bool NodeErrorCheckingRule :: check(Domain *domain, TimeStep *tStep) { // Rule doesn't apply yet. if ( tStep->giveNumber() != tstep ) { return true; } DofManager *dman = domain->giveGlobalDofManager(number); if ( !dman ) { if ( domain->giveEngngModel()->isParallel() ) { return true; } else { OOFEM_WARNING("Dof manager %d not found.", number); return false; } } if ( dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_remote || dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_null ) { return true; } Dof *dof = dman->giveDofWithID(dofid); double dmanValue = dof->giveUnknown(mode, tStep); bool check = checkValue(dmanValue); if ( !check ) { OOFEM_WARNING("Check failed in: tstep %d, node %d, dof %d, mode %d:\n" "value is %.8e, but should be %.8e ( error is %e but tolerance is %e )", tstep, number, dofid, mode, dmanValue, value, fabs(dmanValue-value), tolerance ); } return check; }
int EIPrimaryUnknownMapper :: mapAndUpdate(FloatArray &answer, ValueModeType mode, Domain *oldd, Domain *newd, TimeStep *tStep) { int inode, nd_nnodes = newd->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); int nsize = newd->giveEngngModel()->giveNumberOfDomainEquations( newd->giveNumber(), EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() ); FloatArray unknownValues; IntArray dofidMask, locationArray; IntArray reglist; #ifdef OOFEM_MAPPING_CHECK_REGIONS ConnectivityTable *conTable = newd->giveConnectivityTable(); const IntArray *nodeConnectivity; #endif answer.resize(nsize);; for ( inode = 1; inode <= nd_nnodes; inode++ ) { DofManager *node = newd->giveNode(inode); /* HUHU CHEATING */ #ifdef __PARALLEL_MODE if ( ( node->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_null ) || ( node->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_remote ) ) { continue; } #endif #ifdef OOFEM_MAPPING_CHECK_REGIONS // build up region list for node nodeConnectivity = conTable->giveDofManConnectivityArray(inode); reglist.resize( nodeConnectivity->giveSize() ); reglist.clear(); for ( int indx = 1; indx <= nodeConnectivity->giveSize(); indx++ ) { reglist.insertSortedOnce( newd->giveElement( nodeConnectivity->at(indx) )->giveRegionNumber() ); } #endif ///@todo Shouldn't we pass a primary field or something to this function? if ( this->evaluateAt(unknownValues, dofidMask, mode, oldd, * node->giveCoordinates(), reglist, tStep) ) { ///@todo This doesn't respect local coordinate systems in nodes. Supporting that would require major reworking. for ( int ii = 1; ii <= dofidMask.giveSize(); ii++ ) { // exclude slaves; they are determined from masters auto it = node->findDofWithDofId((DofIDItem); if ( it != node->end() ) { Dof *dof = *it; if ( dof->isPrimaryDof() ) { int eq = dof->giveEquationNumber(EModelDefaultEquationNumbering()); eq ) +=; } } } } else { OOFEM_ERROR("evaluateAt service failed for node %d", inode); } } return 1; }
int ParmetisLoadBalancer :: packSharedDmanPartitions(ProcessCommunicator &pc) { int myrank = domain->giveEngngModel()->giveRank(); int iproc = pc.giveRank(); int ndofman, idofman; DofManager *dofman; if ( iproc == myrank ) { return 1; // skip local partition } // query process communicator to use ProcessCommunicatorBuff *pcbuff = pc.giveProcessCommunicatorBuff(); // loop over dofManagers and pack shared dofMan data ndofman = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); for ( idofman = 1; idofman <= ndofman; idofman++ ) { dofman = domain->giveDofManager(idofman); // test if iproc is in list of existing shared partitions if ( ( dofman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared ) && ( dofman->givePartitionList()->findFirstIndexOf(iproc) ) ) { // send new partitions to remote representation // fprintf (stderr, "[%d] sending shared plist of %d to [%d]\n", myrank, dofman->giveGlobalNumber(), iproc); pcbuff->write( dofman->giveGlobalNumber() ); this->giveDofManPartitions(idofman)->storeYourself(*pcbuff); } } pcbuff->write((int)PARMETISLB_END_DATA); return 1; }
int StructuralEngngModel :: unpackDofManagers(FloatArray *dest, ProcessCommunicator &processComm, bool prescribedEquations) { int result = 1; int i, size; int j, ndofs, eqNum; Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1); dofManagerParallelMode dofmanmode; IntArray const *toRecvMap = processComm.giveToRecvMap(); ProcessCommunicatorBuff *pcbuff = processComm.giveProcessCommunicatorBuff(); DofManager *dman; Dof *jdof; double value; size = toRecvMap->giveSize(); for ( i = 1; i <= size; i++ ) { dman = domain->giveDofManager( toRecvMap->at(i) ); ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs(); dofmanmode = dman->giveParallelMode(); for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) { jdof = dman->giveDof(j); if ( prescribedEquations ) { eqNum = jdof->__givePrescribedEquationNumber(); } else { eqNum = jdof->__giveEquationNumber(); } if ( jdof->isPrimaryDof() && eqNum ) { result &= pcbuff->unpackDouble(value); if ( dofmanmode == DofManager_shared ) { dest->at(eqNum) += value; } else if ( dofmanmode == DofManager_remote ) { dest->at(eqNum) = value; } else { _error("unpackReactions: unknown dof namager parallel mode"); } } } } return result; }
void ParmetisLoadBalancer :: labelDofManagers() { int idofman, ndofman = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); ConnectivityTable *ct = domain->giveConnectivityTable(); const IntArray *dofmanconntable; DofManager *dofman; Element *ielem; dofManagerParallelMode dmode; std :: set< int, std :: less< int > >__dmanpartitions; int myrank = domain->giveEngngModel()->giveRank(); int nproc = domain->giveEngngModel()->giveNumberOfProcesses(); int ie, npart; // resize label array dofManState.resize(ndofman);; // resize dof man partitions dofManPartitions.clear(); dofManPartitions.resize(ndofman); #ifdef ParmetisLoadBalancer_DEBUG_PRINT int _cols = 0; fprintf(stderr, "[%d] DofManager labels:\n", myrank); #endif // loop over local dof managers for ( idofman = 1; idofman <= ndofman; idofman++ ) { dofman = domain->giveDofManager(idofman); dmode = dofman->giveParallelMode(); if ( ( dmode == DofManager_local ) || ( dmode == DofManager_shared ) ) { dofmanconntable = ct->giveDofManConnectivityArray(idofman); __dmanpartitions.clear(); for ( ie = 1; ie <= dofmanconntable->giveSize(); ie++ ) { ielem = domain->giveElement( dofmanconntable->at(ie) ); // assemble list of partitions sharing idofman dofmanager // set is used to include possibly repeated partition only once if ( ielem->giveParallelMode() == Element_local ) { __dmanpartitions.insert( giveElementPartition( dofmanconntable->at(ie) ) ); } } npart = __dmanpartitions.size(); dofManPartitions [ idofman - 1 ].resize( __dmanpartitions.size() ); int i = 1; for ( auto &dm: __dmanpartitions ) { dofManPartitions [ idofman - 1 ].at(i++) = dm; } } } // handle master slave links between dofmans (master and slave required on same partition) this->handleMasterSlaveDofManLinks(); /* Exchange new partitions for shared nodes */ CommunicatorBuff cb(nproc, CBT_dynamic); Communicator com(domain->giveEngngModel(), &cb, myrank, nproc, CommMode_Dynamic); com.packAllData(this, & ParmetisLoadBalancer :: packSharedDmanPartitions); com.initExchange(SHARED_DOFMAN_PARTITIONS_TAG); com.unpackAllData(this, & ParmetisLoadBalancer :: unpackSharedDmanPartitions); com.finishExchange(); /* label dof managers */ for ( idofman = 1; idofman <= ndofman; idofman++ ) { dofman = domain->giveDofManager(idofman); dmode = dofman->giveParallelMode(); npart = dofManPartitions [ idofman - 1 ].giveSize(); if ( ( dmode == DofManager_local ) || ( dmode == DofManager_shared ) ) { // determine its state after balancing -> label = this->determineDofManState(idofman, myrank, npart, & dofManPartitions [ idofman - 1 ]); } else { = DM_NULL; } } #ifdef ParmetisLoadBalancer_DEBUG_PRINT for ( idofman = 1; idofman <= ndofman; idofman++ ) { fprintf(stderr, " | %d: ", idofman); if ( == DM_NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "NULL "); } else if ( == DM_Local ) { fprintf(stderr, "Local "); } else if ( == DM_Shared ) { fprintf(stderr, "Shared"); } else if ( == DM_Remote ) { fprintf(stderr, "Remote"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown"); } //else if ( == DM_SharedExclude)fprintf (stderr, "ShdExc"); //else if ( == DM_SharedNew) fprintf (stderr, "ShdNew"); //else if ( == DM_SharedUpdate) fprintf (stderr, "ShdUpd"); if ( ( ( ++_cols % 4 ) == 0 ) || ( idofman == ndofman ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } #endif }
void NlDEIDynamic :: solveYourselfAt(TimeStep *tStep) { // // Creates system of governing eq's and solves them at given time step. // Domain *domain = this->giveDomain(1); int neq = this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations( 1, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() ); int nman = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); DofManager *node; int i, k, j, jj; double coeff, maxDt, maxOm = 0.; double prevIncrOfDisplacement, incrOfDisplacement; if ( initFlag ) { #ifdef VERBOSE OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("Assembling mass matrix\n"); #endif // // Assemble mass matrix. // this->computeMassMtrx(massMatrix, maxOm, tStep); if ( drFlag ) { // If dynamic relaxation: Assemble amplitude load vector. loadRefVector.resize(neq);; this->computeLoadVector(loadRefVector, VM_Total, tStep); #ifdef __PARALLEL_MODE // Compute the processor part of load vector norm pMp this->pMp = 0.0; double my_pMp = 0.0, coeff = 1.0; int eqNum, ndofman = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); dofManagerParallelMode dofmanmode; DofManager *dman; for ( int dm = 1; dm <= ndofman; dm++ ) { dman = domain->giveDofManager(dm); dofmanmode = dman->giveParallelMode(); // Skip all remote and null dofmanagers coeff = 1.0; if ( ( dofmanmode == DofManager_remote ) || ( ( dofmanmode == DofManager_null ) ) ) { continue; } else if ( dofmanmode == DofManager_shared ) { coeff = 1. / dman->givePartitionsConnectivitySize(); } // For shared nodes we add locally an average = 1/givePartitionsConnectivitySize()*contribution, for ( Dof *dof: *dman ) { if ( dof->isPrimaryDof() && ( eqNum = dof->__giveEquationNumber() ) ) { my_pMp += coeff * * /; } } } // Sum up the contributions from processors. MPI_Allreduce(& my_pMp, & pMp, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #else this->pMp = 0.0; for ( i = 1; i <= neq; i++ ) { pMp += * /; } #endif // Solve for rate of loading process (parameter "c") (undamped system assumed), if ( dumpingCoef < 1.e-3 ) { c = 3.0 * this->pyEstimate / pMp / Tau / Tau; } else { c = this->pyEstimate * Tau * dumpingCoef * dumpingCoef * dumpingCoef / pMp / ( -3.0 / 2.0 + dumpingCoef * Tau + 2.0 * exp(-dumpingCoef * Tau) - 0.5 * exp(-2.0 * dumpingCoef * Tau) ); } } initFlag = 0; } if ( tStep->isTheFirstStep() ) { // // Special init step - Compute displacements at tstep 0. // displacementVector.resize(neq);; previousIncrementOfDisplacementVector.resize(neq);; velocityVector.resize(neq);; accelerationVector.resize(neq);; for ( j = 1; j <= nman; j++ ) { node = domain->giveDofManager(j); for ( Dof *dof: *node ) { // Ask for initial values obtained from // bc (boundary conditions) and ic (initial conditions) // all dofs are expected to be DisplacementVector type. if ( !dof->isPrimaryDof() ) { continue; } jj = dof->__giveEquationNumber(); if ( jj ) { = dof->giveUnknown(VM_Total, tStep); = dof->giveUnknown(VM_Velocity, tStep); = dof->giveUnknown(VM_Acceleration, tStep); } } } // // Set-up numerical model. // // Try to determine the best deltaT, maxDt = 2.0 / sqrt(maxOm); if ( deltaT > maxDt ) { // Print reduced time step increment and minimum period Tmin OOFEM_LOG_RELEVANT("deltaT reduced to %e, Tmin is %e\n", maxDt, maxDt * M_PI); deltaT = maxDt; tStep->setTimeIncrement(deltaT); } for ( j = 1; j <= neq; j++ ) { = * ( deltaT ); -=; } #ifdef VERBOSE OOFEM_LOG_RELEVANT( "\n\nSolving [Step number %8d, Time %15e]\n", tStep->giveNumber(), tStep->giveTargetTime() ); #endif return; } // end of init step #ifdef VERBOSE OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("Assembling right hand side\n"); #endif displacementVector.add(previousIncrementOfDisplacementVector); // Update solution state counter tStep->incrementStateCounter(); // Compute internal forces. this->giveInternalForces(internalForces, false, 1, tStep); if ( !drFlag ) { // // Assembling the element part of load vector. // this->computeLoadVector(loadVector, VM_Total, tStep); // // Assembling additional parts of right hand side. // loadVector.subtract(internalForces); } else { // Dynamic relaxation // compute load factor pt = 0.0; #ifdef __PARALLEL_MODE double my_pt = 0.0, coeff = 1.0; int eqNum, ndofman = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); dofManagerParallelMode dofmanmode; DofManager *dman; for ( int dm = 1; dm <= ndofman; dm++ ) { dman = domain->giveDofManager(dm); dofmanmode = dman->giveParallelMode(); // skip all remote and null dofmanagers coeff = 1.0; if ( ( dofmanmode == DofManager_remote ) || ( dofmanmode == DofManager_null ) ) { continue; } else if ( dofmanmode == DofManager_shared ) { coeff = 1. / dman->givePartitionsConnectivitySize(); } // For shared nodes we add locally an average= 1/givePartitionsConnectivitySize()*contribution. for ( Dof *dof: *dman ) { if ( dof->isPrimaryDof() && ( eqNum = dof->__giveEquationNumber() ) ) { my_pt += coeff * * /; } } } // Sum up the contributions from processors. MPI_Allreduce(& my_pt, & pt, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #else for ( k = 1; k <= neq; k++ ) { pt += * /; } #endif pt = pt / pMp; if ( dumpingCoef < 1.e-3 ) { pt += c * ( Tau - tStep->giveTargetTime() ) / Tau; } else { pt += c * ( 1.0 - exp( dumpingCoef * ( tStep->giveTargetTime() - Tau ) ) ) / dumpingCoef / Tau; } loadVector.resize( this->giveNumberOfDomainEquations( 1, EModelDefaultEquationNumbering() ) ); for ( k = 1; k <= neq; k++ ) { = pt * -; } // Compute relative error. double err = 0.0; #ifdef __PARALLEL_MODE double my_err = 0.0; for ( int dm = 1; dm <= ndofman; dm++ ) { dman = domain->giveDofManager(dm); dofmanmode = dman->giveParallelMode(); // Skip all remote and null dofmanagers. coeff = 1.0; if ( ( dofmanmode == DofManager_remote ) || ( dofmanmode == DofManager_null ) ) { continue; } else if ( dofmanmode == DofManager_shared ) { coeff = 1. / dman->givePartitionsConnectivitySize(); } // For shared nodes we add locally an average= 1/givePartitionsConnectivitySize()*contribution. for ( Dof *dof: *dman ) { if ( dof->isPrimaryDof() && ( eqNum = dof->__giveEquationNumber() ) ) { my_err += coeff * * /; } } } // Sum up the contributions from processors. MPI_Allreduce(& my_err, & err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #else for ( k = 1; k <= neq; k++ ) { err = * /; } #endif err = err / ( pMp * pt * pt ); OOFEM_LOG_RELEVANT("Relative error is %e, loadlevel is %e\n", err, pt); } for ( j = 1; j <= neq; j++ ) { coeff =; += coeff * ( ( 1. / ( deltaT * deltaT ) ) - dumpingCoef * 1. / ( 2. * deltaT ) ) *; } // // Set-up numerical model // /* it is not necesary to call numerical method * approach used here is not good, but effective enough * inverse of diagonal mass matrix is done here */ // // call numerical model to solve arised problem - done localy here // #ifdef VERBOSE OOFEM_LOG_RELEVANT( "\n\nSolving [Step number %8d, Time %15e]\n", tStep->giveNumber(), tStep->giveTargetTime() ); #endif // NM_Status s = nMethod->solve(*massMatrix, loadVector, displacementVector); // if ( !(s & NM_Success) ) { // OOFEM_ERROR("No success in solving system. Ma=f"); // } for ( i = 1; i <= neq; i++ ) { prevIncrOfDisplacement =; incrOfDisplacement = / ( * ( 1. / ( deltaT * deltaT ) + dumpingCoef / ( 2. * deltaT ) ) ); = ( incrOfDisplacement - prevIncrOfDisplacement ) / ( deltaT * deltaT ); = ( incrOfDisplacement + prevIncrOfDisplacement ) / ( 2. * deltaT ); = incrOfDisplacement; } }
void PetscNatural2GlobalOrdering :: init(EngngModel *emodel, EquationID ut, int di, EquationType et) { Domain *d = emodel->giveDomain(di); int i, j, k, p, ndofs, ndofman = d->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); int myrank = emodel->giveRank(); DofManager *dman; // determine number of local eqs + number of those shared DOFs which are numbered by receiver // shared dofman is numbered on partition with lovest rank number EModelDefaultEquationNumbering dn; EModelDefaultPrescribedEquationNumbering dpn; #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("PetscNatural2GlobalOrdering :: init", "initializing N2G ordering", myrank); #endif l_neqs = 0; for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) { dman = d->giveDofManager(i); /* * if (dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_local) { // count all dofman eqs * ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs (); * for (j=1; j<=ndofs; j++) { * if (dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof()) { * if (dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber()) l_neqs++; * } * } * } else if (dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared) { * // determine if problem is the lowest one sharing the dofman; if yes the receiver is responsible to * // deliver number * IntArray *plist = dman->givePartitionList(); * int n = plist->giveSize(); * int minrank = myrank; * for (j=1; j<=n; j++) minrank = min (minrank, plist->at(j)); * if (minrank == myrank) { // count eqs * ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs (); * for (j=1; j<=ndofs; j++) { * if (dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof()) { * if (dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber()) l_neqs++; * } * } * } * } // end shared dman */ if ( isLocal(dman) ) { ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs(); for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) { if ( dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof() ) { if ( et == et_standard ) { if ( dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn) ) { l_neqs++; } } else { if ( dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dpn) ) { l_neqs++; } } } } } } // exchange with other procs the number of eqs numbered on particular procs int *leqs = new int [ emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses() ]; MPI_Allgather(& l_neqs, 1, MPI_INT, leqs, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // compute local offset int offset = 0; for ( j = 0; j < myrank; j++ ) { offset += leqs [ j ]; } // count global number of eqs for ( g_neqs = 0, j = 0; j < emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses(); j++ ) { g_neqs += leqs [ j ]; } // send numbered shared ones if ( et == et_standard ) { locGlobMap.resize( emodel->giveNumberOfEquations(ut) ); } else { locGlobMap.resize( emodel->giveNumberOfPrescribedEquations(ut) ); } // determine shared dofs int psize, nproc = emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses(); IntArray sizeToSend(nproc), sizeToRecv(nproc), nrecToReceive(nproc); #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL IntArray nrecToSend(nproc); #endif const IntArray *plist; for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) { // if (domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared) { if ( isShared( d->giveDofManager(i) ) ) { int n = d->giveDofManager(i)->giveNumberOfDofs(); plist = d->giveDofManager(i)->givePartitionList(); psize = plist->giveSize(); int minrank = myrank; for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) { minrank = min( minrank, plist->at(j) ); } if ( minrank == myrank ) { // count to send for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) { #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL nrecToSend( plist->at(j) )++; #endif sizeToSend( plist->at(j) ) += ( 1 + n ); // ndofs+dofman number } } else { nrecToReceive(minrank)++; sizeToRecv(minrank) += ( 1 + n ); // ndofs+dofman number } } } #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL for ( i = 0; i < nproc; i++ ) { OOFEM_LOG_INFO("[%d] Record Statistics: Sending %d Receiving %d to %d\n", myrank, nrecToSend(i), nrecToReceive(i), i); } #endif std :: map< int, int >globloc; // global->local mapping for shared // number local guys int globeq = offset; for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) { dman = d->giveDofManager(i); //if (dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared) { if ( isShared(dman) ) { globloc [ dman->giveGlobalNumber() ] = i; // build global->local mapping for shared plist = dman->givePartitionList(); psize = plist->giveSize(); int minrank = myrank; for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) { minrank = min( minrank, plist->at(j) ); } if ( minrank == myrank ) { // local ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs(); for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) { if ( dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof() ) { int eq; if ( et == et_standard ) { eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn); } else { eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dpn); } if ( eq ) { = globeq++; } } } } //} else if (dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_local) { } else { ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs(); for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) { if ( dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof() ) { int eq; if ( et == et_standard ) { eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn); } else { eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dpn); } if ( eq ) { = globeq++; } } } } } /* * fprintf (stderr, "[%d] locGlobMap: ", myrank); * for (i=1; i<=locGlobMap.giveSize(); i++) * fprintf (stderr, "%d ",; */ // pack data for remote procs CommunicationBuffer **buffs = new CommunicationBuffer * [ nproc ]; for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) { buffs [ p ] = new StaticCommunicationBuffer(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0); buffs [ p ]->resize( buffs [ p ]->givePackSize(MPI_INT, 1) * sizeToSend(p) ); #if 0 OOFEM_LOG_INFO( "[%d]PetscN2G:: init: Send buffer[%d] size %d\n", myrank, p, sizeToSend(p) ); #endif } for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) { if ( isShared( d->giveDofManager(i) ) ) { dman = d->giveDofManager(i); plist = dman->givePartitionList(); psize = plist->giveSize(); int minrank = myrank; for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) { minrank = min( minrank, plist->at(j) ); } if ( minrank == myrank ) { // do send for ( j = 1; j <= psize; j++ ) { p = plist->at(j); if ( p == myrank ) { continue; } #if 0 OOFEM_LOG_INFO("[%d]PetscN2G:: init: Sending localShared node %d[%d] to proc %d\n", myrank, i, dman->giveGlobalNumber(), p); #endif buffs [ p ]->packInt( dman->giveGlobalNumber() ); ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs(); for ( k = 1; k <= ndofs; k++ ) { if ( dman->giveDof(k)->isPrimaryDof() ) { int eq; if ( et == et_standard ) { eq = dman->giveDof(k)->giveEquationNumber(dn); } else { eq = dman->giveDof(k)->giveEquationNumber(dpn); } if ( eq ) { buffs [ p ]->packInt( ); } } } } } } } //fprintf (stderr, "[%d] Sending glob nums ...", myrank); // send buffers for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) { if ( p != myrank ) { buffs [ p ]->iSend(p, 999); } } /**** * * for (p=0; p<nproc; p++) { * if (p == myrank) continue; * for (i=1; i<= ndofman; i++) { * //if (domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared) { * if (isShared(d->giveDofManager(i))) { * dman = d->giveDofManager(i); * plist = dman->givePartitionList(); * psize = plist->giveSize(); * int minrank = myrank; * for (j=1; j<=psize; j++) minrank = min (minrank, plist->at(j)); * if (minrank == myrank) { // do send * buffs[p]->packInt(dman->giveGlobalNumber()); * ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs (); * for (j=1; j<=ndofs; j++) { * if (dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof()) { * buffs[p]->packInt(>giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber())); * } * } * } * } * } * // send buffer * buffs[p]->iSend(p, 999); * } ****/ // receive remote eqs and complete global numbering CommunicationBuffer **rbuffs = new CommunicationBuffer * [ nproc ]; for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) { rbuffs [ p ] = new StaticCommunicationBuffer(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0); rbuffs [ p ]->resize( rbuffs [ p ]->givePackSize(MPI_INT, 1) * sizeToRecv(p) ); #if 0 OOFEM_LOG_INFO( "[%d]PetscN2G:: init: Receive buffer[%d] size %d\n", myrank, p, sizeToRecv(p) ); #endif } //fprintf (stderr, "[%d] Receiving glob nums ...", myrank); for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) { if ( p != myrank ) { rbuffs [ p ]->iRecv(p, 999); } } IntArray finished(nproc);; int fin = 1;>giveRank() + 1) = 1; do { for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) { if ( + 1) == 0 ) { if ( rbuffs [ p ]->testCompletion() ) { // data are here // unpack them int nite = nrecToReceive(p); int shdm, ldm; for ( i = 1; i <= nite; i++ ) { rbuffs [ p ]->unpackInt(shdm); #if 0 OOFEM_LOG_INFO("[%d]PetscN2G:: init: Received shared node [%d] from proc %d\n", myrank, shdm, p); #endif // // find local guy coorecponding to shdm if ( globloc.find(shdm) != globloc.end() ) { ldm = globloc [ shdm ]; } else { OOFEM_ERROR3("[%d] PetscNatural2GlobalOrdering :: init: invalid shared dofman received, globnum %d\n", myrank, shdm); } dman = d->giveDofManager(ldm); ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs(); for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) { if ( dman->giveDof(j)->isPrimaryDof() ) { int eq; if ( et == et_standard ) { eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn); } else { eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dpn); } if ( eq ) { int val; rbuffs [ p ]->unpackInt(val); = val; } } } } + 1) = 1; fin++; } } } } while ( fin < nproc ); /* * fprintf (stderr, "[%d] Finished receiving glob nums ...", myrank); * * fprintf (stderr, "[%d] locGlobMap:", myrank); * for (i=1; i<=locGlobMap.giveSize(); i++) * fprintf (stderr, "%d ",; */ #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL if ( et == et_standard ) { int _eq; char *ptr; char *locname = "local", *shname = "shared", *unkname = "unknown"; for ( i = 1; i <= ndofman; i++ ) { dman = d->giveDofManager(i); if ( dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_local ) { ptr = locname; } else if ( dman->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_shared ) { ptr = shname; } else { ptr = unkname; } ndofs = dman->giveNumberOfDofs(); for ( j = 1; j <= ndofs; j++ ) { if ( ( _eq = dman->giveDof(j)->giveEquationNumber(dn) ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "[%d] n:%6s %d[%d] (%d), leq = %d, geq = %d\n", emodel->giveRank(), ptr, i, dman->giveGlobalNumber(), j, _eq, ); } else { fprintf(stderr, "[%d] n:%6s %d[%d] (%d), leq = %d, geq = %d\n", emodel->giveRank(), ptr, i, dman->giveGlobalNumber(), j, _eq, 0); } } } } #endif // build reverse map int lneq; if ( et == et_standard ) { lneq = emodel->giveNumberOfEquations(ut); } else { lneq = emodel->giveNumberOfPrescribedEquations(ut); } globLocMap.clear(); for ( i = 1; i <= lneq; i++ ) { globLocMap [ ] = i; } for ( p = 0; p < nproc; p++ ) { delete rbuffs [ p ]; delete buffs [ p ]; } delete[] rbuffs; delete[] buffs; delete[] leqs; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("PetscNatural2GlobalOrdering :: init", "done", myrank); #endif }
void ProblemCommunicator :: setUpCommunicationMapsForElementCut(EngngModel *pm, bool excludeSelfCommFlag) { Domain *domain = pm->giveDomain(1); int nnodes = domain->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); int i, j, partition; if ( this->mode == ProblemCommMode__ELEMENT_CUT ) { /* * Initially, each partition knows for which nodes a receive * is needed (and can therefore compute easily the recv map), * but does not know for which nodes it should send data to which * partition. Hence, the communication setup is performed by * broadcasting "send request" lists of nodes for which * a partition expects to receive data (ie. of those nodes * which the partition uses, but does not own) to all * collaborating processes. The "send request" list are * converted into send maps. */ // receive maps can be build locally, // but send maps should be assembled from broadcasted lists (containing // expected receive nodes) of remote partitions. // first build local receive map IntArray domainNodeRecvCount(size); const IntArray *partitionList; DofManager *dofMan; //Element *element; int domainRecvListSize = 0, domainRecvListPos = 0; //int nelems; int result = 1; for ( i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++ ) { partitionList = domain->giveDofManager(i)->givePartitionList(); if ( domain->giveDofManager(i)->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_remote ) { // size of partitionList should be 1 <== only ine master for ( j = 1; j <= partitionList->giveSize(); j++ ) { if ( !( excludeSelfCommFlag && ( this->rank == partitionList->at(j) ) ) ) { domainRecvListSize++;>at(j) + 1)++; } } } } // build maps simultaneously IntArray pos(size); IntArray **maps = new IntArray * [ size ]; for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { maps [ i ] = new IntArray( + 1) ); } // allocate also domain receive list to be broadcasted IntArray domainRecvList(domainRecvListSize); if ( domainRecvListSize ) { for ( i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++ ) { // test if node is remote DofMan dofMan = domain->giveDofManager(i); if ( dofMan->giveParallelMode() == DofManager_remote ) { = dofMan->giveGlobalNumber(); partitionList = domain->giveDofManager(i)->givePartitionList(); // size of partitionList should be 1 <== only ine master for ( j = 1; j <= partitionList->giveSize(); j++ ) { if ( !( excludeSelfCommFlag && ( this->rank == partitionList->at(j) ) ) ) { partition = partitionList->at(j); maps [ partition ]->at( + 1) ) = i; } } } } } // set up process recv communicator maps for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { this->setProcessCommunicatorToRecvArry(this->giveProcessCommunicator(i), * maps [ i ]); //this->giveDomainCommunicator(i)->setToRecvArry (this->engngModel, *maps[i]); } // delete local maps for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { delete maps [ i ]; } delete maps; // to assemble send maps, we must analyze broadcasted remote domain send lists // and we must also broadcast our send list. #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Element-cut broadcasting started", rank); #endif StaticCommunicationBuffer commBuff(MPI_COMM_WORLD); IntArray remoteDomainRecvList; IntArray toSendMap; int localExpectedSize, globalRecvSize; int sendMapPos, sendMapSize, globalDofManNum; // determine the size of receive buffer using AllReduce operation #ifndef IBM_MPI_IMPLEMENTATION localExpectedSize = domainRecvList.givePackSize(commBuff); #else localExpectedSize = domainRecvList.givePackSize(commBuff) + 1; #endif #ifdef __USE_MPI result = MPI_Allreduce(& localExpectedSize, & globalRecvSize, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if ( result != MPI_SUCCESS ) { _error("setUpCommunicationMaps: MPI_Allreduce failed"); } #else WARNING: NOT SUPPORTED MESSAGE PARSING LIBRARY #endif #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Finished reducing receiveBufferSize", rank); #endif // resize to fit largest received message commBuff.resize(globalRecvSize); // resize toSend map to max possible size toSendMap.resize(globalRecvSize); for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { // loop over domains commBuff.init(); if ( i == rank ) { //current domain has to send its receive list to all domains // broadcast domainRecvList #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Broadcasting own send list", rank); #endif commBuff.packIntArray(domainRecvList); result = commBuff.bcast(i); if ( result != MPI_SUCCESS ) { _error("setUpCommunicationMaps: commBuff broadcast failed"); } #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Broadcasting own send list finished", rank); #endif } else { #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("[process rank %3d]: %-30s: Receiving broadcasted send map from partition %3d\n", rank, "ProblemCommunicator :: unpackAllData", i); #endif // receive broadcasted lists result = commBuff.bcast(i); if ( result != MPI_SUCCESS ) { _error("setUpCommunicationMaps: commBuff broadcast failed"); } #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL OOFEM_LOG_DEBUG("[process rank %3d]: %-30s: Receiving broadcasted send map from partition %3d finished\n", rank, "ProblemCommunicator :: unpackAllData", i); #endif // unpack remote receive list if ( !commBuff.unpackIntArray(remoteDomainRecvList) ) { _error("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps: unpack remote receive list failed"); } // find if remote nodes are in local partition // if yes add them into send map for correcponding i-th partition sendMapPos = 0; sendMapSize = 0; // determine sendMap size for ( j = 1; j <= nnodes; j++ ) { // loop over local DofManagers dofMan = domain->giveDofManager(j); globalDofManNum = dofMan->giveGlobalNumber(); // test id globalDofManNum is in remoteDomainRecvList if ( remoteDomainRecvList.findFirstIndexOf(globalDofManNum) ) { sendMapSize++; } } toSendMap.resize(sendMapSize); for ( j = 1; j <= nnodes; j++ ) { // loop over local DofManagers dofMan = domain->giveDofManager(j); globalDofManNum = dofMan->giveGlobalNumber(); // test id globalDofManNum is in remoteDomainRecvList if ( remoteDomainRecvList.findFirstIndexOf(globalDofManNum) ) { // add this local DofManager number to sed map for active partition = j; } } // end loop over local DofManagers // set send map to i-th process communicator this->setProcessCommunicatorToSendArry(this->giveProcessCommunicator(i), toSendMap); //this->giveDomainCommunicator(i)->setToSendArry (this->engngModel, toSendMap); } // end receiving broadcasted lists #ifdef __VERBOSE_PARALLEL VERBOSEPARALLEL_PRINT("ProblemCommunicator::setUpCommunicationMaps", "Receiving broadcasted send maps finished", rank); #endif } // end loop over domains } else { _error("setUpCommunicationMapsForElementCut: unknown mode"); } }