int main(void) { int ret; std::string str; CBTest cbTest; ArFunctorC<CBTest> connectCB(&cbTest, &CBTest::connected); ArFunctorC<CBTest> failedConnectCB(&cbTest, &CBTest::failedConnect); ArFunctorC<CBTest> disconnectCB(&cbTest, &CBTest::disconnected); ArFunctorC<CBTest> disconnectErrorCB(&cbTest, &CBTest::disconnectedError); ArSerialConnection con; ArRobot robot; printf("If a robot is attached to your port you should see:\n"); printf("Failed connect, Connected, Disconnected Error, Connected, Disconnected\n"); printf("If no robot is attached you should see:\n"); printf("Failed connect, Failed connect, Failed connect\n"); printf("-------------------------------------------------------\n"); ArLog::init(ArLog::None, ArLog::Terse); srand(time(NULL)); robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); robot.addConnectCB(&connectCB, ArListPos::FIRST); robot.addFailedConnectCB(&failedConnectCB, ArListPos::FIRST); robot.addDisconnectNormallyCB(&disconnectCB, ArListPos::FIRST); robot.addDisconnectOnErrorCB(&disconnectErrorCB, ArListPos::FIRST); // this should fail since there isn't an open port yet robot.blockingConnect(); if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); exit(0); } robot.blockingConnect(); con.close(); robot.loopOnce(); if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); exit(0); } robot.blockingConnect(); robot.disconnect(); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; ArGlobalRetFunctor1<bool, ArRobotPacket *> tcm2PrinterCB(&tcm2Printer); ArSerialConnection con; Aria::init(); robot = new ArRobot; robot->addPacketHandler(&tcm2PrinterCB, ArListPos::FIRST); if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); exit(0); } robot->setDeviceConnection(&con); if (!robot->blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); exit(0); } printf("%6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %10s %4s %4s %6s\n", "comp", "pitch", "roll", "magX", "magY", "magZ", "temp", "error", "calH", "calV", "calM"); robot->comInt(ArCommands::TCM2, 3); robot->run(true); Aria::shutdown(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; ArTime start; // connection to the robot ArSerialConnection con; // the robot ArRobot robot; // the connection handler from above ConnHandler ch(&robot); // init area with a dedicated signal handling thread Aria::init(Aria::SIGHANDLE_THREAD); // open the connection with the defaults, exit if failed if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // set the robots connection robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); // try to connect, if we fail, the connection handler should bail if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { // this should have been taken care of by the connection handler // but just in case printf( "asyncConnect failed because robot is not running in its own thread.\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // run the robot in its own thread, so it gets and processes packets and such robot.runAsync(false); int i; while (Aria::getRunning()) { robot.lock(); robot.comStr(ArCommands::TTY3, "1234567890"); robot.unlock(); } robot.disconnect(); // shutdown and ge tout Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // just some stuff for returns std::string str; int ret; // robots connection ArSerialConnection con; // the robot, this turns state reflection off ArRobot robot(NULL, false); // the joydrive as defined above, this also adds itself as a user task Joydrive joyd(&robot); // mandatory init Aria::init(); // open the connection, if it fails, exit if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // set the connection o nthe robot robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); // connect, if we fail, exit if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // turn off the sonar, enable the motors, turn off amigobot sounds robot.comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 0); robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); // run, if we lose connection to the robot, exit; // shutdown and go away Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(void) { ArSerialConnection serConn; if ( != 0) { printf("Could not open serial port\n"); exit(1); } while (1) { printf("\rDCD %d", serConn.getDCD()); fflush(stdout); } return 0; }
int main() { ArModuleLoader::Status status; ArSerialConnection con; ArRobot robot; int ret; std::string str; Aria::init(); status=ArModuleLoader::load("./joydriveActionMod", &robot); printStatus(status); if (status == ArModuleLoader::STATUS_INIT_FAILED) return(1); if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } robot.comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 0); robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0);; status=ArModuleLoader::close("./joydriveActionMod"); printStatus(status); Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(void) { ArSerialConnection con; ArRobot robot; int ret; std::string str; ArActionLimiterForwards limiter("speed limiter near", 300, 600, 250); ArActionLimiterForwards limiterFar("speed limiter far", 300, 1100, 400); ArActionLimiterBackwards backwardsLimiter; ArActionConstantVelocity stop("stop", 0); ArActionConstantVelocity backup("backup", -200); ArSonarDevice sonar; ArACTS_1_2 acts; ArSonyPTZ sony(&robot); ArGripper gripper(&robot, ArGripper::GENIO); Acquire acq(&acts, &gripper); DriveTo driveTo(&acts, &gripper, &sony); PickUp pickUp(&acts, &gripper, &sony); TakeBlockToWall takeBlock(&robot, &gripper, &sony, &acq, &driveTo, &pickUp, &backup); Aria::init(); if (!acts.openPort(&robot)) { printf("Could not connect to acts\n"); exit(1); } robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); //con.setBaud(38400); if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } sony.init(); ArUtil::sleep(1000); //robot.setAbsoluteMaxTransVel(400); robot.setStateReflectionRefreshTime(250); robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); ArUtil::sleep(200); robot.addAction(&limiter, 100); robot.addAction(&limiterFar, 99); robot.addAction(&backwardsLimiter, 98); robot.addAction(&acq, 77); robot.addAction(&driveTo, 76); robot.addAction(&pickUp, 75); robot.addAction(&backup, 50); robot.addAction(&stop, 30);; Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; int dist; ArTime start; ArPose startPose; bool vel2 = false; // connection to the robot ArSerialConnection con; // the robot ArRobot robot; // the connection handler from above ConnHandler ch(&robot); // init area with a dedicated signal handling thread Aria::init(Aria::SIGHANDLE_THREAD); if (argc != 2 || (dist = atoi(argv[1])) == 0) { printf("Usage: %s <distInMM>\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } if (dist < 1000) { printf("You must go at least a meter\n"); exit(0); } // open the connection with the defaults, exit if failed if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // set the robots connection robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); // try to connect, if we fail, the connection handler should bail if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { // this should have been taken care of by the connection handler // but just in case printf( "asyncConnect failed because robot is not running in its own thread.\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // run the robot in its own thread, so it gets and processes packets and such robot.runAsync(false); // just a big long set of printfs, direct motion commands and sleeps, // it should be self-explanatory robot.lock(); /* robot.setAbsoluteMaxTransVel(2000); robot.setTransVelMax(2000); robot.setTransAccel(1000); robot.setTransDecel(1000); robot.comInt(82, 30); // rotkp robot.comInt(83, 200); // rotkv robot.comInt(84, 0); // rotki robot.comInt(85, 30); // transkp robot.comInt(86, 450); // transkv robot.comInt(87, 4); // transki */ printf("Driving %d mm (going full speed for that far minus a meter then stopping)\n", dist); if (vel2) robot.setVel2(2200, 2200); else robot.setVel(2200); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); startPose = robot.getPose(); while (1) { robot.lock(); printf("\r vel: %.0f x: %.0f y: %.0f: dist: %.0f heading: %.2f", robot.getVel(), robot.getX(), robot.getY(), startPose.findDistanceTo(robot.getPose()), robot.getTh()); if (startPose.findDistanceTo(robot.getPose()) > abs(dist) - 1000) { printf("\nFinished distance\n"); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 10000) { printf("\nDistance timed out\n"); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(50); } if (vel2) robot.setVel2(0, 0); else robot.setVel(0); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (vel2) robot.setVel2(0, 0); else robot.setVel(0); if (fabs(robot.getVel()) < 20) { printf("Stopped\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 2000) { printf("\nStop timed out\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(50); } robot.lock(); robot.disconnect(); robot.unlock(); // shutdown and ge tout Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
// Create an ArGPS object. If some options were obtained from command-line // parameters by parseArgs(), use those, otherwise get values from robot // parameters (the .p file) if we have a valid robot with valid parameters. AREXPORT ArGPS* ArGPSConnector::createGPS(ArRobot *robot) { // If we have a robot with parameters (i.e. have connected and read the .p // file), use those values unless already set by parseArgs() from command-line if(robot && robot->getRobotParams()) { if(myPort == NULL) { myPort = robot->getRobotParams()->getGPSPort(); if(strcmp(myPort, "COM1") == 0) myPort = ArUtil::COM1; if(strcmp(myPort, "COM2") == 0) myPort = ArUtil::COM2; if(strcmp(myPort, "COM3") == 0) myPort = ArUtil::COM3; if(strcmp(myPort, "COM4") == 0) myPort = ArUtil::COM4; } if(myBaud == -1) { myBaud = robot->getRobotParams()->getGPSBaud(); } if(myDeviceType == Invalid) { myDeviceType = deviceTypeFromString(robot->getRobotParams()->getGPSType()); } } else { if(myPort == NULL) myPort = ARGPS_DEFAULT_SERIAL_PORT; if(myBaud == -1) myBaud = ARGPS_DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD; if(myDeviceType == Invalid) myDeviceType = Standard; } // Create gps: ArGPS* newGPS = NULL; switch (myDeviceType) { case Novatel: ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Using Novatel GPS"); newGPS = new ArNovatelGPS; break; case Trimble: ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Using Trimble GPS"); newGPS = new ArTrimbleGPS; break; case NovatelSPAN: ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Using Novatel SPAN GPS"); newGPS = new ArNovatelSPAN; break; default: ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Using standard NMEA GPS"); newGPS = new ArGPS; break; } if (myTCPHost == NULL) { // Setup serial connection ArSerialConnection *serialCon = new ArSerialConnection; ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Connecting to GPS on port %s at %d baud...", myPort, myBaud); if (!serialCon->setBaud(myBaud)) { delete serialCon; return false; } if (serialCon->open(myPort) != 0) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "ArGPSConnector: Error: could not open GPS serial port %s.", myPort); delete serialCon; return NULL; } newGPS->setDeviceConnection(serialCon); myDeviceCon = serialCon; } else { // Setup TCP connection ArTcpConnection *tcpCon = new ArTcpConnection; ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Opening TCP connection to %s:%d...", myTCPHost, myTCPPort); int openState = tcpCon->open(myTCPHost, myTCPPort); if (openState != 0) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "ArGPSConnector: Error: could not open TCP connection to %s port %d: %s", tcpCon->getOpenMessage(openState)); delete tcpCon; return NULL; } newGPS->setDeviceConnection(tcpCon); myDeviceCon = tcpCon; } return newGPS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; time_t lastTime; int trans, rot; ArJoyHandler joyHandler; ArSerialConnection con; ArRobot robot(NULL, false); joyHandler.init(); joyHandler.setSpeeds(100, 700); if (joyHandler.haveJoystick()) { printf("Have a joystick\n\n"); } else { printf("Do not have a joystick, set up the joystick then rerun the program\n\n"); // exit(0); } if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); exit(0); } robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); exit(0); } robot.comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 0); robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); //robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENCODER, 1); //robot.comStrN(ArCommands::SAY, "\1\6\2\105", 4); lastTime = time(NULL); while (1) { if (!robot.isConnected()) { printf("No longer connected to robot, exiting.\n"); exit(0); } robot.loopOnce(); if (lastTime != time(NULL)) { printf("\rx %6.1f y %6.1f tth %6.1f vel %7.1f mpacs %3d", robot.getX(), robot.getY(), robot.getTh(), robot.getVel(), robot.getMotorPacCount()); fflush(stdout); lastTime = time(NULL); } if (joyHandler.haveJoystick() && (joyHandler.getButton(1) || joyHandler.getButton(2))) { if (ArMath::fabs(robot.getVel()) < 10.0) robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); joyHandler.getAdjusted(&rot, &trans); robot.comInt(ArCommands::VEL, trans); robot.comInt(ArCommands::RVEL, -rot); } else { robot.comInt(ArCommands::VEL, 0); robot.comInt(ArCommands::RVEL, 0); } ArUtil::sleep(100); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; ArTime start; // connection to the robot ArSerialConnection con; // the robot ArRobot robot; // the connection handler from above ConnHandler ch(&robot); // init area with a dedicated signal handling thread Aria::init(Aria::SIGHANDLE_THREAD); // open the connection with the defaults, exit if failed if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // set the robots connection robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); // try to connect, if we fail, the connection handler should bail if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { // this should have been taken care of by the connection handler // but just in case printf( "asyncConnect failed because robot is not running in its own thread.\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // run the robot in its own thread, so it gets and processes packets and such robot.runAsync(false); // just a big long set of printfs, direct motion commands and sleeps, // it should be self-explanatory printf("Telling the robot to go 300 mm for 5 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(500); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (start.mSecSince() > 5000) { robot.unlock(); break; } printf("Trans: %10g Rot: %10g\n", robot.getVel(), robot.getRotVel()); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } printf("Telling the robot to turn at 50 deg/sec for 10 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(0); robot.setRotVel(50); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (start.mSecSince() > 10000) { robot.unlock(); break; } printf("Trans: %10g Rot: %10g\n", robot.getVel(), robot.getRotVel()); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } printf("Telling the robot to turn at 100 deg/sec for 10 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(0); robot.setRotVel(100); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (start.mSecSince() > 10000) { robot.unlock(); break; } printf("Trans: %10g Rot: %10g\n", robot.getVel(), robot.getRotVel()); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } printf("Done with tests, exiting\n"); robot.disconnect(); // shutdown and ge tout Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; int successes = 0, failures = 0; int action; bool exitOnFailure = true; ArSerialConnection con; ArRobot robot; //ArLog::init(ArLog::StdOut, ArLog::Verbose); srand(time(NULL)); robot.runAsync(false); // if (!exitOnFailure) // ArLog::init(ArLog::None, ArLog::Terse); //else //ArLog::init(ArLog::None); while (1) { if (con.getStatus() != ArDeviceConnection::STATUS_OPEN && (ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); ++failures; if (exitOnFailure) { printf("Failed\n"); exit(0); } else { ArUtil::sleep(200); robot.unlock(); continue; } } robot.lock(); robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep((rand() % 5) * 100); if (robot.asyncConnect()) { robot.waitForConnectOrConnFail(); robot.lock(); if (!robot.isConnected()) { if (exitOnFailure) { printf("Failed after %d tries.\n", successes); exit(0); } printf("Failed to connect successfully"); ++failures; } robot.comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 0); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); //robot.comInt(ArCommands::PLAYLIST, 0); robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENCODER, 1); ArUtil::sleep(((rand() % 20) + 3) * 100); ++successes; // okay, now try to leave it in a messed up state action = rand() % 8; robot.dropConnection(); switch (action) { case 0: printf("Discon 0 "); robot.disconnect(); ArUtil::sleep(100);; break; case 1: printf("Discon 1 "); robot.disconnect(); ArUtil::sleep(100);; ArUtil::sleep(100);; break; case 2: printf("Discon 2 "); robot.disconnect(); ArUtil::sleep(100);; ArUtil::sleep(100);; ArUtil::sleep(100);; break; case 3: printf("Discon 10 "); robot.disconnect(); ArUtil::sleep(100);; break; case 4: printf("Discon "); robot.disconnect(); break; default: printf("Leave "); break; } robot.unlock(); } else { if (exitOnFailure) { printf("Failed after %d tries.\n", successes); exit(0); } printf("Failed to start connect "); ++failures; } if ((rand() % 2) == 0) { printf(" ! RadioDisconnect ! "); con.write("|||\15", strlen("!!!\15")); ArUtil::sleep(100); con.write("WMD\15", strlen("WMD\15")); ArUtil::sleep(200); } if ((rand() % 2) == 0) { printf(" ! ClosePort !\n"); con.close(); } else printf("\n"); printf("#### %d successes %d failures, %% %.2f success\n", successes, failures, (float)successes/(float)(successes+failures)*100); ArUtil::sleep((rand() % 2)* 1000); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; std::string str; // the serial connection (robot) ArSerialConnection serConn; // tcp connection (sim) ArTcpConnection tcpConn; // the robot ArRobot robot; // the laser ArSick sick; // the laser connection ArSerialConnection laserCon; bool useSimForLaser = false; std::string hostname = ""; // timeouts in minutes int wanderTime = 0; int restTime = 0; // check arguments if (argc == 3 || argc == 4) { wanderTime = atoi(argv[1]); restTime = atoi(argv[2]); if (argc == 4) hostname = argv[3]; } else { printf("\nUsage:\n\tpeoplebotTest <wanderTime> <restTime> <hostname>\n\n"); printf("Times are in minutes. Hostname is the machine to pipe the ACTS display to\n\n"); wanderTime = 15; restTime = 45; } printf("Wander time - %d minutes\nRest time - %d minutes\n", wanderTime, restTime); printf("Sending display to %s.\n\n", hostname.c_str()); // sonar, must be added to the robot ArSonarDevice sonar; // the actions we'll use to wander ArActionStallRecover recover; ArActionBumpers bumpers; ArActionAvoidFront avoidFrontNear("Avoid Front Near", 225, 0); ArActionAvoidFront avoidFrontFar; // Make a key handler, so that escape will shut down the program // cleanly ArKeyHandler keyHandler; // mandatory init Aria::init(); // Add the key handler to Aria so other things can find it Aria::setKeyHandler(&keyHandler); // Attach the key handler to a robot now, so that it actually gets // some processing time so it can work, this will also make escape // exit robot.attachKeyHandler(&keyHandler); // First we see if we can open the tcp connection, if we can we'll // assume we're connecting to the sim, and just go on... if we // can't open the tcp it means the sim isn't there, so just try the // robot // modify this next line if you're not using default tcp connection tcpConn.setPort(); // see if we can get to the simulator (true is success) if (tcpConn.openSimple()) { // we could get to the sim, so set the robots device connection to the sim printf("Connecting to simulator through tcp.\n"); robot.setDeviceConnection(&tcpConn); } else { // we couldn't get to the sim, so set the port on the serial // connection and then set the serial connection as the robots // device // modify the next line if you're not using the first serial port // to talk to your robot serConn.setPort(); printf( "Could not connect to simulator, connecting to robot through serial.\n"); robot.setDeviceConnection(&serConn); } // add the sonar to the robot robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); // add the laser robot.addRangeDevice(&sick); // try to connect, if we fail exit if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // turn on the motors, turn off amigobot sounds //robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); // turn off the sonar to start with robot.comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 0); // add the actions robot.addAction(&recover, 100); robot.addAction(&bumpers, 75); robot.addAction(&avoidFrontNear, 50); robot.addAction(&avoidFrontFar, 49); // start the robot running, true so that if we lose connection the run stops robot.runAsync(true); if (!useSimForLaser) { sick.setDeviceConnection(&laserCon); if ((ret ="/dev/ttyS2")) != 0) { str = tcpConn.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } sick.configureShort(false); } else { sick.configureShort(true); } sick.runAsync(); if (!sick.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to SICK laser... exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } robot.lock(); robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); robot.unlock(); // add the peoplebot test PeoplebotTest pbTest(&robot, wanderTime, restTime, hostname); robot.waitForRunExit(); // now exit Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct settings robot_settings; robot_settings.min_distance = 500; robot_settings.max_velocity = 500; robot_settings.tracking_factor = 1.0; ArRobot robot; Aria::init(); //laser int ret; //Don't know what this variable is for ArSick sick; // Laser scanner ArSerialConnection laserCon; // Scanner connection std::string str; // Standard output // sonar, must be added to the robot ArSonarDevice sonar; // add the sonar to the robot robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); // add the laser to the robot robot.addRangeDevice(&sick); ArArgumentParser argParser(&argc, argv); ArSimpleConnector con(&argParser); // the connection handler from above ConnHandler ch(&robot); if(!Aria::parseArgs()) { Aria::logOptions(); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } if(!con.connectRobot(&robot)) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "directMotionExample: Could not connect to the robot. Exiting."); return 1; } ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "directMotionExample: Connected."); robot.runAsync(false); /////////////////////////////// // Attempt to connect to SICK using another hard-coded USB connection sick.setDeviceConnection(&laserCon); if(("/dev/ttyUSB1")) !=0){ //If connection fails, shutdown Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } //Configure the SICK sick.configureShort(false,/*not using sim*/ArSick::BAUD38400,ArSick::DEGREES180,ArSick::INCREMENT_HALF); //Run the sick sick.runAsync(); // Presumably test to make sure that the connection is good if(!sick.blockingConnect()){ printf("Could not get sick...exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } printf("We are connected to the laser!"); printf("\r\nRobot Entering default resting state.\r\nUse the following commands to run the robot.\r\n"); printf("r Run the robot\r\n"); printf("s Stop the robot\r\n"); printf("t Enter test mode (the robot will do everything except actually move.\r\n"); printf("w Save current data to files, and show a plot of what the robot sees.\r\n"); printf("e Edit robot control parameters\r\n"); printf("q Quit the program\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); printf("\r\n"); printf("NOTE: You must have GNUPLOT installed on your computer, and create a directory entitled 'scan_data' under your current directory in order to use this script. Failure to do so might make the computer crash, which would cause the robot to go on a mad killing spree! Not really, but seriously, go ahead and get GNUPLOT and create that subdirectory before using the 'w' option.\r\n\r\n"); ///////////////////////////////////// char user_command = 0; char plot_option = 0; int robot_state = REST; tracking_object target; tracking_object l_target; ofstream fobjects; ofstream ftarget; ofstream flog; ofstream fltarget;"./scan_data/objects_new.txt");"./scan_data/target_new.txt");"./scan_data/ltarget_new.txt"); fobjects << "\r\n"; ftarget << "\r\n"; fltarget << "\r\n"; fobjects.close(); ftarget.close(); fltarget.close();"robot_log.txt"); std::vector<tracking_object> obj_vector; std::vector<tracking_object> new_vector; float last_v = 0; ArTime start; char test_flag = 0; char target_lost = 0; while(user_command != 'q') { switch (user_command) { case STOP: robot_state = REST; printf("robot has entered resting mode\r\n"); break; case RUN: robot_state = TRACKING; printf("robot has entered tracking mode\r\n"); break; case QUIT: robot_state = -1; printf("exiting... goodbye.\r\n"); break; case WRITE: plot_option = WRITE; break; case NO_WRITE: plot_option = NO_WRITE; break; case TEST: if(test_flag == TEST) { test_flag = 0; printf("Exiting test mode\r\n"); } else { test_flag = TEST; printf("Entering test mode\r\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); } break; case EDIT: edit_settings(&robot_settings); break; default: robot_state = robot_state; } unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int num_objects = 0; int to_ind = -1; float min_distance = 999999.9; float new_heading = 0; system("mv ./scan_data/objects_new.txt ./scan_data/objects.txt"); system("mv ./scan_data/target_new.txt ./scan_data/target.txt"); system("mv ./scan_data/ltarget_new.txt ./scan_data/ltarget.txt");"./scan_data/objects_new.txt");"./scan_data/target_new.txt");"./scan_data/ltarget_new.txt"); switch (robot_state) { case REST: robot.lock(); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); obj_vector = run_sick_scan(&sick, 2, plot_option); target_lost = 0; num_objects = obj_vector.size(); if(num_objects > 0) { for(i = 0; i < num_objects; i++) { print_object_to_stream(obj_vector[i], fobjects); } } break; case TRACKING: flog << "TRACKING\r\n"; obj_vector = get_moving_objects(&sick, 2*DT, 10, plot_option); num_objects = obj_vector.size(); target_lost = 0; if(min_range(&sick, 45, 135) > ROBOT_SAFETY_MARGIN) { if(num_objects) { for(i = 0; i < obj_vector.size();i++) { print_object_to_stream(obj_vector[i], fobjects); if(obj_vector[i].vmag > 0.1) { if(obj_vector[i].distance < min_distance) { min_distance = obj_vector[i].distance; target = obj_vector[i]; to_ind = i; } } } if(to_ind > -1) { int l_edge = target.l_edge; int r_edge = target.r_edge; float difference = 9999999.9; // Do another scan to make sure the object is actually there. new_vector = get_moving_objects(&sick, DT, 10, 0, 5, 175); num_objects = new_vector.size(); to_ind = -1; if(num_objects) { for(i = 0; i < num_objects;i++) { if(new_vector[i].vmag > 0.1) { if(r_diff(target, new_vector[i])<difference) { difference = r_diff(target, new_vector[i]); if(difference < 500.0) to_ind = i; } } } } if(to_ind > -1) { new_heading = (-90 + new_vector[to_ind].degree); if(test_flag != TEST) { robot.lock(); robot.setDeltaHeading(new_heading); robot.unlock(); } robot_state = FOLLOWING; target = new_vector[to_ind]; = - new_heading; print_object_to_stream(target, ftarget); print_object_to_stream(target, flog); flog << new_heading; } } } } else { robot_state = TOO_CLOSE; printf("I'm too close to an obstacle, and I'm getting claustrophobic! I'm going to slowly back up now.\r\n"); } break; case FOLLOWING: { flog << "FOLLOWING\r\n"; i = 0; int to_ind = -1; float obj_difference = 9999999.9; int num_scans = 0; if(min_range(&sick, 45, 135) > ROBOT_SAFETY_MARGIN) { while((num_scans < 3)&&(to_ind == -1)) { obj_vector = run_sick_scan(&sick, 2, 0, 10, 350); num_objects = obj_vector.size(); if(num_objects) { for(i = 0; i < num_objects;i++) { if(r_diff(target, obj_vector[i]) < obj_difference) { obj_difference = r_diff(target, obj_vector[i]); if (obj_difference < 500.0) to_ind = i; } } for(i = 0; i < num_objects;i++) { if((int)i == to_ind) { print_object_to_stream(obj_vector[i], ftarget); } else { print_object_to_stream(obj_vector[i], fobjects); } } } num_scans++; } float new_vel = 0; if(to_ind > -1) { printf("Tracking target\r\n"); flog << "Following target\t"; target_lost = 0; target = obj_vector[to_ind]; new_vel = (obj_vector[to_ind].distance - robot_settings.min_distance)*robot_settings.tracking_factor; if(new_vel < 0) new_vel = 0; if(new_vel > robot_settings.max_velocity) new_vel = robot_settings.max_velocity; new_heading = (-90 +*0.25; new_heading = get_safe_path(&sick, new_heading, target.distance); if(test_flag != TEST) { robot.lock(); robot.setVel(new_vel); robot.unlock(); last_v = new_vel; robot.lock(); robot.setDeltaHeading(new_heading); robot.unlock(); = - new_heading; } if(new_vel < 1.0) { robot_state = TRACKING; printf("entering tracking mode\r\n"); flog<<"entering tracking mode\r\n"; } } else { if(target_lost) { l_target.distance = l_target.distance - last_v*(start.mSecSince()/1000.0); int temp_max_v = min_range(&sick, 5, 175); if(temp_max_v < last_v) last_v = temp_max_v; if(last_v > robot_settings.max_velocity) last_v = robot_settings.max_velocity; if(test_flag != TEST) { robot.lock(); robot.setVel(last_v); robot.unlock(); new_heading = -90.0 +; new_heading = get_safe_path(&sick, new_heading, l_target.distance); = - new_heading; robot.lock(); robot.setDeltaHeading(new_heading); robot.unlock(); } print_object_to_stream(l_target, fltarget); } else { target_lost = 1; l_target = target; } printf("target lost\r\n"); flog << "target lost\r\n"; start.setToNow(); if(target.distance < ROBOT_SAFETY_MARGIN) { robot_state = TRACKING; target_lost = 0; } target_lost = 1; } printf("Velocity: %f\t",last_v); flog << "Velocity:\t"; flog << last_v; printf("Heading: %f\t",new_heading); flog << "\tHeading\t"; flog << new_heading; flog << "\r\n"; printf("\r\n"); } else { robot_state = TOO_CLOSE; printf("I'm too close to an obstacle, and I'm getting claustrophobic! I'm going to slowly back up now.\r\n"); } break; } case TOO_CLOSE: { flog << "Too close\r\n"; if(min_range(&sick, 45, 135) > (ROBOT_SAFETY_MARGIN + 100)) { robot_state = TRACKING; printf("I feel better now! I'm going to reenter tracking mode.\r\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); } else { if(test_flag != TEST) { printf("Backing up...\r\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(-50); robot.unlock(); } } break; } } fobjects.close(); ftarget.close(); fltarget.close(); if(plot_option == WRITE) { system("./scan_data/ >/dev/null"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Everything past this point is code to grab the user input user_command = 0; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; int retval; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(0, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 100; retval = select(1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if(retval == -1) perror("select()"); else if(retval) { cin >> user_command; printf("input detected from user\r\n"); } plot_option = NO_WRITE; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } flog.close(); Aria::shutdown(); printf("Shutting down"); return 0; }
int main(void) { ArSerialConnection con; ArRobot robot; int ret; std::string str; ArActionLimiterForwards limiter("speed limiter near", 225, 600, 250); ArActionLimiterForwards limiterFar("speed limiter far", 225, 1100, 400); ArActionTableSensorLimiter tableLimiter; ArActionLimiterBackwards backwardsLimiter; ArActionConstantVelocity stop("stop", 0); ArSonarDevice sonar; ArACTS_1_2 acts; ArPTZ *ptz; ptz = new ArVCC4(&robot, true); ArGripper gripper(&robot); Acquire acq(&acts, &gripper); DriveTo driveTo(&acts, &gripper, ptz); DropOff dropOff(&acts, &gripper, ptz); PickUp pickUp(&acts, &gripper, ptz); TakeBlockToWall takeBlock(&robot, &gripper, ptz, &acq, &driveTo, &pickUp, &dropOff, &tableLimiter); if (!acts.openPort(&robot)) { printf("Could not connect to acts, exiting\n"); exit(0); } Aria::init(); robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); //con.setBaud(38400); if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } ptz->init(); ArUtil::sleep(8000); printf("### 2222\n"); ptz->panTilt(0, -40); printf("### whee\n"); ArUtil::sleep(8000); robot.setAbsoluteMaxTransVel(400); robot.setStateReflectionRefreshTime(250); robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); ArUtil::sleep(200); robot.addAction(&tableLimiter, 100); robot.addAction(&limiter, 99); robot.addAction(&limiterFar, 98); robot.addAction(&backwardsLimiter, 97); robot.addAction(&acq, 77); robot.addAction(&driveTo, 76); robot.addAction(&pickUp, 75); robot.addAction(&dropOff, 74); robot.addAction(&stop, 30);; Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // this is how long to wait after there's been no data to close the // connection.. if its 0 and its using robot it'll set it to 5000 (5 // seconds), if its 0 and using laser, it'll set it to 60000 (60 // seconds, which is needed if the sick driver is controlling power int timeout = 0; // true will print out packets as they come and go, false won't bool tracePackets = false; // The socket objects ArSocket masterSock, clientSock; // The connections ArTcpConnection clientConn; ArSerialConnection robotConn; // the receivers, first for the robot ArRobotPacketReceiver clientRec(&clientConn); ArRobotPacketReceiver robotRec(&robotConn); // then for the laser ArSickPacketReceiver clientSickRec(&clientConn, 0, false, true); ArSickPacketReceiver robotSickRec(&robotConn); // how about a packet ArBasePacket *packet; // our timer for how often we test the client ArTime lastClientTest; ArTime lastData; // where we're forwarding from and to int portNumber; const char *portName; // if we're using the robot or the laser bool useRobot; if (argc == 1) { printf("Using robot and port 8101 and serial connection %s, by default.\n", ArUtil::COM1); useRobot = true; portNumber = 8101; portName = ArUtil::COM1; } else if (argc == 2) { // if laser isn't the last arg, somethings wrong if (strcmp(argv[1], "laser") != 0) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } useRobot = false; portNumber = 8102; portName = ArUtil::COM3; printf("Using laser and port %d and serial connection %s, by command line arguments.\n", portNumber, portName); printf("(Note: Requests to change BAUD rate cannot be fulfilled; use 9600 rate only.)\n"); } else if (argc == 3) { if ((portNumber = atoi(argv[1])) <= 0) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } portName = argv[2]; printf("Using robot and port %d and serial connection %s, by command line arguments.\n", portNumber, portName); } else if (argc == 4) { if ((portNumber = atoi(argv[1])) <= 0) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } // if laser isn't the last arg, somethings wrong if (strcmp(argv[3], "laser") != 0) { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } useRobot = false; portName = argv[2]; printf("Using laser and port %d and serial connection %s, by command line arguments.\n", portNumber, portName); printf("(Note: Requests to change BAUD rate cannot be fulfilled; use 9600 rate only.)\n"); } else { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } if (timeout == 0 && useRobot) timeout = 5000; else if (timeout == 0) timeout = 60000; // Initialize Aria. For Windows, this absolutely must be done. Because // Windows does not initialize the socket layer for each program. Each // program must initialize the sockets itself. Aria::init(Aria::SIGHANDLE_NONE); // Lets open the master socket if (, ArSocket::TCP)) printf("Opened the master port at %d\n", portNumber); else { printf("Failed to open the master port at %d: %s\n", portNumber, masterSock.getErrorStr().c_str()); return -1; } // just go forever while (1) { // Lets wait for the client to connect to us. if (masterSock.accept(&clientSock)) printf("Client has connected\n"); else printf("Error in accepting a connection from the client: %s\n", masterSock.getErrorStr().c_str()); // now set up our connection so our packet receivers work clientConn.setSocket(&clientSock); clientConn.setStatus(ArDeviceConnection::STATUS_OPEN); lastClientTest.setToNow(); lastData.setToNow(); // open up the robot port if ( != 0) { printf("Could not open robot port %s.\n", portName); return -1; } // while we're open, just read from one port and write to the other while (clientSock.getFD() >= 0) { // get our packet if (useRobot) packet = clientRec.receivePacket(1); else packet = clientSickRec.receivePacket(1); // see if we had one if (packet != NULL) { if (tracePackets) { printf("Client "); packet->log(); } robotConn.writePacket(packet); lastData.setToNow(); } // get our packet if (useRobot) packet = robotRec.receivePacket(1); else packet = robotSickRec.receivePacket(1); // see if we had one if (packet != NULL) { if (tracePackets) { printf("Robot "); packet->log(); } clientConn.writePacket(packet); lastData.setToNow(); } ArUtil::sleep(1); // If no datas gone by in timeout ms assume our connection is broken if (lastData.mSecSince() > timeout) { printf("No data received in %d milliseconds, closing connection.\n", timeout); clientConn.close(); } } // Now lets close the connection to the client clientConn.close(); printf("Socket to client closed\n"); robotConn.close(); } // And lets close the master port masterSock.close(); printf("Master socket closed and program exiting\n"); // Uninitialize Aria Aria::uninit(); // All done return(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; std::string str; ArSerialConnection con; double dist, angle; std::list<ArPoseWithTime *> *readings; std::list<ArPoseWithTime *>::iterator it; double farDist, farAngle; bool found; ArGlobalFunctor failedConnectCB(&failedConnect); Aria::init(); sick = new ArSick; // open the connection, if it fails, exit if ((ret ="/dev/ttyS2")) != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } sick->configure(false); sick->setDeviceConnection(&con); sick->setFilterNearDist(0); sick->setMinRange(0); sick->addFailedConnectCB(&failedConnectCB, ArListPos::FIRST); sick->runAsync(); ArUtil::sleep(100); sick->lockDevice(); sick->asyncConnect(); sick->unlockDevice(); while (!sick->isConnected()) ArUtil::sleep(100); printf("Connected\n"); // while (sick->isConnected()) int times = 0; while (sick->getRunning()) { //dist = sick->getCurrentBuffer().getClosestPolar(-90, 90, ArPose(0, 0), 30000, &angle); sick->lockDevice(); dist = sick->currentReadingPolar(-90, 90, &angle); if (dist < sick->getMaxRange()) printf("Closest reading %.2f mm away at %.2f degrees\n", dist, angle); else printf("No close reading.\n"); readings = sick->getCurrentBuffer(); int i = 0; for (it = readings->begin(), found = false; it != readings->end(); it++) { i++; dist = (*it)->findDistanceTo(ArPose(0, 0)); angle = (*it)->findAngleTo(ArPose(0, 0)); if (!found || dist > farDist) { found = true; farDist = dist; farAngle = angle; } } if (found) printf("Furthest reading %.2f mm away at %.2f degrees\n", farDist, farAngle); else printf("No far reading found.\n"); printf("%d readings\n\n", i); sick->unlockDevice(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } sick->lockDevice(); sick->stopRunning(); sick->disconnect(); sick->unlockDevice(); system("echo 'succeeded' >> results"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; //Don't know what this variable is for ArRobot robot;// Robot object ArSick sick; // Laser scanner ArSerialConnection laserCon; // Scanner connection ArSerialConnection con; // Robot connection std::string str; // Standard output // sonar, must be added to the robot ArSonarDevice sonar; // the actions we'll use to wander // recover from stalls ArActionStallRecover recover; // react to bumpers ArActionBumpers bumpers; // limiter for close obstacles ArActionLimiterForwards limiter("speed limiter near", 300, 600, 250, 1.1); // limiter for far away obstacles ArActionLimiterForwards limiterFar("speed limiter far", 300, 1100, 600, 1.1); // limiter for the table sensors ArActionLimiterTableSensor tableLimiter; // actually move the robot ArActionConstantVelocity constantVelocity("Constant Velocity", 400); // turn the orbot if its slowed down ArActionTurn turn; // mandatory init Aria::init(); // Parse all our args ArSimpleConnector connector(&argc, argv); connector.parseArgs(); if (argc > 1) { connector.logOptions(); exit(1); } // add the sonar to the robot robot.addRangeDevice(&sonar); // add the laser to the robot robot.addRangeDevice(&sick); // NOTE: HARDCODED USB PORT! // Attempt to open hard-coded USB to robot if ((ret ="/dev/ttyUSB2")) != 0){ // If connection fails, exit str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // set the robot to use the given connection robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); // do a blocking connect, if it fails exit if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { printf("Could not connect to robot... exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // turn on the motors, turn off amigobot sounds //robot.comInt(ArCommands::SONAR, 0); robot.comInt(ArCommands::SOUNDTOG, 0); // start the robot running, true so that if we lose connection the run stops robot.runAsync(true); // Attempt to connect to SICK using another hard-coded USB connection sick.setDeviceConnection(&laserCon); if(("/dev/ttyUSB3")) !=0) { //If connection fails, shutdown Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } //Configure the SICK sick.configureShort(false,/*not using sim*/ArSick::BAUD38400,ArSick::DEGREES180,ArSick::INCREMENT_HALF); //Run the sick sick.runAsync(); // Presumably test to make sure that the connection is good if(!sick.blockingConnect()){ printf("Could not get sick...exiting\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } printf("We are connected to the laser!"); /* robot.lock(); robot.comInt(ArCommands::ENABLE, 1); robot.unlock(); */ int range [361] = {0}; int drange [360] = {0}; int i = 0; int obj_range [2]; int old_range [360]={0}; clock_t now, prev; while(1){ range [361] = {0}; drange [360] = {0}; i = 0; obj_range[2]; std::list<ArSensorReading *> *readings; std::list<ArSensorReading *>::iterator it; sick.lockDevice(); readings=(list<ArSensorReading *,allocator<ArSensorReading *> > *)sick.getRawReadings(); if(NULL!=readings){ if ((readings->end() != readings->begin())){ for (it = readings->begin(); it!= readings->end(); it++){ // std::cout << (*it)->getRange()<<" "; range[i] = ((*it)->getRange()); if(i){ drange[i-1] = range[i] - range[i-1]; printf("%f %i %i\r\n", (float)i/2.0, range[i], drange[i-1]); } i++; } int i = 0; //detect the object range while (i < 360) { if (range[i]>Default_Distance + alpha) { ; } else { if (obj_range[0]=0) obj_range[0]=i; else obj_range[1]=i; } } if (!now) prev=now; now=clock(); duration=now-prev; /******moving straight*******/ float speed = avg_speed(obj_range,old_range,range,(float)duration) /*while(i < 360){ int r_edge = 0; int l_edge = 0; float obsticle_degree = 0; if(drange[i] > D_DISTANCE){ r_edge = i; while(drange[i] > -(D_DISTANCE)){ i++; } l_edge = i; obsticle_degree = (r_edge + (l_edge - r_edge)/2.0)/2.0; printf("\r\n object detected at %f\r\n", obsticle_degree); } std::cout<<std::endl; }*/ } else{ std::cout << "(readings->end() == readings -> begin())" << std::endl; } } else{
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; std::string str; ArSerialConnection con; ArSickPacket sick; ArSickPacket *packet; ArSickPacketReceiver receiver(&con); ArTime start; unsigned int value; int numReadings; ArTime lastReading; ArTime packetTime; start.setToNow(); // open the connection, if it fails, exit if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } start.setToNow(); printf("Waiting for laser to power on\n"); sick.empty(); sick.uByteToBuf(0x10); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); while (start.secSince() < 70 && ((packet = receiver.receivePacket(100)) == NULL || (packet->getID() != 0x90))); if (packet != NULL) printf("Laser powered on\n"); else exit(1); printf("Changing baud\n"); sick.empty(); sick.byteToBuf(0x20); sick.byteToBuf(0x40); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); ArUtil::sleep(10); if (!con.setBaud(38400)) { printf("Could not set baud, exiting\n"); } /*packet = receiver.receivePacket(100); if (packet != NULL) packet->log(); */ sick.empty(); sick.uByteToBuf(0x3B); sick.uByte2ToBuf(180); sick.uByte2ToBuf(100); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); packet = receiver.receivePacket(100); if (packet != NULL) packet->log(); sick.empty(); sick.byteToBuf(0x20); sick.byteToBuf(0x24); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); packet = receiver.receivePacket(100); if (packet != NULL) packet->log(); printf("Starting to report back from port, it took %ld ms to get here:\n", start.mSecSince()); start.setToNow(); while (start.secSince() < 6) { packetTime.setToNow(); packet = receiver.receivePacket(); if (packet != NULL) printf("####### %ld ms was how long the packet took\n", packetTime.mSecSince()); if (packet != NULL) { if (packet->getLength() < 10) packet->log(); else if (packet->getID() == 0x90) { char strBuf[512]; packet->log(); //printf("%x\n", packet->bufToUByte()); packet->bufToStr(strBuf, 512); printf("0x%x %s\n", packet->getID(), strBuf); sick.empty(); sick.uByteToBuf(0x3B); sick.uByte2ToBuf(180); sick.uByte2ToBuf(100); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); packet = receiver.receivePacket(100); sick.empty(); sick.uByteToBuf(0x20); sick.uByteToBuf(0x24); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); } else { value = packet->bufToUByte2(); numReadings = value & 0x3ff; printf("%ld ms after last reading.\n", lastReading.mSecSince()); /* printf("Reading number %d, complete %d, unit: %d %d:\n", value & 0x3ff, !(bool)(value & ArUtil::BIT13), (bool)(value & ArUtil::BIT14), (bool)(value & ArUtil::BIT15)); for (i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) { value = packet->bufToUByte2(); if (value & ArUtil::BIT13) printf("D"); printf("%d ", value & 0x1fff); } printf("\n"); */ lastReading.setToNow(); } } else { //printf("No packet\n"); } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; std::string str; ArSerialConnection con; const std::list<ArSensorReading *> *readings; std::list<ArSensorReading *>::const_iterator it; int i; ArGlobalFunctor failedConnectCB(&failedConnect); Aria::init(); sick = new ArSick; // open the connection, if it fails, exit if ((ret ="/dev/ttyS2")) != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } sick->configure(false); sick->setDeviceConnection(&con); sick->addFailedConnectCB(&failedConnectCB, ArListPos::FIRST); sick->runAsync(); ArUtil::sleep(100); sick->lockDevice(); sick->asyncConnect(); sick->unlockDevice(); while (!sick->isConnected()) ArUtil::sleep(100); printf("Connected\n"); // while (sick->isConnected()) while (1) { //dist = sick->getCurrentBuffer().getClosestPolar(-90, 90, ArPose(0, 0), 30000, &angle); sick->lockDevice(); if (!sick->getRunning() || !sick->isConnected()) { break; } printf("\r"); readings = sick->getRawReadings(); if (readings != NULL) { for (i = 0, it = readings->begin(); it != readings->end(); it++, i++) { if (abs(i - readings->size()/2) < 3) printf("(%.2f %d) ", (*it)->getSensorTh(), (*it)->getRange()); } } // switch the commenting in out of the fflush and the // printf("\n"); if you want to print on the same line or have it // scrolling fflush(stdout); //printf("\n"); sick->unlockDevice(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } sick->lockDevice(); sick->stopRunning(); sick->disconnect(); sick->unlockDevice(); return 0; }