コード例 #1
void ObjCNonNilReturnValueChecker::checkPostObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &M,
                                                        CheckerContext &C)
                                                        const {
  ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();

  if (!Initialized) {
    ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
    ObjectAtIndex = GetUnarySelector("objectAtIndex", Ctx);
    ObjectAtIndexedSubscript = GetUnarySelector("objectAtIndexedSubscript", Ctx);
    NullSelector = GetNullarySelector("null", Ctx);

  // Check the receiver type.
  if (const ObjCInterfaceDecl *Interface = M.getReceiverInterface()) {

    // Assume that object returned from '[self init]' or '[super init]' is not
    // 'nil' if we are processing an inlined function/method.
    // A defensive callee will (and should) check if the object returned by
    // '[super init]' is 'nil' before doing it's own initialization. However,
    // since 'nil' is rarely returned in practice, we should not warn when the
    // caller to the defensive constructor uses the object in contexts where
    // 'nil' is not accepted.
    if (!C.inTopFrame() && M.getDecl() &&
        M.getDecl()->getMethodFamily() == OMF_init &&
        M.isReceiverSelfOrSuper()) {
      State = assumeExprIsNonNull(M.getOriginExpr(), State, C);

    FoundationClass Cl = findKnownClass(Interface);

    // Objects returned from
    // [NSArray|NSOrderedSet]::[ObjectAtIndex|ObjectAtIndexedSubscript]
    // are never 'nil'.
    if (Cl == FC_NSArray || Cl == FC_NSOrderedSet) {
      Selector Sel = M.getSelector();
      if (Sel == ObjectAtIndex || Sel == ObjectAtIndexedSubscript) {
        // Go ahead and assume the value is non-nil.
        State = assumeExprIsNonNull(M.getOriginExpr(), State, C);

    // Objects returned from [NSNull null] are not nil.
    if (Cl == FC_NSNull) {
      if (M.getSelector() == NullSelector) {
        // Go ahead and assume the value is non-nil.
        State = assumeExprIsNonNull(M.getOriginExpr(), State, C);