コード例 #1
ファイル: Avatar.cpp プロジェクト: phillzz/GoldenEgg
void AAvatar::ToggleInventory()
	APlayerController* PController = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController();
	AMyHUD* hud = Cast<AMyHUD>( PController->GetHUD() );
	// If inventory is displayed, undisplay it.
	if( inventoryShowing )
		inventoryShowing = false;
		PController->bShowMouseCursor = false;

	// Otherwise, display the player's inventory
	inventoryShowing = true;
	PController->bShowMouseCursor = true;
	for( TMap<FString,int>::TIterator it = Backpack.CreateIterator(); it; ++it )
		// Combine string name of the item, with qty eg Cow x 5
		FString fs = it->Key + FString::Printf( TEXT(" x %d"), it->Value );
		UTexture2D* tex = NULL;
		if( Icons.Find( it->Key ) )
			tex = Icons[it->Key];
			Widget w( Icon( fs, tex ), Classes[it->Key] );
			w.bpSpell = Spells[it->Key];
			hud->addWidget( w );