コード例 #1
ファイル: Box2dTest.cpp プロジェクト: BigHand/cocos2d-x
void Box2DTestLayer::addNewSpriteWithCoords(CCPoint p)
	//UXLOG(L"Add sprite %0.2f x %02.f",p.x,p.y);
	CCSpriteBatchNode* sheet = (CCSpriteBatchNode*)getChildByTag(kTagSpriteManager);
	//We have a 64x64 sprite sheet with 4 different 32x32 images.  The following code is
	//just randomly picking one of the images
	int idx = (CCRANDOM_0_1() > .5 ? 0:1);
	int idy = (CCRANDOM_0_1() > .5 ? 0:1);
	CCSprite *sprite = sheet->createSpriteWithRect( CCRectMake(32 * idx,32 * idy,32,32));
	sprite->setPosition( CCPointMake( p.x, p.y) );
	// Define the dynamic body.
	//Set up a 1m squared box in the physics world
	b2BodyDef bodyDef;
	bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
	bodyDef.position.Set(p.x/PTM_RATIO, p.y/PTM_RATIO);
	bodyDef.userData = sprite;
	b2Body *body = world->CreateBody(&bodyDef);
	// Define another box shape for our dynamic body.
	b2PolygonShape dynamicBox;
	dynamicBox.SetAsBox(.5f, .5f);//These are mid points for our 1m box
	// Define the dynamic body fixture.
	b2FixtureDef fixtureDef;
	fixtureDef.shape = &dynamicBox;	
	fixtureDef.density = 1.0f;
	fixtureDef.friction = 0.3f;