void Pages::track(Document *doc){ std::string sub; int tid = route("track", path, sub); bool post = cgi.getEnvironment().getRequestMethod() == "POST"; if(!tid) return; if(sub == ""){ ExtendedTrack t(tid); if(!t) return; doc->setHtml("html/track.tpl", t.title); doc->rootDict()->SetValueAndShowSection("TID", number(t.id), "HAS_OEMBED"); t.fill(doc->dict()); t.player(doc->dict(), true); Audio(&t).fill(doc->dict()); Dict *embed = doc->dict()->AddIncludeDictionary("EMBED_CODE"); embed->SetFilename("html/embed-code.tpl"); embed->SetIntValue("WIDTH", 150); t.Track::fill(embed); Dict *uploader = doc->dict()->AddIncludeDictionary("UPLOADER"); uploader->SetFilename("html/uploader.tpl"); uploader->SetValue("ACTION", t.url() + "/upload"); EventList::track(t).fill(doc->dict(), "EVENTS"); } }
Dict* Track::player(Dict *d, bool fallback) const{ Dict *p = d->AddIncludeDictionary("PLAYER"); p->SetFilename("html/player.tpl"); fill(p); p->SetIntValue("LIST", id); if(fallback) p->ShowSection("FALLBACK"); return p; }
void Pages::track(Document *doc){ std::string sub; int tid = route("track", path, sub); bool post = cgi.getEnvironment().getRequestMethod() == "POST"; if(!tid) return; if(sub == ""){ ExtendedTrack t(tid); if(!t) return; doc->setHtml("html/track.tpl", t.title); doc->rootDict()->SetValueAndShowSection("TID", number(t.id), "HAS_OEMBED"); t.fill(doc->dict()); t.player(doc->dict(), true); Audio(&t).fill(doc->dict()); doc->dict()->ShowSection(Youtube(t.artist.id) ? "HAS_YOUTUBE" : "NO_YOUTUBE"); Dict *embed = doc->dict()->AddIncludeDictionary("EMBED_CODE"); embed->SetFilename("html/embed-code.tpl"); embed->SetIntValue("WIDTH", 150); t.Track::fill(embed); Dict *uploader = doc->dict()->AddIncludeDictionary("UPLOADER"); uploader->SetFilename("html/uploader.tpl"); uploader->SetValue("ACTION", t.url() + "/upload"); int hits = Stat::push("trackView", t.artist.id, tid); doc->dict()->SetValue("HIT_COUNT", number(hits)); int unique_hits = Stat::get("trackView", 0, tid, true); doc->dict()->SetValue("UNIQUE_HIT_COUNT", number(unique_hits)); doc->rootDict()->ShowSection("REQUIRES_STATS_JS"); Session::fill(doc->dict()); EventList::track(t).fill(doc->dict(), "EVENTS", false); doc->dict()->ShowSection(Follower(Session::user().id).favorited(tid) ? "IS_FAVORITE" : "NOT_FAVORITE"); if(Session::user()){ DB::Result playlists = DB::query( "SELECT id, name FROM playlists WHERE user_id = " + number(Session::user().id) + " ORDER BY name ASC"); if(!playlists.empty()){ doc->dict()->ShowSection("HAS_PLAYLISTS"); for(DB::Result::const_iterator i=playlists.begin(); i!=playlists.end(); i++){ Dict *playlist = doc->dict()->AddSectionDictionary("PLAYLIST"); playlist->SetValue("PLAYLIST_ID", i->at(0)); playlist->SetValue("PLAYLIST_NAME", i->at(1)); } } } } else if(sub == "delete"){ Track t(tid); if(!t) return; if(!t.artist.self()) doc->redirect(t.url()); else if(!post || cgi("confirm") != "Delete" || Session::nonce() != cgi("nonce")){ Session::newNonce(); doc->setHtml("html/delete.tpl", "Track deletion"); doc->dict()->SetValue("WHAT", t.title); doc->dict()->SetValue("CANCEL_URL", t.url()); } else{ log("Deleting track: " + t.title + " (" + number(t.id) + ")"); Art art(t.id); if(art) art.remove(); Audio(&t).unlink(); Playlist::removeTrack(t.id); DB::query("DELETE FROM events WHERE track_id = " + number(t.id)); DB::query("DELETE FROM featured_tracks WHERE track_id = " + number(t.id)); DB::query("DELETE FROM favorites WHERE type = 'track' AND ref = " + number(t.id)); DB::query("DELETE FROM user_features WHERE type = 'track' AND ref = " + number(t.id)); DB::query("DELETE FROM tracks WHERE id = " + number(t.id)); doc->redirect(Session::user().url()); } } else if(sub == "publish"){ Track t(tid); if(!t) return; if(tid != number(cgi("tid"))) return doc->redirect(t.url()); if(t.artist.self() && !t.visible && post){ DB::query("UPDATE tracks SET visible = 't', date = 'now' WHERE id = " + number(t.id)); Event e; e.type = Event::Publish; e.source = t.artist; e.track = t; e.push(); std::vector<std::string> emails = Follower(t.artist.id).followers(); std::string maildata = "From: EqBeats notification <*****@*****.**>\n" "Message-ID: notify-t" + number(t.id) + "\n" "Subject: " + filter("EqBeats notification: " + t.artist.name + " - " + t.title) + "\n" "Precedence: bulk\n\n" + t.artist.name + " just published a new track : " + t.title + "\n" "Listen to it here : " + eqbeatsUrl() + t.url() + "\n\n" "You're receiving this email because you're following " + t.artist.name + " on EqBeats.\n" "If you don't want to receive these notifications anymore, go to " + eqbeatsUrl() + t.artist.url() + " and click \"Stop following\"."; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = emails.begin(); i!=emails.end(); i++) sendMail(i->c_str(), maildata.c_str()); } doc->redirect(t.url()); } }