bool BackupTaskState(void) throw() { CPath path; bool bRet = false; if (GetIniFile(path)) { CString temp; bRet = true; // get storage name if (GetConfigString(temp, path, _T("storage"), STORAGE_NAME)) { path.RemoveFileSpec(); path.Append(temp); if (path.FileExists()) { temp = (LPCTSTR)path; // store existing path.RenameExtension(_T(".bak")); bRet = (::MoveFileEx(temp, path, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) != 0); } } } return bRet; }
//設定から出力先フォルダを読み込む //r_bUseForAll:今後も同じフォルダ設定を使うならtrue HRESULT GetOutputDirPathFromConfig(OUTPUT_TO outputDirType,LPCTSTR lpszOrgFile,LPCTSTR lpszSpecific,CPath &r_pathOutputDir,bool &r_bUseForAll,CString &strErr) { TCHAR szBuffer[_MAX_PATH+1]; FILL_ZERO(szBuffer); switch(outputDirType){ case OUTPUT_TO_SPECIFIC_DIR: //Specific Directory //TRACE(_T("Specific Dir:%s\n"),Config.Common.Extract.OutputDir); r_pathOutputDir=lpszSpecific; if(_tcslen(r_pathOutputDir)>0){ return S_OK; }else{ //出力先がかかれていなければ、デスクトップに出力する } //FALLTHROUGH case OUTPUT_TO_DESKTOP: //Desktop if(SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL,szBuffer,CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY,FALSE)){ r_pathOutputDir=szBuffer; }else{ //デスクトップがない? strErr=CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_ERROR_GET_DESKTOP)); return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; case OUTPUT_TO_SAME_DIR: //Same Directory _tcsncpy_s(szBuffer,lpszOrgFile,_MAX_PATH); PathRemoveFileSpec(szBuffer); r_pathOutputDir=szBuffer; return S_OK; case OUTPUT_TO_ALWAYS_ASK_WHERE: //出力先を毎回聞く TRACE(_T("Always ask\n")); { //元のファイルと同じ場所にする;2回目以降は前回出力場所を使用する static CString s_strLastOutput; CPath pathTmp; if(s_strLastOutput.IsEmpty()){ pathTmp=lpszOrgFile; pathTmp.RemoveFileSpec(); }else{ pathTmp=(LPCTSTR)s_strLastOutput; } CString title(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_INPUT_TARGET_FOLDER_WITH_SHIFT)); CLFFolderDialog dlg(NULL,title,BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS|BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE); dlg.SetInitialFolder(pathTmp); if(IDOK==dlg.DoModal()){ r_bUseForAll=(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)<0); //TODO r_pathOutputDir=dlg.GetFolderPath(); s_strLastOutput=(LPCTSTR)r_pathOutputDir; return S_OK; }else{ return E_ABORT; //キャンセルされた } } break; default: ASSERT(!"This code cannot be run"); return E_NOTIMPL; } }
int ReadConfig(void) throw() { CPath path; if (GetIniFile(path)) { int f = ::GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("server"), _T("family"), 0, path); m_family = (f == 4)? AF_INET : (f == 6)? AF_INET6 : DEFAULT_FAMILY; m_bCircular = !!::GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("server"), _T("circular"), 0, path); m_MaxConnect = ::GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("server"), _T("maxconnect"), m_MaxConnect, path); CString buf; if (GetConfigString(buf, path, _T("ipaddress"))) { m_addr = buf; } if (GetConfigString(buf, path, _T("port"))) { m_port = buf; } if (GetConfigString(buf, path, _T("protocol"))) { if (buf.CompareNoCase(_T("TCP")) == 0) { m_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; } else if (buf.CompareNoCase(_T("UDP")) == 0) { m_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; } } // get storage name and interval CTask& task = CFactorySingleton<CTask>::Instance(); UINT interval = ::GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("server"), _T("interval"), 0, path); if (interval > 0) { task.SetInterval(interval); } if (GetConfigString(buf, path, _T("storage"), STORAGE_NAME)) { path.RemoveFileSpec(); path.Append(buf); task.LoadState(path); } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
BOOL CUnique::IsFilterFile( const CString& FilePath ) { if ( FALSE == WinMod::CWinPathApi::IsFileExisting(FilePath) ) { //文件存在。但判断不出。如pagefile.sys return TRUE; } BOOL bFilter = FALSE; CPath DirPath = FilePath; DirPath.RemoveFileSpec(); BOOL bTemp = FALSE; if ( _IsFindFile(FilePath) || _IsFindDir(DirPath.m_strPath, bTemp) ) { //是提交过的文件,或文件所在目录为,扫描过的目录。 bFilter = TRUE; } return bFilter; }
void Config::Save() { CXmlWriter XmlWriter; XmlWriter.Open("root"); XmlWriter.AddNewElement("SizeMode"); XmlWriter.Write("value", Config::SizeMode); XmlWriter.AddNewElement("SkinTheme"); XmlWriter.Write("value", Config::SkinTheme); XmlWriter.AddNewElement("ShowFloatBar"); XmlWriter.Write("value", Config::ShowFloatBar ? 1 : 0); XmlWriter.AddNewElement("wVirtualKeyCode"); XmlWriter.Write("value", Config::wVirtualKeyCode); XmlWriter.AddNewElement("wModifiers"); XmlWriter.Write("value", Config::wModifiers); XmlWriter.AddNewElement("CloseMode"); XmlWriter.Write("value", Config::CloseMode); XmlWriter.AddNewElement("StartupMode"); XmlWriter.Write("value", Config::StartupMode); XmlWriter.AddNewElement("Transparent"); XmlWriter.Write("value", Config::Transparent ? 1 : 0); XmlWriter.AddNewElement("TransparentPercent"); XmlWriter.Write("value", Config::TransparentPercent); TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = _T(""); ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH); CPath SaveFile; SaveFile = szPath; SaveFile.RemoveFileSpec(); SaveFile.Append(L"config.dat"); XmlWriter.WriteFile(CStringA(SaveFile)); }
HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadChapters(CString strPlaylistFile, CAtlList<CHdmvClipInfo::PlaylistItem>& PlaylistItems, CAtlList<PlaylistChapter>& Chapters) { BYTE Buff[100]; CPath Path (strPlaylistFile); bool bDuplicate = false; // Get BDMV folder Path.RemoveFileSpec(); Path.RemoveFileSpec(); m_hFile = CreateFile(strPlaylistFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if(m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { REFERENCE_TIME* rtOffset = new REFERENCE_TIME[PlaylistItems.GetCount()]; REFERENCE_TIME rtSum = 0; int nIndex = 0; POSITION pos = PlaylistItems.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos) { CHdmvClipInfo::PlaylistItem& PI = PlaylistItems.GetNext(pos); rtOffset[nIndex] = rtSum - PI.m_rtIn; rtSum = rtSum + PI.Duration(); nIndex++; } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp (Buff, "MPLS", 4)) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(rtOffset); return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if ((memcmp (Buff, "0200", 4)!=0) && (memcmp (Buff, "0100", 4)!=0)) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(rtOffset); return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } DWORD dwPos; DWORD dwTemp; SHORT nMarkCount; ReadDword(); // PlayList_start_address dwPos = ReadDword(); // PlayListMark_start_address // PlayListMark() SetFilePointer(m_hFile, dwPos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadDword(); // length nMarkCount = ReadShort(); // number_of_PlayList_marks for (size_t i=0; i<nMarkCount; i++) { PlaylistChapter Chapter; ReadByte(); // reserved_for_future_use Chapter.m_nMarkType = (PlaylistMarkType)ReadByte(); // mark_type Chapter.m_nPlayItemId = ReadShort(); // ref_to_PlayItem_id Chapter.m_rtTimestamp = 20000i64*ReadDword()/90 + rtOffset[Chapter.m_nPlayItemId]; // mark_time_stamp Chapter.m_nEntryPID = ReadShort(); // entry_ES_PID Chapter.m_rtDuration = 20000i64*ReadDword()/90; // duration Chapters.AddTail (Chapter); // TRACE ("Chapter %d : %S\n", i, ReftimeToString (Chapter.m_rtTimestamp)); } CloseFile (S_OK); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(rtOffset); return bDuplicate ? S_FALSE : S_OK; } return AmHresultFromWin32(GetLastError()); }
HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadPlaylist(CString strPlaylistFile, REFERENCE_TIME& rtDuration, CAtlList<PlaylistItem>& Playlist) { BYTE Buff[100]; CPath Path (strPlaylistFile); bool bDuplicate = false; rtDuration = 0; // Get BDMV folder Path.RemoveFileSpec(); Path.RemoveFileSpec(); m_hFile = CreateFile(strPlaylistFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if(m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp (Buff, "MPLS", 4)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if ((memcmp (Buff, "0200", 4)!=0) && (memcmp (Buff, "0100", 4)!=0)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } DWORD dwPos; DWORD dwTemp; SHORT nPlaylistItems; dwPos = ReadDword(); // PlayList_start_address ReadDword(); // PlayListMark_start_address // PlayList() SetFilePointer(m_hFile, dwPos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadDword(); // length ReadShort(); // reserved_for_future_use nPlaylistItems = ReadShort(); // number_of_PlayItems ReadShort(); // number_of_SubPaths dwPos += 10; for (size_t i=0; i<nPlaylistItems; i++) { PlaylistItem Item; SetFilePointer(m_hFile, dwPos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); dwPos = dwPos + ReadShort() + 2; ReadBuffer(Buff, 5); Item.m_strFileName.Format(_T("%s\\STREAM\\%c%c%c%c%c.M2TS"), Path, Buff[0], Buff[1], Buff[2], Buff[3], Buff[4]); ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp (Buff, "M2TS", 4)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 3); dwTemp = ReadDword(); Item.m_rtIn = 20000i64*dwTemp/90; // Carefull : 32->33 bits! dwTemp = ReadDword(); Item.m_rtOut = 20000i64*dwTemp/90; // Carefull : 32->33 bits! rtDuration += (Item.m_rtOut - Item.m_rtIn); if (Playlist.Find(Item) != NULL) { bDuplicate = true; } Playlist.AddTail (Item); //TRACE ("File : %S, Duration : %S, Total duration : %S\n", strTemp, ReftimeToString (rtOut - rtIn), ReftimeToString (rtDuration)); } CloseFile (S_OK); return bDuplicate ? S_FALSE : S_OK; } return AmHresultFromWin32(GetLastError()); }
HRESULT CHdmvClipInfo::ReadPlaylist(CString strPlaylistFile, REFERENCE_TIME& rtDuration, CPlaylist& Playlist, BOOL bFullInfoRead) { BYTE Buff[5]; CPath Path (strPlaylistFile); bool bDuplicate = false; rtDuration = 0; // Get BDMV folder Path.RemoveFileSpec(); Path.RemoveFileSpec(); m_hFile = CreateFile(strPlaylistFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, _T("CHdmvClipInfo::ReadPlaylist() : %s"), strPlaylistFile)); ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp(Buff, "MPLS", 4)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if ((memcmp(Buff, "0200", 4)) && (memcmp(Buff, "0100", 4))) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } LARGE_INTEGER Pos = {0, 0}; DWORD dwTemp; USHORT nPlaylistItems; Pos.QuadPart = ReadDword(); // PlayList_start_address ReadDword(); // PlayListMark_start_address // PlayList() SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); ReadDword(); // length ReadShort(); // reserved_for_future_use nPlaylistItems = ReadShort(); // number_of_PlayItems ReadShort(); // number_of_SubPaths Pos.QuadPart += 10; __int64 TotalSize = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < nPlaylistItems; i++) { CAutoPtr<PlaylistItem> Item(DNew PlaylistItem); SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, Pos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); Pos.QuadPart += ReadShort() + 2; ReadBuffer(Buff, 5); Item->m_strFileName.Format(_T("%s\\STREAM\\%c%c%c%c%c.M2TS"), CString(Path), Buff[0], Buff[1], Buff[2], Buff[3], Buff[4]); ReadBuffer(Buff, 4); if (memcmp(Buff, "M2TS", 4)) { return CloseFile(VFW_E_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT); } if (!::PathFileExists(Item->m_strFileName)) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, _T(" ==> %s is missing, skip it"), Item->m_strFileName)); continue; } ReadBuffer(Buff, 3); dwTemp = ReadDword(); Item->m_rtIn = REFERENCE_TIME(20000.0f*dwTemp/90); dwTemp = ReadDword(); Item->m_rtOut = REFERENCE_TIME(20000.0f*dwTemp/90); Item->m_rtStartTime = rtDuration; rtDuration += (Item->m_rtOut - Item->m_rtIn); if (bFullInfoRead) { LARGE_INTEGER size = {0, 0}; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(Item->m_strFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY|FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &size); CloseHandle(hFile); } Item->m_SizeIn = TotalSize; TotalSize += size.QuadPart; Item->m_SizeOut = TotalSize; } POSITION pos = Playlist.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { PlaylistItem* pItem = Playlist.GetNext(pos); if (*pItem == *Item) { bDuplicate = true; break; } } DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, _T(" ==> %s, Duration : %s [%15I64d], Total duration : %s, Size : %I64d"), Item->m_strFileName, ReftimeToString(Item->Duration()), Item->Duration(), ReftimeToString(rtDuration), Item->Size())); Playlist.AddTail(Item); } CloseFile(S_OK); if (bFullInfoRead) { POSITION pos = Playlist.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { PlaylistItem* pItem = Playlist.GetNext(pos); CString fname = pItem->m_strFileName; fname.Replace(L"\\STREAM\\", L"\\CLIPINF\\"); fname.Replace(L".M2TS", L".CLPI"); ReadInfo(fname, &pItem->m_sps); } } return Playlist.IsEmpty() ? E_FAIL : bDuplicate ? S_FALSE : S_OK; } return AmHresultFromWin32(GetLastError()); }
UINT_PTR CNavDesktopModule::Main() { if (!CheckInstance()) { return 0; } if (_InitDownInterface()) { _UpdateSelf();//程序升级 _UpdateXmlConfig();//更新界面布局xml文件 } CMessageLoop theLoop; _Module.AddMessageLoop(&theLoop); { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = _T(""); ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH); CPath ConfigFile; ConfigFile = szPath; ConfigFile.RemoveFileSpec(); ConfigFile.Append(L"config.dat"); CXmlReader XmlReader; if (XmlReader.LoadFile(CStringA(ConfigFile))) { if (XmlReader.Open("root\\SizeMode")) XmlReader.Read("value", Config::SizeMode); if (XmlReader.Open("root\\SkinTheme")) XmlReader.Read("value", Config::SkinTheme); if (XmlReader.Open("root\\ShowFloatBar")) XmlReader.Read("value", Config::ShowFloatBar); if (XmlReader.Open("root\\wVirtualKeyCode")) XmlReader.Read("value", (int&)Config::wVirtualKeyCode); if (XmlReader.Open("root\\wModifiers")) XmlReader.Read("value", (int&)Config::wModifiers); if (XmlReader.Open("root\\CloseMode")) XmlReader.Read("value", Config::CloseMode); if (XmlReader.Open("root\\StartupMode")) XmlReader.Read("value", Config::StartupMode); if (XmlReader.Open("root\\Transparent")) XmlReader.Read("value", Config::Transparent); if (XmlReader.Open("root\\TransparentPercent")) XmlReader.Read("value", Config::TransparentPercent); } } CMainWnd MainWnd; if (MainWnd.Create(NULL) == NULL) { ATLTRACE(_T("Main dialog creation failed!\n")); return 0; } int nRet = theLoop.Run(); _Module.RemoveMessageLoop(); return nRet; }
DWORD WINAPI DlgThread(LPVOID lpParameter) { UINT i; int ret = 0; CPhotoResizeDlg waitDlg; CThreadInfo * threadInfo = (CThreadInfo *)lpParameter; CAtlArray<ResizeThread *> taskArray; ::CoInitialize(NULL); if(IDOK == waitDlg.DoModal(threadInfo->m_hwnd)) { CPath pathSource; CPath pathDirectory; CString strTitle, strCancel; size_t numFiles = threadInfo->m_aFiles.GetCount(); CThreadPool<CWorker> m_threadPool; LONG interlockedCounter = 0; LONG interlockedShutdown = 0; ResizeThread *resizeThread; ImageHelperParam * pImageHelperParam; SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; // create the progress dialog CComPtr<IProgressDialog> pProgressDialog; pProgressDialog.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ProgressDialog); if (pProgressDialog != NULL) { strTitle.LoadString(IDS_RESIZING); strCancel.LoadString(IDS_CANCELING); pProgressDialog->SetTitle(strTitle.GetBuffer()); // 0x020 is PROGDLG_MARQUEEPROGRESS, vc2008 couldn't find the definition // prog dlg doesn't list file names anymore since work is overlapped. pProgressDialog->StartProgressDialog(threadInfo->m_hwnd, NULL, 0x00000020, NULL); pProgressDialog->SetCancelMsg(strCancel.GetBuffer(), NULL); pProgressDialog->SetLine(1, strTitle.GetBuffer(), FALSE, NULL); } pImageHelperParam = new ImageHelperParam(); pImageHelperParam->m_size = waitDlg.GetSize(); pImageHelperParam->m_width = waitDlg.GetWidth(); pImageHelperParam->m_height = waitDlg.GetHeight(); pImageHelperParam->m_smallerOnly = waitDlg.IsSmallerOnly(); pImageHelperParam->m_overwriteOriginal = waitDlg.IsOverwriteOriginal(); // get number of cores/cpus on system. // max number of threads is either number of cores or number of files GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo); if(numFiles > sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors) { m_threadPool.Initialize((void *)pImageHelperParam, sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors); } else { m_threadPool.Initialize((void *)pImageHelperParam, numFiles); } // queue tasks to thread pool for (i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { pathSource = threadInfo->m_aFiles[i]; if (CString(threadInfo->m_pathFolder).IsEmpty()) { pathDirectory = pathSource; pathDirectory.RemoveFileSpec(); } resizeThread = new ResizeThread(pathSource, pathDirectory, &interlockedCounter, &interlockedShutdown); taskArray.Add(resizeThread); m_threadPool.QueueRequest((CWorker::RequestType)resizeThread); // increment counter for each task InterlockedIncrement(&interlockedCounter); } // worker threads decrement counter for each task they complete, // when the counter reaches zero, we're done. while(interlockedCounter > 0) { if(pProgressDialog != NULL && pProgressDialog->HasUserCancelled()) { // will cause worker thread to skip the actual resize tasks and just // mark themselves as completed. InterlockedExchange(&interlockedShutdown, 1); // wait for task count to go to zero while(interlockedCounter > 0) { Sleep(50); } m_threadPool.Shutdown(5 * 1000); // give it 5 seconds to shutdown, but all tasks should be done by now // bug in cthreadpool, will throw an assertion in debug mode if tasks still exist after the timeout // // so, we don't want any current tasks when the shutdown times out // otherwise we could have resource/handle leaks // really should implement a thread pool that shuts down properly break; } Sleep(100); // wait a bit } if (pProgressDialog != NULL) { pProgressDialog->StopProgressDialog(); pProgressDialog.Release(); } if(NULL != pImageHelperParam) { delete pImageHelperParam; } // delete tasks for(i = 0; i < taskArray.GetCount(); i++) { resizeThread = taskArray[i]; if(NULL != resizeThread) { delete resizeThread; } } taskArray.RemoveAll(); m_threadPool.Release(); } if(NULL != threadInfo) { delete threadInfo; threadInfo = NULL; } ::CoUninitialize(); return ret; }