コード例 #1
OfflineCollectorPlugin::expire ( 
	ClassAd &ad )
	classad::Value result;
	bool val;

	dprintf (
		"In OfflineCollectorPlugin::expire()\n" );

	/* bail out if the plug-in is not enabled, or if no ABSENT_REQUIREMENTS
	   have been defined */
	if ( !enabled() || !AbsentReq ) {
		return false;	// return false tells collector to delete this ad

	/* for now, if the ad is of any type other than a startd ad, bail out. currently
	   absent ads only supported for ads of type Machine, because our offline storage
	   assumes that. */
	if ( strcmp(ad.GetMyTypeName(),STARTD_ADTYPE) ) {
		return false;	// return false tells collector to delete this ad
	/*	The ad may be a STARTD_PVT_ADTYPE, even though GetMyTypeName() claims 
		it is a STARTD_ADTYPE. Sigh. This is because the startd sends private 
		ads w/ the wrong type, because the query object queries private ads w/ the 
		wrong type. If I were to fix the startd to label private ads with the proper
		type, an incompatibility between startd/negotiator would have to be dealt with.
		So here we try to distinguish if this ad is really a STARTD_PVT_ADTYPE by seeing
		if a Capability attr is present and a State attr is not present. */
	if ( ad.Lookup(ATTR_CAPABILITY) && !ad.Lookup(ATTR_STATE) ) {
		// looks like a private ad, we don't want to store these
		return false;	// return false tells collector to delete this ad

	/* If the ad is alraedy has ABSENT=True and it is expiring, then
	   let it be deleted as in this case it already sat around absent
	   for the absent lifetime. */
	bool already_absent = false;
	if (already_absent) {
		MyString s;
		const char *key = makeOfflineKey(ad,s);
		if (key) {
		return false; // return false tells collector to delete this ad

	/* Test is ad against the absent requirements expression, and
	   mark the ad absent if true */
	if (EvalExprTree(AbsentReq,&ad,NULL,result) &&
		result.IsBooleanValue(val) && val) 
		int lifetime, timestamp;

		lifetime = param_integer ( 
			60 * 60 * 24 * 30 );	// default expire absent ads in a month		
		if ( lifetime == 0 ) lifetime = INT_MAX; // 0 means forever

		ad.Assign ( ATTR_ABSENT, true );
		ad.Assign ( ATTR_CLASSAD_LIFETIME, lifetime );
		timestamp = time(NULL);
		ad.Assign(ATTR_LAST_HEARD_FROM, timestamp);
		ad.Assign ( ATTR_MY_CURRENT_TIME, timestamp );
		// if we marked this ad as absent, we want to keep it in the collector
		return true;	// return true tells the collector to KEEP this ad

	return false;	// return false tells collector to delete this ad