コード例 #1
void CMelee::Impulse(const Vec3 &pt, const Vec3 &dir, const Vec3 &normal, IPhysicalEntity *pCollider, EntityId collidedEntityId, int partId, int ipart, int surfaceIdx, int hitTypeID, int iPrim)
	if (pCollider && m_pMeleeParams->meleeparams.impulse>0.001f)
		CActor* pOwnerActor = m_pWeapon->GetOwnerActor();
		const SPlayerMelee& meleeCVars = g_pGameCVars->pl_melee;
		const SMeleeParams& meleeParams = m_pMeleeParams->meleeparams;
		float impulse = meleeParams.impulse;
		bool aiShooter = pOwnerActor ? !pOwnerActor->IsPlayer() : true;
		bool delayImpulse = false;

		float impulseScale = 1.0f;
		//[kirill] add impulse to phys proxy - to make sure it's applied to cylinder as well (not only skeleton) - so that entity gets pushed
		// if no pEntity - do it old way
		IEntity * pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(collidedEntityId);
		IGameFramework* pGameFramework = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework();
		CActor* pTargetActor = static_cast<CActor*>(pGameFramework->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor(collidedEntityId));
		if (pEntity && pTargetActor)
			//If it's an entity, use the specific impulses if needed, and apply to physics proxy
			if ( meleeCVars.impulses_enable != SPlayerMelee::ei_Disabled )
				impulse = meleeParams.impulse_actor;

				bool aiTarget = !pTargetActor->IsPlayer();

				if (aiShooter && !aiTarget)
					float impulse_ai_to_player = GetImpulseAiToPlayer();
					if (impulse_ai_to_player != -1.f)
						impulse = impulse_ai_to_player;

				//Delay a bit on death actors, when switching from alive to death, impulses don't apply
				//I schedule an impulse here, to get rid off the ugly .lua code which was calculating impulses on its own
				if (pTargetActor->IsDead())
					if (meleeCVars.impulses_enable != SPlayerMelee::ei_OnlyToAlive)
						delayImpulse = true;
						const float actorCustomScale = 1.0f;

						impulseScale *= actorCustomScale;
						impulse = 0.0f;
				else if (meleeCVars.impulses_enable == SPlayerMelee::ei_OnlyToDead)
					// Always allow impulses for melee from AI to local player
					// [*DavidR | 27/Oct/2010] Not sure about this
					if (!(aiShooter && !aiTarget))
						impulse = 0.0f;
			else if (pGameFramework->GetIVehicleSystem()->GetVehicle(collidedEntityId))
				impulse = m_pMeleeParams->meleeparams.impulse_vehicle;
				impulseScale = 1.0f;

		const float fScaledImpulse = impulse * impulseScale;
		if (fScaledImpulse > 0.0f)
			if (!delayImpulse)
				m_collisionHelper.Impulse(pCollider, pt, dir * fScaledImpulse, partId, ipart, hitTypeID);
				//Force up impulse, to make the enemy fly a bit
				Vec3 newDir = (dir.z < 0.0f) ? Vec3(dir.x, dir.y, 0.1f) : dir;
				newDir.x *= fScaledImpulse;
				newDir.y *= fScaledImpulse;
				newDir.z *= impulse;

				if( pTargetActor )
					pe_action_impulse imp;
					imp.iApplyTime = 0;
					imp.impulse = newDir;
					//imp.ipart = ipart;
					imp.partid = partId;
					imp.point = pt;
					pTargetActor->GetImpulseHander()->SetOnRagdollPhysicalizedImpulse( imp );
					m_pWeapon->GetScheduler()->TimerAction(100, CSchedulerAction<DelayedImpulse>::Create(DelayedImpulse(*this, collidedEntityId, pt, newDir, partId, ipart, hitTypeID)), true);

		// scar bullet
		// m = 0.0125
		// v = 800
		// energy: 4000
		// in this case the mass of the active collider is a player part
		// so we must solve for v given the same energy as a scar bullet
		float speed = cry_sqrtf(4000.0f/(80.0f*0.5f)); // 80.0f is the mass of the player

		if( IRenderNode *pBrush = (IRenderNode*)pCollider->GetForeignData(PHYS_FOREIGN_ID_STATIC) )
			speed = 0.003f;

		m_collisionHelper.GenerateArtificialCollision(m_pWeapon->GetOwner(), pCollider, pt, normal, dir * speed, partId, ipart, surfaceIdx, iPrim);