bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderSPC::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { tag.SetLoaded(false); CFile file; if (!file.Open(strFileName)) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR,"MusicInfoTagLoaderSPC: failed to open SPC %s",strFileName.c_str()); return false; } tag.SetURL(strFileName); tag.SetLoaded(false); SPC_ID666* spc = SPC_get_id666FP(file); if (!spc) return false; if( strcmp(spc->songname,"") ) { tag.SetTitle(spc->songname); tag.SetLoaded(true); } if( strcmp(spc->author,"") && tag.Loaded() ) tag.SetArtist(spc->author); if (spc->playtime) tag.SetDuration(spc->playtime); else tag.SetDuration(4*60); // 4 mins free(spc); return tag.Loaded(); }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderSHN::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { try { // SHN has no tag information other than the duration. // Load our codec class SHNCodec codec; if (codec.Init(strFileName, 4096)) { tag.SetURL(strFileName); tag.SetDuration((int)((codec.m_TotalTime + 500)/ 1000)); tag.SetLoaded(false); codec.DeInit(); return true; } } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Tag loader ape: exception in file %s", strFileName.c_str()); } tag.SetLoaded(false); return false; }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderMod::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag, EmbeddedArt *art) { tag.SetURL(strFileName); // first, does the module have a .mdz? CStdString strMDZ(URIUtils::ReplaceExtension(strFileName,".mdz")); if (CFile::Exists(strMDZ)) { if (!getFile(strMDZ,strMDZ)) { tag.SetLoaded(false); return( false ); } ifstream inMDZ(CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePath(strMDZ.c_str())); char temp[8192]; char temp2[8192]; while (!inMDZ.eof()) { inMDZ.getline(temp,8191); if (strstr(temp,"COMPOSER")) { strcpy(temp2,temp+strlen("COMPOSER ")); tag.SetArtist(temp2); } else if (strstr(temp,"TITLE")) { strcpy(temp2,temp+strlen("TITLE ")); tag.SetTitle(temp2); tag.SetLoaded(true); } else if (strstr(temp,"PLAYTIME")) { char* temp3 = strtok(temp+strlen("PLAYTIME "),":"); int iSecs = atoi(temp3)*60; temp3 = strtok(NULL,":"); iSecs += atoi(temp3); tag.SetDuration(iSecs); } else if (strstr(temp,"STYLE")) { strcpy(temp2,temp+strlen("STYLE ")); tag.SetGenre(temp2); } } return( tag.Loaded() ); } else { // TODO: no, then try to atleast fetch the title } return tag.Loaded(); }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderApe::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag, EmbeddedArt *art) { try { // retrieve the APE Tag info from strFileName // and put it in tag tag.SetURL(strFileName); DVDPlayerCodec codec; if (codec.Init(strFileName, 4096)) { tag.SetDuration((int)(codec.m_TotalTime/1000)); codec.DeInit(); } CAPEv2Tag myTag; if (myTag.ReadTag((char*)strFileName.c_str())) // true to check ID3 tag as well { tag.SetTitle(myTag.GetTitle()); tag.SetAlbum(myTag.GetAlbum()); tag.SetArtist(myTag.GetArtist()); tag.SetAlbumArtist(myTag.GetAlbumArtist()); tag.SetGenre(myTag.GetGenre()); tag.SetTrackNumber(myTag.GetTrackNum()); tag.SetPartOfSet(myTag.GetDiscNum()); tag.SetComment(myTag.GetComment()); tag.SetLyrics(myTag.GetLyrics()); tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID(myTag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumArtistID()); tag.SetMusicBrainzAlbumID(myTag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumID()); tag.SetMusicBrainzArtistID(myTag.GetMusicBrainzArtistID()); tag.SetMusicBrainzTrackID(myTag.GetMusicBrainzTrackID()); tag.SetMusicBrainzTRMID(myTag.GetMusicBrainzTRMID()); SYSTEMTIME dateTime; ZeroMemory(&dateTime, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); dateTime.wYear = atoi(myTag.GetYear()); tag.SetRating(myTag.GetRating()); tag.SetReleaseDate(dateTime); tag.SetLoaded(); return true; } } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Tag loader ape: exception in file %s", strFileName.c_str()); } tag.SetLoaded(false); return false; }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderASAP::Load(const CStdString &strFile, CMusicInfoTag &tag, EmbeddedArt *art) { tag.SetLoaded(false); if (!m_dll.Load()) return false; CStdString strFileToLoad = strFile; int song = -1; CStdString strExtension; URIUtils::GetExtension(strFile, strExtension); strExtension.MakeLower(); if (strExtension == ".asapstream") { CStdString strFileName = URIUtils::GetFileName(strFile); int iStart = strFileName.ReverseFind('-') + 1; song = atoi(strFileName.substr(iStart, strFileName.size() - iStart - 11).c_str()) - 1; CStdString strPath = strFile; URIUtils::GetDirectory(strPath, strFileToLoad); URIUtils::RemoveSlashAtEnd(strFileToLoad); } ASAP_SongInfo songInfo; if (!m_dll.asapGetInfo(strFileToLoad.c_str(), song, &songInfo)) return false; tag.SetURL(strFileToLoad); if ([0] != '\0') tag.SetTitle(; if ([0] != '\0') tag.SetArtist(; if (song >= 0) tag.SetTrackNumber(song + 1); if (songInfo.duration >= 0) tag.SetDuration(songInfo.duration / 1000); if (songInfo.year > 0) { SYSTEMTIME dateTime = { (WORD)songInfo.year, (WORD)songInfo.month, 0, (WORD), 0, 0, 0, 0 }; tag.SetReleaseDate(dateTime); } tag.SetLoaded(true); return true; }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderSHN::Load(const std::string& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag, EmbeddedArt *art) { try { tag.SetURL(strFileName); tag.SetDuration((long)0); //! @todo Use libavformat to calculate duration. tag.SetLoaded(false); return true; } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Tag loader shn: exception in file %s", strFileName.c_str()); } tag.SetLoaded(false); return false; }
int CPVRChannels::GetChannels(CFileItemList* results, int iGroupID /* = -1 */, bool bHidden /* = false */) { int iAmount = 0; SortByChannelNumber(); for (unsigned int ptr = 0; ptr < size(); ptr++) { CPVRChannel *channel = at(ptr); if (channel->IsHidden() != bHidden) continue; if (iGroupID != -1 && channel->GroupID() != iGroupID) continue; CFileItemPtr channelFile(new CFileItem(*channel)); if (channel->IsRadio()) { CMusicInfoTag* musictag = channelFile->GetMusicInfoTag(); if (musictag) { const CPVREpgInfoTag *epgNow = channel->GetEPGNow(); musictag->SetURL(channel->Path()); musictag->SetTitle(epgNow->Title()); musictag->SetArtist(channel->ChannelName()); musictag->SetAlbumArtist(channel->ChannelName()); musictag->SetGenre(epgNow->Genre()); musictag->SetDuration(epgNow->GetDuration()); musictag->SetLoaded(true); musictag->SetComment(""); musictag->SetLyrics(""); } } results->Add(channelFile); iAmount++; } return iAmount; }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderAdplug::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { tag.SetLoaded(false); if (!m_dll.Load()) return false; m_adl = m_dll.LoadADL(strFileName.c_str()); if (!m_adl) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR,"MusicInfoTagLoaderAdplug: failed to open %s",strFileName.c_str()); return false; } tag.SetURL(strFileName); tag.SetLoaded(false); const char* szTitle = m_dll.GetTitle(m_adl); // no alloc if (szTitle) if( strcmp(szTitle,"") ) { tag.SetTitle(szTitle); tag.SetLoaded(true); } const char* szArtist = m_dll.GetArtist(m_adl); // no alloc if( strcmp(szArtist,"") && tag.Loaded() ) tag.SetArtist(szArtist); tag.SetDuration(m_dll.GetLength(m_adl)/1000); m_dll.FreeADL(m_adl); m_adl = 0; return tag.Loaded(); }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderYM::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { tag.SetLoaded(false); if (!m_dll.Load()) return false; m_ym = m_dll.LoadYM(strFileName.c_str()); if (!m_ym) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR,"MusicInfoTagLoaderYM: failed to open YM %s",strFileName.c_str()); return false; } tag.SetURL(strFileName); tag.SetLoaded(false); char* szTitle = (char*)m_dll.GetTitle(m_ym); // no alloc if (szTitle) if( strcmp(szTitle,"") ) { tag.SetTitle(szTitle); tag.SetLoaded(true); } char* szArtist = (char*)m_dll.GetArtist(m_ym); // no alloc if (szArtist) if( strcmp(szArtist,"") && tag.Loaded() ) tag.SetArtist(szArtist); tag.SetDuration(m_dll.GetLength(m_ym)); m_dll.FreeYM(m_ym); m_ym = 0; return tag.Loaded(); }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderWAV::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag, EmbeddedArt *art) { try { // WAV has no tag information other than the duration. // Load our codec class WAVCodec codec; if (codec.Init(strFileName, 4096)) { tag.SetURL(strFileName); tag.SetDuration((int)(codec.m_TotalTime/1000)); tag.SetLoaded(false); codec.DeInit(); return true; } } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Tag loader wav: exception in file %s", strFileName.c_str()); } return false; }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderSid::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { CStdString strFileToLoad = strFileName; int iTrack = 0; CStdString strExtension; CUtil::GetExtension(strFileName,strExtension); strExtension.MakeLower(); if (strExtension==".sidstream") { // Extract the track to play CStdString strFile=CUtil::GetFileName(strFileName); int iStart=strFile.ReverseFind("-")+1; iTrack = atoi(strFile.substr(iStart, strFile.size()-iStart-10).c_str()); // The directory we are in, is the file // that contains the bitstream to play, // so extract it CStdString strPath=strFileName; CUtil::GetDirectory(strPath, strFileToLoad); CUtil::RemoveSlashAtEnd(strFileToLoad); // we want the filename } CStdString strFileNameLower(strFileToLoad); strFileNameLower.MakeLower(); int iHVSC = strFileNameLower.find("hvsc"); // need hvsc in path name since our lookupfile is based on hvsc paths if (iHVSC < 0) { iHVSC = strFileNameLower.find("c64music"); if (iHVSC >= 0) iHVSC += 8; } else iHVSC += 4; if( iHVSC < 0 ) { tag.SetLoaded(false); return( false ); } CStdString strHVSCpath = strFileToLoad.substr(iHVSC,strFileToLoad.length()-1); strHVSCpath.Replace('\\','/'); // unix paths strHVSCpath.MakeLower(); char temp[8192]; CRegExp reg; if (!reg.RegComp("TITLE: ([^\r\n]*)\r?\n[^A]*ARTIST: ([^\r\n]*)\r?\n")) { CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"MusicInfoTagLoaderSid::Load(..): failed to compile regular expression"); tag.SetLoaded(false); return( false ); } sprintf(temp,"%s\\%s",g_settings.GetDatabaseFolder().c_str(),"stil.txt"); // changeme? std::ifstream f(temp); if( !f.good() ) { CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"MusicInfoTagLoaderSid::Load(..) unable to locate stil.txt"); tag.SetLoaded(false); return( false ); } const char* szStart = NULL; const char* szEnd = NULL; char temp2[8191]; char* temp3 = temp2; while( !f.eof() && !szEnd ) {,8191); CStdString strLower = temp; strLower.MakeLower(); if (!szStart) szStart= (char *)strstr(strLower.c_str(),strHVSCpath.c_str()); if (szStart) { szEnd = strstr(szStart+strHVSCpath.size(),".sid"); if (szEnd) { memcpy(temp3,temp+(szStart-strLower.c_str()),szEnd-szStart); temp3 += szEnd-szStart; } else { memcpy(temp3,temp+(szStart-strLower.c_str()),strlen(szStart)); szStart = NULL; temp3 += strlen(szStart); } } } f.close(); if (!f.eof() && szEnd) { temp2[temp3-temp2] = '\0'; temp3 = strstr(temp2,"TITLE:"); } else temp3 = NULL; if (temp3) { for (int i=0;i<iTrack-1;++i) // skip tracks { int iStart = reg.RegFind(temp3); if (!iStart) { tag.SetLoaded(false); return false; } temp3 += iStart; } if(reg.RegFind(temp3) > -1) { char* szTitle = reg.GetReplaceString("\\1"); char* szArtist = reg.GetReplaceString("\\2"); char* szMins = NULL; char* szSecs = NULL; CRegExp reg2; reg2.RegComp("(.*) \\(([0-9]*):([0-9]*)\\)"); if (reg2.RegFind(szTitle) > -1) { szMins = reg2.GetReplaceString("\\2"); szSecs = reg2.GetReplaceString("\\3"); char* szTemp = reg2.GetReplaceString("\\1"); free(szTitle); szTitle = szTemp; } tag.SetLoaded(true); tag.SetURL(strFileToLoad); tag.SetTrackNumber(iTrack); if (szMins && szSecs) tag.SetDuration(atoi(szMins)*60+atoi(szSecs)); tag.SetTitle(szTitle); tag.SetArtist(szArtist); if( szTitle ) free(szTitle); if( szArtist ) free(szArtist); if( szMins ) free(szMins); if( szSecs ) free(szSecs); } } sprintf(temp,"%s\\%s",g_settings.GetDatabaseFolder().c_str(),"sidlist.csv"); // changeme? std::ifstream f2(temp); if( !f2.good() ) { CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"MusicInfoTagLoaderSid::Load(..) unable to locate sidlist.csv"); tag.SetLoaded(false); return( false ); } while( !f2.eof() ) { f2.getline(temp,8191); CStdString strTemp(temp); strTemp.MakeLower(); unsigned int iFind = strTemp.find(strHVSCpath); if (iFind == string::npos) continue; char temp2[1024]; char temp3[1024]; strncpy(temp3,temp+iFind,strlen(strHVSCpath)); temp3[strlen(strHVSCpath)] = '\0'; sprintf(temp2,"\"%s\",\"[^\"]*\",\"[^\"]*\",\"([^\"]*)\",\"([^\"]*)\",\"([0-9]*)[^\"]*\",\"[0-9]*\",\"[0-9]*\",\"",temp3); for (int i=0;i<iTrack-1;++i) strcat(temp2,"[0-9]*:[0-9]* "); strcat(temp2,"([0-9]*):([0-9]*)"); if( !reg.RegComp(temp2) ) { CLog::Log(LOGINFO,"MusicInfoTagLoaderSid::Load(..): failed to compile regular expression"); tag.SetLoaded(false); return( false ); } if( reg.RegFind(temp) >= 0 ) { char* szTitle = reg.GetReplaceString("\\1"); char* szArtist = reg.GetReplaceString("\\2"); char* szYear = reg.GetReplaceString("\\3"); char* szMins = reg.GetReplaceString("\\4"); char* szSecs = reg.GetReplaceString("\\5"); tag.SetLoaded(true); tag.SetTrackNumber(iTrack); if (tag.GetDuration() == 0) tag.SetDuration(atoi(szMins)*60+atoi(szSecs)); if (tag.GetTitle() == "") tag.SetTitle(szTitle); if (tag.GetArtist() == "") tag.SetArtist(szArtist); SYSTEMTIME dateTime; dateTime.wYear = atoi(szYear); tag.SetReleaseDate(dateTime); if( szTitle ) free(szTitle); if( szArtist ) free(szArtist); if( szYear ) free(szYear); if( szMins ) free(szMins); if( szSecs ) free(szSecs); f2.close(); return( true ); } } f2.close(); tag.SetLoaded(false); return( false ); }
bool CPVRManager::UpdateItem(CFileItem& item) { /* Don't update if a recording is played */ if (item.IsPVRRecording()) return false; if (!item.IsPVRChannel()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CPVRManager - %s - no channel tag provided", __FUNCTION__); return false; } CSingleLock lock(m_critSection); if (!m_currentFile || *m_currentFile->GetPVRChannelInfoTag() == *item.GetPVRChannelInfoTag()) return false; g_application.CurrentFileItem() = *m_currentFile; g_infoManager.SetCurrentItem(*m_currentFile); CPVRChannel* channelTag = item.GetPVRChannelInfoTag(); CEpgInfoTag epgTagNow; bool bHasTagNow = channelTag->GetEPGNow(epgTagNow); if (channelTag->IsRadio()) { CMusicInfoTag* musictag = item.GetMusicInfoTag(); if (musictag) { musictag->SetTitle(bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.Title() : g_localizeStrings.Get(19055)); if (bHasTagNow) musictag->SetGenre(epgTagNow.Genre()); musictag->SetDuration(bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.GetDuration() : 3600); musictag->SetURL(channelTag->Path()); musictag->SetArtist(channelTag->ChannelName()); musictag->SetAlbumArtist(channelTag->ChannelName()); musictag->SetLoaded(true); musictag->SetComment(StringUtils::EmptyString); musictag->SetLyrics(StringUtils::EmptyString); } } else { CVideoInfoTag *videotag = item.GetVideoInfoTag(); if (videotag) { videotag->m_strTitle = bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.Title() : g_localizeStrings.Get(19055); if (bHasTagNow) videotag->m_genre = epgTagNow.Genre(); videotag->m_strPath = channelTag->Path(); videotag->m_strFileNameAndPath = channelTag->Path(); videotag->m_strPlot = bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.Plot() : StringUtils::EmptyString; videotag->m_strPlotOutline = bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.PlotOutline() : StringUtils::EmptyString; videotag->m_iEpisode = bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.EpisodeNum() : 0; } } CPVRChannel* tagPrev = item.GetPVRChannelInfoTag(); if (tagPrev && tagPrev->ChannelNumber() != m_LastChannel) { m_LastChannel = tagPrev->ChannelNumber(); m_LastChannelChanged = XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis(); } if (XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis() - m_LastChannelChanged >= (unsigned int) g_guiSettings.GetInt("pvrplayback.channelentrytimeout") && m_LastChannel != m_PreviousChannel[m_PreviousChannelIndex]) m_PreviousChannel[m_PreviousChannelIndex ^= 1] = m_LastChannel; else m_LastChannelChanged = XbmcThreads::SystemClockMillis(); return false; }
int CMusicInfoTagLoaderMP4::ParseAtom( int64_t startOffset, int64_t stopOffset, CMusicInfoTag& tag ) { int64_t currentOffset; int atomSize; unsigned int atomName; char atomHeader[ 10 ]; int64_t ret = 0; currentOffset = startOffset; while ( currentOffset < stopOffset) { // Seek to the atom header ret = m_file.Seek( currentOffset, SEEK_SET ); if(ret != currentOffset || ret == -1) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s unable to Seek.", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } // Read it in.. we only want the atom name & size.. they're always there.. ret = m_file.Read( atomHeader, 8 ); if(ret < 8 || ret == -1) { CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s unable to Read.", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } // Now pull out the bits we need.. atomSize = ReadUnsignedInt( &atomHeader[ 0 ] ); atomName = ReadUnsignedInt( &atomHeader[ 4 ] ); // See if it's a container atom.. if it is, then recursively call ParseAtom on it... for ( unsigned int containerAtom = 0; containerAtom < ( sizeof( g_ContainerAtoms ) / sizeof( unsigned int ) ); containerAtom++ ) { if ( atomName == g_ContainerAtoms[ containerAtom ] ) { ParseAtom( m_file.GetPosition(), currentOffset + atomSize, tag ); break; } } // We're primarily interested in the 'meta' and 'mdhd' tags.. if ( atomName == g_MetaAtomName ) { // Use auto_aptr for our workspace, so that it tidies up on any throw.. auto_aptr<char> atomBuffer( new char[ atomSize ] ); // Read the metadata in.. m_file.Read( atomBuffer.get(), atomSize - 4 ); // We've already read the size/name in... // Look for the 'ilst' atom, and turn it into an offset within atomBuffer. int nextTagPosition = GetILSTOffset( atomBuffer.get(), atomSize - 4 ) + 8; // Now go through all of the tags we find.. processing is pretty much taken from source at while ( ( nextTagPosition < ( atomSize - 4 ) ) && ( nextTagPosition > 8 ) ) { int metaSize = ReadUnsignedInt( atomBuffer.get() + ( nextTagPosition - 4 ) ) - 4; unsigned int metaKey = ReadUnsignedInt( atomBuffer.get() + nextTagPosition ); char* metaData = ( atomBuffer.get() + nextTagPosition ) + 20; if (metaSize - 20 <= 0) break; // This is where the next chunk of data will be, if present.. nextTagPosition += ( metaSize + 4 ); // Ok.. we've got some metadata to process. Go to it. ParseTag( metaKey, metaData, metaSize - 20, tag ); } } else if ( atomName == g_MdhdAtomName ) { char mdhdData[ 20 ]; m_file.Read( mdhdData, sizeof( mdhdData ) ); unsigned int timeScale = ReadUnsignedInt( mdhdData+12 ); unsigned int duration = ReadUnsignedInt( mdhdData+16 ); tag.SetDuration( duration / timeScale ); } // If we've got a zero sized atom, then it's all over.. force the offset to trigger a stop. if ( atomSize == 0 ) currentOffset = stopOffset; else currentOffset += atomSize; } // Everything seems to have gone ok... return 1; }
bool CPVRManager::UpdateItem(CFileItem& item) { /* Don't update if a recording is played */ if (item.IsPVRRecording()) return false; if (!item.IsPVRChannel()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CPVRManager - %s - no channel tag provided", __FUNCTION__); return false; } CSingleLock lock(m_critSection); if (!m_currentFile || *m_currentFile->GetPVRChannelInfoTag() == *item.GetPVRChannelInfoTag()) return false; g_application.CurrentFileItem() = *m_currentFile; g_infoManager.SetCurrentItem(*m_currentFile); CPVRChannel* channelTag = item.GetPVRChannelInfoTag(); CEpgInfoTag epgTagNow; bool bHasTagNow = channelTag->GetEPGNow(epgTagNow); if (channelTag->IsRadio()) { CMusicInfoTag* musictag = item.GetMusicInfoTag(); if (musictag) { musictag->SetTitle(bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.Title() : g_guiSettings.GetBool("epg.hidenoinfoavailable") ? StringUtils::EmptyString : g_localizeStrings.Get(19055)); // no information available if (bHasTagNow) musictag->SetGenre(epgTagNow.Genre()); musictag->SetDuration(bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.GetDuration() : 3600); musictag->SetURL(channelTag->Path()); musictag->SetArtist(channelTag->ChannelName()); musictag->SetAlbumArtist(channelTag->ChannelName()); musictag->SetLoaded(true); musictag->SetComment(StringUtils::EmptyString); musictag->SetLyrics(StringUtils::EmptyString); } } else { CVideoInfoTag *videotag = item.GetVideoInfoTag(); if (videotag) { videotag->m_strTitle = bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.Title() : g_guiSettings.GetBool("epg.hidenoinfoavailable") ? StringUtils::EmptyString : g_localizeStrings.Get(19055); // no information available if (bHasTagNow) videotag->m_genre = epgTagNow.Genre(); videotag->m_strPath = channelTag->Path(); videotag->m_strFileNameAndPath = channelTag->Path(); videotag->m_strPlot = bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.Plot() : StringUtils::EmptyString; videotag->m_strPlotOutline = bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.PlotOutline() : StringUtils::EmptyString; videotag->m_iEpisode = bHasTagNow ? epgTagNow.EpisodeNum() : 0; } } return false; }
bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderCDDA::Load(const std::string& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag, EmbeddedArt *art) { #ifdef HAS_DVD_DRIVE try { tag.SetURL(strFileName); bool bResult = false; // Get information for the inserted disc CCdInfo* pCdInfo = g_mediaManager.GetCdInfo(); if (pCdInfo == NULL) return bResult; // Prepare cddb Xcddb cddb; cddb.setCacheDir(CProfilesManager::GetInstance().GetCDDBFolder()); int iTrack = atoi(strFileName.substr(13, strFileName.size() - 13 - 5).c_str()); // duration is always available tag.SetDuration( ( pCdInfo->GetTrackInformation(iTrack).nMins * 60 ) + pCdInfo->GetTrackInformation(iTrack).nSecs ); // Only load cached cddb info in this tag loader, the internet database query is made in CCDDADirectory if (pCdInfo->HasCDDBInfo() && cddb.isCDCached(pCdInfo)) { // get cddb information if (cddb.queryCDinfo(pCdInfo)) { // Fill the fileitems music tag with cddb information, if available std::string strTitle = cddb.getTrackTitle(iTrack); if (!strTitle.empty()) { // Tracknumber tag.SetTrackNumber(iTrack); // Title tag.SetTitle(strTitle); // Artist: Use track artist or disc artist std::string strArtist = cddb.getTrackArtist(iTrack); if (strArtist.empty()) cddb.getDiskArtist(strArtist); tag.SetArtist(strArtist); // Album std::string strAlbum; cddb.getDiskTitle( strAlbum ); tag.SetAlbum(strAlbum); // Album Artist std::string strAlbumArtist; cddb.getDiskArtist(strAlbumArtist); tag.SetAlbumArtist(strAlbumArtist); // Year SYSTEMTIME dateTime; dateTime.wYear = atoi(cddb.getYear().c_str()); tag.SetReleaseDate( dateTime ); // Genre tag.SetGenre( cddb.getGenre() ); tag.SetLoaded(true); bResult = true; } } } else { // No cddb info, maybe we have CD-Text trackinfo ti = pCdInfo->GetTrackInformation(iTrack); // Fill the fileitems music tag with CD-Text information, if available std::string strTitle = ti.cdtext[CDTEXT_TITLE]; if (!strTitle.empty()) { // Tracknumber tag.SetTrackNumber(iTrack); // Title tag.SetTitle(strTitle); // Get info for track zero, as we may have and need CD-Text Album info xbmc_cdtext_t discCDText = pCdInfo->GetDiscCDTextInformation(); // Artist: Use track artist or disc artist std::string strArtist = ti.cdtext[CDTEXT_PERFORMER]; if (strArtist.empty()) strArtist = discCDText[CDTEXT_PERFORMER]; tag.SetArtist(strArtist); // Album std::string strAlbum; strAlbum = discCDText[CDTEXT_TITLE]; tag.SetAlbum(strAlbum); // Genre: use track or disc genre std::string strGenre = ti.cdtext[CDTEXT_GENRE]; if (strGenre.empty()) strGenre = discCDText[CDTEXT_GENRE]; tag.SetGenre( strGenre ); tag.SetLoaded(true); bResult = true; } } return bResult; } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Tag loader CDDB: exception in file %s", strFileName.c_str()); } #endif tag.SetLoaded(false); return false; }
// Based on MediaInfo // by J�r�me Martinez, [email protected] // bool CMusicInfoTagLoaderWMA::Load(const CStdString& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag) { try { tag.SetLoaded(false); CFile file; if (!file.Open(strFileName)) return false; tag.SetURL(strFileName); // Note that we're reading in a bit more than the buffer size, because the 'peek'ing // below is dealing with integers and reads off the end. Rather than change // all the checks below, I've simply allocated a bigger buffer. const unsigned int bufferSize = 256*1024; auto_aptr<unsigned char> pData(new unsigned char[bufferSize+32]); file.Read(pData.get(), bufferSize+32); file.Close(); unsigned int iOffset; unsigned int* pDataI; CStdString16 utf16String; //Play time iOffset = 0; pDataI = (unsigned int*)pData.get(); while (!(pDataI[0] == 0x75B22630 && pDataI[1] == 0x11CF668E && pDataI[2] == 0xAA00D9A6 && pDataI[3] == 0x6CCE6200) && iOffset <= bufferSize - 4) { iOffset++; pDataI = (unsigned int*)(pData.get() + iOffset); } if (iOffset > bufferSize - 4) return false; //Play time iOffset = 0; pDataI = (unsigned int*)pData.get(); while (!(pDataI[0] == 0x8CABDCA1 && pDataI[1] == 0x11CFA947 && pDataI[2] == 0xC000E48E && pDataI[3] == 0x6553200C) && iOffset <= bufferSize - 4) { iOffset++; pDataI = (unsigned int*)(pData.get() + iOffset); } if (iOffset <= bufferSize - 4) { iOffset += 64; pDataI = (unsigned int*)(pData.get() + iOffset); float F1 = (float)pDataI[1]; F1 = F1 * 0x10000 * 0x10000 + pDataI[0]; tag.SetDuration((long)((F1 / 10000) / 1000)); // from milliseconds to seconds } //Description Title iOffset = 0; pDataI = (unsigned int*)pData.get(); while (!(pDataI[0] == 0x75B22633 && pDataI[1] == 0x11CF668E && pDataI[2] == 0xAA00D9A6 && pDataI[3] == 0x6CCE6200) && iOffset <= bufferSize - 4) { iOffset++; pDataI = (unsigned int*)(pData.get() + iOffset); } if (iOffset <= bufferSize - 4) { iOffset += 24; int nTitleSize = pData[iOffset + 0] + pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100; int nAuthorSize = pData[iOffset + 2] + pData[iOffset + 3] * 0x100; //int nCopyrightSize = pData[iOffset + 4] + pData[iOffset + 5] * 0x100; //int nCommentsSize = pData[iOffset + 6] + pData[iOffset + 7] * 0x100; iOffset += 10; CStdString utf8String; if (nTitleSize) { // TODO: UTF-8 Do we need to "fixString" these strings at all? utf16String = (uint16_t*)(pData.get()+iOffset); g_charsetConverter.utf16LEtoUTF8(utf16String, utf8String); tag.SetTitle(utf8String); } if (nAuthorSize) { utf8String = ""; utf16String = (uint16_t*)(pData.get() + iOffset + nTitleSize); g_charsetConverter.utf16LEtoUTF8(utf16String, utf8String); tag.SetArtist(utf8String); } //General(ZT("Copyright"))=(LPWSTR)(pData.get()+iOffset+(nTitleSize+nAuthorSize)); //General(ZT("Comments"))=(LPWSTR)(pData.get()+iOffset+(nTitleSize+nAuthorSize+nCopyrightSize)); } // Maybe these information can be usefull in the future //Info audio //iOffset=0; //pDataI=(unsigned int*)pData; //while (!(pDataI[0]==0xF8699E40 && pDataI[1]==0x11CF5B4D && pDataI[2]==0x8000FDA8 && pDataI[3]==0x2B445C5F) && iOffset<=bufferSize-4) //{ //iOffset++; //pDataI=(unsigned int*)(pData+iOffset); //} //if (iOffset<=bufferSize-4) //{ //iOffset+=54; ////Codec //TCHAR C1[30]; //_itoa(pData[iOffset]+pData[iOffset+1]*0x100, C1, 16); //CStdString Codec=C1; //while (Codec.size()<4) // Codec='0'+Codec; //Audio[0](ZT("Codec"))=Codec; //Audio[0](ZT("Channels"))=pData[iOffset+2]; //2 octets //pDataI=(unsigned int*)(pData+iOffset); //Audio[0](ZT("SamplingRate"))=pDataI[1]; //Audio[0](ZT("BitRate"))=pDataI[2]*8; //} //Info video //iOffset=0; //pDataI=(unsigned int*)pData; //while (!(pDataI[0]==0xBC19EFC0 && pDataI[1]==0x11CF5B4D && pDataI[2]==0x8000FDA8 && pDataI[3]==0x2B445C5F) && iOffset<=bufferSize-4) //{ //iOffset++; //pDataI=(unsigned int*)(pData+iOffset); //} //if (iOffset<=bufferSize-4) //{ //iOffset+=54; //iOffset+=15; //pDataI=(unsigned int*)(pData+iOffset); //Video[0](ZT("Width"))=pDataI[0]; //Video[0](ZT("Height"))=pDataI[1]; //Codec //unsigned char C1[5]; C1[4]='\0'; //C1[0]=pData[iOffset+12+0]; C1[1]=pData[iOffset+12+1]; C1[2]=pData[iOffset+12+2]; C1[3]=pData[iOffset+12+3]; //Video[0](ZT("Codec"))=wxString((char*)C1,wxConvUTF8).c_str(); //} //Read extended metadata iOffset = 0; pDataI = (unsigned int*)pData.get(); while (!(pDataI[0] == 0xD2D0A440 && pDataI[1] == 0x11D2E307 && pDataI[2] == 0xA000F097 && pDataI[3] == 0x50A85EC9) && iOffset <= bufferSize - 4) { iOffset++; pDataI = (unsigned int*)(pData.get() + iOffset); } if (iOffset <= bufferSize - 4) { iOffset += 24; // Walk through all frames in the file int iNumOfFrames = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100; iOffset += 2; for (int Pos = 0; Pos < iNumOfFrames; Pos++) { int iFrameNameSize = pData[iOffset] + (pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100); iOffset += 2; // Get frame name CStdString strFrameName; CStdStringW wString = ""; utf16String = (uint16_t*)(pData.get() + iOffset); g_charsetConverter.utf16LEtoUTF8(utf16String, strFrameName); iOffset += iFrameNameSize; // Get datatype of frame int iFrameType = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1]; iOffset += 2; // Size of frame value unsigned int iValueSize = pData[iOffset] + (pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100); iOffset += 2; // Sanity check for buffer size if (iValueSize + iOffset > bufferSize) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s(%s) failed due to tag being larger than %ul", __FUNCTION__, strFileName.c_str(), bufferSize); break; } // Parse frame value and fill // tag with extended metadata if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_STRING && iValueSize > 0) { // TODO: UTF-8: Do we need to "fixString" these utf8 strings? CStdString utf8String; utf16String = (uint16_t*)(pData.get() + iOffset); g_charsetConverter.utf16LEtoUTF8(utf16String, utf8String); SetTagValueString(strFrameName, utf8String, tag); } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_BINARY && iValueSize > 0) { unsigned char* pValue = (unsigned char*)(pData.get() + iOffset); // Raw data SetTagValueBinary(strFrameName, pValue, tag); } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_BOOL && iValueSize > 0) { SetTagValueBool(strFrameName, pData[iOffset] != 0, tag); } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_DWORD && iValueSize > 0) { uint32_t value = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100 + pData[iOffset + 2] * 0x10000 + pData[iOffset + 3] * 0x1000000; SetTagValueUnsigned(strFrameName, value, tag); } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_QWORD && iValueSize > 0) { //DWORD qwValue = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100 + pData[iOffset + 2] * 0x10000 + pData[iOffset + 3] * 0x1000000; } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_WORD && iValueSize > 0) { //WORD wValue = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100; } // parse next frame iOffset += iValueSize; } } //Read extended metadata 2 iOffset = 0; pDataI = (unsigned int*)pData.get(); while (!(pDataI[0] == 0x44231C94 && pDataI[1] == 0x49D19498 && pDataI[2] == 0x131D41A1 && pDataI[3] == 0x5470454E) && iOffset <= bufferSize - 4) { iOffset++; pDataI = (unsigned int*)(pData.get() + iOffset); } if (iOffset <= bufferSize - 4) { iOffset += 24; // Walk through all frames in the file int iNumOfFrames = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100; iOffset += 6; for (int Pos = 0; Pos < iNumOfFrames; Pos++) { int iFrameNameSize = pData[iOffset] + (pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100); iOffset += 2; // Get datatype of frame int iFrameType = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1]; iOffset += 2; // Size of frame value unsigned int iValueSize = pData[iOffset] + (pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100) + (pData[iOffset + 2] * 0x10000); iOffset += 4; // Get frame name CStdString strFrameName = ""; CStdStringW wString = ""; utf16String = (uint16_t*)(pData.get() + iOffset); g_charsetConverter.utf16LEtoUTF8(utf16String, strFrameName); iOffset += iFrameNameSize; // Sanity check for buffer size if (iValueSize + iOffset > bufferSize) { CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "%s(%s) failed due to tag being larger than %ul", __FUNCTION__, strFileName.c_str(), bufferSize); break; } // Parse frame value and fill // tag with extended metadata if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_STRING && iValueSize > 0) { // TODO: UTF-8: Do we need to "fixString" these utf8 strings? CStdString utf8String; utf16String = (uint16_t*)(pData.get() + iOffset); g_charsetConverter.utf16LEtoUTF8(utf16String, utf8String); SetTagValueString(strFrameName, utf8String, tag); } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_BINARY && iValueSize > 0) { unsigned char* pValue = (unsigned char*)(pData.get() + iOffset); // Raw data SetTagValueBinary(strFrameName, pValue, tag); } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_BOOL && iValueSize > 0) { SetTagValueBool(strFrameName, pData[iOffset] != 0, tag); } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_DWORD && iValueSize > 0) { uint32_t value = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100 + pData[iOffset + 2] * 0x10000 + pData[iOffset + 3] * 0x1000000; SetTagValueUnsigned(strFrameName, value, tag); } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_QWORD && iValueSize > 0) { //DWORD qwValue = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100 + pData[iOffset + 2] * 0x10000 + pData[iOffset + 3] * 0x1000000; } else if (iFrameType == WMT_TYPE_WORD && iValueSize > 0) { //WORD wValue = pData[iOffset] + pData[iOffset + 1] * 0x100; } // parse next frame iOffset += iValueSize + 4; } } tag.SetLoaded(true); return true; } catch (...) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Tag loader wma: exception in file %s", strFileName.c_str()); } tag.SetLoaded(false); return false; }
bool CPVRManager::UpdateItem(CFileItem& item) { /* Don't update if a recording is played */ if (item.IsPVRRecording()) return false; if (!item.IsPVRChannel()) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CPVRManager - %s - no channel tag provided", __FUNCTION__); return false; } CSingleLock lock(m_critSection); if (!m_currentFile || *m_currentFile->GetPVRChannelInfoTag() == *item.GetPVRChannelInfoTag()) return false; g_application.SetCurrentFileItem(*m_currentFile); CFileItemPtr itemptr(new CFileItem(*m_currentFile)); g_infoManager.SetCurrentItem(itemptr); CPVRChannelPtr channelTag(item.GetPVRChannelInfoTag()); CEpgInfoTagPtr epgTagNow(channelTag->GetEPGNow()); if (channelTag->IsRadio()) { CMusicInfoTag* musictag = item.GetMusicInfoTag(); if (musictag) { musictag->SetTitle(epgTagNow ? epgTagNow->Title() : CSettings::GetInstance().GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_EPG_HIDENOINFOAVAILABLE) ? "" : g_localizeStrings.Get(19055)); // no information available if (epgTagNow) musictag->SetGenre(epgTagNow->Genre()); musictag->SetDuration(epgTagNow ? epgTagNow->GetDuration() : 3600); musictag->SetURL(channelTag->Path()); musictag->SetArtist(channelTag->ChannelName()); musictag->SetAlbumArtist(channelTag->ChannelName()); musictag->SetLoaded(true); musictag->SetComment(""); musictag->SetLyrics(""); } } else { CVideoInfoTag *videotag = item.GetVideoInfoTag(); if (videotag) { videotag->m_strTitle = epgTagNow ? epgTagNow->Title() : CSettings::GetInstance().GetBool(CSettings::SETTING_EPG_HIDENOINFOAVAILABLE) ? "" : g_localizeStrings.Get(19055); // no information available if (epgTagNow) videotag->m_genre = epgTagNow->Genre(); videotag->m_strPath = channelTag->Path(); videotag->m_strFileNameAndPath = channelTag->Path(); videotag->m_strPlot = epgTagNow ? epgTagNow->Plot() : ""; videotag->m_strPlotOutline = epgTagNow ? epgTagNow->PlotOutline() : ""; videotag->m_iEpisode = epgTagNow ? epgTagNow->EpisodeNumber() : 0; } } return false; }
bool CTagLoaderTagLib::Load(const string& strFileName, CMusicInfoTag& tag, EmbeddedArt *art /* = NULL */) { CStdString strExtension; URIUtils::GetExtension(strFileName, strExtension); strExtension.ToLower(); strExtension.TrimLeft('.'); if (strExtension.IsEmpty()) return false; TagLibVFSStream* stream = new TagLibVFSStream(strFileName, true); if (!stream) { CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "could not create TagLib VFS stream for: %s", strFileName.c_str()); return false; } TagLib::File* file = NULL; TagLib::APE::File* apeFile = NULL; TagLib::ASF::File* asfFile = NULL; TagLib::FLAC::File* flacFile = NULL; TagLib::IT::File* itFile = NULL; TagLib::Mod::File* modFile = NULL; TagLib::MP4::File* mp4File = NULL; TagLib::MPC::File* mpcFile = NULL; TagLib::MPEG::File* mpegFile = NULL; TagLib::Ogg::Vorbis::File* oggVorbisFile = NULL; TagLib::Ogg::FLAC::File* oggFlacFile = NULL; TagLib::S3M::File* s3mFile = NULL; TagLib::TrueAudio::File* ttaFile = NULL; TagLib::WavPack::File* wvFile = NULL; TagLib::XM::File* xmFile = NULL; if (strExtension == "ape") file = apeFile = new APE::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "asf" || strExtension == "wmv" || strExtension == "wma") file = asfFile = new ASF::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "flac") file = flacFile = new FLAC::File(stream, ID3v2::FrameFactory::instance()); else if (strExtension == "it") file = itFile = new IT::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "mod" || strExtension == "module" || strExtension == "nst" || strExtension == "wow") file = modFile = new Mod::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "mp4" || strExtension == "m4a" || strExtension == "m4r" || strExtension == "m4b" || strExtension == "m4p" || strExtension == "3g2") file = mp4File = new MP4::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "mpc") file = mpcFile = new MPC::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "mp3" || strExtension == "aac") file = mpegFile = new MPEG::File(stream, ID3v2::FrameFactory::instance()); else if (strExtension == "s3m") file = s3mFile = new S3M::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "tta") file = ttaFile = new TrueAudio::File(stream, ID3v2::FrameFactory::instance()); else if (strExtension == "wv") file = wvFile = new WavPack::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "xm") file = xmFile = new XM::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "ogg") file = oggVorbisFile = new Ogg::Vorbis::File(stream); else if (strExtension == "oga") // Leave this madness until last - oga container can have Vorbis or FLAC { file = oggFlacFile = new Ogg::FLAC::File(stream); if (!file || !file->isValid()) { delete file; file = oggVorbisFile = new Ogg::Vorbis::File(stream); } } if (!file || !file->isOpen()) { delete file; delete stream; CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "file could not be opened for tag reading"); return false; } APE::Tag *ape = NULL; ASF::Tag *asf = NULL; MP4::Tag *mp4 = NULL; ID3v2::Tag *id3v2 = NULL; Ogg::XiphComment *xiph = NULL; Tag *generic = NULL; if (apeFile) ape = apeFile->APETag(false); else if (asfFile) asf = asfFile->tag(); else if (flacFile) { xiph = flacFile->xiphComment(false); id3v2 = flacFile->ID3v2Tag(false); } else if (mp4File) mp4 = mp4File->tag(); else if (mpegFile) { id3v2 = mpegFile->ID3v2Tag(false); ape = mpegFile->APETag(false); } else if (oggFlacFile) xiph = dynamic_cast<Ogg::XiphComment *>(oggFlacFile->tag()); else if (oggVorbisFile) xiph = dynamic_cast<Ogg::XiphComment *>(oggVorbisFile->tag()); else if (ttaFile) id3v2 = ttaFile->ID3v2Tag(false); else if (wvFile) ape = wvFile->APETag(false); else // This is a catch all to get generic information for other files types (s3m, xm, it, mod, etc) generic = file->tag(); if (file->audioProperties()) tag.SetDuration(file->audioProperties()->length()); if (ape && !g_advancedSettings.m_prioritiseAPEv2tags) ParseAPETag(ape, art, tag); if (asf) ParseASF(asf, art, tag); else if (id3v2) ParseID3v2Tag(id3v2, art, tag); else if (generic) ParseGenericTag(generic, art, tag); else if (mp4) ParseMP4Tag(mp4, art, tag); else if (xiph) ParseXiphComment(xiph, art, tag); // art for flac files is outside the tag if (flacFile) SetFlacArt(flacFile, art, tag); // Add APE tags over the top of ID3 tags if we want to prioritize them if (ape && g_advancedSettings.m_prioritiseAPEv2tags) ParseAPETag(ape, art, tag); if (!tag.GetTitle().IsEmpty() || !tag.GetArtist().empty() || !tag.GetAlbum().IsEmpty()) tag.SetLoaded(); tag.SetURL(strFileName); delete file; delete stream; return true; }