void ViewCompCmd::Execute () { Editor* ed = GetEditor(); if (OnlyOneEditorOf(ed->GetComponent()) && !ReadyToClose(ed)) { return; } Style* style; boolean reset_caption = false; if (chooser_ == nil) { style = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); chooser_ = DialogKit::instance()->file_chooser(".", style); Resource::ref(chooser_); char buf[CHARBUFSIZE]; const char* domain = unidraw->GetCatalog()->GetAttribute("domain"); domain = (domain == nil) ? "component" : domain; sprintf(buf, "Select a %s to open:", domain); style->attribute("caption", ""); style->attribute("subcaption", buf); } else { style = chooser_->style(); } while (chooser_->post_for(ed->GetWindow())) { const String* s = chooser_->selected(); NullTerminatedString ns(*s); const char* name = ns.string(); Catalog* catalog = unidraw->GetCatalog(); GraphicComp* comp; if (catalog->Retrieve(name, (Component*&) comp)) { ModifStatusVar* modif = (ModifStatusVar*) ed->GetState( "ModifStatusVar" ); Component* orig = ed->GetComponent(); ed->SetComponent(comp); unidraw->Update(); StateVar* sv = ed->GetState("CompNameVar"); CompNameVar* cnv = (CompNameVar*) sv; if (cnv != nil) cnv->SetComponent(comp); if (modif != nil) modif->SetComponent(comp); if (orig != nil && unidraw->FindAny(orig) == nil) { Component* root = orig->GetRoot(); delete root; } break; } else { style->attribute("caption", "Open failed!"); reset_caption = true; } } if (reset_caption) { style->attribute("caption", ""); } }
void RevertCmd::Execute () { Editor* ed = GetEditor(); Component* comp = ed->GetComponent(); Catalog* catalog = unidraw->GetCatalog(); const char* name = catalog->GetName(comp); ModifStatusVar* mv = (ModifStatusVar*) ed->GetState("ModifStatusVar"); if (name != nil && (mv == nil || mv->GetModifStatus())) { char buf[CHARBUFSIZE]; strcpy(buf, name); ConfirmDialog dialog("Really revert to last version saved?"); ed->InsertDialog(&dialog); char confirmation = dialog.Confirm(); ed->RemoveDialog(&dialog); if (confirmation == 'y') { Component* orig = comp; catalog->Forget(orig); if (unidraw->GetCatalog()->Retrieve(buf, comp)) { ed->SetComponent(comp); unidraw->CloseDependents(orig); unidraw->Update(); CompNameVar* cv = (CompNameVar*) ed->GetState("CompNameVar"); if (cv != nil) cv->SetComponent(comp); if (mv != nil) mv->SetComponent(comp); Component* root = orig->GetRoot(); delete root; } else { ConfirmDialog dialog( "Couldn't revert! (File nonexistent?)", "Save changes?" ); ed->InsertDialog(&dialog); char confirmation = dialog.Confirm(); ed->RemoveDialog(&dialog); UpdateCompNameVars(); if (mv != nil) mv->Notify(); if (confirmation == 'y') { SaveCompAsCmd saveCompAs(ed); saveCompAs.Execute(); } } } } }
void QuitCmd::Execute () { Editor* ed = GetEditor(); if (ReadyToClose(ed)) { Component* comp = ed->GetComponent(); if (comp == nil) { unidraw->Close(ed); } else { unidraw->CloseDependents(comp->GetRoot()); } Iterator i; for (;;) { unidraw->First(i); if (unidraw->Done(i)) { break; } ed = unidraw->GetEditor(i); if (ReadyToClose(ed)) { comp = ed->GetComponent(); if (comp == nil) { unidraw->Close(ed); } else { unidraw->CloseDependents(comp->GetRoot()); } } else { return; } } unidraw->Quit(); } }
void NewCompCmd::Execute () { Editor* ed = GetEditor(); Component* orig = ed->GetComponent(); Component* comp = prototype_->Copy(); CompNameVar* compNameVar = (CompNameVar*) ed->GetState("CompNameVar"); ModifStatusVar* modifVar = (ModifStatusVar*)ed->GetState("ModifStatusVar"); if (OnlyOneEditorOf(orig) && !ReadyToClose(ed)) { return; } if (compNameVar != nil) compNameVar->SetComponent(comp); if (modifVar != nil) modifVar->SetComponent(comp); ed->SetComponent(comp); ed->Update(); if (orig != nil && unidraw->FindAny(orig) == nil) { Component* root = orig->GetRoot(); delete root; } }
void SaveCompAsCmd::Execute () { Editor* ed = GetEditor(); char buf[CHARBUFSIZE]; const char* domain = unidraw->GetCatalog()->GetAttribute("domain"); domain = (domain == nil) ? "component" : domain; sprintf(buf, "Save this %s as:", domain); boolean reset_caption = false; Style* style = new Style(Session::instance()->style()); style->attribute("subcaption", buf); style->attribute("open", "Save"); if (chooser_ == nil) { chooser_ = DialogKit::instance()->file_chooser(".", style); Resource::ref(chooser_); } while (chooser_->post_for(ed->GetWindow())) { const String* str = chooser_->selected(); NullTerminatedString ns(*str); const char* name = ns.string(); Catalog* catalog = unidraw->GetCatalog(); boolean ok = true; if (catalog->Exists(name) && catalog->Writable(name)) { char buf[CHARBUFSIZE]; sprintf(buf, "\"%s\" already exists.", name); ConfirmDialog dialog(buf, "Overwrite?"); ed->InsertDialog(&dialog); char confirmation = dialog.Confirm(); ed->RemoveDialog(&dialog); if (confirmation == 'n') { ok = false; } else if (confirmation != 'y') { break; } } if (ok) { CompNameVar* cnv = (CompNameVar*) ed->GetState("CompNameVar"); const char* oldname = (cnv == nil) ? nil : cnv->GetName(); Component* comp = ed->GetComponent(); if (catalog->Exists(name) && !catalog->Writable(name)) { style->attribute( "caption", "Couldn't save! (File not writable.)" ); } else { if (oldname == nil) { comp = comp->GetRoot(); } else { catalog->Retrieve(oldname, comp); catalog->Forget(comp); } StateVar* sv = ed->GetState("ModifStatusVar"); ModifStatusVar* mv = (ModifStatusVar*) sv; if (catalog->Save(comp, name)) { if (mv != nil) mv->SetModifStatus(false); unidraw->ClearHistory(comp); UpdateCompNameVars(); break; } else { if (mv != nil) mv->Notify(); UpdateCompNameVars(); style->attribute("caption", "Couldn't save!"); reset_caption = true; } } } } if (reset_caption) { style->attribute("caption", ""); } }