コード例 #1
 * Compares name to passed in one. Sort is alphabetical ascending.
 * @param	Other	Name to compare this against
 * @return	< 0 is this < Other, 0 if this == Other, > 0 if this > Other
int32 FName::Compare( const FName& Other ) const
    // Names match, check whether numbers match.
    if( GetComparisonIndexFast() == Other.GetComparisonIndexFast() )
        return GetNumber() - Other.GetNumber();
    // Names don't match. This means we don't even need to check numbers.
        TNameEntryArray& Names = GetNames();
        const FNameEntry* const ThisEntry = GetComparisonNameEntry();
        const FNameEntry* const OtherEntry = Other.GetComparisonNameEntry();

        // Ansi/Wide mismatch, convert to wide
        if( ThisEntry->IsWide() != OtherEntry->IsWide() )
            return FCStringWide::Stricmp(	ThisEntry->IsWide() ? ThisEntry->GetWideName() : StringCast<WIDECHAR>(ThisEntry->GetAnsiName()).Get(),
                                            OtherEntry->IsWide() ? OtherEntry->GetWideName() : StringCast<WIDECHAR>(OtherEntry->GetAnsiName()).Get() );
        // Both are wide.
        else if( ThisEntry->IsWide() )
            return FCStringWide::Stricmp( ThisEntry->GetWideName(), OtherEntry->GetWideName() );
        // Both are ansi.
            return FCStringAnsi::Stricmp( ThisEntry->GetAnsiName(), OtherEntry->GetAnsiName() );