,8,phi3); settable(t4,16,phi4); settable(t5,1,phi5); settable(t16,8,rec); /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if(ni > 64) { printf("ni is out of range. Should be: 14 to 64 ! \n"); psg_abort(1); } /* if(ni/sw1 > 2.0*(bigTCO)) { printf("ni is too big, should be < %f\n", sw1*2.0*(bigTCO)); psg_abort(1); } */ if(ni2/sw2 > 2.0*(bigTN - pwCO180)) { printf("ni2 is too big, should be < %f\n",2.0*sw2*(bigTN-pwCO180)); psg_abort(1); } if((dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' )) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1); } if((dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y')) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1); } if( dpwr > 50 ) { printf("don't fry the probe, DPWR too large! "); psg_abort(1); } /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data */ if (phase1 == 1) { tsadd(t1, 1, 4); } if (phase2 == 2) { tsadd(t5,2,4); icosel = 1; } else icosel = -1; /* Set up f1180 tau1 = t1 */ tau1 = d2; if ((f1180[A] == 'y') && (ni > 1)) { tau1 += (1.0/(2.0*sw1)); } if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; tau1 = tau1/4.0; ratio = 2.0*bigTCO*sw1/((double) ni); ratio = (double)((int)(ratio*100.0))/100.0; if (ratio > 1.0) ratio = 1.0; if((dps_flag) && (ni > 1)) printf("ratio = %f => %f\n",2.0*bigTCO*sw1/((double) ni), ratio); /* Set up f2180 tau2 = t2 */ tau2 = d3; if ((f2180[A] == 'y') && (ni2 > 1)) { tau2 += (1.0/(2.0*sw2)); } if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; tau2 = tau2/4.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2 ; t1_counter = (int)((d2-d2_init)*sw1 + 0.5); if((t1_counter % 2)) { tsadd(t1,2,4); tsadd(t16,2,4); } if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3 ; t2_counter = (int)((d3-d3_init)*sw2 + 0.5); if((t2_counter % 2)) { tsadd(t2,2,4); tsadd(t16,2,4); } decstepsize(1.0); initval(phi_CO, v1); initval(phi_Ca, v2); /* BEGIN ACTUAL PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(d1-1.0e-3); obsoffset(tof); decoffset(dof); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); decpwrf(4095.0); dec2power(pwNlvl); txphase(zero); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); rcvroff(); if(gt6 > 0.2e-6) { delay(10.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6); delay(0.2e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt6); } decpwrf(dfCa180); delay(1.0e-3); rgpulse(pw,zero,1.0e-6,1.0e-6); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl0,gt0); delay(taua - gt0 - 2.0e-6 - WFG_START_DELAY); simshaped_pulse("","offC17",2.0*pw,pwCa180,zero,zero,1.0e-6,1.0e-6); /* c13 offset on CO, slp 180 on Ca */ delay(taua - gt0 - 500.0e-6 - WFG_STOP_DELAY); zgradpulse(gzlvl0,gt0); txphase(one); delay(500.0e-6); rgpulse(pw, one, 1.0e-6, 1.0e-6); decphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl3,gt3); obspower(tpwrHd); decpwrf(dfCa90); delay(200.0e-6); /* c13 offset on CO, slp 90 on Ca */ decshaped_pulse("offC13", pwCa90, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(taub -PRG_START_DELAY); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 180.0); xmtron(); decpwrf(dfC90); decphase(t1); delay(bigTC -taub -SAPS_DELAY -PWRF_DELAY); /* c13 offset on CO, on-res 90 on CO */ decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwCO90, t1, 0.0, 0.0); /* CO EVOLUTION BEGINS */ decpwrf(dfCO180); decphase(zero); delay(bigTCO/2.0 +maxpwCN/2.0 +WFG_STOP_DELAY -2.0*pwCO90/PI -ratio*tau1); /* c13 offset on CO, on-res 180 on CO */ decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwCO180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(dfCab180); delay(bigTCO/2.0 +(2.0 -ratio)*tau1 -PRG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* c13 offset on CO, slp 180 at Cab */ sim3shaped_pulse("","offC27","",0.0,pwCab180,2.0*pwN,zero,zero,zero,0.0,0.0); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 180.0); xmtron(); decpwrf(dfCO180); delay(bigTCO/2.0 +(2.0 -ratio)*tau1 -PRG_START_DELAY); /* c13 offset on CO, on-res 180 on CO */ decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwCO180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(dfC90); dcplrphase(v1); delay(bigTCO/2.0 +maxpwCN/2.0 +WFG_STOP_DELAY -2.0*pwCO90/PI -ratio*tau1 -SAPS_DELAY); /* CO EVOLUTION ENDS */ decshaped_pulse("offC6", pwCO90, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* c13 offset on CO, on-res 90 on CO */ decpwrf(dfCa90); decphase(t3); dcplrphase(v2); delay(bigTC -2.0*SAPS_DELAY -PWRF_DELAY); /* c13 offset on CO, slp 90 at Ca */ decshaped_pulse("offC13", pwCa90, t3, 0.0, 0.0); xmtroff(); decpwrf(dfCO180); decphase(zero); dcplrphase(zero); dec2phase(t2); delay(2.0e-5); zgradpulse(gzlvl4,gt4); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 180.0); xmtron(); txphase(zero); delay(150.0e-6); dec2rgpulse(pwN, t2, 0.0, 0.0); /* N15 EVOLUTION BEGINS HERE */ delay(bigTN/2.0 -tau2); decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwCO180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* c13 offset on CO, on-res 180 on CO */ decpwrf(dfCa180); dec2phase(t4); delay(bigTN/2.0 -tau2); dec2rgpulse(2.0*pwN, t4, 0.0, 0.0); decshaped_pulse("offC17", pwCa180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* c13 offset on CO, slp 180 at Ca */ decpwrf(dfCO180); delay(bigTN/2.0 +tau2 -pwCa180 -WFG_START_DELAY -WFG_STOP_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("offC8", pwCO180, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* c13 offset on CO, on-res 180 on CO */ delay(bigTN/2.0 +tau2 -tauc -PRG_STOP_DELAY); dec2phase(t5); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); obspower(tpwr); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(gzlvl1, gt1); delay(tauc -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); /* N15 EVOLUTION ENDS HERE */ sim3pulse(pw,0.0, pwN, zero,zero, t5, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(0.8*gzlvl5, gt5); delay(taud - gt5 - 2.0e-6); sim3pulse(2.0*pw,0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero,zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(taud - gt5 - 500.0e-6); zgradpulse(0.8*gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); decphase(one); delay(500.0e-6); sim3pulse(pw,0.0, pwN, one,zero, one, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); txphase(zero); decphase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); delay(taud - gt5 - 2.0e-6); sim3pulse(2.0*pw,0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero,zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(taud - gt5 - 2.0*POWER_DELAY - 500.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); decpower(dpwr); dec2power(dpwr2); delay(500.0e-6); rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(gstab +gt2 +2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl2, gt2); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl2, gt2); delay(0.5*gstab); rcvron(); statusdelay(C, 0.5*gstab); setreceiver(t16); }
void pulsesequence() { /* DECLARE AND LOAD VARIABLES */ char f1180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t1 @ halfdwell */ f2180[MAXSTR], /* Flag to start t2 @ halfdwell */ mag_flg[MAXSTR], /* magic-angle coherence transfer gradients */ TROSY[MAXSTR], /* do TROSY on N15 and H1 */ CT_c[MAXSTR], h1dec[MAXSTR]; int icosel, /* used to get n and p type */ t1_counter=getval("t1_counter"), /* used for states tppi in t1 */ t2_counter=getval("t2_counter"), /* used for states tppi in t2 */ nli = getval("nli"), nli2 = getval("nli2"); double tau1, /* t1 delay */ tau2, /* t2 delay */ tauCC = 7.0e-3, /* delay for Ca to Cb cosy */ tauC = 13.3e-3, /* constantTime for 13Cb evolution */ timeTN = getval("timeTN"), /* constant time for 15N evolution */ kappa = 5.4e-3, lambda = 2.4e-3, zeta = 3.0e-3, taud = 1.7e-3, pwClvl = getval("pwClvl"), /* coarse power for C13 pulse */ pwC = getval("pwC"), /* C13 90 degree pulse length at pwClvl */ rf0, /* maximum fine power when using pwC pulses */ /* 90 degree pulse at Cab (46ppm), first off-resonance null at CO (174ppm) */ pwC1, /* 90 degree pulse length on C13 at rf1 */ rf1, /* fine power for 5.1 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* 180 degree pulse at Ca (46ppm), first off-resonance null at CO(174ppm) */ pwC2, /* 180 degree pulse length at rf2 */ rf2, /* fine power for 11.4 kHz rf for 600MHz magnet */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "proteincal". SLP pulse shapes, "offC7" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC7 = getval("pwC7"), /*180 degree pulse at CO(174ppm) null at Ca(56ppm) */ pwC7a = getval("pwC7a"), /* pwC7a=pwC7, but not set to zero when pwC7=0 */ phshift7, /* phase shift induced on Cab by pwC7 ("offC7") pulse */ pwZ, /* the largest of pwC7 and 2.0*pwN */ pwZ1, /* the larger of pwC7a and 2.0*pwN for 1D experiments */ rf7, /* fine power for the pwC7 ("offC7") pulse */ /* the following pulse lengths for SLP pulses are automatically calculated */ /* by the macro "proteincal". SLP pulse shapes, "offC5" etc are called */ /* directly from your shapelib. */ pwC5 = getval("pwC5"), /*180 degree pulse at CO(174ppm) null at Ca(56ppm) */ rf5, /* fine power for the pwC7 ("offC7") pulse */ /* g3 inversion pulse in the t1 period (centred at 150ppm) */ pwCgCO_lvl = getval("pwCgCO_lvl"), pwCgCO = getval("pwCgCO"), compH = getval("compH"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ compC = getval("compC"), /* adjustment for C13 amplifier compression */ pwHs = getval("pwHs"), /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrs */ tpwrs, /* power for the pwHs ("H2Osinc") pulse */ pwHd, /* H1 90 degree pulse length at tpwrd */ tpwrd, /* rf for WALTZ decoupling */ waltzB1 = getval("waltzB1"), /* waltz16 field strength (in Hz) */ pwNlvl = getval("pwNlvl"), /* power for N15 pulses */ pwN = getval("pwN"), /* N15 90 degree pulse length at pwNlvl */ sw1 = getval("sw1"), sw2 = getval("sw2"), gstab = getval("gstab"), gt1 = getval("gt1"), /* coherence pathway gradients */ gzcal = getval("gzcal"), /* g/cm to DAC conversion factor */ gzlvl1 = getval("gzlvl1"), gzlvl2 = getval("gzlvl2"), gt0 = getval("gt0"), /* other gradients */ gt3 = getval("gt3"), gt4 = getval("gt4"), gt5 = getval("gt5"), gt7 = getval("gt7"), gt8 = getval("gt8"), gzlvl0 = getval("gzlvl0"), gzlvl3 = getval("gzlvl3"), gzlvl4 = getval("gzlvl4"), gzlvl5 = getval("gzlvl5"), gzlvl6 = getval("gzlvl6"), gzlvl7 = getval("gzlvl7"), gzlvl8 = getval("gzlvl8"); getstr("f1180",f1180); getstr("f2180",f2180); getstr("mag_flg",mag_flg); getstr("TROSY",TROSY); getstr("CT_c",CT_c); getstr("h1dec",h1dec); /* LOAD PHASE TABLE */ settable(t2,1,phy); settable(t3,2,phi3); settable(t4,1,phx); settable(t5,4,phi5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') {settable(t8,1,phy); settable(t9,1,phx); settable(t10,1,phy); settable(t11,1,phx); settable(t12,4,recT);} else {settable(t8,1,phx); settable(t9,8,phi9); settable(t10,1,phx); settable(t11,1,phy); settable(t12,4,rec);} /* INITIALIZE VARIABLES */ if( dpwrf < 4095 ) { printf("reset dpwrf=4095 and recalibrate C13 90 degree pulse"); psg_abort(1); } /* maximum fine power for pwC pulses */ rf0 = 4095.0; /* 90 degree pulse on Cab, null at CO 128ppm away */ pwC1 = sqrt(15.0)/(4.0*128.0*dfrq); rf1 = (compC*4095.0*pwC)/pwC1; rf1 = (int) (rf1 + 0.5); /* 180 degree pulse on Cab, null at CO 128ppm away */ pwC2 = sqrt(3.0)/(2.0*128.0*dfrq); rf2 = (4095.0*compC*pwC*2.0)/pwC2; rf2 = (int) (rf2 + 0.5); if( rf2 > 4095 ) { printf("Recalibrate so that C13 90 <22us*600/sfrq"); psg_abort(1);} /* 180 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf7 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*2.0*1.65)/pwC7a; /* needs 1.65 times more */ rf7 = (int) (rf7 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* 90 degree one-lobe sinc pulse on CO, null at Ca 118ppm away */ rf5 = (compC*4095.0*pwC*1.69)/pwC5; /* needs 1.69 times more */ rf5 = (int) (rf5 + 0.5); /* power than a square pulse */ /* the pwC7 pulse at the middle of t1 */ if ((nli2 > 0.0) && (nli == 1.0)) nli = 0.0; if (pwC7a > 2.0*pwN) pwZ = pwC7a; else pwZ = 2.0*pwN; if ((pwC7==0.0) && (pwC7a>2.0*pwN)) pwZ1=pwC7a-2.0*pwN; else pwZ1=0.0; if ( nli > 1 ) pwC7 = pwC7a; if ( pwC7 > 0 ) phshift7 = 320.0; else phshift7 = 0.0; /* selective H20 one-lobe sinc pulse */ tpwrs = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHs/(compH*pw*1.69)); /* needs 1.69 times more */ tpwrs = (int) (tpwrs); /* power than a square pulse */ /* power level and pulse time for WALTZ 1H decoupling */ pwHd = 1/(4.0 * waltzB1) ; tpwrd = tpwr - 20.0*log10(pwHd/(compH*pw)); tpwrd = (int) (tpwrd + 0.5); /* CHECK VALIDITY OF PARAMETER RANGES */ if ( 0.5*nli2*1/(sw2) > timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY) { printf(" nli2 is too big. Make nli2 equal to %d or less.\n", ((int)((timeTN - WFG3_START_DELAY)*2.0*sw2))); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm[A] == 'y' || dm[B] == 'y' || dm[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec1 decoupler flags! Should be 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm2[A] == 'y' || dm2[B] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec2 decoupler flags! Should be 'nny' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dm3[A] == 'y' || dm3[C] == 'y' ) { printf("incorrect dec3 decoupler flags! Should be 'nyn' or 'nnn' "); psg_abort(1);} if ( dpwr2 > 46 ) { printf("dpwr2 too large! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pw > 20.0e-6 ) { printf(" pw too long ! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( pwN > 100.0e-6 ) { printf(" pwN too long! recheck value "); psg_abort(1);} if ( TROSY[A]=='y' && dm2[C] == 'y') { text_error("Choose either TROSY='n' or dm2='n' ! "); psg_abort(1);} /* PHASES AND INCREMENTED TIMES */ /* Phase incrementation for hypercomplex 2D data, States-Haberkorn element */ if (phase1 == 2) { tsadd(t3,1,4); tsadd(t2,1,4);} if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (phase2 == 2) icosel = +1; else {tsadd(t4,2,4); tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = -1;} } else { if (phase2 == 2) {tsadd(t10,2,4); icosel = +1;} else icosel = -1; } /* Set up f1180 */ if( ix == 1) d2_init = d2; tau1 = d2_init + (t1_counter) / sw1; if((f1180[A] == 'y') && (nli > 1.0)) { tau1 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw1) ); if(tau1 < 0.2e-6) tau1 = 0.0; } tau1 = tau1/2.0; /* Set up f2180 */ if( ix == 1) d3_init = d3; tau2 = d3_init + (t2_counter) / sw2; if((f2180[A] == 'y') && (nli2 > 1.0)) { tau2 += ( 1.0 / (2.0*sw2) ); if(tau2 < 0.2e-6) tau2 = 0.0; } tau2 = tau2/2.0; /* Calculate modifications to phases for States-TPPI acquisition */ if(t1_counter % 2) { tsadd(t3,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } if(t2_counter % 2) { tsadd(t8,2,4); tsadd(t12,2,4); } /* BEGIN PULSE SEQUENCE */ status(A); delay(d1); if (dm3[B] == 'y') lk_hold(); rcvroff(); obspower(tpwr); decpower(pwClvl); dec2power(pwNlvl); decpwrf(rf0); obsoffset(tof); txphase(zero); decphase(zero); dcplrphase(zero); delay(1.0e-5); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /*destroy N15 and C13 magnetization*/ decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(1.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, one, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(0.7*gzlvl0, 0.5e-3); delay(5.0e-4); rgpulse(pw,zero,0.0,0.0); /* 1H pulse excitation */ dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); zgradpulse(gzlvl0, gt0); delay(lambda - gt0); rgpulse(pw, one, 0.0, 0.0); obspower(tpwrs); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { txphase(two); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, two, 5.0e-4, 0.0); obspower(tpwr); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(0.5*kappa - 2.0*pw); rgpulse(2.0*pw, two, 0.0, 0.0); obspower(tpwrd); /* POWER_DELAY */ decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf7); delay(timeTN - 0.5*kappa - POWER_DELAY -WFG_START_DELAY); } else { txphase(zero); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, zero, 5.0e-4, 0.0); obspower(tpwrd); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(one); delay(kappa - pwHd - 2.0e-6 - PRG_START_DELAY); rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); decphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); decpwrf(rf7); delay(timeTN - kappa -WFG_START_DELAY); } sim3shaped_pulse("","offC7","",0.0, pwC7, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(t3); decpwrf(rf5); delay(timeTN -WFG_STOP_DELAY -pwHd); dec2rgpulse(pwN, zero, 0.0, 0.0); if (TROSY[A]=='n') { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); } delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl3, gt3); delay(2.0e-4); decpwrf(rf5); decshaped_pulse("offC5", pwC5, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(-gzlvl7, gt7); decpwrf(rf0); decphase(zero); delay(zeta - gt7 - 0.5*10.933*pwC-2.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwC*158.0/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*171.2/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*342.8/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* Shaka 6 composite */ decrgpulse(pwC*145.5/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*81.2/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*85.3/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(-gzlvl7, gt7); decpwrf(rf5); decphase(one); txphase(one); delay(zeta - gt7 - 0.5*10.933*pwC - WFG_START_DELAY-2.0e-6); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC5", pwC5, one, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(1.33*gzlvl3,gt3); delay(200.0e-6); if(dm3[B] == 'y'){ /*optional 2H decoupling on */ dec3unblank(); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, one, 0.0, 0.0); dec3unblank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } decpwrf(rf1); decphase(t2); txphase(one); if (h1dec[A]=='y') { rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); } decrgpulse(pwC1, t3, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); decpwrf(rf2); delay(tauCC -gt5 -202.0e-6 -POWER_DELAY- pwHd -PRG_STOP_DELAY -1/dmf3 -2.0e-6 - WFG_STOP_DELAY); if(dm3[B] == 'y') { /*optional 2H decoupling off */ dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, three, 0.0, 0.0); dec3blank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); dec3blank(); } else delay(1/dmf3 +WFG_STOP_DELAY); if(h1dec[A]=='y') { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); } else delay(pwHd +2.0e-6 +PRG_STOP_DELAY); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(-gzlvl5, gt5); delay(200.0e-6); decrgpulse(pwC2,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(-gzlvl5, gt5); delay(200.0e-6); decpwrf(rf1); if(h1dec[A]=='y'){ rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); } else delay(pwHd+2.0e-6+PRG_START_DELAY); if(dm3[B] == 'y'){ /*optional 2H decoupling on */ dec3unblank(); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, one, 0.0, 0.0); dec3unblank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } else delay(1/dmf3+WFG_START_DELAY); delay(tauCC -gt5 -202.0e-6 -POWER_DELAY -1/dmf3 -WFG_START_DELAY -POWER_DELAY -pwHd -2.0e-6 -PRG_START_DELAY -pwHd-2.0e-6-PRG_STOP_DELAY); if((h1dec[A]=='y') && (h1dec[B]=='n')) { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,one,2.0e-6,0.0); decrgpulse(pwC1,t2,0.0,0.0); } else { delay(pwHd+2.0e-6+PRG_STOP_DELAY-POWER_DELAY); if ((h1dec[A]=='y')&&(h1dec[B]=='y')) { delay(POWER_DELAY); decrgpulse(pwC1,t2,0.0,0.0); } if ((h1dec[A]=='n')&&(h1dec[B]=='n')) { obspower(tpwr); simpulse(2.0*pw,pwC1,two,t2,0.0,0.0); /* Assuming 2.0*pw < pwC1 */ } } /* It could be h1dec='ny' ??? */ /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13Cb EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if (CT_c[0]=='n') { if ((nli>1.0) && (tau1>0.0)) { /* total 13C evolution equals d2 exactly */ /* 2.0*pwC1/PI compensates for evolution at 64% rate during pwC1 */ decpwrf(rf7); if(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ > 0.0) { delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG3_START_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC7", "", 0.0, pwC7a, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); initval(phshift7, v7); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v7); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - SAPS_DELAY - 0.5*pwZ - 2.0e-6); } else { initval(180.0, v7); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v7); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(2.0*tau1 - 4.0*pwC1/PI - SAPS_DELAY - 2.0e-6); } } else if (nli==1.0) { /* special 1D check of pwC7 phase enabled when nli=1 */ decpwrf(rf7); delay(10.0e-6 + SAPS_DELAY + 0.5*pwZ1 + WFG_START_DELAY); /* WFG3_START_DELAY */ sim3shaped_pulse("", "offC7", "", 0.0, pwC7, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); initval(phshift7, v7); decstepsize(1.0); dcplrphase(v7); /* SAPS_DELAY */ delay(10.0e-6 + WFG3_START_DELAY + 0.5*pwZ1); } else{ /* 13Ca evolution refocused for 1st increment */ decpwrf(rf2); decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 2.0e-6, 0.0); } } /* H1 dec. and H2 dec. status are not changed through nonCT evolution*/ else { /* 13C CONSTANT TIME EVOLUTION */ decpwrf(rf0); decpower(pwCgCO_lvl); if(h1dec[B]=='y') { if(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI -WFG_START_DELAY -2*POWER_DELAY> 0.0) delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI -WFG_START_DELAY - 2*POWER_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("CgCO1",pwCgCO,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(tauC -gt8 -202.0e-6 -pwHd -2.0e-6 -PRG_STOP_DELAY -pwCgCO -pwC2 -WFG_STOP_DELAY-1/dmf3); if(dm3[B] == 'y') { /*optional 2H decoupling off */ dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, three, 0.0, 0.0); dec3blank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); dec3blank(); } else delay(1/dmf3+WFG_STOP_DELAY); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); } if ((h1dec[B]=='n')&&(dm3[B]=='n')) { obspower(tpwr); if(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI -WFG_START_DELAY -3*POWER_DELAY> 0.0) { delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI -WFG3_START_DELAY - 3*POWER_DELAY); simshaped_pulse("","CgCO1",2.0*pw,pwCgCO,two,zero,0.0,0.0); } else simshaped_pulse("","CgCO1",2.0*pw,pwCgCO,two,zero,0.0,0.0); obspower(tpwrd); delay(tauC -gt8 -202.0e-6 -pwCgCO -pwC2 -POWER_DELAY); } if ((h1dec[B]=='n')&&(dm3[B]=='y')) { obspower(tpwr); if(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG_START_DELAY -3*POWER_DELAY> 0.0) { delay(tau1 - 2.0*pwC1/PI - WFG3_START_DELAY - 3*POWER_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("CgCO1",pwCgCO,zero,0.0,0.0); } else decshaped_pulse("CgCO1",pwCgCO,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(taud-0.5*pwC2-WFG_START_DELAY-WFG_STOP_DELAY-pwCgCO); rgpulse(2.0*pw,two,0.0,0.0); obspower(tpwrd); delay(tauC -taud -gt8 -202e-6 -2.0*pw -POWER_DELAY -1/dmf3 -pwCgCO -pwC2 -WFG_STOP_DELAY); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, three, 0.0, 0.0); dec3blank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); dec3blank(); } delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl8,gt8); delay(200.0e-6-2*POWER_DELAY); decpower(pwClvl);decpwrf(rf2); decrgpulse(pwC2,zero,0.0,0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl8,gt8); delay(200.0e-6-2*POWER_DELAY); decpower(pwCgCO_lvl);decpwrf(rf0); if(h1dec[A]=='y'){ rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); } else delay(pwHd+ 2.0e-6 +PRG_START_DELAY); if(dm3[B] == 'y'){ /*optional 2H decoupling on */ dec3unblank(); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, one, 0.0, 0.0); dec3unblank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } else delay(1/dmf3+WFG_START_DELAY); delay(tauC -tau1 -202.0e-6 -gt8 -pwCgCO -WFG_START_DELAY -WFG_STOP_DELAY -POWER_DELAY -1/dmf3 -WFG_START_DELAY -pwHd -2.0e-6 -PRG_START_DELAY); decshaped_pulse("CgCO2",pwCgCO,zero,0.0,0.0); } /* END of C13 CONSTANT TIME EVOLUTION */ decphase(one); decpower(pwClvl); decpwrf(rf1); decrgpulse(pwC1, one, 2.0e-6, 0.0); delay(tauCC - gt5 -202.0e-6 -2.0e-6 -pwHd -PRG_STOP_DELAY -1/dmf3 -WFG_STOP_DELAY); if(dm3[B] == 'y') { /*optional 2H decoupling off */ dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, three, 0.0, 0.0); dec3blank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); dec3blank(); } else delay(1/dmf3+WFG_STOP_DELAY); if(h1dec[B]=='y') { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); } else delay(2.0e-6+pwHd+PRG_STOP_DELAY); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl5*1.33, gt5); delay(200.0e-6-2.0*POWER_DELAY); decpwrf(rf2); decphase(zero); decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(gzlvl5*1.33,gt5); delay(200.0e-6-2.0*POWER_DELAY); decpwrf(rf1); decphase(t5); if(h1dec[A]=='y'){ rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); } else delay(pwHd+ 2.0e-6 +PRG_START_DELAY); if(dm3[B] == 'y'){ /*optional 2H decoupling on */ dec3unblank(); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, one, 0.0, 0.0); dec3unblank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } else delay(1/dmf3+WFG_START_DELAY); delay(tauCC - gt5 -202.0e-6 -1/dmf3 -WFG_START_DELAY -2.0e-6 -pwHd -PRG_START_DELAY); /*decrgpulse(pwC1, t5, 0.0, 0.0); */ decrgpulse(pwC1, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decpwrf(rf5); decshaped_pulse("offC5", pwC5, one, 0.0, 0.0); delay(zeta - gt7 -202.0e-6 - pwHd -2.0e-6 -PRG_STOP_DELAY -1/dmf3 -WFG_STOP_DELAY -0.5*10.933*pwC-2.0e-6); if(dm3[B] == 'y') { /*optional 2H decoupling off */ dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, three, 0.0, 0.0); dec3blank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); dec3blank(); } else delay(1/dmf3+WFG_STOP_DELAY); if(h1dec[A]=='y') { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); } else delay(2.0e-6+pwHd+PRG_STOP_DELAY); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(-gzlvl7, gt7); decpwrf(rf0); decphase(zero); delay(200.0e-6-2.0*POWER_DELAY); decrgpulse(pwC*158.0/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*171.2/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*342.8/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); /* Shaka 6 composite */ decrgpulse(pwC*145.5/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*81.2/90.0, zero, 0.0, 0.0); decrgpulse(pwC*85.3/90.0, two, 0.0, 0.0); delay(2.0e-6); zgradpulse(-gzlvl7, gt7); delay(200.0e-6); decpwrf(rf5); decphase(one); txphase(one); if(h1dec[A]=='y'){ rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); /* PRG_START_DELAY */ xmtron(); } else delay(pwHd+ 2.0e-6 +PRG_START_DELAY); if(dm3[B] == 'y'){ /*optional 2H decoupling on */ dec3unblank(); dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, one, 0.0, 0.0); dec3unblank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, TRUE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); } else delay(1/dmf3+WFG_START_DELAY); delay(zeta - gt7 - 0.5*10.933*pwC - WFG_START_DELAY-2.0e-6 -1/dmf3 -WFG_START_DELAY -pwHd -2.0e-6 -PRG_START_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decshaped_pulse("offC5", pwC5, t5, 0.0, 0.0); /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OPTIONS FOR N15 EVOLUTION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ dec2phase(t8); txphase(one); dcplrphase(zero); obspower(tpwrd); if(dm3[B] == 'y') { /*optional 2H decoupling off */ dec3rgpulse(1/dmf3, three, 0.0, 0.0); dec3blank(); setstatus(DEC3ch, FALSE, 'w', FALSE, dmf3); dec3blank(); } if(h1dec[A]=='y') { xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); } zgradpulse(gzlvl4, gt4); delay(2.0e-4); if (TROSY[A]=='n') { rgpulse(pwHd,one,0.0,0.0); txphase(zero); delay(2.0e-6); obsprgon("waltz16", pwHd, 90.0); xmtron(); } dec2rgpulse(pwN, t8, 0.0, 0.0); decphase(zero); dec2phase(t9); decpwrf(rf7); delay(timeTN - tau2); sim3shaped_pulse("","offC7","",0.0, pwC7, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, t9, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); decpwrf(rf5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') { if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.5e-4 + pwHs) { txphase(three); delay(timeTN - pwC2) ; /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.5e-4 - pwHs); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(0.5e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > pwHs + 0.5e-4) { txphase(three); delay(timeTN-pwC2-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - pwHs - 0.5e-4); shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(0.5e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else { txphase(three); delay(timeTN - pwC2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.5e-4 - pwHs); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwrs); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ shaped_pulse("H2Osinc", pwHs, three, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(t4); obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(0.5e-4 - POWER_DELAY); decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } else { if (tau2 > kappa) { delay(timeTN - pwC2); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > (kappa - pwC2)) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(kappa -pwC2 -gt1 -2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY -1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else if (tau2 > gt1 + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + 1.0e-4) { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa - tau2 - pwC2 ); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2 - gt1 - 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY - 1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); } else { delay(timeTN + tau2 - kappa - PRG_STOP_DELAY - pwHd - 2.0e-6); xmtroff(); obsprgoff(); /* PRG_STOP_DELAY */ rgpulse(pwHd,three,2.0e-6,0.0); txphase(t4); delay(kappa-tau2-pwC2-gt1-2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY-1.0e-4); if (mag_flg[A]=='y') magradpulse(icosel*gzcal*gzlvl1, gt1); else zgradpulse(icosel*gzlvl1, gt1); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ obspower(tpwr); /* POWER_DELAY */ delay(1.0e-4 - POWER_DELAY); /* WFG_START_DELAY */ decrgpulse(pwC2, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay(tau2); } } /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ if (TROSY[A]=='y') rgpulse(pw, t4, 0.0, 0.0); else sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, t4, zero, t10, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 0.65*(pw + pwN) - gt5); else delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); zgradpulse(gzlvl5, gt5); txphase(one); dec2phase(t11); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(pw, 0.0, pwN, one, zero, t11, 0.0, 0.0); txphase(zero); dec2phase(zero); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); delay(lambda - 1.3*pwN - gt5); sim3pulse(2.0*pw, 0.0, 2.0*pwN, zero, zero, zero, 0.0, 0.0); dec2phase(t10); zgradpulse(gzlvl6, gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') delay(lambda - 1.6*pwN - gt5); else delay(lambda - 0.65*pwN - gt5); if (TROSY[A]=='y') dec2rgpulse(pwN, t10, 0.0, 0.0); else rgpulse(pw, zero, 0.0, 0.0); delay((gt1/10.0) + gstab - 0.5*pw + 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY + POWER_DELAY); rgpulse(2.0*pw, zero, 0.0, rof1); dec2power(dpwr2); /* POWER_DELAY */ if (mag_flg[A] == 'y') magradpulse(gzcal*gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); else zgradpulse(gzlvl2, gt1/10.0); /* 2.0*GRADIENT_DELAY */ statusdelay(C,gstab- rof1); if (dm3[B]=='y') lk_sample(); setreceiver(t12); }