コード例 #1
map<string, CanVariable> CanIdTranslator::translateData(int commandId, string moduleName, string dataHex)
	vector<XmlNode> commandNodes = xmlNode.findChild("commands").getChildren();

	for (int n = 0; n < commandNodes.size(); n++)
		map<string, string> attributes = commandNodes[n].getAttributes();

		bool correct = false;

		if (commandId >= 128)
			if (stoi(attributes["id"]) == commandId && attributes["module"] == moduleName)
				correct = true;
		else if (stoi(attributes["id"]) == commandId)
			correct = true;

		if (correct)
			XmlNode varablesNode = commandNodes[n].findChild("variables");

			return translateData(varablesNode.getChildren(), dataHex);

	map<string, CanVariable> variables;
	return variables;
コード例 #2
map<string, CanVariable> CanIdTranslator::translateNMTData(int commandId, string dataHex)
	vector<XmlNode> commandNodes = xmlNode.findChild("nmt_messages").getChildren();

	for (int n = 0; n < commandNodes.size(); n++)
		map<string, string> attributes = commandNodes[n].getAttributes();

		if (stoi(attributes["id"]) == commandId)
			XmlNode varablesNode = commandNodes[n].findChild("variables");

			return translateData(varablesNode.getChildren(), dataHex);

	map<string, CanVariable> variables;
	return variables;
コード例 #3
ファイル: asm_engine.c プロジェクト: lyudmil/acse
/* Function that translates every code and data segment.
* This function returns ASM_OK if everything went good */
int translateCode(t_translation_infos *infos, FILE *fp)
   int instruction_counter;
   t_list *current_instruction;
   void *instruction_or_data;
   int errorcode;
   /* unchecked preconditions: pf and infos are different from NULL */
   if (infos->code == NULL)
      return ASM_CODE_NOT_PRESENT;
   /* initialize the instruction_counter */
   instruction_counter = 0;
   current_instruction = infos->code;
   errorcode = ASM_OK;
   /* translate the instruction segment */
   while (instruction_counter < infos->codesize)
      instruction_or_data = LDATA(current_instruction);
      assert(instruction_or_data != NULL);
      /* translate every single instruction */
      errorcode = translateInstruction
            (infos, (t_asm_instruction *) instruction_or_data, fp);

      /* verify the errorcode */
      if (errorcode != ASM_OK)
         return errorcode;
      /* update the instruction counter and the current instruction data */
      current_instruction = LNEXT(current_instruction);

#ifndef NDEBUG
   fprintf(stderr, "\n");
   /* translate the data segment */
   while (current_instruction != NULL)
      instruction_or_data = LDATA(current_instruction);
      assert(instruction_or_data != NULL);
      /* translate every single element of data */
#ifndef NDEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "Adding data into the data segment [datatype == %s \t; "
            , dataType_toString(((t_asm_data *)instruction_or_data)->dataType) );
      fprintf(stderr, "value == 0x%08x] \n"
            , ((t_asm_data *)instruction_or_data)->value);
      errorcode = translateData(infos, (t_asm_data *) instruction_or_data, fp);
      /* verify the errorcode */
      if (errorcode != ASM_OK)
         return errorcode;
      current_instruction = LNEXT(current_instruction);
#ifndef NDEBUG
   fprintf(stderr, "\n");

   return ASM_OK;