コード例 #1
//EpetraCrsMatrix_To_TpetraCrsMatrix: copies Epetra_CrsMatrix to its analogous Tpetra_CrsMatrix
Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra_CrsMatrix> Petra::EpetraCrsMatrix_To_TpetraCrsMatrix(const Epetra_CrsMatrix& epetraCrsMatrix_,
                                                               const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> >& commT_)
  //get row map of Epetra::CrsMatrix & convert to Tpetra::Map
  auto tpetraRowMap_ = EpetraMap_To_TpetraMap(epetraCrsMatrix_.RowMap(), commT_);

  //get col map of Epetra::CrsMatrix & convert to Tpetra::Map
  auto tpetraColMap_ = EpetraMap_To_TpetraMap(epetraCrsMatrix_.ColMap(), commT_);

  //get CrsGraph of Epetra::CrsMatrix & convert to Tpetra::CrsGraph
  const Epetra_CrsGraph epetraCrsGraph_ = epetraCrsMatrix_.Graph();
  std::size_t maxEntries = epetraCrsGraph_.GlobalMaxNumIndices();
  Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra_CrsGraph> tpetraCrsGraph_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Tpetra_CrsGraph(tpetraRowMap_, tpetraColMap_, maxEntries));

  for (LO i=0; i<epetraCrsGraph_.NumMyRows(); i++) {
     LO NumEntries; LO *Indices;
     epetraCrsGraph_.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Indices);
     tpetraCrsGraph_->insertLocalIndices(i, NumEntries, Indices);

  //convert Epetra::CrsMatrix to Tpetra::CrsMatrix, after creating Tpetra::CrsMatrix based on above Tpetra::CrsGraph
  Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra_CrsMatrix> tpetraCrsMatrix_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Tpetra_CrsMatrix(tpetraCrsGraph_));

  for (LO i=0; i<epetraCrsMatrix_.NumMyRows(); i++) {
     LO NumEntries; LO *Indices; ST *Values;
     epetraCrsMatrix_.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);
     tpetraCrsMatrix_->replaceLocalValues(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);

  return tpetraCrsMatrix_;

コード例 #2
ファイル: probing.cpp プロジェクト: haripandey/trilinos
bool probing_test(Epetra_CrsMatrix & in_mat, bool build_list){
  const Epetra_CrsGraph & graph=in_mat.Graph();

  Teuchos::ParameterList main, zoltan;

//     zoltan.set("DISTANCE","2");

  Isorropia::Epetra::Prober prober(Teuchos::rcp<const Epetra_CrsGraph>(&graph,false),main);
  Epetra_CrsMatrix out_mat(Copy,graph);
  int rv=prober.probe(in_mat,out_mat);
  if(rv!=0) {printf("ERROR: probing failed\n");return false;}
  double nrm=out_mat.NormInf()/in_mat.NormInf();
    printf("diff norm = %22.16e\n",nrm);
  if(nrm < 1e-12) return true;
  else return false;
  return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cxx_main.cpp プロジェクト: 00liujj/trilinos
// Performs any setup that can be done once to reduce the cost of the applyInverse function
int applyInverseSetup(Epetra_CrsMatrix &A, Ifpack_CrsRiluk * & M) {
  int LevelFill = 4;
  int Overlap = 0;
  Ifpack_IlukGraph * IlukGraph = new Ifpack_IlukGraph(A.Graph(), LevelFill, Overlap);
    M = new Ifpack_CrsRiluk(A, *IlukGraph);
コード例 #4
// NOTE: This method should be removed and replaced with calls to Epetra_Util_ExtractHbData()
int Epetra_LinearProblemRedistor::ExtractHbData(int & M, int & N, int & nz, int * & ptr,
																								int * & ind, double * & val, int & Nrhs,
																								double * & rhs, int & ldrhs,
																								double * & lhs, int & ldlhs) const {

	Epetra_CrsMatrix * RedistMatrix = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>(RedistProblem_->GetMatrix());
	if (RedistMatrix==0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); // This matrix is zero or not an Epetra_CrsMatrix
	if (!RedistMatrix->IndicesAreContiguous()) { // Data must be contiguous for this to work

	M = RedistMatrix->NumMyRows();
	N = RedistMatrix->NumMyCols();
	nz = RedistMatrix->NumMyNonzeros();
	val = (*RedistMatrix)[0];        // Dangerous, but cheap and effective way to access first element in

	const Epetra_CrsGraph & RedistGraph = RedistMatrix->Graph();
	ind = RedistGraph[0];  // list of values and indices

	Epetra_MultiVector * LHS = RedistProblem_->GetLHS();
	Epetra_MultiVector * RHS = RedistProblem_->GetRHS();
	Nrhs = RHS->NumVectors();
	if (Nrhs>1) {
		if (!RHS->ConstantStride()) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-3)}; // Must have strided vectors
		if (!LHS->ConstantStride()) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-4)}; // Must have strided vectors
	ldrhs = RHS->Stride();
	rhs = (*RHS)[0]; // Dangerous but effective (again)
	ldlhs = LHS->Stride();
	lhs = (*LHS)[0];

	// Finally build ptr vector

	if (ptr_==0) {
		ptr_ = new int[M+1];
		ptr_[0] = 0;
		for (int i=0; i<M; i++) ptr_[i+1] = ptr_[i] + RedistGraph.NumMyIndices(i);
	ptr = ptr_;
コード例 #5
ファイル: cxx_main.cpp プロジェクト: cakeisalie/oomphlib_003
int check_graph_sharing(Epetra_Comm& Comm)
  int numLocalElems = 5;
  int localProc = Comm.MyPID();
  int firstElem = localProc*numLocalElems;
  int err;
  Epetra_Map map(-1, numLocalElems, 0, Comm);

  Epetra_CrsMatrix* A = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, map, 1);

  for (int i=0; i<numLocalElems; ++i) {
    int row = firstElem+i;
    int col = row;
    double val = 1.0;

    err = A->InsertGlobalValues(row, 1, &val, &col);
    if (err != 0) {
      cerr << "A->InsertGlobalValues("<<row<<") returned err="<<err<<endl;


  Epetra_CrsMatrix B(Copy, A->Graph());

  delete A;

  for (int i=0; i<numLocalElems; ++i) {
    int row = firstElem+i;
    int col = row;
    double val = 1.0;

    err = B.ReplaceGlobalValues(row, 1, &val, &col);
    if (err != 0) {
      cerr << "B.InsertGlobalValues("<<row<<") returned err="<<err<<endl;

コード例 #6
 |  Constructor (public)                                     m.gee 12/04|
 |  IMPORTANT:                                                          |
 |  No matter on which level we are here, the vector xfine is ALWAYS    |
 |  a fine grid vector here!                                            |
ML_NOX::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel(int level, int nlevel, int plevel, 
                                 ML* ml, ML_Aggregate* ag, Epetra_CrsMatrix** P,
                                 ML_NOX::Ml_Nox_Fineinterface& interface, const Epetra_Comm& comm,
                                 const Epetra_Vector& xfine, double fd_alpha, double fd_beta,
                                 bool fd_centered, bool isDiagonalOnly, int bsize) 
: fineinterface_(interface),
   level_          = level;
   nlevel_         = nlevel;
   ml_printlevel_  = plevel;
   ml_             = ml;
   ag_             = ag;
   fd_alpha_       = fd_alpha;
   fd_beta_        = fd_beta;
   fd_centered_    = fd_centered;
   isDiagonalOnly_ = isDiagonalOnly;
   A_              = 0;
   coarseinterface_= 0;
   bsize_          = bsize;

   // we need the graph of the operator on this level. On the fine grid we can just ask the
   // fineinterface for it, on the coarser levels it has to be extracted from the ML-hierachy
   if (level_==0)
      // the Epetra_CrsGraph-copy-constructor shares data with the original one.
      // We want a really deep copy here so we cannot use it
      // graph_ will be given to the FiniteDifferencing class and will be destroyed by it
      graph_ = ML_NOX::deepcopy_graph(interface.getGraph());
      // Note that ML has no understanding of global indices, so it makes up new GIDs
      // (This also holds for the Prolongators P)
      Epetra_CrsMatrix* tmpMat  = 0;
      int               maxnnz  = 0;
      double            cputime = 0.0;
      ML_Operator2EpetraCrsMatrix(&(ml_->Amat[level_]), tmpMat, maxnnz, false, cputime);
      // copy the graph
      double t0 = GetClock();
      graph_ = ML_NOX::deepcopy_graph(&(tmpMat->Graph()));
      // delete the copy of the Epetra_CrsMatrix
      if (tmpMat) delete tmpMat; tmpMat = 0;
      double t1 = GetClock();
      if (ml_printlevel_ > 0 && 0 == comm_.MyPID())
         cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): extraction/copy of Graph in " << cputime+t1-t0 << " sec\n"
              << "                        max-nonzeros in Graph: " << maxnnz << "\n";
   // create this levels coarse interface
   coarseinterface_ = new ML_NOX::Nox_CoarseProblem_Interface(fineinterface_,level_,ml_printlevel_,

   // restrict the xfine-vector to this level 
   Epetra_Vector* xthis = coarseinterface_->restrict_fine_to_this(xfine);
   if (!xthis)
     cout << "**ERR**: ML_Epetra::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel:\n"
          << "**ERR**: ML_Epetra::Nox_CoarseProblem_Interface::restrict_fine_to_this returned NULL on level " 
          << level_ << "\n"
          << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;

   Epetra_Vector* xc = new Epetra_Vector(graph_->RowMap(),false);
   // FIXME: after intesive testing, this test might be obsolet
#if 0
   bool samemap = xc->Map().PointSameAs(xthis->Map());
   if (samemap)
#if 0
      cout << "**WRN** Maps are not equal in\n"
           << "**WRN** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
      // import the xthis vector in the Map that ML produced for graph_
      Epetra_Import* importer = new Epetra_Import(graph_->RowMap(),xthis->Map());  
      int ierr = xc->Import(*xthis,*importer,Insert);
      if (ierr)
         cout << "**ERR**: ML_Epetra::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel:\n"
              << "**ERR**: export from xthis to xc returned err=" << ierr <<"\n"
              << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
      if (importer) delete importer; importer = 0;
   if (xthis) delete xthis; xthis = 0;

   // create the coloring of the graph
   if (ml_printlevel_>0 && comm_.MyPID()==0) 
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Entering Coloring on level " << level_ << "\n";
   double t0 = GetClock();
   colorMap_ = ML_NOX::ML_Nox_collapsedcoloring(graph_,bsize_,isDiagonalOnly,ml_printlevel_);
   if (!colorMap_) colorMap_ = ML_NOX::ML_Nox_standardcoloring(graph_,isDiagonalOnly);
   colorMapIndex_ = new EpetraExt::CrsGraph_MapColoringIndex(*colorMap_);
   colorcolumns_  = &(*colorMapIndex_)(*graph_);
   double t1 = GetClock();
   if (ml_printlevel_>0 && comm_.MyPID()==0)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Proc " << comm_.MyPID() <<" Coloring time is " << (t1-t0) << " sec\n";

   // construct the FiniteDifferenceColoring-Matrix
   if (ml_printlevel_>0 && comm_.MyPID()==0)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Entering Construction FD-Operator on level " << level_ << "\n";

   t0 = GetClock();

#if 1 // FD-operator with coloring
   FD_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::FiniteDifferenceColoring(*coarseinterface_,
#else // FD-operator without coloring
   FD_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::FiniteDifference(*coarseinterface_,
   // set differencing method
   if (fd_centered_)

   bool err = FD_->computeJacobian(*xc); 
   if (err==false)
     cout << "**ERR**: ML_NOX::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel:\n"
          << "**ERR**: NOX::Epetra::FiniteDifferenceColoring returned an error on level " 
          << level_ << "\n"
          << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;

   // print number of calls to the coarse interface
   if (ml_printlevel_>0 && comm_.MyPID()==0)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Calls to coarse-computeF in FD-Operator: "
           << coarseinterface_->numcallscomputeF() << "\n"; 

   t1 = GetClock();
   if (ml_printlevel_>0 && comm_.MyPID()==0)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Proc " << comm_.MyPID() <<" colored Finite Differencing time is " << (t1-t0) << " sec\n";

   // get ref to computed Epetra_CrsMatrix  
   A_ = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix*>(&(FD_->getUnderlyingMatrix()));

   // set counter for number of calls to the coarseinterface_->computeF back to zero
   // tidy up 
   if (xc) delete xc; xc = 0;
コード例 #7
 |  recreate this level (public)                             m.gee 01/05|
 |  this function assumes, that the graph of the fine level problem has |
 |  not changed since call to the constructor and therefore             |
 | the graph and it's coloring do not have to be recomputed             |  
 |  IMPORTANT:                                                          |
 |  No matter on which level we are here, the vector xfine is ALWAYS    |
 |  a fine grid vector here!                                            |
bool ML_NOX::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::recreateLevel(int level, int nlevel, int plevel, 
                                                   ML* ml, ML_Aggregate* ag, Epetra_CrsMatrix** P,
                                                   ML_NOX::Ml_Nox_Fineinterface& interface, 
                                                   const Epetra_Comm& comm, const Epetra_Vector& xfine) 
   // make some tests
   if (level != level_)
     cout << "**ERR**: ML_Epetra::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::recreateLevel:\n"
          << "**ERR**: level_ " << level_ << " not equal level " << level << "\n"
          << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   if (nlevel != nlevel_)
     cout << "**ERR**: ML_Epetra::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::recreateLevel:\n"
          << "**ERR**: nlevel_ " << nlevel_ << " not equal nlevel " << nlevel << "\n" 
          << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
   // printlevel might have changed
   ml_printlevel_ = plevel;
   ml_            = ml;
   ag_            = ag;
   destroyP();  // safer to use the new Ps

   // we need the graph of the operator on this level. On the fine grid we can just ask the
   // fineinterface for it, on the coarser levels it has to be extracted from the ML-hierachy
   bool same;
   if (level_==0)
      const Epetra_CrsGraph* graph = interface.getGraph();
      // check whether the old graph matches the new one
      same = compare_graphs(graph,graph_);
      destroyFD(); // we are here to recompute the FD-operator (this destroys graph_)
      graph_ = ML_NOX::deepcopy_graph(graph);
      // Note that ML has no understanding of global indices, so it makes up new GIDs
      // (This also holds for the Prolongators P)
      Epetra_CrsMatrix* tmpMat  = 0;
      int               maxnnz  = 0;
      double            cputime = 0.0;
      ML_Operator2EpetraCrsMatrix(&(ml_->Amat[level_]), tmpMat, maxnnz, false, cputime);
      // get a view from the graph
      const Epetra_CrsGraph& graph = tmpMat->Graph();
      // compare the graph to the existing one
      same = compare_graphs(&graph,graph_);
      destroyFD(); // we are here to recompute the FD-operator (this destroys graph_)
      double t0 = GetClock();
      graph_ = ML_NOX::deepcopy_graph(&graph);
      // delete the copy of the Epetra_CrsMatrix
      if (tmpMat) delete tmpMat; tmpMat = 0;
      double t1 = GetClock();
      if (ml_printlevel_ > 0 && 0 == comm_.MyPID())
         cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): extraction/copy of Graph in " << cputime+t1-t0 << " sec\n"
              << "                        max-nonzeros in Graph: " << maxnnz << "\n";
   // recreate this levels coarse interface
   if (same)
      delete coarseinterface_;
      coarseinterface_ = new ML_NOX::Nox_CoarseProblem_Interface(fineinterface_,level_,ml_printlevel_,
   // restrict the xfine-vector to this level 
   Epetra_Vector* xthis = coarseinterface_->restrict_fine_to_this(xfine);
   if (!xthis)
     cout << "**ERR**: ML_Epetra::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel:\n"
          << "**ERR**: ML_Epetra::Nox_CoarseProblem_Interface::restrict_fine_to_this returned NULL on level " 
          << level_ << "\n"
          << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;

   Epetra_Vector* xc = new Epetra_Vector(graph_->RowMap(),false);
   // FIXME: after intesive testing, this test might be obsolet
#if 0
   bool samemap = xc->Map().PointSameAs(xthis->Map());
   if (samemap)
#if 0
      cout << "**WRN** Maps are not equal in\n"
           << "**WRN** file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n";
      // import the xthis vector in the Map that ML produced for graph_
      Epetra_Import* importer = new Epetra_Import(graph_->RowMap(),xthis->Map());  
      int ierr = xc->Import(*xthis,*importer,Insert);
      if (ierr)
         cout << "**ERR**: ML_Epetra::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel:\n"
              << "**ERR**: export from xthis to xc returned err=" << ierr <<"\n"
              << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;
      if (importer) delete importer; importer = 0;
   if (xthis) delete xthis; xthis = 0;

   // create the coloring of the graph
   if (ml_printlevel_>0 && comm_.MyPID()==0)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Entering Recoloring on level " << level_ << "\n";
   double t0 = GetClock();
   if (!same) // te graph has obviously changed, so we need to recolor
      if (colorMap_) delete colorMap_; colorMap_ = 0;
      if (colorMapIndex_) delete colorMapIndex_; colorMapIndex_ = 0;
      if (colorcolumns_) delete colorcolumns_; colorcolumns_ = 0;

      colorMap_ = ML_NOX::ML_Nox_collapsedcoloring(graph_,bsize_,isDiagonalOnly_,ml_printlevel_);
      if (!colorMap_) colorMap_ = ML_NOX::ML_Nox_standardcoloring(graph_,isDiagonalOnly_);
      colorMapIndex_ = new EpetraExt::CrsGraph_MapColoringIndex(*colorMap_);
      colorcolumns_  = &(*colorMapIndex_)(*graph_);
    else if (ml_printlevel_>0 && comm_.MyPID()==0)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Reusing existing Coloring on level " << level_ << "\n";
    double t1 = GetClock();
    if (ml_printlevel_>5)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Proc " << comm_.MyPID() <<" (Re)Coloring time is " << (t1-t0) << " sec\n";

#if 0
   // print the colorMap_
   if (comm_.MyPID()==0)
   cout << "colorMap_\n";
   cout << *colorMap_;
   for (int i=0; i<colorcolumns_->size(); i++)
      if (comm_.MyPID()==0)
         cout << "the " << i << " th colorcolumn_ - vector\n";
      cout << colorcolumns_->operator[](i);
   // construct the FiniteDifferenceColoring-Matrix
   if (ml_printlevel_>0 && comm_.MyPID()==0)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Entering Construction FD-Operator on level " << level_ << "\n";

   t0 = GetClock();
#if 1 // FD-operator with coloring (see the #if 1 in ml_nox_matrixfreelevel.H as well!)
   FD_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::FiniteDifferenceColoring(*coarseinterface_,
#else // FD-operator without coloring
   FD_ = new NOX::EpetraNew::FiniteDifference(*coarseinterface_,

   // set differencing method
   if (fd_centered_)

   bool err = FD_->computeJacobian(*xc); 
   if (err==false)
     cout << "**ERR**: ML_Epetra::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel::ML_Nox_MatrixfreeLevel:\n"
          << "**ERR**: NOX::Epetra::FiniteDifferenceColoring returned an error on level " 
          << level_ << "\n"
          << "**ERR**: file/line: " << __FILE__ << "/" << __LINE__ << "\n"; throw -1;

   t1 = GetClock();
   if (ml_printlevel_>5)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Proc " << comm_.MyPID() 
           <<" Finite Differencing operator constr. in " << (t1-t0) << " sec\n";

   // get ref to computed Epetra_CrsMatrix  
   A_ = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix*>(&(FD_->getUnderlyingMatrix()));
   // print number of calls to the coarse interface
   if (ml_printlevel_>5 && comm_.MyPID()==0)
      cout << "matrixfreeML (level " << level_ << "): Calls to coarse-computeF in FD-Operator: "
           << coarseinterface_->numcallscomputeF() << "\n"; 
   // set counter for number of calls to the coarseinterface_->computeF back to zero
   // tidy up 
   if (xc)       delete xc;       xc = 0;
   return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Amesos_Dscpack.cpp プロジェクト: 00liujj/trilinos
int Amesos_Dscpack::PerformSymbolicFactorization()

  MyPID_    = Comm().MyPID();
  NumProcs_ = Comm().NumProc();
  Epetra_RowMatrix *RowMatrixA = Problem_->GetMatrix();
  if (RowMatrixA == 0)

  const Epetra_Map& OriginalMap = RowMatrixA->RowMatrixRowMap() ;
  const Epetra_MpiComm& comm1   = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_MpiComm &> (Comm());
  int numrows                   = RowMatrixA->NumGlobalRows();
  int numentries                = RowMatrixA->NumGlobalNonzeros();

  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsGraph> Graph;

  Epetra_CrsMatrix* CastCrsMatrixA = 

  if (CastCrsMatrixA)
    Graph = Teuchos::rcp(const_cast<Epetra_CrsGraph*>(&(CastCrsMatrixA->Graph())), false);
    int MaxNumEntries = RowMatrixA->MaxNumEntries();
    Graph = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_CrsGraph(Copy, OriginalMap, MaxNumEntries));

    std::vector<int>    Indices(MaxNumEntries);
    std::vector<double> Values(MaxNumEntries);

    for (int i = 0 ; i < RowMatrixA->NumMyRows() ; ++i)
      int NumEntries;
      RowMatrixA->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries, NumEntries,
                                   &Values[0], &Indices[0]);

      for (int j = 0 ; j < NumEntries ; ++j)
        Indices[j] = RowMatrixA->RowMatrixColMap().GID(Indices[j]);

      int GlobalRow = RowMatrixA->RowMatrixRowMap().GID(i);
      Graph->InsertGlobalIndices(GlobalRow, NumEntries, &Indices[0]);


  //  Create a replicated map and graph 
  std::vector<int> AllIDs( numrows ) ; 
  for ( int i = 0; i < numrows ; i++ ) AllIDs[i] = i ; 

  Epetra_Map      ReplicatedMap( -1, numrows, &AllIDs[0], 0, Comm());
  Epetra_Import   ReplicatedImporter(ReplicatedMap, OriginalMap);
  Epetra_CrsGraph ReplicatedGraph( Copy, ReplicatedMap, 0 ); 

  AMESOS_CHK_ERR(ReplicatedGraph.Import(*Graph, ReplicatedImporter, Insert));

  //  Convert the matrix to Ap, Ai
  std::vector <int> Replicates(numrows);
  std::vector <int> Ap(numrows + 1);
  std::vector <int> Ai(EPETRA_MAX(numrows, numentries));

  for( int i = 0 ; i < numrows; i++ ) Replicates[i] = 1; 
  int NumEntriesPerRow ;
  int *ColIndices = 0 ;
  int Ai_index = 0 ; 
  for ( int MyRow = 0; MyRow <numrows; MyRow++ ) {
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( ReplicatedGraph.ExtractMyRowView( MyRow, NumEntriesPerRow, ColIndices ) );
    Ap[MyRow] = Ai_index ; 
    for ( int j = 0; j < NumEntriesPerRow; j++ ) { 
      Ai[Ai_index] = ColIndices[j] ; 
  assert( Ai_index == numentries ) ; 
  Ap[ numrows ] = Ai_index ; 
  MtxConvTime_ = AddTime("Total matrix conversion time", MtxConvTime_, 0);


  //  Call Dscpack Symbolic Factorization
  int OrderCode = 2;
  std::vector<double> MyANonZ;
  NumLocalNonz = 0 ; 
  GlobalStructNewColNum = 0 ; 
  GlobalStructNewNum = 0 ;  
  GlobalStructOwner = 0 ; 
  LocalStructOldNum = 0 ; 
  NumGlobalCols = 0 ; 
  // MS // Have to define the maximum number of processes to be used
  // MS // This is only a suggestion as Dscpack uses a number of processes that is a power of 2  

  int NumGlobalNonzeros = GetProblem()->GetMatrix()->NumGlobalNonzeros();
  int NumRows = GetProblem()->GetMatrix()->NumGlobalRows(); 

  // optimal value for MaxProcs == -1
  int OptNumProcs1 = 1+EPETRA_MAX( NumRows/10000, NumGlobalNonzeros/1000000 );
  OptNumProcs1 = EPETRA_MIN(NumProcs_,OptNumProcs1 );

  // optimal value for MaxProcs == -2

  int OptNumProcs2 = (int)sqrt(1.0 * NumProcs_);
  if( OptNumProcs2 < 1 ) OptNumProcs2 = 1;

  // fix the value of MaxProcs

  switch (MaxProcs_) 
  case -1:
    MaxProcs_ = EPETRA_MIN(OptNumProcs1, NumProcs_);
  case -2:
    MaxProcs_ = EPETRA_MIN(OptNumProcs2, NumProcs_);
  case -3:
    MaxProcs_ = NumProcs_;

#if 0
  if (MyDscRank>=0 && A_and_LU_built) { 
  //  if ( ! A_and_LU_built ) { 
  //    DSC_End( PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject ) ; 
  //    PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject = DSC_Begin() ;
  //  } 

  // MS // here I continue with the old code...
  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);

  DscNumProcs = 1 ; 
  int DscMax = DSC_Analyze( numrows, &Ap[0], &Ai[0], &Replicates[0] );

  while ( DscNumProcs * 2 <=EPETRA_MIN( MaxProcs_, DscMax ) )  DscNumProcs *= 2 ;
  MyDscRank = -1; 
  DSC_Open0( PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject_, DscNumProcs, &MyDscRank, comm1.Comm()) ; 
  NumLocalCols = 0 ; // This is for those processes not in the Dsc grid
  if ( MyDscRank >= 0 ) { 
    assert( MyPID_ == MyDscRank ) ; 
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DSC_Order ( PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject_, OrderCode, numrows, &Ap[0], &Ai[0], 
				&Replicates[0], &NumGlobalCols, &NumLocalStructs, 
				&NumLocalCols, &NumLocalNonz, 
				&GlobalStructNewColNum, &GlobalStructNewNum, 
				&GlobalStructOwner, &LocalStructOldNum ) ) ; 
    assert( NumGlobalCols == numrows ) ; 
    assert( NumLocalCols == NumLocalStructs ) ; 

  if ( MyDscRank >= 0 ) { 
    int MaxSingleBlock; 
    const int Limit = 5000000 ;  //  Memory Limit set to 5 Terabytes 
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( DSC_SFactor ( PrivateDscpackData_->MyDSCObject_, &TotalMemory_, 
				  &MaxSingleBlock, Limit, DSC_LBLAS3, DSC_DBLAS2 ) ) ; 
  //  A_and_LU_built = true;   // If you uncomment this, TestOptions fails
  SymFactTime_ = AddTime("Total symbolic factorization time", SymFactTime_, 0);

コード例 #9
ファイル: RunParaklete.cpp プロジェクト: 00liujj/trilinos
int MyCreateCrsMatrix( char *in_filename, const Epetra_Comm &Comm, 
		     Epetra_Map *& readMap,
		     const bool transpose, const bool distribute, 
		     bool& symmetric, Epetra_CrsMatrix *& Matrix ) {

  Epetra_CrsMatrix * readA = 0; 
  Epetra_Vector * readx = 0; 
  Epetra_Vector * readb = 0;
  Epetra_Vector * readxexact = 0;

  //  This hack allows TestOptions to be run from either the test/TestOptions/ directory or from 
  //  the test/ directory (as it is in nightly testing and in make "run-tests")
  FILE *in_file = fopen( in_filename, "r");

  char *filename;
  if (in_file == NULL ) 
    filename = &in_filename[1] ; //  Strip off ithe "." from
				 //  "../" and try again 
  else {
    filename = in_filename ;
    fclose( in_file );

  symmetric = false ; 
  std::string FileName = filename ;

  int FN_Size = FileName.size() ; 
  std::string LastFiveBytes = FileName.substr( EPETRA_MAX(0,FN_Size-5), FN_Size );
  std::string LastFourBytes = FileName.substr( EPETRA_MAX(0,FN_Size-4), FN_Size );

  if ( LastFiveBytes == ".triU" ) { 
    // Call routine to read in unsymmetric Triplet matrix
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Trilinos_Util_ReadTriples2Epetra( filename, false, Comm, readMap, readA, readx, 
						      readb, readxexact) );
    symmetric = false; 
  } else {
    if ( LastFiveBytes == ".triS" ) { 
      // Call routine to read in symmetric Triplet matrix
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Trilinos_Util_ReadTriples2Epetra( filename, true, Comm, readMap, readA, readx, 
							readb, readxexact) );
      symmetric = true; 
    } else {
      if (  LastFourBytes == ".mtx" ) { 
	EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Trilinos_Util_ReadMatrixMarket2Epetra( filename, Comm, readMap, 
							       readA, readx, readb, readxexact) );   
	FILE* in_file = fopen( filename, "r");
	assert (in_file != NULL) ;  // Checked in Trilinos_Util_CountMatrixMarket() 
	const int BUFSIZE = 800 ; 
	char buffer[BUFSIZE] ; 
	fgets( buffer, BUFSIZE, in_file ) ;  // Pick symmetry info off of this string 
	std::string headerline1 = buffer;
#ifdef TFLOP
	if ( headerline1.find("symmetric") < BUFSIZE ) symmetric = true;
	if ( headerline1.find("symmetric") != std::string::npos) symmetric = true; 


      } else {
	// Call routine to read in HB problem
	Trilinos_Util_ReadHb2Epetra( filename, Comm, readMap, readA, readx, 
						     readb, readxexact) ;
	if (  LastFourBytes == ".rsa" ) symmetric = true ; 

  if ( readb )  delete readb;
  if ( readx ) delete readx;
  if ( readxexact ) delete readxexact;

  Epetra_CrsMatrix *serialA ; 
  Epetra_CrsMatrix *transposeA;

  if ( transpose ) {
    transposeA = new Epetra_CrsMatrix( Copy, *readMap, 0 );
    assert( CrsMatrixTranspose( readA, transposeA ) == 0 ); 
    serialA = transposeA ; 
    delete readA;
    readA = 0 ; 
  } else {
    serialA = readA ; 

  assert( (void *) &serialA->Graph() ) ;
  assert( (void *) &serialA->RowMap() ) ;
  assert( serialA->RowMap().SameAs(*readMap) ) ; 

  if ( distribute ) { 
    // Create uniform distributed map
    Epetra_Map DistMap(readMap->NumGlobalElements(), 0, Comm);

    // Create Exporter to distribute read-in matrix and vectors
    Epetra_Export exporter( *readMap, DistMap );
    Epetra_CrsMatrix *Amat = new Epetra_CrsMatrix( Copy, DistMap, 0 );
    Amat->Export(*serialA, exporter, Add);
    Matrix = Amat; 
    //  Make sure that deleting Amat->RowMap() will delete map 
    //  Bug:  We can't manage to delete map his way anyway,
    //        and this fails on tranposes, so for now I just accept
    //        the memory loss.
    //    assert( &(Amat->RowMap()) == map ) ; 
    delete readMap; 
    readMap = 0 ; 
    delete serialA; 
  } else { 

    Matrix = serialA; 

  return 0;
コード例 #10
operator()( OriginalTypeRef orig )
  origObj_ = &orig;

  int i, j, err;

  if( !TransposeRowMap_ )
    if( IgnoreNonLocalCols_ )
      TransposeRowMap_ = (Epetra_Map *) &(orig.OperatorRangeMap()); // Should be replaced with refcount =
      TransposeRowMap_ = (Epetra_Map *) &(orig.OperatorDomainMap()); // Should be replaced with refcount =

  // This routine will work for any RowMatrix object, but will attempt cast the matrix to a CrsMatrix if
  // possible (because we can then use a View of the matrix and graph, which is much cheaper).

  // First get the local indices to count how many nonzeros will be in the 
  // transpose graph on each processor
  Epetra_CrsMatrix * OrigCrsMatrix = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix*>(&orig);

  OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_ = (OrigCrsMatrix!=0); // If this pointer is non-zero, the cast to CrsMatrix worked

  NumMyRows_ = orig.NumMyRows();
  NumMyCols_ = orig.NumMyCols();
  TransNumNz_ = new int[NumMyCols_];
  TransIndices_ = new int*[NumMyCols_];
  TransValues_ = new double*[NumMyCols_];
  TransMyGlobalEquations_ = new int[NumMyCols_];

  int NumIndices;

  if (OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_)
    const Epetra_CrsGraph & OrigGraph = OrigCrsMatrix->Graph(); // Get matrix graph

    for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++)
      err = OrigGraph.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Indices_); // Get view of ith row
      if (err != 0) throw OrigGraph.ReportError("ExtractMyRowView failed",err);
      for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) ++TransNumNz_[Indices_[j]];
  else // Original is not a CrsMatrix
    MaxNumEntries_ = 0;
    int NumEntries;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++)
      orig.NumMyRowEntries(i, NumEntries);
      MaxNumEntries_ = EPETRA_MAX(MaxNumEntries_, NumEntries);
    Indices_ = new int[MaxNumEntries_];
    Values_ = new double[MaxNumEntries_];

    for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++)
      err = orig.ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_); 
      if (err != 0) {
        std::cerr << "ExtractMyRowCopy failed."<<std::endl;
        throw err;
      for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) ++TransNumNz_[Indices_[j]];

  // Most of remaining code is common to both cases
  for(i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++)
    NumIndices = TransNumNz_[i];
    if (NumIndices>0)
      TransIndices_[i] = new int[NumIndices];
      TransValues_[i] = new double[NumIndices];

  // Now copy values and global indices into newly create transpose storage

  for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0; // Reset transpose NumNz counter
  for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++)
    if (OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_)
      err = OrigCrsMatrix->ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_);
      err = orig.ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_);
    if (err != 0) {
      std::cerr << "ExtractMyRowCopy failed."<<std::endl;
      throw err;

    int ii = orig.RowMatrixRowMap().GID(i);
    for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++)
      int TransRow = Indices_[j];
      int loc = TransNumNz_[TransRow];
      TransIndices_[TransRow][loc] = ii;
      TransValues_[TransRow][loc] = Values_[j];
      ++TransNumNz_[TransRow]; // increment counter into current transpose row

  //  Build Transpose matrix with some rows being shared across processors.
  //  We will use a view here since the matrix will not be used for anything else

  const Epetra_Map & TransMap = orig.RowMatrixColMap();

  Epetra_CrsMatrix TempTransA1(View, TransMap, TransNumNz_);
  for (i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++) {
    err = TempTransA1.InsertGlobalValues(TransMyGlobalEquations_[i], 
                     TransNumNz_[i], TransValues_[i], TransIndices_[i]);
    if (err < 0) throw TempTransA1.ReportError("InsertGlobalValues failed.",err);
  // Note: The following call to FillComplete is currently necessary because
  //      some global constants that are needed by the Export () are computed in this routine
  err = TempTransA1.FillComplete(orig.OperatorRangeMap(),*TransposeRowMap_, false);
  if (err != 0) {
    throw TempTransA1.ReportError("FillComplete failed.",err);

  // Now that transpose matrix with shared rows is entered, create a new matrix that will
  // get the transpose with uniquely owned rows (using the same row distribution as A).
  if( IgnoreNonLocalCols_ )
    TransposeMatrix_ = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *TransposeRowMap_, *TransposeRowMap_, 0);
    TransposeMatrix_ = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *TransposeRowMap_,0);

  // Create an Export object that will move TempTransA around
  TransposeExporter_ = new Epetra_Export(TransMap, *TransposeRowMap_);

  err = TransposeMatrix_->Export(TempTransA1, *TransposeExporter_, Add);
  if (err != 0) throw TransposeMatrix_->ReportError("Export failed.",err);
  err = TransposeMatrix_->FillComplete(orig.OperatorRangeMap(),*TransposeRowMap_);
  if (err != 0) throw TransposeMatrix_->ReportError("FillComplete failed.",err);

  if (MakeDataContiguous_) {
    err = TransposeMatrix_->MakeDataContiguous();
    if (err != 0) throw TransposeMatrix_->ReportError("MakeDataContiguous failed.",err);

  newObj_ = TransposeMatrix_;

  return *newObj_;
コード例 #11
ファイル: cxx_main.cpp プロジェクト: cakeisalie/oomphlib_003
int check(Epetra_CrsMatrix& A, int NumMyRows1, int NumGlobalRows1, int NumMyNonzeros1,
					int NumGlobalNonzeros1, int* MyGlobalElements, bool verbose) 
  int ierr = 0, forierr = 0;
  int NumGlobalIndices;
  int NumMyIndices;
	int* MyViewIndices = 0;
	int* GlobalViewIndices = 0;
  double* MyViewValues = 0;
	double* GlobalViewValues = 0;
  int MaxNumIndices = A.Graph().MaxNumIndices();
  int* MyCopyIndices = new int[MaxNumIndices];
  int* GlobalCopyIndices = new int[MaxNumIndices];
  double* MyCopyValues = new double[MaxNumIndices];
  double* GlobalCopyValues = new double[MaxNumIndices];

  // Test query functions

  int NumMyRows = A.NumMyRows();
  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumber of local Rows = " << NumMyRows << endl<< endl;


  int NumMyNonzeros = A.NumMyNonzeros();
  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumber of local Nonzero entries = " << NumMyNonzeros << endl<< endl;


  int NumGlobalRows = A.NumGlobalRows();
  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumber of global Rows = " << NumGlobalRows << endl<< endl;


  int NumGlobalNonzeros = A.NumGlobalNonzeros();
  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nNumber of global Nonzero entries = " << NumGlobalNonzeros << endl<< endl;


  // GlobalRowView should be illegal (since we have local indices)

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(A.ExtractGlobalRowView(A.RowMap().MaxMyGID(), NumGlobalIndices, GlobalViewValues, GlobalViewIndices)==-2),ierr);

  // Other binary tests


  forierr = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < NumMyRows; i++) {
    int Row = A.GRID(i);
    A.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(Row, MaxNumIndices, NumGlobalIndices, GlobalCopyValues, GlobalCopyIndices);
    A.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumMyIndices, MyViewValues, MyViewIndices); // this is where the problem comes from
    forierr += !(NumGlobalIndices == NumMyIndices);
    for(int j = 1; j < NumMyIndices; j++) {
			forierr += !(MyViewIndices[j-1] < MyViewIndices[j]); // this is where the test fails
    for(int j = 0; j < NumGlobalIndices; j++) {
			forierr += !(GlobalCopyIndices[j] == A.GCID(MyViewIndices[j]));
			forierr += !(A.LCID(GlobalCopyIndices[j]) == MyViewIndices[j]);
			forierr += !(GlobalCopyValues[j] == MyViewValues[j]);

  forierr = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < NumMyRows; i++) {
    int Row = A.GRID(i);
    A.ExtractGlobalRowCopy(Row, MaxNumIndices, NumGlobalIndices, GlobalCopyValues, GlobalCopyIndices);
    A.ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumIndices, NumMyIndices, MyCopyValues, MyCopyIndices);
    forierr += !(NumGlobalIndices == NumMyIndices);
    for (int j = 1; j < NumMyIndices; j++) 
			forierr += !(MyCopyIndices[j-1] < MyCopyIndices[j]);
    for (int j = 0; j < NumGlobalIndices; j++) {
			forierr += !(GlobalCopyIndices[j] == A.GCID(MyCopyIndices[j]));
			forierr += !(A.LCID(GlobalCopyIndices[j]) == MyCopyIndices[j]);
			forierr += !(GlobalCopyValues[j] == MyCopyValues[j]);


  delete [] MyCopyIndices;
  delete [] GlobalCopyIndices;
  delete [] MyCopyValues;
  delete [] GlobalCopyValues;

  if (verbose) cout << "\n\nRows sorted check OK" << endl<< endl;

  return (ierr);
コード例 #12
ファイル: cxx_main.cpp プロジェクト: cakeisalie/oomphlib_003
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  Epetra_MpiComm Comm (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  cout << Comm << endl;

  int MyPID = Comm.MyPID();

  bool verbose = false;
  bool verbose1 = true;
  if (MyPID==0) verbose = true;

  if(argc < 2 && verbose) {
    cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] 
	 << " HB_filename [level_fill [level_overlap [absolute_threshold [ relative_threshold]]]]" << endl
	 << "where:" << endl
	 << "HB_filename        - filename and path of a Harwell-Boeing data set" << endl
	 << "level_fill         - The amount of fill to use for ILU(k) preconditioner (default 0)" << endl
	 << "level_overlap      - The amount of overlap used for overlapping Schwarz subdomains (default 0)" << endl
	 << "absolute_threshold - The minimum value to place on the diagonal prior to factorization (default 0.0)" << endl
	 << "relative_threshold - The relative amount to perturb the diagonal prior to factorization (default 1.0)" << endl << endl
	 << "To specify a non-default value for one of these parameters, you must specify all" << endl
	 << " preceding values but not any subsequent parameters. Example:" << endl
	 << "ifpackHpcSerialMsr.exe mymatrix.hpc 1  - loads mymatrix.hpc, uses level fill of one, all other values are defaults" << endl
	 << endl;


  // Uncomment the next three lines to debug in mpi mode
  //int tmp;
  //if (MyPID==0) cin >> tmp;

  Epetra_Map * readMap;
  Epetra_CrsMatrix * readA; 
  Epetra_Vector * readx; 
  Epetra_Vector * readb;
  Epetra_Vector * readxexact;
  // Call routine to read in HB problem
  Trilinos_Util_ReadHb2Epetra(argv[1], Comm, readMap, readA, readx, readb, readxexact);

  // Create uniform distributed map
  Epetra_Map map(readMap->NumGlobalElements(), 0, Comm);

  // Create Exporter to distribute read-in matrix and vectors

  Epetra_Export exporter(*readMap, map);
  Epetra_CrsMatrix A(Copy, map, 0);
  Epetra_Vector x(map);
  Epetra_Vector b(map);
  Epetra_Vector xexact(map);

  Epetra_Time FillTimer(Comm);
  x.Export(*readx, exporter, Add);
  b.Export(*readb, exporter, Add);
  xexact.Export(*readxexact, exporter, Add);
  double vectorRedistributeTime = FillTimer.ElapsedTime();
  A.Export(*readA, exporter, Add);
  double matrixRedistributeTime = FillTimer.ElapsedTime() - vectorRedistributeTime;
  double fillCompleteTime = FillTimer.ElapsedTime() - matrixRedistributeTime;
  if (Comm.MyPID()==0)	{
    cout << "\n\n****************************************************" << endl;
    cout << "\n Vector redistribute  time (sec) = " << vectorRedistributeTime<< endl;
    cout << "    Matrix redistribute time (sec) = " << matrixRedistributeTime << endl;
    cout << "    Transform to Local  time (sec) = " << fillCompleteTime << endl<< endl;
  Epetra_Vector tmp1(*readMap);
  Epetra_Vector tmp2(map);
  readA->Multiply(false, *readxexact, tmp1);

  A.Multiply(false, xexact, tmp2);
  double residual;
  if (verbose) cout << "Norm of Ax from file            = " << residual << endl;
  if (verbose) cout << "Norm of Ax after redistribution = " << residual << endl << endl << endl;

  //cout << "A from file = " << *readA << endl << endl << endl;

  //cout << "A after dist = " << A << endl << endl << endl;

  delete readA;
  delete readx;
  delete readb;
  delete readxexact;
  delete readMap;


  bool smallProblem = false;
  if (A.RowMap().NumGlobalElements()<100) smallProblem = true;

  if (smallProblem)
    cout << "Original Matrix = " << endl << A   << endl;


  Epetra_LinearProblem FullProblem(&A, &x, &b);
  double normb, norma;
  norma = A.NormInf();
  if (verbose)
    cout << "Inf norm of Original Matrix = " << norma << endl
	 << "Inf norm of Original RHS    = " << normb << endl;
  Epetra_Time ReductionTimer(Comm);
  Epetra_CrsSingletonFilter SingletonFilter;
  double reduceInitTime = ReductionTimer.ElapsedTime();
  double reduceAnalyzeTime = ReductionTimer.ElapsedTime() - reduceInitTime;

  if (SingletonFilter.SingletonsDetected())
    cout << "Singletons found" << endl;
  else {
    cout << "Singletons not found" << endl;
  double reduceConstructTime = ReductionTimer.ElapsedTime() - reduceInitTime;

  double totalReduceTime = ReductionTimer.ElapsedTime();

  if (verbose)
    cout << "\n\n****************************************************" << endl
	 << "    Reduction init  time (sec)           = " << reduceInitTime<< endl
	 << "    Reduction Analyze time (sec)         = " << reduceAnalyzeTime << endl
	 << "    Construct Reduced Problem time (sec) = " << reduceConstructTime << endl
	 << "    Reduction Total time (sec)           = " << totalReduceTime << endl<< endl;


  Epetra_LinearProblem * ReducedProblem = SingletonFilter.ReducedProblem();

  Epetra_CrsMatrix * Ap = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>(ReducedProblem->GetMatrix());
  Epetra_Vector * bp = (*ReducedProblem->GetRHS())(0);
  Epetra_Vector * xp = (*ReducedProblem->GetLHS())(0);

  if (smallProblem)
    cout << " Reduced Matrix = " << endl << *Ap << endl
	 << " LHS before sol = " << endl << *xp << endl
	 << " RHS            = " << endl << *bp << endl;

  // Construct ILU preconditioner

  double elapsed_time, total_flops, MFLOPs;
  Epetra_Time timer(Comm);

  int LevelFill = 0;
  if (argc > 2)  LevelFill = atoi(argv[2]);
  if (verbose) cout << "Using Level Fill = " << LevelFill << endl;
  int Overlap = 0;
  if (argc > 3) Overlap = atoi(argv[3]);
  if (verbose) cout << "Using Level Overlap = " << Overlap << endl;
  double Athresh = 0.0;
  if (argc > 4) Athresh = atof(argv[4]);
  if (verbose) cout << "Using Absolute Threshold Value of = " << Athresh << endl;

  double Rthresh = 1.0;
  if (argc > 5) Rthresh = atof(argv[5]);
  if (verbose) cout << "Using Relative Threshold Value of = " << Rthresh << endl;

  Ifpack_IlukGraph * IlukGraph = 0;
  Ifpack_CrsRiluk * ILUK = 0;

  if (LevelFill>-1) {
    elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime();
    IlukGraph = new Ifpack_IlukGraph(Ap->Graph(), LevelFill, Overlap);
    elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime() - elapsed_time;
    if (verbose) cout << "Time to construct ILUK graph = " << elapsed_time << endl;

    Epetra_Flops fact_counter;
    elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime();
    ILUK = new Ifpack_CrsRiluk(*IlukGraph);
    int initerr = ILUK->InitValues(*Ap);
    if (initerr!=0) {
      cout << endl << Comm << endl << "  InitValues error = " << initerr;
      if (initerr==1) cout << "  Zero diagonal found, warning error only";
      cout << endl << endl;
    elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime() - elapsed_time;
    total_flops = ILUK->Flops();
    MFLOPs = total_flops/elapsed_time/1000000.0;
    if (verbose) cout << "Time to compute preconditioner values = " 
		    << elapsed_time << endl
		    << "MFLOPS for Factorization = " << MFLOPs << endl;
    //cout << *ILUK << endl;
  double Condest;
  ILUK->Condest(false, Condest);

  if (verbose) cout << "Condition number estimate for this preconditioner = " << Condest << endl;
  int Maxiter = 100;
  double Tolerance = 1.0E-8;

  Epetra_Flops counter;
  if (ILUK!=0) ILUK->SetFlopCounter(*Ap);

  elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime();

  double normreducedb, normreduceda;
  normreduceda = Ap->NormInf();
  if (verbose) 
    cout << "Inf norm of Reduced Matrix = " << normreduceda << endl
	 << "Inf norm of Reduced RHS    = " << normreducedb << endl;

  BiCGSTAB(*Ap, *xp, *bp, ILUK, Maxiter, Tolerance, &residual, verbose);

  elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime() - elapsed_time;
  total_flops = counter.Flops();
  MFLOPs = total_flops/elapsed_time/1000000.0;
  if (verbose) cout << "Time to compute solution = " 
		    << elapsed_time << endl
		    << "Number of operations in solve = " << total_flops << endl
		    << "MFLOPS for Solve = " << MFLOPs<< endl << endl;


  if (smallProblem)
  cout << " Reduced LHS after sol = " << endl << *xp << endl
       << " Full    LHS after sol = " << endl << x << endl
       << " Full  Exact LHS         = " << endl << xexact << endl;

  Epetra_Vector resid(x);

  resid.Update(1.0, x, -1.0, xexact, 0.0); // resid = xcomp - xexact

  double normx, normxexact;

  if (verbose) 
    cout << "2-norm of computed solution                               = " << normx << endl
	 << "2-norm of exact solution                                  = " << normxexact << endl
	 << "2-norm of difference between computed and exact solution  = " << residual << endl;
  if (verbose1 && residual>1.0e-5) {
    if (verbose)
      cout << "Difference between computed and exact solution appears large..." << endl
	   << "Computing norm of A times this difference.  If this norm is small, then matrix is singular"
	   << endl;
    Epetra_Vector bdiff(b);
    assert(A.Multiply(false, resid, bdiff)==0);
    if (verbose) 
      cout << "2-norm of A times difference between computed and exact solution  = " << residual << endl;
  if (verbose) 
    cout << "********************************************************" << endl
	 << "              Solving again with 2*Ax=2*b" << endl
	 << "********************************************************" << endl;

  A.Scale(1.0); // A = 2*A
  b.Scale(1.0); // b = 2*b
  norma = A.NormInf();
  if (verbose)
    cout << "Inf norm of Original Matrix = " << norma << endl
	 << "Inf norm of Original RHS    = " << normb << endl;
  double updateReducedProblemTime = ReductionTimer.ElapsedTime();
  updateReducedProblemTime = ReductionTimer.ElapsedTime() - updateReducedProblemTime;
  if (verbose)
    cout << "\n\n****************************************************" << endl
	 << "    Update Reduced Problem time (sec)           = " << updateReducedProblemTime<< endl
	 << "****************************************************" << endl;

  if (LevelFill>-1) {

    Epetra_Flops fact_counter;
    elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime();

    int initerr = ILUK->InitValues(*Ap);
    if (initerr!=0) {
      cout << endl << Comm << endl << "  InitValues error = " << initerr;
      if (initerr==1) cout << "  Zero diagonal found, warning error only";
      cout << endl << endl;
    elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime() - elapsed_time;
    total_flops = ILUK->Flops();
    MFLOPs = total_flops/elapsed_time/1000000.0;
    if (verbose) cout << "Time to compute preconditioner values = " 
		    << elapsed_time << endl
		    << "MFLOPS for Factorization = " << MFLOPs << endl;
    double Condest;
    ILUK->Condest(false, Condest);
    if (verbose) cout << "Condition number estimate for this preconditioner = " << Condest << endl;
  normreduceda = Ap->NormInf();
  if (verbose) 
    cout << "Inf norm of Reduced Matrix = " << normreduceda << endl
	 << "Inf norm of Reduced RHS    = " << normreducedb << endl;

  BiCGSTAB(*Ap, *xp, *bp, ILUK, Maxiter, Tolerance, &residual, verbose);

  elapsed_time = timer.ElapsedTime() - elapsed_time;
  total_flops = counter.Flops();
  MFLOPs = total_flops/elapsed_time/1000000.0;
  if (verbose) cout << "Time to compute solution = " 
		    << elapsed_time << endl
		    << "Number of operations in solve = " << total_flops << endl
		    << "MFLOPS for Solve = " << MFLOPs<< endl << endl;


  if (smallProblem)
  cout << " Reduced LHS after sol = " << endl << *xp << endl
       << " Full    LHS after sol = " << endl << x << endl
       << " Full  Exact LHS         = " << endl << xexact << endl;

  resid.Update(1.0, x, -1.0, xexact, 0.0); // resid = xcomp - xexact


  if (verbose) 
    cout << "2-norm of computed solution                               = " << normx << endl
	 << "2-norm of exact solution                                  = " << normxexact << endl
	 << "2-norm of difference between computed and exact solution  = " << residual << endl;
  if (verbose1 && residual>1.0e-5) {
    if (verbose)
      cout << "Difference between computed and exact solution appears large..." << endl
	   << "Computing norm of A times this difference.  If this norm is small, then matrix is singular"
	   << endl;
    Epetra_Vector bdiff(b);
    assert(A.Multiply(false, resid, bdiff)==0);
    if (verbose) 
      cout << "2-norm of A times difference between computed and exact solution  = " << residual << endl;

  if (ILUK!=0) delete ILUK;
  if (IlukGraph!=0) delete IlukGraph;
  MPI_Finalize() ;

return 0 ;
コード例 #13
// ============================================================================ 
int ML_Epetra::MatrixFreePreconditioner::
Compute(const Epetra_CrsGraph& Graph, Epetra_MultiVector& NullSpace)
  Epetra_Time TotalTime(Comm());

  const int NullSpaceDim = NullSpace.NumVectors();
  // get parameters from the list
  std::string PrecType = List_.get("prec: type", "hybrid");
  std::string SmootherType = List_.get("smoother: type", "Jacobi");
  std::string ColoringType = List_.get("coloring: type", "JONES_PLASSMAN");
  int PolynomialDegree = List_.get("smoother: degree", 3);
  std::string DiagonalColoringType = List_.get("diagonal coloring: type", "JONES_PLASSMAN");
  int MaximumIterations = List_.get("eigen-analysis: max iters", 10);
  std::string EigenType_ = List_.get("eigen-analysis: type", "cg");
  double boost = List_.get("eigen-analysis: boost for lambda max", 1.0);
  int OutputLevel = List_.get("ML output", -47);
  if (OutputLevel == -47) OutputLevel =  List_.get("output", 10);
  omega_ = List_.get("smoother: damping", omega_);
  bool LowMemory = List_.get("low memory", true);
  double AllocationFactor = List_.get("AP allocation factor", 0.5);

  verbose_ = (MyPID() == 0 && ML_Get_PrintLevel() > 5);

  // ================ //
  // check parameters //
  // ================ //

  if (PrecType == "presmoother only")
  else if (PrecType == "hybrid")
    PrecType_ = ML_MFP_HYBRID;
  else if (PrecType == "additive")
    PrecType_ = ML_MFP_ADDITIVE;
    ML_CHK_ERR(-3); // not recognized

  if (SmootherType == "none")
    SmootherType_ = ML_MFP_NONE;
  else if (SmootherType == "Jacobi")
    SmootherType_ = ML_MFP_JACOBI;
  else if (SmootherType == "block Jacobi")
    SmootherType_ = ML_MFP_BLOCK_JACOBI;
  else if (SmootherType == "Chebyshev")
    SmootherType_ = ML_MFP_CHEBY;
    ML_CHK_ERR(-4); // not recognized

  if (AllocationFactor <= 0.0)
    ML_CHK_ERR(-1); // should be positive

  // =============================== //
  // basic checkings and some output //
  // =============================== //
  int OperatorDomainPoints =  Operator_.OperatorDomainMap().NumGlobalPoints();
  int OperatorRangePoints =  Operator_.OperatorRangeMap().NumGlobalPoints();
  int GraphBlockRows = Graph.NumGlobalBlockRows();
  int GraphNnz = Graph.NumGlobalNonzeros();
  NumPDEEqns_ = OperatorRangePoints / GraphBlockRows;
  NumMyBlockRows_ = Graph.NumMyBlockRows();

  if (OperatorDomainPoints != OperatorRangePoints)
    ML_CHK_ERR(-1); // only square matrices

  if (OperatorRangePoints % NumPDEEqns_ != 0)
    ML_CHK_ERR(-2); // num PDEs seems not constant

  if (verbose_)
    std::cout << "*** " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "*** ML_Epetra::MatrixFreePreconditioner" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "***" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of rows and columns      = " << OperatorDomainPoints << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of rows per processor    = " << OperatorDomainPoints / Comm().NumProc()
         << " (on average)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of rows in the graph     = " << GraphBlockRows << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of nonzeros in the graph = " << GraphNnz << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Processors used in computation  = " << Comm().NumProc() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of PDE equations         = " << NumPDEEqns_ << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Null space dimension            = " << NullSpaceDim << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Preconditioner type             = " << PrecType << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Smoother type                   = " << SmootherType << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Coloring type                   = " << ColoringType << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Allocation factor               = " << AllocationFactor << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of V-cycles for C        = " << List_.sublist("ML list").get("cycle applications", 1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;


  // ==================================== //
  // compute the inverse of the diagonal, //
  // control that no elements are zero.   //
  // ==================================== //
  for (int i = 0; i < InvPointDiagonal_->MyLength(); ++i)
    if ((*InvPointDiagonal_)[i] != 0.0)
      (*InvPointDiagonal_)[i] = 1.0 / (*InvPointDiagonal_)[i];

  // ========================================================= //
  // Setup the smoother. I need to extract the block diagonal  //
  // only if block Jacobi is used. For Chebyshev, I scale with //
  // the point diagonal only. In this latter case, I need to   //
  // compute lambda_max of the scaled operator.                //
  // ========================================================= //
  // probes for the block diagonal of the matrix.
  if (SmootherType_ == ML_MFP_JACOBI ||
      SmootherType_ == ML_MFP_NONE)
    // do-nothing here
  else if (SmootherType_ == ML_MFP_BLOCK_JACOBI)
    if (verbose_);
      std::cout << "Diagonal coloring type         = " << DiagonalColoringType << std::endl;
    ML_CHK_ERR(GetBlockDiagonal(Graph, DiagonalColoringType));

    AddAndResetStartTime("block diagonal construction", true);
  else if (SmootherType_ == ML_MFP_CHEBY)
    double lambda_min = 0.0;
    double lambda_max = 0.0;
    Teuchos::ParameterList IFPACKList;

    if (EigenType_ == "power-method")
      ML_CHK_ERR(Ifpack_Chebyshev::PowerMethod(Operator_, *InvPointDiagonal_,
                                               MaximumIterations, lambda_max));
    else if(EigenType_ == "cg")
      ML_CHK_ERR(Ifpack_Chebyshev::CG(Operator_, *InvPointDiagonal_,
                                      MaximumIterations, lambda_min, 
      ML_CHK_ERR(-1); // not recognized

    if (verbose_)
      std::cout << "Using Chebyshev smoother of degree " << PolynomialDegree << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Estimating eigenvalues using " <<  EigenType_ << std::endl;
      std::cout << "lambda_min = " << lambda_min << ", ";
      std::cout << "lambda_max = " << lambda_max << std::endl;

    IFPACKList.set("chebyshev: min eigenvalue", lambda_min);
    IFPACKList.set("chebyshev: max eigenvalue", boost * lambda_max);
    // FIXME: this allocates a new std::vector inside
    IFPACKList.set("chebyshev: operator inv diagonal", InvPointDiagonal_.get());
    IFPACKList.set("chebyshev: degree", PolynomialDegree);

    PreSmoother_ = rcp(new Ifpack_Chebyshev((Epetra_Operator*)(&Operator_)));
    if (PreSmoother_.get() == 0) ML_CHK_ERR(-1); // memory error?

    IFPACKList.set("chebyshev: zero starting solution", true);

    PostSmoother_ = rcp(new Ifpack_Chebyshev((Epetra_Operator*)(&Operator_)));
    if (PostSmoother_.get() == 0) ML_CHK_ERR(-1); // memory error?

    IFPACKList.set("chebyshev: zero starting solution", false);

  // ========================================================= //
  // building P and R for block graph. This is done by working //
  // on the Graph_ object. Support is provided for local       //
  // aggregation schemes only so that all is basically local.  //
  // Then, build the block graph coarse problem.               //
  // ========================================================= //
  // ML wrapper for Graph_
  ML_Operator* Graph_ML = ML_Operator_Create(Comm_ML());
  ML_Operator_WrapEpetraCrsGraph(const_cast<Epetra_CrsGraph*>(&Graph), Graph_ML);

  ML_Aggregate* BlockAggr_ML = 0;
  ML_Operator* BlockPtent_ML = 0, *BlockRtent_ML = 0,* CoarseGraph_ML = 0;

  if (verbose_) std::cout << std::endl;

  ML_CHK_ERR(Coarsen(Graph_ML, &BlockAggr_ML, &BlockPtent_ML, &BlockRtent_ML, 

  if (verbose_) std::cout << std::endl;

  Epetra_CrsMatrix* GraphCoarse;
  ML_CHK_ERR(ML_Operator2EpetraCrsMatrix(CoarseGraph_ML, GraphCoarse));

  // used later to estimate the entries in AP
  ML_Operator* CoarseAP_ML = ML_Operator_Create(Comm_ML());
  ML_2matmult(Graph_ML, BlockPtent_ML, CoarseAP_ML, ML_CSR_MATRIX);

  int AP_MaxNnzRow, itmp = CoarseAP_ML->max_nz_per_row;
  Comm().MaxAll(&itmp, &AP_MaxNnzRow, 1);

  int NumAggregates = BlockPtent_ML->invec_leng;

  AddAndResetStartTime("construction of block C, R, and P", true);
  if (verbose_) std::cout << std::endl;

  // ================================================== //
  // coloring of block graph:                           //
  // - color of block row `i' is given by `ColorMap[i]' //
  // - number of colors is ColorMap.NumColors().        //
  // ================================================== //

  CrsGraph_MapColoring* MapColoringTransform;
  if (ColoringType == "JONES_PLASSMAN")
    MapColoringTransform = new CrsGraph_MapColoring (CrsGraph_MapColoring::JONES_PLASSMAN,
                                                     0, false, 0);
  else if (ColoringType == "PSEUDO_PARALLEL")
    MapColoringTransform = new CrsGraph_MapColoring (CrsGraph_MapColoring::PSEUDO_PARALLEL,
                                                     0, false, 0);
  else if (ColoringType == "GREEDY")
    MapColoringTransform = new CrsGraph_MapColoring (CrsGraph_MapColoring::GREEDY,
                                                     0, false, 0);
  else if (ColoringType == "LUBY")
    MapColoringTransform = new CrsGraph_MapColoring (CrsGraph_MapColoring::LUBY,
                                                     0, false, 0);

  Epetra_MapColoring* ColorMap = &(*MapColoringTransform)(const_cast<Epetra_CrsGraph&>(GraphCoarse->Graph()));

  // move the information from ColorMap to std::vector Colors
  const int NumColors = ColorMap->MaxNumColors();
  RefCountPtr<Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector> Colors = rcp(new Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector(GraphCoarse->Graph().NumMyRows()));
  for (int i = 0; i < GraphCoarse->Graph().NumMyRows(); ++i)
    (*Colors)[i] = (*ColorMap)[i];

  delete MapColoringTransform;
  delete ColorMap; ColorMap = 0;
  delete GraphCoarse;

  AddAndResetStartTime("coarse graph coloring", true);
  if (verbose_) std::cout << std::endl;

  // get some other information about the aggregates, to be used
  // in the QR factorization of the null space. NodesOfAggregate
  // contains the local ID of block rows contained in each aggregate.

  // FIXME: make it faster
  std::vector< std::vector<int> > NodesOfAggregate(NumAggregates);

  for (int i = 0; i < Graph.NumMyBlockRows(); ++i)
    int AID = BlockAggr_ML->aggr_info[0][i];

  int MaxAggrSize = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < NumAggregates; ++i)
    const int& MySize = NodesOfAggregate[i].size();
    if (MySize > MaxAggrSize) MaxAggrSize = MySize;

  // collect aggregate information, and mark all nodes that are
  // connected with each aggregate. These nodes will have a possible
  // nonzero entry after the matrix-matrix product between the Operator_
  // and the tentative prolongator.

  std::vector<vector<int> > aggregates(NumAggregates);
  std::vector<int>::iterator iter;

  for (int i = 0; i < NumAggregates; ++i)

  for (int i = 0; i < Graph.NumMyBlockRows(); ++i)
    int AID = BlockAggr_ML->aggr_info[0][i];

    int NumEntries;
    int* Indices;

    Graph.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Indices);

    for (int k = 0; k < NumEntries; ++k)
      // FIXME: use hash??
      const int& GCID = Graph.ColMap().GID(Indices[k]);

      iter = find(aggregates[AID].begin(), aggregates[AID].end(), GCID);
      if (iter == aggregates[AID].end())
  int* BlockNodeList = Graph.ColMap().MyGlobalElements();

  // finally get rid of the ML_Aggregate structure.

  const Epetra_Map& FineMap = Operator_.OperatorDomainMap();
  Epetra_Map CoarseMap(-1, NumAggregates * NullSpaceDim, 0, Comm());
  RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> BlockNodeListMap = 
    rcp(new Epetra_Map(-1, Graph.ColMap().NumMyElements(),
                       BlockNodeList, 0, Comm()));

  std::vector<int> NodeList(Graph.ColMap().NumMyElements() * NumPDEEqns_);
  for (int i = 0; i < Graph.ColMap().NumMyElements(); ++i)
    for (int m = 0; m < NumPDEEqns_; ++m)
      NodeList[i * NumPDEEqns_ + m] = BlockNodeList[i] * NumPDEEqns_ + m;
  RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> NodeListMap = 
    rcp(new Epetra_Map(-1, NodeList.size(), &NodeList[0], 0, Comm()));

  AddAndResetStartTime("data structures", true);

  // ====================== //
  // process the null space //
  // ====================== //

  Epetra_MultiVector NewNullSpace(CoarseMap, NullSpaceDim);

  if (NullSpaceDim == 1)
    double* ns_ptr = NullSpace.Values();

    for (int AID = 0; AID < NumAggregates; ++AID)
      double dtemp = 0.0;
      for (int j = 0; j < (int) (NodesOfAggregate[AID].size()); j++)
        for (int m = 0; m < NumPDEEqns_; ++m)
          const int& pos = NodesOfAggregate[AID][j] * NumPDEEqns_ + m;
          dtemp += (ns_ptr[pos] * ns_ptr[pos]);
      dtemp = std::sqrt(dtemp);

      NewNullSpace[0][AID] = dtemp;

      dtemp = 1.0 / dtemp;

      for (int j = 0; j < (int) (NodesOfAggregate[AID].size()); j++)
        for (int m = 0; m < NumPDEEqns_; ++m)
          ns_ptr[NodesOfAggregate[AID][j] * NumPDEEqns_ + m] *= dtemp;
    // FIXME
    std::vector<double> qr_ptr(MaxAggrSize * NumPDEEqns_ * MaxAggrSize * NumPDEEqns_);
    std::vector<double> tmp_ptr(MaxAggrSize * NumPDEEqns_ * NullSpaceDim);

    std::vector<double> work(NullSpaceDim);
    int info;

    for (int AID = 0; AID < NumAggregates; ++AID)
      int MySize = NodesOfAggregate[AID].size();
      int MyFullSize = NodesOfAggregate[AID].size() * NumPDEEqns_;
      int lwork = NullSpaceDim;

      for (int k = 0; k < NullSpaceDim; ++k)
        for (int j = 0; j < MySize; ++j)
          for (int m = 0; m < NumPDEEqns_; ++m)
            qr_ptr[k * MyFullSize + j * NumPDEEqns_ + m] = 
              NullSpace[k][NodesOfAggregate[AID][j] * NumPDEEqns_ + m];

      DGEQRF_F77(&MyFullSize, (int*)&NullSpaceDim, &qr_ptr[0], 
                 &MyFullSize, &tmp_ptr[0], &work[0], &lwork, &info);


      if (work[0] > lwork) work.resize((int) work[0]);

      // the upper triangle of qr_tmp is now R, so copy that into the 
      //  new nullspace

      for (int j = 0; j < NullSpaceDim; j++)
        for (int k = j; k < NullSpaceDim; k++)
          NewNullSpace[k][AID * NullSpaceDim + j] = qr_ptr[j + MyFullSize * k];
      // to get this block of P, need to run qr_tmp through another LAPACK 
      // function:

      DORGQR_F77(&MyFullSize, (int*)&NullSpaceDim, (int*)&NullSpaceDim, 
                 &qr_ptr[0], &MyFullSize, &tmp_ptr[0], &work[0], &lwork, &info);
      ML_CHK_ERR(info); // dgeqtr returned a non-zero

      if (work[0] > lwork) work.resize((int) work[0]);

      // insert the Q block into the null space

      for (int k = 0; k < NullSpaceDim; ++k)
        for (int j = 0; j < MySize; ++j)
          for (int m = 0; m < NumPDEEqns_; ++m)
            int LRID = NodesOfAggregate[AID][j] * NumPDEEqns_ + m;
            double& val = qr_ptr[k * MyFullSize + j * NumPDEEqns_ + m];
            NullSpace[k][LRID] = val;

  AddAndResetStartTime("null space setup", true);

  if (verbose_)
    std::cout << "Number of colors on processor " << Comm().MyPID() << " = "
        << NumColors << std::endl;
  if (verbose_)
    std::cout << "Maximum number of colors = " << NumColors << std::endl;

  RefCountPtr<Epetra_FECrsMatrix> AP;
  // try to get a good estimate of the nonzeros per row.
  // This is a compromize between efficiency -- that is, reduce
  // the memory allocation processes, and memory usage -- that, is
  // overestimating can actually kill the code. Basically, this is
  // all junk due to our dear friend, the Cray XT3.
  AP = rcp(new Epetra_FECrsMatrix(Copy, FineMap, (int)
                                  (AllocationFactor * AP_MaxNnzRow * NullSpaceDim)));
  if (AP.get() == 0) throw(-1);

  if (!LowMemory)
    // ================================================= //
    // allocate one big chunk of memory, and use View    //             
    // to create Epetra_MultiVectors. Note that          //
    // NumColors * NullSpace can indeed be a quite large //
    // value. To reduce the memory consumption, both     //
    // ColoredAP and ExtColoredAP use the same memory    //
    // array.                                            //
    // ================================================= //
    Epetra_MultiVector* ColoredP;
    std::vector<double> ColoredAP_ptr;

      ColoredP = new Epetra_MultiVector(FineMap, NumColors * NullSpaceDim);
      ColoredAP_ptr.resize(NumColors * NullSpaceDim * NodeListMap->NumMyPoints());
    catch (std::exception& rhs)
      catch_message("the allocation of ColoredP", rhs.what(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    catch (...)
      catch_message("the allocation of ColoredP", "", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    int ColoredAP_LDA = NodeListMap->NumMyPoints();


    for (int i = 0; i < BlockPtent_ML->outvec_leng; ++i)
      int allocated = 1;
      int NumEntries;
      int Indices;
      double Values;
      int ierr = ML_Operator_Getrow(BlockPtent_ML, 1 ,&i, allocated,
      if (ierr < 0)

      assert (NumEntries == 1); // this is the block P
      const int& Color = (*Colors)[Indices] - 1;
      for (int k = 0; k < NumPDEEqns_; ++k)
        for (int j = 0; j < NullSpaceDim; ++j)
          (*ColoredP)[(Color * NullSpaceDim + j)][i * NumPDEEqns_ + k] = 
            NullSpace[j][i * NumPDEEqns_ + k];


    Epetra_MultiVector ColoredAP(View, Operator_.OperatorRangeMap(), 
                                 &ColoredAP_ptr[0], ColoredAP_LDA, 
                                 NumColors * NullSpaceDim);
    // move ColoredAP into ColoredP. This should not be required.
    // but I prefer to skip strange games with View pointers
    Operator_.Apply(*ColoredP, ColoredAP);
    *ColoredP = ColoredAP;

    // FIXME: only if NumProc > 1
    Epetra_MultiVector ExtColoredAP(View, *NodeListMap, 
                                 &ColoredAP_ptr[0], ColoredAP_LDA, 
                                 NumColors * NullSpaceDim);

      Epetra_Import Importer(*NodeListMap, Operator_.OperatorRangeMap());
      ExtColoredAP.Import(*ColoredP, Importer, Insert);
    catch (std::exception& rhs)
      catch_message("importing of ExtColoredAP", rhs.what(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    catch (...)
      catch_message("importing of ExtColoredAP", "", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    delete ColoredP;

    AddAndResetStartTime("computation of AP", true); 

    // populate the actual AP operator, skip some controls to make it faster

    for (int i = 0; i < NumAggregates; ++i)
      for (int j = 0; j < (int) (aggregates[i].size()); ++j)
        int GRID = aggregates[i][j];
        int LRID = BlockNodeListMap->LID(GRID); // this is the block ID
        //assert (LRID != -1);
        int GCID = CoarseMap.GID(i * NullSpaceDim);
        //assert (GCID != -1); 
        int color = (*Colors)[i] - 1;
        for (int k = 0; k < NumPDEEqns_; ++k)
          for (int j = 0; j < NullSpaceDim; ++j)
            double val = ExtColoredAP[color * NullSpaceDim + j][LRID * NumPDEEqns_ + k];
            if (val != 0.0)
              int GRID2 = GRID * NumPDEEqns_ + k;
              int GCID2 = GCID + j;
              AP->InsertGlobalValues(1, &GRID2, 1, &GCID2, &val);
              //if (ierr < 0) ML_CHK_ERR(ierr);
    // =============================================================== //
    // apply the operator one color at-a-time. This requires NumColors //
    // cycles over BlockPtent. However, the memory requirements are    //
    // drastically reduced. As for low-memory == false, both ColoredAP //
    // and ExtColoredAP point to the same memory location.             //
    // =============================================================== //
    if (verbose_)
      std::cout << "Using low-memory computation for AP" << std::endl;

    Epetra_MultiVector ColoredP(FineMap, NullSpaceDim);
    std::vector<double> ColoredAP_ptr;
      ColoredAP_ptr.resize(NullSpaceDim * NodeListMap->NumMyPoints());
    catch (std::exception& rhs)
      catch_message("resizing of ColoredAP_pt", rhs.what(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    catch (...)
      catch_message("resizing of ColoredAP_pt", "", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    Epetra_MultiVector ColoredAP(View, Operator_.OperatorRangeMap(), 
                                 &ColoredAP_ptr[0], NodeListMap->NumMyPoints(), 
    Epetra_MultiVector ExtColoredAP(View, *NodeListMap, 
                                 &ColoredAP_ptr[0], NodeListMap->NumMyPoints(), 
    Epetra_Import Importer(*NodeListMap, Operator_.OperatorRangeMap());

    for (int ic = 0; ic < NumColors; ++ic)
      if (ML_Get_PrintLevel() > 8 && Comm().MyPID() == 0)
        if (ic % 20 == 0)
          std::cout << "Processing color " << flush;

        std::cout << ic << " " << flush;
        if (ic % 20 == 19 || ic == NumColors - 1)
          std::cout << std::endl;
        if (ic == NumColors - 1) std::cout << std::endl;


      for (int i = 0; i < BlockPtent_ML->outvec_leng; ++i)
        int allocated = 1;
        int NumEntries;
        int Indices;
        double Values;
        int ierr = ML_Operator_Getrow(BlockPtent_ML, 1 ,&i, allocated,
        if (ierr < 0 ||  // something strange in getrow
            NumEntries != 1) // this is the block P

        const int& Color = (*Colors)[Indices] - 1;
        if (Color != ic)
          continue; // skip this color for this cycle

        for (int k = 0; k < NumPDEEqns_; ++k)
          for (int j = 0; j < NullSpaceDim; ++j)
            ColoredP[j][i * NumPDEEqns_ + k] = 
              NullSpace[j][i * NumPDEEqns_ + k];

      Operator_.Apply(ColoredP, ColoredAP);
      ColoredP = ColoredAP; // just to be safe

      ExtColoredAP.Import(ColoredP, Importer, Insert);

      // populate the actual AP operator, skip some controls to make it faster

      std::vector<int> InsertCols(NullSpaceDim * NumPDEEqns_);
      std::vector<double> InsertValues(NullSpaceDim * NumPDEEqns_);

      for (int i = 0; i < NumAggregates; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < (int) (aggregates[i].size()); ++j)
          int GRID = aggregates[i][j];
          int LRID = BlockNodeListMap->LID(GRID); // this is the block ID
          //assert (LRID != -1);
          int GCID = CoarseMap.GID(i * NullSpaceDim);
          //assert (GCID != -1); 
          int color = (*Colors)[i] - 1;
          if (color != ic) continue;

          for (int k = 0; k < NumPDEEqns_; ++k)
            int count = 0;
            int GRID2 = GRID * NumPDEEqns_ + k;
            for (int j = 0; j < NullSpaceDim; ++j)
              double val = ExtColoredAP[j][LRID * NumPDEEqns_ + k];
              if (val != 0.0)
                InsertCols[count] = GCID + j;
                InsertValues[count] = val;
            AP->InsertGlobalValues(1, &GRID2, count, &InsertCols[0], 


  BlockNodeListMap = Teuchos::null;
  NodeListMap = Teuchos::null;

  Colors = Teuchos::null;

  AP->FillComplete(CoarseMap, FineMap);

#if 0
    // a memory error was reported, typically ReportError.
    // We just continue with fingers crossed.

  AddAndResetStartTime("computation of the final AP", true); 

  ML_Operator* AP_ML = ML_Operator_Create(Comm_ML());
  ML_Operator_WrapEpetraMatrix(AP.get(), AP_ML);

  // ======== //
  // create R //
  // ======== //
  std::vector<int> REntries(NumAggregates * NullSpaceDim);
  for (int AID = 0; AID < NumAggregates; ++AID)
    for (int m = 0; m < NullSpaceDim; ++m)
      REntries[AID * NullSpaceDim + m] = NodesOfAggregate[AID].size() * NumPDEEqns_;

  R_ = rcp(new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, CoarseMap, &REntries[0], true));

  for (int AID = 0; AID < NumAggregates; ++AID)
    const int& MySize = NodesOfAggregate[AID].size();

    // FIXME: make it faster
    for (int j = 0; j < MySize; ++j)
      for (int m = 0; m < NumPDEEqns_; ++m)
        for (int k = 0; k < NullSpaceDim; ++k)
          int LCID = NodesOfAggregate[AID][j] * NumPDEEqns_ + m;
          int GCID = FineMap.GID(LCID);
          assert (GCID != -1);

          double& val = NullSpace[k][LCID];

          int GRID = CoarseMap.GID(AID * NullSpaceDim + k);
          int ierr = R_->InsertGlobalValues(GRID, 1, &val, &GCID);
          if (ierr < 0)


  R_->FillComplete(FineMap, CoarseMap);
#if 0
    // a memory error was reported, typically ReportError.
    // We just continue with fingers crossed.

  ML_Operator* R_ML = ML_Operator_Create(Comm_ML());
  ML_Operator_WrapEpetraMatrix(R_.get(), R_ML);

  AddAndResetStartTime("computation of R", true); 

  // ======== //
  // Create C //
  // ======== //

  C_ML_ = ML_Operator_Create(Comm_ML());
  ML_2matmult(R_ML, AP_ML, C_ML_, ML_MSR_MATRIX);

  AP = Teuchos::null;

  C_ = rcp(new ML_Epetra::RowMatrix(C_ML_, &Comm(), false));
  assert (R_->OperatorRangeMap().SameAs(C_->OperatorDomainMap()));


  AddAndResetStartTime("computation of C", true); 

  if (verbose_)
    std::cout << "Matrix-free preconditioner built. Now building solver for C..." << std::endl; 

  Teuchos::ParameterList& sublist = List_.sublist("ML list");
  sublist.set("PDE equations", NullSpaceDim);
  sublist.set("null space: type", "pre-computed");
  sublist.set("null space: dimension", NewNullSpace.NumVectors());
  sublist.set("null space: vectors", NewNullSpace.Values());

  MLP_ = rcp(new MultiLevelPreconditioner(*C_, sublist, true));

  assert (MLP_.get() != 0);

  IsComputed_ = true;

  AddAndResetStartTime("computation of the preconditioner for C", true); 

  if (verbose_)
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Total CPU time for construction (all included) = ";
    std::cout << TotalCPUTime() << std::endl;

コード例 #14
int Epetra_RowMatrixTransposer::CreateTranspose (const bool MakeDataContiguous, 
             Epetra_CrsMatrix *& TransposeMatrix, 
             Epetra_Map * TransposeRowMap_in) {

// FIXME long long

  int i, j;

  if (TransposeCreated_) DeleteData(); // Get rid of existing data first

  if (TransposeRowMap_in==0)
    TransposeRowMap_ = (Epetra_Map *) &(OrigMatrix_->OperatorDomainMap()); // Should be replaced with refcount =
    TransposeRowMap_ = TransposeRowMap_in; 

  // This routine will work for any RowMatrix object, but will attempt cast the matrix to a CrsMatrix if
  // possible (because we can then use a View of the matrix and graph, which is much cheaper).

  // First get the local indices to count how many nonzeros will be in the 
  // transpose graph on each processor

  Epetra_CrsMatrix * OrigCrsMatrix = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>(OrigMatrix_);

  OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_ = (OrigCrsMatrix!=0); // If this pointer is non-zero, the cast to CrsMatrix worked

  NumMyRows_ = OrigMatrix_->NumMyRows();
  NumMyCols_ = OrigMatrix_->NumMyCols();
  NumMyRows_ = OrigMatrix_->NumMyRows();
  TransNumNz_ = new int[NumMyCols_];
  TransIndices_ = new int*[NumMyCols_];
  TransValues_ = new double*[NumMyCols_];

  int NumIndices;

  if (OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_) {

    const Epetra_CrsGraph & OrigGraph = OrigCrsMatrix->Graph(); // Get matrix graph

    for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigGraph.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Indices_)); // Get view of ith row
      for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) ++TransNumNz_[Indices_[j]];
  else { // OrigMatrix is not a CrsMatrix

    MaxNumEntries_ = 0;
    int NumEntries;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
      OrigMatrix_->NumMyRowEntries(i, NumEntries);
      MaxNumEntries_ = EPETRA_MAX(MaxNumEntries_, NumEntries);
    Indices_ = new int[MaxNumEntries_];
    Values_ = new double[MaxNumEntries_];

    for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
      // Get ith row
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigMatrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_)); 
      for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) ++TransNumNz_[Indices_[j]];

  // Most of remaining code is common to both cases

  for(i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++) {
    NumIndices = TransNumNz_[i];
    if (NumIndices>0) {
      TransIndices_[i] = new int[NumIndices];
      TransValues_[i] = new double[NumIndices];

  // Now copy values and global indices into newly created transpose storage

  for (i=0;i<NumMyCols_; i++) TransNumNz_[i] = 0; // Reset transpose NumNz counter
  for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
    if (OrigMatrixIsCrsMatrix_) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigCrsMatrix->ExtractMyRowView(i, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_));
    else {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OrigMatrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries_, NumIndices, Values_, Indices_));

    int ii = OrigMatrix_->RowMatrixRowMap().GID64(i); // FIXME long long
    for (j=0; j<NumIndices; j++) {
      int TransRow = Indices_[j];
      int loc = TransNumNz_[TransRow];
      TransIndices_[TransRow][loc] = ii;
      TransValues_[TransRow][loc] = Values_[j];
      ++TransNumNz_[TransRow]; // increment counter into current transpose row

  //  Build Transpose matrix with some rows being shared across processors.
  //  We will use a view here since the matrix will not be used for anything else

  const Epetra_Map & TransMap = OrigMatrix_->RowMatrixColMap();

  Epetra_CrsMatrix TempTransA1(View, TransMap, TransNumNz_);
  TransMyGlobalEquations_ = new int[NumMyCols_];


  /* Add  rows one-at-a-time */

  for (i=0; i<NumMyCols_; i++)
                TransNumNz_[i], TransValues_[i], TransIndices_[i]));
  // Note: The following call to FillComplete is currently necessary because
  //       some global constants that are needed by the Export () are computed in this routine

  const Epetra_Map& domain_map = OrigMatrix_->OperatorDomainMap();
  const Epetra_Map& range_map = OrigMatrix_->OperatorRangeMap();

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(TempTransA1.FillComplete(range_map, domain_map, false));

  // Now that transpose matrix with shared rows is entered, create a new matrix that will
  // get the transpose with uniquely owned rows (using the same row distribution as A).

  TransposeMatrix_ = new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *TransposeRowMap_,0);

  // Create an Export object that will move TempTransA around

  TransposeExporter_ = new Epetra_Export(TransMap, *TransposeRowMap_);

  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(TransposeMatrix_->Export(TempTransA1, *TransposeExporter_, Add));
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(TransposeMatrix_->FillComplete(range_map, domain_map));

  if (MakeDataContiguous) {

  TransposeMatrix = TransposeMatrix_;
  TransposeCreated_ = true;

コード例 #15
operator()( OriginalTypeRef orig )
  origObj_ = &orig;

  // Extract the matrix and vectors from the linear problem
  OldRHS_ = Teuchos::rcp( orig.GetRHS(), false );
  OldLHS_ = Teuchos::rcp( orig.GetLHS(), false );
  OldMatrix_ = Teuchos::rcp( dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>( orig.GetMatrix() ), false );
  int nGlobal = OldMatrix_->NumGlobalRows(); 
  int n = OldMatrix_->NumMyRows();

  // Check if the matrix is on one processor.
  int myMatProc = -1, matProc = -1;
  int myPID = OldMatrix_->Comm().MyPID();
  int numProcs = OldMatrix_->Comm().NumProc();

  const Epetra_BlockMap& oldRowMap = OldMatrix_->RowMap();

  // Get some information about the parallel distribution.
  int maxMyRows = 0;
  std::vector<int> numGlobalElem( numProcs );
  OldMatrix_->Comm().GatherAll(&n, &numGlobalElem[0], 1);
  OldMatrix_->Comm().MaxAll(&n, &maxMyRows, 1);

  for (int proc=0; proc<numProcs; proc++) 
    if (OldMatrix_->NumGlobalNonzeros() == OldMatrix_->NumMyNonzeros())
      myMatProc = myPID;

  OldMatrix_->Comm().MaxAll( &myMatProc, &matProc, 1 );

  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> serialMatrix;
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Map> serialMap;	
  if( oldRowMap.DistributedGlobal() && matProc == -1) 
    // The matrix is distributed and needs to be moved to processor zero.
    // Set the zero processor as the master.
    matProc = 0;
    serialMap = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Map( Epetra_Util::Create_Root_Map( OldMatrix_->RowMap(), matProc ) ) );
    Epetra_Import serialImporter( *serialMap, OldMatrix_->RowMap() );
    serialMatrix = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_CrsMatrix( Copy, *serialMap, 0 ) );
    serialMatrix->Import( *OldMatrix_, serialImporter, Insert );
  else {
    // The old matrix has already been moved to one processor (matProc).
    serialMatrix = OldMatrix_;

  if( debug_ )
    cout << "Original (serial) Matrix:\n";
    cout << *serialMatrix << endl;

  // Obtain the current row and column orderings
  std::vector<int> origGlobalRows(nGlobal), origGlobalCols(nGlobal);
  serialMatrix->RowMap().MyGlobalElements( &origGlobalRows[0] );
  serialMatrix->ColMap().MyGlobalElements( &origGlobalCols[0] );
  // Perform reindexing on the full serial matrix (needed for BTF).
  Epetra_Map reIdxMap( serialMatrix->RowMap().NumGlobalElements(), serialMatrix->RowMap().NumMyElements(), 0, serialMatrix->Comm() );
  Teuchos::RCP<EpetraExt::ViewTransform<Epetra_CrsMatrix> > reIdxTrans =
    Teuchos::rcp( new EpetraExt::CrsMatrix_Reindex( reIdxMap ) );
  Epetra_CrsMatrix newSerialMatrix = (*reIdxTrans)( *serialMatrix );
  // Compute and apply BTF to the serial CrsMatrix and has been filtered by the threshold
  EpetraExt::AmesosBTF_CrsMatrix BTFTrans( threshold_, upperTri_, verbose_, debug_ );
  Epetra_CrsMatrix newSerialMatrixBTF = BTFTrans( newSerialMatrix );
  rowPerm_ = BTFTrans.RowPerm();
  colPerm_ = BTFTrans.ColPerm();
  blockPtr_ = BTFTrans.BlockPtr();
  numBlocks_ = BTFTrans.NumBlocks();
  if (myPID == matProc && verbose_) {
    bool isSym = true;
    for (int i=0; i<nGlobal; ++i) {
      if (rowPerm_[i] != colPerm_[i]) {
        isSym = false;
    std::cout << "The BTF permutation symmetry (0=false,1=true) is : " << isSym << std::endl;
  // Compute the permutation w.r.t. the original row and column GIDs.
  std::vector<int> origGlobalRowsPerm(nGlobal), origGlobalColsPerm(nGlobal);
  if (myPID == matProc) {
    for (int i=0; i<nGlobal; ++i) {
      origGlobalRowsPerm[i] = origGlobalRows[ rowPerm_[i] ];
      origGlobalColsPerm[i] = origGlobalCols[ colPerm_[i] ];
  OldMatrix_->Comm().Broadcast( &origGlobalRowsPerm[0], nGlobal, matProc );
  OldMatrix_->Comm().Broadcast( &origGlobalColsPerm[0], nGlobal, matProc );

  // Generate the full serial matrix that imports according to the previously computed BTF.
  Epetra_CrsMatrix newSerialMatrixT( Copy, newSerialMatrixBTF.RowMap(), 0 );
  newSerialMatrixT.Import( newSerialMatrix, *(BTFTrans.Importer()), Insert );
  if( debug_ )
    cout << "Original (serial) Matrix permuted via BTF:\n";
    cout << newSerialMatrixT << endl;

  // Perform reindexing on the full serial matrix (needed for balancing).
  Epetra_Map reIdxMap2( newSerialMatrixT.RowMap().NumGlobalElements(), newSerialMatrixT.RowMap().NumMyElements(), 0, newSerialMatrixT.Comm() );
  Teuchos::RCP<EpetraExt::ViewTransform<Epetra_CrsMatrix> > reIdxTrans2 =
    Teuchos::rcp( new EpetraExt::CrsMatrix_Reindex( reIdxMap2 ) );
  Epetra_CrsMatrix tNewSerialMatrixT = (*reIdxTrans2)( newSerialMatrixT );

  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Map> balancedMap;
  if (balance_ == "linear") {
    // Distribute block somewhat evenly across processors
    std::vector<int> rowDist(numProcs+1,0);
    int balRows = nGlobal / numProcs + 1;
    int numRows = balRows, currProc = 1;
    for ( int i=0; i<numBlocks_ || currProc < numProcs; ++i ) {
      if (blockPtr_[i] > numRows) {
	rowDist[currProc++] = blockPtr_[i-1];
	numRows = blockPtr_[i-1] + balRows;
    rowDist[numProcs] = nGlobal;
    // Create new Map based on this linear distribution.
    int numMyBalancedRows = rowDist[myPID+1]-rowDist[myPID];

    NewRowMap_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Map( nGlobal, numMyBalancedRows, &origGlobalRowsPerm[ rowDist[myPID] ], 0, OldMatrix_->Comm() ) );
    // Right now we do not explicitly build the column map and assume the BTF permutation is symmetric!
    //NewColMap_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Map( nGlobal, nGlobal, &colPerm_[0], 0, OldMatrix_->Comm() ) );
    if ( verbose_ ) 
      std::cout << "Processor " << myPID << " has " << numMyBalancedRows << " rows." << std::endl;    
    //balancedMap = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Map( nGlobal, numMyBalancedRows, 0, serialMatrix->Comm() ) );
  else if (balance_ == "isorropia") {
    // Compute block adjacency graph for partitioning.
    std::vector<double> weight;
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsGraph> blkGraph;
    EpetraExt::BlockAdjacencyGraph adjGraph;
    blkGraph = adjGraph.compute( const_cast<Epetra_CrsGraph&>(tNewSerialMatrixT.Graph()), 
							numBlocks_, blockPtr_, weight, verbose_);
    Epetra_Vector rowWeights( View, blkGraph->Map(), &weight[0] );
    // Call Isorropia to rebalance this graph.
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsGraph> balancedGraph =
      Isorropia::Epetra::create_balanced_copy( *blkGraph, rowWeights );
    int myNumBlkRows = balancedGraph->NumMyRows();    
    //std::vector<int> myGlobalElements(nGlobal);
    std::vector<int> newRangeElements(nGlobal), newDomainElements(nGlobal);
    int grid = 0, myElements = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<myNumBlkRows; ++i) {
      grid = balancedGraph->GRID( i );
      for (int j=blockPtr_[grid]; j<blockPtr_[grid+1]; ++j) {
	newRangeElements[myElements++] = origGlobalRowsPerm[j];
	//myGlobalElements[myElements++] = j;

    NewRowMap_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Map( nGlobal, myElements, &newRangeElements[0], 0, OldMatrix_->Comm() ) );
    // Right now we do not explicitly build the column map and assume the BTF permutation is symmetric!
    //NewColMap_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Map( nGlobal, nGlobal, &colPerm_[0], 0, OldMatrix_->Comm() ) );
    //balancedMap = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Map( nGlobal, myElements, &myGlobalElements[0], 0, serialMatrix->Comm() ) );

    if ( verbose_ ) 
      std::cout << "Processor " << myPID << " has " << myElements << " rows." << std::endl;
  // Use New Domain and Range Maps to Generate Importer
  //for now, assume they start out as identical
  Epetra_Map OldRowMap = OldMatrix_->RowMap();
  Epetra_Map OldColMap = OldMatrix_->ColMap();
  if( debug_ )
    cout << "New Row Map\n";
    cout << *NewRowMap_ << endl;
    //cout << "New Col Map\n";
    //cout << *NewColMap_ << endl;

  // Generate New Graph
  // NOTE:  Right now we are creating the graph, assuming that the permutation is symmetric!
  // NewGraph_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_CrsGraph( Copy, *NewRowMap_, *NewColMap_, 0 ) );
  NewGraph_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_CrsGraph( Copy, *NewRowMap_, 0 ) );
  Importer_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Import( *NewRowMap_, OldRowMap ) );
  Importer2_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Import( OldRowMap, *NewRowMap_ ) );
  NewGraph_->Import( OldMatrix_->Graph(), *Importer_, Insert );

  if( debug_ )
    cout << "NewGraph\n";
    cout << *NewGraph_;

  // Create new linear problem and import information from old linear problem
  NewMatrix_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_CrsMatrix( Copy, *NewGraph_ ) );
  NewMatrix_->Import( *OldMatrix_, *Importer_, Insert );

  NewLHS_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector( *NewRowMap_, OldLHS_->NumVectors() ) );
  NewLHS_->Import( *OldLHS_, *Importer_, Insert );
  NewRHS_ = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector( *NewRowMap_, OldRHS_->NumVectors() ) );
  NewRHS_->Import( *OldRHS_, *Importer_, Insert );

  if( debug_ )
    cout << "New Matrix\n";
    cout << *NewMatrix_ << endl;

  newObj_ = new Epetra_LinearProblem( &*NewMatrix_, &*NewLHS_, &*NewRHS_ );

  return *newObj_;