void StarSeemTest::star_external_ffem() { QFETCH(QString, data); AudioBuffer c; QVERIFY2(c.read(data), ("Failed reading test wave; " + data).toUtf8().data()); /*=== WORLD による分析 ===*/ int timeLength = GetSamplesForDIO(c.format().sampleRate(), c.length(), msFramePeriod); int fftLength = GetFFTSizeForStar(c.format().sampleRate()); double *f0 = new double[timeLength]; double *t = new double[timeLength]; double **specgram = new double*[timeLength]; specgram[0] = new double[timeLength * (fftLength / 2 + 1)]; for(int i = 1; i < timeLength; i++) { specgram[i] = specgram[0] + i * (fftLength / 2 + 1); } Dio(c.data()[0], c.length(), c.format().sampleRate(), msFramePeriod, t, f0); Star(c.data()[0], c.length(), c.format().sampleRate(), msFramePeriod, f0, timeLength, specgram); /*=== WORLD による分析ここまで ===*/ /*=== StarSeem による分析 === */ Envelope *e = new Envelope; QVERIFY2(DioFfem().estimate(e, c.data()[0], c.length(), c.format().sampleRate(), msFramePeriod), "Failed dio FFEM"); // Envelope が正しいか確認する for(int i = 0; i < e->size(); i++) { QVERIFY2(e->value(i) == f0[i], "Error; invalid f0 envelope"); } Specgram *testset = new Specgram; QVERIFY2(StarSeem(e).estimate(testset, c.data()[0], c.length(), fftLength, c.format().sampleRate(), msFramePeriod), "Failed STAR SEEM"); /*=== StarSeem による分析ここまで === */ // 比較開始 for(int t = 0; t < timeLength; t++) { for(int f = 0; f <= fftLength / 2; f++) { if(testset->value(t, f) != specgram[t][f]) { QString s; s = "t = " + QString::number(t) + ", f = " + QString::number(f); s += " actual :" + QString::number(testset->value(t, f)) + " , expceted :" + QString::number(specgram[t][f]); // WORLD 自体は同じだから値が全く同じでないとおかしい。 QFAIL(("Error ;" + s).toUtf8().data()); } } } delete[] specgram[0]; delete[] specgram; delete[] t; delete[] f0; }
void AudioBuffer::convert(const AudioSpec &_new_spec) { if(_new_spec == m_spec) { return; } AudioSpec new_spec = _new_spec; AudioBuffer dest[2]; unsigned bufidx = 0; AudioBuffer *source = this; if(source->rate() != new_spec.rate) { #if HAVE_LIBSAMPLERATE if(source->format() != AUDIO_FORMAT_F32) { dest[1].set_spec({AUDIO_FORMAT_F32, source->channels(), source->rate()}); source->convert_format(dest[1], source->frames()); source = &dest[1]; } dest[0].set_spec({source->format(), source->channels(), new_spec.rate}); source->convert_rate(dest[0], source->frames(), nullptr); source = &dest[0]; bufidx = 1; #else new_spec.rate = source->rate(); #endif } if(source->channels() != new_spec.channels) { dest[bufidx].set_spec({source->format(),new_spec.channels,source->rate()}); source->convert_channels(dest[bufidx], source->frames()); source = &dest[bufidx]; bufidx = (bufidx + 1) % 2; } if(source->format() != new_spec.format) { dest[bufidx].set_spec({new_spec.format,source->channels(),source->rate()}); source->convert_format(dest[bufidx], source->frames()); source = &dest[bufidx]; } if(new_spec != m_spec) { m_data = source->m_data; m_spec = new_spec; } }
void AudioBuffer::convert_format(AudioBuffer &_dest, unsigned _frames_count) { AudioSpec destspec{_dest.format(), m_spec.channels, m_spec.rate}; if(_dest.spec() != destspec) { throw std::logic_error("destination must have same channels and rate"); } _frames_count = std::min(frames(),_frames_count); if(m_spec.format == destspec.format) { _dest.add_frames(*this,_frames_count); return; } const unsigned samples_count = m_spec.frames_to_samples(_frames_count); std::vector<uint8_t> buffer, *data=&buffer; switch(m_spec.format) { case AUDIO_FORMAT_U8: u8_to_f32(m_data, buffer, samples_count); break; case AUDIO_FORMAT_S16: s16_to_f32(m_data, buffer, samples_count); break; case AUDIO_FORMAT_F32: data = &m_data; break; default: throw std::logic_error("unsupported source format"); } switch(destspec.format) { case AUDIO_FORMAT_S16: f32_to_s16(*data, _dest.m_data, samples_count); break; case AUDIO_FORMAT_F32: _dest.m_data.swap(buffer); break; default: throw std::logic_error("unsupported destination format"); } }