AString ADVBConfig::ReplaceTerms(const AString& user, const AString& subitem, const AString& _str) const { AString str = _str; int p1, p2; while (((p1 = str.Pos("{conf:")) >= 0) && ((p2 = str.Pos("}", p1)) >= 0)) { AString item = GetUserSubItemConfigItem(user, subitem, str.Mid(p1 + 6, p2 - p1 - 6)); str = str.Left(p1) + item + str.Mid(p2 + 1); } return str; }
bool ADVBConfig::ReadReplacementsFile(std::vector<REPLACEMENT>& replacements, const AString& filename) const { AStdFile fp; bool success = false; if ( { AString line; //printf("Reading replacements file '%s':", filename.str()); while (line.ReadLn(fp) >= 0) { int p = 0; if ((line.Word(0)[0] != ';') && ((p = line.Pos("=")) >= 0)) { REPLACEMENT repl = { line.Left(p).Word(0).DeQuotify(), line.Mid(p + 1).Word(0).DeQuotify(), }; //printf("Replacement: '%s' -> '%s'",, repl.replace.str()); replacements.push_back(repl); } } fp.close(); success = true; } else logit("Failed to open replacements file '%s'", filename.str()); return success; }
ADVBConfig::ADVBConfig() : config(AString(DEFAULTCONFDIR).CatPath("dvb"), false), defaults(20, &AString::DeleteString), webresponse(false) { static const struct { const char *name; const char *value; } __defaults[] = { {"prehandle", "2"}, {"posthandle", "3"}, {"pri", "0"}, {"dir", ""}, {"h264crf", "17"}, {"maxvideorate", "2000k"}, {"aacbitrate", "160k"}, {"mp3bitrate", "160k"}, {"copyvideo", "-vcodec copy"}, {"copyaudio", "-acodec copy"}, {"mp3audio", "-acodec mp3 -b:a {conf:mp3bitrate}"}, {"h264preset", "veryfast"}, {"h264bufsize", "3000k"}, {"videodeinterlace", "yadif"}, {"videofilter", "-filter:v {conf:videodeinterlace}"}, {"filters", "{conf:videofilter} {conf:audiofilter}"}, {"encodeflags", "-movflags +faststart"}, {"h264video", "-vcodec libx264 -preset {conf:h264preset} -crf {conf:h264crf} -maxrate {conf:maxvideorate} -bufsize {conf:h264bufsize} {conf:encodeflags} {conf:filters}"}, {"aacaudio", "-acodec libfdk_aac -b:a {conf:aacbitrate}"}, {"encodecopy", "{conf:copyvideo} {conf:mp3audio}"}, {"encodeh264", "{conf:h264video} {conf:aacaudio}"}, {"encodeargs", "{conf:encodeh264}"}, {"encodeaudioonlyargs", "{conf:mp3audio}"}, }; uint_t i; for (i = 0; i < NUMBEROF(__defaults); i++) { defaults.Insert(__defaults[i].name, (uptr_t)new AString(__defaults[i].value)); } CreateDirectory(GetConfigDir()); CreateDirectory(GetDataDir()); CreateDirectory(GetLogDir()); CreateDirectory(GetRecordingsStorageDir()); CreateDirectory(GetRecordingsDir()); CreateDirectory(GetTempDir()); if (CommitScheduling()) { AList users; AString dir; ListUsers(users); const AString *user = AString::Cast(users.First()); while (user) { if (((dir = GetRecordingsDir(*user)).Valid()) && (dir.Pos("{") < 0)) CreateDirectory(dir); if (((dir = GetRecordingsArchiveDir(*user)).Valid()) && (dir.Pos("{") < 0)) CreateDirectory(dir); user = user->Next(); } } }
void MotionDetector::Configure() { AString nstr = AString("%").Arg(index); log.printf("%s[%u]: Reading new settings...\n", ADateTime().DateFormat("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s.%S").str(), index); stream.Close(); stream.SetUsernameAndPassword(GetSetting("username", "admin"), GetSetting("password", "arsebark")); AString camera = GetSetting("camera", ""); log.printf("%s[%u]: Connecting to %s...\n", ADateTime().DateFormat("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s.%S").str(), index, camera.str()); if (!stream.OpenHost(camera)) { log.printf("%s[%u]: Failed to connect to %s...\n", ADateTime().DateFormat("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m:%s.%S").str(), index, camera.str()); } imagedir = GetSetting("imagedir", "/media/cctv"); imagefmt = GetSetting("filename", "%Y-%M-%D/%h/Image-{camera}-%Y-%M-%D-%h-%m-%s-%S"); detimgdir = GetSetting("detimagedir"); detimgfmt = GetSetting("detfilename", "%Y-%M-%D/%h/detection/Image-{camera}-%Y-%M-%D-%h-%m-%s-%S"); detcmd = GetSetting("detcommand", ""); nodetcmd = GetSetting("nodetcommand", ""); coeff = (double)GetSetting("coeff", "1.0e-3"); avgfactor = (double)GetSetting("avgfactor", "1.0"); sdfactor = (double)GetSetting("sdfactor", "2.0"); redscale = (double)GetSetting("rscale", "1.0"); grnscale = (double)GetSetting("gscale", "1.0"); bluscale = (double)GetSetting("bscale", "1.0"); threshold = (double)GetSetting("threshold", "3000.0"); verbose = (uint_t)GetSetting("verbose", "0"); matmul = 1.f; matwid = mathgt = 0; AString _matrix = GetSetting("matrix", ""); if (_matrix.Valid()) { uint_t row, nrows = _matrix.CountLines(";"); uint_t col, ncols = 1; int p; if ((p = _matrix.Pos("*")) >= 0) { AString mul = _matrix.Mid(p + 1); _matrix = _matrix.Left(p); if ((p = mul.Pos("/")) >= 0) { matmul = (float)mul.Left(p) / (float)mul.Mid(p + 1); } else matmul = (float)mul; } else if ((p = _matrix.Pos("/")) >= 0) { AString mul = _matrix.Mid(p + 1); _matrix = _matrix.Left(p); matmul = 1.f / (float)mul; } for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { uint_t n = _matrix.Line(row, ";").CountLines(","); ncols = MAX(ncols, n); } nrows |= 1; ncols |= 1; matrix.resize(nrows * ncols); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { AString line = _matrix.Line(row,";"); for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) matrix[col + row * ncols] = (float)line.Line(col, ","); } matwid = ncols; mathgt = nrows; #if 0 printf("Matrix is %u x %u:\n", matwid, mathgt); for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) { for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) printf("%8.3f", matrix[col + row * ncols]); printf("\n"); } printf("Multiplier %0.6f\n", matmul); #endif } else matrix.resize(0); }
bool DecodeXML(AStructuredNode& root, const AString& str) { AStructuredNode *pNode = &root; AKeyValuePair *pAttr; ADataList stack; uint_t p1 = 0, p2; while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++; while (!HasQuit() && pNode && (str[p1] == '<')) { bool popnode = false; p1++; if (str[p1] == '/') { p1++; if ((pNode != &root) && ((p2 = FindXMLMarker(str, p1)) > p1)) { uint_t p3 = p1; if (IsSymbolStart(str[p1])) p1++; while (IsXMLNameChar(str[p1])) p1++; AString name = str.Mid(p3, p1 - p3); if (name == pNode->Key) { if (debug_decode) debug("Closing node '%s'\n", pNode->Key.str()); popnode = true; p1 = p2 + 1; } else { debug("Unknown close object '%s' at %u\n", name.str(), p1); break; } } else { debug("Unknown close marker at %u\n", p1); break; } } else if (str.Mid(p1, 3) == "!--") { if ((p2 = str.Pos("-->", p1 + 3)) > p1) p1 = p2 + 2; else { debug("Unterminated comment marker at %u\n", p1); break; } } else if ((p2 = FindXMLMarker(str, p1)) > p1) { if (pNode) stack.Push((void *)pNode); if ((pNode = new AStructuredNode) != NULL) { uint_t p3 = p2; bool complete = ((str[p3 - 1] == '/') || ((str[p1] == '?') && (str[p3 - 1] == '?'))); if (complete) p3--; complete |= (str[p1] == '!'); if ((str[p1] == '?') || (str[p1] == '!')) pNode->SetType(str[p1++]); while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++; uint_t p4 = p1; if (IsSymbolStart(str[p1])) p1++; while (IsXMLNameChar(str[p1])) p1++; pNode->Key = str.Mid(p4, p1 - p4).DeHTMLify(); if (debug_decode) debug("Created new node '%s' (%s)\n", pNode->Key.str(), complete ? "complete" : "open"); while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++; while (p1 < p3) { p4 = p1; if (IsSymbolStart(str[p1])) p1++; while (IsXMLNameChar(str[p1])) p1++; uint_t p5 = p1; while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++; if (str[p1] == '=') p1++; while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++; int quote = 0; if (IsQuoteChar(str[p1])) quote = str[p1++]; uint_t p6 = p1; while (str[p1] && ((quote && (str[p1] != quote)) || (!quote && !IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])))) p1++; uint_t p7 = p1; if (quote && (str[p1] == quote)) p1++; while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++; if ((p5 > p4) && ((pAttr = new AKeyValuePair) != NULL)) { pAttr->Key = str.Mid(p4, p5 - p4).DeHTMLify(); pAttr->Value = str.Mid(p6, p7 - p6).DeHTMLify(); pNode->AddAttribute(pAttr); if (debug_decode) debug("Added attribute '%s'='%s' to '%s'\n", pAttr->Key.str(), pAttr->Value.str(), pNode->Key.str()); } else break; } AStructuredNode *pParent = (AStructuredNode *)stack.Last(); if (pParent) pParent->AddChild(pNode); p2++; while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p2])) p2++; p3 = p1 = p2; while (str[p2] && (str[p2] != '<')) { p2++; if (!IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p2 - 1])) p3 = p2; } if (p3 > p1) { pNode->Value = str.Mid(p1, p3 - p1).DeHTMLify(); if (debug_decode) debug("Set value of '%s' to '%s'\n", pNode->Key.str(), pNode->Value.str()); } p1 = p2; popnode = complete; } } if (popnode) { if (stack.Count()) { pNode = (AStructuredNode *)stack.EndPop(); if (debug_decode) debug("Back to node '%s'\n", pNode->Key.str()); } else { debug("Stack empty at %u\n", p1); break; } } while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++; } if (stack.Count()) debug("Unterminated XML entries at %u\n", p1); if (!pNode) debug("Extra XML termination at %u\n", p1); return (!str[p1] && (pNode == &root)); }