コード例 #1
FString UTimelineTemplate::TimelineVariableNameToTemplateName(FName Name)
	return Name.ToString() + TEXT("_Template");
void UInternationalizationConditioningCommandlet::FLocalizationFile::CompareToCounterpart( TSharedPtr<FLocalizationFile> Other )

	FConfigFile* OtherFile = Other->GetFile();
	check(LocFile != NULL);

	// Iterate through all sections in the loc file
	for ( FConfigFile::TIterator SectionIt(*LocFile); SectionIt; ++SectionIt )
		const FString& LocSectionName = SectionIt.Key();
		FConfigSection& MySection = SectionIt.Value();

		// Skip the [Language] and [Public] sections
		if( LocSectionName == TEXT("Language") || LocSectionName == TEXT("Public") )

		// Find this section in the counterpart loc file
		FConfigSection* OtherSection = OtherFile->Find(LocSectionName);
		if ( OtherSection != NULL )
			// Iterate through all keys in this section
			for ( FConfigSection::TIterator It(MySection); It; ++It )
				const FName Propname = It.Key();
				const FString& PropValue = It.Value();

				FString EscapedPropValue = PropValue.ReplaceQuotesWithEscapedQuotes();

				// Find this key in the counterpart loc file
				FString* OtherValue = OtherSection->Find(Propname);
				if ( OtherValue != NULL )
					FString EscapedOtherValue = *OtherValue->ReplaceQuotesWithEscapedQuotes();

					// If the counterpart has the same value as we do or is empty, the value is untranslated
					if( OtherValue->IsEmpty() )
						// If the entry is empty we do nothing for the time being.
					else if ( PropValue == *OtherValue )
						new(IdenticalProperties) FLocalizationFileEntry( Other->GetFilename(), LocSectionName, Propname.ToString(), EscapedPropValue, EscapedPropValue );
						new(TranslatedProperties) FLocalizationFileEntry( Other->GetFilename(), LocSectionName, Propname.ToString(), EscapedPropValue, EscapedOtherValue );
					// The counterpart didn't contain this key
					new(UnmatchedProperties) FString(LocSectionName + TEXT(".") + Propname.ToString());
			// The counterpart didn't contain this section
			new(UnmatchedSections) FString(FPaths::GetBaseFilename(LocFilename) + TEXT(".") + LocSectionName);
コード例 #3
void FAssetViewSortManager::SortList(TArray<TSharedPtr<FAssetViewItem>>& AssetItems, const FName& MajorityAssetType) const
	//double SortListStartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

	TArray<TUniquePtr<FCompareFAssetItemBase>> SortMethod;
	for (int32 PriorityIdx = 0; PriorityIdx < EColumnSortPriority::Max; PriorityIdx++)
		const bool bAscending(SortMode[PriorityIdx] == EColumnSortMode::Ascending);
		const FName& Tag(SortColumnId[PriorityIdx]);

		if (Tag == NAME_None)

		if (Tag == NameColumnId)
			SortMethod.Add(MakeUnique<FCompareFAssetItemByName>(bAscending, Tag));
		else if (Tag == ClassColumnId)
			SortMethod.Add(MakeUnique<FCompareFAssetItemByClass>(bAscending, Tag));
		else if (Tag == PathColumnId)
			SortMethod.Add(MakeUnique<FCompareFAssetItemByPath>(bAscending, Tag));
			// Since this SortData.Tag is not one of preset columns, sort by asset registry tag
			UObject::FAssetRegistryTag::ETagType TagType = UObject::FAssetRegistryTag::TT_Alphabetical;
			if (MajorityAssetType != NAME_None)
				UClass* Class = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *MajorityAssetType.ToString());
				if (Class)
					UObject* CDO = Class->GetDefaultObject();
					if (CDO)
						TArray<UObject::FAssetRegistryTag> TagList;

						for (auto TagIt = TagList.CreateConstIterator(); TagIt; ++TagIt)
							if (TagIt->Name == Tag)
								TagType = TagIt->Type;

			if (TagType == UObject::FAssetRegistryTag::TT_Numerical)
				// The property is a Num2er, compare using atof
				SortMethod.Add(MakeUnique<FCompareFAssetItemByTagNumerical>(bAscending, Tag));
			else if (TagType == UObject::FAssetRegistryTag::TT_Dimensional)
				// The property is a series of Num2ers representing dimensions, compare by using atof for each Num2er, delimited by an "x"
				SortMethod.Add(MakeUnique<FCompareFAssetItemByTagDimensional>(bAscending, Tag));
				// Unknown or alphabetical, sort alphabetically either way
				SortMethod.Add(MakeUnique<FCompareFAssetItemByTag>(bAscending, Tag));

	// Sort the list...
	if (SortMethod.Num() > 0)
		TUniquePtr<FCompareFAssetItemBase> PrimarySortMethod = MoveTemp(SortMethod[EColumnSortPriority::Primary]);

		// Move all the comparisons to the primary sort method

		// Move the comparisons back for ease of cleanup
		SortMethod = MoveTemp(PrimarySortMethod->GetNextComparisons());
		SortMethod.Insert(MoveTemp(PrimarySortMethod), 0);

	// Cleanup the methods we no longer need.
	for (int32 PriorityIdx = 0; PriorityIdx < SortMethod.Num(); PriorityIdx++)

	//UE_LOG(LogContentBrowser, Warning/*VeryVerbose*/, TEXT("FAssetViewSortManager Sort Time: %0.4f seconds."), FPlatformTime::Seconds() - SortListStartTime);
コード例 #4
	 * Construct this widget.  Called by the SNew() Slate macro.
	 * @param	InArgs				Declaration used by the SNew() macro to construct this widget
	 * @param	Factory				The factory this menu entry represents
	void Construct( const FArguments& InArgs, UFactory* Factory )
		const FName ClassThumbnailBrushOverride = Factory->GetNewAssetThumbnailOverride();
		const FSlateBrush* ClassThumbnail = nullptr;
		if (ClassThumbnailBrushOverride.IsNone())
			ClassThumbnail = FClassIconFinder::FindThumbnailForClass(Factory->GetSupportedClass());
			// Instead of getting the override thumbnail directly from the editor style here get it from the
			// ClassIconFinder since it may have additional styles registered which can be searched by passing
			// it as a default with no class to search for.
			ClassThumbnail = FClassIconFinder::FindThumbnailForClass(nullptr, ClassThumbnailBrushOverride);

		FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FAssetToolsModule::GetModule();
		TWeakPtr<IAssetTypeActions> AssetTypeActions = AssetToolsModule.Get().GetAssetTypeActionsForClass(Factory->GetSupportedClass());

		FLinearColor AssetColor = FLinearColor::White;
		if ( AssetTypeActions.IsValid() )
			AssetColor = AssetTypeActions.Pin()->GetTypeColor();

			SNew( SHorizontalBox )
			.Padding( 4, 0, 0, 0 )
				SNew( SOverlay )

					SNew( SBox )
					.WidthOverride( InArgs._Width + 4 )
					.HeightOverride( InArgs._Height + 4 )
						SNew( SBorder )
						.BorderImage( FEditorStyle::GetBrush("AssetThumbnail.AssetBackground") )
						.Padding( 2.0f )
						.VAlign( VAlign_Center )
						.HAlign( HAlign_Center )
							SNew( SImage )
							.Image( ClassThumbnail )

					SNew( SBorder )
					.BorderImage( FEditorStyle::GetBrush("WhiteBrush") )
					.BorderBackgroundColor( AssetColor )
					.Padding( FMargin(0, FMath::Max(FMath::CeilToFloat(InArgs._Width*0.025f), 3.0f), 0, 0) )

			.Padding(4, 0, 4, 0)
				SNew( SVerticalBox )
				.Padding(0, 0, 0, 1)
					.Font( FEditorStyle::GetFontStyle("LevelViewportContextMenu.AssetLabel.Text.Font") )
					.Text( Factory->GetDisplayName() )

		SetToolTip(IDocumentation::Get()->CreateToolTip(Factory->GetToolTip(), nullptr, Factory->GetToolTipDocumentationPage(), Factory->GetToolTipDocumentationExcerpt()));
コード例 #5
void AActor::SetActorLabelInternal( const FString& NewActorLabelDirty, bool bMakeGloballyUniqueFName )
	// Clean up the incoming string a bit
	FString NewActorLabel = NewActorLabelDirty;

	// First, update the actor label
		// Has anything changed?
		if( FCString::Strcmp( *NewActorLabel, *GetActorLabel() ) != 0 )
			// Store new label
			ActorLabel = NewActorLabel;

	// Next, update the actor's name
		// Generate an object name for the actor's label
		const FName OldActorName = GetFName();
		FName NewActorName = MakeObjectNameFromActorLabel( GetActorLabel(), OldActorName );

		// Has anything changed?
		if( OldActorName != NewActorName )
			// Try to rename the object
			UObject* NewOuter = NULL;		// Outer won't be changing
			ERenameFlags RenFlags = bMakeGloballyUniqueFName ? (REN_DontCreateRedirectors | REN_ForceGlobalUnique) : REN_DontCreateRedirectors;
			bool bCanRename = Rename( *NewActorName.ToString(), NewOuter, REN_Test | REN_DoNotDirty | REN_NonTransactional | RenFlags );
			if( bCanRename )
				// NOTE: Will assert internally if rename fails
				const bool bWasRenamed = Rename( *NewActorName.ToString(), NewOuter, RenFlags );
				// Unable to rename the object.  Use a unique object name variant.
				NewActorName = MakeUniqueObjectName( bMakeGloballyUniqueFName ? ANY_PACKAGE : GetOuter(), GetClass(), NewActorName );

				bCanRename = Rename( *NewActorName.ToString(), NewOuter, REN_Test | REN_DoNotDirty | REN_NonTransactional | RenFlags );
				if( bCanRename )
					// NOTE: Will assert internally if rename fails
					const bool bWasRenamed = Rename( *NewActorName.ToString(), NewOuter, RenFlags );
					// Unable to rename the object.  Oh well, not a big deal.

	FPropertyChangedEvent PropertyEvent( FindField<UProperty>( AActor::StaticClass(), "ActorLabel" ) );

コード例 #6
bool FActorFolders::RenameFolderInWorld(UWorld& World, FName OldPath, FName NewPath)
	if (OldPath.IsNone() || OldPath == NewPath || PathIsChildOf(NewPath.ToString(), OldPath.ToString()))
		return false;

	const FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT("UndoAction_RenameFolder", "Rename Folder"));

	const FString OldPathString = OldPath.ToString();
	const FString NewPathString = NewPath.ToString();

	TSet<FName> RenamedFolders;

	// Move any folders we currently hold - old ones will be deleted later
	UEditorActorFolders& FoldersInWorld = GetOrCreateFoldersForWorld(World);

	auto ExistingFoldersCopy = FoldersInWorld.Folders;
	for (const auto& Pair : ExistingFoldersCopy)
		auto Path = Pair.Key;

		const FString FolderPath = Path.ToString();
		if (OldPath == Path || PathIsChildOf(FolderPath, OldPathString))
			const FName NewFolder = OldPathToNewPath(OldPathString, NewPathString, FolderPath);
			if (!FoldersInWorld.Folders.Contains(NewFolder))
				// Use the existing properties for the folder if we have them
				if (FActorFolderProps* ExistingProperties = FoldersInWorld.Folders.Find(Path))
					FoldersInWorld.Folders.Add(NewFolder, *ExistingProperties);
					// Otherwise use default properties
				OnFolderCreate.Broadcast(World, NewFolder);

	// Now that we have folders created, move any actors that ultimately reside in that folder too
	for (auto ActorIt = FActorIterator(&World); ActorIt; ++ActorIt)
		const FName& OldActorPath = ActorIt->GetFolderPath();
		AActor* Actor = *ActorIt;
		if (OldActorPath.IsNone())

		if (Actor->GetFolderPath() == OldPath || PathIsChildOf(OldActorPath.ToString(), OldPathString))
			ActorIt->SetFolderPath(OldPathToNewPath(OldPathString, NewPathString, OldActorPath.ToString()));

	// Cleanup any old folders
	for (const auto& Path : RenamedFolders)
		OnFolderDelete.Broadcast(World, Path);

	return RenamedFolders.Num() != 0;
コード例 #7
	/** Build the streamed audio. This function is safe to call from any thread. */
	void BuildStreamedAudio()
		GetStreamedAudioDerivedDataKeySuffix(SoundWave, AudioFormatName, KeySuffix);

		ITargetPlatformManagerModule* TPM = GetTargetPlatformManager();
		const IAudioFormat* AudioFormat = NULL;
		if (TPM)
			AudioFormat = TPM->FindAudioFormat(AudioFormatName);

		if (AudioFormat)
			DerivedData->AudioFormat = AudioFormatName;

			FByteBulkData* CompressedData = SoundWave.GetCompressedData(AudioFormatName);
			if (CompressedData)
				TArray<uint8> CompressedBuffer;
				void* BufferData = CompressedBuffer.GetData();
				CompressedData->GetCopy(&BufferData, false);
				TArray<TArray<uint8>> ChunkBuffers;

				if (AudioFormat->SplitDataForStreaming(CompressedBuffer, ChunkBuffers))
					for (int32 ChunkIndex = 0; ChunkIndex < ChunkBuffers.Num(); ++ChunkIndex)
						FStreamedAudioChunk* NewChunk = new(DerivedData->Chunks) FStreamedAudioChunk();
						NewChunk->DataSize = ChunkBuffers[ChunkIndex].Num();
						void* NewChunkData = NewChunk->BulkData.Realloc(ChunkBuffers[ChunkIndex].Num());
						FMemory::Memcpy(NewChunkData, ChunkBuffers[ChunkIndex].GetData(), ChunkBuffers[ChunkIndex].Num());
					// Could not split so copy compressed data into a single chunk
					FStreamedAudioChunk* NewChunk = new(DerivedData->Chunks) FStreamedAudioChunk();
					NewChunk->DataSize = CompressedBuffer.Num();
					void* NewChunkData = NewChunk->BulkData.Realloc(CompressedBuffer.Num());
					FMemory::Memcpy(NewChunkData, CompressedBuffer.GetData(), CompressedBuffer.Num());

				DerivedData->NumChunks = DerivedData->Chunks.Num();

				// Store it in the cache.
				PutDerivedDataInCache(DerivedData, KeySuffix);
				UE_LOG(LogAudio, Warning, TEXT("Failed to retrieve compressed data for format %s and soundwave %s"),
		if (DerivedData->Chunks.Num())
			bool bInlineChunks = (CacheFlags & EStreamedAudioCacheFlags::InlineChunks) != 0;
			bSucceeded = !bInlineChunks || DerivedData->TryInlineChunkData();
			UE_LOG(LogAudio, Warning, TEXT("Failed to build %s derived data for %s"),
コード例 #8
std::string ConvertToString(FName name)
	std::string t = TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*name.ToString());
	return t;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Stats2.cpp プロジェクト: didixp/Ark-Dev-Kit
	void ListGroup(FName Group)
		FGroupEnable* Found = HighPerformanceEnable.Find(Group);
		if (Found)
			UE_LOG(LogStatGroupEnableManager, Display, TEXT("  %d  default %d %s"), !!Found->CurrentEnable, !!Found->DefaultEnable, *Group.ToString());
コード例 #10
void FAnimNode_MMDIK::EvaluateBoneTransforms(USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones, FA2CSPose& MeshBases, TArray<FBoneTransform>& OutBoneTransforms)

	FVector EffectorLocation(FVector::ZeroVector);
	FVector JointTargetLocation(FVector::ZeroVector);
	TEnumAsByte<enum EBoneControlSpace> EffectorLocationSpace(BCS_BoneSpace);
	TEnumAsByte<enum EBoneControlSpace> JointTargetLocationSpace(BCS_ParentBoneSpace);

	FTransform UpperLimbCSTransform;
	FTransform LowerLimbCSTransform;
	FTransform EndBoneCSTransform;
	FTransform JointTargetTransform;
	const float BlendWeight = FMath::Clamp<float>(1.0f, 0.f, 1.f);

	check(OutBoneTransforms.Num() == 0);

	const FStringAssetReference& AssetRef = MMDExtendAssetRef.ToStringReference();

	UMMDExtendAsset* MMDExtendAssetPtr = MMDExtendAssetRef.Get();

	if (MMDExtendAssetPtr == nullptr)
		UE_LOG(LogAnimation, Warning, TEXT("FAnimNode_MMDIK::EvaluateBoneTransforms: MMExtendPtr is nullptr!"));

	for (int32 indexIK = 0; indexIK < MMDExtendAssetPtr->IkInfoList.Num(); indexIK++)
		JointTargetLocationSpace = BCS_ParentBoneSpace;

		// Get indices of the lower and upper limb bones and check validity.
		bool bInvalidLimb = false;

		// IKBoneIndex
		const FName EffectorSpaceBoneName = MMDExtendAssetPtr->IkInfoList[indexIK].IKBoneName;
		const int32 EffectorSpaceBoneIndex = MMDExtendAssetPtr->IkInfoList[indexIK].IKBoneIndex;

		const FName EndBoneName = MMDExtendAssetPtr->IkInfoList[indexIK].TargetBoneName;
		const int32 EndBoneIndex = MMDExtendAssetPtr->IkInfoList[indexIK].TargetBoneIndex;

		if (EffectorSpaceBoneName.IsEqual(TEXT("左つま先IK")) || EffectorSpaceBoneName.IsEqual(TEXT("右つま先IK")))
			JointTargetLocationSpace = BCS_BoneSpace;

		const int32 LowerLimbIndex = RequiredBones.GetParentBoneIndex(EndBoneIndex);
		if (LowerLimbIndex == INDEX_NONE)
			bInvalidLimb = true;

		int32 UpperLimbIndex = INDEX_NONE;

		if (!bInvalidLimb)
			UpperLimbIndex = RequiredBones.GetParentBoneIndex(LowerLimbIndex);
			if (UpperLimbIndex == INDEX_NONE)
				bInvalidLimb = true;


		if (!bInvalidLimb)
			int32 JointTargetSpaceBoneIndex = INDEX_NONE;

			if (MMDExtendAssetPtr->IkInfoList[indexIK].ikLinkList.Num() > 0)
				JointTargetSpaceBoneIndex = MMDExtendAssetPtr->IkInfoList[indexIK].ikLinkList[0].BoneIndex;

			UpperLimbCSTransform = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(UpperLimbIndex);
			LowerLimbCSTransform = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(LowerLimbIndex);

			EndBoneCSTransform = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(EndBoneIndex);

			FTransform JointTargetTransform(JointTargetLocation);
			FAnimationRuntime::ConvertBoneSpaceTransformToCS(SkelComp, MeshBases, JointTargetTransform, JointTargetSpaceBoneIndex, JointTargetLocationSpace);

			const FVector RootPos = UpperLimbCSTransform.GetTranslation();
			const FVector InitialJointPos = LowerLimbCSTransform.GetTranslation();
			const FVector InitialEndPos = EndBoneCSTransform.GetTranslation();

			FTransform EffectorTransform(EffectorLocation);
			FAnimationRuntime::ConvertBoneSpaceTransformToCS(SkelComp, MeshBases, EffectorTransform, EffectorSpaceBoneIndex, EffectorLocationSpace);

			FVector DesiredPos = EffectorTransform.GetTranslation();
			FVector DesiredDelta = DesiredPos - RootPos;
			float DesiredLength = DesiredDelta.Size();

			// Check to handle case where DesiredPos is the same as RootPos.
			FVector	DesiredDir;
			if (DesiredLength < (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
				DesiredLength = (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER;
				DesiredDir = FVector(1, 0, 0);
				DesiredDir = DesiredDelta / DesiredLength;

			FVector	JointTargetPos = JointTargetTransform.GetTranslation();
			FVector JointTargetDelta = JointTargetPos - RootPos;
			float JointTargetLength = JointTargetDelta.Size();

			// Same check as above, to cover case when JointTarget position is the same as RootPos.
			FVector JointPlaneNormal, JointBendDir;
			if (JointTargetLength < (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
				JointBendDir = FVector(0, 1, 0);
				JointPlaneNormal = FVector(0, 0, 1);
				JointPlaneNormal = DesiredDir ^ JointTargetDelta;

				// If we are trying to point the limb in the same direction that we are supposed to displace the joint in,
				// we have to just pick 2 random vector perp to DesiredDir and each other.
				if (JointPlaneNormal.Size() < (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
					DesiredDir.FindBestAxisVectors(JointPlaneNormal, JointBendDir);

					// Find the final member of the reference frame by removing any component of JointTargetDelta along DesiredDir.
					// This should never leave a zero vector, because we've checked DesiredDir and JointTargetDelta are not parallel.
					JointBendDir = JointTargetDelta - ((JointTargetDelta | DesiredDir) * DesiredDir);

			// Find lengths of upper and lower limb in the ref skeleton.
			// Use actual sizes instead of ref skeleton, so we take into account translation and scaling from other bone controllers.
			float LowerLimbLength = (InitialEndPos - InitialJointPos).Size();
			float UpperLimbLength = (InitialJointPos - RootPos).Size();
			float MaxLimbLength = LowerLimbLength + UpperLimbLength;

			FVector OutEndPos = DesiredPos;
			FVector OutJointPos = InitialJointPos;

			// If we are trying to reach a goal beyond the length of the limb, clamp it to something solvable and extend limb fully.
			if (DesiredLength > MaxLimbLength)
				OutEndPos = RootPos + (MaxLimbLength * DesiredDir);
				OutJointPos = RootPos + (UpperLimbLength * DesiredDir);
				// So we have a triangle we know the side lengths of. We can work out the angle between DesiredDir and the direction of the upper limb
				// using the sin rule:
				const float TwoAB = 2.f * UpperLimbLength * DesiredLength;

				const float CosAngle = (TwoAB != 0.f) ? ((UpperLimbLength*UpperLimbLength) + (DesiredLength*DesiredLength) - (LowerLimbLength*LowerLimbLength)) / TwoAB : 0.f;

				// If CosAngle is less than 0, the upper arm actually points the opposite way to DesiredDir, so we handle that.
				const bool bReverseUpperBone = (CosAngle < 0.f);

				// If CosAngle is greater than 1.f, the triangle could not be made - we cannot reach the target.
				// We just have the two limbs double back on themselves, and EndPos will not equal the desired EffectorLocation.
				if ((CosAngle > 1.f) || (CosAngle < -1.f))
					// Because we want the effector to be a positive distance down DesiredDir, we go back by the smaller section.
					if (UpperLimbLength > LowerLimbLength)
						OutJointPos = RootPos + (UpperLimbLength * DesiredDir);
						OutEndPos = OutJointPos - (LowerLimbLength * DesiredDir);
						OutJointPos = RootPos - (UpperLimbLength * DesiredDir);
						OutEndPos = OutJointPos + (LowerLimbLength * DesiredDir);
					// Angle between upper limb and DesiredDir
					const float Angle = FMath::Acos(CosAngle);

					// Now we calculate the distance of the joint from the root -> effector line.
					// This forms a right-angle triangle, with the upper limb as the hypotenuse.
					const float JointLineDist = UpperLimbLength * FMath::Sin(Angle);

					// And the final side of that triangle - distance along DesiredDir of perpendicular.
					// ProjJointDistSqr can't be neg, because JointLineDist must be <= UpperLimbLength because appSin(Angle) is <= 1.
					const float ProjJointDistSqr = (UpperLimbLength*UpperLimbLength) - (JointLineDist*JointLineDist);
					// although this shouldn't be ever negative, sometimes Xbox release produces -0.f, causing ProjJointDist to be NaN
					// so now I branch it.
					float ProjJointDist = (ProjJointDistSqr>0.f) ? FMath::Sqrt(ProjJointDistSqr) : 0.f;
					if (bReverseUpperBone)
						ProjJointDist *= -1.f;

					// So now we can work out where to put the joint!
					OutJointPos = RootPos + (ProjJointDist * DesiredDir) + (JointLineDist * JointBendDir);

			// Update transform for upper bone.
				// Get difference in direction for old and new joint orientations
				FVector const OldDir = (InitialJointPos - RootPos).GetSafeNormal();
				FVector const NewDir = (OutJointPos - RootPos).GetSafeNormal();
				// Find Delta Rotation take takes us from Old to New dir
				FQuat const DeltaRotation = FQuat::FindBetween(OldDir, NewDir);
				// Rotate our Joint quaternion by this delta rotation
				UpperLimbCSTransform.SetRotation(DeltaRotation * UpperLimbCSTransform.GetRotation());
				// And put joint where it should be.

				// Order important. First bone is upper limb.
				OutBoneTransforms.Add(FBoneTransform(UpperLimbIndex, UpperLimbCSTransform));

			// Update transform for lower bone.
				// Get difference in direction for old and new joint orientations
				FVector const OldDir = (InitialEndPos - InitialJointPos).GetSafeNormal();
				FVector const NewDir = (OutEndPos - OutJointPos).GetSafeNormal();

				// Find Delta Rotation take takes us from Old to New dir
				FQuat const DeltaRotation = FQuat::FindBetween(OldDir, NewDir);
				// Rotate our Joint quaternion by this delta rotation
				LowerLimbCSTransform.SetRotation(DeltaRotation * LowerLimbCSTransform.GetRotation());
				// And put joint where it should be.

				// Order important. Second bone is lower limb.
				OutBoneTransforms.Add(FBoneTransform(LowerLimbIndex, LowerLimbCSTransform));


			// Update transform for end bone.

				// Set correct location for end bone.

				// Order important. Third bone is End Bone.
				OutBoneTransforms.Add(FBoneTransform(EndBoneIndex, EndBoneCSTransform));

			OutBoneTransforms.Sort([](const FBoneTransform& A, const FBoneTransform& B)
				return A.BoneIndex < B.BoneIndex;

			if (OutBoneTransforms.Num() > 0)
				MeshBases.LocalBlendCSBoneTransforms(OutBoneTransforms, BlendWeight);



コード例 #11
ファイル: Stats2.cpp プロジェクト: didixp/Ark-Dev-Kit
	virtual TStatId GetHighPerformanceEnableForStat(FName StatShortName, const char* InGroup, const char* InCategory, bool bDefaultEnable, bool bShouldClearEveryFrame, EStatDataType::Type InStatType, TCHAR const* InDescription, bool bCycleStat, FPlatformMemory::EMemoryCounterRegion MemoryRegion = FPlatformMemory::MCR_Invalid) override
		FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);

		FStatNameAndInfo LongName(StatShortName, InGroup, InCategory, InDescription, InStatType, bShouldClearEveryFrame, bCycleStat, MemoryRegion);

		FName Stat = LongName.GetEncodedName();

		FName Group(InGroup);
		FGroupEnable* Found = HighPerformanceEnable.Find(Group);
		if (Found)
			if (Found->DefaultEnable != bDefaultEnable)
				UE_LOG(LogStatGroupEnableManager, Fatal, TEXT("Stat group %s was was defined both on and off by default."), *Group.ToString());
			TStatIdData** StatFound = Found->NamesInThisGroup.Find( Stat );
			TStatIdData** StatFoundAlways = Found->AlwaysEnabledNamesInThisGroup.Find( Stat );
			if( StatFound )
				if( StatFoundAlways )
					UE_LOG( LogStatGroupEnableManager, Fatal, TEXT( "Stat %s is both always enabled and not always enabled, so it was used for two different things." ), *Stat.ToString() );
				return TStatId( *StatFound );
			else if( StatFoundAlways )
				return TStatId( *StatFoundAlways );
			Found = &HighPerformanceEnable.Add( Group, FGroupEnable( bDefaultEnable || !bShouldClearEveryFrame ) );

			// this was set up before we saw the group, so set the enable now
			if (EnableForNewGroup.Contains(Group))
				Found->CurrentEnable = EnableForNewGroup.FindChecked(Group);
				EnableForNewGroup.Remove(Group); // by definition, we will never need this again
			else if (UseEnableForNewGroups)
				Found->CurrentEnable = EnableForNewGroups;
		if (PendingCount < 1)
			PendingStatIds = new TStatIdData[NUM_PER_BLOCK];
			FMemory::Memzero( PendingStatIds, NUM_PER_BLOCK * sizeof( TStatIdData ) );
			PendingCount = NUM_PER_BLOCK;
		TStatIdData* Result = PendingStatIds;

		const FString StatDescription = InDescription ? InDescription : StatShortName.GetPlainNameString();

		// Get the wide stat description.
		const int32 StatDescLen = StatDescription.Len() + 1;
		// We are leaking this. @see STAT_StatDescMemory
		WIDECHAR* StatDescWide = new WIDECHAR[StatDescLen];
		TCString<WIDECHAR>::Strcpy( StatDescWide, StatDescLen, StringCast<WIDECHAR>( *StatDescription ).Get() );
		Result->WideString = reinterpret_cast<uint64>(StatDescWide);

		// Get the ansi stat description.
		// We are leaking this. @see STAT_StatDescMemory
		ANSICHAR* StatDescAnsi = new ANSICHAR[StatDescLen];
		TCString<ANSICHAR>::Strcpy( StatDescAnsi, StatDescLen, StringCast<ANSICHAR>( *StatDescription ).Get() );
		Result->AnsiString = reinterpret_cast<uint64>(StatDescAnsi);

		MemoryCounter.Add( StatDescLen*(sizeof( ANSICHAR ) + sizeof( WIDECHAR )) );

		if( Found->CurrentEnable )
			EnableStat( Stat, Result );

		if( bShouldClearEveryFrame )
			Found->NamesInThisGroup.Add( Stat, Result );
			Found->AlwaysEnabledNamesInThisGroup.Add( Stat, Result );
		return TStatId(Result);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Skeleton.cpp プロジェクト: amyvmiwei/UnrealEngine4
void USkeleton::UpdateRetargetSource( const FName Name )
	FReferencePose * PoseFound = AnimRetargetSources.Find(Name);

	if (PoseFound)
		USkeletalMesh * ReferenceMesh = PoseFound->ReferenceMesh;
		// reference mesh can be deleted after base pose is created, don't update it if it's not there. 
			const TArray<FTransform>& MeshRefPose = ReferenceMesh->RefSkeleton.GetRefBonePose();
			const TArray<FTransform>& SkeletonRefPose = GetReferenceSkeleton().GetRefBonePose();
			const TArray<FMeshBoneInfo> & SkeletonBoneInfo = GetReferenceSkeleton().GetRefBoneInfo();


			for (int32 SkeletonBoneIndex=0; SkeletonBoneIndex<SkeletonRefPose.Num(); ++SkeletonBoneIndex)
				FName SkeletonBoneName = SkeletonBoneInfo[SkeletonBoneIndex].Name;
				int32 MeshBoneIndex = ReferenceMesh->RefSkeleton.FindBoneIndex(SkeletonBoneName);
				if (MeshBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE)
					PoseFound->ReferencePose[SkeletonBoneIndex] = MeshRefPose[MeshBoneIndex];
					PoseFound->ReferencePose[SkeletonBoneIndex] = FTransform::Identity;
			UE_LOG(LogAnimation, Warning, TEXT("Reference Mesh for Retarget Source %s has been removed."), *Name.ToString());
コード例 #13
TSharedPtr<IMediaPlayer> UMediaPlayer::FindPlayerForUrl(const FString& Url, const IMediaOptions& Options)
	FName PlayerName = Options.GetDesiredPlayerName();

	if (PlayerName == NAME_None)
		PlayerName = DesiredPlayerName;

	// reuse existing player if desired
	if (Player.IsValid() && (PlayerName == Player->GetName()))
		return Player;

	// load media module
	IMediaModule* MediaModule = FModuleManager::LoadModulePtr<IMediaModule>("Media");

	if (MediaModule == nullptr)
		UE_LOG(LogMediaAssets, Error, TEXT("Failed to load Media module"));
		return nullptr;

	// try to create desired player
	if (PlayerName != NAME_None)
		IMediaPlayerFactory* Factory = MediaModule->GetPlayerFactory(PlayerName);

		if (Factory == nullptr)
			UE_LOG(LogMediaAssets, Error, TEXT("Could not find desired player %s for %s"), *PlayerName.ToString(), *Url);
			return nullptr;

		TSharedPtr<IMediaPlayer> NewPlayer = Factory->CreatePlayer();

		if (!NewPlayer.IsValid())
			UE_LOG(LogMediaAssets, Error, TEXT("Failed to create desired player %s for %s"), *PlayerName.ToString(), *Url);
			return nullptr;

		return NewPlayer;

	// try to reuse existing player
	if (Player.IsValid())
		IMediaPlayerFactory* Factory = MediaModule->GetPlayerFactory(Player->GetName());

		if ((Factory != nullptr) && Factory->CanPlayUrl(Url, Options))
			return Player;

	// try to auto-select new player
	const TArray<IMediaPlayerFactory*>& PlayerFactories = MediaModule->GetPlayerFactories();
	const FString RunningPlatformName(FPlatformProperties::IniPlatformName());

	for (IMediaPlayerFactory* Factory : PlayerFactories)
		if (!Factory->SupportsPlatform(RunningPlatformName) || !Factory->CanPlayUrl(Url, Options))

		TSharedPtr<IMediaPlayer> NewPlayer = Factory->CreatePlayer();

		if (NewPlayer.IsValid())
			return NewPlayer;

	UE_LOG(LogMediaAssets, Error, TEXT("Could not find a native player for %s"), *Url);

	return nullptr;
コード例 #14
bool SLandscapeEditor::GetIsPropertyVisible(const FPropertyAndParent& PropertyAndParent) const
	const UProperty& Property = PropertyAndParent.Property;

	FEdModeLandscape* LandscapeEdMode = GetEditorMode();
	if (LandscapeEdMode != NULL && LandscapeEdMode->CurrentTool != NULL)
		if (Property.HasMetaData("ShowForMask"))
			const bool bMaskEnabled = LandscapeEdMode->CurrentTool &&
				LandscapeEdMode->CurrentTool->SupportsMask() &&
				LandscapeEdMode->CurrentToolTarget.LandscapeInfo.IsValid() &&
				LandscapeEdMode->CurrentToolTarget.LandscapeInfo->SelectedRegion.Num() > 0;

			if (bMaskEnabled)
				return true;
		if (Property.HasMetaData("ShowForTools"))
			const FName CurrentToolName = LandscapeEdMode->CurrentTool->GetToolName();

			TArray<FString> ShowForTools;
			Property.GetMetaData("ShowForTools").ParseIntoArray(&ShowForTools, TEXT(","), true);
			if (!ShowForTools.Contains(CurrentToolName.ToString()))
				return false;
		if (Property.HasMetaData("ShowForBrushes"))
			const FName CurrentBrushSetName = LandscapeEdMode->LandscapeBrushSets[LandscapeEdMode->CurrentBrushSetIndex].BrushSetName;
			// const FName CurrentBrushName = LandscapeEdMode->CurrentBrush->GetBrushName();

			TArray<FString> ShowForBrushes;
			Property.GetMetaData("ShowForBrushes").ParseIntoArray(&ShowForBrushes, TEXT(","), true);
			if (!ShowForBrushes.Contains(CurrentBrushSetName.ToString()))
				//&& !ShowForBrushes.Contains(CurrentBrushName.ToString())
				return false;
		if (Property.HasMetaData("ShowForTargetTypes"))
			static const TCHAR* TargetTypeNames[] = { TEXT("Heightmap"), TEXT("Weightmap"), TEXT("Visibility") };

			TArray<FString> ShowForTargetTypes;
			Property.GetMetaData("ShowForTargetTypes").ParseIntoArray(&ShowForTargetTypes, TEXT(","), true);

			const ELandscapeToolTargetType::Type CurrentTargetType = LandscapeEdMode->CurrentToolTarget.TargetType;
			if (CurrentTargetType == ELandscapeToolTargetType::Invalid ||
				ShowForTargetTypes.FindByKey(TargetTypeNames[CurrentTargetType]) == nullptr)
				return false;

		return true;

	return false;
コード例 #15
void UOnlineSessionClient::OnDestroyForJoinSessionComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Verbose, TEXT("OnDestroyForJoinSessionComplete %s bSuccess: %d"), *SessionName.ToString(), bWasSuccessful);

	IOnlineSessionPtr SessionInt = GetSessionInt();

	if (SessionInt.IsValid())

	if (bWasSuccessful)
		JoinSession(SessionName, CachedSessionResult);

	bHandlingDisconnect = false;
コード例 #16
/** UI_COMMAND takes long for the compile to optimize */
void FLevelViewportCommands::RegisterCommands()
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleMaximize, "Maximize Viewport", "Toggles the Maximize state of the current viewport", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleGameView, "Game View", "Toggles game view.  Game view shows the scene as it appears in game", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord( EKeys::G ) );
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleImmersive, "Immersive Mode", "Switches this viewport between immersive mode and regular mode", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord( EKeys::F11 ) );

	UI_COMMAND( CreateCamera, "Create Camera Here", "Creates a new camera actor at the current location of this viewport's camera", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( HighResScreenshot, "High Resolution Screenshot...", "Opens the control panel for high resolution screenshots", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( UseDefaultShowFlags, "Use Defaults", "Resets all show flags to default", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( PilotSelectedActor, "Pilot Selected Actor", "Move the selected actor around using the viewport controls, and bind the viewport to the actor's location and orientation.", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord( EModifierKey::Control | EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::P ) );
	UI_COMMAND( EjectActorPilot, "Eject from Actor Pilot", "Stop piloting an actor with the current viewport. Unlocks the viewport's position and orientation from the actor the viewport is currently piloting.", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleActorPilotCameraView, "Actor Pilot Camera View", "Toggles showing the exact camera view when using the viewport to pilot a camera", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord( EModifierKey::Control | EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::C ) );

	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_OnePane, "Layout One Pane", "Changes the viewport arrangement to one pane", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_TwoPanesH, "Layout Two Panes (horizontal)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to two panes, side-by-side", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_TwoPanesV, "Layout Two Panes (vertical)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to two panes, one above the other", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesLeft, "Layout Three Panes (one left, two right)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the left, two on the right", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesRight, "Layout Three Panes (one right, two left)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the right, two on the left", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesTop, "Layout Three Panes (one top, two bottom)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the top, two on the bottom", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesBottom, "Layout Three Panes (one bottom, two top)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the bottom, two on the top", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesLeft, "Layout Four Panes (one left, three right)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the left, three on the right", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesRight, "Layout Four Panes (one right, three left)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the right, three on the left", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesTop, "Layout Four Panes (one top, three bottom)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the top, three on the bottom", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesBottom, "Layout Four Panes (one bottom, three top)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the bottom, three on the top", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanes2x2, "Layout Four Panes (2x2)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, in a 2x2 grid", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( ApplyMaterialToActor, "Apply Material", "Attempts to apply a dropped material to this object", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( ToggleCinematicPreview, "Toggles Cinematic Preview", "If enabled, allows Matinee or Sequencer previews to play in this viewport", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( FindInLevelScriptBlueprint, "Find In Level Script", "Finds references of a selected actor in the level script blueprint", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord(EModifierKey::Control, EKeys::K) );
	UI_COMMAND( AdvancedSettings, "Advanced Settings...", "Opens the advanced viewport settings", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord());

	// Generate a command for each buffer visualization mode
		struct FMaterialIterator
			const TSharedRef<class FBindingContext> Parent;
			FLevelViewportCommands::TBufferVisualizationModeCommandMap& CommandMap;

			FMaterialIterator(const TSharedRef<class FBindingContext> InParent, FLevelViewportCommands::TBufferVisualizationModeCommandMap& InCommandMap)
				: Parent(InParent)
				, CommandMap(InCommandMap)

			void ProcessValue(const FString& InMaterialName, const UMaterial* InMaterial, const FText& InDisplayName)
				FName ViewportCommandName = *(FString(TEXT("BufferVisualizationMenu")) + InMaterialName);

				FBufferVisualizationRecord& Record = CommandMap.Add(ViewportCommandName, FBufferVisualizationRecord());
				Record.Name = *InMaterialName;
				const FText MaterialNameText = FText::FromString( InMaterialName );
				Record.Command = FUICommandInfoDecl( Parent, ViewportCommandName, MaterialNameText, MaterialNameText )
					.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::RadioButton )
					.DefaultChord( FInputChord() );

		FName ViewportCommandName = *(FString(TEXT("BufferVisualizationOverview")));
		FBufferVisualizationRecord& OverviewRecord = BufferVisualizationModeCommands.Add(ViewportCommandName, FBufferVisualizationRecord());
		OverviewRecord.Name = NAME_None;
		OverviewRecord.Command = FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), ViewportCommandName, LOCTEXT("BufferVisualization", "Overview"), LOCTEXT("BufferVisualization", "Overview") )
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::RadioButton )
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord() );

		FMaterialIterator It(this->AsShared(), BufferVisualizationModeCommands);

	const TArray<FShowFlagData>& ShowFlagData = GetShowFlagMenuItems();

	// Generate a command for each show flag
	for( int32 ShowFlag = 0; ShowFlag < ShowFlagData.Num(); ++ShowFlag )
		const FShowFlagData& SFData = ShowFlagData[ShowFlag];

		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add( TEXT("ShowFlagName"), SFData.DisplayName );
		FText LocalizedName;
		switch( SFData.Group )
		case SFG_Visualize:
			LocalizedName = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("VisualizeFlagLabel", "Visualize {ShowFlagName}"), Args );
			LocalizedName = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ShowFlagLabel", "Show {ShowFlagName}"), Args );

		//@todo Slate: The show flags system does not support descriptions currently
		const FText ShowFlagDesc;

		TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ShowFlagCommand 
			= FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), SFData.ShowFlagName, LocalizedName, ShowFlagDesc )
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton )
			.DefaultChord( SFData.InputChord )
			.Icon(SFData.Group == EShowFlagGroup::SFG_Normal ?
						FSlateIcon(FEditorStyle::GetStyleSetName(), FEditorStyle::Join( GetContextName(), TCHAR_TO_ANSI( *FString::Printf( TEXT(".%s"), *SFData.ShowFlagName.ToString() ) ) ) ) :

		ShowFlagCommands.Add( FLevelViewportCommands::FShowMenuCommand( ShowFlagCommand, SFData.DisplayName ) );

	// Generate a command for each volume class
		UI_COMMAND( ShowAllVolumes, "Show All Volumes", "Shows all volumes", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
		UI_COMMAND( HideAllVolumes, "Hide All Volumes", "Hides all volumes", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

		TArray< UClass* > VolumeClasses;

		for( int32 VolumeClassIndex = 0; VolumeClassIndex < VolumeClasses.Num(); ++VolumeClassIndex )
			//@todo Slate: The show flags system does not support descriptions currently
			const FText VolumeDesc;
			const FName VolumeName = VolumeClasses[VolumeClassIndex]->GetFName();

			FText DisplayName;
			FEngineShowFlags::FindShowFlagDisplayName( VolumeName.ToString(), DisplayName );

			FFormatNamedArguments Args;
			Args.Add( TEXT("ShowFlagName"), DisplayName );
			const FText LocalizedName = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ShowFlagLabel_Visualize", "Visualize {ShowFlagName}"), Args );

			TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ShowVolumeCommand 
				= FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), VolumeName, LocalizedName, VolumeDesc )
				.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton );

			ShowVolumeCommands.Add( FLevelViewportCommands::FShowMenuCommand( ShowVolumeCommand, DisplayName ) );

	// Generate a command for show/hide all layers
		UI_COMMAND( ShowAllLayers, "Show All Layers", "Shows all layers", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
		UI_COMMAND( HideAllLayers, "Hide All Layers", "Hides all layers", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	// Generate a command for each sprite category
		UI_COMMAND( ShowAllSprites, "Show All Sprites", "Shows all sprites", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
		UI_COMMAND( HideAllSprites, "Hide All Sprites", "Hides all sprites", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

		// get all the known layers
		// Get a fresh list as GUnrealEd->SortedSpriteInfo may not yet be built.
		TArray<FSpriteCategoryInfo> SortedSpriteInfo;

		FString SpritePrefix = TEXT("ShowSprite_");
		for( int32 InfoIndex = 0; InfoIndex < SortedSpriteInfo.Num(); ++InfoIndex )
			const FSpriteCategoryInfo& SpriteInfo = SortedSpriteInfo[InfoIndex];

			const FName CommandName = FName( *(SpritePrefix + SpriteInfo.Category.ToString()) );

			FFormatNamedArguments Args;
			Args.Add( TEXT("SpriteName"), SpriteInfo.DisplayName );
			const FText LocalizedName = FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UICommands", "SpriteShowFlagName", "Show {SpriteName} Sprites"), Args );

			TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ShowSpriteCommand 
				= FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), CommandName, LocalizedName, SpriteInfo.Description )
				.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton );

			ShowSpriteCommands.Add( FLevelViewportCommands::FShowMenuCommand( ShowSpriteCommand, SpriteInfo.DisplayName ) );

	// Generate a command for each Stat category
		UI_COMMAND(HideAllStats, "Hide All Stats", "Hides all Stats", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord());

		// Bind a listener here for any additional stat commands that get registered later.
		UEngine::NewStatDelegate.AddRaw(this, &FLevelViewportCommands::HandleNewStat);
		FStatGroupGameThreadNotifier::Get().NewStatGroupDelegate.BindRaw(this, &FLevelViewportCommands::HandleNewStatGroup);

	// Map the bookmark index to default key.
	// If the max bookmark number ever increases the new bookmarks will not have default keys
	TArray< FKey > NumberKeyNames;
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Zero );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::One );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Two );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Three );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Four );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Five );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Six );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Seven );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Eight );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Nine );

	for( int32 BookmarkIndex = 0; BookmarkIndex < AWorldSettings::MAX_BOOKMARK_NUMBER; ++BookmarkIndex )
		TSharedRef< FUICommandInfo > JumpToBookmark =
			this->AsShared(), //Command class
			FName( *FString::Printf( TEXT( "JumpToBookmark%i" ), BookmarkIndex ) ), //CommandName
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "JumpToBookmark", "Jump to Bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ), //Localized label
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "JumpToBookmark_ToolTip", "Moves the viewport to the location and orientation stored at bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ) )//Localized tooltip
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::Button ) //interface type
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord( NumberKeyNames.IsValidIndex( BookmarkIndex ) ? NumberKeyNames[BookmarkIndex] : EKeys::Invalid ) ); //default chord

		JumpToBookmarkCommands.Add( JumpToBookmark );

		TSharedRef< FUICommandInfo > SetBookmark =
			this->AsShared(), //Command class
			FName( *FString::Printf( TEXT( "SetBookmark%i" ), BookmarkIndex ) ), //CommandName
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "SetBookmark", "Set Bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ), //Localized label
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "SetBookmark_ToolTip", "Stores the viewports location and orientation in bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ) )//Localized tooltip
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::Button ) //interface type
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord( EModifierKey::Control, NumberKeyNames.IsValidIndex( BookmarkIndex ) ? NumberKeyNames[BookmarkIndex] : EKeys::Invalid ) ); //default chord

		SetBookmarkCommands.Add( SetBookmark );

		TSharedRef< FUICommandInfo > ClearBookMark =
			this->AsShared(), //Command class
			FName( *FString::Printf( TEXT( "ClearBookmark%i" ), BookmarkIndex ) ), //CommandName
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "ClearBookmark", "Clear Bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ), //Localized label
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "ClearBookmark_ToolTip", "Clears the viewports location and orientation in bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ) )//Localized tooltip
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::Button ) //interface type
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord() ); //default chord 

		ClearBookmarkCommands.Add( ClearBookMark );
	UI_COMMAND( ClearAllBookMarks, "Clear All Bookmarks", "Clears all the bookmarks", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( EnablePreviewMesh, "Hold To Enable Preview Mesh", "When held down a preview mesh appears under the cursor", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord(EKeys::Backslash) );
	UI_COMMAND( CyclePreviewMesh, "Cycles Preview Mesh", "Cycles available preview meshes", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord( EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::Backslash ) );

コード例 #17
ファイル: Character.cpp プロジェクト: mysheng8/UnrealEngine
	bool GetMovementBaseTransform(const UPrimitiveComponent* MovementBase, const FName BoneName, FVector& OutLocation, FQuat& OutQuat)
		if (MovementBase)
			if (BoneName != NAME_None)
				const USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalBase = Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent>(MovementBase);
				if (SkeletalBase)
					const int32 BoneIndex = SkeletalBase->GetBoneIndex(BoneName);
					if (BoneIndex != INDEX_NONE)
						const FTransform BoneTransform = SkeletalBase->GetBoneTransform(BoneIndex);
						OutLocation = BoneTransform.GetLocation();
						OutQuat = BoneTransform.GetRotation();
						return true;

					UE_LOG(LogCharacter, Warning, TEXT("GetMovementBaseTransform(): Invalid bone '%s' for SkeletalMeshComponent base %s"), *BoneName.ToString(), *GetPathNameSafe(MovementBase));
					return false;
				// TODO: warn if not a skeletal mesh but providing bone index.

			// No bone supplied
			OutLocation = MovementBase->GetComponentLocation();
			OutQuat = MovementBase->GetComponentQuat();
			return true;

		// NULL MovementBase
		OutLocation = FVector::ZeroVector;
		OutQuat = FQuat::Identity;
		return false;
コード例 #18
CreatureCore::MakeBluePrintPointCache(FName name_in, int32 approximation_level)
	auto cur_creature_manager = GetCreatureManager();
	if (!cur_creature_manager)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("ACreatureActor::MakeBluePrintPointCache() - ERROR! Could not generate point cache for %s"), *name_in.ToString());

	int32 real_approximation_level = approximation_level;
	if (real_approximation_level <= 0)
		real_approximation_level = 1;
	else if (real_approximation_level > 10)
		real_approximation_level = 10;

	cur_creature_manager->MakePointCache(ConvertToString(name_in), real_approximation_level);
コード例 #19
ファイル: HUD.cpp プロジェクト: zhaoyizheng0930/UnrealEngine
void AHUD::AddHitBox(FVector2D Position, FVector2D Size, FName Name, bool bConsumesInput, int32 Priority)
	if( GetHitBoxWithName(Name) == nullptr )
		bool bAdded = false;
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < HitBoxMap.Num(); ++Index)
			if (HitBoxMap[Index].GetPriority() < Priority)
				HitBoxMap.Insert(FHUDHitBox(Position, Size, Name, bConsumesInput, Priority), Index);
				bAdded = true;
		if (!bAdded)
			HitBoxMap.Add(FHUDHitBox(Position, Size, Name, bConsumesInput, Priority));
		UE_LOG(LogHUD, Warning, TEXT("Failed to add hitbox named %s as a hitbox with this name already exists"), *Name.ToString());