Dsymbol *Dsymbol::searchX(Loc loc, Scope *sc, RootObject *id) { //printf("Dsymbol::searchX(this=%p,%s, ident='%s')\n", this, toChars(), ident->toChars()); Dsymbol *s = toAlias(); Dsymbol *sm; if (Declaration *d = s->isDeclaration()) { if (d->inuse) { ::error(loc, "circular reference to '%s'", d->toPrettyChars()); return NULL; } } switch (id->dyncast()) { case DYNCAST_IDENTIFIER: sm = s->search(loc, (Identifier *)id); break; case DYNCAST_DSYMBOL: { // It's a template instance //printf("\ttemplate instance id\n"); Dsymbol *st = (Dsymbol *)id; TemplateInstance *ti = st->isTemplateInstance(); sm = s->search(loc, ti->name); if (!sm) { sm = s->search_correct(ti->name); if (sm) error("template identifier '%s' is not a member of '%s %s', did you mean '%s %s'?", ti->name->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars(), sm->kind(), sm->toChars()); else error("template identifier '%s' is not a member of '%s %s'", ti->name->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars()); return NULL; } sm = sm->toAlias(); TemplateDeclaration *td = sm->isTemplateDeclaration(); if (!td) { error("%s is not a template, it is a %s", ti->name->toChars(), sm->kind()); return NULL; } ti->tempdecl = td; if (!ti->semanticRun) ti->semantic(sc); sm = ti->toAlias(); break; } default: assert(0); } return sm; }
void AnonDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc) { //printf("\tAnonDeclaration::semantic %s %p\n", isunion ? "union" : "struct", this); assert(sc->parent); Dsymbol *p = sc->parent->pastMixin(); AggregateDeclaration *ad = p->isAggregateDeclaration(); if (!ad) { ::error(loc, "%s can only be a part of an aggregate, not %s %s", kind(), p->kind(), p->toChars()); return; } alignment = sc->structalign; if (decl) { sc = sc->push(); sc->stc &= ~(STCauto | STCscope | STCstatic | STCtls | STCgshared); sc->inunion = isunion; sc->flags = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*decl)[i]; s->semantic(sc); } sc = sc->pop(); } }
void Nspace::semantic2(Scope *sc) { if (semanticRun >= PASSsemantic2) return; semanticRun = PASSsemantic2; #if LOG printf("+Nspace::semantic2('%s')\n", toChars()); #endif if (members) { assert(sc); sc = sc->push(this); sc->linkage = LINKcpp; for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i]; #if LOG printf("\tmember '%s', kind = '%s'\n", s->toChars(), s->kind()); #endif s->semantic2(sc); } sc->pop(); } #if LOG printf("-Nspace::semantic2('%s')\n", toChars()); #endif }
void AliasThis::semantic(Scope *sc) { Dsymbol *p = sc->parent->pastMixin(); AggregateDeclaration *ad = p->isAggregateDeclaration(); if (!ad) { ::error(loc, "alias this can only be a member of aggregate, not %s %s", p->kind(), p->toChars()); return; } assert(ad->members); Dsymbol *s = ad->search(loc, ident); if (!s) { s = sc->search(loc, ident, NULL); if (s) ::error(loc, "%s is not a member of %s", s->toChars(), ad->toChars()); else ::error(loc, "undefined identifier %s", ident->toChars()); return; } else if (ad->aliasthis && s != ad->aliasthis) { ::error(loc, "there can be only one alias this"); return; } if (ad->type->ty == Tstruct && ((TypeStruct *)ad->type)->sym != ad) { AggregateDeclaration *ad2 = ((TypeStruct *)ad->type)->sym; assert(ad2->type == Type::terror); ad->aliasthis = ad2->aliasthis; return; } /* disable the alias this conversion so the implicit conversion check * doesn't use it. */ ad->aliasthis = NULL; Dsymbol *sx = s; if (sx->isAliasDeclaration()) sx = sx->toAlias(); Declaration *d = sx->isDeclaration(); if (d && !d->isTupleDeclaration()) { Type *t = d->type; assert(t); if (ad->type->implicitConvTo(t) > MATCHnomatch) { ::error(loc, "alias this is not reachable as %s already converts to %s", ad->toChars(), t->toChars()); } } ad->aliasthis = s; }
Dsymbol *Dsymbol::searchX(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Identifier *id) { //printf("Dsymbol::searchX(this=%p,%s, ident='%s')\n", this, toChars(), ident->toChars()); Dsymbol *s = toAlias(); Dsymbol *sm; switch (id->dyncast()) { case DYNCAST_IDENTIFIER: sm = s->search(loc, id, 0); break; case DYNCAST_DSYMBOL: { // It's a template instance //printf("\ttemplate instance id\n"); Dsymbol *st = (Dsymbol *)id; TemplateInstance *ti = st->isTemplateInstance(); id = ti->name; sm = s->search(loc, id, 0); if (!sm) { error("template identifier %s is not a member of %s %s", id->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars()); return NULL; } sm = sm->toAlias(); TemplateDeclaration *td = sm->isTemplateDeclaration(); if (!td) { error("%s is not a template, it is a %s", id->toChars(), sm->kind()); return NULL; } ti->tempdecl = td; if (!ti->semanticRun) ti->semantic(sc); sm = ti->toAlias(); break; } default: assert(0); } return sm; }
Initializer *StructInitializer::semantic(Scope *sc, Type *t, int needInterpret) { int errors = 0; //printf("StructInitializer::semantic(t = %s) %s\n", t->toChars(), toChars()); vars.setDim(field.dim); t = t->toBasetype(); if (t->ty == Tstruct) { unsigned fieldi = 0; TypeStruct *ts = (TypeStruct *)t; ad = ts->sym; if (ad->ctor) error(loc, "%s %s has constructors, cannot use { initializers }, use %s( initializers ) instead", ad->kind(), ad->toChars(), ad->toChars()); StructDeclaration *sd = ad->isStructDeclaration(); assert(sd); sd->size(loc); if (sd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone) { error(loc, "struct %s is forward referenced", sd->toChars()); errors = 1; goto Lerror; } size_t nfields = sd->fields.dim; if (sd->isnested) nfields--; for (size_t i = 0; i < field.dim; i++) { Identifier *id = field[i]; Initializer *val = value[i]; Dsymbol *s; VarDeclaration *v; if (id == NULL) { if (fieldi >= nfields) { error(loc, "too many initializers for %s", ad->toChars()); errors = 1; field.remove(i); i--; continue; } else { s = ad->fields[fieldi]; } } else { //s = ad->symtab->lookup(id); s = ad->search(loc, id, 0); if (!s) { s = ad->search_correct(id); if (s) error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s', did you mean '%s %s'?", id->toChars(), t->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars()); else error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), t->toChars()); errors = 1; continue; } s = s->toAlias(); // Find out which field index it is for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++) { if (fieldi >= nfields) { error(loc, "%s.%s is not a per-instance initializable field", t->toChars(), s->toChars()); errors = 1; break; } if (s == ad->fields[fieldi]) break; } } if (s && (v = s->isVarDeclaration()) != NULL) { val = val->semantic(sc, v->type, needInterpret); value[i] = val; vars[i] = v; } else { error(loc, "%s is not a field of %s", id ? id->toChars() : s->toChars(), ad->toChars()); errors = 1; } fieldi++; } } else if (t->ty == Tdelegate && value.dim == 0) { /* Rewrite as empty delegate literal { } */ Parameters *arguments = new Parameters; Type *tf = new TypeFunction(arguments, NULL, 0, LINKd); FuncLiteralDeclaration *fd = new FuncLiteralDeclaration(loc, 0, tf, TOKdelegate, NULL); fd->fbody = new CompoundStatement(loc, new Statements()); fd->endloc = loc; Expression *e = new FuncExp(loc, fd); ExpInitializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(loc, e); return ie->semantic(sc, t, needInterpret); } else { error(loc, "a struct is not a valid initializer for a %s", t->toChars()); errors = 1; } Lerror: if (errors) { field.setDim(0); value.setDim(0); vars.setDim(0); } return this; }
void visit(ClassDeclaration *cd) { //printf("ClassDeclaration::toObjFile('%s')\n", cd->toChars()); if (cd->type->ty == Terror) { cd->error("had semantic errors when compiling"); return; } if (!cd->members) return; if (multiobj && !cd->hasStaticCtorOrDtor()) { obj_append(cd); return; } if (global.params.symdebug) toDebug(cd); assert(!cd->scope); // semantic() should have been run to completion enum_SC scclass = SCglobal; if (cd->isInstantiated()) scclass = SCcomdat; // Put out the members for (size_t i = 0; i < cd->members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *member = (*cd->members)[i]; /* There might be static ctors in the members, and they cannot * be put in separate obj files. */ member->accept(this); } // Generate C symbols toSymbol(cd); toVtblSymbol(cd); Symbol *sinit = toInitializer(cd); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate static initializer sinit->Sclass = scclass; sinit->Sfl = FLdata; ClassDeclaration_toDt(cd, &sinit->Sdt); out_readonly(sinit); outdata(sinit); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Put out the TypeInfo genTypeInfo(cd->type, NULL); //toObjFile(cd->type->vtinfo, multiobj); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Put out the ClassInfo cd->csym->Sclass = scclass; cd->csym->Sfl = FLdata; /* The layout is: { void **vptr; monitor_t monitor; byte[] initializer; // static initialization data char[] name; // class name void *[] vtbl; Interface[] interfaces; ClassInfo *base; // base class void *destructor; void *invariant; // class invariant ClassFlags flags; void *deallocator; OffsetTypeInfo[] offTi; void *defaultConstructor; //const(MemberInfo[]) function(string) xgetMembers; // module getMembers() function void *xgetRTInfo; //TypeInfo typeinfo; } */ dt_t *dt = NULL; unsigned offset = Target::classinfosize; // must be ClassInfo.size if (Type::typeinfoclass) { if (Type::typeinfoclass->structsize != Target::classinfosize) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Target::classinfosize = x%x, Type::typeinfoclass->structsize = x%x\n", offset, Type::typeinfoclass->structsize); #endif cd->error("mismatch between dmd and object.d or object.di found. Check installation and import paths with -v compiler switch."); fatal(); } } if (Type::typeinfoclass) dtxoff(&dt, toVtblSymbol(Type::typeinfoclass), 0, TYnptr); // vtbl for ClassInfo else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); // BUG: should be an assert() dtsize_t(&dt, 0); // monitor // initializer[] assert(cd->structsize >= 8 || (cd->cpp && cd->structsize >= 4)); dtsize_t(&dt, cd->structsize); // size dtxoff(&dt, sinit, 0, TYnptr); // initializer // name[] const char *name = cd->ident->toChars(); size_t namelen = strlen(name); if (!(namelen > 9 && memcmp(name, "TypeInfo_", 9) == 0)) { name = cd->toPrettyChars(); namelen = strlen(name); } dtsize_t(&dt, namelen); dtabytes(&dt, TYnptr, 0, namelen + 1, name); // vtbl[] dtsize_t(&dt, cd->vtbl.dim); dtxoff(&dt, cd->vtblsym, 0, TYnptr); // interfaces[] dtsize_t(&dt, cd->vtblInterfaces->dim); if (cd->vtblInterfaces->dim) dtxoff(&dt, cd->csym, offset, TYnptr); // (*) else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); // base if (cd->baseClass) dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(cd->baseClass), 0, TYnptr); else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); // destructor if (cd->dtor) dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(cd->dtor), 0, TYnptr); else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); // invariant if (cd->inv) dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(cd->inv), 0, TYnptr); else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); // flags ClassFlags::Type flags = ClassFlags::hasOffTi; if (cd->isCOMclass()) flags |= ClassFlags::isCOMclass; if (cd->isCPPclass()) flags |= ClassFlags::isCPPclass; flags |= ClassFlags::hasGetMembers; flags |= ClassFlags::hasTypeInfo; if (cd->ctor) flags |= ClassFlags::hasCtor; for (ClassDeclaration *pc = cd; pc; pc = pc->baseClass) { if (pc->dtor) { flags |= ClassFlags::hasDtor; break; } } if (cd->isabstract) flags |= ClassFlags::isAbstract; for (ClassDeclaration *pc = cd; pc; pc = pc->baseClass) { if (pc->members) { for (size_t i = 0; i < pc->members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *sm = (*pc->members)[i]; //printf("sm = %s %s\n", sm->kind(), sm->toChars()); if (sm->hasPointers()) goto L2; } } } flags |= ClassFlags::noPointers; L2: dtsize_t(&dt, flags); // deallocator if (cd->aggDelete) dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(cd->aggDelete), 0, TYnptr); else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); // offTi[] dtsize_t(&dt, 0); dtsize_t(&dt, 0); // null for now, fix later // defaultConstructor if (cd->defaultCtor && !(cd->defaultCtor->storage_class & STCdisable)) dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(cd->defaultCtor), 0, TYnptr); else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); // xgetRTInfo if (cd->getRTInfo) Expression_toDt(cd->getRTInfo, &dt); else if (flags & ClassFlags::noPointers) dtsize_t(&dt, 0); else dtsize_t(&dt, 1); //dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(type->vtinfo), 0, TYnptr); // typeinfo ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Put out (*vtblInterfaces)[]. Must immediately follow csym, because // of the fixup (*) offset += cd->vtblInterfaces->dim * (4 * Target::ptrsize); for (size_t i = 0; i < cd->vtblInterfaces->dim; i++) { BaseClass *b = (*cd->vtblInterfaces)[i]; ClassDeclaration *id = b->sym; /* The layout is: * struct Interface * { * ClassInfo *interface; * void *[] vtbl; * size_t offset; * } */ // Fill in vtbl[] b->fillVtbl(cd, &b->vtbl, 1); dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(id), 0, TYnptr); // ClassInfo // vtbl[] dtsize_t(&dt, id->vtbl.dim); dtxoff(&dt, cd->csym, offset, TYnptr); dtsize_t(&dt, b->offset); // this offset offset += id->vtbl.dim * Target::ptrsize; } // Put out the (*vtblInterfaces)[].vtbl[] // This must be mirrored with ClassDeclaration::baseVtblOffset() //printf("putting out %d interface vtbl[]s for '%s'\n", vtblInterfaces->dim, toChars()); for (size_t i = 0; i < cd->vtblInterfaces->dim; i++) { BaseClass *b = (*cd->vtblInterfaces)[i]; ClassDeclaration *id = b->sym; //printf(" interface[%d] is '%s'\n", i, id->toChars()); size_t j = 0; if (id->vtblOffset()) { // First entry is ClassInfo reference //dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(id), 0, TYnptr); // First entry is struct Interface reference dtxoff(&dt, cd->csym, Target::classinfosize + i * (4 * Target::ptrsize), TYnptr); j = 1; } assert(id->vtbl.dim == b->vtbl.dim); for (; j < id->vtbl.dim; j++) { assert(j < b->vtbl.dim); #if 0 RootObject *o = b->vtbl[j]; if (o) { printf("o = %p\n", o); assert(o->dyncast() == DYNCAST_DSYMBOL); Dsymbol *s = (Dsymbol *)o; printf("s->kind() = '%s'\n", s->kind()); } #endif FuncDeclaration *fd = b->vtbl[j]; if (fd) dtxoff(&dt, toThunkSymbol(fd, b->offset), 0, TYnptr); else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); } } // Put out the overriding interface vtbl[]s. // This must be mirrored with ClassDeclaration::baseVtblOffset() //printf("putting out overriding interface vtbl[]s for '%s' at offset x%x\n", toChars(), offset); ClassDeclaration *pc; for (pc = cd->baseClass; pc; pc = pc->baseClass) { for (size_t k = 0; k < pc->vtblInterfaces->dim; k++) { BaseClass *bs = (*pc->vtblInterfaces)[k]; FuncDeclarations bvtbl; if (bs->fillVtbl(cd, &bvtbl, 0)) { //printf("\toverriding vtbl[] for %s\n", bs->sym->toChars()); ClassDeclaration *id = bs->sym; size_t j = 0; if (id->vtblOffset()) { // First entry is ClassInfo reference //dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(id), 0, TYnptr); // First entry is struct Interface reference dtxoff(&dt, toSymbol(pc), Target::classinfosize + k * (4 * Target::ptrsize), TYnptr); j = 1; } for (; j < id->vtbl.dim; j++) { assert(j < bvtbl.dim); FuncDeclaration *fd = bvtbl[j]; if (fd) dtxoff(&dt, toThunkSymbol(fd, bs->offset), 0, TYnptr); else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); } } } } cd->csym->Sdt = dt; // ClassInfo cannot be const data, because we use the monitor on it outdata(cd->csym); if (cd->isExport()) objmod->export_symbol(cd->csym, 0); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Put out the vtbl[] //printf("putting out %s.vtbl[]\n", toChars()); dt = NULL; if (cd->vtblOffset()) dtxoff(&dt, cd->csym, 0, TYnptr); // first entry is ClassInfo reference for (size_t i = cd->vtblOffset(); i < cd->vtbl.dim; i++) { FuncDeclaration *fd = cd->vtbl[i]->isFuncDeclaration(); //printf("\tvtbl[%d] = %p\n", i, fd); if (fd && (fd->fbody || !cd->isAbstract())) { // Ensure function has a return value (Bugzilla 4869) fd->functionSemantic(); Symbol *s = toSymbol(fd); if (cd->isFuncHidden(fd)) { /* fd is hidden from the view of this class. * If fd overlaps with any function in the vtbl[], then * issue 'hidden' error. */ for (size_t j = 1; j < cd->vtbl.dim; j++) { if (j == i) continue; FuncDeclaration *fd2 = cd->vtbl[j]->isFuncDeclaration(); if (!fd2->ident->equals(fd->ident)) continue; if (fd->leastAsSpecialized(fd2) || fd2->leastAsSpecialized(fd)) { TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)fd->type; if (tf->ty == Tfunction) cd->error("use of %s%s is hidden by %s; use 'alias %s = %s.%s;' to introduce base class overload set", fd->toPrettyChars(), parametersTypeToChars(tf->parameters, tf->varargs), cd->toChars(), fd->toChars(), fd->parent->toChars(), fd->toChars()); else cd->error("use of %s is hidden by %s", fd->toPrettyChars(), cd->toChars()); break; } } } dtxoff(&dt, s, 0, TYnptr); } else dtsize_t(&dt, 0); } cd->vtblsym->Sdt = dt; cd->vtblsym->Sclass = scclass; cd->vtblsym->Sfl = FLdata; out_readonly(cd->vtblsym); outdata(cd->vtblsym); if (cd->isExport()) objmod->export_symbol(cd->vtblsym,0); }
Dsymbol *ScopeDsymbol::search(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, int flags) { //printf("%s->ScopeDsymbol::search(ident='%s', flags=x%x)\n", toChars(), ident->toChars(), flags); //if (strcmp(ident->toChars(),"c") == 0) *(char*)0=0; // Look in symbols declared in this module Dsymbol *s1 = symtab ? symtab->lookup(ident) : NULL; //printf("\ts1 = %p, imports = %p, %d\n", s1, imports, imports ? imports->dim : 0); if (s1) { //printf("\ts = '%s.%s'\n",toChars(),s1->toChars()); return s1; } else if (!imports) return NULL; else { Dsymbol *s = NULL; OverloadSet *a = NULL; // Look in imported modules for (size_t i = 0; i < imports->dim; i++) { // If private import, don't search it if (flags & 1 && prots[i] == PROTprivate) continue; Dsymbol *ss = (*imports)[i]; //printf("\tscanning import '%s', prots = %d, isModule = %p, isImport = %p\n", ss->toChars(), prots[i], ss->isModule(), ss->isImport()); /* Don't find private members if ss is a module */ Dsymbol *s2 = ss->search(loc, ident, ss->isModule() ? 1 : 0); if (!s) s = s2; else if (s2 && s != s2) { if (s->toAlias() == s2->toAlias() || s->getType() == s2->getType() && s->getType()) { /* After following aliases, we found the same * symbol, so it's not an ambiguity. But if one * alias is deprecated or less accessible, prefer * the other. */ if (s->isDeprecated() || s2->prot() > s->prot() && s2->prot() != PROTnone) s = s2; } else { /* Two imports of the same module should be regarded as * the same. */ Import *i1 = s->isImport(); Import *i2 = s2->isImport(); if (!(i1 && i2 && (i1->mod == i2->mod || (!i1->parent->isImport() && !i2->parent->isImport() && i1->ident->equals(i2->ident)) ) ) ) { /* Bugzilla 8668: * Public selective import adds AliasDeclaration in module. * To make an overload set, resolve aliases in here and * get actual overload roots which accessible via s and s2. */ s = s->toAlias(); s2 = s2->toAlias(); /* If both s2 and s are overloadable (though we only * need to check s once) */ if (s2->isOverloadable() && (a || s->isOverloadable())) { if (!a) { a = new OverloadSet(s->ident); a->parent = this; } /* Don't add to a[] if s2 is alias of previous sym */ for (size_t j = 0; j < a->a.dim; j++) { Dsymbol *s3 = a->a[j]; if (s2->toAlias() == s3->toAlias()) { if (s3->isDeprecated() || s2->prot() > s3->prot() && s2->prot() != PROTnone) a->a[j] = s2; goto Lcontinue; } } a->push(s2); Lcontinue: continue; } if (flags & 4) // if return NULL on ambiguity return NULL; if (!(flags & 2)) ScopeDsymbol::multiplyDefined(loc, s, s2); break; } } } } /* Build special symbol if we had multiple finds */ if (a) { assert(s); a->push(s); s = a; } if (s) { if (!(flags & 2) && s->prot() == PROTprivate && !s->parent->isTemplateMixin()) { if (!s->isImport()) error(loc, "%s %s is private", s->kind(), s->toPrettyChars()); } } return s; } }
Expression *semanticTraits(TraitsExp *e, Scope *sc) { #if LOGSEMANTIC printf("TraitsExp::semantic() %s\n", e->toChars()); #endif if (e->ident != Id::compiles && e->ident != Id::isSame && e->ident != Id::identifier && e->ident != Id::getProtection) { if (!TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc, e->args, 1)) return new ErrorExp(); } size_t dim = e->args ? e->args->dim : 0; if (e->ident == Id::isArithmetic) { return isTypeX(e, &isTypeArithmetic); } else if (e->ident == Id::isFloating) { return isTypeX(e, &isTypeFloating); } else if (e->ident == Id::isIntegral) { return isTypeX(e, &isTypeIntegral); } else if (e->ident == Id::isScalar) { return isTypeX(e, &isTypeScalar); } else if (e->ident == Id::isUnsigned) { return isTypeX(e, &isTypeUnsigned); } else if (e->ident == Id::isAssociativeArray) { return isTypeX(e, &isTypeAssociativeArray); } else if (e->ident == Id::isStaticArray) { return isTypeX(e, &isTypeStaticArray); } else if (e->ident == Id::isAbstractClass) { return isTypeX(e, &isTypeAbstractClass); } else if (e->ident == Id::isFinalClass) { return isTypeX(e, &isTypeFinalClass); } else if (e->ident == Id::isPOD) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Type *t = isType(o); StructDeclaration *sd; if (!t) { e->error("type expected as second argument of __traits %s instead of %s", e->ident->toChars(), o->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } Type *tb = t->baseElemOf(); if (tb->ty == Tstruct && ((sd = (StructDeclaration *)(((TypeStruct *)tb)->sym)) != NULL)) { if (sd->isPOD()) goto Ltrue; else goto Lfalse; } goto Ltrue; } else if (e->ident == Id::isNested) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); AggregateDeclaration *a; FuncDeclaration *f; if (!s) { } else if ((a = s->isAggregateDeclaration()) != NULL) { if (a->isNested()) goto Ltrue; else goto Lfalse; } else if ((f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) != NULL) { if (f->isNested()) goto Ltrue; else goto Lfalse; } e->error("aggregate or function expected instead of '%s'", o->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } else if (e->ident == Id::isAbstractFunction) { return isFuncX(e, &isFuncAbstractFunction); } else if (e->ident == Id::isVirtualFunction) { return isFuncX(e, &isFuncVirtualFunction); } else if (e->ident == Id::isVirtualMethod) { return isFuncX(e, &isFuncVirtualMethod); } else if (e->ident == Id::isFinalFunction) { return isFuncX(e, &isFuncFinalFunction); } else if (e->ident == Id::isOverrideFunction) { return isFuncX(e, &isFuncOverrideFunction); } else if (e->ident == Id::isStaticFunction) { return isFuncX(e, &isFuncStaticFunction); } else if (e->ident == Id::isRef) { return isDeclX(e, &isDeclRef); } else if (e->ident == Id::isOut) { return isDeclX(e, &isDeclOut); } else if (e->ident == Id::isLazy) { return isDeclX(e, &isDeclLazy); } else if (e->ident == Id::identifier) { // Get identifier for symbol as a string literal /* Specify 0 for bit 0 of the flags argument to semanticTiargs() so that * a symbol should not be folded to a constant. * Bit 1 means don't convert Parameter to Type if Parameter has an identifier */ if (!TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc, e->args, 2)) return new ErrorExp(); if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Parameter *po = isParameter(o); Identifier *id; if (po) { id = po->ident; assert(id); } else { Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); if (!s || !s->ident) { e->error("argument %s has no identifier", o->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } id = s->ident; } StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, id->toChars()); return se->semantic(sc); } else if (e->ident == Id::getProtection) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; Scope *sc2 = sc->push(); sc2->flags = sc->flags | SCOPEnoaccesscheck; bool ok = TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc2, e->args, 1); sc2->pop(); if (!ok) return new ErrorExp(); RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); if (!s) { if (!isError(o)) e->error("argument %s has no protection", o->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } if (s->scope) s->semantic(s->scope); PROT protection = s->prot(); const char *protName = Pprotectionnames[protection]; assert(protName); StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, (char *) protName); return se->semantic(sc); } else if (e->ident == Id::parent) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); if (s) { if (FuncDeclaration *fd = s->isFuncDeclaration()) // Bugzilla 8943 s = fd->toAliasFunc(); if (!s->isImport()) // Bugzilla 8922 s = s->toParent(); } if (!s || s->isImport()) { e->error("argument %s has no parent", o->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } if (FuncDeclaration *f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) { if (TemplateDeclaration *td = getFuncTemplateDecl(f)) { if (td->overroot) // if not start of overloaded list of TemplateDeclaration's td = td->overroot; // then get the start Expression *ex = new TemplateExp(e->loc, td, f); ex = ex->semantic(sc); return ex; } if (FuncLiteralDeclaration *fld = f->isFuncLiteralDeclaration()) { // Directly translate to VarExp instead of FuncExp Expression *ex = new VarExp(e->loc, fld, 1); return ex->semantic(sc); } } return (new DsymbolExp(e->loc, s))->semantic(sc); } else if (e->ident == Id::hasMember || e->ident == Id::getMember || e->ident == Id::getOverloads || e->ident == Id::getVirtualMethods || e->ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions) { if (dim != 2) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Expression *ex = isExpression((*e->args)[1]); if (!ex) { e->error("expression expected as second argument of __traits %s", e->ident->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } ex = ex->ctfeInterpret(); StringExp *se = ex->toStringExp(); if (!se || se->length() == 0) { e->error("string expected as second argument of __traits %s instead of %s", e->ident->toChars(), ex->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } se = se->toUTF8(sc); if (se->sz != 1) { e->error("string must be chars"); goto Lfalse; } Identifier *id = Lexer::idPool((char *)se->string); /* Prefer dsymbol, because it might need some runtime contexts. */ Dsymbol *sym = getDsymbol(o); if (sym) { ex = new DsymbolExp(e->loc, sym); ex = new DotIdExp(e->loc, ex, id); } else if (Type *t = isType(o)) ex = typeDotIdExp(e->loc, t, id); else if (Expression *ex2 = isExpression(o)) ex = new DotIdExp(e->loc, ex2, id); else { e->error("invalid first argument"); goto Lfalse; } if (e->ident == Id::hasMember) { if (sym) { Dsymbol *sm = sym->search(e->loc, id); if (sm) goto Ltrue; } /* Take any errors as meaning it wasn't found */ Scope *sc2 = sc->push(); ex = ex->trySemantic(sc2); sc2->pop(); if (!ex) goto Lfalse; else goto Ltrue; } else if (e->ident == Id::getMember) { ex = ex->semantic(sc); return ex; } else if (e->ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions || e->ident == Id::getVirtualMethods || e->ident == Id::getOverloads) { unsigned errors = global.errors; Expression *eorig = ex; ex = ex->semantic(sc); if (errors < global.errors) e->error("%s cannot be resolved", eorig->toChars()); /* Create tuple of functions of ex */ //ex->print(); Expressions *exps = new Expressions(); FuncDeclaration *f; if (ex->op == TOKvar) { VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)ex; f = ve->var->isFuncDeclaration(); ex = NULL; } else if (ex->op == TOKdotvar) { DotVarExp *dve = (DotVarExp *)ex; f = dve->var->isFuncDeclaration(); if (dve->e1->op == TOKdottype || dve->e1->op == TOKthis) ex = NULL; else ex = dve->e1; } else f = NULL; Ptrait p; p.exps = exps; p.e1 = ex; p.ident = e->ident; overloadApply(f, &p, &fptraits); TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps); return tup->semantic(sc); } else assert(0); } else if (e->ident == Id::classInstanceSize) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); ClassDeclaration *cd; if (!s || (cd = s->isClassDeclaration()) == NULL) { e->error("first argument is not a class"); goto Lfalse; } if (cd->sizeok == SIZEOKnone) { if (cd->scope) cd->semantic(cd->scope); } if (cd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone) { e->error("%s %s is forward referenced", cd->kind(), cd->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } return new IntegerExp(e->loc, cd->structsize, Type::tsize_t); } else if (e->ident == Id::getAliasThis) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); AggregateDeclaration *ad; if (!s || (ad = s->isAggregateDeclaration()) == NULL) { e->error("argument is not an aggregate type"); goto Lfalse; } Expressions *exps = new Expressions(); if (ad->aliasthis) exps->push(new StringExp(e->loc, ad->aliasthis->ident->toChars())); Expression *ex = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps); ex = ex->semantic(sc); return ex; } else if (e->ident == Id::getAttributes) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); if (!s) { #if 0 Expression *x = isExpression(o); Type *t = isType(o); if (x) printf("e = %s %s\n", Token::toChars(x->op), x->toChars()); if (t) printf("t = %d %s\n", t->ty, t->toChars()); #endif e->error("first argument is not a symbol"); goto Lfalse; } //printf("getAttributes %s, attrs = %p, scope = %p\n", s->toChars(), s->userAttributes, s->userAttributesScope); UserAttributeDeclaration *udad = s->userAttribDecl; TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, udad ? udad->getAttributes() : new Expressions()); return tup->semantic(sc); } else if (e->ident == Id::getFunctionAttributes) { /// extract all function attributes as a tuple (const/shared/inout/pure/nothrow/etc) except UDAs. if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); Type *t = isType(o); TypeFunction *tf = NULL; if (s) { if (FuncDeclaration *f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) t = f->type; else if (VarDeclaration *v = s->isVarDeclaration()) t = v->type; } if (t) { if (t->ty == Tfunction) tf = (TypeFunction *)t; else if (t->ty == Tdelegate) tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf(); else if (t->ty == Tpointer && t->nextOf()->ty == Tfunction) tf = (TypeFunction *)t->nextOf(); } if (!tf) { e->error("first argument is not a function"); goto Lfalse; } Expressions *mods = new Expressions(); PushAttributes pa; pa.mods = mods; tf->modifiersApply(&pa, &PushAttributes::fp); tf->attributesApply(&pa, &PushAttributes::fp, TRUSTformatSystem); TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, mods); return tup->semantic(sc); } else if (e->ident == Id::allMembers || e->ident == Id::derivedMembers) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); ScopeDsymbol *sds; if (!s) { e->error("argument has no members"); goto Lfalse; } Import *import; if ((import = s->isImport()) != NULL) { // Bugzilla 9692 sds = import->mod; } else if ((sds = s->isScopeDsymbol()) == NULL) { e->error("%s %s has no members", s->kind(), s->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } // use a struct as local function struct PushIdentsDg { static int dg(void *ctx, size_t n, Dsymbol *sm) { if (!sm) return 1; //printf("\t[%i] %s %s\n", i, sm->kind(), sm->toChars()); if (sm->ident) { if (sm->ident != Id::ctor && sm->ident != Id::dtor && sm->ident != Id::_postblit && memcmp(sm->ident->string, "__", 2) == 0) { return 0; } //printf("\t%s\n", sm->ident->toChars()); Identifiers *idents = (Identifiers *)ctx; /* Skip if already present in idents[] */ for (size_t j = 0; j < idents->dim; j++) { Identifier *id = (*idents)[j]; if (id == sm->ident) return 0; #ifdef DEBUG // Avoid using strcmp in the first place due to the performance impact in an O(N^2) loop. assert(strcmp(id->toChars(), sm->ident->toChars()) != 0); #endif } idents->push(sm->ident); } else { EnumDeclaration *ed = sm->isEnumDeclaration(); if (ed) { ScopeDsymbol::foreach(NULL, ed->members, &PushIdentsDg::dg, (Identifiers *)ctx); } } return 0; } }; Identifiers *idents = new Identifiers; ScopeDsymbol::foreach(sc, sds->members, &PushIdentsDg::dg, idents); ClassDeclaration *cd = sds->isClassDeclaration(); if (cd && e->ident == Id::allMembers) { struct PushBaseMembers { static void dg(ClassDeclaration *cd, Identifiers *idents) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cd->baseclasses->dim; i++) { ClassDeclaration *cb = (*cd->baseclasses)[i]->base; ScopeDsymbol::foreach(NULL, cb->members, &PushIdentsDg::dg, idents); if (cb->baseclasses->dim) dg(cb, idents); } } }; PushBaseMembers::dg(cd, idents); } // Turn Identifiers into StringExps reusing the allocated array assert(sizeof(Expressions) == sizeof(Identifiers)); Expressions *exps = (Expressions *)idents; for (size_t i = 0; i < idents->dim; i++) { Identifier *id = (*idents)[i]; StringExp *se = new StringExp(e->loc, id->toChars()); (*exps)[i] = se; } /* Making this a tuple is more flexible, as it can be statically unrolled. * To make an array literal, enclose __traits in [ ]: * [ __traits(allMembers, ...) ] */ Expression *ex = new TupleExp(e->loc, exps); ex = ex->semantic(sc); return ex; } else if (e->ident == Id::compiles) { /* Determine if all the objects - types, expressions, or symbols - * compile without error */ if (!dim) goto Lfalse; for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) { unsigned errors = global.startGagging(); unsigned oldspec = global.speculativeGag; global.speculativeGag = global.gag; Scope *sc2 = sc->push(); sc2->speculative = true; sc2->flags = sc->flags & ~SCOPEctfe | SCOPEcompile; bool err = false; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[i]; Type *t = isType(o); Expression *ex = t ? t->toExpression() : isExpression(o); if (!ex && t) { Dsymbol *s; t->resolve(e->loc, sc2, &ex, &t, &s); if (t) { t->semantic(e->loc, sc2); if (t->ty == Terror) err = true; } else if (s && s->errors) err = true; } if (ex) { ex = ex->semantic(sc2); ex = resolvePropertiesOnly(sc2, ex); ex = ex->optimize(WANTvalue); ex = checkGC(sc2, ex); if (ex->op == TOKerror) err = true; } sc2->pop(); global.speculativeGag = oldspec; if (global.endGagging(errors) || err) { goto Lfalse; } } goto Ltrue; } else if (e->ident == Id::isSame) { /* Determine if two symbols are the same */ if (dim != 2) goto Ldimerror; if (!TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(e->loc, sc, e->args, 0)) return new ErrorExp(); RootObject *o1 = (*e->args)[0]; RootObject *o2 = (*e->args)[1]; Dsymbol *s1 = getDsymbol(o1); Dsymbol *s2 = getDsymbol(o2); //printf("isSame: %s, %s\n", o1->toChars(), o2->toChars()); #if 0 printf("o1: %p\n", o1); printf("o2: %p\n", o2); if (!s1) { Expression *ea = isExpression(o1); if (ea) printf("%s\n", ea->toChars()); Type *ta = isType(o1); if (ta) printf("%s\n", ta->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } else printf("%s %s\n", s1->kind(), s1->toChars()); #endif if (!s1 && !s2) { Expression *ea1 = isExpression(o1); Expression *ea2 = isExpression(o2); if (ea1 && ea2) { if (ea1->equals(ea2)) goto Ltrue; } } if (!s1 || !s2) goto Lfalse; s1 = s1->toAlias(); s2 = s2->toAlias(); if (s1->isFuncAliasDeclaration()) s1 = ((FuncAliasDeclaration *)s1)->toAliasFunc(); if (s2->isFuncAliasDeclaration()) s2 = ((FuncAliasDeclaration *)s2)->toAliasFunc(); if (s1 == s2) goto Ltrue; else goto Lfalse; } else if (e->ident == Id::getUnitTests) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); if (!s) { e->error("argument %s to __traits(getUnitTests) must be a module or aggregate", o->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } Import *imp = s->isImport(); if (imp) // Bugzilla 10990 s = imp->mod; ScopeDsymbol* scope = s->isScopeDsymbol(); if (!scope) { e->error("argument %s to __traits(getUnitTests) must be a module or aggregate, not a %s", s->toChars(), s->kind()); goto Lfalse; } Expressions* unitTests = new Expressions(); Dsymbols* symbols = scope->members; if (global.params.useUnitTests && symbols) { // Should actually be a set AA* uniqueUnitTests = NULL; collectUnitTests(symbols, uniqueUnitTests, unitTests); } TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(e->loc, unitTests); return tup->semantic(sc); } else if(e->ident == Id::getVirtualIndex) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; RootObject *o = (*e->args)[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); FuncDeclaration *fd; if (!s || (fd = s->isFuncDeclaration()) == NULL) { e->error("first argument to __traits(getVirtualIndex) must be a function"); goto Lfalse; } fd = fd->toAliasFunc(); // Neccessary to support multiple overloads. return new IntegerExp(e->loc, fd->vtblIndex, Type::tptrdiff_t); } else { if (const char *sub = (const char *)speller(e->ident->toChars(), &trait_search_fp, NULL, idchars)) e->error("unrecognized trait '%s', did you mean '%s'?", e->ident->toChars(), sub); else e->error("unrecognized trait '%s'", e->ident->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } return NULL; Ldimerror: e->error("wrong number of arguments %d", (int)dim); goto Lfalse; Lfalse: return new IntegerExp(e->loc, 0, Type::tbool); Ltrue: return new IntegerExp(e->loc, 1, Type::tbool); }
Expression *StructInitializer::fill(Scope *sc, Type *t, NeedInterpret needInterpret) { //printf("StructInitializer::fill(sc = %p, '%s')\n", sc, toChars()); assert(t->ty == Tstruct); StructDeclaration *sd = ((TypeStruct *)t)->sym; sd->size(loc); if (sd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone) return new ErrorExp(); size_t nfields = sd->fields.dim - sd->isNested(); Expressions *elements = new Expressions(); elements->setDim(nfields); for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++) (*elements)[i] = NULL; // Run semantic for explicitly given initializers bool errors = false; for (size_t fieldi = 0, i = 0; i < field.dim; i++) { if (Identifier *id = field[i]) { Dsymbol *s = sd->search(loc, id, 0); if (!s) { s = sd->search_correct(id); if (s) error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s', did you mean '%s %s'?", id->toChars(), sd->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars()); else error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), sd->toChars()); return new ErrorExp(); } s = s->toAlias(); // Find out which field index it is for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++) { if (fieldi >= nfields) { error(loc, "%s.%s is not a per-instance initializable field", sd->toChars(), s->toChars()); return new ErrorExp(); } if (s == sd->fields[fieldi]) break; } } else if (fieldi >= nfields) { error(loc, "too many initializers for %s", sd->toChars()); return new ErrorExp(); } VarDeclaration *vd = sd->fields[fieldi]; if ((*elements)[fieldi]) { error(loc, "duplicate initializer for field '%s'", vd->toChars()); errors = true; continue; } for (size_t j = 0; j < nfields; j++) { VarDeclaration *v2 = sd->fields[j]; bool overlap = (vd->offset < v2->offset + v2->type->size() && v2->offset < vd->offset + vd->type->size()); if (overlap && (*elements)[j]) { error(loc, "overlapping initialization for field %s and %s", v2->toChars(), vd->toChars()); errors = true; continue; } } assert(sc); Initializer *iz = value[i]; iz = iz->semantic(sc, vd->type->addMod(t->mod), needInterpret); Expression *ex = iz->toExpression(); if (ex->op == TOKerror) { errors = true; continue; } value[i] = iz; (*elements)[fieldi] = ex; ++fieldi; } if (errors) return new ErrorExp(); // Fill in missing any elements with default initializers for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++) { if ((*elements)[i]) continue; VarDeclaration *vd = sd->fields[i]; VarDeclaration *vx = vd; if (vd->init && vd->init->isVoidInitializer()) vx = NULL; // Find overlapped fields with the hole [vd->offset .. vd->offset->size()]. size_t fieldi = i; for (size_t j = 0; j < nfields; j++) { if (i == j) continue; VarDeclaration *v2 = sd->fields[j]; if (v2->init && v2->init->isVoidInitializer()) continue; bool overlap = (vd->offset < v2->offset + v2->type->size() && v2->offset < vd->offset + vd->type->size()); if (!overlap) continue; if ((*elements)[j]) { vx = NULL; break; } #if 1 /* Prefer first found non-void-initialized field * union U { int a; int b = 2; } * U u; // Error: overlapping initialization for field a and b */ if (!vx) vx = v2, fieldi = j; else if (v2->init) { error(loc, "overlapping initialization for field %s and %s", v2->toChars(), vd->toChars()); } #else // fix Bugzilla 1432 /* Prefer explicitly initialized field * union U { int a; int b = 2; } * U u; // OK (u.b == 2) */ if (!vx || !vx->init && v2->init) vx = v2, fieldi = j; else if (vx->init && v2->init) { error(loc, "overlapping default initialization for field %s and %s", v2->toChars(), vd->toChars()); } else assert(vx->init || !vx->init && !v2->init); #endif } if (vx) { if (vx->init) { assert(!vx->init->isVoidInitializer()); if (vx->scope) { // Do deferred semantic analysis Initializer *i2 = vx->init->syntaxCopy(); i2 = i2->semantic(vx->scope, vx->type, INITinterpret); (*elements)[fieldi] = i2->toExpression(); if (!global.gag) { vx->scope = NULL; vx->init = i2; // save result } } else (*elements)[fieldi] = vx->init->toExpression(); } else (*elements)[fieldi] = vx->type->defaultInit(); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++) { Expression *e = (*elements)[i]; if (e && e->op == TOKerror) return e; } Expression *e = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements, t); if (sc) e = e->semantic(sc); else e->type = sd->type; // from glue layer return e; }
Expression *TraitsExp::semantic(Scope *sc) { #if LOGSEMANTIC printf("TraitsExp::semantic() %s\n", toChars()); #endif if (ident != Id::compiles && ident != Id::isSame) TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(loc, sc, args, 1); size_t dim = args ? args->dim : 0; Object *o; FuncDeclaration *f; #define ISTYPE(cond) \ for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) \ { Type *t = getType((Object *)args->data[i]); \ if (!t) \ goto Lfalse; \ if (!(cond)) \ goto Lfalse; \ } \ if (!dim) \ goto Lfalse; \ goto Ltrue; #define ISDSYMBOL(cond) \ for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) \ { Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol((Object *)args->data[i]); \ if (!s) \ goto Lfalse; \ if (!(cond)) \ goto Lfalse; \ } \ if (!dim) \ goto Lfalse; \ goto Ltrue; if (ident == Id::isArithmetic) { ISTYPE(t->isintegral() || t->isfloating()) } else if (ident == Id::isFloating) { ISTYPE(t->isfloating()) } else if (ident == Id::isIntegral) { ISTYPE(t->isintegral()) } else if (ident == Id::isScalar) { ISTYPE(t->isscalar()) } else if (ident == Id::isUnsigned) { ISTYPE(t->isunsigned()) } else if (ident == Id::isAssociativeArray) { ISTYPE(t->toBasetype()->ty == Taarray) } else if (ident == Id::isStaticArray) { ISTYPE(t->toBasetype()->ty == Tsarray) } else if (ident == Id::isAbstractClass) { ISTYPE(t->toBasetype()->ty == Tclass && ((TypeClass *)t->toBasetype())->sym->isAbstract()) } else if (ident == Id::isFinalClass) { ISTYPE(t->toBasetype()->ty == Tclass && ((TypeClass *)t->toBasetype())->sym->storage_class & STCfinal) } else if (ident == Id::isAbstractFunction) { ISDSYMBOL((f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) != NULL && f->isAbstract()) } else if (ident == Id::isVirtualFunction) { ISDSYMBOL((f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) != NULL && f->isVirtual()) } else if (ident == Id::isFinalFunction) { ISDSYMBOL((f = s->isFuncDeclaration()) != NULL && f->isFinal()) } else if (ident == Id::hasMember || ident == Id::getMember || ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions) { if (dim != 2) goto Ldimerror; Object *o = (Object *)args->data[0]; Expression *e = isExpression((Object *)args->data[1]); if (!e) { error("expression expected as second argument of __traits %s", ident->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } e = e->optimize(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret); if (e->op != TOKstring) { error("string expected as second argument of __traits %s instead of %s", ident->toChars(), e->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } StringExp *se = (StringExp *)e; se = se->toUTF8(sc); if (se->sz != 1) { error("string must be chars"); goto Lfalse; } Identifier *id = Lexer::idPool((char *)se->string); Type *t = isType(o); e = isExpression(o); Dsymbol *s = isDsymbol(o); if (t) e = typeDotIdExp(loc, t, id); else if (e) e = new DotIdExp(loc, e, id); else if (s) { e = new DsymbolExp(loc, s); e = new DotIdExp(loc, e, id); } else { error("invalid first argument"); goto Lfalse; } if (ident == Id::hasMember) { /* Take any errors as meaning it wasn't found */ unsigned errors = global.errors; global.gag++; e = e->semantic(sc); global.gag--; if (errors != global.errors) { if (global.gag == 0) global.errors = errors; goto Lfalse; } else goto Ltrue; } else if (ident == Id::getMember) { e = e->semantic(sc); return e; } else if (ident == Id::getVirtualFunctions) { unsigned errors = global.errors; Expression *ex = e; e = e->semantic(sc); if (errors < global.errors) error("%s cannot be resolved", ex->toChars()); /* Create tuple of virtual function overloads of e */ //e->dump(0); Expressions *exps = new Expressions(); FuncDeclaration *f; if (e->op == TOKvar) { VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)e; f = ve->var->isFuncDeclaration(); } else if (e->op == TOKdotvar) { DotVarExp *dve = (DotVarExp *)e; f = dve->var->isFuncDeclaration(); } else f = NULL; Pvirtuals p; p.exps = exps; p.e1 = e; overloadApply(f, fpvirtuals, &p); TupleExp *tup = new TupleExp(loc, exps); return tup->semantic(sc); } else assert(0); } else if (ident == Id::classInstanceSize) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; Object *o = (Object *)args->data[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); ClassDeclaration *cd; if (!s || (cd = s->isClassDeclaration()) == NULL) { error("first argument is not a class"); goto Lfalse; } return new IntegerExp(loc, cd->structsize, Type::tsize_t); } else if (ident == Id::allMembers || ident == Id::derivedMembers) { if (dim != 1) goto Ldimerror; Object *o = (Object *)args->data[0]; Dsymbol *s = getDsymbol(o); ScopeDsymbol *sd; if (!s) { error("argument has no members"); goto Lfalse; } if ((sd = s->isScopeDsymbol()) == NULL) { error("%s %s has no members", s->kind(), s->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } Expressions *exps = new Expressions; while (1) { size_t dim = ScopeDsymbol::dim(sd->members); for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) { Dsymbol *sm = ScopeDsymbol::getNth(sd->members, i); //printf("\t[%i] %s %s\n", i, sm->kind(), sm->toChars()); if (sm->ident) { //printf("\t%s\n", sm->ident->toChars()); char *str = sm->ident->toChars(); /* Skip if already present in exps[] */ for (size_t j = 0; j < exps->dim; j++) { StringExp *se2 = (StringExp *)exps->data[j]; if (strcmp(str, (char *)se2->string) == 0) goto Lnext; } StringExp *se = new StringExp(loc, str); exps->push(se); } Lnext: ; } ClassDeclaration *cd = sd->isClassDeclaration(); if (cd && cd->baseClass && ident == Id::allMembers) sd = cd->baseClass; // do again with base class else break; } Expression *e = new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, exps); e = e->semantic(sc); return e; } else if (ident == Id::compiles) { /* Determine if all the objects - types, expressions, or symbols - * compile without error */ if (!dim) goto Lfalse; for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) { Object *o = (Object *)args->data[i]; Type *t; Expression *e; Dsymbol *s; unsigned errors = global.errors; global.gag++; t = isType(o); if (t) { t->resolve(loc, sc, &e, &t, &s); if (t) t->semantic(loc, sc); else if (e) e->semantic(sc); } else { e = isExpression(o); if (e) e->semantic(sc); } global.gag--; if (errors != global.errors) { global.errors = errors; goto Lfalse; } } goto Ltrue; } else if (ident == Id::isSame) { /* Determine if two symbols are the same */ if (dim != 2) goto Ldimerror; TemplateInstance::semanticTiargs(loc, sc, args, 0); Object *o1 = (Object *)args->data[0]; Object *o2 = (Object *)args->data[1]; Dsymbol *s1 = getDsymbol(o1); Dsymbol *s2 = getDsymbol(o2); #if 0 printf("o1: %p\n", o1); printf("o2: %p\n", o2); if (!s1) { Expression *ea = isExpression(o1); if (ea) printf("%s\n", ea->toChars()); Type *ta = isType(o1); if (ta) printf("%s\n", ta->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } else printf("%s %s\n", s1->kind(), s1->toChars()); #endif if (!s1 && !s2) { Expression *ea1 = isExpression(o1); Expression *ea2 = isExpression(o2); if (ea1 && ea2 && ea1->equals(ea2)) goto Ltrue; } if (!s1 || !s2) goto Lfalse; s1 = s1->toAlias(); s2 = s2->toAlias(); if (s1 == s2) goto Ltrue; else goto Lfalse; } else { error("unrecognized trait %s", ident->toChars()); goto Lfalse; } return NULL; Lnottype: error("%s is not a type", o->toChars()); goto Lfalse; Ldimerror: error("wrong number of arguments %d", dim); goto Lfalse; Lfalse: return new IntegerExp(loc, 0, Type::tbool); Ltrue: return new IntegerExp(loc, 1, Type::tbool); }
void Nspace::semantic(Scope *sc) { if (semanticRun >= PASSsemantic) return; semanticRun = PASSsemantic; #if LOG printf("+Nspace::semantic('%s')\n", toChars()); #endif if (scope) { sc = scope; scope = NULL; } parent = sc->parent; if (members) { if (!symtab) symtab = new DsymbolTable(); // The namespace becomes 'imported' into the enclosing scope for (Scope *sce = sc; 1; sce = sce->enclosing) { ScopeDsymbol *sds = (ScopeDsymbol *)sce->scopesym; if (sds) { sds->importScope(this, Prot(PROTpublic)); break; } } assert(sc); sc = sc->push(this); sc->linkage = LINKcpp; // note that namespaces imply C++ linkage sc->parent = this; for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i]; //printf("add %s to scope %s\n", s->toChars(), toChars()); s->addMember(sc, this); } for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i]; s->setScope(sc); } for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i]; s->importAll(sc); } for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i]; #if LOG printf("\tmember '%s', kind = '%s'\n", s->toChars(), s->kind()); #endif s->semantic(sc); } sc->pop(); } #if LOG printf("-Nspace::semantic('%s')\n", toChars()); #endif }
void Import::semantic(Scope *sc) { //printf("Import::semantic('%s')\n", toPrettyChars()); if (scope) { sc = scope; scope = NULL; } // Load if not already done so if (!mod) { load(sc); if (mod) mod->importAll(NULL); } if (mod) { // Modules need a list of each imported module //printf("%s imports %s\n", sc->module->toChars(), mod->toChars()); sc->module->aimports.push(mod); if (!isstatic && !aliasId && !names.dim) { if (sc->explicitProtection) protection = sc->protection; for (Scope *scd = sc; scd; scd = scd->enclosing) { if (scd->scopesym) { scd->scopesym->importScope(mod, protection); break; } } } mod->semantic(); if (mod->needmoduleinfo) { //printf("module4 %s because of %s\n", sc->module->toChars(), mod->toChars()); sc->module->needmoduleinfo = 1; } sc = sc->push(mod); /* BUG: Protection checks can't be enabled yet. The issue is * that Dsymbol::search errors before overload resolution. */ #if 0 sc->protection = protection; #else sc->protection = PROTpublic; #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < aliasdecls.dim; i++) { AliasDeclaration *ad = aliasdecls[i]; //printf("\tImport alias semantic('%s')\n", ad->toChars()); if (mod->search(loc, names[i])) { ad->semantic(sc); } else { Dsymbol *s = mod->search_correct(names[i]); if (s) mod->error(loc, "import '%s' not found, did you mean '%s %s'?", names[i]->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars()); else mod->error(loc, "import '%s' not found", names[i]->toChars()); ad->type = Type::terror; } } sc = sc->pop(); } // object self-imports itself, so skip that (Bugzilla 7547) // don't list pseudo modules __entrypoint.d, __main.d (Bugzilla 11117, 11164) if (global.params.moduleDeps != NULL && !(id == Id::object && sc->module->ident == Id::object) && sc->module->ident != Id::entrypoint && strcmp(sc->module->ident->string, "__main") != 0) { /* The grammar of the file is: * ImportDeclaration * ::= BasicImportDeclaration [ " : " ImportBindList ] [ " -> " * ModuleAliasIdentifier ] "\n" * * BasicImportDeclaration * ::= ModuleFullyQualifiedName " (" FilePath ") : " Protection|"string" * " [ " static" ] : " ModuleFullyQualifiedName " (" FilePath ")" * * FilePath * - any string with '(', ')' and '\' escaped with the '\' character */ OutBuffer *ob = global.params.moduleDeps; Module* imod = sc->instantiatingModule(); if (!global.params.moduleDepsFile) ob->writestring("depsImport "); ob->writestring(imod->toPrettyChars()); ob->writestring(" ("); escapePath(ob, imod->srcfile->toChars()); ob->writestring(") : "); // use protection instead of sc->protection because it couldn't be // resolved yet, see the comment above protectionToBuffer(ob, protection); ob->writeByte(' '); if (isstatic) StorageClassDeclaration::stcToCBuffer(ob, STCstatic); ob->writestring(": "); if (packages) { for (size_t i = 0; i < packages->dim; i++) { Identifier *pid = (*packages)[i]; ob->printf("%s.", pid->toChars()); } } ob->writestring(id->toChars()); ob->writestring(" ("); if (mod) escapePath(ob, mod->srcfile->toChars()); else ob->writestring("???"); ob->writeByte(')'); for (size_t i = 0; i < names.dim; i++) { if (i == 0) ob->writeByte(':'); else ob->writeByte(','); Identifier *name = names[i]; Identifier *alias = aliases[i]; if (!alias) { ob->printf("%s", name->toChars()); alias = name; } else ob->printf("%s=%s", alias->toChars(), name->toChars()); } if (aliasId) ob->printf(" -> %s", aliasId->toChars()); ob->writenl(); } //printf("-Import::semantic('%s'), pkg = %p\n", toChars(), pkg); }
void Import::load(Scope *sc) { //printf("Import::load('%s') %p\n", toPrettyChars(), this); // See if existing module DsymbolTable *dst = Package::resolve(packages, NULL, &pkg); #if 0 if (pkg && pkg->isModule()) { ::error(loc, "can only import from a module, not from a member of module %s. Did you mean `import %s : %s`?", pkg->toChars(), pkg->toPrettyChars(), id->toChars()); mod = pkg->isModule(); // Error recovery - treat as import of that module return; } #endif Dsymbol *s = dst->lookup(id); if (s) { if (s->isModule()) mod = (Module *)s; else { if (s->isAliasDeclaration()) { ::error(loc, "%s %s conflicts with %s", s->kind(), s->toPrettyChars(), id->toChars()); } else if (Package *p = s->isPackage()) { if (p->isPkgMod == PKGunknown) { mod = Module::load(loc, packages, id); if (!mod) p->isPkgMod = PKGpackage; else assert(p->isPkgMod == PKGmodule); } else { mod = p->isPackageMod(); } if (!mod) { ::error(loc, "can only import from a module, not from package %s.%s", p->toPrettyChars(), id->toChars()); } } else if (pkg) { ::error(loc, "can only import from a module, not from package %s.%s", pkg->toPrettyChars(), id->toChars()); } else { ::error(loc, "can only import from a module, not from package %s", id->toChars()); } } } if (!mod) { // Load module mod = Module::load(loc, packages, id); if (mod) { dst->insert(id, mod); // id may be different from mod->ident, // if so then insert alias } } if (mod && !mod->importedFrom) mod->importedFrom = sc ? sc->module->importedFrom : Module::rootModule; if (!pkg) pkg = mod; //printf("-Import::load('%s'), pkg = %p\n", toChars(), pkg); }
void Import::semantic(Scope *sc) { //printf("Import::semantic('%s')\n", toChars()); // Load if not already done so if (!mod) { load(sc); if (mod) mod->importAll(0); } if (mod) { #if 0 if (mod->loc.linnum != 0) { /* If the line number is not 0, then this is not * a 'root' module, i.e. it was not specified on the command line. */ mod->importedFrom = sc->module->importedFrom; assert(mod->importedFrom); } #endif // Modules need a list of each imported module //printf("%s imports %s\n", sc->module->toChars(), mod->toChars()); sc->module->aimports.push(mod); if (!isstatic && !aliasId && !names.dim) { if (sc->explicitProtection) protection = sc->protection; for (Scope *scd = sc; scd; scd = scd->enclosing) { if (scd->scopesym) { scd->scopesym->importScope(mod, protection); break; } } } mod->semantic(); if (mod->needmoduleinfo) { //printf("module4 %s because of %s\n", sc->module->toChars(), mod->toChars()); sc->module->needmoduleinfo = 1; } sc = sc->push(mod); /* BUG: Protection checks can't be enabled yet. The issue is * that Dsymbol::search errors before overload resolution. */ #if 0 sc->protection = protection; #else sc->protection = PROTpublic; #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < aliasdecls.dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = aliasdecls[i]; //printf("\tImport alias semantic('%s')\n", s->toChars()); if (mod->search(loc, names[i], 0)) s->semantic(sc); else { s = mod->search_correct(names[i]); if (s) mod->error(loc, "import '%s' not found, did you mean '%s %s'?", names[i]->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars()); else mod->error(loc, "import '%s' not found", names[i]->toChars()); } } sc = sc->pop(); } if (global.params.moduleDeps != NULL && // object self-imports itself, so skip that (Bugzilla 7547) !(id == Id::object && sc->module->ident == Id::object)) { /* The grammar of the file is: * ImportDeclaration * ::= BasicImportDeclaration [ " : " ImportBindList ] [ " -> " * ModuleAliasIdentifier ] "\n" * * BasicImportDeclaration * ::= ModuleFullyQualifiedName " (" FilePath ") : " Protection * " [ " static" ] : " ModuleFullyQualifiedName " (" FilePath ")" * * FilePath * - any string with '(', ')' and '\' escaped with the '\' character */ OutBuffer *ob = global.params.moduleDeps; ob->writestring(sc->module->toPrettyChars()); ob->writestring(" ("); escapePath(ob, sc->module->srcfile->toChars()); ob->writestring(") : "); // use protection instead of sc->protection because it couldn't be // resolved yet, see the comment above ProtDeclaration::protectionToCBuffer(ob, protection); if (isstatic) StorageClassDeclaration::stcToCBuffer(ob, STCstatic); ob->writestring(": "); if (packages) { for (size_t i = 0; i < packages->dim; i++) { Identifier *pid = (*packages)[i]; ob->printf("%s.", pid->toChars()); } } ob->writestring(id->toChars()); ob->writestring(" ("); if (mod) escapePath(ob, mod->srcfile->toChars()); else ob->writestring("???"); ob->writebyte(')'); for (size_t i = 0; i < names.dim; i++) { if (i == 0) ob->writebyte(':'); else ob->writebyte(','); Identifier *name = names[i]; Identifier *alias = aliases[i]; if (!alias) { ob->printf("%s", name->toChars()); alias = name; } else ob->printf("%s=%s", alias->toChars(), name->toChars()); } if (aliasId) ob->printf(" -> %s", aliasId->toChars()); ob->writenl(); } //printf("-Import::semantic('%s'), pkg = %p\n", toChars(), pkg); }
Initializer *StructInitializer::semantic(Scope *sc, Type *t, NeedInterpret needInterpret) { //printf("StructInitializer::semantic(t = %s) %s\n", t->toChars(), toChars()); t = t->toBasetype(); if (t->ty == Tsarray && t->nextOf()->toBasetype()->ty == Tstruct) t = t->nextOf()->toBasetype(); if (t->ty == Tstruct) { StructDeclaration *sd = ((TypeStruct *)t)->sym; if (sd->ctor) { error(loc, "%s %s has constructors, cannot use { initializers }, use %s( initializers ) instead", sd->kind(), sd->toChars(), sd->toChars()); return new ErrorInitializer(); } sd->size(loc); if (sd->sizeok != SIZEOKdone) return new ErrorInitializer(); size_t nfields = sd->fields.dim - sd->isNested(); //expandTuples for non-identity arguments? Expressions *elements = new Expressions(); elements->setDim(nfields); for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++) (*elements)[i] = NULL; // Run semantic for explicitly given initializers // TODO: this part is slightly different from StructLiteralExp::semantic. bool errors = false; for (size_t fieldi = 0, i = 0; i < field.dim; i++) { if (Identifier *id = field[i]) { Dsymbol *s = sd->search(loc, id); if (!s) { s = sd->search_correct(id); if (s) error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s', did you mean '%s %s'?", id->toChars(), sd->toChars(), s->kind(), s->toChars()); else error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), sd->toChars()); return new ErrorInitializer(); } s = s->toAlias(); // Find out which field index it is for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++) { if (fieldi >= nfields) { error(loc, "%s.%s is not a per-instance initializable field", sd->toChars(), s->toChars()); return new ErrorInitializer(); } if (s == sd->fields[fieldi]) break; } } else if (fieldi >= nfields) { error(loc, "too many initializers for %s", sd->toChars()); return new ErrorInitializer(); } VarDeclaration *vd = sd->fields[fieldi]; if ((*elements)[fieldi]) { error(loc, "duplicate initializer for field '%s'", vd->toChars()); errors = true; continue; } for (size_t j = 0; j < nfields; j++) { VarDeclaration *v2 = sd->fields[j]; bool overlap = (vd->offset < v2->offset + v2->type->size() && v2->offset < vd->offset + vd->type->size()); if (overlap && (*elements)[j]) { error(loc, "overlapping initialization for field %s and %s", v2->toChars(), vd->toChars()); errors = true; continue; } } assert(sc); Initializer *iz = value[i]; iz = iz->semantic(sc, vd->type->addMod(t->mod), needInterpret); Expression *ex = iz->toExpression(); if (ex->op == TOKerror) { errors = true; continue; } value[i] = iz; (*elements)[fieldi] = ex; ++fieldi; } if (errors) return new ErrorInitializer(); StructLiteralExp *sle = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements, t); if (!sd->fill(loc, elements, false)) return new ErrorInitializer(); sle->type = t; ExpInitializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(loc, sle); return ie->semantic(sc, t, needInterpret); } else if ((t->ty == Tdelegate || t->ty == Tpointer && t->nextOf()->ty == Tfunction) && value.dim == 0) { TOK tok = (t->ty == Tdelegate) ? TOKdelegate : TOKfunction; /* Rewrite as empty delegate literal { } */ Parameters *arguments = new Parameters; Type *tf = new TypeFunction(arguments, NULL, 0, LINKd); FuncLiteralDeclaration *fd = new FuncLiteralDeclaration(loc, Loc(), tf, tok, NULL); fd->fbody = new CompoundStatement(loc, new Statements()); fd->endloc = loc; Expression *e = new FuncExp(loc, fd); ExpInitializer *ie = new ExpInitializer(loc, e); return ie->semantic(sc, t, needInterpret); } error(loc, "a struct is not a valid initializer for a %s", t->toChars()); return new ErrorInitializer(); }
/******************************************* * Look for constructor declaration. */ Dsymbol *AggregateDeclaration::searchCtor() { Dsymbol *s = search(Loc(), Id::ctor); if (s) { if (!(s->isCtorDeclaration() || s->isTemplateDeclaration() || s->isOverloadSet())) { error("%s %s is not a constructor; identifiers starting with __ are reserved for the implementation", s->kind(), s->toChars()); errors = true; s = NULL; } } return s; }