コード例 #1
 * Convert an OpenSim Joint into the equivalent SIMM joint, only subset of joint types are supported
void SimbodySimmModel::convertJoint(const Joint& joint)

   string parentName;
   string childName;
    bool parentJointAdded = addExtraJoints(joint, parentName, childName);

   SimbodySimmJoint* ssj = new SimbodySimmJoint(joint.getName(), parentName, childName);

    // If parentJointAdded is false, that means the position and orientation in the
    // parent can be merged with the primary joint. So begin making the joint by
    // adding the non-zero components to the SimbodySimmJoint.
    if (parentJointAdded == false) {
        int rotationsSoFar = 0;
        SimTK::Vec3 location(0);
        SimTK::Vec3 orientation(0);
        const PhysicalOffsetFrame* offset =
            dynamic_cast<const PhysicalOffsetFrame*>(&joint.getParentFrame());
        if (offset) {
            location = offset->get_translation();
            orientation = offset->get_orientation();

        if (NOT_EQUAL_WITHIN_ERROR(location[0], 0.0))
            ssj->addConstantDof("tx", NULL, location[0]);
        if (NOT_EQUAL_WITHIN_ERROR(location[1], 0.0))
            ssj->addConstantDof("ty", NULL, location[1]);
        if (NOT_EQUAL_WITHIN_ERROR(location[2], 0.0))
            ssj->addConstantDof("tz", NULL, location[2]);
        if (NOT_EQUAL_WITHIN_ERROR(orientation[0], 0.0))
            ssj->addConstantDof(_rotationNames[rotationsSoFar++], defaultAxes[0], orientation[0] * 180.0 / SimTK::Pi);
        if (NOT_EQUAL_WITHIN_ERROR(orientation[1], 0.0))
            ssj->addConstantDof(_rotationNames[rotationsSoFar++], defaultAxes[1], orientation[1] * 180.0 / SimTK::Pi);
        if (NOT_EQUAL_WITHIN_ERROR(orientation[2], 0.0))
            ssj->addConstantDof(_rotationNames[rotationsSoFar++], defaultAxes[2], orientation[2] * 180.0 / SimTK::Pi);

    if (joint.getConcreteClassName()==("WeldJoint")) {
        // Nothing to do.
    } else if (joint.getConcreteClassName()==("PinJoint")) {
        int index = 0;
        string coordName = joint.get_coordinates(index).getName();
        SimTK::Vec3 axis(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Pin joints always rotate about the Z axis.
        ssj->addFunctionDof(axis, coordName, 0, Coordinate::Rotational);
    } else if (joint.getConcreteClassName()==("SliderJoint")) {
        int index = 0;
        string coordName = joint.get_coordinates(index).getName();
        SimTK::Vec3 axis(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Slider joints always translate along the X axis.
        ssj->addFunctionDof(axis, coordName, 0, Coordinate::Translational);
    } else if (joint.getConcreteClassName()==("EllipsoidJoint")) {
        // NOTE: Ellipsoid joints cannot be converted into SIMM joints.
    } else if (joint.getConcreteClassName()==("FreeJoint")) {
        SimTK::Vec3 xaxis(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        SimTK::Vec3 yaxis(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
        SimTK::Vec3 zaxis(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
        int index = 0;
        ssj->addFunctionDof(xaxis, joint.get_coordinates(index++).getName(), 0, Coordinate::Translational);
        ssj->addFunctionDof(yaxis, joint.get_coordinates(index++).getName(), 0, Coordinate::Translational);
        ssj->addFunctionDof(zaxis, joint.get_coordinates(index++).getName(), 0, Coordinate::Translational);
        ssj->addFunctionDof(xaxis, joint.get_coordinates(index++).getName(), 0, Coordinate::Rotational);
        ssj->addFunctionDof(yaxis, joint.get_coordinates(index++).getName(), 0, Coordinate::Rotational);
        ssj->addFunctionDof(zaxis, joint.get_coordinates(index).getName(), 0, Coordinate::Rotational);
    } else if (joint.getConcreteClassName()==("CustomJoint")) {
        const CustomJoint* cj = (CustomJoint*)(&joint);

        // Add the joint's transform axes to the SimbodySimmJoint.
        const SpatialTransform& dofs = cj->getSpatialTransform();
        // Custom joints have the rotational DOFs specified first, but the translations are applied first
        // so you want to process them first here.
        static int order[] = {3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2};
        for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
            const TransformAxis* ta = &dofs[order[i]];
            if (ta->getCoordinateNames().size() > 0) { // transform axis is unused if it has no coordinate names
                const Coordinate* coord = NULL;
                const Coordinate* independentCoord = NULL;
                const Function* constraintFunc = NULL;
                int ix = -1;
                Coordinate::MotionType motionType = (order[i]<3) ? Coordinate::Rotational : Coordinate::Translational;
                if (ta->getCoordinateNames().size() > 0)
                    ix = cj->getProperty_coordinates().findIndexForName(ta->getCoordinateNames()[0]);
                if (ix >= 0) {
                    coord = &cj->get_coordinates(ix);
                    constraintFunc = isDependent(coord, &independentCoord);
                if (constraintFunc != NULL) {  // dof is constrained to a coordinate in another joint
                    ssj->addFunctionDof(ta->getAxis(), independentCoord->getName(), addJointFunction(constraintFunc, independentCoord->getMotionType(), motionType), motionType);
                } else {
                    if (ta->hasFunction())
                        constraintFunc = &ta->getFunction();
                    if (constraintFunc) // dof is constrained to a coordinate in this joint
                        ssj->addFunctionDof(ta->getAxis(), coord->getName(), addJointFunction(constraintFunc, coord->getMotionType(), motionType), motionType);
                    else // dof is unconstrained
                        ssj->addFunctionDof(ta->getAxis(), coord->getName(), 0, motionType);
