コード例 #1
_transverse_shear_operations(const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi,
                             const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::RealVectorValue> >& dphi,
                             const std::vector<Real>& JxW,
                             const unsigned int     qp,
                             const RealMatrixX&     material,
                             FEMOperatorMatrix&     Bmat,
                             RealVectorX&           phi_vec,
                             RealVectorX&           vec_n2,
                             RealVectorX&           vec_2,
                             RealMatrixX&           mat_n2n2,
                             RealMatrixX&           mat_2n2,
                             bool                   request_jacobian,
                             RealVectorX&           local_f,
                             RealMatrixX&           local_jac) {
    // initialize the strain operator
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<phi.size(); i_nd++ )
        phi_vec(i_nd) = dphi[i_nd][qp](0);  // dphi/dx
    Bmat.set_shape_function(0, 2, phi_vec); // gamma-xz:  w
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<phi.size(); i_nd++ )
        phi_vec(i_nd) = dphi[i_nd][qp](1);  // dphi/dy
    Bmat.set_shape_function(1, 2, phi_vec); // gamma-yz : w
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<phi.size(); i_nd++ )
        phi_vec(i_nd) = phi[i_nd][qp];  // phi
    Bmat.set_shape_function(0, 4, phi_vec); // gamma-xz:  thetay
    phi_vec  *= -1.0;
    Bmat.set_shape_function(1, 3, phi_vec); // gamma-yz : thetax
    // now add the transverse shear component
    Bmat.vector_mult(vec_2, _structural_elem.local_solution());
    vec_2 = material * vec_2;
    Bmat.vector_mult_transpose(vec_n2, vec_2);
    local_f += JxW[qp] * vec_n2;
    if (request_jacobian) {
        // now add the transverse shear component
        Bmat.left_multiply(mat_2n2, material);
        Bmat.right_multiply_transpose(mat_n2n2, mat_2n2);
        local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat_n2n2;
コード例 #2
MAST::StructuralElementBase::inertial_force (bool request_jacobian,
                                             DenseRealVector& f,
                                             DenseRealMatrix& jac)
    FEMOperatorMatrix Bmat;
    const std::vector<Real>& JxW = _fe->get_JxW();
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& xyz = _fe->get_xyz();
    const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = _fe->get_phi();
    const unsigned int n_phi = (unsigned int)phi.size(), n1=6, n2=6*n_phi;
    DenseRealMatrix material_mat, mat1_n1n2, mat2_n2n2, local_jac;
    DenseRealVector  phi_vec, vec1_n1, vec2_n2, local_f;
    mat1_n1n2.resize(n1, n2); mat2_n2n2.resize(n2, n2); local_jac.resize(n2, n2);
    phi_vec.resize(n_phi); vec1_n1.resize(n1); vec2_n2.resize(n2);
    std::auto_ptr<MAST::FieldFunction<DenseRealMatrix > > mat_inertia

    if (_property.if_diagonal_mass_matrix()) {
        // as an approximation, get matrix at the first quadrature point
        (*mat_inertia)(xyz[0], _system.time, material_mat);
        Real vol = 0.;
        const unsigned int nshp = _fe->n_shape_functions();
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<JxW.size(); i++)
            vol += JxW[i];
        vol /= (1.* nshp);
        for (unsigned int i_var=0; i_var<6; i_var++)
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<nshp; i++)
                local_jac(i_var*nshp+i, i_var*nshp+i) =
                vol*material_mat(i_var, i_var);
        local_jac.vector_mult(local_f, local_acceleration);
    else {
        libMesh::Point p;
        for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<JxW.size(); qp++) {
            this->global_coordinates(xyz[qp], p);
            (*mat_inertia)(p, _system.time, material_mat);
            // now set the shape function values
            for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ )
                phi_vec(i_nd) = phi[i_nd][qp];
            Bmat.reinit(_system.n_vars(), phi_vec);
            Bmat.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_mat);
            mat1_n1n2.vector_mult(vec1_n1, local_acceleration);
            Bmat.vector_mult_transpose(vec2_n2, vec1_n1);
            local_f.add(JxW[qp], vec2_n2);
            if (request_jacobian) {
                local_jac.add(JxW[qp], mat2_n2n2);
    // now transform to the global coorodinate system
    if (_elem.dim() < 3) {
        transform_to_global_system(local_f, vec2_n2);
        f.add(1., vec2_n2);
        if (request_jacobian) {
            transform_to_global_system(local_jac, mat2_n2n2);
            jac.add(1., mat2_n2n2);
    else {
        f.add(1., local_f);
        if (request_jacobian)
            jac.add(1., local_jac);

    return request_jacobian;
コード例 #3
small_disturbance_surface_pressure_force(bool request_jacobian,
                                         DenseRealVector &f,
                                         DenseRealMatrix &jac,
                                         MAST::BoundaryCondition &p) {
    libmesh_assert(_elem.dim() < 3); // only applicable for lower dimensional elements.
    libmesh_assert(!follower_forces); // not implemented yet for follower forces
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(p.type(), MAST::SMALL_DISTURBANCE_MOTION);

    MAST::SmallDisturbanceMotion& sd_motion = dynamic_cast<MAST::SmallDisturbanceMotion&>(p);
    MAST::SurfaceMotionBase& surf_motion = sd_motion.get_deformation();
    MAST::SmallDisturbanceSurfacePressure& surf_press = sd_motion.get_pressure();

    FEMOperatorMatrix Bmat;
    // get the function from this boundary condition
    const std::vector<Real> &JxW = _fe->get_JxW();
    // Physical location of the quadrature points
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& qpoint = _fe->get_xyz();
    const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = _fe->get_phi();
    const unsigned int n_phi = (unsigned int)phi.size();
    const unsigned int n1=3, n2=6*n_phi;
    // normal for face integration
    libMesh::Point normal;
    // direction of pressure assumed to be normal (along local z-axis)
    // to the element face for 2D and along local y-axis for 1D element.
    normal(_elem.dim()) = -1.;
    Real press;
    ValType dpress;
    DenseRealVector phi_vec;
    libMesh::DenseVector<ValType> wtrans, utrans, dn_rot, force, local_f, vec_n2;
    wtrans.resize(3); utrans.resize(3); dn_rot.resize(3);
    phi_vec.resize(n_phi); force.resize(2*n1); local_f.resize(n2);
    libMesh::Point pt;
    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qpoint.size(); qp++)
        this->global_coordinates(qpoint[qp], pt);
        // now set the shape function values
        for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ )
            phi_vec(i_nd) = phi[i_nd][qp];
        Bmat.reinit(2*n1, phi_vec);
        // get pressure and deformation information
        surf_press.surface_pressure<ValType>(_system.time, pt, press, dpress);
        surf_motion.surface_velocity(_system.time, pt, normal,
                                     wtrans, utrans, dn_rot);
//        libMesh::out << std::setw(15) << pt(0)
//        << std::setw(15) << std::real(press)
//        << std::setw(15) << std::imag(press)
//        << std::setw(15) << std::real(dpress)
//        << std::setw(15) << std::imag(dpress)
//        << std::setw(15) << std::real(utrans(1))
//        << std::setw(15) << std::imag(utrans(1))
//        << std::setw(15) << std::real(dn_rot(0))
//        << std::setw(15) << std::imag(dn_rot(0)) << std::endl;
        // calculate force
        for (unsigned int i_dim=0; i_dim<n1; i_dim++)
            force(i_dim) = ( press * dn_rot(i_dim) + // steady pressure
                            dpress * normal(i_dim)); // unsteady pressure
        Bmat.vector_mult_transpose(vec_n2, force);
        local_f.add(JxW[qp], vec_n2);
    // now transform to the global system and add
    transform_to_global_system(local_f, vec_n2);
    MAST::add_to_assembled_vector(f, vec_n2);

    return (request_jacobian && follower_forces);
コード例 #4
MAST::StructuralElementBase::small_disturbance_surface_pressure_force(bool request_jacobian,
                                                                      DenseRealVector &f,
                                                                      DenseRealMatrix &jac,
                                                                      const unsigned int side,
                                                                      MAST::BoundaryCondition &p) {
    libmesh_assert(!follower_forces); // not implemented yet for follower forces
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(p.type(), MAST::SMALL_DISTURBANCE_MOTION);
    MAST::SmallDisturbanceMotion& sd_motion = dynamic_cast<MAST::SmallDisturbanceMotion&>(p);
    MAST::SurfaceMotionBase& surf_motion = sd_motion.get_deformation();
    MAST::SmallDisturbanceSurfacePressure& surf_press = sd_motion.get_pressure();
    FEMOperatorMatrix Bmat;
    // get the function from this boundary condition
    std::auto_ptr<libMesh::FEBase> fe;
    std::auto_ptr<libMesh::QBase> qrule;
    _get_side_fe_and_qrule(this->local_elem().local_elem(), side, fe, qrule);
    const std::vector<Real> &JxW = fe->get_JxW();
    // Physical location of the quadrature points
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& qpoint = fe->get_xyz();
    const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = fe->get_phi();
    const unsigned int n_phi = (unsigned int)phi.size();
    const unsigned int n1=3, n2=6*n_phi;
    // boundary normals
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& face_normals = fe->get_normals();
    Real press;
    ValType dpress;
    DenseRealVector phi_vec;
    libMesh::DenseVector<ValType> wtrans, utrans, dn_rot, force, local_f, vec_n2;
    wtrans.resize(3); utrans.resize(3); dn_rot.resize(3);
    phi_vec.resize(n_phi); force.resize(2*n1); local_f.resize(n2);
    libMesh::Point pt;
    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qpoint.size(); qp++)
        this->global_coordinates(qpoint[qp], pt);
        // now set the shape function values
        for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ )
            phi_vec(i_nd) = phi[i_nd][qp];
        Bmat.reinit(2*n1, phi_vec);

        // get pressure and deformation information
        surf_press.surface_pressure<ValType>(_system.time, pt, press, dpress);
        surf_motion.surface_velocity(_system.time, pt, face_normals[qp],
                                     wtrans, utrans, dn_rot);
        //            press = 0.;
        //            dpress = Complex(2./4.*std::real(dn_rot(0)),  2./4./.1*std::imag(utrans(1)));
        //            libMesh::out << q_point[qp](0)
        //            << "  " << std::real(utrans(1))
        //            << "  " << std::imag(utrans(1))
        //            << "  " << std::real(dn_rot(0))
        //            << "  " << std::imag(dn_rot(0))
        //            << "  " << std::real(press)
        //            << "  " << std::imag(press)
        //            << "  " << std::real(dpress)
        //            << "  " << std::imag(dpress) << std::endl;

        // calculate force
        for (unsigned int i_dim=0; i_dim<n1; i_dim++)
            force(i_dim) =  ( press * dn_rot(i_dim) + // steady pressure
                             dpress * face_normals[qp](i_dim)); // unsteady pressure

        Bmat.vector_mult_transpose(vec_n2, force);
        local_f.add(JxW[qp], vec_n2);
    // now transform to the global system and add
    if (_elem.dim() < 3) {
        transform_to_global_system(local_f, vec_n2);
        MAST::add_to_assembled_vector(f, vec_n2);
        MAST::add_to_assembled_vector(f, local_f);

    return (request_jacobian && follower_forces);
コード例 #5
MAST::StructuralElementBase::surface_pressure_force(bool request_jacobian,
                                                    DenseRealVector &f,
                                                    DenseRealMatrix &jac,
                                                    MAST::BoundaryCondition &p) {

    libmesh_assert(_elem.dim() < 3); // only applicable for lower dimensional elements
    libmesh_assert(!follower_forces); // not implemented yet for follower forces
    FEMOperatorMatrix Bmat;
    // get the function from this boundary condition
    MAST::FieldFunction<Real>& func =
    const std::vector<Real> &JxW = _fe->get_JxW();
    // Physical location of the quadrature points
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& qpoint = _fe->get_xyz();
    const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = _fe->get_phi();
    const unsigned int n_phi = (unsigned int)phi.size();
    const unsigned int n1=3, n2=6*n_phi;
    // normal for face integration
    libMesh::Point normal;
    // direction of pressure assumed to be normal (along local z-axis)
    // to the element face for 2D and along local y-axis for 1D element.
    normal(_elem.dim()) = -1.;
    Real press;
    DenseRealVector phi_vec, force, local_f, vec_n2;
    phi_vec.resize(n_phi); force.resize(2*n1); local_f.resize(n2);
    libMesh::Point pt;
    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qpoint.size(); qp++)
        this->global_coordinates(qpoint[qp], pt);

        // now set the shape function values
        for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ )
            phi_vec(i_nd) = phi[i_nd][qp];
        Bmat.reinit(2*n1, phi_vec);
        // get pressure value
        func(pt, _system.time, press);
        // calculate force
        for (unsigned int i_dim=0; i_dim<n1; i_dim++)
            force(i_dim) = press * normal(i_dim);
        Bmat.vector_mult_transpose(vec_n2, force);
        local_f.add(JxW[qp], vec_n2);
    // now transform to the global system and add
    transform_to_global_system(local_f, vec_n2);
    f.add(1., vec_n2);

    return (request_jacobian && follower_forces);
コード例 #6
MAST::StructuralElementBase::surface_pressure_force(bool request_jacobian,
                                                    DenseRealVector &f,
                                                    DenseRealMatrix &jac,
                                                    const unsigned int side,
                                                    MAST::BoundaryCondition &p) {

    libmesh_assert(!follower_forces); // not implemented yet for follower forces
    FEMOperatorMatrix Bmat;
    // get the function from this boundary condition
    MAST::FieldFunction<Real>& func =
    std::auto_ptr<libMesh::FEBase> fe;
    std::auto_ptr<libMesh::QBase> qrule;
    _get_side_fe_and_qrule(this->get_elem_for_quadrature(), side, fe, qrule);
    const std::vector<Real> &JxW = fe->get_JxW();
    // Physical location of the quadrature points
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& qpoint = fe->get_xyz();
    const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = fe->get_phi();
    const unsigned int n_phi = (unsigned int)phi.size();
    const unsigned int n1=3, n2=6*n_phi;
    // boundary normals
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& face_normals = fe->get_normals();
    Real press;
    DenseRealVector phi_vec, force, local_f, vec_n2;
    phi_vec.resize(n_phi); force.resize(2*n1); local_f.resize(n2);
    libMesh::Point pt;
    for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<qpoint.size(); qp++)
        this->global_coordinates(qpoint[qp], pt);
        // now set the shape function values
        for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ )
            phi_vec(i_nd) = phi[i_nd][qp];
        Bmat.reinit(2*n1, phi_vec);
        // get pressure value
        func(pt, _system.time, press);
        // calculate force
        for (unsigned int i_dim=0; i_dim<n1; i_dim++)
            force(i_dim) = press * face_normals[qp](i_dim);
        Bmat.vector_mult_transpose(vec_n2, force);
        local_f.add(JxW[qp], vec_n2);
    // now transform to the global system and add
    if (_elem.dim() < 3) {
        transform_to_global_system(local_f, vec_n2);
        f.add(1., vec_n2);
        f.add(1., local_f);

    return (request_jacobian && follower_forces);
コード例 #7
MAST::StructuralElementBase::inertial_force_sensitivity(bool request_jacobian,
                                                        DenseRealVector& f,
                                                        DenseRealMatrix& jac)
    // this should be true if the function is called
    libmesh_assert(!this->sensitivity_param->is_shape_parameter()); // this is not implemented for now
    // check if the material property or the provided exterior
    // values, like temperature, are functions of the sensitivity parameter
    bool calculate = false;
    calculate = calculate || _property.depends_on(*(this->sensitivity_param));
    // nothing to be calculated if the element does not depend on the
    // sensitivity parameter.
    if (!calculate)
        return false;
    FEMOperatorMatrix Bmat;
    const std::vector<Real>& JxW = _fe->get_JxW();
    const std::vector<libMesh::Point>& xyz = _fe->get_xyz();
    const std::vector<std::vector<Real> >& phi = _fe->get_phi();
    const unsigned int n_phi = (unsigned int)phi.size(), n1=6, n2=6*n_phi;
    DenseRealMatrix material_mat, mat1_n1n2, mat2_n2n2, local_jac;
    DenseRealVector  phi_vec, vec1_n1, vec2_n2, local_f;
    mat1_n1n2.resize(n1, n2); mat2_n2n2.resize(n2, n2); local_jac.resize(n2, n2);
    phi_vec.resize(n_phi); vec1_n1.resize(n1); vec2_n2.resize(n2);
    std::auto_ptr<MAST::FieldFunction<DenseRealMatrix > > mat_inertia
    if (_property.if_diagonal_mass_matrix()) {
                           xyz[0], _system.time, material_mat);
        Real vol = 0.;
        const unsigned int nshp = _fe->n_shape_functions();
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<JxW.size(); i++)
            vol += JxW[i];
        vol /= (1.* nshp);
        for (unsigned int i_var=0; i_var<6; i_var++)
            for (unsigned int i=0; i<nshp; i++)
                local_jac(i_var*nshp+i, i_var*nshp+i) =
                vol*material_mat(i_var, i_var);
        local_jac.vector_mult(local_f, local_acceleration);
    else {
        libMesh::Point p;
        for (unsigned int qp=0; qp<JxW.size(); qp++) {
            this->global_coordinates(xyz[qp], p);
                               p, _system.time, material_mat);

            // now set the shape function values
            for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ )
                phi_vec(i_nd) = phi[i_nd][qp];
            Bmat.reinit(_system.n_vars(), phi_vec);
            Bmat.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_mat);
            mat1_n1n2.vector_mult(vec1_n1, local_acceleration);
            Bmat.vector_mult_transpose(vec2_n2, vec1_n1);
            local_f.add(JxW[qp], vec2_n2);
            if (request_jacobian) {
                local_jac.add(JxW[qp], mat2_n2n2);
    // now transform to the global coorodinate system
    if (_elem.dim() < 3) {
        transform_to_global_system(local_f, vec2_n2);
        f.add(1., vec2_n2);
        if (request_jacobian) {
            transform_to_global_system(local_jac, mat2_n2n2);
            jac.add(1., mat2_n2n2);
    else {
        f.add(1., local_f);
        if (request_jacobian)
            jac.add(1., local_jac);
    return request_jacobian;
コード例 #8
(bool if_bending,
 bool if_vk,
 const unsigned int n2,
 const unsigned int qp,
 const std::vector<Real>& JxW,
 bool request_jacobian,
 bool if_ignore_ho_jac,
 RealVectorX& local_f,
 RealMatrixX& local_jac,
 FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_mem,
 FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_bend,
 FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_vk,
 RealMatrixX& stress,
 RealMatrixX& stress_l,
 RealMatrixX& vk_dwdxi_mat,
 RealMatrixX& material_A_mat,
 RealMatrixX& material_B_mat,
 RealMatrixX& material_D_mat,
 RealVectorX& vec1_n1,
 RealVectorX& vec2_n1,
 RealVectorX& vec3_n2,
 RealVectorX& vec4_2,
 RealVectorX& vec5_2,
 RealMatrixX& mat1_n1n2,
 RealMatrixX& mat2_n2n2,
 RealMatrixX& mat3,
 RealMatrixX& mat4_2n2)
    this->initialize_direct_strain_operator(qp, Bmat_mem);
    // first handle constant throught the thickness stresses: membrane and vonKarman
    Bmat_mem.vector_mult(vec1_n1, _local_sol);
    vec2_n1 = material_A_mat * vec1_n1; // linear direct stress
    // copy the stress values to a matrix
    stress_l(0,0) = vec2_n1(0); // sigma_xx
    stress_l(0,1) = vec2_n1(2); // sigma_xy
    stress_l(1,0) = vec2_n1(2); // sigma_yx
    stress_l(1,1) = vec2_n1(1); // sigma_yy
    stress = stress_l;
    // get the bending strain operator
    vec2_n1.setConstant(0.); // used to store vk strain, if applicable
    if (if_bending) {
        _bending_operator->initialize_bending_strain_operator(qp, Bmat_bend);
        Bmat_bend.vector_mult(vec2_n1, _local_sol);
        vec1_n1 = material_B_mat * vec2_n1;
        stress_l(0,0) += vec2_n1(0); // sigma_xx
        stress_l(0,1) += vec2_n1(2); // sigma_xy
        stress_l(1,0) += vec2_n1(2); // sigma_yx
        stress_l(1,1) += vec2_n1(1); // sigma_yy
        stress(0,0) += vec2_n1(0); // sigma_xx
        stress(0,1) += vec2_n1(2); // sigma_xy
        stress(1,0) += vec2_n1(2); // sigma_yx
        stress(1,1) += vec2_n1(1); // sigma_yy
        if (if_vk)  { // get the vonKarman strain operator if needed
                                                        vec2_n1, // epsilon_vk
            vec1_n1 = material_A_mat * vec2_n1; // stress
            stress(0,0) += vec1_n1(0); // sigma_xx
            stress(0,1) += vec1_n1(2); // sigma_xy
            stress(1,0) += vec1_n1(2); // sigma_yx
            stress(1,1) += vec1_n1(1); // sigma_yy
    // add the linear and nonlinear direct strains
    Bmat_mem.vector_mult(vec1_n1, _local_sol);
    vec2_n1 += vec1_n1;  // epsilon_mem + epsilon_vk
    // copy the total integrated stress to the vector
    vec1_n1(0) = stress(0,0);
    vec1_n1(1) = stress(1,1);
    vec1_n1(2) = stress(0,1);
    // now the internal force vector
    // this includes the membrane strain operator with all A and B material operators
    Bmat_mem.vector_mult_transpose(vec3_n2, vec1_n1);
    local_f += JxW[qp] * vec3_n2;
    if (if_bending) {
        if (if_vk) {
            // von Karman strain
            vec4_2 = vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * vec1_n1;
            Bmat_vk.vector_mult_transpose(vec3_n2, vec4_2);
            local_f += JxW[qp] * vec3_n2;
        // now coupling with the bending strain
        // B_bend^T [B] B_mem
        vec1_n1 = material_B_mat * vec2_n1;
        Bmat_bend.vector_mult_transpose(vec3_n2, vec1_n1);
        local_f += JxW[qp] * vec3_n2;
        // now bending stress
        Bmat_bend.vector_mult(vec2_n1, _local_sol);
        vec1_n1 = material_D_mat * vec2_n1;
        Bmat_bend.vector_mult_transpose(vec3_n2, vec1_n1);
        local_f += JxW[qp] * vec3_n2;
    if (request_jacobian) {
        // membrane - membrane
        Bmat_mem.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_A_mat);
        Bmat_mem.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat1_n1n2);
        local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
        if (if_bending) {
            if (if_vk) {
                // membrane - vk
                mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(vk_dwdxi_mat.rows(), n2);
                Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, vk_dwdxi_mat);
                mat3 = material_A_mat * mat3;
                Bmat_mem.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                // vk - membrane
                Bmat_mem.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_A_mat);
                mat3 = vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * mat1_n1n2;
                Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                // if only the first order term of the Jacobian is needed, for
                // example for linearized buckling analysis, then the linear
                // stress combined with the variation of the von Karman strain
                // is included. Otherwise, all terms are included
                if (if_ignore_ho_jac) {
                    // vk - vk: first order term
                    mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(2, n2);
                    Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, stress_l);
                    Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                else {
                    // vk - vk
                    mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(2, n2);
                    Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, stress);
                    Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                    mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(vk_dwdxi_mat.rows(), n2);
                    Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, vk_dwdxi_mat);
                    mat3 = vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * material_A_mat * mat3;
                    Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                // bending - vk
                mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(vk_dwdxi_mat.rows(), n2);
                Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, vk_dwdxi_mat);
                mat3 = material_B_mat.transpose() * mat3;
                Bmat_bend.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                // vk - bending
                Bmat_bend.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_B_mat);
                mat3 = vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * mat1_n1n2;
                Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
            // bending - membrane
            Bmat_mem.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_B_mat);
            Bmat_bend.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat1_n1n2);
            local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
            // membrane - bending
            Bmat_bend.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_B_mat);
            Bmat_mem.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat1_n1n2);
            local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
            // bending - bending
            Bmat_bend.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_D_mat);
            Bmat_bend.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat1_n1n2);
            local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;