コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: vishaladu/cppprojects
int main (){
    cout << boolalpha;

    // constructor
    Dict<string,long> d;
    // add
    d.add("bill", 10);
    d.add("rich", 20);
    // output
    cout << d << endl << endl;

    Dict<string,long> d2(d);
    cout << d2 << endl << endl;

    // add to existing key
    d2.add("bill", 100);
    // copy working?
    cout << d << endl << endl;
    cout << d2 << endl << endl;
    cout << "CHECK THIS ^^" << endl;

    // exists
    cout << "Exists bill:"<<d.exists("bill")<<endl;
    cout << "Exists john:"<<d.exists("john")<<endl;
    // get_value
    cout << "Value of bill:"<<d.get_value("bill")<<endl;
    // get_value throws on bad key
    catch (range_error &e){
	cout << "bad get_value "<<e.what()<<endl;

    // make the array grow
    d.add("fred", 30);
    d.add("bob", 40);
    d.add("irving", 50);
    cout << endl;
    cout << d << endl<<endl;

    // assignment
    Dict<string,long> d3;
    d3 = d;

    // erase
    // assignment working?
    cout << d << endl<<endl;
    cout << d3 << endl<<endl;
    cout << "D2: " << endl;
    cout << d2 << endl;

コード例 #2
// *****************************************************************************
FilterBy &FilterBy::op(const std::string &logicOperator,
                       const std::string &path,
                       const std::string &relation,
                       const xmlrpc_c::value &value)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // The new simple condition
    Dict newCondition = Dict("path", path)
                        .add("relation", relation);

    // The value has to be converted to an array
    List valueList;
    if (value.type() == xmlrpc_c::value::TYPE_ARRAY)
        fromXmlrpcValue(value, valueList);
    newCondition.add("values", valueList);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Add the new simple condition to the conditions list
    List conditions;
    if (!m_filters.empty()) 
        // The Original m_filters map now becomes a condition

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Update the filters
    m_filters.add("logical_operator", logicOperator)
             .add("conditions", conditions);

    return *this;
コード例 #3
// *****************************************************************************
EntityPtrs Shotgun::entityFactoryFind(const std::string &entityType, 
                                      Dict &findMap,
                                      const int limit)
    EntityPtrs entities;

    // Find the registered functions for the given type of class.
    ClassRegistry::iterator foundRegistryIter = m_classRegistry.find(entityType);

    if (foundRegistryIter == m_classRegistry.end())
        throw SgEntityNotRegisteredError(entityType);

    // The set of registered functions 
    RegistryFuncs registryFuncs = (*foundRegistryIter).second;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // If the given findMap already has a "return_fields", merge its contents 
    // with the poupulated default return Fields of the given entity type. 
    // Shotgun will ignore the duplicated fields when it returns the search result. 
    // To update the findMap's "return_fields", erase it first since the 
    // xmlrpc_c::value type can't be reassigned once it's been instantiated. 
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Populate the default return fields and add the extra return fields
    // before passing them to the findMap
    List returnFields = (*(registryFuncs.defaultReturnFieldsFunc))();
        // Check to see if the findMap has "return_fields" already
    catch (SgDictKeyNotFoundError)
        // Do nothing

    findMap.add("return_fields", returnFields);

    // If the findMap already has a "type" field, override it with the
    // given entityType to ensure that the type will not conflict with 
    // the factory function.
    if (findMap.find("type"))
    findMap.add("type", entityType);

    // Find the shotgun entities by the findMap
    List xmlrpcFindResult = Entity::findSGEntities(this, findMap, limit); 
    // Create entity class object.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < xmlrpcFindResult.size(); i++)
        entities.push_back((*(registryFuncs.factoryFunc))(this, xmlrpcFindResult[i]));

    return entities;
コード例 #4
ファイル: test1.cpp プロジェクト: chenweihua/69net
int test1()
	int sfd = createAndBind( "12345" );
	if( sfd == -1 )
		return -1;
	FreeHelper fh_sfd( [&](){ close( sfd ); } );	// 确保回收 sfd

	int rtv = listen( sfd, SOMAXCONN );		// 系统设置的 /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn 也是一层限制, 有文章建议设为 1024
	if( rtv == -1 )							// http://www.hackbase.com/tech/2008-06-18/41054.html
		std::cout << "listen error.\n";
		return -1;

	int efd = epoll_create( _maxEvents );
	if( efd == -1 )
		std::cout << "epoll_create1 error.\n";
		return -1;
	FreeHelper fh_efd( [&](){ close( efd ); } );	// 确保回收 efd

	epoll_event e;
	e.data.fd = sfd;
	e.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET;
	rtv = epoll_ctl( efd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, sfd, &e );
	if( rtv == -1 )
		std::cout << "epoll_ctl error.\n";
		return -1;
	auto es = (epoll_event*)calloc( _maxEvents, sizeof(e) );
	FreeHelper fh_es( [&](){ free( es ); } );

	Dict<int, Binary*> tokens;
	FreeHelper fh_tokens( [&]() {
		for( int i = 0; i < tokens._nodes._len; ++i )
			close( tokens._nodes[ i ]->_key );
			delete tokens._nodes[ i ]->_value;
	} );

	while( true )
		int n = epoll_wait( efd, es, _maxEvents, 0 );	// -1
		if( n == -1 )
			std::cout << "epoll_wait error.\n";
			// if( errno == EINTR )	// 当前不确定这个错误要不要无视
			return -1;
		for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
			auto &ce = es[ i ];
			if( ( ce.events & EPOLLERR )
			 || ( ce.events & EPOLLHUP )
			 || !( ce.events & EPOLLIN  ) )
				std::cout << "epoll error.\n";
			else if( sfd == ce.data.fd )
				while( true )
					sockaddr sa;
					auto salen = (socklen_t)sizeof(sa);
					int ifd = accept( sfd, &sa, &salen );
					if( ifd == -1 )
						if( ( errno == EAGAIN ) || ( errno == EWOULDBLOCK ) )
							break;	// 执行到这里的时候已经处理完所有连接请求,跳出
							std::cout << "accept error.\n";

					char hbuf[ NI_MAXHOST ], sbuf[ NI_MAXSERV ];	// 这段代码是取创建的连接的客户端地址信息
					rtv = getnameinfo( &sa, salen, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV );
					if( rtv == 0 )
						std::cout << "accepted. in_fd = " << ifd << ", host = " << hbuf << ", port = " << sbuf << "\n";

					rtv = makeNonBlocking( ifd );
					if( rtv == -1 )
						close( ifd );
						return -1;
					e.data.fd = ifd;
					e.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET;
					rtv = epoll_ctl( efd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ifd, &e );
					if( rtv == -1 )
						std::cout << "epoll_ctl error.\n";
						close( ifd );
						return -1;
					std::cout << "tokens.add( ifd : " << ifd << " ).\n";
					tokens.add( ifd, new Binary() );
				auto ifd = ce.data.fd;
				Binary* bin;
				if( !tokens.tryGet( ifd, bin ) )
					std::cout << "cannot get ifd: " << ifd << " from tokens.\n";
				bool done = false;		// 有数据未读,必须读光( edge triggered mode )
					bin->ensure( 4096 );
					rtv = recv( ifd, bin->_buf + bin->_len, 4096, 0 );
					if( rtv == -1 )
						if( errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK )
						std::cout << "read error.\n";
						done = true;
					else if( rtv == 0 )		// 0 长度表示连接已断开
						done = true;
					bin->_len += rtv;
				while( rtv == 4096 );	// 按某文章的说法,读到的字节数小于 buf 长,就表明已经读完了

				if( !done )	// 顺利读完数据到此
				LabBegin:	// 这里使用 readIdx 来存上一次的扫描点
					for( ; bin->_readIdx < bin->_len; ++bin->_readIdx )
						if( bin->_buf[ bin->_readIdx ] == '\n' )
							++bin->_readIdx;	// 跳过空格
							if( bin->_buf[ 0 ] == '`' )		// 退出
								return 0;
							else if( bin->_buf[ 0 ] == ' ' )	// 广播
								for( int i = 0; i < tokens._nodes._len; ++i )
									auto cifd = tokens._nodes[ i ]->_key;
									if( cifd == ifd ) continue;

									rtv = write( cifd, bin->_buf, bin->_readIdx );
									if( rtv == -1 )
										close( cifd );
										Binary* bin;
										if( !tokens.tryRemove( cifd, bin ) )
											std::cout << "cannot remove cifd: " << cifd << " from tokens.\n";
											delete bin;
							rtv = send( ifd, bin->_buf, bin->_readIdx, 0 );	// 回发收到的数据 \n 截止
							if( rtv == -1 )
								std::cout << "write error.\n";
								done = true;
							memmove( bin->_buf, bin->_buf + bin->_readIdx, bin->_len - bin->_readIdx );
							bin->_len = bin->_len - bin->_readIdx;
							bin->_readIdx = 0;
							if( bin->_len ) goto LabBegin;
				if( done ) 	// 出问题需要关闭 ifd
					std::cout << "closed. ce.data.fd = " << ifd << "\n";
					close( ifd );
					Binary* bin;
					if( !tokens.tryRemove( ifd, bin ) )
						std::cout << "cannot remove ifd: " << ifd << " from tokens.\n";
						delete bin;
		// todo: logic code here
		usleep( 1 );
    return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: update.cpp プロジェクト: arthuraa/quadra
void AutoUpdaterImpl::step() {
  if(!req) {



  if(req->getsize()) {
    Stringtable st(req->getbuf(), req->getsize());
    char last_mod[64] = "";
    enum {
    } state = STATUS;
    Dict reply;

    for(int i = 0; i < st.size(); ++i) {
      const char* str = st.get(i);

      switch(state) {
      case STATUS:
	if(strncmp(str, "HTTP/", 5) != 0) {
	  msgbox("update: Invalid HTTP response\n");

	while(str && *str != '\0' && *str != ' ' && *str != '\t')

	while(str && *str != '\0' && (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t'))

	if(strncmp(str, "200", 3) == 0)
	  msgbox("HTTP status is OK\n");
	else if(strncmp(str, "304", 3) == 0) {
	  msgbox("update: version file not modified\n");
	  config.info3.last_update = time(NULL);
	} else {
	  msgbox("update: HTTP status isn't 200 or 304: %s\n", str);

	state = HEADER;

      case HEADER:
	if(*str == '\0') {
	  state = REPLY;

	// Take note of the Last-Modified header.
	if(strncasecmp(str, "Last-Modified:", 14) == 0) {
	  while(str && *str != '\0' && *str != ' ' && *str != '\t')

	  while(str && *str != '\0' && (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t'))

	  snprintf(last_mod, sizeof(last_mod), "%s", str);
	  msgbox("update: Last-Modified: %s\n", last_mod);


      case REPLY:
	msgbox("update: reply: %s\n", str);

    const char* val = reply.find("qserv");
	       "%s", val);

    if(reply.find_sub("version")) {
      const char* version_key = "unstable";

      if(VERSION_MINOR % 2 == 0)
	version_key = "stable";

      val = reply.find_sub("version")->find(version_key);
		int s = sizeof(config.info3.latest_version);
		strncpy(config.info3.latest_version, val, s);
		config.info3.latest_version[s-1] = 0;

      snprintf(config.info3.last_modified, sizeof(config.info3.last_modified),
	       "%s", last_mod);

    config.info3.last_update = time(NULL);

    msgbox("update: done\n");
  } else
    msgbox("update: failed\n");
コード例 #6
ファイル: DictTest.cpp プロジェクト: sgrignard/grt
// Tests the basic functionality
TEST(Dict, DictTest) {

  //Create a new dictionary
  Dict dict;

  //Create some values to add to the dictionary
  const int apple = 1;
  const int orange = 2;
  const int melon = 3;
  const Float pi = 3.14;
  VectorFloat buf(3);
  buf[0] = 1; buf[1] = 2; buf[2] = 3;
  int expectedSize = 0;

  //Check the size, it should be zero
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == expectedSize );

  //Add some key-value pairs to the dictionary
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.add( "apple", apple ) );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == ++expectedSize );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.add( "orange", orange ) );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == ++expectedSize );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.add( "melon", melon ) );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == ++expectedSize );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.add( "pi", pi ) );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == ++expectedSize );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.add( "pi", pi ) ); //Add it twice, the first value will be overwritten
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == expectedSize );
  EXPECT_FALSE( dict.add( "pi", pi, false ) ); //Try and add it, but disable overwrites
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == expectedSize );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.add( "buf", buf ) );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == ++expectedSize );

  //Remove some values
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.remove( "orange" ) );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == --expectedSize );
  EXPECT_FALSE( dict.remove( "orange" ) ); //Try and remove the value a second time
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == expectedSize );
  EXPECT_FALSE( dict.remove( "pear" ) ); //Try and remove a value that does not exist
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == expectedSize );

  //Test some keys exist
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.exists( "apple" ) );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.exists( "pi" ) );
  EXPECT_FALSE( dict.exists( "orange" ) );

  //Test the getter
  EXPECT_EQ( dict.get< int >( "apple" ), apple );
  EXPECT_EQ( dict.get< Float >( "pi" ), pi );

  //Test the reference update
  int &v = dict.get< int >( "apple" );
  EXPECT_EQ( dict.get< int >( "apple" ), apple+1 );

  //Test the vector
  VectorFloat vec = dict.get< VectorFloat >( "buf" );
  EXPECT_TRUE( buf.getSize() == vec.getSize() );
  for(UINT i=0; i<buf.getSize(); i++){
    EXPECT_TRUE( buf[i] == vec[i] );

  //Test the keys
  Vector< std::string > keys = dict.getKeys();
  EXPECT_EQ( keys.getSize(), dict.getSize() );

  //Test the setter
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.set( "pi", 3.14159 ) );
  EXPECT_FALSE( dict.set( "foo", 3.14159 ) ); //This wil fail, as foo does not exist in the dictionary

  //Test the () operator
  int x = 0;
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict("melon", x) );
  EXPECT_EQ( x, melon );

  //This should return false
  EXPECT_FALSE( dict("pear", x) );

  //Test the copy constructor
  Dict d2( dict );

  EXPECT_EQ( dict.getSize(), d2.getSize() );
  EXPECT_EQ( dict.getSize(), expectedSize );

  //The values should match
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.get< int >( "apple" ) == d2.get< int >( "apple" ) );

  //Change something in the original dict, test that d2 has not changed
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.set( "apple", 5 ) );

  //The values should now not match
  EXPECT_FALSE( dict.get< int >( "apple" ) == d2.get< int >( "apple" ) );

  //Clear all the values
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.clear() );
  EXPECT_TRUE( dict.getSize() == 0 );

コード例 #7
ファイル: lab1.cpp プロジェクト: DreamDg/Lab1
 * add a word to dictionary
void addWord(Dict &d, const string &key, const string &value){
	word w = {key, value};
	if (!d.add(w))
		cout << "Add failed.\n";