コード例 #1
//EpetraCrsMatrix_To_TpetraCrsMatrix: copies Epetra_CrsMatrix to its analogous Tpetra_CrsMatrix
Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra_CrsMatrix> Petra::EpetraCrsMatrix_To_TpetraCrsMatrix(const Epetra_CrsMatrix& epetraCrsMatrix_,
                                                               const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> >& commT_)
  //get row map of Epetra::CrsMatrix & convert to Tpetra::Map
  auto tpetraRowMap_ = EpetraMap_To_TpetraMap(epetraCrsMatrix_.RowMap(), commT_);

  //get col map of Epetra::CrsMatrix & convert to Tpetra::Map
  auto tpetraColMap_ = EpetraMap_To_TpetraMap(epetraCrsMatrix_.ColMap(), commT_);

  //get CrsGraph of Epetra::CrsMatrix & convert to Tpetra::CrsGraph
  const Epetra_CrsGraph epetraCrsGraph_ = epetraCrsMatrix_.Graph();
  std::size_t maxEntries = epetraCrsGraph_.GlobalMaxNumIndices();
  Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra_CrsGraph> tpetraCrsGraph_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Tpetra_CrsGraph(tpetraRowMap_, tpetraColMap_, maxEntries));

  for (LO i=0; i<epetraCrsGraph_.NumMyRows(); i++) {
     LO NumEntries; LO *Indices;
     epetraCrsGraph_.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Indices);
     tpetraCrsGraph_->insertLocalIndices(i, NumEntries, Indices);

  //convert Epetra::CrsMatrix to Tpetra::CrsMatrix, after creating Tpetra::CrsMatrix based on above Tpetra::CrsGraph
  Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra_CrsMatrix> tpetraCrsMatrix_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Tpetra_CrsMatrix(tpetraCrsGraph_));

  for (LO i=0; i<epetraCrsMatrix_.NumMyRows(); i++) {
     LO NumEntries; LO *Indices; ST *Values;
     epetraCrsMatrix_.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);
     tpetraCrsMatrix_->replaceLocalValues(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);

  return tpetraCrsMatrix_;

コード例 #2
bool EpetraExt::RowMatrix_Transpose::fwd()
  int i, j, NumIndices, err;

  Epetra_CrsMatrix * OrigCrsMatrix = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix*>(origObj_);

  // Now copy values and global indices into newly create transpose storage

  for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0; // Reset transpose NumNz counter
  for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++)
      err = OrigCrsMatrix->ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_);
      err = origObj_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_);
    if (err != 0) {
      std::cerr << "ExtractMyRowCopy/View failed."<<std::endl;
      throw err;

    int ii = origObj_->RowMatrixRowMap().GID(i);
    for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++)
      int TransRow = Indices_[j];
      int loc = TransNumNz_[TransRow];
      TransIndices_[TransRow][loc] = ii;
      TransValues_[TransRow][loc] = Values_[j];
      ++TransNumNz_[TransRow]; // increment counter into current transpose row

  //  Build Transpose matrix with some rows being shared across processors.
  //  We will use a view here since the matrix will not be used for anything else
  const Epetra_Map & TransMap = origObj_->RowMatrixColMap();

  Epetra_CrsMatrix TempTransA1(View, TransMap, TransNumNz_);
  for (i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++)
                     TransNumNz_[i], TransValues_[i], TransIndices_[i]));
  // Note: The following call to FillComplete is currently necessary because
  //     some global constants that are needed by the Export () are computed in this routine

  // Now that transpose matrix with shared rows is entered, update values of target transpose matrix
  TransposeMatrix_->PutScalar(0.0);  // Zero out all values of the matrix

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(TransposeMatrix_->Export(TempTransA1, *TransposeExporter_, Add));

コード例 #3
// ======================================================================
inline void Apply_BCsToMatrixRowsAndColumns(const int *dirichletRows, int numBCRows,const Epetra_IntVector &dirichletColumns,const Epetra_CrsMatrix & Matrix){
  /* This function zeros out rows & columns of Matrix.
     Comments: The graph of Matrix is unchanged.
  // Nuke the rows
  for(int i=0;i<numBCRows;i++){
    int numEntries, *cols;
    double *vals;
    for (int j=0; j<numEntries; j++) vals[j]=0.0;
  }/*end for*/

  // Nuke the columns
  for (int i=0; i < Matrix.NumMyRows(); i++) {
    int numEntries;
    double *vals;
    int *cols;
    for (int j=0; j < numEntries; j++) {
      if (dirichletColumns[ cols[j] ] > 0)  vals[j] = 0.0;
    }/*end for*/
  }/*end for*/
}/* end Apply_BCsToMatrixColumns */
コード例 #4
 |                                                           m.gee 11/05|
bool ML_NOX::Print_Epetra_CrsMatrix(Epetra_CrsMatrix& matrix)
  for (int i=0; i<matrix.NumMyRows(); ++i)
    printf("Lrow %5d:  ",i); fflush(stdout);
    int numentries;
    int* indices;
    double* values;
    int err  = matrix.ExtractMyRowView(i,numentries,values,indices);
    for (int j=0; j<numentries; ++j)
    printf("%5d %10.3e   ",indices[j],values[j]); 
    printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
  return true;
コード例 #5
BroydenOperator::replaceBroydenMatrixValues( const Epetra_CrsMatrix & mat)
  double * values    ;
  int    * indices   ;
  int     numEntries ;
  int     ierr       ;

  for( int row = 0; row < mat.NumMyRows(); ++row) 
    ierr = mat.ExtractMyRowView(row, numEntries, values, indices);
    ierr += crsMatrix->ReplaceGlobalValues(row, numEntries, values, indices);
    if( ierr )
      cout << "ERROR (" << ierr << ") : "
           << "NOX::Epetra::BroydenOperator::replaceBroydenMatrixValues(...)"
           << " - Extract or Replace values error for row --> "
           << row << endl;
      throw "NOX Broyden Operator Error";
コード例 #6
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
void applyBoundaryConditions(const double& value,
			     const Epetra_Vector& x, Epetra_CrsMatrix& Jac, 
			     Epetra_Vector& f, const MeshBuilder mb)
  // This function assumes a serial run.  It will not check process rank.
  // Assumes two equations.

  // Left edge includes global nodes 0 and 1, dofs 0,1,2,3
  int num_nonzero_entries_in_row = 0;
  int* row_indices;
  double* row_values;

  int num_eq = 2;

  const std::vector<int>& left_nodes = mb.leftNodeSetGlobalIds();
  for (std::size_t node = 0; node < left_nodes.size();  ++node) {
    for (int eq = 0; eq < num_eq; ++eq) {

      int lid = Jac.RowMap().LID(left_nodes[node] * num_eq + eq);

      Jac.ExtractMyRowView(lid, num_nonzero_entries_in_row, row_values, 
      for (int col=0; col < num_nonzero_entries_in_row; ++col) {
	if (row_indices[col] == lid)
	  row_values[col] = 1.0;
	  row_values[col] = 0.0;
      f[lid] = value - x[lid];

コード例 #7
         const Epetra_CrsMatrix& mat          ,
         const Epetra_CrsMatrix& mat_expected ,
         double rtol, double atol             ,
         const std::string& name              ,
                 bool enforceStructure                  )
  if (utils.isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
    os << std::endl << "\tChecking " << name << ":  ";

  int passed = 0;

  if( !mat_expected.RowMap().SameAs( mat.RowMap() ) )
    passed = 1;

    os << "Failed." << std::endl;
    os << std::endl << "\t\tRow maps are not compatible." << std::endl;

    return passed;

  int      numEntries1,   numEntries2 ;
  int    * columns1   , * columns2    ;
  double * values1    , * values2     ;

  int    chkSize = 0   ;
  double maxVal  = 0.0 ;
  double infNorm = 0.0 ;

  for( int row = 0; row < mat_expected.NumMyRows(); ++row )
    mat_expected.ExtractMyRowView(row, numEntries1, values1, columns1);
    mat.ExtractMyRowView         (row, numEntries2, values2, columns2);

    if( numEntries1 != numEntries2 )
      if( enforceStructure )
        os << std::endl << "\t\t\t";
        os << std::endl << "\t\tWARNING: ";

      os << "Matrix size is incompatible for Local Row " << row
         << "\n\t\t\t..... expected " << numEntries1 << " columns, found " << numEntries2
         << std::endl;

      chkSize = 1;

    mat.Comm().SumAll( &chkSize, &passed, 1 );

    if( 0 != passed )
      if( enforceStructure )
        os << "Failed." << std::endl;
        return passed;
        chkSize = 0;
        passed  = 0;

    // Comapre column indices and values
    int    baseCol = 0   ;
    int    testCol = 0   ;
    int    chkCol  = 0   ;
    double baseVal = 0.0 ;
    double testVal = 0.0 ;
    double chkVal  = 0.0 ;

    for( int col = 0; col < numEntries1; ++col )
      baseCol = columns1[col];
      testCol = columns2[col];
      baseVal = values1 [col];
      testVal = values2 [col];

      if( baseCol != testCol )
        if( enforceStructure )
          os << std::endl << "\t\t\t";
          os << std::endl << "\t\tWARNING: ";

        os << "Column index for Local Row " << row << " is incompatible."
           << "\n\t\t\t..... expected " << baseCol << " , found " << testCol << std::endl;

        chkCol = 1;

      mat.Comm().SumAll( &chkCol, &passed, 1 );

      if( 0 != passed )
        if( enforceStructure )
          os << "Failed." << std::endl;
          return passed;
          chkCol = 0;
          passed = 0;
          continue; // skip pvalue check

      chkVal = fabs( testVal - baseVal ) / (atol + rtol * fabs(baseVal));

      mat.Comm().MaxAll( &chkVal, &maxVal, 1 );
      if( maxVal > infNorm )
        infNorm = maxVal;

      if( 1 < maxVal )

    if( 1 < maxVal )

  if( 1 < maxVal )
    passed = 1; // false by convention in NOX::TestCompare
    passed = 0; // true by convention in NOX::TestCompare

  if (utils.isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
    if( 0 == passed)
      os << "Passed." << std::endl;
      os << "Failed." << std::endl;

    os << "\t\tComputed norm:        " << utils.sciformat(infNorm)
       << std::endl
       << "\t\tRelative Tolerance:   " << utils.sciformat(rtol)
       << std::endl
       << "\t\tAbsolute Tolerance:   " << utils.sciformat(rtol)
       << std::endl;

  return passed;
コード例 #8
operator()( OriginalTypeRef orig )
  origObj_ = &orig;

  int i, j, err;

  if( !TransposeRowMap_ )
    if( IgnoreNonLocalCols_ )
      TransposeRowMap_ = (Epetra_Map *) &(orig.OperatorRangeMap()); // Should be replaced with refcount =
      TransposeRowMap_ = (Epetra_Map *) &(orig.OperatorDomainMap()); // Should be replaced with refcount =

  // This routine will work for any RowMatrix object, but will attempt cast the matrix to a CrsMatrix if
  // possible (because we can then use a View of the matrix and graph, which is much cheaper).

  // First get the local indices to count how many nonzeros will be in the 
  // transpose graph on each processor
  Epetra_CrsMatrix * OrigCrsMatrix = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix*>(&orig);

  OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_ = (OrigCrsMatrix!=0); // If this pointer is non-zero, the cast to CrsMatrix worked

  NumMyRows_ = orig.NumMyRows();
  NumMyCols_ = orig.NumMyCols();
  TransNumNz_ = new int[NumMyCols_];
  TransIndices_ = new int*[NumMyCols_];
  TransValues_ = new double*[NumMyCols_];
  TransMyGlobalEquations_ = new int[NumMyCols_];

  int NumIndices;

  if (OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_)
    const Epetra_CrsGraph & OrigGraph = OrigCrsMatrix->Graph(); // Get matrix graph

    for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++)
      err = OrigGraph.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Indices_); // Get view of ith row
      if (err != 0) throw OrigGraph.ReportError("ExtractMyRowView failed",err);
      for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) ++TransNumNz_[Indices_[j]];
  else // Original is not a CrsMatrix
    MaxNumEntries_ = 0;
    int NumEntries;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++)
      orig.NumMyRowEntries(i, NumEntries);
      MaxNumEntries_ = EPETRA_MAX(MaxNumEntries_, NumEntries);
    Indices_ = new int[MaxNumEntries_];
    Values_ = new double[MaxNumEntries_];

    for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++)
      err = orig.ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_); 
      if (err != 0) {
        std::cerr << "ExtractMyRowCopy failed."<<std::endl;
        throw err;
      for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) ++TransNumNz_[Indices_[j]];

  // Most of remaining code is common to both cases
  for(i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++)
    NumIndices = TransNumNz_[i];
    if (NumIndices>0)
      TransIndices_[i] = new int[NumIndices];
      TransValues_[i] = new double[NumIndices];

  // Now copy values and global indices into newly create transpose storage

  for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0; // Reset transpose NumNz counter
  for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++)
    if (OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_)
      err = OrigCrsMatrix->ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_);
      err = orig.ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_);
    if (err != 0) {
      std::cerr << "ExtractMyRowCopy failed."<<std::endl;
      throw err;

    int ii = orig.RowMatrixRowMap().GID(i);
    for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++)
      int TransRow = Indices_[j];
      int loc = TransNumNz_[TransRow];
      TransIndices_[TransRow][loc] = ii;
      TransValues_[TransRow][loc] = Values_[j];
      ++TransNumNz_[TransRow]; // increment counter into current transpose row

  //  Build Transpose matrix with some rows being shared across processors.
  //  We will use a view here since the matrix will not be used for anything else

  const Epetra_Map & TransMap = orig.RowMatrixColMap();

  Epetra_CrsMatrix TempTransA1(View, TransMap, TransNumNz_);
  for (i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++) {
    err = TempTransA1.InsertGlobalValues(TransMyGlobalEquations_[i], 
                     TransNumNz_[i], TransValues_[i], TransIndices_[i]);
    if (err < 0) throw TempTransA1.ReportError("InsertGlobalValues failed.",err);
  // Note: The following call to FillComplete is currently necessary because
  //      some global constants that are needed by the Export () are computed in this routine
  err = TempTransA1.FillComplete(orig.OperatorRangeMap(),*TransposeRowMap_, false);
  if (err != 0) {
    throw TempTransA1.ReportError("FillComplete failed.",err);

  // Now that transpose matrix with shared rows is entered, create a new matrix that will
  // get the transpose with uniquely owned rows (using the same row distribution as A).
  if( IgnoreNonLocalCols_ )
    TransposeMatrix_ = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *TransposeRowMap_, *TransposeRowMap_, 0);
    TransposeMatrix_ = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *TransposeRowMap_,0);

  // Create an Export object that will move TempTransA around
  TransposeExporter_ = new Epetra_Export(TransMap, *TransposeRowMap_);

  err = TransposeMatrix_->Export(TempTransA1, *TransposeExporter_, Add);
  if (err != 0) throw TransposeMatrix_->ReportError("Export failed.",err);
  err = TransposeMatrix_->FillComplete(orig.OperatorRangeMap(),*TransposeRowMap_);
  if (err != 0) throw TransposeMatrix_->ReportError("FillComplete failed.",err);

  if (MakeDataContiguous_) {
    err = TransposeMatrix_->MakeDataContiguous();
    if (err != 0) throw TransposeMatrix_->ReportError("MakeDataContiguous failed.",err);

  newObj_ = TransposeMatrix_;

  return *newObj_;
コード例 #9
ファイル: cxx_main.cpp プロジェクト: cakeisalie/oomphlib_003
int check(Epetra_CrsMatrix& A, int NumMyRows1, int NumGlobalRows1, int NumMyNonzeros1,
					int NumGlobalNonzeros1, int* MyGlobalElements, bool verbose) 
  int ierr = 0, forierr = 0;
  int NumGlobalIndices;
  int NumMyIndices;
	int* MyViewIndices = 0;
	int* GlobalViewIndices = 0;
  double* MyViewValues = 0;
	double* GlobalViewValues = 0;
  int MaxNumIndices = A.Graph().MaxNumIndices();
  int* MyCopyIndices = new int[MaxNumIndices];
  int* GlobalCopyIndices = new int[MaxNumIndices];
  double* MyCopyValues = new double[MaxNumIndices];
  double* GlobalCopyValues = new double[MaxNumIndices];

  // Test query functions

  int NumMyRows = A.NumMyRows();
  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumber of local Rows = " << NumMyRows << endl<< endl;


  int NumMyNonzeros = A.NumMyNonzeros();
  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumber of local Nonzero entries = " << NumMyNonzeros << endl<< endl;


  int NumGlobalRows = A.NumGlobalRows();
  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumber of global Rows = " << NumGlobalRows << endl<< endl;


  int NumGlobalNonzeros = A.NumGlobalNonzeros();
  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumber of global Nonzero entries = " << NumGlobalNonzeros << endl<< endl;


  // GlobalRowView should be illegal (since we have local indices)

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A.ExtractGlobalRowView(A.RowMap().MaxMyGID(), NumGlobalIndices, GlobalViewValues, GlobalViewIndices)==-2),ierr);

  // Other binary tests


  forierr = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < NumMyRows; i++) {
    int Row = A.GRID(i);
    A.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(Row, MaxNumIndices, NumGlobalIndices, GlobalCopyValues, GlobalCopyIndices);
    A.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumMyIndices, MyViewValues, MyViewIndices); // this is where the problem comes from
    forierr += !(NumGlobalIndices == NumMyIndices);
    for(int j = 1; j < NumMyIndices; j++) {
			forierr += !(MyViewIndices[j-1] < MyViewIndices[j]); // this is where the test fails
    for(int j = 0; j < NumGlobalIndices; j++) {
			forierr += !(GlobalCopyIndices[j] == A.GCID(MyViewIndices[j]));
			forierr += !(A.LCID(GlobalCopyIndices[j]) == MyViewIndices[j]);
			forierr += !(GlobalCopyValues[j] == MyViewValues[j]);

  forierr = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < NumMyRows; i++) {
    int Row = A.GRID(i);
    A.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(Row, MaxNumIndices, NumGlobalIndices, GlobalCopyValues, GlobalCopyIndices);
    A.ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumIndices, NumMyIndices, MyCopyValues, MyCopyIndices);
    forierr += !(NumGlobalIndices == NumMyIndices);
    for (int j = 1; j < NumMyIndices; j++) 
			forierr += !(MyCopyIndices[j-1] < MyCopyIndices[j]);
    for (int j = 0; j < NumGlobalIndices; j++) {
			forierr += !(GlobalCopyIndices[j] == A.GCID(MyCopyIndices[j]));
			forierr += !(A.LCID(GlobalCopyIndices[j]) == MyCopyIndices[j]);
			forierr += !(GlobalCopyValues[j] == MyCopyValues[j]);


  delete [] MyCopyIndices;
  delete [] GlobalCopyIndices;
  delete [] MyCopyValues;
  delete [] GlobalCopyValues;

  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nRows sorted check OK" << endl<< endl;

  return (ierr);
コード例 #10
bool FiniteDifferenceColoringWithUpdate::differenceProbe(const Epetra_Vector& x, Epetra_CrsMatrix& jac,const Epetra_MapColoring& colors){

  // Allocate space for perturbation, get column version of x for scaling
  Epetra_Vector xp(x);
  Epetra_Vector *xcol;
  int N=jac.NumMyRows();

    xcol=new Epetra_Vector(jac.ColMap(),true);//zeros out by default

  // Counters for probing diagnostics
  double tmp,probing_error_lower_bound=0.0,jc_norm=0.0;

  // Grab coloring info (being very careful to ignore color 0)
  int Ncolors=colors.MaxNumColors()+1;
  int num_c0_global,num_c0_local=colors.NumElementsWithColor(0);
  if(num_c0_global>0) Ncolors--;

  if(Ncolors==0) return false;

  // Pointers for Matrix Info
  int entries, *indices;
  double *values;

  // NTS: Fix me
  if ( diffType == Centered ) exit(1);

  double scaleFactor = 1.0;
  if ( diffType == Backward )
    scaleFactor = -1.0;

  // Compute RHS at initial solution

  /* Probing, vector by vector since computeF does not have a MultiVector interface */
  // Assume that anything with Color 0 gets ignored.
  for(int j=1;j<Ncolors;j++){
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
    xp[i] += scaleFactor*(alpha*abs(x[i])+beta);

    computeF(xp, fp, NOX::Epetra::Interface::Required::FD_Res);

    // Do the subtraction to estimate the Jacobian (w/o including step length)
    Jc.Update(1.0, fp, -1.0, fo, 0.0);

    // Relative error in probing

    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
      // Skip for uncolored row/columns, else update entries
      if(colors[i]==0) continue;

      for(int k=0;k<jac.NumMyEntries(i);k++){
      values[k]=Jc[i] / (scaleFactor*(alpha*abs((*xcol)[indices[k]])+beta));
      // If probing diagnostics are on, zero out the entries as they are used
      if(use_probing_diags) Jc[i]=0.0;
      break;// Only one value per row...

  // If diagnostics are requested, output Frobenius norm lower bound
  if(use_probing_diags && !x.Comm().MyPID()) printf("Probing Error Lower Bound (Frobenius) abs = %6.4e rel = %6.4e\n",sqrt(probing_error_lower_bound),sqrt(probing_error_lower_bound)/sqrt(jc_norm));

  // Cleanup
    delete xcol;

  return true;
コード例 #11
sumInOperator(Epetra_CrsMatrix & A,const Stokhos::AdaptivityManager::Sparse3TensorHash & Cijk,int k,const Epetra_CrsMatrix & J_k) const
   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(J_k.NumMyRows() == int(sg_basis_row_dof_.size()));
   TEUCHOS_ASSERT(J_k.NumMyCols() == int(sg_basis_col_dof_.size()));

   const Teuchos::Array<double> & normValues = sg_master_basis_->norm_squared();

   // loop over deterministic rows 
   for(int localM=0;localM<J_k.NumMyRows();localM++) {
      int m = J_k.GRID(localM);

      // grab row basis
      Teuchos::RCP<const Stokhos::ProductBasis<int,double> > rowStochBasis 
            = sg_basis_row_dof_[localM]; 
      // grab row from deterministic system
      int d_numEntries;
      int * d_Indices;
      double * d_Values;
      // loop over stochastic degrees of freedom of this row
      for(int rb_i=0;rb_i<rowStochBasis->size();rb_i++) {
         int i = sg_master_basis_->index(rowStochBasis->term(rb_i));

         double normValue = normValues[i]; // sg_master_basis->norm_squared(i);
         int sg_m = getGlobalRowId(localM,rb_i);

         // we wipe out old values, capacity should gurantee
         // we don't allocate more often than neccessary!
         std::vector<int> sg_indices;
         std::vector<double> sg_values;

         // sg_indices.resize(0); 
         // sg_values.resize(0);

         // loop over each column
         for(int colInd=0;colInd<d_numEntries;colInd++) {
            int localN = d_Indices[colInd];  // grab local deterministic column id

            // grab row basis
            Teuchos::RCP<const Stokhos::ProductBasis<int,double> > colStochBasis 
                  = sg_basis_col_dof_[localN]; 

            // build values array
            for(int cb_j=0;cb_j<colStochBasis->size();cb_j++) {
               int j = sg_master_basis_->index(colStochBasis->term(cb_j));
               int sg_n = getGlobalColId(localN,cb_j);
               double cijk = Cijk.getValue(i,j,k); 

               // no reason to work it in!
               if(cijk==0) continue;

                  cijk = cijk/normValue;


         // add in matrix values
コード例 #12
int Epetra_RowMatrixTransposer::UpdateTransposeValues(Epetra_RowMatrix * MatrixWithNewValues){

  int i, j, NumIndices;

  if (!TransposeCreated_) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); // Transpose must be already created

  // Sanity check of incoming matrix.  Perform some tests to see if it is compatible with original input matrix
  if (OrigMatrix_!=MatrixWithNewValues) { // Check if pointer of new matrix is same as previous input matrix
    OrigMatrix_ = MatrixWithNewValues; // Reset this pointer if not, then check for other attributes
    if (NumMyRows_ != OrigMatrix_->NumMyRows() ||
  NumMyCols_ != OrigMatrix_->NumMyCols() ||
  NumMyRows_ != OrigMatrix_->NumMyRows()) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-2); // New matrix not compatible with previous

  Epetra_CrsMatrix * OrigCrsMatrix = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>(MatrixWithNewValues);

  OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_ = (OrigCrsMatrix!=0); // If this pointer is non-zero, the cast to CrsMatrix worked

  // Now copy values and global indices into newly create transpose storage

  for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0; // Reset transpose NumNz counter
  for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
    if (OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigCrsMatrix->ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_));
    else {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigMatrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_));

    int ii = OrigMatrix_->RowMatrixRowMap().GID64(i); // FIXME long long
    for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) {
      int TransRow = Indices_[j];
      int loc = TransNumNz_[TransRow];
      TransIndices_[TransRow][loc] = ii;
      TransValues_[TransRow][loc] = Values_[j];
      ++TransNumNz_[TransRow]; // increment counter into current transpose row

  //  Build Transpose matrix with some rows being shared across processors.
  //  We will use a view here since the matrix will not be used for anything else

  const Epetra_Map & TransMap = OrigMatrix_->RowMatrixColMap();

  Epetra_CrsMatrix TempTransA1(View, TransMap, TransNumNz_);
  /* Add  rows one-at-a-time */

  for (i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++)
                TransNumNz_[i], TransValues_[i], TransIndices_[i]));
  // Note: The following call to FillComplete is currently necessary because
  //       some global constants that are needed by the Export () are computed in this routine
  const Epetra_Map& domain_map = OrigMatrix_->OperatorDomainMap();
  const Epetra_Map& range_map = OrigMatrix_->OperatorRangeMap();

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(TempTransA1.FillComplete(range_map, domain_map, false));

  // Now that transpose matrix with shared rows is entered, update values of target transpose matrix

  TransposeMatrix_->PutScalar(0.0);  // Zero out all values of the matrix

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(TransposeMatrix_->Export(TempTransA1, *TransposeExporter_, Add));

コード例 #13
int Epetra_RowMatrixTransposer::CreateTranspose (const bool MakeDataContiguous, 
             Epetra_CrsMatrix *& TransposeMatrix, 
             Epetra_Map * TransposeRowMap_in) {

// FIXME long long

  int i, j;

  if (TransposeCreated_) DeleteData(); // Get rid of existing data first

  if (TransposeRowMap_in==0)
    TransposeRowMap_ = (Epetra_Map *) &(OrigMatrix_->OperatorDomainMap()); // Should be replaced with refcount =
    TransposeRowMap_ = TransposeRowMap_in; 

  // This routine will work for any RowMatrix object, but will attempt cast the matrix to a CrsMatrix if
  // possible (because we can then use a View of the matrix and graph, which is much cheaper).

  // First get the local indices to count how many nonzeros will be in the 
  // transpose graph on each processor

  Epetra_CrsMatrix * OrigCrsMatrix = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>(OrigMatrix_);

  OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_ = (OrigCrsMatrix!=0); // If this pointer is non-zero, the cast to CrsMatrix worked

  NumMyRows_ = OrigMatrix_->NumMyRows();
  NumMyCols_ = OrigMatrix_->NumMyCols();
  NumMyRows_ = OrigMatrix_->NumMyRows();
  TransNumNz_ = new int[NumMyCols_];
  TransIndices_ = new int*[NumMyCols_];
  TransValues_ = new double*[NumMyCols_];

  int NumIndices;

  if (OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_) {

    const Epetra_CrsGraph & OrigGraph = OrigCrsMatrix->Graph(); // Get matrix graph

    for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigGraph.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Indices_)); // Get view of ith row
      for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) ++TransNumNz_[Indices_[j]];
  else { // OrigMatrix is not a CrsMatrix

    MaxNumEntries_ = 0;
    int NumEntries;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
      OrigMatrix_->NumMyRowEntries(i, NumEntries);
      MaxNumEntries_ = EPETRA_MAX(MaxNumEntries_, NumEntries);
    Indices_ = new int[MaxNumEntries_];
    Values_ = new double[MaxNumEntries_];

    for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
      // Get ith row
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigMatrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_)); 
      for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) ++TransNumNz_[Indices_[j]];

  // Most of remaining code is common to both cases

  for(i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++) {
    NumIndices = TransNumNz_[i];
    if (NumIndices>0) {
      TransIndices_[i] = new int[NumIndices];
      TransValues_[i] = new double[NumIndices];

  // Now copy values and global indices into newly created transpose storage

  for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0; // Reset transpose NumNz counter
  for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
    if (OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigCrsMatrix->ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_));
    else {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigMatrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_));

    int ii = OrigMatrix_->RowMatrixRowMap().GID64(i); // FIXME long long
    for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) {
      int TransRow = Indices_[j];
      int loc = TransNumNz_[TransRow];
      TransIndices_[TransRow][loc] = ii;
      TransValues_[TransRow][loc] = Values_[j];
      ++TransNumNz_[TransRow]; // increment counter into current transpose row

  //  Build Transpose matrix with some rows being shared across processors.
  //  We will use a view here since the matrix will not be used for anything else

  const Epetra_Map & TransMap = OrigMatrix_->RowMatrixColMap();

  Epetra_CrsMatrix TempTransA1(View, TransMap, TransNumNz_);
  TransMyGlobalEquations_ = new int[NumMyCols_];


  /* Add  rows one-at-a-time */

  for (i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++)
                TransNumNz_[i], TransValues_[i], TransIndices_[i]));
  // Note: The following call to FillComplete is currently necessary because
  //       some global constants that are needed by the Export () are computed in this routine

  const Epetra_Map& domain_map = OrigMatrix_->OperatorDomainMap();
  const Epetra_Map& range_map = OrigMatrix_->OperatorRangeMap();

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(TempTransA1.FillComplete(range_map, domain_map, false));

  // Now that transpose matrix with shared rows is entered, create a new matrix that will
  // get the transpose with uniquely owned rows (using the same row distribution as A).

  TransposeMatrix_ = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *TransposeRowMap_,0);

  // Create an Export object that will move TempTransA around

  TransposeExporter_ = new Epetra_Export(TransMap, *TransposeRowMap_);

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(TransposeMatrix_->Export(TempTransA1, *TransposeExporter_, Add));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(TransposeMatrix_->FillComplete(range_map, domain_map));

  if (MakeDataContiguous) {

  TransposeMatrix = TransposeMatrix_;
  TransposeCreated_ = true;
