contextIOResultType XfemManager :: saveContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj) { contextIOResultType iores; if ( mode & CM_Definition ) { if ( !stream.write(this->numberOfEnrichmentItems) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } } for ( int i = 1; i <= this->numberOfEnrichmentItems; i++ ) { EnrichmentItem *object = this->giveEnrichmentItem(i); if ( ( mode & CM_Definition ) ) { if ( !stream.write( object->giveInputRecordName() ) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } } if ( ( iores = object->saveContext(stream, mode) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } } return CIO_OK; }
contextIOResultType MasterDof :: saveContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj) // // saves full node context (saves state variables, that completely describe // current state) // { contextIOResultType iores; if ( ( iores = Dof :: saveContext(stream, mode, obj) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } if ( mode & CM_Definition ) { if ( !stream.write(bc) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } if ( !stream.write(ic) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } } // store equation number of receiver if ( !stream.write(equationNumber) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } if ( ( mode & CM_UnknownDictState ) || ( dofManager->giveDomain()->giveEngngModel()->requiresUnknownsDictionaryUpdate() ) ) { if ( ( iores = unknowns.saveContext(stream, mode, obj) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } } return CIO_OK; }
contextIOResultType PrimaryField :: restoreContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode) { contextIOResultType iores(CIO_IOERR); if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } for ( int i = 0; i <= nHistVectors; i++ ) { if ( ( iores = solutionVectors[i].restoreYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } } for ( int i = 0; i <= nHistVectors; i++ ) { solStepList[i] = TimeStep(emodel); if ( ( iores = solStepList[i].restoreContext(stream, mode) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } } return CIO_OK; }
// saves full information stored in this status // temporary variables are NOT stored contextIOResultType MisesMatStatus :: saveContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj) { contextIOResultType iores; // save parent class status if ( ( iores = StructuralMaterialStatus :: saveContext(stream, mode, obj) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } // write raw data // write plastic strain (vector) if ( ( iores = plasticStrain.storeYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } // write cumulative plastic strain (scalar) if ( !stream.write(kappa) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } // write damage (scalar) if ( !stream.write(damage) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } return CIO_OK; }
contextIOResultType MisesMatStatus :: restoreContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj) // // restores full information stored in stream to this Status // { contextIOResultType iores; // read parent class status if ( ( iores = StructuralMaterialStatus :: restoreContext(stream, mode, obj) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } // read plastic strain (vector) if ( ( iores = plasticStrain.restoreYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } // read cumulative plastic strain (scalar) if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } // read damage (scalar) if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } return CIO_OK; // return succes }
bool AvatarSimulation::convRequestAvatarOutput( void *vpConv ) { DataStream ds; spConversation conv = (spConversation)vpConv; UUID thread; char response; if ( conv->response == NULL ) { // request timed out Log.log( 0, "AvatarSimulation::convRequestAvatarOutput: request timed out" ); return 0; // end conversation } ds.setData( conv->response, conv->responseLen ); ds.unpackUUID( &thread ); // thread response = ds.unpackChar(); this->ds.unlock(); if ( response == 0 ) { // success STATE(AvatarSimulation)->simRegistrationConfirmed = true; this->parseAvatarOutput( &ds ); } else { // failure // avatar doesn't exist? nothing to do } return 0; }
contextIOResultType Lattice2d :: restoreContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj) { contextIOResultType iores; if ( ( iores = LatticeStructuralElement :: restoreContext(stream, mode, obj) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } if ( mode & CM_Definition ) { if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } if ( ( iores = couplingNumbers.restoreYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } if ( ( iores = gpCoords.restoreYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } } return CIO_OK; }
void loop() { static int disconnected; console.printf("HELLO?\r\n"); if (millis() - lastCheck > 3000) { digitalWrite(RED_LED,LED_OFF); if ((! hasWifiModule) || networkStatus()) { digitalWrite(RED_LED,LED_OFF); disconnected=0; } else { digitalWrite(RED_LED,LED_ON); if (++disconnected > 10) { char tempssid[40]; strcpy(tempssid,networkSSID); digitalWrite(RED_LED,networkJoin(tempssid)?LED_OFF:LED_ON); } } digitalWrite(GRN_LED,SerialUSB.isConnected()?HIGH:LOW); lastCheck=millis(); } while (console.gotLine()) { digitalWrite(GRN_LED,LOW); handleConsoleInput(); digitalWrite(GRN_LED,HIGH); } clearStowedValues(); Watchdog_Reset(); }
void setup() { //spi.begin(SPI_281_250KHZ, MSBFIRST, 0); pinMode(GRN_LED,OUTPUT); pinMode(ORN_LED,OUTPUT); pinMode(RED_LED,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(GRN_LED,HIGH); digitalWrite(ORN_LED,LOW); digitalWrite(RED_LED,LOW); //iwdg_init(IWDG_PRE_256, WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT); Watchdog_Reset(); delay(3000); console.printf("HELLO?\r\n"); setupRadioModule(); digitalWrite(GRN_LED,LOW); digitalWrite(RED_LED,HIGH); console.printf("LSV:" BOM_VERSION "\r\n"); console.printf("NST: %s\r\n",networkStatus()?"CONNECTED":"NOT CONNECTED"); digitalWrite(ORN_LED,HIGH); digitalWrite(RED_LED,networkStatus()?HIGH:LOW); }
int LuaScriptEngine::Compiler::writer(lua_State* L, const void* p, size_t size, void* data) { (void)L; assert( data ); DataStream* s = static_cast<DataStream*>(data); return (s->write(p, size) != size) && (size != 0); }
DatePackage::DatePackage(const sigset_t &mask, const bool &cancel, size_t &length, DataStream &stream): year(stream.read_int16(mask, cancel, length)), month(stream.read_uint8(mask, cancel, length)), day(stream.read_uint8(mask, cancel, length)) { }
contextIOResultType XfemManager :: restoreContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj) { contextIOResultType iores; if ( mode & CM_Definition ) { if ( !>numberOfEnrichmentItems) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } this->enrichmentItemList.resize(this->numberOfEnrichmentItems); } for ( int i = 1; i <= this->numberOfEnrichmentItems; i++ ) { EnrichmentItem *obj; if ( mode & CM_Definition ) { std :: string name; if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } std :: unique_ptr< EnrichmentItem >ei( classFactory.createEnrichmentItem(name.c_str(), i, this, this->domain) ); obj = ei.get(); enrichmentItemList.insert( enrichmentItemList.begin() + i - 1, std :: move(ei) ); } else { obj = this->giveEnrichmentItem(i); } if ( ( iores = obj->restoreContext(stream, mode) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } } return CIO_OK; }
void ASCPongPackage::serialize(const sigset_t &mask, const bool& cancel, DataStream &stream, bool with_header) const { if (with_header){ stream.write_uint8(mask, cancel, get_type()); stream.write_uint32(mask, cancel, get_ser_size()); } }
contextIOResultType SimpleSlaveDof :: saveContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj) // // saves full node context (saves state variables, that completely describe // current state) // { contextIOResultType iores; if ( ( iores = Dof :: saveContext(stream, mode, obj) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } if ( mode & CM_Definition ) { if ( mode & CM_DefinitionGlobal ) { int _masterGlobNum = dofManager->giveDomain()->giveDofManager(masterDofMngr)->giveGlobalNumber(); if ( !stream.write(_masterGlobNum) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } } else { if ( !stream.write(masterDofMngr) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } } } return CIO_OK; }
void typeFile(char *fname) { SdFile file2; int16_t n; char nfname[16]; char buf[65]; for (n=0; fname[n] && n<15; n++) { if (fname[n]=='\r'||fname[n]=='\n') { nfname[n]='\0'; } else if (fname[n]=='.') { nfname[n]='.'; } else { nfname[n]=fname[n];//nfname[n]=toupper(fname[n]); } } if ( (&root,nfname,O_READ)) { console.printf("SOD:%s\r\n",nfname); while ((n =, sizeof(buf)-1)) > 0) { buf[n]='\0'; console.puts(buf); } console.printf("EOD:%s\r\n",nfname); } else { console.printf("DBG: Couldnt open '%s'\r\n",nfname); } }
contextIOResultType PlasticMaterialStatus :: saveContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj) // // saves full information stored in this Status // no temp variables stored // { contextIOResultType iores; // save parent class status if ( ( iores = StructuralMaterialStatus :: saveContext(stream, mode, obj) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } // write a raw data if ( ( iores = plasticStrainVector.storeYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } if ( ( iores = strainSpaceHardeningVarsVector.storeYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } if ( !stream.write(state_flag) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } if ( !stream.write(gamma) ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } return CIO_OK; }
contextIOResultType PlasticMaterialStatus :: restoreContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj) // // restores full information stored in stream to this Status // { contextIOResultType iores; // read parent class status if ( ( iores = StructuralMaterialStatus :: restoreContext(stream, mode, obj) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } if ( ( iores = plasticStrainVector.restoreYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } if ( ( iores = strainSpaceHardeningVarsVector.restoreYourself(stream) ) != CIO_OK ) { THROW_CIOERR(iores); } if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } if ( ! ) { THROW_CIOERR(CIO_IOERR); } return CIO_OK; // return success }
int networkJoin(char *ssid) { int retval=0; if (!hasWifiModule) return retval; strcpy(networkSSID, ssid); console.debug("joining: %s\r\n",networkSSID); Watchdog_Reset(); radio.discard(); radio.printf("\r\nATE0\r\nAT+WA=%s\r\n",ssid); while (!radio.gotLine()); // and some timeout. while (!(retval=isErrorOrOK(radio.line()))){ //console.puts(radio.line()); while (!radio.gotLine()) { // timeout? ; } } Watchdog_Reset(); radio.printf("\r\nAT+ndhcp=1\r\n"); delay(1000); // this should be an idle. while (!radio.gotLine()); // and some timeout. while (!(isErrorOrOK(radio.line()))){ console.debug("%s",radio.line()); while (!radio.gotLine()) { ; } } //console.debug("join %s (%d)\r\n",networkSSID,retval=networkStatus()); return(networkStatus()); }
int networkStatus() { int retval=0; if (!hasWifiModule) return retval; radio.discard(); radio.printf("\r\n"); radio.discard(); radio.printf("\r\nAT+WSTATUS\r\n"); while (!radio.gotLine()); // and some timeout. while (!(retval=isErrorOrOK(radio.line()))){ if ((radio.line()[0]=='N') && (radio.line()[1] == 'O') && (radio.line()[2] == 'T')) { //if (strncmp("NOT ASSOCIATED",radio.line(),10) ==0){ //wtf???? //console.debug("NOT ASSOCIATED\r\n"); return(0); } else { // console.debug("%s",radio.line()); } while (!radio.gotLine()) { // and some timeout!!! ; } } //console.puts(radio.line()); return(retval>=1); }
void loop() { static int disconnected; if (millis() - lastCheck > 3000) { if (networkStatus()) { digitalWrite(RED_LED,LED_OFF); disconnected=0; } else { digitalWrite(RED_LED,LED_ON); if (++disconnected > 10) { char tempssid[40]; strcpy(tempssid,networkSSID); digitalWrite(RED_LED,networkJoin(tempssid)?LED_OFF:LED_ON); } } digitalWrite(GRN_LED,SerialUSB.isConnected()?HIGH:LOW); lastCheck=millis(); } while (device.gotLine()) { handleDeviceInput(); } while (console.gotLine()) { digitalWrite(GRN_LED,LOW); handleConsoleInput(); digitalWrite(GRN_LED,HIGH); } Watchdog_Reset(); }
void readSettings() { int n,cc; char ch, buff[24]; char buff2[80]; unsigned int ndx=0; int read=0; if (!, settingsFileName, O_READ)) { console.printf("DBG: Creating New Settings File\r\n"); console.flush(); writeSettings(); return; } console.printf("DBG: Opened Settings File: %s\r\n",settingsFileName); settingsFile.seekSet(0); while ((, sizeof(buff))) > 0) { //console.printf("DBG: READ %d\r\n",read); console.flush(); for (cc=0; cc < read ; cc++) { ch=buff[cc]; //console.putChar(ch); console.flush(); buff2[ndx]=ch; if (ndx<MAX_INPUT_LINE) {ndx++;} if (ch=='\n'){//console.putChar('\r'); if(ndx) { ndx--; // eat the newline. } buff2[ndx]='\0'; //console.puts(buff2); if ((ndx>4) && buff2[3]=='!') {//fix this when the files are better buff2[3]='\0'; n=lookupIndex(buff2); switch (n) { case _NPW_: networkSetPassword(buff2+4); break; case _NJN_: Watchdog_Reset(); networkJoin(buff2 +4); break; case _PKY_: strncpy(pachubeKey, buff2+4, MAX_PATCHUBE_KEY_LENGHT-1); break; case _PFD_: strncpy(pachubeFeed, buff2+4, MAX_PATCHUBE_FEED_LENGHT-1); break; default: break; } } ndx=0; } } } console.printf("DBG: Finished with Settings File: %s\r\n",settingsFileName); settingsFile.close(); }
void WCModePackage::serialize(const sigset_t &mask, const bool& cancel, DataStream &stream, bool with_header) const { if (with_header){ stream.write_uint8(mask, cancel, get_type()); stream.write_uint32(mask, cancel, get_ser_size()); } stream.write_uint64(mask, cancel, new_mode); }
ASCErrorPackage::ASCErrorPackage(const sigset_t &mask, const bool &cancel, size_t &length, DataStream &stream): error_code(stream.read_uint32(mask, cancel, length)), error_object_id(stream.read_varuint(mask, cancel, length)), description(stream.read_string(mask, cancel, length)), line(stream.read_uint32(mask, cancel, length)), col(stream.read_uint32(mask, cancel, length)) { }
unsigned long TTFFontManager::read(FT_Stream stream, unsigned long offset, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long count ) { DataStream* dstream = (DataStream*)stream->descriptor.pointer; dstream->Seek(offset, GEM_STREAM_START); return dstream->Read(buffer, count); }
void ASCByePackage::serialize(const sigset_t &mask, const bool& cancel, DataStream &stream, bool with_header) const { if (with_header){ stream.write_uint8(mask, cancel, get_type()); stream.write_uint32(mask, cancel, get_ser_size()); } stream.write_uint32(mask, cancel, reason_code); stream.write_string(mask, cancel, reason_description); }
void WCPasswordPackage::serialize(const sigset_t &mask, const bool& cancel, DataStream &stream, bool with_header) const { if (with_header){ stream.write_uint8(mask, cancel, get_type()); stream.write_uint32(mask, cancel, get_ser_size()); } stream.write_string(mask, cancel, login); stream.write_string(mask, cancel, password); }
DataStream *Multiplexer::FindStream( wxString port ) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdatastreams->Count(); i++) { DataStream *stream = m_pdatastreams->Item(i); if( stream && stream->GetPort() == port ) return stream; } return NULL; }
void DatePackage::serialize(const sigset_t &mask, const bool& cancel, DataStream &stream, bool with_header) const { if (with_header) { stream.write_uint8(mask, cancel, get_type()); stream.write_uint32(mask, cancel, get_ser_size()); } stream.write_int16(mask, cancel, year); stream.write_uint8(mask, cancel, month); stream.write_uint8(mask, cancel, day); }
void Multiplexer::SendNMEAMessage( wxString &msg ) { //Send to all the outputs for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdatastreams->Count(); i++) { DataStream* s = m_pdatastreams->Item(i); if ( s->IsOk() && (s->GetIoSelect() == DS_TYPE_INPUT_OUTPUT || s->GetIoSelect() == DS_TYPE_OUTPUT) ) { bool bout_filter = true; bool bxmit_ok = true; if(s->SentencePassesFilter( msg, FILTER_OUTPUT ) ) { bxmit_ok = s->SendSentence(msg); bout_filter = false; } //Send to the Debug Window, if open if( !bout_filter ) { if( bxmit_ok ) LogOutputMessageColor( msg, s->GetPort(), _T("<BLUE>") ); else LogOutputMessageColor( msg, s->GetPort(), _T("<RED>") ); } else LogOutputMessageColor( msg, s->GetPort(), _T("<AMBER>") ); } } //Send to plugins if ( g_pi_manager ) g_pi_manager->SendNMEASentenceToAllPlugIns( msg ); }
/// Reads x bytes into the file, continuing from previous location (or start if newly opened). bool File::ReadBytes(DataStream & intoStream, int numBytes) { if (!this->IsOpen()) return false; if (numBytes <= 0) return false; uchar * bytes = intoStream.GetData(); this->*)bytes, numBytes); intoStream.SetBytesUsed(numBytes); return true; }