コード例 #1
_transverse_shear_operations(const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi,
                             const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::RealVectorValue> >& dphi,
                             const std::vector<Real>& JxW,
                             const unsigned int     qp,
                             const RealMatrixX&     material,
                             FEMOperatorMatrix&     Bmat,
                             RealVectorX&           phi_vec,
                             RealVectorX&           vec_n2,
                             RealVectorX&           vec_2,
                             RealMatrixX&           mat_n2n2,
                             RealMatrixX&           mat_2n2,
                             bool                   request_jacobian,
                             RealVectorX&           local_f,
                             RealMatrixX&           local_jac) {
    // initialize the strain operator
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<phi.size(); i_nd++ )
        phi_vec(i_nd) = dphi[i_nd][qp](0);  // dphi/dx
    Bmat.set_shape_function(0, 2, phi_vec); // gamma-xz:  w
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<phi.size(); i_nd++ )
        phi_vec(i_nd) = dphi[i_nd][qp](1);  // dphi/dy
    Bmat.set_shape_function(1, 2, phi_vec); // gamma-yz : w
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<phi.size(); i_nd++ )
        phi_vec(i_nd) = phi[i_nd][qp];  // phi
    Bmat.set_shape_function(0, 4, phi_vec); // gamma-xz:  thetay
    phi_vec  *= -1.0;
    Bmat.set_shape_function(1, 3, phi_vec); // gamma-yz : thetax
    // now add the transverse shear component
    Bmat.vector_mult(vec_2, _structural_elem.local_solution());
    vec_2 = material * vec_2;
    Bmat.vector_mult_transpose(vec_n2, vec_2);
    local_f += JxW[qp] * vec_n2;
    if (request_jacobian) {
        // now add the transverse shear component
        Bmat.left_multiply(mat_2n2, material);
        Bmat.right_multiply_transpose(mat_n2n2, mat_2n2);
        local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat_n2n2;