bool GrVkRenderPass::isCompatible(const GrVkRenderTarget& target) const { AttachmentsDescriptor desc; AttachmentFlags flags; target.getAttachmentsDescriptor(&desc, &flags); return this->isCompatible(desc, flags); }
void GrVkRenderPass::init(const GrVkGpu* gpu, const GrVkRenderTarget& target, const LoadStoreOps& colorOp, const LoadStoreOps& resolveOp, const LoadStoreOps& stencilOp) { // Get attachment information from render target. This includes which attachments the render // target has (color, resolve, stencil) and the attachments format and sample count. target.getAttachmentsDescriptor(&fAttachmentsDescriptor, &fAttachmentFlags); this->init(gpu, colorOp, resolveOp, stencilOp); }