コード例 #1
void ento::RegisterAppleChecks(ExprEngine& Eng, const Decl &D) {
  Eng.registerCheck(new NilArgChecker());
  Eng.registerCheck(new CFNumberCreateChecker());
  RegisterNSErrorChecks(Eng.getBugReporter(), Eng, D);
  Eng.registerCheck(new CFRetainReleaseChecker());
  Eng.registerCheck(new ClassReleaseChecker());
コード例 #2
void UndefBranchChecker::checkBranchCondition(const Stmt *Condition,
                                              BranchNodeBuilder &Builder,
                                              ExprEngine &Eng) const {
  const GRState *state = Builder.getState();
  SVal X = state->getSVal(Condition);
  if (X.isUndef()) {
    ExplodedNode *N = Builder.generateNode(state, true);
    if (N) {
      if (!BT)
               new BuiltinBug("Branch condition evaluates to a garbage value"));

      // What's going on here: we want to highlight the subexpression of the
      // condition that is the most likely source of the "uninitialized
      // branch condition."  We do a recursive walk of the condition's
      // subexpressions and roughly look for the most nested subexpression
      // that binds to Undefined.  We then highlight that expression's range.
      BlockEdge B = cast<BlockEdge>(N->getLocation());
      const Expr* Ex = cast<Expr>(B.getSrc()->getTerminatorCondition());
      assert (Ex && "Block must have a terminator.");

      // Get the predecessor node and check if is a PostStmt with the Stmt
      // being the terminator condition.  We want to inspect the state
      // of that node instead because it will contain main information about
      // the subexpressions.
      assert (!N->pred_empty());

      // Note: any predecessor will do.  They should have identical state,
      // since all the BlockEdge did was act as an error sink since the value
      // had to already be undefined.
      ExplodedNode *PrevN = *N->pred_begin();
      ProgramPoint P = PrevN->getLocation();
      const GRState* St = N->getState();

      if (PostStmt* PS = dyn_cast<PostStmt>(&P))
        if (PS->getStmt() == Ex)
          St = PrevN->getState();

      FindUndefExpr FindIt(Eng.getStateManager(), St);
      Ex = FindIt.FindExpr(Ex);

      // Emit the bug report.
      EnhancedBugReport *R = new EnhancedBugReport(*BT, BT->getDescription(),N);
      R->addVisitorCreator(bugreporter::registerTrackNullOrUndefValue, Ex);


コード例 #3
/// \brief Run checkers for evaluating a call.
/// Only one checker will evaluate the call.
void CheckerManager::runCheckersForEvalCall(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst,
                                            const ExplodedNodeSet &Src,
                                            const CallEvent &Call,
                                            ExprEngine &Eng) {
  const CallExpr *CE = cast<CallExpr>(Call.getOriginExpr());
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator
         NI = Src.begin(), NE = Src.end(); NI != NE; ++NI) {
    ExplodedNode *Pred = *NI;
    bool anyEvaluated = false;

    ExplodedNodeSet checkDst;
    NodeBuilder B(Pred, checkDst, Eng.getBuilderContext());

    // Check if any of the EvalCall callbacks can evaluate the call.
    for (std::vector<EvalCallFunc>::iterator
           EI = EvalCallCheckers.begin(), EE = EvalCallCheckers.end();
         EI != EE; ++EI) {
      ProgramPoint::Kind K = ProgramPoint::PostStmtKind;
      const ProgramPoint &L = ProgramPoint::getProgramPoint(CE, K,
                                Pred->getLocationContext(), EI->Checker);
      bool evaluated = false;
      { // CheckerContext generates transitions(populates checkDest) on
        // destruction, so introduce the scope to make sure it gets properly
        // populated.
        CheckerContext C(B, Eng, Pred, L);
        evaluated = (*EI)(CE, C);
      assert(!(evaluated && anyEvaluated)
             && "There are more than one checkers evaluating the call");
      if (evaluated) {
        anyEvaluated = true;
#ifdef NDEBUG
        break; // on release don't check that no other checker also evals.
    // If none of the checkers evaluated the call, ask ExprEngine to handle it.
    if (!anyEvaluated) {
      NodeBuilder B(Pred, Dst, Eng.getBuilderContext());
      Eng.defaultEvalCall(B, Pred, Call);
コード例 #4
void MallocChecker::checkEndPath(EndOfFunctionNodeBuilder &B,
                                 ExprEngine &Eng) const {
  const GRState *state = B.getState();
  RegionStateTy M = state->get<RegionState>();

  for (RegionStateTy::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    RefState RS = I->second;
    if (RS.isAllocated()) {
      ExplodedNode *N = B.generateNode(state);
      if (N) {
        if (!BT_Leak)
          BT_Leak.reset(new BuiltinBug("Memory leak",
                    "Allocated memory never released. Potential memory leak."));
        BugReport *R = new BugReport(*BT_Leak, BT_Leak->getDescription(), N);
コード例 #5
/// \brief Run checkers for evaluating a call.
/// Only one checker will evaluate the call.
void CheckerManager::runCheckersForEvalCall(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst,
                                            const ExplodedNodeSet &Src,
                                            const CallExpr *CE,
                                            ExprEngine &Eng,
                                            GraphExpander *defaultEval) {
  if (EvalCallCheckers.empty() && defaultEval == 0) {

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator
         NI = Src.begin(), NE = Src.end(); NI != NE; ++NI) {

    ExplodedNode *Pred = *NI;
    bool anyEvaluated = false;
    for (std::vector<EvalCallFunc>::iterator
           EI = EvalCallCheckers.begin(), EE = EvalCallCheckers.end();
         EI != EE; ++EI) {
      ExplodedNodeSet checkDst;
      CheckerContext C(checkDst, Eng.getBuilder(), Eng, Pred, EI->Checker,
                       ProgramPoint::PostStmtKind, 0, CE);
      bool evaluated = (*EI)(CE, C);
      assert(!(evaluated && anyEvaluated)
             && "There are more than one checkers evaluating the call");
      if (evaluated) {
        anyEvaluated = true;
#ifdef NDEBUG
        break; // on release don't check that no other checker also evals.
    if (!anyEvaluated) {
      if (defaultEval)
        defaultEval->expandGraph(Dst, Pred);
コード例 #6
void StreamChecker::checkEndPath(EndOfFunctionNodeBuilder &B,
                                 ExprEngine &Eng) const {
    const GRState *state = B.getState();
    typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolRef, StreamState> SymMap;
    SymMap M = state->get<StreamState>();

    for (SymMap::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I) {
        StreamState SS = I->second;
        if (SS.isOpened()) {
            ExplodedNode *N = B.generateNode(state);
            if (N) {
                if (!BT_ResourceLeak)
                    BT_ResourceLeak.reset(new BuiltinBug("Resource Leak",
                                                         "Opened File never closed. Potential Resource leak."));
                BugReport *R = new BugReport(*BT_ResourceLeak,
                                             BT_ResourceLeak->getDescription(), N);
コード例 #7
void AnalyzerStatsChecker::checkEndAnalysis(ExplodedGraph &G,
                                            BugReporter &B,
                                            ExprEngine &Eng) const {
  const CFG *C  = 0;
  const SourceManager &SM = B.getSourceManager();
  llvm::SmallPtrSet<const CFGBlock*, 256> reachable;

  // Root node should have the location context of the top most function.
  const ExplodedNode *GraphRoot = *G.roots_begin();
  const LocationContext *LC = GraphRoot->getLocation().getLocationContext();

  const Decl *D = LC->getDecl();

  // Iterate over the exploded graph.
  for (ExplodedGraph::node_iterator I = G.nodes_begin();
      I != G.nodes_end(); ++I) {
    const ProgramPoint &P = I->getLocation();

    // Only check the coverage in the top level function (optimization).
    if (D != P.getLocationContext()->getDecl())

    if (const BlockEntrance *BE = dyn_cast<BlockEntrance>(&P)) {
      const CFGBlock *CB = BE->getBlock();

  // Get the CFG and the Decl of this block.
  C = LC->getCFG();

  unsigned total = 0, unreachable = 0;

  // Find CFGBlocks that were not covered by any node
  for (CFG::const_iterator I = C->begin(); I != C->end(); ++I) {
    const CFGBlock *CB = *I;
    // Check if the block is unreachable
    if (!reachable.count(CB)) {

  // We never 'reach' the entry block, so correct the unreachable count
  // There is no BlockEntrance corresponding to the exit block as well, so
  // assume it is reached as well.

  // Generate the warning string
  SmallString<128> buf;
  llvm::raw_svector_ostream output(buf);
  PresumedLoc Loc = SM.getPresumedLoc(D->getLocation());
  if (!Loc.isValid())

  if (isa<FunctionDecl>(D) || isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(D)) {
    const NamedDecl *ND = cast<NamedDecl>(D);
    output << *ND;
  else if (isa<BlockDecl>(D)) {
    output << "block(line:" << Loc.getLine() << ":col:" << Loc.getColumn();

  NumBlocksUnreachable += unreachable;
  NumBlocks += total;
  std::string NameOfRootFunction = output.str();

  output << " -> Total CFGBlocks: " << total << " | Unreachable CFGBlocks: "
      << unreachable << " | Exhausted Block: "
      << (Eng.wasBlocksExhausted() ? "yes" : "no")
      << " | Empty WorkList: "
      << (Eng.hasEmptyWorkList() ? "yes" : "no");

  B.EmitBasicReport(D, "Analyzer Statistics", "Internal Statistics",
                    output.str(), PathDiagnosticLocation(D, SM));

  // Emit warning for each block we bailed out on.
  typedef CoreEngine::BlocksExhausted::const_iterator ExhaustedIterator;
  const CoreEngine &CE = Eng.getCoreEngine();
  for (ExhaustedIterator I = CE.blocks_exhausted_begin(),
      E = CE.blocks_exhausted_end(); I != E; ++I) {
    const BlockEdge &BE =  I->first;
    const CFGBlock *Exit = BE.getDst();
    const CFGElement &CE = Exit->front();
    if (const CFGStmt *CS = dyn_cast<CFGStmt>(&CE)) {
      SmallString<128> bufI;
      llvm::raw_svector_ostream outputI(bufI);
      outputI << "(" << NameOfRootFunction << ")" <<
                 ": The analyzer generated a sink at this point";
      B.EmitBasicReport(D, "Sink Point", "Internal Statistics", outputI.str(),
                                                            SM, LC));
コード例 #8
void ento::RegisterOSAtomicChecker(ExprEngine &Eng) {
  Eng.registerCheck(new OSAtomicChecker());
コード例 #9
void UnreachableCodeChecker::checkEndAnalysis(ExplodedGraph &G,
                                              BugReporter &B,
                                              ExprEngine &Eng) const {
  CFGBlocksSet reachable, visited;

  if (Eng.hasWorkRemaining())

  const Decl *D = nullptr;
  CFG *C = nullptr;
  ParentMap *PM = nullptr;
  const LocationContext *LC = nullptr;
  // Iterate over ExplodedGraph
  for (ExplodedGraph::node_iterator I = G.nodes_begin(), E = G.nodes_end();
      I != E; ++I) {
    const ProgramPoint &P = I->getLocation();
    LC = P.getLocationContext();
    if (!LC->inTopFrame())

    if (!D)
      D = LC->getAnalysisDeclContext()->getDecl();

    // Save the CFG if we don't have it already
    if (!C)
      C = LC->getAnalysisDeclContext()->getUnoptimizedCFG();
    if (!PM)
      PM = &LC->getParentMap();

    if (Optional<BlockEntrance> BE = P.getAs<BlockEntrance>()) {
      const CFGBlock *CB = BE->getBlock();

  // Bail out if we didn't get the CFG or the ParentMap.
  if (!D || !C || !PM)

  // Don't do anything for template instantiations.  Proving that code
  // in a template instantiation is unreachable means proving that it is
  // unreachable in all instantiations.
  if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D))
    if (FD->isTemplateInstantiation())

  // Find CFGBlocks that were not covered by any node
  for (CFG::const_iterator I = C->begin(), E = C->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    const CFGBlock *CB = *I;
    // Check if the block is unreachable
    if (reachable.count(CB->getBlockID()))

    // Check if the block is empty (an artificial block)
    if (isEmptyCFGBlock(CB))

    // Find the entry points for this block
    if (!visited.count(CB->getBlockID()))
      FindUnreachableEntryPoints(CB, reachable, visited);

    // This block may have been pruned; check if we still want to report it
    if (reachable.count(CB->getBlockID()))

    // Check for false positives
    if (isInvalidPath(CB, *PM))

    // It is good practice to always have a "default" label in a "switch", even
    // if we should never get there. It can be used to detect errors, for
    // instance. Unreachable code directly under a "default" label is therefore
    // likely to be a false positive.
    if (const Stmt *label = CB->getLabel())
      if (label->getStmtClass() == Stmt::DefaultStmtClass)

    // Special case for __builtin_unreachable.
    // FIXME: This should be extended to include other unreachable markers,
    // such as llvm_unreachable.
    if (!CB->empty()) {
      bool foundUnreachable = false;
      for (CFGBlock::const_iterator ci = CB->begin(), ce = CB->end();
           ci != ce; ++ci) {
        if (Optional<CFGStmt> S = (*ci).getAs<CFGStmt>())
          if (const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S->getStmt())) {
            if (CE->getBuiltinCallee() == Builtin::BI__builtin_unreachable ||
                CE->isBuiltinAssumeFalse(Eng.getContext())) {
              foundUnreachable = true;
      if (foundUnreachable)

    // We found a block that wasn't covered - find the statement to report
    SourceRange SR;
    PathDiagnosticLocation DL;
    SourceLocation SL;
    if (const Stmt *S = getUnreachableStmt(CB)) {
      // In macros, 'do {...} while (0)' is often used. Don't warn about the
      // condition 0 when it is unreachable.
      if (S->getBeginLoc().isMacroID())
        if (const auto *I = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteral>(S))
          if (I->getValue() == 0ULL)
            if (const Stmt *Parent = PM->getParent(S))
              if (isa<DoStmt>(Parent))
      SR = S->getSourceRange();
      DL = PathDiagnosticLocation::createBegin(S, B.getSourceManager(), LC);
      SL = DL.asLocation();
      if (SR.isInvalid() || !SL.isValid())

    // Check if the SourceLocation is in a system header
    const SourceManager &SM = B.getSourceManager();
    if (SM.isInSystemHeader(SL) || SM.isInExternCSystemHeader(SL))

    B.EmitBasicReport(D, this, "Unreachable code", "Dead code",
                      "This statement is never executed", DL, SR);
コード例 #10
ファイル: CheckerManager.cpp プロジェクト: asdlei00/freebsd
/// \brief Run checkers for evaluating a call.
/// Only one checker will evaluate the call.
void CheckerManager::runCheckersForEvalCall(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst,
                                            const ExplodedNodeSet &Src,
                                            const CallExpr *CE,
                                            ExprEngine &Eng,
                                            GraphExpander *defaultEval) {
  if (EvalCallCheckers.empty()   &&
      InlineCallCheckers.empty() &&
      defaultEval == 0) {

  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator
         NI = Src.begin(), NE = Src.end(); NI != NE; ++NI) {

    ExplodedNode *Pred = *NI;
    bool anyEvaluated = false;

    // First, check if any of the InlineCall callbacks can evaluate the call.
    assert(InlineCallCheckers.size() <= 1 &&
           "InlineCall is a special hacky callback to allow intrusive"
           "evaluation of the call (which simulates inlining). It is "
           "currently only used by OSAtomicChecker and should go away "
           "at some point.");
    for (std::vector<InlineCallFunc>::iterator
           EI = InlineCallCheckers.begin(), EE = InlineCallCheckers.end();
         EI != EE; ++EI) {
      ExplodedNodeSet checkDst;
      bool evaluated = (*EI)(CE, Eng, Pred, checkDst);
      assert(!(evaluated && anyEvaluated)
             && "There are more than one checkers evaluating the call");
      if (evaluated) {
        anyEvaluated = true;
#ifdef NDEBUG
        break; // on release don't check that no other checker also evals.

#ifdef NDEBUG // on release don't check that no other checker also evals.
    if (anyEvaluated) {

    // Next, check if any of the EvalCall callbacks can evaluate the call.
    for (std::vector<EvalCallFunc>::iterator
           EI = EvalCallCheckers.begin(), EE = EvalCallCheckers.end();
         EI != EE; ++EI) {
      ExplodedNodeSet checkDst;
      ProgramPoint::Kind K = ProgramPoint::PostStmtKind;
      const ProgramPoint &L = ProgramPoint::getProgramPoint(CE, K,
                                Pred->getLocationContext(), EI->Checker);
      bool evaluated = false;
      { // CheckerContext generates transitions(populates checkDest) on
        // destruction, so introduce the scope to make sure it gets properly
        // populated.
        CheckerContext C(checkDst, Eng.getBuilder(), Eng, Pred, L, 0);
        evaluated = (*EI)(CE, C);
      assert(!(evaluated && anyEvaluated)
             && "There are more than one checkers evaluating the call");
      if (evaluated) {
        anyEvaluated = true;
#ifdef NDEBUG
        break; // on release don't check that no other checker also evals.
    // If none of the checkers evaluated the call, ask ExprEngine to handle it.
    if (!anyEvaluated) {
      if (defaultEval)
        defaultEval->expandGraph(Dst, Pred);
コード例 #11
void ento::RegisterArrayBoundCheckerV2(ExprEngine &Eng) {
  Eng.registerCheck(new ArrayBoundCheckerV2());
コード例 #12
void ento::RegisterDivZeroChecker(ExprEngine &Eng) {
  Eng.registerCheck(new DivZeroChecker());
コード例 #13
void ento::RegisterPthreadLockChecker(ExprEngine &Eng) {
  Eng.registerCheck(new PthreadLockChecker());
コード例 #14
void AnalyzerStatsChecker::checkEndAnalysis(ExplodedGraph &G,
        BugReporter &B,
        ExprEngine &Eng) const {
    const CFG *C  = 0;
    const Decl *D = 0;
    const LocationContext *LC = 0;
    const SourceManager &SM = B.getSourceManager();
    llvm::SmallPtrSet<const CFGBlock*, 256> reachable;

    // Iterate over explodedgraph
    for (ExplodedGraph::node_iterator I = G.nodes_begin();
            I != G.nodes_end(); ++I) {
        const ProgramPoint &P = I->getLocation();
        // Save the LocationContext if we don't have it already
        if (!LC)
            LC = P.getLocationContext();

        if (const BlockEntrance *BE = dyn_cast<BlockEntrance>(&P)) {
            const CFGBlock *CB = BE->getBlock();

    // Get the CFG and the Decl of this block
    C = LC->getCFG();
    D = LC->getAnalysisContext()->getDecl();

    unsigned total = 0, unreachable = 0;

    // Find CFGBlocks that were not covered by any node
    for (CFG::const_iterator I = C->begin(); I != C->end(); ++I) {
        const CFGBlock *CB = *I;
        // Check if the block is unreachable
        if (!reachable.count(CB)) {

    // We never 'reach' the entry block, so correct the unreachable count

    // Generate the warning string
    llvm::SmallString<128> buf;
    llvm::raw_svector_ostream output(buf);
    PresumedLoc Loc = SM.getPresumedLoc(D->getLocation());
    if (Loc.isValid()) {
        output << Loc.getFilename() << " : ";

        if (isa<FunctionDecl>(D) || isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(D)) {
            const NamedDecl *ND = cast<NamedDecl>(D);
            output << ND;
        else if (isa<BlockDecl>(D)) {
            output << "block(line:" << Loc.getLine() << ":col:" << Loc.getColumn();

    output << " -> Total CFGBlocks: " << total << " | Unreachable CFGBlocks: "
           << unreachable << " | Exhausted Block: "
           << (Eng.wasBlocksExhausted() ? "yes" : "no")
           << " | Empty WorkList: "
           << (Eng.hasEmptyWorkList() ? "yes" : "no");

    B.EmitBasicReport("Analyzer Statistics", "Internal Statistics", output.str(),
                      PathDiagnosticLocation(D, SM));

    // Emit warning for each block we bailed out on
    typedef CoreEngine::BlocksExhausted::const_iterator ExhaustedIterator;
    const CoreEngine &CE = Eng.getCoreEngine();
    for (ExhaustedIterator I = CE.blocks_exhausted_begin(),
            E = CE.blocks_exhausted_end(); I != E; ++I) {
        const BlockEdge &BE =  I->first;
        const CFGBlock *Exit = BE.getDst();
        const CFGElement &CE = Exit->front();
        if (const CFGStmt *CS = dyn_cast<CFGStmt>(&CE))
            B.EmitBasicReport("Bailout Point", "Internal Statistics", "The analyzer "
                              "stopped analyzing at this point",
                              PathDiagnosticLocation::createBegin(CS->getStmt(), SM, LC));
コード例 #15
void ento::RegisterVLASizeChecker(ExprEngine &Eng) {
  Eng.registerCheck(new VLASizeChecker());
コード例 #16
void IdempotentOperationChecker::checkEndAnalysis(ExplodedGraph &G,
                                                  BugReporter &BR,
                                                  ExprEngine &Eng) const {
  BugType *BT = new BugType("Idempotent operation", "Dead code");
  // Iterate over the hash to see if we have any paths with definite
  // idempotent operations.
  for (AssumptionMap::const_iterator i = hash.begin(); i != hash.end(); ++i) {
    // Unpack the hash contents
    const BinaryOperatorData &Data = i->second;
    const Assumption &A = Data.assumption;
    const ExplodedNodeSet &ES = Data.explodedNodes;

    // If there are no nodes accosted with the expression, nothing to report.
    // FIXME: This is possible because the checker does part of processing in
    // checkPreStmt and part in checkPostStmt.
    if (ES.begin() == ES.end())

    const BinaryOperator *B = i->first;

    if (A == Impossible)

    // If the analyzer did not finish, check to see if we can still emit this
    // warning
    if (Eng.hasWorkRemaining()) {
      // If we can trace back
      AnalysisDeclContext *AC = (*ES.begin())->getLocationContext()
      if (!pathWasCompletelyAnalyzed(AC,

    // Select the error message and SourceRanges to report.
    llvm::SmallString<128> buf;
    llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(buf);
    bool LHSRelevant = false, RHSRelevant = false;
    switch (A) {
    case Equal:
      LHSRelevant = true;
      RHSRelevant = true;
      if (B->getOpcode() == BO_Assign)
        os << "Assigned value is always the same as the existing value";
        os << "Both operands to '" << B->getOpcodeStr()
           << "' always have the same value";
    case LHSis1:
      LHSRelevant = true;
      os << "The left operand to '" << B->getOpcodeStr() << "' is always 1";
    case RHSis1:
      RHSRelevant = true;
      os << "The right operand to '" << B->getOpcodeStr() << "' is always 1";
    case LHSis0:
      LHSRelevant = true;
      os << "The left operand to '" << B->getOpcodeStr() << "' is always 0";
    case RHSis0:
      RHSRelevant = true;
      os << "The right operand to '" << B->getOpcodeStr() << "' is always 0";
    case Possible:
      llvm_unreachable("Operation was never marked with an assumption");
    case Impossible:

    // Add a report for each ExplodedNode
    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = ES.begin(), E = ES.end(); I != E; ++I) {
      BugReport *report = new BugReport(*BT, os.str(), *I);

      // Add source ranges and visitor hooks
      if (LHSRelevant) {
        const Expr *LHS = i->first->getLHS();
        FindLastStoreBRVisitor::registerStatementVarDecls(*report, LHS);
      if (RHSRelevant) {
        const Expr *RHS = i->first->getRHS();
        FindLastStoreBRVisitor::registerStatementVarDecls(*report, RHS);


コード例 #17
void ento::RegisterIdempotentOperationChecker(ExprEngine &Eng) {
  Eng.registerCheck(new IdempotentOperationChecker());
コード例 #18
void UnreachableCodeChecker::checkEndAnalysis(ExplodedGraph &G,
                                              BugReporter &B,
                                              ExprEngine &Eng) const {
  CFGBlocksSet reachable, visited;

  if (Eng.hasWorkRemaining())

  CFG *C = 0;
  ParentMap *PM = 0;
  // Iterate over ExplodedGraph
  for (ExplodedGraph::node_iterator I = G.nodes_begin(), E = G.nodes_end();
      I != E; ++I) {
    const ProgramPoint &P = I->getLocation();
    const LocationContext *LC = P.getLocationContext();

    // Save the CFG if we don't have it already
    if (!C)
      C = LC->getAnalysisContext()->getUnoptimizedCFG();
    if (!PM)
      PM = &LC->getParentMap();

    if (const BlockEntrance *BE = dyn_cast<BlockEntrance>(&P)) {
      const CFGBlock *CB = BE->getBlock();

  // Bail out if we didn't get the CFG or the ParentMap.
  if (!C || !PM)

  ASTContext &Ctx = B.getContext();

  // Find CFGBlocks that were not covered by any node
  for (CFG::const_iterator I = C->begin(), E = C->end(); I != E; ++I) {
    const CFGBlock *CB = *I;
    // Check if the block is unreachable
    if (reachable.count(CB->getBlockID()))

    // Check if the block is empty (an artificial block)
    if (isEmptyCFGBlock(CB))

    // Find the entry points for this block
    if (!visited.count(CB->getBlockID()))
      FindUnreachableEntryPoints(CB, reachable, visited);

    // This block may have been pruned; check if we still want to report it
    if (reachable.count(CB->getBlockID()))

    // Check for false positives
    if (CB->size() > 0 && isInvalidPath(CB, *PM))

    // Special case for __builtin_unreachable.
    // FIXME: This should be extended to include other unreachable markers,
    // such as llvm_unreachable.
    if (!CB->empty()) {
      CFGElement First = CB->front();
      if (const CFGStmt *S = First.getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
        if (const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S->getStmt())) {
          if (CE->isBuiltinCall(Ctx) == Builtin::BI__builtin_unreachable)

    // We found a block that wasn't covered - find the statement to report
    SourceRange SR;
    SourceLocation SL;
    if (const Stmt *S = getUnreachableStmt(CB)) {
      SR = S->getSourceRange();
      SL = S->getLocStart();
      if (SR.isInvalid() || SL.isInvalid())

    // Check if the SourceLocation is in a system header
    const SourceManager &SM = B.getSourceManager();
    if (SM.isInSystemHeader(SL) || SM.isInExternCSystemHeader(SL))

    B.EmitBasicReport("Unreachable code", "Dead code", "This statement is never"
        " executed", SL, SR);
コード例 #19
void ento::RegisterReturnPointerRangeChecker(ExprEngine &Eng) {
  Eng.registerCheck(new ReturnPointerRangeChecker());
コード例 #20
bool OSAtomicChecker::evalOSAtomicCompareAndSwap(const CallExpr *CE,
                                                 ExprEngine &Eng,
                                                 ExplodedNode *Pred,
                                                 ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) const {
  // Not enough arguments to match OSAtomicCompareAndSwap?
  if (CE->getNumArgs() != 3)
    return false;

  ASTContext &Ctx = Eng.getContext();
  const Expr *oldValueExpr = CE->getArg(0);
  QualType oldValueType = Ctx.getCanonicalType(oldValueExpr->getType());

  const Expr *newValueExpr = CE->getArg(1);
  QualType newValueType = Ctx.getCanonicalType(newValueExpr->getType());

  // Do the types of 'oldValue' and 'newValue' match?
  if (oldValueType != newValueType)
    return false;

  const Expr *theValueExpr = CE->getArg(2);
  const PointerType *theValueType=theValueExpr->getType()->getAs<PointerType>();

  // theValueType not a pointer?
  if (!theValueType)
    return false;

  QualType theValueTypePointee =

  // The pointee must match newValueType and oldValueType.
  if (theValueTypePointee != newValueType)
    return false;

  static SimpleProgramPointTag OSAtomicLoadTag("OSAtomicChecker : Load");
  static SimpleProgramPointTag OSAtomicStoreTag("OSAtomicChecker : Store");
  // Load 'theValue'.
  ProgramStateRef state = Pred->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
  ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
  SVal location = state->getSVal(theValueExpr, LCtx);
  // Here we should use the value type of the region as the load type, because
  // we are simulating the semantics of the function, not the semantics of 
  // passing argument. So the type of theValue expr is not we are loading.
  // But usually the type of the varregion is not the type we want either,
  // we still need to do a CastRetrievedVal in store manager. So actually this
  // LoadTy specifying can be omitted. But we put it here to emphasize the 
  // semantics.
  QualType LoadTy;
  if (const TypedValueRegion *TR =
      dyn_cast_or_null<TypedValueRegion>(location.getAsRegion())) {
    LoadTy = TR->getValueType();
  Eng.evalLoad(Tmp, CE, theValueExpr, Pred,
               state, location, &OSAtomicLoadTag, LoadTy);

  if (Tmp.empty()) {
    // If no nodes were generated, other checkers must have generated sinks. 
    // We return an empty Dst.
    return true;
  for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = Tmp.begin(), E = Tmp.end();
       I != E; ++I) {

    ExplodedNode *N = *I;
    ProgramStateRef stateLoad = N->getState();

    // Use direct bindings from the environment since we are forcing a load
    // from a location that the Environment would typically not be used
    // to bind a value.
    SVal theValueVal_untested = stateLoad->getSVal(theValueExpr, LCtx, true);

    SVal oldValueVal_untested = stateLoad->getSVal(oldValueExpr, LCtx);

    // FIXME: Issue an error.
    if (theValueVal_untested.isUndef() || oldValueVal_untested.isUndef()) {
      return false;
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal theValueVal =
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal oldValueVal =

    SValBuilder &svalBuilder = Eng.getSValBuilder();

    // Perform the comparison.
    DefinedOrUnknownSVal Cmp =

    ProgramStateRef stateEqual = stateLoad->assume(Cmp, true);

    // Were they equal?
    if (stateEqual) {
      // Perform the store.
      ExplodedNodeSet TmpStore;
      SVal val = stateEqual->getSVal(newValueExpr, LCtx);

      // Handle implicit value casts.
      if (const TypedValueRegion *R =
          dyn_cast_or_null<TypedValueRegion>(location.getAsRegion())) {
        val = svalBuilder.evalCast(val,R->getValueType(), newValueExpr->getType());

      Eng.evalStore(TmpStore, CE, theValueExpr, N,
                    stateEqual, location, val, &OSAtomicStoreTag);

      if (TmpStore.empty()) {
        // If no nodes were generated, other checkers must have generated sinks. 
        // We return an empty Dst.
        return true;
      StmtNodeBuilder B(TmpStore, Dst, Eng.getBuilderContext());
      // Now bind the result of the comparison.
      for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I2 = TmpStore.begin(),
           E2 = TmpStore.end(); I2 != E2; ++I2) {
        ExplodedNode *predNew = *I2;
        ProgramStateRef stateNew = predNew->getState();
        // Check for 'void' return type if we have a bogus function prototype.
        SVal Res = UnknownVal();
        QualType T = CE->getType();
        if (!T->isVoidType())
          Res = Eng.getSValBuilder().makeTruthVal(true, T);
        B.generateNode(CE, predNew, stateNew->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, Res), this);

    // Were they not equal?
    if (ProgramStateRef stateNotEqual = stateLoad->assume(Cmp, false)) {
      // Check for 'void' return type if we have a bogus function prototype.
      SVal Res = UnknownVal();
      QualType T = CE->getType();
      if (!T->isVoidType())
        Res = Eng.getSValBuilder().makeTruthVal(false, CE->getType());
      StmtNodeBuilder B(N, Dst, Eng.getBuilderContext());    
      B.generateNode(CE, N, stateNotEqual->BindExpr(CE, LCtx, Res), this);

  return true;
コード例 #21
void ento::RegisterObjCAtSyncChecker(ExprEngine &Eng) {
  // @synchronized is an Objective-C 2 feature.
  if (Eng.getContext().getLangOptions().ObjC2)
    Eng.registerCheck(new ObjCAtSyncChecker());