コード例 #1
RexTerrainEngineNode::addTileLayer(Layer* tileLayer)
    if ( tileLayer && tileLayer->getEnabled() )
        ImageLayer* imageLayer = dynamic_cast<ImageLayer*>(tileLayer);
        if (imageLayer)
            // for a shared layer, allocate a shared image unit if necessary.
            if ( imageLayer->isShared() )
                if (!imageLayer->shareImageUnit().isSet())
                    int temp;
                    if ( getResources()->reserveTextureImageUnit(temp, imageLayer->getName().c_str()) )
                        imageLayer->shareImageUnit() = temp;
                        //OE_INFO << LC << "Image unit " << temp << " assigned to shared layer " << imageLayer->getName() << std::endl;
                        OE_WARN << LC << "Insufficient GPU image units to share layer " << imageLayer->getName() << std::endl;

                // Build a sampler binding for the shared layer.
                if ( imageLayer->shareImageUnit().isSet() )
                    // Find the next empty SHARED slot:
                    unsigned newIndex = SamplerBinding::SHARED;
                    while (_renderBindings[newIndex].isActive())

                    // Put the new binding there:
                    SamplerBinding& newBinding = _renderBindings[newIndex];
                    newBinding.usage()       = SamplerBinding::SHARED;
                    newBinding.sourceUID()   = imageLayer->getUID();
                    newBinding.unit()        = imageLayer->shareImageUnit().get();
                    newBinding.samplerName() = imageLayer->shareTexUniformName().get();
                    newBinding.matrixName()  = imageLayer->shareTexMatUniformName().get();

                    OE_INFO << LC 
                        << "Shared Layer \"" << imageLayer->getName() << "\" : sampler=\"" << newBinding.samplerName() << "\", "
                        << "matrix=\"" << newBinding.matrixName() << "\", "
                        << "unit=" << newBinding.unit() << "\n";

            // non-image tile layer. Keep track of these..

        if (_terrain)
            // Update the existing render models, and trigger a data reload.
            // Later we can limit the reload to an update of only the new data.
            UpdateRenderModels updateModels(_mapFrame);

#if 0
            // This uses the loaddata filter approach which will only request
            // data for one layer. It mostly works but not 100%; see hires-insets
            // as an example. Removing the world layer and re-adding it while
            // zoomed in doesn't result in all tiles reloading. Possibly a
            // synchronization issue.
            ImageLayerVector imageLayers;

            if (imageLayers.size() == 1)

コード例 #2
EarthFileSerializer2::serialize(const MapNode* input, const std::string& referrer) const
    Config mapConf("map");
    mapConf.set("version", "2");

    if ( !input || !input->getMap() )
        return mapConf;

    const Map* map = input->getMap();
    MapFrame mapf( map, Map::ENTIRE_MODEL );

    // the map and node options:
    Config optionsConf = map->getInitialMapOptions().getConfig();
    optionsConf.merge( input->getMapNodeOptions().getConfig() );
    mapConf.add( "options", optionsConf );

    // the layers
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
        //Config layerConf = layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig();
        Config layerConf = layer->getImageLayerOptions().getConfig();
        layerConf.set("name", layer->getName());
        layerConf.set("driver", layer->getInitialOptions().driver()->getDriver());        
        mapConf.add( "image", layerConf );

    for( ElevationLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.elevationLayers().begin(); i != mapf.elevationLayers().end(); ++i )
        ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
        //Config layerConf = layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig();
        Config layerConf = layer->getElevationLayerOptions().getConfig();
        layerConf.set("name", layer->getName());
        layerConf.set("driver", layer->getInitialOptions().driver()->getDriver());        
        mapConf.add( "elevation", layerConf );

    for( ModelLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.modelLayers().begin(); i != mapf.modelLayers().end(); ++i )
        ModelLayer* layer = i->get();
        Config layerConf = layer->getModelLayerOptions().getConfig();
        layerConf.set("name", layer->getName());
        layerConf.set("driver", layer->getModelLayerOptions().driver()->getDriver());
        mapConf.add( "model", layerConf );

    Config ext = input->externalConfig();
    if ( !ext.empty() )
        ext.key() = "extensions";
        mapConf.add( ext );

#if 0 // removed until it can be debugged.
    // Re-write pathnames in the Config so they are relative to the new referrer.
    if ( _rewritePaths && !referrer.empty() )
        RewritePaths rewritePaths( referrer );
        rewritePaths.setRewriteAbsolutePaths( _rewriteAbsolutePaths );
        rewritePaths.apply( mapConf );

    return mapConf;
コード例 #3
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _stateUpdateRequired = true;
        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet   = _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet();   // everything
        osg::StateSet* surfaceStateSet   = getSurfaceStateSet();    // just the surface
        //terrainStateSet->setRenderBinDetails(0, "SORT_FRONT_TO_BACK");
        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

            new osg::CullFace(), osg::StateAttribute::ON);

        // activate standard mix blending.
            new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
            osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // install patch param if we are tessellation on the GPU.
        if ( _terrainOptions.gpuTessellation() == true )
            #ifdef HAVE_PATCH_PARAMETER
              terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( new osg::PatchParameter(3) );

        // install shaders, if we're using them.
        if ( Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL() )
            Shaders package;

            VirtualProgram* terrainVP = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(terrainStateSet);
            terrainVP->setName( "Rex Terrain" );
            package.load(terrainVP, package.ENGINE_VERT_MODEL);
            surfaceStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_terrain_color", _terrainOptions.color().get()));

            if (_terrainOptions.enableBlending() == true)

            // Funtions that affect only the terrain surface:
            VirtualProgram* surfaceVP = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(surfaceStateSet);
            surfaceVP->setName("Rex Surface");

            // Functions that affect the terrain surface only:
            package.load(surfaceVP, package.ENGINE_VERT_VIEW);
            package.load(surfaceVP, package.ENGINE_FRAG);

            // Elevation?
            if (this->elevationTexturesRequired())

            // Normal mapping shaders:
            if ( this->normalTexturesRequired() )
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.NORMAL_MAP_VERT);
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.NORMAL_MAP_FRAG);

            // Morphing?
            if (_terrainOptions.morphTerrain() == true ||
                _terrainOptions.morphImagery() == true)
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.MORPHING_VERT);

                if (_terrainOptions.morphImagery() == true)
                if (_terrainOptions.morphTerrain() == true)

            // assemble color filter code snippets.
            bool haveColorFilters = false;
                // Color filter frag function:
                std::string fs_colorfilters =
                    "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                    GLSL_DEFAULT_PRECISION_FLOAT "\n"
                    "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                    "void oe_rexEngine_applyFilters(inout vec4 color) \n"
                    "{ \n"
                    "} \n";

                std::stringstream cf_head;
                std::stringstream cf_body;
                const char* I = "    ";

                // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
                bool ifStarted = false;
                ImageLayerVector imageLayers;

                for( int i=0; i<imageLayers.size(); ++i )
                    ImageLayer* layer = imageLayers.at(i);
                    if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                        // install Color Filter function calls:
                        const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                        if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                            haveColorFilters = true;
                            if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                            else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                            cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                            for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                                const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                                cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                                cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                                filter->install( surfaceStateSet );
                            cf_body << I << "}\n";
                            ifStarted = true;

                if ( haveColorFilters )
                    std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                    cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                    cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_HEAD", cf_head_str );
                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_BODY", cf_body_str );

                        0.6 );

            // Apply uniforms for sampler bindings:
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Render Bindings:\n";
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture> tex = new osg::Texture2D(ImageUtils::createEmptyImage(1,1));
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < _renderBindings.size(); ++i)
                SamplerBinding& b = _renderBindings[i];
                if (b.isActive())
                    osg::Uniform* u = new osg::Uniform(b.samplerName().c_str(), b.unit());
                    terrainStateSet->addUniform( u );
                    OE_DEBUG << LC << " > Bound \"" << b.samplerName() << "\" to unit " << b.unit() << "\n";
                    terrainStateSet->setTextureAttribute(b.unit(), tex.get());

            // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_opacity", 1.0f) );

            // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
            // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
            // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_uid", (int)-1 ) );

            // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
            // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_order", (int)0) );

            // default min/max range uniforms. (max < min means ranges are disabled)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_minRange", 0.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_maxRange", -1.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_attenuationRange", _terrainOptions.attentuationDistance().get()) );
                osg::Uniform::FLOAT)->set( *_terrainOptions.minTileRangeFactor() );

            terrainStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_tile_size", (float)_terrainOptions.tileSize().get()));

            // special object ID that denotes the terrain surface.
            surfaceStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                Registry::objectIndex()->getObjectIDUniformName().c_str(), OSGEARTH_OBJECTID_TERRAIN) );

        _stateUpdateRequired = false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: TmxMap.cpp プロジェクト: vheuken/tmxparser
    void Map::ParseText(const string &text) 
        // Create a tiny xml document and use it to parse the text.
        tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
        // Check for parsing errors.
        if (doc.Error()) 
            has_error = true;
            error_code = TMX_PARSING_ERROR;
            error_text = doc.GetErrorStr1();

        tinyxml2::XMLNode *mapNode = doc.FirstChildElement("map");
        tinyxml2::XMLElement* mapElem = mapNode->ToElement();

        // Read the map attributes.
        version = mapElem->IntAttribute("version");
        width = mapElem->IntAttribute("width");
        height = mapElem->IntAttribute("height");
        tile_width = mapElem->IntAttribute("tilewidth");
        tile_height = mapElem->IntAttribute("tileheight");
        next_object_id = mapElem->IntAttribute("nextobjectid");

        if (mapElem->Attribute("backgroundcolor"))
            background_color = mapElem->Attribute("backgroundcolor");

        // Read the orientation
        std::string orientationStr = mapElem->Attribute("orientation");

        if (!orientationStr.compare("orthogonal")) 
            orientation = TMX_MO_ORTHOGONAL;
        else if (!orientationStr.compare("isometric")) 
            orientation = TMX_MO_ISOMETRIC;
        else if (!orientationStr.compare("staggered")) 
            orientation = TMX_MO_STAGGERED;

        // Read the render order
        if (mapElem->Attribute("renderorder"))
            std::string renderorderStr = mapElem->Attribute("renderorder");
            if (!renderorderStr.compare("right-down")) 
                render_order = TMX_RIGHT_DOWN;
            else if (!renderorderStr.compare("right-up")) 
                render_order = TMX_RIGHT_UP;
            else if (!renderorderStr.compare("left-down")) 
                render_order = TMX_LEFT_DOWN;
            else if (!renderorderStr.compare("left-down")) 
                render_order = TMX_LEFT_UP;

        const tinyxml2::XMLNode *node = mapElem->FirstChild();
        while( node )
            // Read the map properties.
            if( strcmp( node->Value(), "properties" ) == 0 )

            // Iterate through all of the tileset elements.
            if( strcmp( node->Value(), "tileset" ) == 0 )
                // Allocate a new tileset and parse it.
                Tileset *tileset = new Tileset();

                // Add the tileset to the list.

            // Iterate through all of the "layer" (tile layer) elements.           
            if( strcmp( node->Value(), "layer" ) == 0 )
                // Allocate a new tile layer and parse it.
                TileLayer *tileLayer = new TileLayer(this);

                // Add the tile layer to the lists.

            // Iterate through all of the "imagelayer" (image layer) elements.            
            if( strcmp( node->Value(), "imagelayer" ) == 0 )
                // Allocate a new image layer and parse it.
                ImageLayer *imageLayer = new ImageLayer(this);

                // Add the image layer to the lists.

            // Iterate through all of the "objectgroup" (object layer) elements.
            if( strcmp( node->Value(), "objectgroup" ) == 0 )
                // Allocate a new object group and parse it.
                ObjectGroup *objectGroup = new ObjectGroup(this);
                // Add the object group to the lists.

            node = node->NextSibling();
コード例 #5
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _stateUpdateRequired = true;
        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet = _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet();
        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

        // activate standard mix blending.
            new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
            osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // install shaders, if we're using them.
        if ( Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL() )
            VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
            vp->setName( "osgEarth.engine_mp.TerrainNode" );
            terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

            // bind the vertex attributes generated by the tile compiler.
            vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr",  osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_6 );
            vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr2", osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_7 );

            // Vertex shader:
            std::string vs = Stringify() <<
                "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc;\n"
                "varying vec4 oe_layer_tilec;\n"
                "void oe_mp_setup_coloring(inout vec4 VertexModel) \n"
                "{ \n"
                "    oe_layer_texc  = gl_MultiTexCoord" << _primaryUnit << ";\n"
                "    oe_layer_tilec = gl_MultiTexCoord" << _secondaryUnit << ";\n"

            bool useTerrainColor = _terrainOptions.color().isSet();

            bool useBlending = _terrainOptions.enableBlending() == true;

            // Fragment Shader for normal blending:
            std::string fs = Stringify() <<
                "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc; \n"
                "uniform sampler2D oe_layer_tex; \n"
                "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                "uniform int oe_layer_order; \n"
                "uniform float oe_layer_opacity; \n"
                << (useTerrainColor ?
                "uniform vec4 oe_terrain_color; \n" : ""
                ) <<
                "void oe_mp_apply_coloring(inout vec4 color) \n"
                "{ \n"
                << (useTerrainColor ?
                "    color = oe_terrain_color; \n" : ""
                ) <<
                "    vec4 texel; \n"
                "    if ( oe_layer_uid >= 0 ) { \n"
                "        texel = texture2D(oe_layer_tex, oe_layer_texc.st); \n"
                "        texel.a *= oe_layer_opacity; \n"
                "    } \n"
                "    else { \n"
                "        texel = color; \n"
                "    }\n"
                << (useBlending ?
                "    if ( oe_layer_order == 0 ) { \n"
                "        color = texel*texel.a + color*(1.0-texel.a); \n" // simulate src_alpha, 1-src_alpha blens
                "    } \n"
                "    else \n" : ""
                ) <<
                "        color = texel; \n"
                "} \n";

            // Color filter frag function:
            std::string fs_colorfilters =
                "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                "void oe_mp_apply_filters(inout vec4 color) \n"
                "{ \n"
                "} \n";

            vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_setup_coloring", vs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_VERTEX_MODEL, 0.0 );
            vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_coloring", fs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );

            // assemble color filter code snippets.
            bool haveColorFilters = false;
                std::stringstream cf_head;
                std::stringstream cf_body;
                const char* I = "    ";

                // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
                bool ifStarted = false;
                int numImageLayers = _update_mapf->imageLayers().size();
                for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                    ImageLayer* layer = _update_mapf->getImageLayerAt(i);
                    if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                        // install Color Filter function calls:
                        const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                        if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                            haveColorFilters = true;
                            if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                            else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                            cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                            for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                                const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                                cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                                cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                                filter->install( terrainStateSet );
                            cf_body << I << "}\n";
                            ifStarted = true;

                if ( haveColorFilters )
                    std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                    cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                    cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "__COLOR_FILTER_HEAD__", cf_head_str );
                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "__COLOR_FILTER_BODY__", cf_body_str );

                    vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_filters", fs_colorfilters, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );

            // binding for the terrain texture
                "oe_layer_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _primaryUnit );

            // binding for the secondary texture (for LOD blending)
                "oe_layer_tex_parent", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _secondaryUnit );

            // binding for the default secondary texture matrix
            osg::Matrixf parent_mat;
            parent_mat(0,0) = 0.0f;
                "oe_layer_parent_matrix", osg::Uniform::FLOAT_MAT4 )->set( parent_mat );

            // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
                "oe_layer_opacity", osg::Uniform::FLOAT )->set( 1.0f );

            // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
            // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
            // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
                "oe_layer_uid", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( -1 );

            // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
            // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
                "oe_layer_order", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( 0 );

            // base terrain color.
            if ( useTerrainColor )
                    "oe_terrain_color", osg::Uniform::FLOAT_VEC4 )->set( *_terrainOptions.color() );

        _stateUpdateRequired = false;
コード例 #6
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _shaderUpdateRequired = true;
        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet = _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet();

        VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
        vp->setName( "engine_mp:TerrainNode" );
        terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // bind the vertex attributes generated by the tile compiler.
        vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr",  osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_6 );
        vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr2", osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_7 );

        // Vertex shader template:
        std::string vs =
            "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
            "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc;\n"
            "varying vec4 oe_layer_tilec;\n"
            "void oe_mp_setup_coloring(inout vec4 VertexModel) \n"
            "{ \n"
            "    oe_layer_texc  = __GL_MULTITEXCOORD1__;\n"
            "    oe_layer_tilec = __GL_MULTITEXCOORD2__;\n"

        // Fragment shader for normal blending:
        std::string fs =
            "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
            "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc; \n"
            "uniform sampler2D oe_layer_tex; \n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_order; \n"
            "uniform float oe_layer_opacity; \n"
            "void oe_mp_apply_coloring( inout vec4 color ) \n"
            "{ \n"
            "    vec4 texel; \n"
            "    if ( oe_layer_uid >= 0 ) { \n"
            "        texel = texture2D(oe_layer_tex, oe_layer_texc.st); \n"
            "        texel.a *= oe_layer_opacity; \n"
            "    } \n"
            "    else \n"
            "        texel = color; \n"
            "    if (oe_layer_order == 0 ) \n"
            "        color = texel*texel.a + color*(1.0-texel.a); \n" // simulate src_alpha, 1-src_alpha blens
            "    else \n"
            "        color = texel; \n"
            "} \n";

        // Fragment shader with pre-multiplied alpha blending:
        std::string fs_pma =
            "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
            "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc; \n"
            "uniform sampler2D oe_layer_tex; \n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_order; \n"
            "uniform float oe_layer_opacity; \n"
            "void oe_mp_apply_coloring_pma( inout vec4 color ) \n"
            "{ \n"
            "    vec4 texelpma; \n"

            // a UID < 0 means no texture.
            "    if ( oe_layer_uid >= 0 ) \n"
            "        texelpma = texture2D(oe_layer_tex, oe_layer_texc.st) * oe_layer_opacity; \n"
            "    else \n"
            "        texelpma = color * color.a * oe_layer_opacity; \n" // to PMA.

            // first layer must PMA-blend with the globe color.
            "    if (oe_layer_order == 0) { \n"
            "        color.rgb *= color.a; \n"
            "        color = texelpma + color*(1.0-texelpma.a); \n" // simulate one, 1-src_alpha blend
            "    } \n"

            "    else { \n"
            "        color = texelpma; \n"
            "    } \n"
            "} \n";

        // Color filter frag function:
        std::string fs_colorfilters =
            "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
            "void oe_mp_apply_filters(inout vec4 color) \n"
            "{ \n"
            "} \n";

        // install the gl_MultiTexCoord* variable that uses the proper texture
        // image unit:
        replaceIn( vs, "__GL_MULTITEXCOORD1__", Stringify() << "gl_MultiTexCoord" << _primaryUnit );
        replaceIn( vs, "__GL_MULTITEXCOORD2__", Stringify() << "gl_MultiTexCoord" << _secondaryUnit );

        vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_setup_coloring", vs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_VERTEX_MODEL, 0.0 );

        if ( _terrainOptions.premultipliedAlpha() == true )
            vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_coloring_pma", fs_pma, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );
            vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_coloring", fs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );

        // assemble color filter code snippets.
        bool haveColorFilters = false;
            std::stringstream cf_head;
            std::stringstream cf_body;
            const char* I = "    ";

            if ( _terrainOptions.premultipliedAlpha() == true )
                // un-PMA the color before passing it to the color filters.
                cf_body << I << "if (color.a > 0.0) color.rgb /= color.a; \n";

            // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
            bool ifStarted = false;
            int numImageLayers = _update_mapf->imageLayers().size();
            for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                ImageLayer* layer = _update_mapf->getImageLayerAt(i);
                if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                    // install Color Filter function calls:
                    const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                    if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                        haveColorFilters = true;
                        if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                        else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                        cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                        for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                            const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                            cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                            cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                            filter->install( terrainStateSet );
                        cf_body << I << "}\n";
                        ifStarted = true;

            if ( _terrainOptions.premultipliedAlpha() == true )
                // re-PMA the color after it passes through the color filters.
                cf_body << I << "color.rgb *= color.a; \n";

            if ( haveColorFilters )
                std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "__COLOR_FILTER_HEAD__", cf_head_str );
                replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "__COLOR_FILTER_BODY__", cf_body_str );

                vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_filters", fs_colorfilters, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );

        if ( _terrainOptions.premultipliedAlpha() == true )
            // activate PMA blending.
                new osg::BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
                osg::StateAttribute::ON );
            // activate standard mix blending.
                new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
                osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

        // binding for the terrain texture
            "oe_layer_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _primaryUnit );

        // binding for the secondary texture (for LOD blending)
            "oe_layer_tex_parent", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _secondaryUnit );

        // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
            "oe_layer_opacity", osg::Uniform::FLOAT )->set( 1.0f );

        // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
        // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
        // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
            "oe_layer_uid", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( -1 );

        // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
        // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
            "oe_layer_order", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( 0 );

        _shaderUpdateRequired = false;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Map.cpp プロジェクト: Fabrice17/osgearth
    if ( !_profile.valid() )
        osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> userProfile;
        if ( _mapOptions.profile().isSet() )
            userProfile = Profile::create( _mapOptions.profile().value() );

        if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC )
            if ( userProfile.valid() )
                if ( userProfile->isOK() && userProfile->getSRS()->isGeographic() )
                    _profile = userProfile.get();
                    OE_WARN << LC 
                        << "Map is geocentric, but the configured profile SRS ("
                        << userProfile->getSRS()->getName() << ") is not geographic; "
                        << "it will be ignored."
                        << std::endl;
        else if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CUBE )
            if ( userProfile.valid() )
                if ( userProfile->isOK() && userProfile->getSRS()->isCube() )
                    _profile = userProfile.get();
                    OE_WARN << LC 
                        << "Map is geocentric cube, but the configured profile SRS ("
                        << userProfile->getSRS()->getName() << ") is not geocentric cube; "
                        << "it will be ignored."
                        << std::endl;
        else // CSTYPE_PROJECTED
            if ( userProfile.valid() )
                if ( userProfile->isOK() && userProfile->getSRS()->isProjected() )
                    _profile = userProfile.get();
                    OE_WARN << LC 
                        << "Map is projected, but the configured profile SRS ("
                        << userProfile->getSRS()->getName() << ") is not projected; "
                        << "it will be ignored."
                        << std::endl;

        // At this point, if we don't have a profile we need to search tile sources until we find one.
        if ( !_profile.valid() )
            Threading::ScopedReadLock lock( _mapDataMutex );

            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = _imageLayers.begin(); i != _imageLayers.end() && !_profile.valid(); i++ )
                ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                    _profile = layer->getTileSource()->getProfile();

            for( ElevationLayerVector::iterator i = _elevationLayers.begin(); i != _elevationLayers.end() && !_profile.valid(); i++ )
                ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                    _profile = layer->getTileSource()->getProfile();

        // ensure that the profile we found is the correct kind
        // convert a geographic profile to Plate Carre if necessary
        if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC && !( _profile.valid() && _profile->getSRS()->isGeographic() ) )
            // by default, set a geocentric map to use global-geodetic WGS84.
            _profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile();
        else if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CUBE && !( _profile.valid() && _profile->getSRS()->isCube() ) )
            //If the map type is a Geocentric Cube, set the profile to the cube profile.
            _profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getCubeProfile();
        else if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_PROJECTED && _profile.valid() && _profile->getSRS()->isGeographic() )
            OE_INFO << LC << "Projected map with geographic SRS; activating EQC profile" << std::endl;            
            unsigned u, v;
            _profile->getNumTiles(0, u, v);
            const osgEarth::SpatialReference* eqc = _profile->getSRS()->createEquirectangularSRS();
            osgEarth::GeoExtent e = _profile->getExtent().transform( eqc );
            _profile = osgEarth::Profile::create( eqc, e.xMin(), e.yMin(), e.xMax(), e.yMax(), u, v);
        else if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_PROJECTED && !( _profile.valid() && _profile->getSRS()->isProjected() ) )
            // TODO: should there be a default projected profile?
            _profile = 0;

        // finally, fire an event if the profile has been set.
        if ( _profile.valid() )
            OE_INFO << LC << "Map profile is: " << _profile->toString() << std::endl;

            for( MapCallbackList::iterator i = _mapCallbacks.begin(); i != _mapCallbacks.end(); i++ )
                i->get()->onMapInfoEstablished( MapInfo(this) );

            OE_WARN << LC << "Warning, not yet able to establish a map profile!" << std::endl;

    if ( _profile.valid() )
        // tell all the loaded layers what the profile is, as a hint
            Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _mapDataMutex );

            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = _imageLayers.begin(); i != _imageLayers.end(); i++ )
                ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getEnabled() == true )
                    layer->setTargetProfileHint( _profile.get() );

            for( ElevationLayerVector::iterator i = _elevationLayers.begin(); i != _elevationLayers.end(); i++ )
                ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                    layer->setTargetProfileHint( _profile.get() );

        // create a "proxy" profile to use when querying elevation layers with a vertical datum
        if ( _profile->getSRS()->getVerticalDatum() != 0L )
            ProfileOptions po = _profile->toProfileOptions();
            _profileNoVDatum = Profile::create(po);
            _profileNoVDatum = _profile;
コード例 #8
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _stateUpdateRequired = true;
        if ( _elevationTextureUnit < 0 && elevationTexturesRequired() )
            getResources()->reserveTextureImageUnit( _elevationTextureUnit, "MP Engine Elevation" );

        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet = getTerrainStateSet();
        if ( !terrainStateSet )
        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

        // activate standard mix blending.
            new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
            osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // install shaders, if we're using them.
        if ( Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL() )
            VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
            vp->setName( "osgEarth.engine_mp.TerrainNode" );
            terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

            Shaders package;

            package.replace( "$MP_PRIMARY_UNIT",   Stringify() << _primaryUnit );
            package.replace( "$MP_SECONDARY_UNIT", Stringify() << (_secondaryUnit>=0?_secondaryUnit:0) );
            package.define( "MP_USE_BLENDING", (_terrainOptions.enableBlending() == true) );

            package.load( vp, package.EngineVertexModel );
            package.load( vp, package.EngineVertexView );
            package.load( vp, package.EngineFragment );
            if ( this->normalTexturesRequired() )
                package.load( vp, package.NormalMapVertex );
                package.load( vp, package.NormalMapFragment );

                terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_tile_normalTex", _normalMapUnit) );

            // terrain background color; negative means use the vertex color.
            Color terrainColor = _terrainOptions.color().getOrUse( Color(1,1,1,-1) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_terrain_color", terrainColor));

            if ( _update_mapf )
                // assemble color filter code snippets.
                bool haveColorFilters = false;
                    // Color filter frag function:
                    std::string fs_colorfilters =
                        "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                        GLSL_DEFAULT_PRECISION_FLOAT "\n"
                        "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                        "void oe_mp_apply_filters(inout vec4 color) \n"
                        "{ \n"
                        "} \n";

                    std::stringstream cf_head;
                    std::stringstream cf_body;
                    const char* I = "    ";

                    // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
                    ImageLayerVector imageLayers;

                    bool ifStarted = false;
                    int numImageLayers = imageLayers.size();
                    for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                        ImageLayer* layer = imageLayers[i].get();
                        if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                            // install Color Filter function calls:
                            const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                            if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                                haveColorFilters = true;
                                if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                                else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                                cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                                for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                                    const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                                    cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                                    cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                                    filter->install( terrainStateSet );
                                cf_body << I << "}\n";
                                ifStarted = true;

                    if ( haveColorFilters )
                        std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                        cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                        cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                        replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_HEAD", cf_head_str );
                        replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_BODY", cf_body_str );

                            0.5f );

            // binding for the terrain texture
                "oe_layer_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _primaryUnit );

            // binding for the secondary texture (for LOD blending)
            if ( parentTexturesRequired() )
                    "oe_layer_tex_parent", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _secondaryUnit );

                // binding for the default secondary texture matrix
                osg::Matrixf parent_mat;
                parent_mat(0,0) = 0.0f;
                    "oe_layer_parent_matrix", osg::Uniform::FLOAT_MAT4 )->set( parent_mat );

            // uniform for accessing the elevation texture sampler.
            if ( elevationTexturesRequired() )
                    "oe_terrain_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D)->set( _elevationTextureUnit );

            // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
                "oe_layer_opacity", osg::Uniform::FLOAT )->set( 1.0f );

            // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
            // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
            // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
                "oe_layer_uid", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( -1 );

            // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
            // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
                "oe_layer_order", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( 0 );

            // default min/max range uniforms. (max < min means ranges are disabled)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_minRange", 0.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_maxRange", FLT_MAX) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_attenuationRange", _terrainOptions.attentuationDistance().get()) );
                osg::Uniform::FLOAT)->set( *_terrainOptions.minTileRangeFactor() );

            // special object ID that denotes the terrain surface.
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                Registry::objectIndex()->getObjectIDUniformName().c_str(), OSGEARTH_OBJECTID_TERRAIN) );

            // assign the uniforms for each shared layer.
            if ( _update_mapf )
                ImageLayerVector imageLayers;

                int numImageLayers = imageLayers.size();
                for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                    ImageLayer* layer = imageLayers[i].get();
                    if ( layer->getEnabled() && layer->isShared() )
                        terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                            layer->shareImageUnit().get() ) );

        _stateUpdateRequired = false;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Map.cpp プロジェクト: chuckshaw/osgearth
    if ( !_profile.valid() )
        osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> userProfile;
        if ( _mapOptions.profile().isSet() )
            userProfile = Profile::create( _mapOptions.profile().value() );

        if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC )
            if ( userProfile.valid() )
                if ( userProfile->isOK() && userProfile->getSRS()->isGeographic() )
                    _profile = userProfile.get();
                    OE_WARN << LC 
                        << "Map is geocentric, but the configured profile does not "
                        << "have a geographic SRS. Falling back on default.."
                        << std::endl;

            if ( !_profile.valid() )
                // by default, set a geocentric map to use global-geodetic WGS84.
                _profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile();

        else if ( _mapOptions.coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CUBE )
            //If the map type is a Geocentric Cube, set the profile to the cube profile.
            _profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getCubeProfile();

        else // CSTYPE_PROJECTED
            if ( userProfile.valid() )
                _profile = userProfile.get();

        // At this point, if we don't have a profile we need to search tile sources until we find one.
        if ( !_profile.valid() )
            Threading::ScopedReadLock lock( _mapDataMutex );

            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = _imageLayers.begin(); i != _imageLayers.end() && !_profile.valid(); i++ )
                ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                    _profile = layer->getTileSource()->getProfile();

            for( ElevationLayerVector::iterator i = _elevationLayers.begin(); i != _elevationLayers.end() && !_profile.valid(); i++ )
                ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
                if ( layer->getTileSource() )
                    _profile = layer->getTileSource()->getProfile();

        // finally, fire an event if the profile has been set.
        if ( _profile.valid() )
            OE_INFO << LC << "Map profile is: " << _profile->toString() << std::endl;

            for( MapCallbackList::iterator i = _mapCallbacks.begin(); i != _mapCallbacks.end(); i++ )
                i->get()->onMapInfoEstablished( MapInfo(this) );

            OE_WARN << LC << "Warning, not yet able to establish a map profile!" << std::endl;

    if ( _profile.valid() )
        // tell all the loaded layers what the profile is, as a hint
            Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _mapDataMutex );

            for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = _imageLayers.begin(); i != _imageLayers.end(); i++ )
                ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
                layer->setTargetProfileHint( _profile.get() );

            for( ElevationLayerVector::iterator i = _elevationLayers.begin(); i != _elevationLayers.end(); i++ )
                ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
                layer->setTargetProfileHint( _profile.get() );

        // create a "proxy" profile to use when querying elevation layers with a vertical datum
        if ( _profile->getSRS()->getVerticalDatum() != 0L )
            ProfileOptions po = _profile->toProfileOptions();
            _profileNoVDatum = Profile::create(po);
            _profileNoVDatum = _profile;

        // finally, if the map is flat but the SRS is geographic, mark it as "plate carre"
        if (_profile->getSRS()->isGeographic() && 
            getMapOptions().coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_PROJECTED)
            OE_INFO << LC << "Projected display with geographic SRS; activating Plate Carre mode" << std::endl;
                _profile->getSRS()->createPlateCarreGeographicSRS() );
コード例 #10
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _stateUpdateRequired = true;
        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet   = _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet();   // everything
        osg::StateSet* surfaceStateSet   = getSurfaceStateSet();    // just the surface

        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

        // activate standard mix blending.
            new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
            osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // install patch param if we are tessellation on the GPU.
        if ( _terrainOptions.gpuTessellation() == true )
            terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( new osg::PatchParameter(3) );

        // install shaders, if we're using them.
        if ( Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL() )
            Shaders package;

            VirtualProgram* terrainVP = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(terrainStateSet);
            terrainVP->setName( "Rex Terrain" );
            package.load(terrainVP, package.ENGINE_VERT_MODEL);

            bool useTerrainColor = _terrainOptions.color().isSet();
            package.define("OE_REX_USE_TERRAIN_COLOR", useTerrainColor);
            if ( useTerrainColor )
                surfaceStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_terrain_color", _terrainOptions.color().get()));

            bool useBlending = _terrainOptions.enableBlending().get();
            package.define("OE_REX_USE_BLENDING", useBlending);

            // Funtions that affect only the terrain surface:
            VirtualProgram* surfaceVP = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(surfaceStateSet);
            surfaceVP->setName("Rex Surface");

            // Functions that affect the terrain surface only:
            package.load(surfaceVP, package.ENGINE_VERT_VIEW);
            package.load(surfaceVP, package.ENGINE_FRAG);

            // Normal mapping shaders:
            if ( this->normalTexturesRequired() )
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.NORMAL_MAP_VERT);
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.NORMAL_MAP_FRAG);

            // Morphing?
            if (_terrainOptions.morphTerrain() == true ||
                    _terrainOptions.morphImagery() == true)
                package.define("OE_REX_VERTEX_MORPHING", (_terrainOptions.morphTerrain() == true));
                package.load(surfaceVP, package.MORPHING_VERT);

            for(LandCoverBins::iterator i = _landCoverBins.begin(); i != _landCoverBins.end(); ++i)
                osg::StateSet* landCoverStateSet = i->_binProto->getStateSet();

                // enable alpha-to-coverage multisampling for vegetation.
                landCoverStateSet->setMode(GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_ARB, 1);

                // uniform that communicates the availability of multisampling.
                landCoverStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                                                   osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->getMultiSamples()) );

                    new osg::BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO),
                    osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );

                landCoverStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( new osg::PatchParameter(3) );

            // assemble color filter code snippets.
            bool haveColorFilters = false;
                // Color filter frag function:
                std::string fs_colorfilters =
                    "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                    GLSL_DEFAULT_PRECISION_FLOAT "\n"
                    "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                    "void oe_rexEngine_applyFilters(inout vec4 color) \n"
                    "{ \n"
                    "} \n";

                std::stringstream cf_head;
                std::stringstream cf_body;
                const char* I = "    ";

                // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
                bool ifStarted = false;
                int numImageLayers = _update_mapf->imageLayers().size();
                for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                    ImageLayer* layer = _update_mapf->getImageLayerAt(i);
                    if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                        // install Color Filter function calls:
                        const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                        if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                            haveColorFilters = true;
                            if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                            else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                            cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                            for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                                const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                                cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                                cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                                filter->install( surfaceStateSet );
                            cf_body << I << "}\n";
                            ifStarted = true;

                if ( haveColorFilters )
                    std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                    cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                    cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_HEAD", cf_head_str );
                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_BODY", cf_body_str );

                        0.0 );

            // Apply uniforms for sampler bindings:
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Render Bindings:\n";
            for(RenderBindings::const_iterator b = _renderBindings.begin(); b != _renderBindings.end(); ++b)
                if ( b->isActive() )
                    terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(b->samplerName().c_str(), b->unit()) );
                    OE_DEBUG << LC << " > Bound \"" << b->samplerName() << "\" to unit " << b->unit() << "\n";

                    // Not needed I think
                    //terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(b->matrixName().c_str(), osg::Matrixf()) );

            // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_opacity", 1.0f) );

            // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
            // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
            // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_uid", (int)-1 ) );

            // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
            // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_order", (int)0) );

            // default min/max range uniforms. (max < min means ranges are disabled)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_minRange", 0.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_maxRange", -1.0f) );

                osg::Uniform::FLOAT)->set( *_terrainOptions.minTileRangeFactor() );

            // special object ID that denotes the terrain surface.
            surfaceStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                                             Registry::objectIndex()->getObjectIDUniformName().c_str(), OSGEARTH_OBJECTID_TERRAIN) );

        _stateUpdateRequired = false;
コード例 #11
ファイル: TmxMap.cpp プロジェクト: Chibin/The-Circle
void Map::ParseText(const string &text)
    // Create a tiny xml document and use it to parse the text.
    TiXmlDocument doc;

    // Check for parsing errors.
    if (doc.Error())
        has_error = true;
        error_code = TMX_PARSING_ERROR;
        error_text = doc.ErrorDesc();

    TiXmlNode *mapNode = doc.FirstChild("map");
    TiXmlElement* mapElem = mapNode->ToElement();

    // Read the map attributes.
    mapElem->Attribute("version", &version);
    mapElem->Attribute("width", &width);
    mapElem->Attribute("height", &height);
    mapElem->Attribute("tilewidth", &tile_width);
    mapElem->Attribute("tileheight", &tile_height);

    // Read the orientation
    std::string orientationStr = mapElem->Attribute("orientation");

    if (!orientationStr.compare("orthogonal"))
        orientation = TMX_MO_ORTHOGONAL;
    else if (!orientationStr.compare("isometric"))
        orientation = TMX_MO_ISOMETRIC;
    else if (!orientationStr.compare("staggered"))
        orientation = TMX_MO_STAGGERED;

    const TiXmlNode *node = mapElem->FirstChild();
    int zOrder = 0;
    while( node )
        // Read the map properties.
        if( strcmp( node->Value(), "properties" ) == 0 )

        // Iterate through all of the tileset elements.
        if( strcmp( node->Value(), "tileset" ) == 0 )
            // Allocate a new tileset and parse it.
            Tileset *tileset = new Tileset();

            // Add the tileset to the list.

        // Iterate through all of the layer elements.
        if( strcmp( node->Value(), "layer" ) == 0 )
            // Allocate a new layer and parse it.
            Layer *layer = new Layer(this);
            layer->SetZOrder( zOrder );

            // Add the layer to the list.

        // Iterate through all of the imagen layer elements.
        if( strcmp( node->Value(), "imagelayer" ) == 0 )
            // Allocate a new layer and parse it.
            ImageLayer *imageLayer = new ImageLayer(this);
            imageLayer->SetZOrder( zOrder );

            // Add the layer to the list.

        // Iterate through all of the objectgroup elements.
        if( strcmp( node->Value(), "objectgroup" ) == 0 )
            // Allocate a new object group and parse it.
            ObjectGroup *objectGroup = new ObjectGroup();
            objectGroup->SetZOrder( zOrder );

            // Add the object group to the list.

        node = node->NextSibling();
コード例 #12
ファイル: Export.cpp プロジェクト: mforner/wpl-polsar
dimension_t cols(const ImageLayer& img) { return img.num_cols(); }
コード例 #13
ファイル: Export.cpp プロジェクト: mforner/wpl-polsar
dimension_t rows(const ImageLayer& img) { return img.num_rows(); }
コード例 #14
LayerTransactionParent::RecvUpdate(const InfallibleTArray<Edit>& cset,
                                   const TargetConfig& targetConfig,
                                   const bool& isFirstPaint,
                                   InfallibleTArray<EditReply>* reply)
  TimeStamp updateStart = TimeStamp::Now();

  MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] received txn with %d edits", cset.Length()));

  if (mDestroyed || !layer_manager() || layer_manager()->IsDestroyed()) {
    return true;

  EditReplyVector replyv;


  for (EditArray::index_type i = 0; i < cset.Length(); ++i) {
    const Edit& edit = cset[i];

    switch (edit.type()) {
    // Create* ops
    case Edit::TOpCreateThebesLayer: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] CreateThebesLayer"));

      nsRefPtr<ThebesLayerComposite> layer =
    case Edit::TOpCreateContainerLayer: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] CreateContainerLayer"));

      nsRefPtr<ContainerLayer> layer = layer_manager()->CreateContainerLayerComposite();
    case Edit::TOpCreateImageLayer: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] CreateImageLayer"));

      nsRefPtr<ImageLayerComposite> layer =
    case Edit::TOpCreateColorLayer: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] CreateColorLayer"));

      nsRefPtr<ColorLayerComposite> layer = layer_manager()->CreateColorLayerComposite();
    case Edit::TOpCreateCanvasLayer: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] CreateCanvasLayer"));

      nsRefPtr<CanvasLayerComposite> layer =
    case Edit::TOpCreateRefLayer: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] CreateRefLayer"));

      nsRefPtr<RefLayerComposite> layer =

    // Attributes
    case Edit::TOpSetLayerAttributes: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] SetLayerAttributes"));

      const OpSetLayerAttributes& osla = edit.get_OpSetLayerAttributes();
      Layer* layer = AsLayerComposite(osla)->AsLayer();
      const LayerAttributes& attrs = osla.attrs();

      const CommonLayerAttributes& common = attrs.common();
      layer->SetClipRect(common.useClipRect() ? &common.clipRect() : NULL);
      layer->SetPostScale(common.postXScale(), common.postYScale());
      if (PLayerParent* maskLayer = common.maskLayerParent()) {
      } else {

      typedef SpecificLayerAttributes Specific;
      const SpecificLayerAttributes& specific = attrs.specific();
      switch (specific.type()) {
      case Specific::Tnull_t:

      case Specific::TThebesLayerAttributes: {
        MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide]   thebes layer"));

        ThebesLayerComposite* thebesLayer =
        const ThebesLayerAttributes& attrs =


      case Specific::TContainerLayerAttributes: {
        MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide]   container layer"));

        ContainerLayer* containerLayer =
        const ContainerLayerAttributes& attrs =
        containerLayer->SetPreScale(attrs.preXScale(), attrs.preYScale());
        containerLayer->SetInheritedScale(attrs.inheritedXScale(), attrs.inheritedYScale());
      case Specific::TColorLayerAttributes:
        MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide]   color layer"));


      case Specific::TCanvasLayerAttributes:
        MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide]   canvas layer"));


      case Specific::TRefLayerAttributes:
        MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide]   ref layer"));


      case Specific::TImageLayerAttributes: {
        MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide]   image layer"));

        ImageLayer* imageLayer = static_cast<ImageLayer*>(layer);
        const ImageLayerAttributes& attrs = specific.get_ImageLayerAttributes();
        imageLayer->SetScaleToSize(attrs.scaleToSize(), attrs.scaleMode());
        NS_RUNTIMEABORT("not reached");
    case Edit::TOpSetColoredBorders: {
      if (edit.get_OpSetColoredBorders().enabled()) {
      } else {
    // Tree ops
    case Edit::TOpSetRoot: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] SetRoot"));

      mRoot = AsLayerComposite(edit.get_OpSetRoot())->AsContainer();
    case Edit::TOpInsertAfter: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] InsertAfter"));

      const OpInsertAfter& oia = edit.get_OpInsertAfter();
        ShadowChild(oia)->AsLayer(), ShadowAfter(oia)->AsLayer());
    case Edit::TOpAppendChild: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] AppendChild"));

      const OpAppendChild& oac = edit.get_OpAppendChild();
        ShadowChild(oac)->AsLayer(), NULL);
    case Edit::TOpRemoveChild: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] RemoveChild"));

      const OpRemoveChild& orc = edit.get_OpRemoveChild();
      Layer* childLayer = ShadowChild(orc)->AsLayer();
    case Edit::TOpRepositionChild: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] RepositionChild"));

      const OpRepositionChild& orc = edit.get_OpRepositionChild();
        ShadowChild(orc)->AsLayer(), ShadowAfter(orc)->AsLayer());
    case Edit::TOpRaiseToTopChild: {
      MOZ_LAYERS_LOG(("[ParentSide] RaiseToTopChild"));

      const OpRaiseToTopChild& rtc = edit.get_OpRaiseToTopChild();
        ShadowChild(rtc)->AsLayer(), NULL);
    case Edit::TCompositableOperation: {
    case Edit::TOpAttachCompositable: {
      const OpAttachCompositable& op = edit.get_OpAttachCompositable();
      Attach(cast(op.layerParent()), cast(op.compositableParent()));
    case Edit::TOpAttachAsyncCompositable: {
      const OpAttachAsyncCompositable& op = edit.get_OpAttachAsyncCompositable();
      CompositableParent* compositableParent = CompositableMap::Get(op.containerID());
      MOZ_ASSERT(compositableParent, "CompositableParent not found in the map");
      Attach(cast(op.layerParent()), compositableParent);
      NS_RUNTIMEABORT("not reached");

  layer_manager()->EndTransaction(NULL, NULL, LayerManager::END_NO_IMMEDIATE_REDRAW);

  if (reply) {
    if (replyv.size() > 0) {
      reply->AppendElements(&replyv.front(), replyv.size());

  // Ensure that any pending operations involving back and front
  // buffers have completed, so that neither process stomps on the
  // other's buffer contents.

  mShadowLayersManager->ShadowLayersUpdated(this, targetConfig, isFirstPaint);

  int compositeTime = (int)(mozilla::TimeStamp::Now() - updateStart).ToMilliseconds();
  if (compositeTime > 15) {
    printf_stderr("Compositor: Layers update took %i ms (blocking gecko).\n", compositeTime);

  return true;
コード例 #15
ファイル: TileBuilder.cpp プロジェクト: spencerg/osgearth
TileBuilder::createTile(const TileKey&      key, 
                        bool                parallelize, 
                        osg::ref_ptr<Tile>& out_tile, 
                        bool&               out_hasRealData,
                        bool&               out_hasLodBlendedLayers )
    MapFrame mapf( _map, Map::MASKED_TERRAIN_LAYERS );

    SourceRepo repo;

    // init this to false, then search for real data. "Real data" is data corresponding
    // directly to the key, as opposed to fallback data, which is derived from a lower
    // LOD key.
    out_hasRealData = false;
    out_hasLodBlendedLayers = false;

    const MapInfo& mapInfo = mapf.getMapInfo();

    // If we need more than one layer, fetch them in parallel.
    // TODO: change the test based on isKeyValid total.
    if ( parallelize && (mapf.imageLayers().size() + mapf.elevationLayers().size() > 1) )
        // count the valid layers.
        int jobCount = 0;

        for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
            if ( i->get()->isKeyValid( key ) )

            if ( i->get()->getImageLayerOptions().lodBlending() == true )
                out_hasLodBlendedLayers = true;

        if ( mapf.elevationLayers().size() > 0 )

        // A thread job monitoring event:
        Threading::MultiEvent semaphore( jobCount );

        // Start the image layer jobs:
        for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
            ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
            if ( layer->isKeyValid(key) )
                ParallelTask<BuildColorLayer>* j = new ParallelTask<BuildColorLayer>( &semaphore );
                j->init( key, layer, mapInfo, _terrainOptions, repo );
                j->setPriority( -(float)key.getLevelOfDetail() );
                _service->add( j );

        // If we have elevation layers, start an elevation job as well. Otherwise just create an
        // empty one while we're waiting for the images to load.
        if ( mapf.elevationLayers().size() > 0 )
            ParallelTask<BuildElevLayer>* ej = new ParallelTask<BuildElevLayer>( &semaphore );
            ej->init( key, mapf, _terrainOptions, repo );
            ej->setPriority( -(float)key.getLevelOfDetail() );
            _service->add( ej );
            BuildElevLayer build;
            build.init( key, mapf, _terrainOptions, repo );

        // Wait for all the jobs to finish.
    // Fetch the image data serially:
        // gather all the image layers serially.
        for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
            ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
            if ( layer->isKeyValid(key) )
                BuildColorLayer build;
                build.init( key, layer, mapInfo, _terrainOptions, repo );

            if ( layer->getImageLayerOptions().lodBlending() == true )
                out_hasLodBlendedLayers = true;
        // make an elevation layer.
        BuildElevLayer build;
        build.init( key, mapf, _terrainOptions, repo );

    // Bail out now if there's no data to be had.
    if ( repo._colorLayers.size() == 0 && !repo._elevLayer.getHFLayer() )

    // OK we are making a tile, so if there's no heightfield yet, make an empty one.
    if ( !repo._elevLayer.getHFLayer() )
        osg::HeightField* hf = key.getProfile()->getVerticalSRS()->createReferenceHeightField( key.getExtent(), 8, 8 );
        osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer* hfLayer = new osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer( hf );
        hfLayer->setLocator( GeoLocator::createForKey(key, mapInfo) );
        repo._elevLayer = CustomElevLayer( hfLayer, true );

    // Now, if there are any color layers that did not get built, create them with an empty
    // image so the shaders have something to draw.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> emptyImage;
    osgTerrain::Locator* locator = repo._elevLayer.getHFLayer()->getLocator();

    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        if ( !i->get()->isKeyValid(key) )
            if ( !emptyImage.valid() )
                emptyImage = ImageUtils::createEmptyImage();

            repo.add( CustomColorLayer(
                i->get(), emptyImage.get(),
                true ) );

    //osg::Vec3dArray* maskBounds = 0L;
    //osgEarth::MaskLayer* mask = mapf.getTerrainMaskLayer();
    //if (mask)
    //  maskBounds = mask->getOrCreateBoundary();

    // Ready to create the actual tile.
    AssembleTile assemble;
    assemble.init( key, mapInfo, _terrainOptions, repo, mapf.terrainMaskLayers() );

    if (!out_hasRealData)
        // Check the results and see if we have any real data.
        for( ColorLayersByUID::const_iterator i = repo._colorLayers.begin(); i != repo._colorLayers.end(); ++i )
            if ( !i->second.isFallbackData() ) 
                out_hasRealData = true;

    if ( !out_hasRealData && !repo._elevLayer.isFallbackData() )
        out_hasRealData = true;

    out_tile = assemble._tile;
コード例 #16
ファイル: StreamingTile.cpp プロジェクト: JohnDr/osgearth
// called from the UPDATE TRAVERSAL, because this method can potentially alter
// the scene graph.
StreamingTile::serviceCompletedRequests( const MapFrame& mapf, bool tileTableLocked )
    //Don't do anything until we have been added to the scene graph
    if (!_hasBeenTraversed) return false;

    bool tileModified = false;

    if ( !_requestsInstalled )
        return false;

    // First service the tile generator:
    if ( _tileGenRequest.valid() && _tileGenRequest->isCompleted() )
        CustomTerrainTechnique* tech = dynamic_cast<CustomTerrainTechnique*>( getTerrainTechnique() );
        if ( tech )
            //TODO: consider waiting to apply if there are still more tile updates in the queue.
            if ( _tileUpdates.size() == 0 )
                tileModified = tech->applyTileUpdates();
        _tileGenRequest = 0L;

    // now deal with imagery.
    const LoadingPolicy& lp = getStreamingTerrain()->getLoadingPolicy();

    StreamingTerrainNode* terrain = getStreamingTerrain();

    //Check each layer independently.
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* imageLayer = i->get();

        bool checkForFinalImagery = false;

        CustomColorLayer colorLayer;
        if ( getCustomColorLayer( imageLayer->getUID(), colorLayer ) )
            if ( lp.mode() == LoadingPolicy::MODE_PREEMPTIVE )
                // in preemptive mode, always check for the final imagery - there are no intermediate
                // placeholders.
                checkForFinalImagery = true;
            else if (lp.mode() == LoadingPolicy::MODE_SEQUENTIAL && 
                     readyForNewImagery(imageLayer, colorLayer.getLevelOfDetail()) )
                // in sequential mode, we have to incrementally increase imagery resolution by
                // creating placeholders based of parent tiles, one LOD at a time.
                if ( colorLayer.getLevelOfDetail() + 1 < (int)_key.getLevelOfDetail() )
                    // if the parent's image LOD is higher than ours, replace ours with the parent's
                    // since it is a higher-resolution placeholder:
                    if ( _family[Relative::PARENT].getImageLOD(colorLayer.getUID()) > colorLayer.getLevelOfDetail() )
                        osg::ref_ptr<Tile> parentTile;
                        getStreamingTerrain()->getTile( _family[Relative::PARENT].tileID, parentTile, !tileTableLocked );

                        // Set the color layer to the parent color layer as a placeholder.
                        CustomColorLayer parentColorLayer;
                        if ( parentTile->getCustomColorLayer( colorLayer.getUID(), parentColorLayer ) )
                            this->setCustomColorLayer( parentColorLayer );

                        // ... and queue up an update request.
                        queueTileUpdate( TileUpdate::UPDATE_IMAGE_LAYER, colorLayer.getUID() );
                    // we've gone as far as we can with placeholders; time to check for the
                    // final imagery tile.
                    checkForFinalImagery = true;

        if ( checkForFinalImagery )
            // Then the image requests:
            for( TaskRequestList::iterator itr = _requests.begin(); itr != _requests.end(); )
                bool increment = true;
                TileColorLayerRequest* r = static_cast<TileColorLayerRequest*>( itr->get() );
                //We only care about the current layer we are checking
                if ( r->_layerUID == imageLayer->getUID() )
                    if ( itr->get()->isCompleted() )
                        if ( r->wasCanceled() )
                            //Reset the cancelled task to IDLE and give it a new progress callback.
                            r->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );
                            r->setProgressCallback( new StampedProgressCallback(
                                r, terrain->getImageryTaskService( r->_layerUID )));
                        else // success..
                            //See if we even care about the request
                            if ( !mapf.getImageLayerByUID( r->_layerUID ) )
                                //The maplayer was probably deleted
                                OE_DEBUG << "Layer uid=" << r->_layerUID << " no longer exists, ignoring TileColorLayerRequest " << std::endl;
                                itr = _requests.erase(itr);
                                increment = false;
                                CustomColorLayerRef* result = static_cast<CustomColorLayerRef*>( r->getResult() );
                                if ( result )
                                    this->setCustomColorLayer( result->_layer );

                                    queueTileUpdate( TileUpdate::UPDATE_IMAGE_LAYER, r->_layerUID );

                                    //OE_NOTICE << "Complete IR (" << _key.str() << ") layer=" << r->_layerId << std::endl;

                                    // remove from the list (don't reference "r" after this!)
                                    itr = _requests.erase( itr );
                                    increment = false;
                                    if (r->_numTries > r->_maxTries)
                                        CustomColorLayer oldLayer;
                                        if ( this->getCustomColorLayer( r->_layerUID, oldLayer ) )
                                            // apply the old color layer but with a new LOD.
                                            this->setCustomColorLayer( CustomColorLayer(
                                                _key ));

                                            itr = _requests.erase( itr );
                                            increment = false;
                                            OE_DEBUG << "Tried (" << _key.str() << ") (layer uid=" << r->_layerUID << "), too many times, moving on...." << std::endl;
                                        OE_DEBUG << "IReq error (" << _key.str() << ") (layer uid=" << r->_layerUID << "), retrying" << std::endl;

                                        //The color layer request failed, probably due to a server error. Reset it.
                                        r->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );

                if ( increment )

    // Finally, the elevation requests:
    if ( _hasElevation && !_elevationLayerUpToDate && _elevRequest.valid() && _elevPlaceholderRequest.valid() )
        // First, check is the Main elevation request is done. If so, we will now have the final HF data
        // and can shut down the elevation requests for this tile.
        if ( _elevRequest->isCompleted() )
            if ( _elevRequest->wasCanceled() )
                // If the request was canceled, reset it to IDLE and reset the callback. On the next
                _elevRequest->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );
                _elevRequest->setProgressCallback( new ProgressCallback() );            
            else // success:
                // if the elevation request succeeded, install the new elevation layer!
                TileElevationLayerRequest* r = static_cast<TileElevationLayerRequest*>( _elevRequest.get() );
                osg::ref_ptr<osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer> newHFLayer = static_cast<osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer*>( r->getResult() );
                if ( newHFLayer.valid() && newHFLayer->getHeightField() != NULL )
                        terrain->getTileFactory()->getTerrainOptions().heightFieldSkirtRatio().get() *
                        this->getBound().radius() );

                    // need to write-lock the layer data since we'll be changing it:
                        Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _tileLayersMutex );
                        this->setElevationLayer( newHFLayer.get() );

                    // the tile needs rebuilding. This will kick off a TileGenRequest.
                    queueTileUpdate( TileUpdate::UPDATE_ELEVATION );

                    // finalize the LOD marker for this tile, so other tiles can see where we are.
                    _elevationLOD = _key.getLevelOfDetail();

                    OE_NOTICE << "Tile (" << _key.str() << ") final HF, LOD (" << _elevationLOD << ")" << std::endl;
                    // this was the final elev request, so mark elevation as DONE.
                    _elevationLayerUpToDate = true;

                    // GW- just reset these and leave them alone and let cancelRequests() take care of cleanup later.
                    // done with our Elevation requests!
                    //_elevRequest = 0L;
                    //_elevPlaceholderRequest = 0L;
                    //We've tried to get the tile's elevation but couldn't.  Just mark the elevation layer as up to date and move on.
                    _elevationLOD = _key.getLevelOfDetail();
                    _elevationLayerUpToDate = true;

                    //This code will retry indefinitely.  We need to have a way to limit the number of retries since
                    //it will block neighbor tiles from loading.
                    //_elevRequest->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );

        else if ( _elevPlaceholderRequest->isCompleted() )
            TileElevationPlaceholderLayerRequest* r = 

            if ( r->wasCanceled() )
                r->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );
                r->setProgressCallback( new ProgressCallback() );
            else // success:
                osg::ref_ptr<osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer> newPhLayer = static_cast<osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer*>( r->getResult() );
                if ( newPhLayer.valid() && newPhLayer->getHeightField() != NULL )
                    // install the new elevation layer.
                        Threading::ScopedWriteLock lock( _tileLayersMutex );
                        this->setElevationLayer( newPhLayer.get() );

                    // tile needs to be recompiled.
                    queueTileUpdate( TileUpdate::UPDATE_ELEVATION );

                    // update the elevation LOD for this tile, now that the new HF data is installed. This will
                    // allow other tiles to see where this tile's HF data is.
                    _elevationLOD = r->_nextLOD;

                    OE_NOTICE << "..tile (" << _key.str() << ") is now at (" << _elevationLOD << ")" << std::endl;
                _elevPlaceholderRequest->setState( TaskRequest::STATE_IDLE );

    // if we have a new TileGenRequest, queue it up now.
    if ( _tileUpdates.size() > 0 && !_tileGenRequest.valid() ) // _tileGenNeeded && !_tileGenRequest.valid())
        _tileGenRequest = new TileGenRequest( this, _tileUpdates.front() );
        //OE_NOTICE << "tile (" << _key.str() << ") queuing new tile gen" << std::endl;
        getStreamingTerrain()->getTileGenerationTaskService()->add( _tileGenRequest.get() );

    return tileModified;
コード例 #17
ファイル: TileModelFactory.cpp プロジェクト: JohnDr/osgearth
TileModelFactory::createTileModel(const TileKey&           key, 
                                  osg::ref_ptr<TileModel>& out_model,
                                  bool&                    out_hasRealData,
                                  bool&                    out_hasLodBlendedLayers )
    MapFrame mapf( _map, Map::MASKED_TERRAIN_LAYERS );
    const MapInfo& mapInfo = mapf.getMapInfo();

    osg::ref_ptr<TileModel> model = new TileModel();
    model->_tileKey = key;
    model->_tileLocator = GeoLocator::createForKey(key, mapInfo);

    // init this to false, then search for real data. "Real data" is data corresponding
    // directly to the key, as opposed to fallback data, which is derived from a lower
    // LOD key.
    out_hasRealData = false;
    out_hasLodBlendedLayers = false;
    // Fetch the image data and make color layers.
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() )
            BuildColorData build;
            build.init( key, layer, mapInfo, _terrainOptions, model.get() );

            if ( layer->getImageLayerOptions().lodBlending() == true )
                out_hasLodBlendedLayers = true;

    // make an elevation layer.
    BuildElevationData build;
    build.init( key, mapf, _terrainOptions, model.get(), _hfCache );

    // Bail out now if there's no data to be had.
    if ( model->_colorData.size() == 0 && !model->_elevationData.getHFLayer() )

    // OK we are making a tile, so if there's no heightfield yet, make an empty one.
    if ( !model->_elevationData.getHFLayer() )
        osg::HeightField* hf = HeightFieldUtils::createReferenceHeightField( key.getExtent(), 8, 8 );
        osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer* hfLayer = new osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer( hf );
        hfLayer->setLocator( GeoLocator::createForKey(key, mapInfo) );
        model->_elevationData = TileModel::ElevationData( hfLayer, true );

    // Now, if there are any color layers that did not get built, create them with an empty
    // image so the shaders have something to draw.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> emptyImage;
    osgTerrain::Locator* locator = model->_elevationData.getHFLayer()->getLocator();

    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() && !layer->isKeyValid(key) )
            if ( !emptyImage.valid() )
                emptyImage = ImageUtils::createEmptyImage();

            model->_colorData[i->get()->getUID()] = TileModel::ColorData(
                true );

    // Ready to create the actual tile.
    //AssembleTile assemble;
    //assemble.init( key, mapInfo, _terrainOptions, model.get(), mapf.terrainMaskLayers() );

    // if we're using LOD blending, find and add the parent's state set.
    if ( out_hasLodBlendedLayers && key.getLevelOfDetail() > 0 && _liveTiles.valid() )
        osg::ref_ptr<TileNode> parent;
        if ( _liveTiles->get( key.createParentKey(), parent ) )
            model->_parentStateSet = parent->getPublicStateSet();

    if (!out_hasRealData)
        // Check the results and see if we have any real data.
        for( TileModel::ColorDataByUID::const_iterator i = model->_colorData.begin(); i != model->_colorData.end(); ++i )
            if ( !i->second.isFallbackData() ) 
                out_hasRealData = true;

    if ( !out_hasRealData && !model->_elevationData.isFallbackData() )
        out_hasRealData = true;

    out_model = model.release();
    //out_tile = assemble._node;
コード例 #18
TileModelFactory::createTileModel(const TileKey&           key, 
                                  const MapFrame&          frame,
                                  osg::ref_ptr<TileModel>& out_model,
                                  ProgressCallback*        progress)

    osg::ref_ptr<TileModel> model = new TileModel( frame.getRevision(), frame.getMapInfo() );

    model->_tileKey = key;
    model->_tileLocator = GeoLocator::createForKey(key, frame.getMapInfo());


    // Fetch the image data and make color layers.
    unsigned index = 0;
    unsigned order = 0;
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = frame.imageLayers().begin(); i != frame.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() )
            BuildColorData build;
            build.init( key, layer, order, frame.getMapInfo(), _terrainOptions, _liveTiles.get(), model.get() );

            bool addedToModel = build.execute(progress);
            if ( addedToModel )
                // only bump the order if we added something to the data model.

    if (progress)
        progress->stats()["fetch_imagery_time"] += OE_STOP_TIMER(fetch_imagery);


    // make an elevation layer.
    BuildElevationData build;
    build.init( key, frame, _terrainOptions, _liveTiles.get(), model.get(), _hfCache.get() );

    if (progress)
        progress->stats()["fetch_elevation_time"] += OE_STOP_TIMER(fetch_elevation);

    // If nothing was added, not even a fallback heightfield, something went
    // horribly wrong. Leave without a tile model. Chances are that a parent tile
    // not not found in the live-tile registry.
    if ( model->_colorData.size() == 0 && !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )

    // OK we are making a tile, so if there's no heightfield yet, make an empty one (and mark it
    // as fallback data of course)
    if ( !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )
        osg::HeightField* hf = HeightFieldUtils::createReferenceHeightField( key.getExtent(), 15, 15 );
        model->_elevationData = TileModel::ElevationData(
            GeoLocator::createForKey(key, frame.getMapInfo()),
            true );

    // look up the parent model and cache it.
    osg::ref_ptr<TileNode> parentTile;
    if ( _liveTiles->get(key.createParentKey(), parentTile) )
        model->_parentModel = parentTile->getTileModel();

    out_model = model.release();
コード例 #19
HwcComposer2D::PrepareLayerList(Layer* aLayer,
                                const nsIntRect& aClip,
                                const Matrix& aParentTransform,
                                bool aFindSidebandStreams)
    // NB: we fall off this path whenever there are container layers
    // that require intermediate surfaces.  That means all the
    // GetEffective*() coordinates are relative to the framebuffer.

    bool fillColor = false;

    const nsIntRegion visibleRegion = aLayer->GetLocalVisibleRegion().ToUnknownRegion();
    if (visibleRegion.IsEmpty()) {
        return true;

    uint8_t opacity = std::min(0xFF, (int)(aLayer->GetEffectiveOpacity() * 256.0));
    if (opacity == 0) {
        LOGD("%s Layer has zero opacity; skipping", aLayer->Name());
        return true;

    if (!mHal->SupportTransparency() && opacity < 0xFF && !aFindSidebandStreams) {
        LOGD("%s Layer has planar semitransparency which is unsupported by hwcomposer", aLayer->Name());
        return false;

    if (aLayer->GetMaskLayer() && !aFindSidebandStreams) {
        LOGD("%s Layer has MaskLayer which is unsupported by hwcomposer", aLayer->Name());
        return false;

    nsIntRect clip;
    nsIntRect layerClip = aLayer->GetLocalClipRect().valueOr(ParentLayerIntRect()).ToUnknownRect();
    nsIntRect* layerClipPtr = aLayer->GetLocalClipRect() ? &layerClip : nullptr;
    if (!HwcUtils::CalculateClipRect(aParentTransform,
        LOGD("%s Clip rect is empty. Skip layer", aLayer->Name());
        return true;

    // HWC supports only the following 2D transformations:
    // Scaling via the sourceCrop and displayFrame in HwcLayer
    // Translation via the sourceCrop and displayFrame in HwcLayer
    // Rotation (in square angles only) via the HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_* flags
    // Reflection (horizontal and vertical) via the HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_* flags
    // A 2D transform with PreservesAxisAlignedRectangles() has all the attributes
    // above
    Matrix layerTransform;
    if (!aLayer->GetEffectiveTransform().Is2D(&layerTransform) ||
        !layerTransform.PreservesAxisAlignedRectangles()) {
        LOGD("Layer EffectiveTransform has a 3D transform or a non-square angle rotation");
        return false;

    Matrix layerBufferTransform;
    if (!aLayer->GetEffectiveTransformForBuffer().Is2D(&layerBufferTransform) ||
        !layerBufferTransform.PreservesAxisAlignedRectangles()) {
        LOGD("Layer EffectiveTransformForBuffer has a 3D transform or a non-square angle rotation");
      return false;

    if (ContainerLayer* container = aLayer->AsContainerLayer()) {
        if (container->UseIntermediateSurface() && !aFindSidebandStreams) {
            LOGD("Container layer needs intermediate surface");
            return false;
        AutoTArray<Layer*, 12> children;

        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < children.Length(); i++) {
            if (!PrepareLayerList(children[i], clip, layerTransform, aFindSidebandStreams) &&
                !aFindSidebandStreams) {
                return false;
        return true;

    LayerRenderState state = aLayer->GetRenderState();

    if (!state.GetGrallocBuffer() && !state.GetSidebandStream().IsValid()) {
    if (!state.GetGrallocBuffer()) {
        if (aLayer->AsColorLayer() && mColorFill) {
            fillColor = true;
        } else {
            LOGD("%s Layer doesn't have a gralloc buffer", aLayer->Name());
            return false;

    nsIntRect visibleRect = visibleRegion.GetBounds();

    nsIntRect bufferRect;
    if (fillColor) {
        bufferRect = nsIntRect(visibleRect);
    } else {
        nsIntRect layerRect;
        if (state.mHasOwnOffset) {
            bufferRect = nsIntRect(state.mOffset.x, state.mOffset.y,
                                   state.mSize.width, state.mSize.height);
            layerRect = bufferRect;
        } else {
            //Since the buffer doesn't have its own offset, assign the whole
            //surface size as its buffer bounds
            bufferRect = nsIntRect(0, 0, state.mSize.width, state.mSize.height);
            layerRect = bufferRect;
            if (aLayer->GetType() == Layer::TYPE_IMAGE) {
                ImageLayer* imageLayer = static_cast<ImageLayer*>(aLayer);
                if(imageLayer->GetScaleMode() != ScaleMode::SCALE_NONE) {
                  layerRect = nsIntRect(0, 0, imageLayer->GetScaleToSize().width, imageLayer->GetScaleToSize().height);
        // In some cases the visible rect assigned to the layer can be larger
        // than the layer's surface, e.g., an ImageLayer with a small Image
        // in it.
        visibleRect.IntersectRect(visibleRect, layerRect);

    // Buffer rotation is not to be confused with the angled rotation done by a transform matrix
    // It's a fancy PaintedLayer feature used for scrolling
    if (state.BufferRotated()) {
        LOGD("%s Layer has a rotated buffer", aLayer->Name());
        return false;

    const bool needsYFlip = state.OriginBottomLeft() ? true
                                                     : false;

    hwc_rect_t sourceCrop, displayFrame;
        return true;

    // OK!  We can compose this layer with hwc.
    int current = mList ? mList->numHwLayers : 0;

    // Do not compose any layer below full-screen Opaque layer
    // Note: It can be generalized to non-fullscreen Opaque layers.
    bool isOpaque = opacity == 0xFF &&
        (state.mFlags & LayerRenderStateFlags::OPAQUE);
    // Currently we perform opacity calculation using the *bounds* of the layer.
    // We can only make this assumption if we're not dealing with a complex visible region.
    bool isSimpleVisibleRegion = visibleRegion.Contains(visibleRect);
    if (current && isOpaque && isSimpleVisibleRegion) {
        nsIntRect displayRect = nsIntRect(displayFrame.left, displayFrame.top,
            displayFrame.right - displayFrame.left, displayFrame.bottom - displayFrame.top);
        if (displayRect.Contains(mScreenRect)) {
            // In z-order, all previous layers are below
            // the current layer. We can ignore them now.
            mList->numHwLayers = current = 0;

    if (!mList || current >= mMaxLayerCount) {
        if (!ReallocLayerList() || current >= mMaxLayerCount) {
            LOGE("PrepareLayerList failed! Could not increase the maximum layer count");
            return false;

    HwcLayer& hwcLayer = mList->hwLayers[current];
    hwcLayer.displayFrame = displayFrame;
    mHal->SetCrop(hwcLayer, sourceCrop);
    buffer_handle_t handle = nullptr;
    if (state.GetSidebandStream().IsValid()) {
        handle = state.GetSidebandStream().GetRawNativeHandle();
    } else if (state.GetGrallocBuffer()) {
        handle = state.GetGrallocBuffer()->getNativeBuffer()->handle;
    if (state.GetGrallocBuffer()) {
        handle = state.GetGrallocBuffer()->getNativeBuffer()->handle;
    hwcLayer.handle = handle;

    hwcLayer.flags = 0;
    hwcLayer.hints = 0;
    hwcLayer.blending = isOpaque ? HWC_BLENDING_NONE : HWC_BLENDING_PREMULT;
    hwcLayer.compositionType = HWC_FRAMEBUFFER;
    if (state.GetSidebandStream().IsValid()) {
        hwcLayer.compositionType = HWC_SIDEBAND;
    hwcLayer.acquireFenceFd = -1;
    hwcLayer.releaseFenceFd = -1;
    hwcLayer.planeAlpha = opacity;
    hwcLayer.compositionType = HwcUtils::HWC_USE_COPYBIT;

    if (!fillColor) {
        if (state.FormatRBSwapped()) {
            if (!mRBSwapSupport) {
                LOGD("No R/B swap support in H/W Composer");
                return false;
            hwcLayer.flags |= HwcUtils::HWC_FORMAT_RB_SWAP;

        // Translation and scaling have been addressed in PrepareLayerRects().
        // Given the above and that we checked for PreservesAxisAlignedRectangles()
        // the only possible transformations left to address are
        // square angle rotation and horizontal/vertical reflection.
        // The rotation and reflection permutations total 16 but can be
        // reduced to 8 transformations after eliminating redundancies.
        // All matrices represented here are in the form
        // | xx  xy |
        // | yx  yy |
        // And ignore scaling.
        // Reflection is applied before rotation
        gfx::Matrix rotation = layerTransform;
        // Compute fuzzy zero like PreservesAxisAlignedRectangles()
        if (fabs(rotation._11) < 1e-6) {
            if (rotation._21 < 0) {
                if (rotation._12 > 0) {
                    // 90 degree rotation
                    // |  0  -1  |
                    // |  1   0  |
                    hwcLayer.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90;
                    LOGD("Layer rotated 90 degrees");
                else {
                    // Horizontal reflection then 90 degree rotation
                    // |  0  -1  | | -1   0  | = |  0  -1  |
                    // |  1   0  | |  0   1  |   | -1   0  |
                    // same as vertical reflection then 270 degree rotation
                    // |  0   1  | |  1   0  | = |  0  -1  |
                    // | -1   0  | |  0  -1  |   | -1   0  |
                    hwcLayer.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90 | HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H;
                    LOGD("Layer vertically reflected then rotated 270 degrees");
            } else {
                if (rotation._12 < 0) {
                    // 270 degree rotation
                    // |  0   1  |
                    // | -1   0  |
                    hwcLayer.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_270;
                    LOGD("Layer rotated 270 degrees");
                else {
                    // Vertical reflection then 90 degree rotation
                    // |  0   1  | | -1   0  | = |  0   1  |
                    // | -1   0  | |  0   1  |   |  1   0  |
                    // Same as horizontal reflection then 270 degree rotation
                    // |  0  -1  | |  1   0  | = |  0   1  |
                    // |  1   0  | |  0  -1  |   |  1   0  |
                    hwcLayer.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90 | HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V;
                    LOGD("Layer horizontally reflected then rotated 270 degrees");
        } else if (rotation._11 < 0) {
            if (rotation._22 > 0) {
                // Horizontal reflection
                // | -1   0  |
                // |  0   1  |
                hwcLayer.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H;
                LOGD("Layer rotated 180 degrees");
            else {
                // 180 degree rotation
                // | -1   0  |
                // |  0  -1  |
                // Same as horizontal and vertical reflection
                // | -1   0  | |  1   0  | = | -1   0  |
                // |  0   1  | |  0  -1  |   |  0  -1  |
                hwcLayer.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_180;
                LOGD("Layer rotated 180 degrees");
        } else {
            if (rotation._22 < 0) {
                // Vertical reflection
                // |  1   0  |
                // |  0  -1  |
                hwcLayer.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V;
                LOGD("Layer rotated 180 degrees");
            else {
                // No rotation or reflection
                // |  1   0  |
                // |  0   1  |
                hwcLayer.transform = 0;

        const bool needsYFlip = state.OriginBottomLeft() ? true
                                                         : false;

        if (needsYFlip) {
           // Invert vertical reflection flag if it was already set
           hwcLayer.transform ^= HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V;
        hwc_region_t region;
        if (visibleRegion.GetNumRects() > 1) {
            HwcUtils::RectVector* visibleRects = &(mVisibleRegions.back());
            bool isVisible = false;
                                     isVisible)) {
                LOGD("A region of layer is too small to be rendered by HWC");
                return false;
            if (!isVisible) {
                // Layer is not visible, no need to render it
                return true;
            region.numRects = visibleRects->size();
            region.rects = &((*visibleRects)[0]);
        } else {
            region.numRects = 1;
            region.rects = &(hwcLayer.displayFrame);
        hwcLayer.visibleRegionScreen = region;
    } else {
        hwcLayer.flags |= HwcUtils::HWC_COLOR_FILL;
        ColorLayer* colorLayer = aLayer->AsColorLayer();
        if (colorLayer->GetColor().a < 1.0) {
            LOGD("Color layer has semitransparency which is unsupported");
            return false;
        hwcLayer.transform = colorLayer->GetColor().ToABGR();

    if (aFindSidebandStreams && hwcLayer.compositionType == HWC_SIDEBAND) {

    return true;

HwcComposer2D::TryHwComposition(nsScreenGonk* aScreen)
    DisplaySurface* dispSurface = aScreen->GetDisplaySurface();

    if (!(dispSurface && dispSurface->lastHandle)) {
        LOGD("H/W Composition failed. DispSurface not initialized.");
        return false;

    // Add FB layer
    int idx = mList->numHwLayers++;
    if (idx >= mMaxLayerCount) {
        if (!ReallocLayerList() || idx >= mMaxLayerCount) {
            LOGE("TryHwComposition failed! Could not add FB layer");
            return false;

    Prepare(dispSurface->lastHandle, -1, aScreen);

    /* Possible composition paths, after hwc prepare:
    1. GPU Composition
    2. BLIT Composition
    3. Full OVERLAY Composition
    4. Partial OVERLAY Composition (GPU + OVERLAY) */

    bool gpuComposite = false;
    bool blitComposite = false;
    bool overlayComposite = true;

    for (int j=0; j < idx; j++) {
        if (mList->hwLayers[j].compositionType == HWC_FRAMEBUFFER ||
            mList->hwLayers[j].compositionType == HWC_BLIT) {
            // Full OVERLAY composition is not possible on this frame
            // It is either GPU / BLIT / partial OVERLAY composition.
            overlayComposite = false;

    if (!overlayComposite) {
        for (int k=0; k < idx; k++) {
            switch (mList->hwLayers[k].compositionType) {
                case HWC_FRAMEBUFFER:
                    gpuComposite = true;
                case HWC_BLIT:
                    blitComposite = true;
                case HWC_SIDEBAND:
                case HWC_OVERLAY: {
                    // HWC will compose HWC_OVERLAY layers in partial
                    // Overlay Composition, set layer composition flag
                    // on mapped LayerComposite to skip GPU composition

                    uint8_t opacity = std::min(0xFF, (int)(mHwcLayerMap[k]->GetLayer()->GetEffectiveOpacity() * 256.0));
                    if ((mList->hwLayers[k].hints & HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB) &&
                        (opacity == 0xFF)) {
                        // Clear visible rect on FB with transparent pixels.
                        hwc_rect_t r = mList->hwLayers[k].displayFrame;
                        mHwcLayerMap[k]->SetClearRect(nsIntRect(r.left, r.top,
                                                                r.right - r.left,
                                                                r.bottom - r.top));

        if (gpuComposite) {
            // GPU or partial OVERLAY Composition
            return false;
        } else if (blitComposite) {
            // BLIT Composition, flip DispSurface target
            GetGonkDisplay()->UpdateDispSurface(aScreen->GetEGLDisplay(), aScreen->GetEGLSurface());
            DisplaySurface* dispSurface = aScreen->GetDisplaySurface();
            if (!dispSurface) {
                LOGE("H/W Composition failed. NULL DispSurface.");
                return false;
            mList->hwLayers[idx].handle = dispSurface->lastHandle;
            mList->hwLayers[idx].acquireFenceFd = dispSurface->GetPrevDispAcquireFd();

    // BLIT or full OVERLAY Composition
    return Commit(aScreen);
コード例 #20
/** Packages an image layer as a TMS folder. */
makeTMS( osg::ArgumentParser& args )
    // see if the user wants to override the type extension (imagery only)
    std::string extension = "png";
    args.read( "--ext", extension );

    // verbosity?
    bool verbose = !args.read( "--quiet" );

    // find a .earth file on the command line
    std::string earthFile = findArgumentWithExtension(args, ".earth");
    if ( earthFile.empty() )
        return usage( "Missing required .earth file" );

    // folder to which to write the TMS archive.
    std::string rootFolder;
    if ( !args.read( "--out", rootFolder ) )
        rootFolder = Stringify() << earthFile << ".tms_repo";

    // max level to which to generate
    unsigned maxLevel = ~0;
    args.read( "--max-level", maxLevel );

    // load up the map
    osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> mapNode = MapNode::load( args );
    if ( !mapNode.valid() )
        return usage( "Failed to load a valid .earth file" );

    // create a folder for the output
    if ( !osgDB::fileExists(rootFolder) )
        return usage("Failed to create root output folder" );

    Map* map = mapNode->getMap();

    // fire up a packager:
    TMSPackager packager( map->getProfile() );
    packager.setVerbose( verbose );
    if ( maxLevel != ~0 )
        packager.setMaxLevel( maxLevel );

    // package any image layers that are enabled:
    ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
    map->getImageLayers( imageLayers );

    unsigned counter = 0;
    for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = imageLayers.begin(); i != imageLayers.end(); ++i, ++counter )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
        if ( layer->getImageLayerOptions().enabled() == true )
            std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( layer->getName() );
            if ( layerFolder.empty() )
                layerFolder = Stringify() << "image_layer_" << counter;

            if ( verbose )
                OE_NOTICE << LC << "Packaging image layer \"" << layerFolder << "\"" << std::endl;

            std::string layerRoot = osgDB::concatPaths( rootFolder, layerFolder );
            TMSPackager::Result r = packager.package( layer, layerRoot, extension );
            if ( !r.ok )
                OE_WARN << LC << r.message << std::endl;
        else if ( verbose )
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Skipping disabled layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\"" << std::endl;

    // package any elevation layers that are enabled:
    counter = 0;
    ElevationLayerVector elevationLayers;
    map->getElevationLayers( elevationLayers );

    for( ElevationLayerVector::iterator i = elevationLayers.begin(); i != elevationLayers.end(); ++i, ++counter )
        ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
        if ( layer->getElevationLayerOptions().enabled() == true )
            std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( layer->getName() );
            if ( layerFolder.empty() )
                layerFolder = Stringify() << "elevation_layer_" << counter;

            if ( verbose )
                OE_NOTICE << LC << "Packaging elevation layer \"" << layerFolder << "\"" << std::endl;

            std::string layerRoot = osgDB::concatPaths( rootFolder, layerFolder );
            packager.package( layer, layerRoot );
        else if ( verbose )
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Skipping disabled layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\"" << std::endl;

    return 0;
コード例 #21
purge( osg::ArgumentParser& args )
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node = osgDB::readNodeFiles( args );
    if ( !node.valid() )
        return usage( "Failed to read .earth file." );

    MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode( node.get() );
    if ( !mapNode )
        return usage( "Input file was not a .earth file" );

    Map* map = mapNode->getMap();

    if ( !map->getCache() )
        return message( "Earth file does not contain a cache." );

    std::vector<Entry> entries;

    ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
    map->getLayers( imageLayers );
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = imageLayers.begin(); i != imageLayers.end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        bool useMFP =
            layer->getProfile() &&
            layer->getProfile()->getSRS()->isSphericalMercator() &&
            mapNode->getMapNodeOptions().getTerrainOptions().enableMercatorFastPath() == true;

        const Profile* cacheProfile = useMFP ? layer->getProfile() : map->getProfile();

        CacheSettings* cacheSettings = layer->getCacheSettings();
        if (cacheSettings)
            CacheBin* bin = cacheSettings->getCacheBin();
            if ( bin )
                entries.back()._isImage = true;
                entries.back()._name = i->get()->getName();
                entries.back()._bin = bin;

    ElevationLayerVector elevationLayers;
    map->getLayers( elevationLayers );
    for( ElevationLayerVector::const_iterator i = elevationLayers.begin(); i != elevationLayers.end(); ++i )
        ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();

        bool useMFP =
            layer->getProfile() &&
            layer->getProfile()->getSRS()->isSphericalMercator() &&
            mapNode->getMapNodeOptions().getTerrainOptions().enableMercatorFastPath() == true;

        const Profile* cacheProfile = useMFP ? layer->getProfile() : map->getProfile();
        CacheSettings* cacheSettings = layer->getCacheSettings();
        if (cacheSettings)
            CacheBin* bin = cacheSettings->getCacheBin();
            if (bin)
                entries.back()._isImage = false;
                entries.back()._name = i->get()->getName();
                entries.back()._bin = bin;

    if ( entries.size() > 0 )
        std::cout << std::endl;

        for( unsigned i=0; i<entries.size(); ++i )
            std::cout << (i+1) << ") " << entries[i]._name << " (" << (entries[i]._isImage? "image" : "elevation" ) << ")" << std::endl;

            << std::endl
            << "Enter number of cache to purge, or <enter> to quit: "
            << std::flush;

        std::string input;
        std::getline( std::cin, input );

        if ( !input.empty() )
            unsigned k = as<unsigned>(input, 0L);
            if ( k > 0 && k <= entries.size() )
                Config meta = entries[k-1]._bin->readMetadata();
                if ( !meta.empty() )
                        << std::endl
                        << "Cache METADATA:" << std::endl
                        << meta.toJSON() 
                        << std::endl << std::endl;

                    << "Are you sure (y/N)? "
                    << std::flush;

                std::getline( std::cin, input );
                if ( input == "y" || input == "Y" )
                    std::cout << "Purging.." << std::flush;
                    std::cout << "No action taken." << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Invalid choice." << std::endl;
            std::cout << "No action taken." << std::endl;

    return 0;
コード例 #22
    // don't bother if this is a hurting old card
    if ( !Registry::instance()->getCapabilities().supportsGLSL() )

    // update the layer uniform arrays:
    osg::StateSet* stateSet = this->getOrCreateStateSet();

    // get a copy of the image layer stack:
    MapFrame mapf( _map.get(), Map::IMAGE_LAYERS );


#if 0
    if ( _imageLayerController->_layerEnabledUniform.valid() )
        _imageLayerController->_layerEnabledUniform->removeFrom( stateSet );

    if ( _imageLayerController->_layerOpacityUniform.valid() )
        _imageLayerController->_layerOpacityUniform->removeFrom( stateSet );

    if ( _imageLayerController->_layerRangeUniform.valid() )
        _imageLayerController->_layerRangeUniform->removeFrom( stateSet );

    //stateSet->removeUniform( "osgearth_ImageLayerAttenuation" );
    if ( mapf.imageLayers().size() > 0 )
        // the "enabled" uniform is fixed size. this is handy to account for layers that are in flux...i.e., their source
        // layer count has changed, but the shader has not yet caught up. In the future we might use this to disable
        // "ghost" layers that used to exist at a given index, but no longer do.
        _imageLayerController->_layerEnabledUniform.attach( "osgearth_ImageLayerEnabled", osg::Uniform::BOOL,  stateSet, 64 );
        _imageLayerController->_layerOpacityUniform.attach( "osgearth_ImageLayerOpacity", osg::Uniform::FLOAT, stateSet, mapf.imageLayers().size() );
        _imageLayerController->_layerRangeUniform.attach  ( "osgearth_ImageLayerRange",   osg::Uniform::FLOAT, stateSet, 2 * mapf.imageLayers().size() );

        //_imageLayerController->_layerEnabledUniform  = new ArrayUniform( osg::Uniform::BOOL,  "osgearth_ImageLayerEnabled", 64 ); //mapf.imageLayers().size() );
        //_imageLayerController->_layerOpacityUniform  = new ArrayUniform( osg::Uniform::FLOAT, "osgearth_ImageLayerOpacity", mapf.imageLayers().size() );
        //_imageLayerController->_layerRangeUniform    = new ArrayUniform( osg::Uniform::FLOAT, "osgearth_ImageLayerRange", 2 * mapf.imageLayers().size() );

        for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
            ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
            int index = (int)(i - mapf.imageLayers().begin());

            _imageLayerController->_layerOpacityUniform.setElement( index, layer->getOpacity() );
            _imageLayerController->_layerEnabledUniform.setElement( index, layer->getEnabled() );
            _imageLayerController->_layerRangeUniform.setElement( (2*index), layer->getImageLayerOptions().minVisibleRange().value() );
            _imageLayerController->_layerRangeUniform.setElement( (2*index)+1, layer->getImageLayerOptions().maxVisibleRange().value() );

        // set the remainder of the layers to disabled 
        for( int j=mapf.imageLayers().size(); j<64; ++j )
            _imageLayerController->_layerEnabledUniform.setElement( j, false );

        //_imageLayerController->_layerOpacityUniform->addTo( stateSet );
        //_imageLayerController->_layerEnabledUniform->addTo( stateSet );
        //_imageLayerController->_layerRangeUniform->addTo( stateSet );
コード例 #23
ファイル: CacheSeed.cpp プロジェクト: Sylla/osgearth
void CacheSeed::seed( Map* map )
    if ( !map->getCache() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Warning: No cache defined; aborting." << std::endl;

    std::vector<TileKey> keys;

    //Add the map's entire extent if we don't have one specified.
    if (_extents.empty())
        addExtent( map->getProfile()->getExtent() );

    bool hasCaches = false;
    int src_min_level = INT_MAX;
    unsigned int src_max_level = 0;

    MapFrame mapf( map, Map::TERRAIN_LAYERS, "CacheSeed::seed" );

    //Assumes the the TileSource will perform the caching for us when we call createImage
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); i++ )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
        TileSource* src   = layer->getTileSource();

        const ImageLayerOptions& opt = layer->getImageLayerOptions();

        if ( layer->isCacheOnly() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Warning: Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" is set to cache-only; skipping." << std::endl;
        else if ( !src )
            OE_WARN << "Warning: Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" could not create TileSource; skipping." << std::endl;
        else if ( src->getCachePolicyHint() == CachePolicy::NO_CACHE )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Warning: Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" does not support seeding; skipping." << std::endl;
        else if ( !layer->getCache() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Notice: Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" has no cache defined; skipping." << std::endl;
            hasCaches = true;

            if (opt.minLevel().isSet() && (int)opt.minLevel().get() < src_min_level)
                src_min_level = opt.minLevel().get();
            if (opt.maxLevel().isSet() && opt.maxLevel().get() > src_max_level)
                src_max_level = opt.maxLevel().get();

    for( ElevationLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.elevationLayers().begin(); i != mapf.elevationLayers().end(); i++ )
        ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
        TileSource*     src   = layer->getTileSource();
        const ElevationLayerOptions& opt = layer->getElevationLayerOptions();

        if ( layer->isCacheOnly() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Warning: Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" is set to cache-only; skipping." << std::endl;
        else if (!src)
            OE_WARN << "Warning: Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" could not create TileSource; skipping." << std::endl;
        else if ( src->getCachePolicyHint() == CachePolicy::NO_CACHE )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Warning: Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" does not support seeding; skipping." << std::endl;
        else if ( !layer->getCache() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Notice: Layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\" has no cache defined; skipping." << std::endl;
            hasCaches = true;

            if (opt.minLevel().isSet() && (int)opt.minLevel().get() < src_min_level)
                src_min_level = opt.minLevel().get();
            if (opt.maxLevel().isSet() && opt.maxLevel().get() > src_max_level)
                src_max_level = opt.maxLevel().get();

    if ( !hasCaches )
        OE_WARN << LC << "There are either no caches defined in the map, or no sources to cache; aborting." << std::endl;

    if ( src_max_level > 0 && src_max_level < _maxLevel )
        _maxLevel = src_max_level;

    OE_NOTICE << LC << "Maximum cache level will be " << _maxLevel << std::endl;

    osg::Timer_t startTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    //Estimate the number of tiles
    _total = 0;    

    for (unsigned int level = _minLevel; level <= _maxLevel; level++)
        double coverageRatio = 0.0;

        if (_extents.empty())
            unsigned int wide, high;
            map->getProfile()->getNumTiles( level, wide, high );
            _total += (wide * high);
            for (std::vector< GeoExtent >::const_iterator itr = _extents.begin(); itr != _extents.end(); itr++)
                const GeoExtent& extent = *itr;
                double boundsArea = extent.area();

                TileKey ll = map->getProfile()->createTileKey(extent.xMin(), extent.yMin(), level);
                TileKey ur = map->getProfile()->createTileKey(extent.xMax(), extent.yMax(), level);

                int tilesWide = ur.getTileX() - ll.getTileX() + 1;
                int tilesHigh = ll.getTileY() - ur.getTileY() + 1;
                int tilesAtLevel = tilesWide * tilesHigh;
                //OE_NOTICE << "Tiles at level " << level << "=" << tilesAtLevel << std::endl;

                bool hasData = false;

                for (ImageLayerVector::const_iterator itr = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); itr != mapf.imageLayers().end(); itr++)
                    TileSource* src = itr->get()->getTileSource();
                    if (src)
                        if (src->hasDataAtLOD( level ))
                            //Compute the percent coverage of this dataset on the current extent
                            if (src->getDataExtents().size() > 0)
                                double cov = 0.0;
                                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < src->getDataExtents().size(); j++)
                                    GeoExtent b = src->getDataExtents()[j].transform( extent.getSRS());
                                    GeoExtent intersection = b.intersectionSameSRS( extent );
                                    if (intersection.isValid())
                                        double coverage = intersection.area() / boundsArea;
                                        cov += coverage; //Assumes the extents aren't overlapping                            
                                if (coverageRatio < cov) coverageRatio = cov;
                                //We have no way of knowing how much coverage we have
                                coverageRatio = 1.0;
                            hasData = true;

                for (ElevationLayerVector::const_iterator itr = mapf.elevationLayers().begin(); itr != mapf.elevationLayers().end(); itr++)
                    TileSource* src = itr->get()->getTileSource();
                    if (src)
                        if (src->hasDataAtLOD( level ))
                            //Compute the percent coverage of this dataset on the current extent
                            if (src->getDataExtents().size() > 0)
                                double cov = 0.0;
                                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < src->getDataExtents().size(); j++)
                                    GeoExtent b = src->getDataExtents()[j].transform( extent.getSRS());
                                    GeoExtent intersection = b.intersectionSameSRS( extent );
                                    if (intersection.isValid())
                                        double coverage = intersection.area() / boundsArea;
                                        cov += coverage; //Assumes the extents aren't overlapping                            
                                if (coverageRatio < cov) coverageRatio = cov;
                                //We have no way of knowing how much coverage we have
                                coverageRatio = 1.0;
                            hasData = true;

                //Adjust the coverage ratio by a fudge factor to try to keep it from being too small,
                //tiles are either processed or not and the ratio is exact so will cover tiles partially
                //and potentially be too small
                double adjust = 4.0;
                coverageRatio = osg::clampBetween(coverageRatio * adjust, 0.0, 1.0);

                //OE_NOTICE << level <<  " CoverageRatio = " << coverageRatio << std::endl;

                if (hasData)
                    _total += (int)ceil(coverageRatio * (double)tilesAtLevel );

    //Adjust the # of tiles again to be bigger than computed to avoid giving false hope
    _total *= 2;
    osg::Timer_t endTime = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    //OE_NOTICE << "Counted tiles in " << osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(startTime, endTime) << " s" << std::endl;

    OE_INFO << "Processing ~" << _total << " tiles" << std::endl;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i)
        processKey( mapf, keys[i] );

    _total = _completed;

    if ( _progress.valid()) _progress->reportProgress(_completed, _total, 0, 1, "Finished");
コード例 #24
ファイル: osgearth_package.cpp プロジェクト: 2php/osgearth
/** Packages an image layer as a TMS folder. */
makeTMS( osg::ArgumentParser& args )

    //Read the min level
    unsigned int minLevel = 0;
    while (args.read("--min-level", minLevel));

    //Read the max level
    unsigned int maxLevel = 5;
    while (args.read("--max-level", maxLevel));

    std::vector< Bounds > bounds;
    // restrict packaging to user-specified bounds.    
    double xmin=DBL_MAX, ymin=DBL_MAX, xmax=DBL_MIN, ymax=DBL_MIN;
    while (args.read("--bounds", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax ))
        Bounds b;
        b.xMin() = xmin, b.yMin() = ymin, b.xMax() = xmax, b.yMax() = ymax;
        bounds.push_back( b );

    std::string tileList;
    while (args.read( "--tiles", tileList ) );

    bool verbose = args.read("--verbose");

    unsigned int batchSize = 0;
    args.read("--batchsize", batchSize);

    // Read the concurrency level
    unsigned int concurrency = 0;
    args.read("-c", concurrency);
    args.read("--concurrency", concurrency);

    bool applyAlphaMask = args.read("--alpha-mask");

    bool writeXML = true;

    // load up the map
    osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> mapNode = MapNode::load( args );
    if( !mapNode.valid() )
        return usage( "Failed to load a valid .earth file" );

    // Read in an index shapefile
    std::string index;
    while (args.read("--index", index))
        //Open the feature source
        OGRFeatureOptions featureOpt;
        featureOpt.url() = index;        

        osg::ref_ptr< FeatureSource > features = FeatureSourceFactory::create( featureOpt );

        osg::ref_ptr< FeatureCursor > cursor = features->createFeatureCursor();
        while (cursor.valid() && cursor->hasMore())
            osg::ref_ptr< Feature > feature = cursor->nextFeature();
            osgEarth::Bounds featureBounds = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds();
            GeoExtent ext( feature->getSRS(), featureBounds );
            ext = ext.transform( mapNode->getMapSRS() );
            bounds.push_back( ext.bounds() );            

    // see if the user wants to override the type extension (imagery only)
    std::string extension;
    args.read( "--ext", extension );

    // find a .earth file on the command line
    std::string earthFile = findArgumentWithExtension( args, ".earth" );
    // folder to which to write the TMS archive.
    std::string rootFolder;
    if( !args.read( "--out", rootFolder ) )
        rootFolder = Stringify() << earthFile << ".tms_repo";

    // whether to overwrite existing tile files
    //TODO:  Support
    bool overwrite = false;
    if( args.read( "--overwrite" ) )
        overwrite = true;

    // write out an earth file
    std::string outEarth;
    args.read( "--out-earth", outEarth );

    std::string dbOptions;
    args.read( "--db-options", dbOptions );
    std::string::size_type n = 0;
    while( (n = dbOptions.find( '"', n )) != dbOptions.npos )
        dbOptions.erase( n, 1 );

    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> options = new osgDB::Options( dbOptions );

    // whether to keep 'empty' tiles    
    bool keepEmpties = args.read( "--keep-empties" );

    //TODO:  Single color
    bool continueSingleColor = args.read( "--continue-single-color" );

    // elevation pixel depth
    unsigned elevationPixelDepth = 32;
    args.read( "--elevation-pixel-depth", elevationPixelDepth );
    // create a folder for the output
    osgDB::makeDirectory( rootFolder );
    if( !osgDB::fileExists( rootFolder ) )
        return usage( "Failed to create root output folder" );

    int imageLayerIndex = -1;
    args.read("--image", imageLayerIndex);

    int elevationLayerIndex = -1;
    args.read("--elevation", elevationLayerIndex);
    Map* map = mapNode->getMap();

    osg::ref_ptr< TileVisitor > visitor;

    // If we are given a task file, load it up and create a new TileKeyListVisitor
    if (!tileList.empty())
        TaskList tasks( mapNode->getMap()->getProfile() );
        tasks.load( tileList );

        TileKeyListVisitor* v = new TileKeyListVisitor();
        v->setKeys( tasks.getKeys() );
        visitor = v;     
        // This process is a lowly worker, and shouldn't write out the XML file.
        writeXML = false;

    // If we dont' have a visitor create one.
    if (!visitor.valid())
        if (args.read("--mt"))
            // Create a multithreaded visitor
            MultithreadedTileVisitor* v = new MultithreadedTileVisitor();
            if (concurrency > 0)
            visitor = v;            
        else if (args.read("--mp"))
            // Create a multiprocess visitor
            MultiprocessTileVisitor* v = new MultiprocessTileVisitor();
            if (concurrency > 0)
                OE_NOTICE << "Set num processes " << concurrency << std::endl;

            if (batchSize > 0)

            // Try to find the earth file
            std::string earthFile;
            for(int pos=1;pos<args.argc();++pos)
                if (!args.isOption(pos))
                    earthFile  = args[ pos ];

            v->setEarthFile( earthFile );

            visitor = v;            
            // Create a single thread visitor
            visitor = new TileVisitor();            

    osg::ref_ptr< ProgressCallback > progress = new ConsoleProgressCallback();

    if (verbose)
        visitor->setProgressCallback( progress );

    visitor->setMinLevel( minLevel );
    visitor->setMaxLevel( maxLevel );        

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bounds.size(); i++)
        GeoExtent extent(mapNode->getMapSRS(), bounds[i]);
        OE_DEBUG << "Adding extent " << extent.toString() << std::endl;                
        visitor->addExtent( extent );

    // Setup a TMSPackager with all the options.
    TMSPackager packager;

    // new map for an output earth file if necessary.
    osg::ref_ptr<Map> outMap = 0L;
    if( !outEarth.empty() )
        // copy the options from the source map first
        outMap = new Map( map->getInitialMapOptions() );

    std::string outEarthFile = osgDB::concatPaths( rootFolder, osgDB::getSimpleFileName( outEarth ) );

    // Package an individual image layer
    if (imageLayerIndex >= 0)
        ImageLayer* layer = map->getImageLayerAt(imageLayerIndex);
        if (layer)
            packager.run(layer, map);
            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map);
            std::cout << "Failed to find an image layer at index " << imageLayerIndex << std::endl;
            return 1;
    // Package an individual elevation layer
    else if (elevationLayerIndex >= 0)
        ElevationLayer* layer = map->getElevationLayerAt(elevationLayerIndex);
        if (layer)
            packager.run(layer, map);
            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map );
            std::cout << "Failed to find an elevation layer at index " << elevationLayerIndex << std::endl;
            return 1;
        // Package all the ImageLayer's
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->getNumImageLayers(); i++)
            ImageLayer* layer = map->getImageLayerAt(i);        
            OE_NOTICE << "Packaging " << layer->getName() << std::endl;
            osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            packager.run(layer, map);
            osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            if (verbose)
                OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;

            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map);

            // save to the output map if requested:
            if( outMap.valid() )
                std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( packager.getLayerName() );

                // new TMS driver info:
                TMSOptions tms;
                tms.url() = URI(
                    osgDB::concatPaths( layerFolder, "tms.xml" ),
                    outEarthFile );

                ImageLayerOptions layerOptions( packager.getLayerName(), tms );
                layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig( true ) );
                layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

                outMap->addImageLayer( new ImageLayer( layerOptions ) );

        // Package all the ElevationLayer's
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map->getNumElevationLayers(); i++)
            ElevationLayer* layer = map->getElevationLayerAt(i);        
            OE_NOTICE << "Packaging " << layer->getName() << std::endl;
            osg::Timer_t start = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            packager.run(layer, map);
            osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
            if (verbose)
                OE_NOTICE << "Completed seeding layer " << layer->getName() << " in " << prettyPrintTime( osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( start, end ) ) << std::endl;
            if (writeXML)
                packager.writeXML(layer, map);

            // save to the output map if requested:
            if( outMap.valid() )
                std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( packager.getLayerName() );

                // new TMS driver info:
                TMSOptions tms;
                tms.url() = URI(
                    osgDB::concatPaths( layerFolder, "tms.xml" ),
                    outEarthFile );

                ElevationLayerOptions layerOptions( packager.getLayerName(), tms );
                layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig( true ) );
                layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

                outMap->addElevationLayer( new ElevationLayer( layerOptions ) );


    // Write out an earth file if it was requested
    // Finally, write an earth file if requested:
    if( outMap.valid() )
        MapNodeOptions outNodeOptions = mapNode->getMapNodeOptions();
        osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> outMapNode = new MapNode( outMap.get(), outNodeOptions );
        if( !osgDB::writeNodeFile( *outMapNode.get(), outEarthFile ) )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Error writing earth file to \"" << outEarthFile << "\"" << std::endl;
        else if( verbose )
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Wrote earth file to \"" << outEarthFile << "\"" << std::endl;

    return 0;
コード例 #25
CompositeTileSource::createImage(const TileKey&    key,
                                 ProgressCallback* progress )
    ImageMixVector images;

    // Try to get an image from each of the layers for the given key.
    for (ImageLayerVector::const_iterator itr = _imageLayers.begin(); itr != _imageLayers.end(); ++itr)
        ImageLayer* layer = itr->get();
        ImageInfo imageInfo;
        imageInfo.dataInExtents = layer->getTileSource()->hasDataInExtent( key.getExtent() );
        imageInfo.opacity = layer->getOpacity();

        if (imageInfo.dataInExtents)
            GeoImage image = layer->createImage(key, progress);
            if (image.valid())
                imageInfo.image = image.getImage();


    // Determine the output texture size to use based on the image that were creatd.
    unsigned numValidImages = 0;
    osg::Vec2s textureSize;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++)
        ImageInfo& info = images[i];
        if (info.image.valid())
            if (numValidImages == 0)
                textureSize.set( info.image->s(), info.image->t());

    // Create fallback images if we have some valid data but not for all the layers
    if (numValidImages > 0 && numValidImages < images.size())
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++)
            ImageInfo& info = images[i];
            ImageLayer* layer = _imageLayers[i].get();
            if (!info.image.valid() && info.dataInExtents)
                TileKey parentKey = key.createParentKey();

                GeoImage image;
                while (!image.valid() && parentKey.valid())
                    image = layer->createImage(parentKey, progress);
                    if (image.valid())
                    parentKey = parentKey.createParentKey();

                if (image.valid())
                    // TODO:  Bilinear options?
                    bool bilinear = layer->isCoverage() ? false : true;
                    GeoImage cropped = image.crop( key.getExtent(), true, textureSize.x(), textureSize.y(), bilinear);
                    info.image = cropped.getImage();

    // Now finally create the output image.
    //Recompute the number of valid images
    numValidImages = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++)
        ImageInfo& info = images[i];
        if (info.image.valid()) numValidImages++;        

    if ( progress && progress->isCanceled() )
        return 0L;
    else if ( numValidImages == 0 )
        return 0L;
    else if ( numValidImages == 1 )
        //We only have one valid image, so just return it and don't bother with compositing
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++)
            ImageInfo& info = images[i];
            if (info.image.valid())
                return info.image.release();
        return 0L;
        osg::Image* result = 0;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++)
            ImageInfo& imageInfo = images[i];
            if (!result)
                if (imageInfo.image.valid())
                    result = new osg::Image( *imageInfo.image.get());
                if (imageInfo.image.valid())
                    ImageUtils::mix( result, imageInfo.image.get(), imageInfo.opacity );
        return result;

コード例 #26
ファイル: OSGTileFactory.cpp プロジェクト: hulumogu/osgearth
OSGTileFactory::createPopulatedTile(const MapFrame&  mapf, 
                                    Terrain*         terrain, 
                                    const TileKey&   key, 
                                    bool             wrapInPagedLOD, 
                                    bool             fallback, 
                                    bool&            validData )
    const MapInfo& mapInfo = mapf.getMapInfo();
    bool isPlateCarre = !mapInfo.isGeocentric() && mapInfo.isGeographicSRS();

    typedef std::vector<GeoImageData> GeoImageDataVector;
    GeoImageDataVector image_tiles;

    // Collect the image layers
    bool empty_map = mapf.imageLayers().size() == 0 && mapf.elevationLayers().size() == 0;

    // Create the images for the tile
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
        GeoImageData imageData;

        // Only try to create images if the key is valid
        if ( layer->isKeyValid( key ) )
            imageData._image = layer->createImage( key );
            imageData._layerUID = layer->getUID();
            imageData._imageTileKey = key;

        // always push images, even it they are empty, so that the image_tiles vector is one-to-one
        // with the imageLayers() vector.
        image_tiles.push_back( imageData );

    bool hasElevation = false;

    //Create the heightfield for the tile
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> hf;
    if ( mapf.elevationLayers().size() > 0 )
        mapf.getHeightField( key, false, hf, 0L, _terrainOptions.elevationInterpolation().value());     

    //If we are on the first LOD and we couldn't get a heightfield tile, just create an empty one.  Otherwise you can run into the situation
    //where you could have an inset heightfield on one hemisphere and the whole other hemisphere won't show up.
    if ( mapInfo.isGeocentric() && key.getLevelOfDetail() <= 1 && !hf.valid())
        hf = createEmptyHeightField( key );
    hasElevation = hf.valid();

    //Determine if we've created any images
    unsigned int numValidImages = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < image_tiles.size(); ++i)
        if (image_tiles[i]._image.valid()) numValidImages++;

    //If we couldn't create any imagery or heightfields, bail out
    if (!hf.valid() && (numValidImages == 0) && !empty_map)
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "Could not create any imagery or heightfields for " << key.str() <<".  Not building tile" << std::endl;
        validData = false;

        //If we're not asked to fallback on previous LOD's and we have no data, return NULL
        if (!fallback)
            return NULL;
        validData = true;

    //Try to interpolate any missing image layers from parent tiles
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mapf.imageLayers().size(); i++ )
        if (!image_tiles[i]._image.valid())
            if (mapf.getImageLayerAt(i)->isKeyValid(key))
                //If the key was valid and we have no image, then something possibly went wrong with the image creation such as a server being busy.
                createValidGeoImage(mapf.getImageLayerAt(i), key, image_tiles[i]._image, image_tiles[i]._imageTileKey);

            //If we still couldn't create an image, either something is really wrong or the key wasn't valid, so just create a transparent placeholder image
            if (!image_tiles[i]._image.valid())
                //If the image is not valid, create an empty texture as a placeholder
                image_tiles[i]._image = GeoImage(ImageUtils::createEmptyImage(), key.getExtent());
                image_tiles[i]._imageTileKey = key;

    //Fill in missing heightfield information from parent tiles
    if (!hf.valid())
        //We have no heightfield sources, 
        if ( mapf.elevationLayers().size() == 0 )
            hf = createEmptyHeightField( key );
            //Try to get a heightfield again, but this time fallback on parent tiles
            if ( mapf.getHeightField( key, true, hf, 0L, _terrainOptions.elevationInterpolation().value() ) )
                hasElevation = true;
                //We couldn't get any heightfield, so just create an empty one.
                hf = createEmptyHeightField( key );

    // In a Plate Carre tesselation, scale the heightfield elevations from meters to degrees
    if ( isPlateCarre )
        HeightFieldUtils::scaleHeightFieldToDegrees( hf.get() );

    osg::ref_ptr<GeoLocator> locator = GeoLocator::createForKey( key, mapInfo );
    osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer* hf_layer = new osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer();
    hf_layer->setLocator( locator.get() );
    hf_layer->setHeightField( hf.get() );

    bool isStreaming = 
        _terrainOptions.loadingPolicy()->mode() == LoadingPolicy::MODE_SEQUENTIAL ||
        _terrainOptions.loadingPolicy()->mode() == LoadingPolicy::MODE_PREEMPTIVE;

    Tile* tile = terrain->createTile( key, locator.get() );
    tile->setTerrainTechnique( terrain->cloneTechnique() );
    tile->setVerticalScale( _terrainOptions.verticalScale().value() );
    //tile->setLocator( locator.get() );
    tile->setElevationLayer( hf_layer );
    //tile->setRequiresNormals( true );

#if 0
    //Attach an updatecallback to normalize the edges of TerrainTiles.
    if (hasElevation && _terrainOptions.normalizeEdges().get() )
        tile->setUpdateCallback(new TerrainTileEdgeNormalizerUpdateCallback());

    //Assign the terrain system to the TerrainTile.
    //It is very important the terrain system is set while the MapConfig's sourceMutex is locked.
    //This registers the terrain tile so that adding/removing layers are always in sync.  If you don't do this
    //you can end up with a situation where the database pager is waiting to merge a tile, then a layer is added, then
    //the tile is finally merged and is out of sync.

    double min_units_per_pixel = DBL_MAX;

#if 0
    // create contour layer:
    if (map->getContourTransferFunction() != NULL)
        osgTerrain::ContourLayer* contourLayer(new osgTerrain::ContourLayer(map->getContourTransferFunction()));

        tile->setCustomColorLayer(layer,contourLayer); //TODO: need layerUID, not layer index here -GW

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < image_tiles.size(); ++i)
        if (image_tiles[i]._image.valid())
            const GeoImage& geo_image = image_tiles[i]._image;

            double img_xmin, img_ymin, img_xmax, img_ymax;
            geo_image.getExtent().getBounds( img_xmin, img_ymin, img_xmax, img_ymax );

            //Specify a new locator for the color with the coordinates of the TileKey that was actually used to create the image
            osg::ref_ptr<GeoLocator> img_locator = key.getProfile()->getSRS()->createLocator( 
                img_xmin, img_ymin, img_xmax, img_ymax,
                isPlateCarre );

            if ( mapInfo.isGeocentric() )
                img_locator->setCoordinateSystemType( osgTerrain::Locator::GEOCENTRIC );

            tile->setCustomColorLayer( CustomColorLayer(
                key) );

            double upp = geo_image.getUnitsPerPixel();

            // Scale the units per pixel to degrees if the image is mercator (and the key is geo)
            if ( geo_image.getSRS()->isMercator() && key.getExtent().getSRS()->isGeographic() )
                upp *= 1.0f/111319.0f;

            min_units_per_pixel = osg::minimum(upp, min_units_per_pixel);

    osg::BoundingSphere bs = tile->getBound();
    double max_range = 1e10;
    double radius = bs.radius();

#if 1
    double min_range = radius * _terrainOptions.minTileRangeFactor().get();
    //osg::LOD::RangeMode mode = osg::LOD::DISTANCE_FROM_EYE_POINT;
    double width = key.getExtent().width();	
    if (min_units_per_pixel == DBL_MAX) min_units_per_pixel = width/256.0;
    double min_range = (width / min_units_per_pixel) * _terrainOptions.getMinTileRangeFactor(); 
    //osg::LOD::RangeMode mode = osg::LOD::PIXEL_SIZE_ON_SCREEN;

    // a skirt hides cracks when transitioning between LODs:
    hf->setSkirtHeight(radius * _terrainOptions.heightFieldSkirtRatio().get() );

    // for now, cluster culling does not work for CUBE rendering
    //bool isCube = mapInfo.isCube(); //map->getMapOptions().coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CUBE;
    if ( mapInfo.isGeocentric() && !mapInfo.isCube() )
        //TODO:  Work on cluster culling computation for cube faces
        osg::ClusterCullingCallback* ccc = createClusterCullingCallback(tile, locator->getEllipsoidModel() );
        tile->setCullCallback( ccc );

    // Wait until now, when the tile is fully baked, to assign the terrain to the tile.
    // Placeholder tiles might try to locate this tile as an ancestor, and access its layers
    // and locators...so they must be intact before making this tile available via setTerrain.
    // If there's already a placeholder tile registered, this will be ignored. If there isn't,
    // this will register the new tile.
    tile->attachToTerrain( terrain );
    //tile->setTerrain( terrain );
    //terrain->registerTile( tile );

    if ( isStreaming && key.getLevelOfDetail() > 0 )
        static_cast<StreamingTile*>(tile)->setHasElevationHint( hasElevation );

    osg::Node* result = 0L;

    if (wrapInPagedLOD)
        // create a PLOD so we can keep subdividing:
        osg::PagedLOD* plod = new osg::PagedLOD();
        plod->setCenter( bs.center() );
        plod->addChild( tile, min_range, max_range );

        std::string filename = createURI( _engineId, key ); //map->getId(), key );

        //Only add the next tile if it hasn't been blacklisted
        bool isBlacklisted = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->isBlacklisted( filename );
        if (!isBlacklisted && key.getLevelOfDetail() < (unsigned int)getTerrainOptions().maxLOD().value() && validData )
            plod->setFileName( 1, filename  );
            plod->setRange( 1, 0.0, min_range );
            plod->setRange( 0, 0, FLT_MAX );

        osgDB::Options* options = new osgDB::Options;
        options->setFileLocationCallback( new FileLocationCallback() );
        plod->setDatabaseOptions( options );
        result = plod;

        if ( isStreaming )
            result->addCullCallback( new PopulateStreamingTileDataCallback( _cull_thread_mapf ) );
        result = tile;

    return result;
コード例 #27
RexTerrainEngineNode::addTileLayer(Layer* tileLayer)
    if ( tileLayer && tileLayer->getEnabled() )
        // Install the image layer stateset on this layer.
        // Later we will refactor this into an ImageLayerRenderer or something similar.
        //osg::StateSet* stateSet = tileLayer->getOrCreateStateSet();

        ImageLayer* imageLayer = dynamic_cast<ImageLayer*>(tileLayer);
        if (imageLayer)
            // for a shared layer, allocate a shared image unit if necessary.
            if ( imageLayer->isShared() )
                optional<int>& unit = imageLayer->shareImageUnit();
                if ( !unit.isSet() )
                    int temp;
                    if ( getResources()->reserveTextureImageUnit(temp) )
                        imageLayer->shareImageUnit() = temp;
                        OE_INFO << LC << "Image unit " << temp << " assigned to shared layer " << imageLayer->getName() << std::endl;
                        OE_WARN << LC << "Insufficient GPU image units to share layer " << imageLayer->getName() << std::endl;

                // Build a sampler binding for the shared layer.
                if ( unit.isSet() )
                    // Find the next empty SHARED slot:
                    unsigned newIndex = SamplerBinding::SHARED;
                    while (_renderBindings[newIndex].isActive())

                    // Put the new binding there:
                    SamplerBinding& newBinding = _renderBindings[newIndex];
                    newBinding.usage()       = SamplerBinding::SHARED;
                    newBinding.sourceUID()   = imageLayer->getUID();
                    newBinding.unit()        = unit.get();
                    newBinding.samplerName() = imageLayer->shareTexUniformName().get();
                    newBinding.matrixName()  = imageLayer->shareTexMatUniformName().get();

                    OE_INFO << LC 
                        << " .. Sampler=\"" << newBinding.samplerName() << "\", "
                        << "Matrix=\"" << newBinding.matrixName() << ", "
                        << "unit=" << newBinding.unit() << "\n";

            // non-image tile layer. Keep track of these..

コード例 #28
/** Packages an image layer as a TMS folder. */
makeTMS( osg::ArgumentParser& args )
    // see if the user wants to override the type extension (imagery only)
    std::string extension;
    args.read( "--ext", extension );

    // verbosity?
    bool verbose = !args.read( "--quiet" );

    // find a .earth file on the command line
    std::string earthFile = findArgumentWithExtension(args, ".earth");
 /*   if ( earthFile.empty() )
        return usage( "Missing required .earth file" );
    // folder to which to write the TMS archive.
    std::string rootFolder;
    if ( !args.read( "--out", rootFolder ) )
        rootFolder = Stringify() << earthFile << ".tms_repo";

    // whether to overwrite existing tile files
    bool overwrite = false;
    if ( args.read("--overwrite") )
        overwrite = true;

    // write out an earth file
    std::string outEarth;
    args.read("--out-earth", outEarth);

    std::string dbOptions;
    args.read("--db-options", dbOptions);
    std::string::size_type n = 0;
    while ((n=dbOptions.find('"', n))!=dbOptions.npos)

    osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> options = new osgDB::Options(dbOptions);

    std::vector< Bounds > bounds;
    // restrict packaging to user-specified bounds.    
    double xmin=DBL_MAX, ymin=DBL_MAX, xmax=DBL_MIN, ymax=DBL_MIN;
    while (args.read("--bounds", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax ))
        Bounds b;
        b.xMin() = xmin, b.yMin() = ymin, b.xMax() = xmax, b.yMax() = ymax;
        bounds.push_back( b );

    // max level to which to generate
    unsigned maxLevel = ~0;
    args.read( "--max-level", maxLevel );

    // whether to keep 'empty' tiles
    bool keepEmpties = args.read("--keep-empties");    

    bool continueSingleColor = args.read("--continue-single-color");

    // load up the map
    osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> mapNode = MapNode::load( args );
    if ( !mapNode.valid() )
        return usage( "Failed to load a valid .earth file" );

    // create a folder for the output
    if ( !osgDB::fileExists(rootFolder) )
        return usage("Failed to create root output folder" );

    Map* map = mapNode->getMap();

    // fire up a packager:
    TMSPackager packager( map->getProfile(), options);

    packager.setVerbose( verbose );
    packager.setOverwrite( overwrite );
    packager.setKeepEmptyImageTiles( keepEmpties );
    packager.setSubdivideSingleColorImageTiles( continueSingleColor );

    if ( maxLevel != ~0 )
        packager.setMaxLevel( maxLevel );

    if (bounds.size() > 0)
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bounds.size(); ++i)
            Bounds b = bounds[i];            
            if ( b.isValid() )
                packager.addExtent( GeoExtent(map->getProfile()->getSRS(), b) );

    // new map for an output earth file if necessary.
    osg::ref_ptr<Map> outMap = 0L;
    if ( !outEarth.empty() )
        // copy the options from the source map first
        outMap = new Map(map->getInitialMapOptions());

    // establish the output path of the earth file, if applicable:
    std::string outEarthFile = osgDB::concatPaths(rootFolder, osgDB::getSimpleFileName(outEarth));

    // package any image layers that are enabled:
    ImageLayerVector imageLayers;
    map->getImageLayers( imageLayers );

    unsigned counter = 0;
    for( ImageLayerVector::iterator i = imageLayers.begin(); i != imageLayers.end(); ++i, ++counter )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();
        if ( layer->getImageLayerOptions().enabled() == true )
            std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( layer->getName() );
            if ( layerFolder.empty() )
                layerFolder = Stringify() << "image_layer_" << counter;

            if ( verbose )
                OE_NOTICE << LC << "Packaging image layer \"" << layerFolder << "\"" << std::endl;

            osg::ref_ptr< ConsoleProgressCallback > progress = new ConsoleProgressCallback();
            std::string layerRoot = osgDB::concatPaths( rootFolder, layerFolder );
            TMSPackager::Result r = packager.package( layer, layerRoot,  progress, extension );
            if ( r.ok )
                // save to the output map if requested:
                if ( outMap.valid() )
                    // new TMS driver info:
                    TMSOptions tms;
                    tms.url() = URI(
                        osgDB::concatPaths(layerFolder, "tms.xml"),
                        outEarthFile );

                    ImageLayerOptions layerOptions( layer->getName(), tms );
                    layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig(true) );
                    layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

                    outMap->addImageLayer( new ImageLayer(layerOptions) );
                OE_WARN << LC << r.message << std::endl;
        else if ( verbose )
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Skipping disabled layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\"" << std::endl;

    // package any elevation layers that are enabled:
    counter = 0;
    ElevationLayerVector elevationLayers;
    map->getElevationLayers( elevationLayers );

    for( ElevationLayerVector::iterator i = elevationLayers.begin(); i != elevationLayers.end(); ++i, ++counter )
        ElevationLayer* layer = i->get();
        if ( layer->getElevationLayerOptions().enabled() == true )
            std::string layerFolder = toLegalFileName( layer->getName() );
            if ( layerFolder.empty() )
                layerFolder = Stringify() << "elevation_layer_" << counter;

            if ( verbose )
                OE_NOTICE << LC << "Packaging elevation layer \"" << layerFolder << "\"" << std::endl;

            std::string layerRoot = osgDB::concatPaths( rootFolder, layerFolder );
            TMSPackager::Result r = packager.package( layer, layerRoot );

            if ( r.ok )
                // save to the output map if requested:
                if ( outMap.valid() )
                    // new TMS driver info:
                    TMSOptions tms;
                    tms.url() = URI(
                        osgDB::concatPaths(layerFolder, "tms.xml"),
                        outEarthFile );

                    ElevationLayerOptions layerOptions( layer->getName(), tms );
                    layerOptions.mergeConfig( layer->getInitialOptions().getConfig(true) );
                    layerOptions.cachePolicy() = CachePolicy::NO_CACHE;

                    outMap->addElevationLayer( new ElevationLayer(layerOptions) );
                OE_WARN << LC << r.message << std::endl;
        else if ( verbose )
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Skipping disabled layer \"" << layer->getName() << "\"" << std::endl;

    // Finally, write an earth file if requested:
    if ( outMap.valid() )
        MapNodeOptions outNodeOptions = mapNode->getMapNodeOptions();
        osg::ref_ptr<MapNode> outMapNode = new MapNode(outMap.get(), outNodeOptions);
        if ( !osgDB::writeNodeFile(*outMapNode.get(), outEarthFile) )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Error writing earth file to \"" << outEarthFile << "\"" << std::endl;
        else if ( verbose )
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Wrote earth file to \"" << outEarthFile << "\"" << std::endl;

    return 0;
コード例 #29
TileModelFactory::createTileModel(const TileKey&           key, 
                                  const MapFrame&          frame,
                                  osg::ref_ptr<TileModel>& out_model) //,
                                  //bool&                    out_hasRealData)

    osg::ref_ptr<TileModel> model = new TileModel( frame.getRevision(), frame.getMapInfo() );
    model->_tileKey = key;
    model->_tileLocator = GeoLocator::createForKey(key, frame.getMapInfo());
    // Fetch the image data and make color layers.
    unsigned order = 0;
    for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = frame.imageLayers().begin(); i != frame.imageLayers().end(); ++i )
        ImageLayer* layer = i->get();

        if ( layer->getEnabled() )
            BuildColorData build;
            build.init( key, layer, order, frame.getMapInfo(), _terrainOptions, model.get() );
            bool addedToModel = build.execute();
            if ( addedToModel )
                // only bump the order if we added something to the data model.

    // make an elevation layer.
    BuildElevationData build;
    build.init( key, frame, _terrainOptions, model.get(), _hfCache );

    // Bail out now if there's no data to be had.
    if ( model->_colorData.size() == 0 && !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )

    // OK we are making a tile, so if there's no heightfield yet, make an empty one (and mark it
    // as fallback data of course)
    if ( !model->_elevationData.getHeightField() )
        osg::HeightField* hf = HeightFieldUtils::createReferenceHeightField( key.getExtent(), 15, 15 );
        model->_elevationData = TileModel::ElevationData(
            GeoLocator::createForKey(key, frame.getMapInfo()),
            true );

    // look up the parent model and cache it.
    osg::ref_ptr<TileNode> parentTile;
    if ( _liveTiles->get(key.createParentKey(), parentTile) )
        model->_parentModel = parentTile->getTileModel();

    out_model = model.release();
コード例 #30
main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);

    // Which filter?
    bool useHSL   = arguments.read("--hsl");
    bool useRGB   = arguments.read("--rgb");
    bool useCMYK  = arguments.read("--cmyk");
    bool useBC    = arguments.read("--bc");
    bool useGamma = arguments.read("--gamma");
    bool useChromaKey = arguments.read("--chromakey");

    if ( !useHSL && !useRGB && !useCMYK && !useBC && !useGamma && !useChromaKey )
        return usage( "Please select one of the filter options!" );

    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator() );

    // load an earth file
    osg::Node* node = MapNodeHelper().load(arguments, &viewer);
    if ( !node )
        return usage( "Unable to load map from earth file!" );
    viewer.setSceneData( node );

    //Create the control panel
    Container* box = createControlPanel(&viewer);
    osgEarth::MapNode* mapNode = osgEarth::MapNode::findMapNode( node );
    if ( node )
        if (mapNode->getMap()->getNumImageLayers() == 0)
            return usage("Please provide a map with at least one image layer.");

        // attach color filter to each layer.
        unsigned numLayers = mapNode->getMap()->getNumImageLayers();
        for( unsigned i=0; i<numLayers; ++i )
            ImageLayer* layer = mapNode->getMap()->getImageLayerAt( i );

            if ( layer->getEnabled() && layer->getVisible() )
                if ( useHSL )
                    HSLColorFilter* filter = new HSLColorFilter();
                    layer->addColorFilter( filter );
                    HSL::addControls( filter, box, i );
                else if ( useRGB )
                    RGBColorFilter* filter = new RGBColorFilter();
                    layer->addColorFilter( filter );
                    RGB::addControls( filter, box, i );
                else if ( useCMYK )
                    CMYKColorFilter* filter = new CMYKColorFilter();
                    layer->addColorFilter( filter );
                    CMYK::addControls( filter, box, i );
                else if ( useBC )
                    BrightnessContrastColorFilter* filter = new BrightnessContrastColorFilter();
                    layer->addColorFilter( filter );
                    BC::addControls( filter, box, i );
                else if ( useGamma )
                    GammaColorFilter* filter = new GammaColorFilter();
                    layer->addColorFilter( filter );
                    GAMMA::addControls( filter, box, i );
                else if ( useChromaKey )
                    ChromaKeyColorFilter* filter = new ChromaKeyColorFilter();
                    layer->addColorFilter( filter );
                    CHROMAKEY::addControls( filter, box , i );

    return viewer.run();