static DWORD WINAPI BeginConversion(LPVOID data) { InternalThreadData* threadData = (InternalThreadData*) data; HANDLE conversionHandle = threadData->conversionHandle; CPath inputPath = threadData->inputPath; CPath outputPath = threadData->outputPath; bool isUrl = threadData->isUrl; ConversionActivityCallback fcn = threadData->activityCallback; void* userData = threadData->userData; LONGLONG contentLength = threadData->contentLength; wstring contentTitle = threadData->contentTitle; __int64 contentDuration = threadData->contentDuration; if (outputPath.GetExtension().MakeLower() == _T(".dvr-ms")) ConvertToDvrms(conversionHandle, CComBSTR(inputPath), CComBSTR(outputPath), isUrl, ActivityCallback, NULL, contentLength, CComBSTR(contentTitle.c_str()), contentDuration); if (outputPath.GetExtension().MakeLower() == _T(".wmv")) ConvertToWmv(conversionHandle, CComBSTR(inputPath), CComBSTR(outputPath), isUrl, ActivityCallback, NULL, contentLength, CComBSTR(contentTitle.c_str()), contentDuration); if (outputPath.GetExtension().MakeLower() == _T(".wtv")) ConvertToWtv(conversionHandle, CComBSTR(inputPath), CComBSTR(outputPath), isUrl, ActivityCallback, NULL, contentLength, CComBSTR(contentTitle.c_str()), contentDuration); _done = true; return 0; }
BOOL CSelectLanguageDlg::OnInitDialog() { // Declare variables CPath * pPath = CPath::Instance(); // Call original function CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // Load right bitmap m_bmpImage.LoadBitmap(IDB_SELECTLANGUAGE); // We have no languages yet m_iLanguageCount = 0; // Add all languages that are available in the lng folder ListLanguages(pPath->GetPathUpdater() + _T("\\lng\\")); // Now add all the languages to the combobox for (int i = 0; i < m_iLanguageCount; i++) { // Add language to combobox m_cboLanguage.AddString(m_arrLanguages[i].sDescription); } // Select english m_cboLanguage.SelectString(0, _T("English (original)")); // Return TRUE unless you want to set focus to a control return TRUE; }
void ShowMessage(int headerId, int bodyId, int footerId, HRESULT hr) { HWND hwndExcel = FindCurrentExcelWindow(); try { CString addInFullPath = AddInFullPath(); CPath addInFileName = addInFullPath; addInFileName.StripPath(); CString msgTitle; msgTitle.FormatMessage(IDS_MSG_TITLE, addInFileName); CString header; header.LoadString(headerId); CString body; body.LoadString(bodyId); CString footer; footer.LoadString(footerId); CString hresult = ""; if (hr != S_OK) { hresult.FormatMessage(IDS_MSG_HRESULT, hr); } CString msg; msg.FormatMessage(IDS_MSG_TEMPLATE, header, body, footer, hresult, addInFullPath); MessageBox(hwndExcel, msg, msgTitle, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } catch (...) { ShowMessageError(hwndExcel); } }
bool BackupTaskState(void) throw() { CPath path; bool bRet = false; if (GetIniFile(path)) { CString temp; bRet = true; // get storage name if (GetConfigString(temp, path, _T("storage"), STORAGE_NAME)) { path.RemoveFileSpec(); path.Append(temp); if (path.FileExists()) { temp = (LPCTSTR)path; // store existing path.RenameExtension(_T(".bak")); bRet = (::MoveFileEx(temp, path, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) != 0); } } } return bRet; }
bool DisplayHelp() { CPath path; if (!::GetModuleFileName(NULL, CStrBufA(path, MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH)) return false; path.StripPath(); CString str; str.FormatMessage( _T("Checks the security descriptor on a named object.\n") _T("\n") _T("Usage: %1 [-?] [-at|-no_at] [-file|-regkey|-service|-kernel|-printer] [objectname]*\n") _T(" -? Display this help message\n") _T(" -at Examine the process access token (default)\n") _T(" -no_at Don't examine the process access token\n") _T(" -file objectname is the name of a file to examine (default)\n") _T(" -regkey objectname is the name of a registry key to examine\n") _T(" -service objectname is the name of a service to examine\n") _T(" -kernel objectname is the name of a kernel object to examine\n") _T(" these can be semaphores, events, mutexes, waitable timers, and file mappings\n") _T(" -printer objectname is the name of a printer to examine\n") _T(" objectname defaults to \\\\.\\A:\n") _T("Example: %1 C:\\boot.ini\n") _T("\n") _T("Note: \\\\.\\A: is not the same as A:\n") _T("Checking \\\\.\\A: checks access to the floppy drive,\n") _T("Checking A: checks access to the root directory"), path); Log(str); return false; }
void ActivationContextLoader::LoadDll() { // Get a handle to the DLL module. CPath dllPath; dllPath.Combine(GetModulePath(), WS_ACTIVATIONCONTEXTLOADER_DLL); m_hinstLib = LoadLibrary(dllPath); // If the handle is valid, try to get the function address. if (m_hinstLib != NULL) { m_funcLAC = (LAC) GetProcAddress(m_hinstLib, WS_ACLOADFUNC); m_funcULAC = (ULAC) GetProcAddress(m_hinstLib, WS_ACUNLOADFUNC); m_funcIAAFM = (IAAFM) GetProcAddress(m_hinstLib, WS_ACALREADYACTIVEFUNC); } else { CStdStringA msg; msg.Format("LoadLibrary on '%s'failed. Error code: %d.", WS_ACTIVATIONCONTEXTLOADER_DLL_A, GetLastError()); throw std::exception(msg); } }
bool CDownloadQueue::IsFileExisting( const CMD4Hash& fileid ) const { if (CKnownFile* file = theApp->sharedfiles->GetFileByID(fileid)) { if (file->IsPartFile()) { AddLogLineC(CFormat( _("You are already trying to download the file '%s'") ) % file->GetFileName()); } else { // Check if the file exists, since otherwise the user is forced to // manually reload the shares to download a file again. CPath fullpath = file->GetFilePath().JoinPaths(file->GetFileName()); if (!fullpath.FileExists()) { // The file is no longer available, unshare it theApp->sharedfiles->RemoveFile(file); return false; } AddLogLineC(CFormat( _("You already have the file '%s'") ) % file->GetFileName()); } return true; } else if ((file = GetFileByID(fileid))) { AddLogLineC(CFormat( _("You are already trying to download the file %s") ) % file->GetFileName()); return true; } return false; }
LPCTSTR UtilGetTempPath() { static CPath s_tempPath; if(_tcslen(s_tempPath)==0){ //初期設定 //環境変数取得 std::map<stdString,stdString> envs; UtilGetEnvInfo(envs); if(!has_key(envs,_T("TMP")) && !has_key(envs,_T("TEMP"))){ //%TMP%/%TEMP%が存在しなければ自前の一時フォルダを使う(C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\LhaForge\temp) TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH+1]={0}; SHGetFolderPath(NULL,CSIDL_APPDATA|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE,NULL,SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT,szPath); s_tempPath=szPath; s_tempPath.Append(_T("lhaforge\\temp\\")); UtilMakeSureDirectoryPathExists(s_tempPath); }else{ //通常のパス std::vector<TCHAR> buffer(GetTempPath(0,NULL)+1); GetTempPath(buffer.size(),&buffer[0]); buffer.back()=_T('\0'); s_tempPath=&buffer[0]; s_tempPath.AddBackslash(); } } return s_tempPath; }
int CPartFileConvert::ScanFolderToAdd(const CPath& folder, bool deletesource) { int count = 0; CDirIterator finder(folder); CPath file = finder.GetFirstFile(CDirIterator::File, wxT("*.part.met")); while (file.IsOk()) { ConvertToeMule(folder.JoinPaths(file), deletesource); file = finder.GetNextFile(); count++; } /* Shareaza file = finder.GetFirstFile(CDirIterator::File, wxT("*.sd")); while (!file.IsEmpty()) { ConvertToeMule(file, deletesource); file = finder.GetNextFile(); count++; } */ file = finder.GetFirstFile(CDirIterator::Dir, wxT("*.*")); while (file.IsOk()) { ScanFolderToAdd(folder.JoinPaths(file), deletesource); file = finder.GetNextFile(); } return count; }
void ActivationContextLoader::Initialise(const CStdString& sManifest) { if (CGeneral::FileExists(sManifest)) { m_sManifest = sManifest; } else { CPath path; path.Combine(GetModulePath(), sManifest); m_sManifest = path; } try { // Don't do anything if we're not at least running on xp m_bShouldLoadActivationContext = ShouldLoadActivationContext(); if (m_bShouldLoadActivationContext) { LoadDll(); if (!IsActivationContextAlreadyActiveForManifest()) { LoadAC(); } } } catch (std::exception & e) { CStdString sError = CA2T(e.what()); LOG_WS_ERROR(sError); } }
static CString GetFileName(CString str) { CPath p = str; p.StripPath(); return (LPCTSTR)p; }
/** * \brief */ bool Settings::Save() const { CPath cfgFile; INpp::Get().GetPluginsConfDir(cfgFile); cfgFile += cPluginCfgFileName; FILE* fp; _tfopen_s(&fp, cfgFile.C_str(), _T("wt")); if (fp == NULL) return false; bool success = false; if (_ftprintf_s(fp, _T("%s\n"), cInfo) > 0) if (_ftprintf_s(fp, _T("%s%s\n"), cUseDefDbKey, (_useDefDb ? _T("yes") : _T("no"))) > 0) if (_ftprintf_s(fp, _T("%s%s\n"), cDefDbPathKey, _defDbPath.C_str()) > 0) if (_ftprintf_s(fp, _T("%s%s\n"), cREOptionKey, (_re ? _T("yes") : _T("no"))) > 0) if (_ftprintf_s(fp, _T("%s%s\n\n"), cICOptionKey, (_ic ? _T("yes") : _T("no"))) > 0) if (_genericDbCfg.Write(fp)) success = true; fclose(fp); if (success) _dirty = false; return success; }
void CFriendList::LoadList() { CPath metfile = CPath(theApp->ConfigDir + wxT("emfriends.met")); if (!metfile.FileExists()) { return; } CFile file; try { if ( file.Open(metfile) ) { if ( file.ReadUInt8() /*header*/ == MET_HEADER ) { uint32 nRecordsNumber = file.ReadUInt32(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < nRecordsNumber; i++) { CFriend* Record = new CFriend(); Record->LoadFromFile(&file); m_FriendList.push_back(Record); Notify_ChatUpdateFriend(Record); } } } else { AddLogLineN(_("Failed to open friend list file 'emfriends.met' for reading!")); } } catch (const CInvalidPacket& e) { AddDebugLogLineC(logGeneral, wxT("Invalid entry in friend list, file may be corrupt: ") + e.what()); } catch (const CSafeIOException& e) { AddDebugLogLineC(logGeneral, wxT("IO error while reading 'emfriends.met': ") + e.what()); } }
//設定から出力先フォルダを読み込む //r_bUseForAll:今後も同じフォルダ設定を使うならtrue HRESULT GetOutputDirPathFromConfig(OUTPUT_TO outputDirType,LPCTSTR lpszOrgFile,LPCTSTR lpszSpecific,CPath &r_pathOutputDir,bool &r_bUseForAll,CString &strErr) { TCHAR szBuffer[_MAX_PATH+1]; FILL_ZERO(szBuffer); switch(outputDirType){ case OUTPUT_TO_SPECIFIC_DIR: //Specific Directory //TRACE(_T("Specific Dir:%s\n"),Config.Common.Extract.OutputDir); r_pathOutputDir=lpszSpecific; if(_tcslen(r_pathOutputDir)>0){ return S_OK; }else{ //出力先がかかれていなければ、デスクトップに出力する } //FALLTHROUGH case OUTPUT_TO_DESKTOP: //Desktop if(SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL,szBuffer,CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY,FALSE)){ r_pathOutputDir=szBuffer; }else{ //デスクトップがない? strErr=CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_ERROR_GET_DESKTOP)); return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; case OUTPUT_TO_SAME_DIR: //Same Directory _tcsncpy_s(szBuffer,lpszOrgFile,_MAX_PATH); PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuffer); r_pathOutputDir=szBuffer; return S_OK; case OUTPUT_TO_ALWAYS_ASK_WHERE: //出力先を毎回聞く TRACE(_T("Always ask\n")); { //元のファイルと同じ場所にする;2回目以降は前回出力場所を使用する static CString s_strLastOutput; CPath pathTmp; if(s_strLastOutput.IsEmpty()){ pathTmp=lpszOrgFile; pathTmp.RemoveFileSpec(); }else{ pathTmp=(LPCTSTR)s_strLastOutput; } CString title(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_INPUT_TARGET_FOLDER_WITH_SHIFT)); CLFFolderDialog dlg(NULL,title,BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS|BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE); dlg.SetInitialFolder(pathTmp); if(IDOK==dlg.DoModal()){ r_bUseForAll=(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)<0); //TODO r_pathOutputDir=dlg.GetFolderPath(); s_strLastOutput=(LPCTSTR)r_pathOutputDir; return S_OK; }else{ return E_ABORT; //キャンセルされた } } break; default: ASSERT(!"This code cannot be run"); return E_NOTIMPL; } }
virtual void setUp() { const CPath path = CPath(wxT("testfile.txt")); if (path.FileExists()) { ASSERT_TRUE(CPath::RemoveFile(path)); } }
TEST(CPath, Cleanup) { const CPath initial = CPath(wxT(" /a\"b*c* <d>?e|\\:f ")); ASSERT_EQUALS(initial.Cleanup(false, false), Norm(wxT("\%20a\"b*c*\%20<d>?e|\\:f\%20"))); ASSERT_EQUALS(initial.Cleanup(false, true), Norm(wxT("\%20abc\%20def\%20"))); ASSERT_EQUALS(initial.Cleanup(true, false), Norm(wxT(" a\"b*c* <d>?e|\\:f "))); ASSERT_EQUALS(initial.Cleanup(true, true), Norm(wxT(" abc def "))); }
CString ToRelative(LPCTSTR dir, const LPCTSTR path, bool* pbRelative/* = nullptr*/) { CPath cp; BOOL rel = cp.RelativePathTo(dir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, path, 0); if (pbRelative) { *pbRelative = !!rel; } return cp; }
CString CPPageWebServer::GetCurWebRoot() { CString WebRoot; GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT2)->GetWindowText(WebRoot); WebRoot.Replace('/', '\\'); CPath path; path.Combine(GetMPCDir(), WebRoot); return path.IsDirectory() ? (LPCTSTR)path : _T(""); }
CFile::CFile(string szFileName) { CPath cPath; if(cPath.IsFile(szFileName)) {; } m_name = szFileName; }
void CPPageWebServer::OnBnClickedButton1() { CString dir = GetCurWebRoot(); if(PickDir(dir)) { CPath path; if(path.RelativePathTo(GetMPCDir(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, dir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { dir = (LPCTSTR)path; } m_WebRoot = dir; UpdateData(FALSE); } }
TEST(CPath, CopyConstructor) { const wxChar* tmpPath = wxT("foobar.tgz"); { CPath a(tmpPath); ASSERT_TRUE(a.IsOk()); ASSERT_EQUALS(a.GetRaw(), tmpPath); ASSERT_EQUALS(a.GetPrintable(), tmpPath); ASSERT_EQUALS(a.GetPath(), CPath()); ASSERT_EQUALS(a.GetFullName(), CPath(tmpPath)); CPath b(a); ASSERT_TRUE(b.IsOk()); ASSERT_EQUALS(b.GetRaw(), tmpPath); ASSERT_EQUALS(b.GetPrintable(), tmpPath); ASSERT_EQUALS(b.GetPath(), CPath()); ASSERT_EQUALS(b.GetFullName(), CPath(tmpPath)); ASSERT_EQUALS(a, b); } { CPath a(tmpPath); ASSERT_TRUE(a.IsOk()); ASSERT_EQUALS(a.GetRaw(), tmpPath); ASSERT_EQUALS(a.GetPrintable(), tmpPath); ASSERT_EQUALS(a.GetPath(), CPath()); ASSERT_EQUALS(a.GetFullName(), CPath(tmpPath)); CPath b(a); ASSERT_TRUE(b.IsOk()); ASSERT_EQUALS(b.GetRaw(), tmpPath); ASSERT_EQUALS(b.GetPrintable(), tmpPath); ASSERT_EQUALS(b.GetPath(), CPath()); ASSERT_EQUALS(b.GetFullName(), CPath(tmpPath)); ASSERT_EQUALS(a, b); } { CPath a; CPath b(a); ASSERT_EQUALS(a, b); ASSERT_FALSE(a.IsOk()); ASSERT_FALSE(b.IsOk()); } }
void CLogic::update_connection_path_on_move( CServer &server, const CNodeEndpoint &connection_path, const CPath &previous_path, const CPath &new_path ) { int previous_path_length; int absolute_path_length; int characters_after_old_path; const CNode *parent = CNode::downcast( connection_path.get_node().get_parent() ); const string &connection_path_string = *connection_path.get_value(); ostringstream absolute_path_stream; if( parent ) { absolute_path_stream << parent->get_path().get_string() << "."; } absolute_path_stream << connection_path_string; const string &absolute_path = absolute_path_stream.str(); previous_path_length = previous_path.get_string().length(); absolute_path_length = absolute_path.length(); if( previous_path_length > absolute_path_length || previous_path.get_string() != absolute_path.substr( 0, previous_path_length ) ) { /* connection_path isn't affected by this move */ return; } const CPath &parent_path = connection_path.get_node().get_parent_path(); for( int i = 0; i < parent_path.get_number_of_elements(); i++ ) { if( i >= new_path.get_number_of_elements() || new_path[ i ] != parent_path[ i ] ) { /* new_path can't be targetted by this connection */ return; } } CPath new_relative_path; for( int i = parent_path.get_number_of_elements(); i < new_path.get_number_of_elements(); i++ ) { new_relative_path.append_element( new_path[ i ] ); } characters_after_old_path = absolute_path_length - previous_path_length; ostringstream new_connection_path; new_connection_path << new_relative_path.get_string() << absolute_path.substr( previous_path_length ); server.process_command( ISetCommand::create( connection_path.get_path(), CStringValue( new_connection_path.str() ) ), CCommandSource::SYSTEM ); }
void CFileDetailDialog::OnBnClickedApply(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(evt)) { CPath fileName = CPath(CastChild(IDC_FILENAME, wxTextCtrl)->GetValue()); if (fileName.IsOk() && (fileName != m_file->GetFileName())) { if (theApp->sharedfiles->RenameFile(m_file, fileName)) { FindWindow(IDC_FNAME)->SetLabel(MakeStringEscaped(m_file->GetFileName().GetPrintable())); FindWindow(IDC_METFILE)->SetLabel(m_file->GetFullName().GetPrintable()); resetValueForFilenameTextEdit(); Layout(); } } }
bool CKnownFileList::Init() { CFile file; CPath fullpath = CPath(theApp->ConfigDir + m_filename); if (!fullpath.FileExists()) { // This is perfectly normal. The file was probably either // deleted, or this is the first time running aMule. return false; } if (!file.Open(fullpath)) { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("WARNING: %s cannot be opened.")) % m_filename); return false; } try { uint8 version = file.ReadUInt8(); if ((version != MET_HEADER) && (version != MET_HEADER_WITH_LARGEFILES)) { AddLogLineC(_("WARNING: Known file list corrupted, contains invalid header.")); return false; } wxMutexLocker sLock(list_mut); uint32 RecordsNumber = file.ReadUInt32(); AddDebugLogLineN(logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("Reading %i known files from file format 0x%2.2x.")) % RecordsNumber % version); for (uint32 i = 0; i < RecordsNumber; i++) { CScopedPtr<CKnownFile> record; if (record->LoadFromFile(&file)) { AddDebugLogLineN(logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("Known file read: %s")) % record->GetFileName()); Append(record.release()); } else { AddLogLineC(_("Failed to load entry in known file list, file may be corrupt")); } } AddDebugLogLineN(logKnownFiles, wxT("Finished reading known files")); return true; } catch (const CInvalidPacket& e) { AddLogLineC(_("Invalid entry in known file list, file may be corrupt: ") + e.what()); } catch (const CSafeIOException& e) { AddLogLineC(CFormat(_("IO error while reading %s file: %s")) % m_filename % e.what()); } return false; }
void Mouse(int button, int state,int x,int y) { int mouse_tile_XPos=x/tile_size+g_XPos; int mouse_tile_YPos=y/tile_size+g_YPos; switch (button) { case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: if (state == GLUT_DOWN) { //left clicked ClearTrack(true); map_tiles[mouse_tile_XPos][mouse_tile_YPos]=start; } break; case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: if (state == GLUT_DOWN ) { //right clicked ClearTrack(false); //set the goal position map_tiles[mouse_tile_XPos][mouse_tile_YPos]=goal; //create the path pathCreator.SetObstructionMatrix(map_tiles,ground,start,goal); pathCreator.Create(); pathL=pathCreator.BackTrack(); //set the path to the map int i; for(i=0;i<pathL.size()-1;i++) { map_tiles[pathL[i].X][pathL[i].Y]=track; } map_tiles[pathL[i].X][pathL[i].Y]=start; //clean the path list pathL.erase(pathL.begin(),pathL.begin()+pathL.size()); } break; default: break; } }
int ReadConfig(void) throw() { CPath path; if (GetIniFile(path)) { int f = ::GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("server"), _T("family"), 0, path); m_family = (f == 4)? AF_INET : (f == 6)? AF_INET6 : DEFAULT_FAMILY; m_bCircular = !!::GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("server"), _T("circular"), 0, path); m_MaxConnect = ::GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("server"), _T("maxconnect"), m_MaxConnect, path); CString buf; if (GetConfigString(buf, path, _T("ipaddress"))) { m_addr = buf; } if (GetConfigString(buf, path, _T("port"))) { m_port = buf; } if (GetConfigString(buf, path, _T("protocol"))) { if (buf.CompareNoCase(_T("TCP")) == 0) { m_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; } else if (buf.CompareNoCase(_T("UDP")) == 0) { m_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; } } // get storage name and interval CTask& task = CFactorySingleton<CTask>::Instance(); UINT interval = ::GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("server"), _T("interval"), 0, path); if (interval > 0) { task.SetInterval(interval); } if (GetConfigString(buf, path, _T("storage"), STORAGE_NAME)) { path.RemoveFileSpec(); path.Append(buf); task.LoadState(path); } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
bool CMapImportDlg::CheckInfile( ) { CString strDescr; CFile file( m_strSrcMap, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary ); // m_TDI.m_strSrcDescr = _T(""); // infoMap::iterator i = m_infoMap.find( m_TDI.m_strMapType ); bool bRet = false; // switch( (*i).second.type ) { switch(0) { case 0: { } break; case 1 : { if( GetReferenced( file, strDescr, m_mapInfo ) ) { CPath pathOfSrc( m_strSrcMap ); m_mapInfo.m_strName = (LPCTSTR) pathOfSrc.Prefix(); m_mapInfo.m_strIdent.Format( _T("TK@USRBEGK@%s"), (LPCTSTR) pathOfSrc.Prefix() ); m_mapInfo.m_csType = tcsCS_Projected; m_mapInfo.m_csDatum = tcsGD_DeutscheHauptdreiecksnetz; m_mapInfo.m_csMeridian = tcsPM_Greenwich; m_mapInfo.m_csProjection = tcsPA_GaussKrueger; bRet = true; } } break; case 2 : { if( GetIntergraph( file, strDescr, m_mapInfo ) ) { CPath pathOfSrc( m_strSrcMap ); m_mapInfo.m_strName = (LPCTSTR) pathOfSrc.Prefix(); m_mapInfo.m_strIdent.Format( _T("TK@USRBEGK@%s"), (LPCTSTR) pathOfSrc.Prefix() ); m_mapInfo.m_csType = tcsCS_Projected; m_mapInfo.m_csDatum = tcsGD_DeutscheHauptdreiecksnetz; m_mapInfo.m_csMeridian = tcsPM_Greenwich; m_mapInfo.m_csProjection = tcsPA_GaussKrueger; bRet = true; } } break; } if( true == bRet ) { CPath pathOfSrc( m_strSrcMap ); CPath pathOfDst; // pathOfDst.Dir( m_TDI.m_strDstDir ); // pathOfDst.FileName( pathOfSrc.FileName() ); m_mapInfo.m_strSrcPath = pathOfSrc.Path(); m_mapInfo.m_strDstPath = pathOfDst.Path(); } return bRet; }
void IFileContainer::write(const CPath& filename, const CPath& directory, ContentTypes::File& content) const { OOX::Rels::File rels; CPath current = filename.GetDirectory(); write(rels, current, directory, content); rels.write(filename); }
void CSharedFilesCtrl::OnRename( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) { int item = GetNextItem( -1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED ); if ( item != -1 ) { CKnownFile* file = (CKnownFile*)GetItemData(item); wxString strNewName = ::wxGetTextFromUser( _("Enter new name for this file:"), _("File rename"), file->GetFileName().GetPrintable()); CPath newName = CPath(strNewName); if (newName.IsOk() && (newName != file->GetFileName())) { theApp->sharedfiles->RenameFile(file, newName); } } }
bool CFile::Create(const CPath& path, bool overwrite, int accessMode) { if (!overwrite && path.FileExists()) { return false; } return Open(path, write, accessMode); }