void AliasThis::semantic(Scope *sc) { Dsymbol *parent = sc->parent; if (parent) parent = parent->pastMixin(); AggregateDeclaration *ad = NULL; if (parent) ad = parent->isAggregateDeclaration(); if (ad) { assert(ad->members); Dsymbol *s = ad->search(loc, ident, 0); if (!s) { s = sc->search(loc, ident, 0); if (s) ::error(loc, "%s is not a member of %s", s->toChars(), ad->toChars()); else ::error(loc, "undefined identifier %s", ident->toChars()); } else if (ad->aliasthis && s != ad->aliasthis) error("there can be only one alias this"); ad->aliasthis = s; } else error("alias this can only appear in struct or class declaration, not %s", parent ? parent->toChars() : "nowhere"); }
void AliasThis::semantic(Scope *sc) { Dsymbol *parent = sc->parent; if (parent) parent = parent->pastMixin(); AggregateDeclaration *ad = NULL; if (parent) ad = parent->isAggregateDeclaration(); if (ad) { assert(ad->members); Dsymbol *s = ad->search(loc, ident); if (!s) { s = sc->search(loc, ident, NULL); if (s) ::error(loc, "%s is not a member of %s", s->toChars(), ad->toChars()); else ::error(loc, "undefined identifier %s", ident->toChars()); return; } else if (ad->aliasthis && s != ad->aliasthis) error("there can be only one alias this"); if (ad->type->ty == Tstruct && ((TypeStruct *)ad->type)->sym != ad) { AggregateDeclaration *ad2 = ((TypeStruct *)ad->type)->sym; assert(ad2->type == Type::terror); ad->aliasthis = ad2->aliasthis; return; } /* disable the alias this conversion so the implicit conversion check * doesn't use it. */ ad->aliasthis = NULL; Dsymbol *sx = s; if (sx->isAliasDeclaration()) sx = sx->toAlias(); Declaration *d = sx->isDeclaration(); if (d && !d->isTupleDeclaration()) { Type *t = d->type; assert(t); if (ad->type->implicitConvTo(t) > MATCHnomatch) { ::error(loc, "alias this is not reachable as %s already converts to %s", ad->toChars(), t->toChars()); } } ad->aliasthis = s; } else error("alias this can only appear in struct or class declaration, not %s", parent ? parent->toChars() : "nowhere"); }