コード例 #1
ファイル: function.cpp プロジェクト: ctszkin/simmen
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List myFastLm(MapMatd X, MapMatd y){
  const int n(X.rows()), p(X.cols());
  const LLT<MatrixXd> llt(AtA(X));
  const VectorXd betahat(llt.solve(X.adjoint() * y));
  const VectorXd fitted(X * betahat);
  const VectorXd resid(y - fitted);
  const int df(n - p);
  const double s(resid.norm() / std::sqrt(double(df)));
  const MatrixXd cov(llt.matrixL().solve(MatrixXd::Identity(p, p)));
  const MatrixXd cov2(MatrixXd(p,p).setZero().selfadjointView<Lower>().rankUpdate(cov.adjoint()) );

  return List::create(
    Named("coefficients") = betahat,
    Named("fitted.values") = fitted,
    Named("residuals") = resid,
    Named("s") = s,
    Named("df.residual") = df,
    Named("rank") = p,
    Named("cov") = cov2*s*s); 
コード例 #2
ファイル: gls.cpp プロジェクト: jaredhuling/rfunctions
RcppExport SEXP gls_direct(SEXP X, SEXP S, SEXP Y, SEXP maxit, SEXP tol)
  using namespace Rcpp;
  using namespace RcppEigen;
  try {
    using Eigen::Map;
    using Eigen::MatrixXd;
    using Eigen::VectorXd;
    using Rcpp::List;
    typedef Map<VectorXd> MapVecd;
    typedef Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> MapMatd;
    const int maxiter(as<int>(maxit));
    const double toler(as<double>(tol));
    const Eigen::Map<MatrixXd> XX(as<MapMatd>(X));
    const Eigen::Map<MatrixXd> SS(as<MapMatd>(S));
    const Eigen::Map<VectorXd> YY(as<MapVecd>(Y));
    const int n(XX.rows());
    const int p(XX.cols());
    MatrixXd SX(MatrixXd(n, p));
    SX = SS.llt().solve(XX);
    MatrixXd XSX((XX.adjoint()) * SX);
    VectorXd XSY((SX.adjoint()) * YY);
    VectorXd beta = XSX.ldlt().solve(XSY);
    return List::create(Named("beta") = beta);
  } catch (std::exception &ex) {
  } catch (...) {
    ::Rf_error("C++ exception (unknown reason)");
  return R_NilValue; //-Wall
コード例 #3
 * Updates the state and the state covariance matrix using a radar measurement.
 * @param {MeasurementPackage} meas_package
void UKF::UpdateRadar(MeasurementPackage meas_package) {
  // Set measurement dimension, radar can measure r, phi, and r_dot
  int n_z = 3;
  // Create matrix for sigma points in measurement space
  MatrixXd Zsig = MatrixXd(n_z, n_sig_);
  // Transform sigma points into measurement space
  for (int i = 0; i < n_sig_; i++) {
    // extract values for better readibility
    double p_x = Xsig_pred_(0,i);
    double p_y = Xsig_pred_(1,i);
    double v  = Xsig_pred_(2,i);
    double yaw = Xsig_pred_(3,i);
    double v1 = cos(yaw)*v;
    double v2 = sin(yaw)*v;
    // Measurement model
    Zsig(0,i) = sqrt(p_x*p_x + p_y*p_y);          //r
    Zsig(1,i) = atan2(p_y,p_x);                   //phi
    Zsig(2,i) = (p_x*v1 + p_y*v2 ) / Zsig(0,i);   //r_dot
  UpdateUKF(meas_package, Zsig, n_z);
コード例 #4
void UKF::AugmentSigmaPoints() {
  //create augmented mean state
  VectorXd x_aug_ = VectorXd(n_aug_);
  x_aug_.head(5) = x_;

  //create augmented covariance matrix
  MatrixXd P_aug_ = MatrixXd(n_aug_, n_aug_);
  P_aug_.topLeftCorner(n_x_, n_x_) = P_;
  P_aug_(n_aug_ - 2, n_aug_ - 2) = std_a_ * std_a_;
  P_aug_(n_aug_ - 1, n_aug_ - 1) = std_yawdd_ * std_yawdd_;

  //create augmented sigma points
  MatrixXd A = P_aug_.llt().matrixL();
  Xsig_aug_.col(0) = x_aug_;
  for (int i = 0; i < n_aug_; i++) {
    Xsig_aug_.col(i + 1)          = x_aug_ + sqrt(lambda_ + n_aug_) * A.col(i);
    Xsig_aug_.col(i + 1 + n_aug_) = x_aug_ - sqrt(lambda_ + n_aug_) * A.col(i);
コード例 #5
RcppExport SEXP matcopytest(SEXP X)
  using namespace Rcpp;
  using namespace RcppEigen;
  try {
    using Eigen::Map;
    using Eigen::MatrixXd;
    using Eigen::Lower;
    typedef float Scalar;
    typedef double Double;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Matrix;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> MatrixRXd;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
    typedef Eigen::Map<const Matrix> MapMat;
    typedef Eigen::Map<const Vector> MapVec;
    //const Eigen::Map<MatrixXd> A(as<Map<MatrixXd> >(X));
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix xx(X);
    const int n = xx.rows();
    const int p = xx.cols();
    MatrixRXd XX(n, p);
    // Copy data 
    std::copy(xx.begin(), xx.end(), XX.data());
    MatrixXd AtA(MatrixXd(p, p).setZero().selfadjointView<Lower>().rankUpdate(XX.adjoint()));
    return wrap(AtA);
  } catch (std::exception &ex) {
  } catch (...) {
    ::Rf_error("C++ exception (unknown reason)");
  return R_NilValue; //-Wall
コード例 #6
//port faster cross product 
RcppExport SEXP crossprodxval(SEXP X, SEXP idxvec_)
  using namespace Rcpp;
  using namespace RcppEigen;
  try {
    using Eigen::Map;
    using Eigen::MatrixXd;
    using Eigen::VectorXi;
    using Eigen::Lower;
    using Rcpp::List;
    typedef float Scalar;
    typedef double Double;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Matrix;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> MatrixRXd;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
    typedef Eigen::Map<Matrix> MapMat;
    typedef Eigen::Map<MatrixRXd> MapRMat;
    typedef Eigen::Map<const Vector> MapVec;
    typedef Map<VectorXd> MapVecd;
    typedef Map<VectorXi> MapVeci;
    typedef Eigen::SparseVector<double> SparseVector;
    typedef Eigen::SparseVector<int> SparseVectori;
    const MapMat AA(as<MapMat>(X));
    const MapVeci idxvec(as<MapVeci>(idxvec_));
    const int n(AA.cols());
    MatrixXd AtA(MatrixXd(n, n));
    MatrixRXd A = AA;
    int nfolds = idxvec.maxCoeff();
    List xtxlist(nfolds);
    for (int k = 1; k < nfolds + 1; ++k)
      VectorXi idxbool = (idxvec.array() == k).cast<int>();
      int nrow = idxbool.size();
      int numelem = idxbool.sum();
      VectorXi idx(numelem);
      int c = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < nrow; ++i)
        if (idxbool(i) == 1)
          idx(c) = i;
      int nvars = A.cols() - 1;
      MatrixXd sub(numelem, n);
      for (int r = 0; r < numelem; ++r)
        sub.row(r) = A.row(idx(r));
      MatrixXd AtAtmp(MatrixXd(n, n).setZero().
                      selfadjointView<Lower>().rankUpdate(sub.adjoint() ));
      xtxlist[k-1] = AtAtmp;
    return wrap(xtxlist);
  } catch (std::exception &ex) {
  } catch (...) {
    ::Rf_error("C++ exception (unknown reason)");
  return R_NilValue; //-Wall
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: lineCode/hole_fixer
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	// command line parsing.
	const char* inFile = parseStringParam("-in", argc, argv);
	if (inFile == nullptr) printHelpExit();

	const char* outFile = parseStringParam("-out", argc, argv);
	if (outFile == nullptr) printHelpExit();

	unsigned int outFacesN;
	if (!parseIntParam("-outfaces", argc, argv, outFacesN)) printHelpExit();

	unsigned int upsampleN;
	if (!parseIntParam("-upsample", argc, argv, upsampleN)) printHelpExit();
	// original mesh vertices and indices. This is the original mesh, which has a hole.
	MatrixXd originalV;
	MatrixXi originalF;

	if (!igl::readOFF(inFile, originalV, originalF)) {

	VectorXi originalLoop; // indices of the boundary of the hole. 
	igl::boundary_loop(originalF, originalLoop);

	if (originalLoop.size() == 0) {
		printf("Mesh has no hole!");

	// upsample the original mesh. this makes fusing the original mesh with the patch much easier.
	igl::upsample(Eigen::MatrixXd(originalV), Eigen::MatrixXi(originalF), originalV, originalF, upsampleN);

	// compute boundary center.
	VectorXd bcenter(3);
		VectorXi R = originalLoop;
		VectorXi C(3); C << 0, 1, 2;
		MatrixXd B;
		MatrixXd A = originalV;
		igl::slice(A, R, C, B);
		bcenter = (1.0f / originalLoop.size()) * B.colwise().sum();

	// a flat patch that fills the hole.
	MatrixXd patchV = MatrixXd(originalLoop.size() + 1, 3); // patch will have an extra vertex for the center vertex.
	MatrixXi patchF = MatrixXi(originalLoop.size(), 3);

		VectorXi R = originalLoop;
		VectorXi C(3); C << 0, 1, 2;
		MatrixXd A = originalV;
		MatrixXd temp1;
		igl::slice(A, R, C, temp1);

		MatrixXd temp2(1, 3);
		temp2 << bcenter(0), bcenter(1), bcenter(2);

		// patch vertices will be the boundary vertices, plus a center vertex. concat these together.
		igl::cat(1, temp1, temp2, patchV);

		// create triangles that connect boundary vertices and the center vertex.
		for (int i = 0; i < originalLoop.size(); ++i) {
			patchF(i, 2) = (int)originalLoop.size();
			patchF(i, 1) = i;
			patchF(i, 0) = (1 + i) % originalLoop.size();

		// also upsample patch. patch and original mesh will have the same upsampling level now
		// making it trivial to fuse them together.
		igl::upsample(Eigen::MatrixXd(patchV), Eigen::MatrixXi(patchF), patchV, patchF, upsampleN);

	// the final mesh, where the patch and original mesh has been fused together.
	std::vector<std::vector<double>> fusedV;
	std::vector<std::vector<int>> fusedF;

	int index = 0; // vertex index counter for the fused mesh.

				   // first, we add the upsampled patch to the fused mesh.
		for (; index < patchV.rows(); ++index) {
			fusedV.push_back({ patchV(index, 0), patchV(index, 1), patchV(index, 2) });

		int findex = 0;
		for (; findex < patchF.rows(); ++findex) {
			fusedF.push_back({ patchF(findex, 0), patchF(findex, 1), patchF(findex, 2) });

	// now, we fuse the patch and the original mesh together.
		// remaps indices from the original mesh to the fused mesh.
		std::map<int, int> originalToFusedMap;

		for (int itri = 0; itri < originalF.rows(); ++itri) {

			int triIndices[3];
			for (int iv = 0; iv < 3; ++iv) {

				int triIndex = originalF(itri, iv);

				int ret;

				if (originalToFusedMap.count(triIndex) == 0) {
					int foundMatch = -1;

					// the vertices at the boundary are the same, for both the two meshes(patch and original mesh).
					// we ensure that these vertices are not duplicated.
					// this is also how we ensure that the two meshes are fused together.
					for (int jj = 0; jj < patchV.rows(); ++jj) {
						VectorXd u(3); u << fusedV[jj][0], fusedV[jj][1], fusedV[jj][2];
						VectorXd v(3); v << originalV(triIndex, 0), originalV(triIndex, 1), originalV(triIndex, 2);

						if ((u - v).norm() < 0.00001) {
							foundMatch = jj;

					if (foundMatch != -1) {
						originalToFusedMap[triIndex] = foundMatch;
						ret = foundMatch;
					else {
						fusedV.push_back({ originalV(triIndex, 0), originalV(triIndex, 1), originalV(triIndex, 2) });
						originalToFusedMap[triIndex] = index;
						ret = index;
				else {
					ret = originalToFusedMap[triIndex];

				triIndices[iv] = ret;

				triIndices[2] });



	MatrixXd fairedV(fusedV.size(), 3);
	MatrixXi fairedF(fusedF.size(), 3);
	// now we shall do surface fairing on the mesh, to ensure
	// that the patch conforms to the surrounding curvature.

		for (int vindex = 0; vindex < fusedV.size(); ++vindex) {
			auto r = fusedV[vindex];

			fairedV(vindex, 0) = r[0];
			fairedV(vindex, 1) = r[1];
			fairedV(vindex, 2) = r[2];

		for (int findex = 0; findex < fusedF.size(); ++findex) {
			auto r = fusedF[findex];

			fairedF(findex, 0) = r[0];
			fairedF(findex, 1) = r[1];
			fairedF(findex, 2) = r[2];

		VectorXi b(fairedV.rows() - patchV.rows());
		MatrixXd bc(fairedV.rows() - patchV.rows(), 3);
		// setup the boundary conditions. This is simply the vertex positions of the vertices not part of the patch.
		for (int i = (int)patchV.rows(); i < (int)fairedV.rows(); ++i) {
			int jj = i - (int)patchV.rows();

			b(jj) = i;

			bc(jj, 0) = fairedV(i, 0);
			bc(jj, 1) = fairedV(i, 1);
			bc(jj, 2) = fairedV(i, 2);

		MatrixXd Z;
		int k = 2;
		// surface fairing simply means that we solve the equation
		// Delta^2 f = 0
		// with appropriate boundary conditions.
		// this function igl::harmonic from libigl takes care of that.

		// note that this is pretty inefficient thought.
		// the only boundary conditions necessary are the 2-ring of vertices around the patch.
		// the rest of the mesh vertices need not be specified.
		// we specify the rest of the mesh for simplicity of code, but it is not strictly necessary,
		// and pretty inefficient, since we have to solve a LARGE matrix equation as a result of this.
		igl::harmonic(fairedV, fairedF, b, bc, k, Z);
		fairedV = Z;

	// finally, we do a decimation step.
	MatrixXd finalV(fusedV.size(), 3);
	MatrixXi finalF(fusedF.size(), 3);
	VectorXi temp0; VectorXi temp1;
	igl::decimate(fairedV, fairedF, outFacesN, finalV, finalF, temp0, temp1);
	igl::writeOFF(outFile, finalV, finalF);
コード例 #8
ファイル: function.cpp プロジェクト: ctszkin/simmen
MatrixXd AtA(const MapMatd& A) {
  int n(A.cols());
  return MatrixXd(n,n).setZero().selfadjointView<Lower>()
コード例 #9
// Universal update function
void UKF::UpdateUKF(MeasurementPackage meas_package, MatrixXd Zsig, int n_z){
  // Mean predicted measurement
  VectorXd z_pred = VectorXd(n_z);
  z_pred  = Zsig * weights_;
  //measurement covariance matrix S
  MatrixXd S = MatrixXd(n_z, n_z);
  for (int i = 0; i < n_sig_; i++) { 
    // Residual
    VectorXd z_diff = Zsig.col(i) - z_pred;
    // Angle normalization
    S = S + weights_(i) * z_diff * z_diff.transpose();
  // Add measurement noise covariance matrix
  MatrixXd R = MatrixXd(n_z, n_z);
  if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR){ // Radar
    R = R_radar_;
  else if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::LASER){ // Lidar
    R = R_lidar_;
  S = S + R;
  // Create matrix for cross correlation Tc
  MatrixXd Tc = MatrixXd(n_x_, n_z);
  // Calculate cross correlation matrix
  for (int i = 0; i < n_sig_; i++) { 
    VectorXd z_diff = Zsig.col(i) - z_pred;
    if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR){ // Radar
      // Angle normalization
    // State difference
    VectorXd x_diff = Xsig_pred_.col(i) - x_;
    // Angle normalization
    Tc = Tc + weights_(i) * x_diff * z_diff.transpose();
  // Measurements
  VectorXd z = meas_package.raw_measurements_;
  //Kalman gain K;
  MatrixXd K = Tc * S.inverse();
  // Residual
  VectorXd z_diff = z - z_pred;
  if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR){ // Radar
    // Angle normalization
  // Update state mean and covariance matrix
  x_ = x_ + K * z_diff;
  P_ = P_ - K * S * K.transpose();
  // Calculate NIS
  if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR){ // Radar
	NIS_radar_ = z.transpose() * S.inverse() * z;
  else if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::LASER){ // Lidar
	NIS_laser_ = z.transpose() * S.inverse() * z;
コード例 #10
 * Predicts sigma points, the state, and the state covariance matrix.
 * @param {double} delta_t the change in time (in seconds) between the last
 * measurement and this one.
void UKF::Prediction(double delta_t) {
  double delta_t2 = delta_t*delta_t;
  // Augmented mean vector
  VectorXd x_aug = VectorXd(n_aug_);
  // Augmented state covarience matrix
  MatrixXd P_aug = MatrixXd(n_aug_, n_aug_);
  // Sigma point matrix
  MatrixXd Xsig_aug = MatrixXd(n_aug_, n_sig_);
  // Fill the matrices
  x_aug.head(n_x_) = x_;
  P_aug.topLeftCorner(n_x_,n_x_) = P_;
  P_aug(5,5) = std_a_*std_a_;
  P_aug(6,6) = std_yawdd_*std_yawdd_;
  // Square root of P matrix
  MatrixXd L = P_aug.llt().matrixL();
  // Create sigma points
  Xsig_aug.col(0) = x_aug;
  double sqrt_lambda_n_aug = sqrt(lambda_+n_aug_); // Save some computations
  VectorXd sqrt_lambda_n_aug_L;
  for(int i = 0; i < n_aug_; i++) {
	sqrt_lambda_n_aug_L = sqrt_lambda_n_aug * L.col(i);
    Xsig_aug.col(i+1)        = x_aug + sqrt_lambda_n_aug_L;
    Xsig_aug.col(i+1+n_aug_) = x_aug - sqrt_lambda_n_aug_L;
  // Predict sigma points
  for (int i = 0; i< n_sig_; i++)
    // Extract values for better readability
    double p_x = Xsig_aug(0,i);
    double p_y = Xsig_aug(1,i);
    double v = Xsig_aug(2,i);
    double yaw = Xsig_aug(3,i);
    double yawd = Xsig_aug(4,i);
    double nu_a = Xsig_aug(5,i);
    double nu_yawdd = Xsig_aug(6,i);
    // Precalculate sin and cos for optimization
    double sin_yaw = sin(yaw);
    double cos_yaw = cos(yaw);
    double arg = yaw + yawd*delta_t;
    // Predicted state values
    double px_p, py_p;
    // Avoid division by zero
    if (fabs(yawd) > EPS) {	
	double v_yawd = v/yawd;
        px_p = p_x + v_yawd * (sin(arg) - sin_yaw);
        py_p = p_y + v_yawd * (cos_yaw - cos(arg) );
    else {
	double v_delta_t = v*delta_t;
        px_p = p_x + v_delta_t*cos_yaw;
        py_p = p_y + v_delta_t*sin_yaw;
    double v_p = v;
    double yaw_p = arg;
    double yawd_p = yawd;

    // Add noise
    px_p += 0.5*nu_a*delta_t2*cos_yaw;
    py_p += 0.5*nu_a*delta_t2*sin_yaw;
    v_p += nu_a*delta_t;
    yaw_p += 0.5*nu_yawdd*delta_t2;
    yawd_p += nu_yawdd*delta_t;

    // Write predicted sigma point into right column
    Xsig_pred_(0,i) = px_p;
    Xsig_pred_(1,i) = py_p;
    Xsig_pred_(2,i) = v_p;
    Xsig_pred_(3,i) = yaw_p;
    Xsig_pred_(4,i) = yawd_p;
  // Predicted state mean
  x_ = Xsig_pred_ * weights_; // vectorised sum
  // Predicted state covariance matrix
  for (int i = 0; i < n_sig_; i++) {  //iterate over sigma points
    // State difference
    VectorXd x_diff = Xsig_pred_.col(i) - x_;
    // Angle normalization
    P_ = P_ + weights_(i) * x_diff * x_diff.transpose() ;
コード例 #11
ファイル: cgls.cpp プロジェクト: jaredhuling/rfunctions
// block conjugate gradient least squares
RcppExport SEXP block_cgls(SEXP A, SEXP b, SEXP lambda, SEXP maxit, SEXP tol, SEXP init)
  using namespace Rcpp;
  using namespace RcppEigen;
  try {
    using Eigen::Map;
    using Eigen::MatrixXd;
    using Eigen::VectorXd;
    using Rcpp::List;
    typedef Map<VectorXd> MapVecd;
    typedef Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> MapMatd;
    const int maxiter(as<int>(maxit));
    const double toler(as<double>(tol));
    const double lam(as<double>(lambda));
    const Eigen::Map<MatrixXd> AA(as<MapMatd>(A));
    const Eigen::Map<MatrixXd> bb(as<MapMatd>(b));
    const Eigen::Map<MatrixXd> xinit(as<MapMatd>(init));
    const int n(AA.cols());
    const int m(AA.rows());
    const int pp(bb.cols());
    MatrixXd x(MatrixXd(n, pp));
    MatrixXd r(MatrixXd(m, pp));
    MatrixXd p(MatrixXd(n, pp));
    MatrixXd s(MatrixXd(n, pp));
    MatrixXd q(MatrixXd(m, pp));
    x = xinit;
    double norms0;
    double norms;
    MatrixXd gamma(MatrixXd(pp, pp));
    MatrixXd gammaold(MatrixXd(pp, pp));
    MatrixXd delta(MatrixXd(pp, pp));
    double normx;
    MatrixXd alpha(MatrixXd(pp, pp));
    int iters = maxiter; 
    r = bb - AA * x; 
    s = AA.transpose() * r - (lam * x.array()).matrix();
    p = s;
    gamma = xtx(s);
    norms0 = sqrt(gamma.diagonal().sum());
    normx = x.norm();
    for (int i = 0; i < maxiter; i++) {
      q = AA * p;
      delta = xtx(q) + (lam * xtx(p).array()).matrix();
      alpha = delta.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(gamma);
      x = x + p * alpha;
      r = r - q * alpha;
      s = AA.transpose() * r - (lam * x.array()).matrix();

      gammaold = gamma;
      norms = sqrt(gamma.diagonal().sum());
      gamma = xtx(s);
      normx = x.norm();
      if (norms < norms0 * toler || normx * toler >= 1) {
        iters = i;
      p = s + p * gammaold.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(gamma);
    return List::create(Named("x") = x,
                        Named("iters") = iters);
  } catch (std::exception &ex) {
  } catch (...) {
    ::Rf_error("C++ exception (unknown reason)");
  return R_NilValue; //-Wall
void FusionEKF::ProcessMeasurement(const MeasurementPackage &measurement_pack) {

	*  Initialization
	if (!is_initialized_) {
		* Initialize the state ekf_.x_ with the first measurement.
		* Create the covariance matrix.
		* Remember: you'll need to convert radar from polar to cartesian coordinates.
		// first measurement
		ekf_.x_ = VectorXd(4);
		ekf_.x_ << 1, 1, 1, 1;

		if (measurement_pack.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR) {
			cout << "EKF : First measurement RADAR" << endl;
			Convert radar from polar to cartesian coordinates and initialize state.
			double rho = measurement_pack.raw_measurements_[0]; // range
			double phi = measurement_pack.raw_measurements_[1]; // bearing
			double rho_dot = measurement_pack.raw_measurements_[2]; // velocity of rho
																	// Coordinates convertion from polar to cartesian
			double x = rho * cos(phi);
			if (x < 0.0001) {
				x = 0.0001;
			double y = rho * sin(phi);
			if (y < 0.0001) {
				y = 0.0001;
			double vx = rho_dot * cos(phi);
			double vy = rho_dot * sin(phi);
			ekf_.x_ << x, y, vx, vy;
		else if (measurement_pack.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::LASER) {
			Initialize state.
			// No velocity and coordinates are cartesian already.
			cout << "EKF : First measurement LASER" << endl;
			ekf_.x_ << measurement_pack.raw_measurements_[0], measurement_pack.raw_measurements_[1], 0, 0;

		// Saving first timestamp in seconds
		previous_timestamp_ = measurement_pack.timestamp_;
		// done initializing, no need to predict or update
		is_initialized_ = true;

	*  Prediction

	* Update the state transition matrix F according to the new elapsed time.
	- Time is measured in seconds.
	* Update the process noise covariance matrix.
	* Use noise_ax = 9 and noise_ay = 9 for your Q matrix.
	double dt = (measurement_pack.timestamp_ - previous_timestamp_) / 1000000.0;
	previous_timestamp_ = measurement_pack.timestamp_;

	// State transition matrix update
	ekf_.F_ = MatrixXd(4, 4);
	ekf_.F_ << 1, 0, dt, 0,
		0, 1, 0, dt,
		0, 0, 1, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 1;

	// Noise covariance matrix computation
	// Noise values from the task
	double noise_ax = 9.0;
	double noise_ay = 9.0;

	double dt_2 = dt * dt; //dt^2
	double dt_3 = dt_2 * dt; //dt^3
	double dt_4 = dt_3 * dt; //dt^4
	double dt_4_4 = dt_4 / 4; //dt^4/4
	double dt_3_2 = dt_3 / 2; //dt^3/2

	ekf_.Q_ = MatrixXd(4, 4);
	ekf_.Q_ << dt_4_4 * noise_ax, 0, dt_3_2 * noise_ax, 0,
		0, dt_4_4 * noise_ay, 0, dt_3_2 * noise_ay,
		dt_3_2 * noise_ax, 0, dt_2 * noise_ax, 0,
		0, dt_3_2 * noise_ay, 0, dt_2 * noise_ay;


	*  Update

	* Use the sensor type to perform the update step.
	* Update the state and covariance matrices.

	if (measurement_pack.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR) {
		// Radar updates
		ekf_.H_ = tools.CalculateJacobian(ekf_.x_);
		ekf_.R_ = R_radar_;
	else {
		// Laser updates
		ekf_.H_ = H_laser_;
		ekf_.R_ = R_laser_;

	// print the output
	//cout << "x_ = " << ekf_.x_ << endl;
	//cout << "P_ = " << ekf_.P_ << endl;
コード例 #13
 * Initializes Unscented Kalman filter
UKF::UKF() {

  initialized_ = false;

  // if this is false, laser measurements will be ignored (except during init)
  use_laser_ = true;

  // if this is false, radar measurements will be ignored (except during init)
  use_radar_ = true;

  // in us
  time_us_ = 0;

  // Process noise standard deviation longitudinal acceleration in m/s^2
  std_a_ = 0.8;

  // Process noise standard deviation yaw acceleration in rad/s^2
  std_yawdd_ = 0.55;

  // Laser measurement noise standard deviation position1 in m
  std_laspx_ = 0.15;

  // Laser measurement noise standard deviation position2 in m
  std_laspy_ = 0.15;

  // Radar measurement noise standard deviation radius in m
  std_radr_ = 0.3;

  // Radar measurement noise standard deviation angle in rad
  std_radphi_ = 0.03;

  // Radar measurement noise standard deviation radius change in m/s
  std_radrd_ = 0.3;

  // state dimension (x, y, velocity, yaw_angle, yaw_rate)
  n_x_ = 5;

  // augmented state (n_x_ + 2)
  n_aug_ = 7;

  // hyper param for sigma points, 3 - n_aug_
  lambda_ = -4;

  // set weights
  weights_ = VectorXd(2 * n_aug_ + 1);
  weights_(0) = lambda_ / (lambda_ + n_aug_);
  weights_.tail(2 * n_aug_).fill(0.5 / (lambda_ + n_aug_));

  // initial state vector
  x_ = VectorXd(n_x_);

  // initial covariance matrix
  P_ = MatrixXd(n_x_, n_x_);

  // matrix for sigma points
  Xsig_aug_ = MatrixXd(n_aug_, 2 * n_aug_ + 1);

  // matrix for predicted sigma points
  Xsig_pred_ = MatrixXd(n_x_, 2 * n_aug_ + 1);