コード例 #1
ファイル: ImgBuffer.cpp プロジェクト: astraw/micromanager1.3
const unsigned char* FrameBuffer::GetPixels(unsigned channel, unsigned slice) const
   ImgBuffer* img = FindImage(channel, slice);
   if (img)
      return img->GetPixels();
      return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ImgBuffer.cpp プロジェクト: hadim/micro-manager
bool ImgBuffer::Compatible(const ImgBuffer& img) const
   if (  Height() != img.Height() ||
         Width() != img.Width() ||
         Depth() != img.Depth())
         return false;
   return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ImgBuffer.cpp プロジェクト: hadim/micro-manager
void ImgBuffer::Copy(const ImgBuffer& right)
   if (!Compatible(right))
      Resize(right.width_, right.height_, right.pixDepth_);

コード例 #4
ファイル: CoreCallback.cpp プロジェクト: ckc7/micromanager2
int CoreCallback::InsertImage(const MM::Device* caller, const ImgBuffer & imgBuf)
   Metadata md = imgBuf.GetMetadata();
   unsigned char* p = const_cast<unsigned char*>(imgBuf.GetPixels());
   MM::ImageProcessor* ip = GetImageProcessor(caller);
   if( NULL != ip)
      ip->Process(p, imgBuf.Width(), imgBuf.Height(), imgBuf.Depth());

   return InsertImage(caller, imgBuf.GetPixels(), imgBuf.Width(), 
      imgBuf.Height(), imgBuf.Depth(), &md);
コード例 #5
ファイル: OpenCVgrabber.cpp プロジェクト: bwagjor/Thesis
void COpenCVgrabber::GenerateEmptyImage(ImgBuffer& img)
   MMThreadGuard g(imgPixelsLock_);
   if (img.Height() == 0 || img.Width() == 0 || img.Depth() == 0)
   unsigned char* pBuf = const_cast<unsigned char*>(img.GetPixels());
   memset(pBuf, 0, img.Height()*img.Width()*img.Depth());
コード例 #6
void CIDS_uEye::ClearImageBuffer(ImgBuffer& img)
   MMThreadGuard g(imgPixelsLock_);
   if (img.Height() == 0 || img.Width() == 0 || img.Depth() == 0)
   unsigned char* pBuf = const_cast<unsigned char*>(img.GetPixels());
   memset(pBuf, 0, img.Height()*img.Width()*img.Depth());
コード例 #7
ファイル: ImgBuffer.cpp プロジェクト: astraw/micromanager1.3
bool FrameBuffer::SetPixels(unsigned channel, unsigned slice, const unsigned char* pixels)
   handlePending_ = false;
   ImgBuffer* img = FindImage(channel, slice);

   if (img)
      // image already exists
      // create a new buffer
      ImgBuffer* img = InsertNewImage(channel, slice);

   return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: SpotCamera.cpp プロジェクト: bwagjor/Thesis
int SpotCamera::NextSequentialImage(ImgBuffer& img)
	int nRet = DEVICE_OK;

	unsigned int  bytesPerPixel; // e.g. 4 for RGB
	// values from the device
	unsigned int sourceheight, sourcewidth, sourcedepth;
	char cdepth;
	char *pData;
	pData = 	pImplementation_->GetNextSequentialImage( sourceheight, sourcewidth, cdepth  );

	sourcedepth = (int)cdepth;
	if (3 == sourcedepth)
		bytesPerPixel = 4;
		bytesPerPixel = (int)sourcedepth;
	// EF: set the number of channels depending on the picture returned
	if ( cdepth < 3 ) {
		numberOfChannels_ = 1;
	} else {
		numberOfChannels_ = 4;
	const unsigned long bytesRequired = sourceheight*sourcewidth*bytesPerPixel;

	if( (rawBufferSize_ < bytesRequired ) || 
         (sourceheight != (unsigned int)img.Height()) || 
         (sourcewidth != (unsigned int)img.Width()) || 
         (bytesPerPixel !=img.Depth()) )
		this->ResizeImageBuffer( sourcewidth, sourceheight, bytesPerPixel);

	unsigned int destdepth = img.Depth();
	unsigned int destwidth = img.Width();
	unsigned int destheight = img.Height();

	//memset(ptemp, 0, destdepth*destwidth*destheight);

	// handle case where buffer doesn't match returned image size
	unsigned int xdest, ydest;//, xsource, ysource;
   int roffsetdest, goffsetdest, boffsetdest;
	int roffsetsource, goffsetsource, boffsetsource;
   unsigned int workingwidth = min(destwidth, sourcewidth);
	unsigned int workingheight = min(destheight, sourceheight);

	unsigned char* ptemp = img.GetPixelsRW();

	memset(ptemp,0, destdepth*destwidth*destheight);
	// memcpy for all platforms now
	memcpy( ptemp, pData, destdepth*destwidth*destheight);

	/* Byte arrangement done in SpotDevice 
#ifndef WIN32 // __APPLE__
	memcpy( ptemp, pData, destdepth*destwidth*destheight);

#if 1 // no right left swap needed
	for( ydest = 0; ydest < workingheight; ++ydest)
		for( xdest = 0; xdest < workingwidth; ++xdest)
			roffsetdest = xdest*destdepth + destdepth*ydest*destwidth;
			goffsetdest = roffsetdest + 1;
			boffsetdest = goffsetdest + 1;

			roffsetsource = xdest*sourcedepth + sourcedepth*ydest*sourcewidth;
			goffsetsource = roffsetsource + 1;
			boffsetsource = goffsetsource + 1;
			ptemp[roffsetdest] = pData[roffsetsource];
			if( 1 < destdepth)
			ptemp[goffsetdest] = pData[goffsetsource];			
			ptemp[boffsetdest] = pData[boffsetsource];

#if 0

	for( ydest = 0; ydest < workingheight; ++ydest)
		for( int xsource  = 0; xsource < workingwidth; ++xsource)
			xdest = workingwidth - 1 - xsource;
			roffsetdest = xdest*destdepth + destdepth*ydest*destwidth;
			goffsetdest = roffsetdest + 1;
			boffsetdest = goffsetdest + 1;

			roffsetsource = xsource*sourcedepth + sourcedepth*ydest*sourcewidth;
			goffsetsource = roffsetsource + 1;
			boffsetsource = goffsetsource + 1;
			ptemp[roffsetdest] = pData[roffsetsource];
			if( 1 < destdepth)
				ptemp[goffsetdest] = pData[goffsetsource];			
				ptemp[boffsetdest] = pData[boffsetsource];
	return nRet;

コード例 #9
* Inserts a multi-channel frame in the buffer.
bool CircularBuffer::InsertMultiChannel(const unsigned char* pixArray, unsigned numChannels, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned byteDepth, const Metadata* pMd) throw (CMMError)
   MMThreadGuard guard(g_insertLock);

   static unsigned long previousTicks = 0;
   bool notOverflowed;
   ImgBuffer* pImg;
   unsigned long singleChannelSize = (unsigned long)width * height * byteDepth;

      MMThreadGuard guard(g_bufferLock);

      if (previousTicks > 0)
         estimatedIntervalMs_ = GetClockTicksMs() - previousTicks;
         estimatedIntervalMs_ = 0;

      // check image dimensions
      if (width != width_ || height != height_ || byteDepth != pixDepth_)
         throw CMMError("Incompatible image dimensions in the circular buffer", MMERR_CircularBufferIncompatibleImage);

      notOverflowed = (long)frameArray_.size() - (insertIndex_ - saveIndex_) > 0;
      if (!notOverflowed) {
         // buffer overflow
         overflow_ = true;
         return false;

   for (unsigned i=0; i<numChannels; i++)
      Metadata md;
         MMThreadGuard guard(g_bufferLock);
         // check if the requested (channel, slice) combination exists
         // we assume that all buffers are pre-allocated
         pImg = frameArray_[insertIndex_ % frameArray_.size()].FindImage(i, 0);
         if (!pImg)
            return false;

         if (pMd)
            // TODO: the same metadata is inserted for each channel ???
            // Perhaps we need to add specific tags to each channel
            md = *pMd;

         std::string cameraName = md.GetSingleTag("Camera").GetValue();
         if (imageNumbers_.end() == imageNumbers_.find(cameraName))
            imageNumbers_[cameraName] = 0;

         // insert image number. 
         md.put(MM::g_Keyword_Metadata_ImageNumber, CDeviceUtils::ConvertToString(imageNumbers_[cameraName]));

      if (!md.HasTag(MM::g_Keyword_Elapsed_Time_ms))
         // if time tag was not supplied by the camera insert current timestamp
         MM::MMTime timestamp = GetMMTimeNow();
         md.PutImageTag(MM::g_Keyword_Elapsed_Time_ms, CDeviceUtils::ConvertToString(timestamp.getMsec()));

      if (byteDepth == 1)
      else if (byteDepth == 2)
      else if (byteDepth == 4)
      else if (byteDepth == 8)

      pImg->SetPixels(pixArray + i*singleChannelSize);

      MMThreadGuard guard(g_bufferLock);

      if ((insertIndex_ - (long)frameArray_.size()) > adjustThreshold && (saveIndex_- (long)frameArray_.size()) > adjustThreshold)
         // adjust buffer indices to avoid overflowing integer size
         insertIndex_ -= adjustThreshold;
         saveIndex_ -= adjustThreshold;

   previousTicks = GetClockTicksMs();

   return true;
