bool MapManager::CanPlayerEnter(uint32 mapid, Player* player, bool loginCheck) { MapEntry const* entry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapid); if (!entry) return false; if (!entry->IsDungeon()) return true; InstanceTemplate const* instance = sObjectMgr->GetInstanceTemplate(mapid); if (!instance) return false; Difficulty targetDifficulty = player->GetDifficulty(entry->IsRaid()); //The player has a heroic mode and tries to enter into instance which has no a heroic mode MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = GetMapDifficultyData(entry->MapID, targetDifficulty); if (!mapDiff) { // Send aborted message for dungeons if (entry->IsNonRaidDungeon()) { player->SendTransferAborted(mapid, TRANSFER_ABORT_DIFFICULTY, player->GetDungeonDifficulty()); return false; } else // attempt to downscale mapDiff = GetDownscaledMapDifficultyData(entry->MapID, targetDifficulty); } // FIXME: mapDiff is never used //Bypass checks for GMs if (player->IsGameMaster()) return true; char const* mapName = entry->name; Group* group = player->GetGroup(); if (entry->IsRaid()) { // can only enter in a raid group if ((!group || !group->isRaidGroup()) && !sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_INSTANCE_IGNORE_RAID)) { // probably there must be special opcode, because client has this string constant in GlobalStrings.lua /// @todo this is not a good place to send the message player->GetSession()->SendAreaTriggerMessage(player->GetSession()->GetTrinityString(LANG_INSTANCE_RAID_GROUP_ONLY), mapName); TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' must be in a raid group to enter instance '%s'", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName); return false; } } if (!player->IsAlive()) { if (Corpse* corpse = player->GetCorpse()) { // let enter in ghost mode in instance that connected to inner instance with corpse uint32 corpseMap = corpse->GetMapId(); do { if (corpseMap == mapid) break; InstanceTemplate const* corpseInstance = sObjectMgr->GetInstanceTemplate(corpseMap); corpseMap = corpseInstance ? corpseInstance->Parent : 0; } while (corpseMap); if (!corpseMap) { WorldPacket data(SMSG_CORPSE_NOT_IN_INSTANCE); player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' does not have a corpse in instance '%s' and cannot enter.", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName); return false; } TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "MAP: Player '%s' has corpse in instance '%s' and can enter.", player->GetName().c_str(), mapName); player->ResurrectPlayer(0.5f, false); player->SpawnCorpseBones(); } else TC_LOG_DEBUG("maps", "Map::CanPlayerEnter - player '%s' is dead but does not have a corpse!", player->GetName().c_str()); } //Get instance where player's group is bound & its map if (group) { InstanceGroupBind* boundInstance = group->GetBoundInstance(entry); if (boundInstance && boundInstance->save) if (Map* boundMap = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapid, boundInstance->save->GetInstanceId())) { TC_LOG_ERROR("maps", "ASSERT Check Map::CanPlayerEnter:: Group: %u Instance: %u",group->GetLowGUID() , boundMap->GetEntry()); if (!loginCheck && !boundMap->CanEnter(player)) return false; } /* This check has to be moved to InstanceMap::CanEnter() // Player permanently bounded to different instance than groups one InstancePlayerBind* playerBoundedInstance = player->GetBoundInstance(mapid, player->GetDifficulty(entry->IsRaid())); if (playerBoundedInstance && playerBoundedInstance->perm && playerBoundedInstance->save && boundedInstance->save->GetInstanceId() != playerBoundedInstance->save->GetInstanceId()) { /// @todo send some kind of error message to the player return false; }*/ } // players are only allowed to enter 5 instances per hour if (entry->IsDungeon() && (!player->GetGroup() || (player->GetGroup() && !player->GetGroup()->isLFGGroup()))) { uint32 instanceIdToCheck = 0; if (InstanceSave* save = player->GetInstanceSave(mapid, entry->IsRaid())) instanceIdToCheck = save->GetInstanceId(); // instanceId can never be 0 - will not be found if (!player->CheckInstanceCount(instanceIdToCheck) && !player->IsDead()) { player->SendTransferAborted(mapid, TRANSFER_ABORT_TOO_MANY_INSTANCES); return false; } } //Other requirements return player->Satisfy(sObjectMgr->GetAccessRequirement(mapid, targetDifficulty), mapid, true); }
void GroupMgr::LoadGroups() { { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // Delete all groups whose leader does not exist CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM groups WHERE leaderGuid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM characters)"); // Delete all groups with less than 2 members (or less than 1 for lfg groups) CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE groups FROM groups LEFT JOIN ((SELECT guid, count(*) as cnt FROM group_member GROUP BY guid) t) ON groups.guid = t.guid WHERE t.guid IS NULL OR (t.cnt<=1 AND groups.groupType <> 12)"); // Delete invalid lfg_data CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE lfg_data FROM lfg_data LEFT JOIN groups ON lfg_data.guid = groups.guid WHERE groups.guid IS NULL OR groups.groupType <> 12"); // CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE groups FROM groups LEFT JOIN lfg_data ON groups.guid = lfg_data.guid WHERE groups.groupType=12 AND lfg_data.guid IS NULL"); // group should be left so binds are cleared when disbanded InitGroupIds(); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT g.leaderGuid, g.lootMethod, g.looterGuid, g.lootThreshold, g.icon1, g.icon2, g.icon3, g.icon4, g.icon5, g.icon6" // 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ", g.icon7, g.icon8, g.groupType, g.difficulty, g.raiddifficulty, g.masterLooterGuid, g.guid, lfg.dungeon, lfg.state FROM groups g LEFT JOIN lfg_data lfg ON lfg.guid = g.guid ORDER BY g.guid ASC"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table `groups` is empty!"); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); Group* group = new Group; if (!group->LoadGroupFromDB(fields)) { delete group; continue; } AddGroup(group); RegisterGroupId(group->GetLowGUID()); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u group definitions in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } sLog->outString("Loading Group members..."); { uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime(); // Delete all rows from group_member with no group CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_member WHERE guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM groups)"); // Delete all members that does not exist CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_member WHERE memberGuid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM characters)"); // 0 1 2 3 4 QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guid, memberGuid, memberFlags, subgroup, roles FROM group_member ORDER BY guid"); if (!result) { sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 group members. DB table `group_member` is empty!"); sLog->outString(); } else { uint32 count = 0; do { Field* fields = result->Fetch(); Group* group = GetGroupByGUID(fields[0].GetUInt32()); if (group) group->LoadMemberFromDB(fields[1].GetUInt32(), fields[2].GetUInt8(), fields[3].GetUInt8(), fields[4].GetUInt8()); //else // sLog->outError("GroupMgr::LoadGroups: Consistency failed, can't find group (storage id: %u)", fields[0].GetUInt32()); ++count; } while (result->NextRow()); sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u group members in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); sLog->outString(); } } }