void test_send_with_video() { char *ident = (char *)malloc(128); strncpy(ident, "TEST", 128); VideoFeedClient *vclient = NULL; AuthenticationClient *auth = new AuthenticationClient(ahost, aport, std::string(ident)); try { auth->authenticate(); } catch (ConnectionError& ex) { std::cout << "Unable to connect to Firefly server" << std::endl; throw; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Unknown error" << std::endl; throw; } if (auth->is_authenticated()) { vclient = new VideoFeedClient(auth->get_dyn_receiver_host(), auth->get_receiver_port(), auth->get_token()); LeptonCamera *lep = new LeptonCamera(); LeptonCameraContainer *lpc = new LeptonCameraContainer(lep); while (true) { lpc->getNextFrame(); cv::Mat frame = lpc->getLatestFrame(); vclient->send_frame(frame); cv::imshow("Lepton", frame); cv::waitKey(1); // break; } } getchar(); delete auth; delete vclient; }
void test_sending() { char *ident = (char *)malloc(128); strncpy(ident, "TEST", 128); VideoFeedClient *vclient = NULL; AuthenticationClient *auth = new AuthenticationClient(ahost, aport, std::string(ident)); try { auth->authenticate(); } catch (ConnectionError ex) { std::cout << "Unable to authenticate" << std::endl; throw; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Unknown error" << std::endl; throw; } if (auth->is_authenticated()) { vclient = new VideoFeedClient(auth->get_dyn_receiver_host(), auth->get_receiver_port(), auth->get_token()); try { std::stringstream test; test << auth->get_token(); test << '\x00'; test << 1 << '\x00' << 1 << '\x00' << 1 << '\x00'; test << "frame"; std::string _test = test.str(); char *to_send = (char *)malloc(_test.length()+1); memcpy(to_send, _test.c_str(), _test.length()+1); std::cout << "Sending frame... "; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _test.length(); i++) std::cout << (int)_test.at(i) << " "; std::cout << " done" << std::endl; vclient->send_bytes(to_send, _test.length()+1); std::cout << "Frame apparently sent" << std::endl; } catch (...) { throw; } } getchar(); delete auth; delete vclient; }