コード例 #1
void cp_compute_consumption(ClassAd& job, ClassAd& resource, consumption_map_t& consumption) {

    string mrv;
    if (!resource.LookupString(ATTR_MACHINE_RESOURCES, mrv)) {
        EXCEPT("Resource ad missing %s attribute", ATTR_MACHINE_RESOURCES);

    StringList alist(mrv.c_str());
    while (char* asset = alist.next()) {
        if (MATCH == strcasecmp(asset, "swap")) continue;

        string ra;
        string coa;
        formatstr(ra, "%s%s", ATTR_REQUEST_PREFIX, asset);
        formatstr(coa, "_condor_%s", ra.c_str());
        bool override = false;
        double ov=0;
        if (job.EvalFloat(coa.c_str(), NULL, ov)) {
            // Allow _condor_RequestedXXX to override RequestedXXX
            // this case is intended to be operative when a scheduler has set 
            // such values and sent them on to the startd that owns this resource
            // (e.g. I'd not expect this case to arise elsewhere, like the negotiator)
            string ta;
            formatstr(ta, "_cp_temp_%s", ra.c_str());
            job.CopyAttribute(ta.c_str(), ra.c_str());
            job.Assign(ra.c_str(), ov);
            override = true;