コード例 #1
ファイル: GLWindow.cpp プロジェクト: ethanrublee/ecto_gl
    /* Use depth buffering for hidden surface elimination. */
    camera_.setFovY(3.14f / 4);
    camera_.setPosition(Vector3f(0, 0, -5));
    camera_.setTarget(Vector3f(0, 0, 0));
    if (GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader && GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader)
      std::cout << ("Ready for GLSL\n");

コード例 #2
ファイル: camera.cpp プロジェクト: circlingthesun/Masters
Camera::Camera() {
    //mtx_ = new std::mutex();
    fov_current_ = 60.0f;
    fov_future_ = 60.0f;
    aspect_ = 1.0f;
    depth_near_ = 1.0f;
    depth_far_ = 1000.f;

    roll_correction_ = true;
    always_update_ = false;

    rotation_current_ = AngleAxis<float>(0, Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    rotation_future_ = AngleAxis<float>(0, Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

    translation_current_ = Vector3f(0, 0, 0);
    translation_future_ = Vector3f(0, 0, 0);

    translation_speed_ = 1;

    projection_dirty_ = true;

    timer_ = new QTimer();
    timer_->connect(timer_, &QTimer::timeout, [&] () {
        Eigen::Vector3f trans_diff = translation_future_ - translation_current_;
        bool good_enough_rotation = rotation_current_.isApprox(rotation_future_);
        float fov_diff = fov_future_ - fov_current_;

        if(trans_diff.norm() > 1e-4 || !good_enough_rotation || fabs(fov_diff) > 1e-10) {

            translation_current_ = translation_current_ + trans_diff * 0.5;
            rotation_current_ = rotation_current_.slerp(0.5, rotation_future_);
            fov_current_ = fov_future_ * 0.5 + fov_current_ * 0.5;

            if(fabs(fov_diff) > 1e-10)
                projection_dirty_ = true;

            emit updated();
        else {
                emit updated();
            translation_speed_ = 1;


コード例 #3
void MulticamFusion::integrateTSDF(const DepthMap& depth_raw, Matrix3frm* rotPtr, Vector3f* transPtr){
	Matrix3frm init_Rcam;
	Vector3f   init_tcam;

	if(rotPtr == 0 && transPtr == 0){
		//Default Pose
		init_Rcam = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();// * AngleAxisf(-30.f/180*3.1415926, Vector3f::UnitX());
		//init_tcam = volume_size * 0.5f - Vector3f (0, 0, volume_size (2) / 2 * 1.2f);
		//init_tcam = Vector3f(1.5f, 1.5f, -0.3f);
		init_tcam = Vector3f(0, 0, -0.0f);
		init_Rcam = *rotPtr;    //  [Ri|ti] - pos of camera, i.e.
		init_tcam = *transPtr; //  transform from camera to global coo space for (i-1)th camera pose

	Mat33&  device_Rcam = device_cast<Mat33> (init_Rcam);
	float3& device_tcam = device_cast<float3>(init_tcam);

	Matrix3frm init_Rcam_inv = init_Rcam.inverse ();
	Mat33&   device_Rcam_inv = device_cast<Mat33> (init_Rcam_inv);
	float3 device_volume_size = device_cast<const float3>(tsdf_volume_->getSize());

	device::Intr intr (525.f, 525.f, 0, 0);

	device::integrateTsdfVolume(depth_raw, intr, device_volume_size, device_Rcam_inv, device_tcam, 
		tsdf_volume_->getTsdfTruncDist(), tsdf_volume_->data(), depthRawScaled_);

コード例 #4
ファイル: kinfu.cpp プロジェクト: BITVoyager/pcl
pcl::gpu::KinfuTracker::KinfuTracker (int rows, int cols) : rows_(rows), cols_(cols), global_time_(0), max_icp_distance_(0), integration_metric_threshold_(0.f), disable_icp_(false)
  const Vector3f volume_size = Vector3f::Constant (VOLUME_SIZE);
  const Vector3i volume_resolution(VOLUME_X, VOLUME_Y, VOLUME_Z);
  tsdf_volume_ = TsdfVolume::Ptr( new TsdfVolume(volume_resolution) );
  setDepthIntrinsics (KINFU_DEFAULT_DEPTH_FOCAL_X, KINFU_DEFAULT_DEPTH_FOCAL_Y); // default values, can be overwritten
  init_Rcam_ = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();// * AngleAxisf(-30.f/180*3.1415926, Vector3f::UnitX());
  init_tcam_ = volume_size * 0.5f - Vector3f (0, 0, volume_size (2) / 2 * 1.2f);

  const int iters[] = {10, 5, 4};
  std::copy (iters, iters + LEVELS, icp_iterations_);

  const float default_distThres = 0.10f; //meters
  const float default_angleThres = sin (20.f * 3.14159254f / 180.f);
  const float default_tranc_dist = 0.03f; //meters

  setIcpCorespFilteringParams (default_distThres, default_angleThres);
  tsdf_volume_->setTsdfTruncDist (default_tranc_dist);

  allocateBufffers (rows, cols);

  rmats_.reserve (30000);
  tvecs_.reserve (30000);

  reset ();
コード例 #5
ファイル: kinfu.cpp プロジェクト: neeljp/pcl
pcl::gpu::kinfuLS::KinfuTracker::KinfuTracker (const Eigen::Vector3f &volume_size, const float shiftingDistance, int rows, int cols) : 
  cyclical_( DISTANCE_THRESHOLD, VOLUME_SIZE, VOLUME_X), rows_(rows), cols_(cols), global_time_(0), max_icp_distance_(0), integration_metric_threshold_(0.f), perform_last_scan_ (false), finished_(false), lost_ (false), disable_icp_ (false)
  //const Vector3f volume_size = Vector3f::Constant (VOLUME_SIZE);
  const Vector3i volume_resolution (VOLUME_X, VOLUME_Y, VOLUME_Z);

  volume_size_ = volume_size(0);

  tsdf_volume_ = TsdfVolume::Ptr ( new TsdfVolume(volume_resolution) );
  tsdf_volume_->setSize (volume_size);
  shifting_distance_ = shiftingDistance;

  // set cyclical buffer values
  cyclical_.setDistanceThreshold (shifting_distance_);
  cyclical_.setVolumeSize (volume_size_, volume_size_, volume_size_);

  setDepthIntrinsics (FOCAL_LENGTH, FOCAL_LENGTH); // default values, can be overwritten
  init_Rcam_ = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();// * AngleAxisf(-30.f/180*3.1415926, Vector3f::UnitX());
  init_tcam_ = volume_size * 0.5f - Vector3f (0, 0, volume_size (2) / 2 * 1.2f);

  const int iters[] = {10, 5, 4};
  std::copy (iters, iters + LEVELS, icp_iterations_);

  const float default_distThres = 0.10f; //meters
  const float default_angleThres = sin (20.f * 3.14159254f / 180.f);
  const float default_tranc_dist = 0.03f; //meters

  setIcpCorespFilteringParams (default_distThres, default_angleThres);
  tsdf_volume_->setTsdfTruncDist (default_tranc_dist);

  allocateBufffers (rows, cols);

  rmats_.reserve (30000);
  tvecs_.reserve (30000);

  reset ();
  // initialize cyclical buffer
  last_estimated_rotation_= Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();
  last_estimated_translation_= volume_size * 0.5f - Vector3f (0, 0, volume_size (2) / 2 * 1.2f);

コード例 #6
ファイル: GLWindow.cpp プロジェクト: ethanrublee/ecto_gl
  GLWindow::motion(int x, int y)
    Mouse m = mouse_;
    float delta_x = m.beginx - x, delta_y = m.beginy - y;
    if (m.button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && m.state == GLUT_DOWN)
      if (m.modifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT)
        //zoom in and out
        camera_.setFovY(camera_.fovY() * (1.0f + (delta_y / camera_.vpWidth())));
        Eigen::AngleAxisf ry(-delta_x / camera_.vpWidth(), Eigen::Vector3f(0, 1, 0));
        Eigen::AngleAxisf rx(-delta_y / camera_.vpHeight(), Eigen::Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
        Eigen::Quaternionf qx(rx), qy(ry);
    else if (m.button == GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON && m.state == GLUT_DOWN)

      Vector3f X = camera_.position();
      Eigen::Quaternionf q = camera_.orientation();
      float factor = 10;

      Vector3f dX;
      if (m.modifiers & GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT)
        //move along the camera plane normal
        dX = q * Vector3f(factor * delta_x / camera_.vpWidth(), 0, factor * (-delta_y) / camera_.vpHeight());
        //compute the delta x using the the camera orientation,
        //so that the motion is in the plane of the camera.
        dX = q * Vector3f(factor * delta_x / camera_.vpWidth(), factor * (-delta_y) / camera_.vpHeight(), 0);
      camera_.setPosition(X + dX);
    mouse_.beginx = x;
    mouse_.beginy = y;
コード例 #7
void MulticamFusion::show(Eigen::Affine3f* pose_ptr){
	device::Intr intr (525.f, 525.f, 0, 0);

	int pyr_rows = 480; int pyr_cols = 640;
	depthRawScaled_.create (480, 640);
	vmaps_g_prev_.create (pyr_rows*3, pyr_cols);
	nmaps_g_prev_.create (pyr_rows*3, pyr_cols);
	view_device_.create (480, 640);

	if(pose_ptr != 0){
		raycaster_ptr_->run(*tsdf_volume_, *pose_ptr); 
		//Generate Images
		Eigen::Vector3f light_source_pose = tsdf_volume_->getSize() * (-3.f);

		device::LightSource light;
		light.number = 1;
		light.pos[0] = device_cast<const float3>(light_source_pose);
		float3 device_volume_size = device_cast<const float3>(tsdf_volume_->getSize());

		//Viewer's Pose
		Matrix3frm tempR = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();
		//Vector3f tempT = Vector3f(1.5f, 1.5f, -0.3f);
		Vector3f tempT = Vector3f(0.09f, 0.29f, 0.14f);
		Mat33&  device_Rcam = device_cast<Mat33> (tempR);
		float3& device_tcam = device_cast<float3>(tempT);

		raycast (intr, device_Rcam, device_tcam, tsdf_volume_->getTsdfTruncDist(), device_volume_size, 
		tsdf_volume_->data(), vmaps_g_prev_, nmaps_g_prev_);
		generateImage (vmaps_g_prev_, nmaps_g_prev_, light, view_device_);

	int c;
    cloud_device_->download (cloud_ptr_->points, c);
    cloud_ptr_->width = cloud_device_->cols ();
    cloud_ptr_->height = cloud_device_->rows ();
    cloud_ptr_->is_dense = false;

	cloud_viewer_.removeAllPointClouds ();

	//For Getting Pose

	int cols;
	view_device_.download(viewer_host_, cols);
	image_viewer_.showRGBImage ((unsigned char*)&viewer_host_[0], view_device_.cols (), view_device_.rows ());
コード例 #8
ファイル: kinfu.cpp プロジェクト: neeljp/pcl
pcl::gpu::kinfuLS::KinfuTracker::reset ()
  cout << "in reset function!" << std::endl;
  if (global_time_)
    PCL_WARN ("Reset\n");
  // dump current world to a pcd file
  if (global_time_)
    PCL_INFO ("Saving current world to current_world.pcd\n");
    pcl::io::savePCDFile<pcl::PointXYZI> ("current_world.pcd", *(cyclical_.getWorldModel ()->getWorld ()), true);
    // clear world model
    cyclical_.getWorldModel ()->reset ();
  // clear world model
  cyclical_.getWorldModel ()->reset ();
  global_time_ = 0;
  rmats_.clear ();
  tvecs_.clear ();

  rmats_.push_back (init_Rcam_);
  tvecs_.push_back (init_tcam_);

  tsdf_volume_->reset ();
  // reset cyclical buffer as well
  cyclical_.resetBuffer (tsdf_volume_);
  if (color_volume_) // color integration mode is enabled
    color_volume_->reset ();    
  // reset estimated pose
  last_estimated_rotation_= Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();
  last_estimated_translation_= Vector3f (volume_size_, volume_size_, volume_size_) * 0.5f - Vector3f (0, 0, volume_size_ / 2 * 1.2f);
コード例 #9
ファイル: svd.cpp プロジェクト: cirosantilli/cpp-cheat
int main() {
    MatrixXf m(3,2);
    m <<
        1.0, 2.0,
        3.0, 4.0,
        5.0, 6.0
    JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(m, ComputeFullU | ComputeFullV);
    auto e = svd.singularValues();
    // TODO. e needs to be 3x2, what is the nicest way? Almost there, but this changes value positions.
    //MatrixXf e(svd.singularValues().asDiagonal());
    //e.resize(m.rows(), m.cols());
    cout << "E" << endl << e << endl << endl;
    auto u = svd.matrixU();
    cout << "U" << endl << u << endl << endl;
    cout << "UU'" << endl << u.adjoint() * u << endl << endl;
    auto v = svd.matrixV();
    cout << "V" << endl << v << endl << endl;
    cout << "VV'" << endl << v * v.adjoint() << endl << endl;
    //cout << "UEV" << endl << u * e * v << endl << endl;
    cout << "least squares" << endl << svd.solve(Vector3f(1, 0, 0)) << endl << endl;
コード例 #10
	cloud_viewer_.setBackgroundColor (0, 0, 0);
	cloud_viewer_.setPointCloudRenderingProperties (visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 1);    
	cloud_viewer_.addCoordinateSystem (1.0);
	cloud_viewer_.initCameraParameters ();
	cloud_viewer_.camera_.clip[0] = 0.01;
	cloud_viewer_.camera_.clip[1] = 10.01;

	cloud_viewer_.addText ("H: print help", 2, 15, 20, 34, 135, 246);      
	//Initialize TSDF Volume
	volume_size = Vector3f::Constant (4.4f);
	volume_resolution = Vector3i(512, 512, 512);

	tsdf_volume_ = TsdfVolume::Ptr( new TsdfVolume(volume_resolution) );

	image_viewer_.registerKeyboardCallback(keyboard_callback, (void*)this);

	raycaster_ptr_ = RayCaster::Ptr( new RayCaster(480, 640) );

	cloud_viewer_.addCube(volume_size*0.5, Eigen::Quaternionf::Identity(), volume_size(0), volume_size(1), volume_size(2));
	cloud_viewer_.registerKeyboardCallback(keyboard_callback, (void*)this);

	//init_tcam = volume_size * 0.5f - Vector3f (0, 0, volume_size (2) / 2 * 1.2f);
	Eigen::Affine3f default_pose;
	default_pose.linear() = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();
	default_pose.translation() = Vector3f(1.5f, 1.5f, -0.3f);
	cout << default_pose.translation() << endl;

	setViewerPose(cloud_viewer_, default_pose);
	rows = 480; cols = 640;
	cloud_device_ = new DeviceArray2D<PointXYZ>(rows, cols);
	cloud_ptr_ = PointCloud<PointXYZ>::Ptr (new PointCloud<PointXYZ>);
コード例 #11
ファイル: camera.cpp プロジェクト: circlingthesun/Masters
void Camera::birds_eye() {
    rotation_future_ = AngleAxis<float>(0, Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
    translation_future_ = 20 * -Vector3f::UnitZ();
コード例 #12
ファイル: kinfu.cpp プロジェクト: neeljp/pcl
inline bool 
pcl::gpu::kinfuLS::KinfuTracker::performPairWiseICP(const Intr cam_intrinsics, Matrix3frm& resulting_rotation , Vector3f& resulting_translation)
  // we assume that both v and n maps are in the same coordinate space
  // initialize rotation and translation to respectively identity and zero
  Matrix3frm previous_rotation = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();
  Matrix3frm previous_rotation_inv = previous_rotation.inverse ();
  Vector3f previous_translation = Vector3f(0,0,0);
  // Convert pose to device type
  Mat33  device_cam_rot_prev_inv; 
  float3 device_cam_trans_prev;
  convertTransforms(previous_rotation_inv, previous_translation, device_cam_rot_prev_inv, device_cam_trans_prev);  
  // Initialize output pose to current pose (i.e. identity and zero translation)
  Matrix3frm current_rotation = previous_rotation;
  Vector3f current_translation = previous_translation;
  // Run ICP
    //ScopeTime time("icp-all");
    for (int level_index = LEVELS-1; level_index>=0; --level_index)
      int iter_num = icp_iterations_[level_index];
      // current vertex and normal maps
      MapArr& vmap_curr = vmaps_curr_[level_index];
      MapArr& nmap_curr = nmaps_curr_[level_index];   
      // previous vertex and normal maps
      MapArr& vmap_prev = vmaps_prev_[level_index];
      MapArr& nmap_prev = nmaps_prev_[level_index];

      // no need to transform maps from global to local since they are both in camera coordinates
      // run ICP for iter_num iterations (return false when lost)
      for (int iter = 0; iter < iter_num; ++iter)
        Mat33  device_current_rotation = device_cast<Mat33> (current_rotation);      
        float3 device_current_translation_local = device_cast<float3> (current_translation);
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6, Eigen::RowMajor> A;
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> b;

        // call the ICP function (see paper by Kok-Lim Low "Linear Least-squares Optimization for Point-to-Plane ICP Surface Registration")
        estimateCombined (device_current_rotation, device_current_translation_local, vmap_curr, nmap_curr, device_cam_rot_prev_inv, device_cam_trans_prev, cam_intrinsics (level_index), 
                          vmap_prev, nmap_prev, distThres_, angleThres_, gbuf_, sumbuf_, A.data (), b.data ());

        // checking nullspace 
        double det = A.determinant ();
        if ( fabs (det) < 1e-15 || pcl_isnan (det) )
          if (pcl_isnan (det)) cout << "qnan" << endl;
          PCL_WARN ("ICP PairWise LOST...\n");
          //reset ();
          return (false);

        Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 1> result = A.llt ().solve (b).cast<float>();
        float alpha = result (0);
        float beta  = result (1);
        float gamma = result (2);

        // deduce incremental rotation and translation from ICP's results
        Eigen::Matrix3f cam_rot_incremental = (Eigen::Matrix3f)AngleAxisf (gamma, Vector3f::UnitZ ()) * AngleAxisf (beta, Vector3f::UnitY ()) * AngleAxisf (alpha, Vector3f::UnitX ());
        Vector3f cam_trans_incremental = result.tail<3> ();

        //compose global pose
        current_translation = cam_rot_incremental * current_translation + cam_trans_incremental;
        current_rotation = cam_rot_incremental * current_rotation;
  // since raw depthmaps are quite noisy, we make sure the estimated transform is big enought to be taken into account
  float rnorm = rodrigues2(current_rotation).norm();
  float tnorm = (current_translation).norm();    
  const float alpha = 1.f;
  bool integrate = (rnorm + alpha * tnorm)/2 >= integration_metric_threshold_ * 2.0f;
    resulting_rotation = current_rotation;
    resulting_translation = current_translation;
    resulting_rotation = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity ();
    resulting_translation = Vector3f(0,0,0);
  // ICP has converged
  return (true);