boolean Editor::DependsOn (Component* parent) { Component* child = GetComponent(); while (child != nil) { if (parent == child) { return true; } child = child->GetParent(); } return false; }
void MenuItem::MouseReleased(const MouseEvent& lEvent) { if(!IsParentMenuOpen()) { return; } Menu* lpParentMenu = (Menu* )GetParent(); // Make sure that we are inside the bounds of the parent menu if(lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent() != NULL) { int lTextHeight = m_pRenderer->GetFreeTypeTextHeight(lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent()->GetGUIFont(), "%s", lpParentMenu->GetMenuTitle().c_str()); int lMenuHeight = lTextHeight + (lpParentMenu->GetMenuItemSpacer() * 2); int lFullMenuDisplayHeight = lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent()->GetMaxNumItemsDisplayed() * lMenuHeight; Point location = lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent()->GetLocation(); for(Component* parent = lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent()->GetParent(); parent != 0;) { Point parentLocation = parent->GetLocation(); location.m_x += parentLocation.m_x; location.m_y += parentLocation.m_y; parent = parent->GetParent(); } int lMenuX = location.m_x; int lMenuY = location.m_y - lFullMenuDisplayHeight; int lMenuWidth = lpParentMenu->GetBiggestWidth()+ (lpParentMenu->GetMenuItemSpacer() * 2); if(lEvent.GetX() > lMenuX && lEvent.GetX() <= lMenuX+lMenuWidth && lEvent.GetY() > lMenuY && lEvent.GetY() <= lMenuY+lFullMenuDisplayHeight) { // Close the menu, since we have clicked this menu item lpParentMenu->CloseMenu(); SetHover(false); SetSelected(false); // Signal that we have pressed this menu item MenuItemPressed(); } } FocusManager::GetInstance()->SetFocusOwner(0); OnMouseReleased(); }
void MenuItem::MouseEntered(const MouseEvent& lEvent) { if(!IsParentMenuOpen()) { return; } Menu* lpParentMenu = (Menu* )GetParent(); // Make sure that we are inside the bounds of the parent menu if(lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent() != NULL) { int lTextHeight = m_pRenderer->GetFreeTypeTextHeight(lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent()->GetGUIFont(), "%s", lpParentMenu->GetMenuTitle().c_str()); int lMenuHeight = lTextHeight + (lpParentMenu->GetMenuItemSpacer() * 2); int lFullMenuDisplayHeight = lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent()->GetMaxNumItemsDisplayed() * lMenuHeight; Point location = lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent()->GetLocation(); for(Component* parent = lpParentMenu->GetPullDownMenuParent()->GetParent(); parent != 0;) { Point parentLocation = parent->GetLocation(); location.m_x += parentLocation.m_x; location.m_y += parentLocation.m_y; parent = parent->GetParent(); } int lMenuX = location.m_x; int lMenuY = location.m_y - lFullMenuDisplayHeight; int lMenuWidth = lpParentMenu->GetBiggestWidth()+ (lpParentMenu->GetMenuItemSpacer() * 2); if(lEvent.GetX() > lMenuX && lEvent.GetX() <= lMenuX+lMenuWidth && lEvent.GetY() > lMenuY && lEvent.GetY() <= lMenuY+lFullMenuDisplayHeight) { SetHover(true); OnMouseEnter(); } } }
boolean TextScript::Definition (ostream& out) { TextOvComp* comp = (TextOvComp*) GetSubject(); TextGraphic* g = comp->GetText(); const char* text = g->GetOriginal(); int h = g->GetLineHeight(); out << "text("; out << h << ","; int indent_level = 0; Component* parent = comp; do { parent = parent->GetParent(); indent_level++; } while (parent != nil); ParamList::output_text(out, text, indent_level); float sep = g->GetLineHeight() - 1; // correct for vert shift Transformer corrected, *t = g->GetTransformer(); corrected.Translate(0., sep); if (t == nil) { g->SetTransformer(&corrected); TextGS(out); g->SetTransformer(t); } else { t->Reference(); corrected.Postmultiply(t); g->SetTransformer(&corrected); TextGS(out); g->SetTransformer(t); Unref(t); } Annotation(out); Attributes(out); out << ")"; return out.good(); }